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07x10 - Attack -Black Lady-

Posted: 05/19/23 08:10
by bunniefuu
I'm the Queen of Darkness, Black Lady.

I was chosen by Wiseman, the Ruler of Darkness,

and I have been reborn as the queen of Nemesis.

A black crescent on her forehead. The mark of the Black Moon.

But, is this...

Could she really be Chibi-Usa?

She's grown up a lot...

This is how you've awakened, Small Lady?

Chibi-Usa? You can't be serious!

Do you know what you're saying?

Small Lady!

Small Lady, Small Lady...



What an annoying toy.


Small Lady! Open your eyes!

It's no use.

The Rabbit no longer exists.

The one in front of you now is my dear Black Lady.


Moon Pride

I want to support you

The tears roll down my cheek Eyes burning scarlet

Someone is shouting love out loud Like a flash of lightning

No matter how dark it is

I know I'm not alone

Moonlight shines upon us

Even girls have unshakable wills

We will fight on our own

Without leaving our destiny to the prince

Shiny Make-Up!

We are gonna shine bright Under the starry sky

We are not helpless girls

Who need the protection of men

So... Shiny Make-Up!

We're going to fight With the powers from the starry sky

A new legend begins right now

Right here

La La Pretty Guardian


Title Card{\fad( , )}ATTACK

Prince Demande. Saphir.

With these Beast Hands I've inherited from Wiseman...

And behold the power

of my Evil Eye!

Watch out!


Damn it!


I can't move!

We won't let you touch Sailor Moon!

Out of my way!

Mars! Mercury!


All of you should just quietly observe.

Hey, Chibi-Usa!

That's enough!

Don't you know who we are?

This is your birthplace!

How can you cause this destruction?

This place means nothing to me.


The second Malefic Black Crystal megalith.

The Malefic Black Crystal produces a distorted darkness

which is constantly expanding.

Everything is being absorbed and then disappearing,

both people and buildings,

at a rate of hundreds of times faster than before.


This planet is dying.

Chibi-Usa, you started this?

On your own planet?!

I am Black Lady!

I have what I want, so I don't care what happens to this planet.

Tuxedo Mask!


He's mine.

I wanted him all to myself.

Mine alone.


Make her suffer.



He's not looking into my eyes.

Watch out!

He hit me with the rod born from our power...

This can't be true. Mamo-chan...

He only listens to me.

Sailor Moon!

Come, Endymion.

All I need is him by my side.


That's the wrong way to love.

Open your eyes,


I see myself, when I wanted Mamo-chan all to myself

and I was jealous of Chibi-Usa...

I know you like him so much...

You don't know what to do with your feelings,

and you just lost control.

I was just like that.

Forgive me, Chibi-Usa.

I finally realize...

I really care about you. I need you.

Why do we have to fight like this?

I adore you for being so well-behaved.

Don't talk like you know everything!

You don't know anything about me!

Sailor Moon!

Prince Demande!

Love obtained by force.

That's a kind of love, too.

Love is... People are...

Are not things!

Shut up!

She created...

...a third one...

One more?

Another Malefic Black Crystal!

I hope that the Moon Kingdom's palace

and this planet are all swallowed by the darkness.

My dear Black Lady.

Yes, those who obtain great power

can freely control the living world.

That's what we learned from your family,

who controlled the power of the Legendary Silver Crystal.

The people of the Moon Kingdom, Sailor Moon.

I have a bad feeling.

I've never felt this kind of unease before...

What's happening behind that door?

Small Lady... are you all right?

King. Sailor Moon.



This is...


The palace...

Sailor Moon?

The Legendary Silver Crystal.


You still want to fight me, Sailor Moon?

You fool.

I have everything that is precious to you.

I can crush them at any time.

If you want them back, give yourself to me, along with the queen

and the second Legendary Silver Crystal!

You think I'll hand them to you? I'll defend them.

Both Neo Queen Serenity's palace and this planet!

Launch another Malefic Black Crystal.

If we do that, the planet will—

Doesn't matter!

Now we practically have the Legendary Silver Crystal and the queen,

so this planet has served its purpose.

And we are of no use to you, right?

Prince Demande!

Wiseman, it's ironic that

the Evil Eye you gave me deflected your bizarre power.

That is ironic indeed...

I've kept a clear head!

Rubeus and Esmeraude were my comrades. We were together for years.

For their sake, I won't die in vain!


Are you going to fight me, Saphir?

You always kept quiet and followed me,

but not once did you ever wear Malefic Black Crystal earrings.

That was the one sign of your conviction.

Saphir, my little brother...

I am sorry to drag you into this...

Forgive me.

Die! Wiseman!

Is this... Wiseman?


His true form is over here.

Come forth! Wiseman!



The storm has died down.

What? What happened?

I want to jump through that door.

I want to fight side-by-side with them!

But... I'm the solitary Guardian of the Space-Time Door.

Moving from this spot is a taboo...


You're the protector of the Space-Time Door.

The guardian who rules over time and space.

There are three taboos you must not commit.

First. Do not travel through time.

Second. Never leave this door. You must protect it at all times.

And finally, the third taboo...

What is that?

Is that...

The planet... Nemesis.

My name is Wiseman!

What? It's like the ground is rumbling.

Where's his voice...

...coming from?

What's going on?

That body is an afterimage from the past.

A corpse that drifted to Nemesis and rotted long ago.

As time passed, my will merged with Nemesis.

We became one.

I am Nemesis, the planet itself!

Nemesis is conscious? This is Wiseman's true identity?

My strength...

This is...

My body...

I'm getting weak...

Sailor Moon...

Jupiter! Mars! Mercury! Venus!

Guys, hold on!

Everything will be absorbed and disappear...

Nemesis's terribly dark, warped space is spreading.

Earth will turn into a dead planet.

I have to stop it. Whatever it takes!

We were just being toyed with.

We are so powerless, and meant nothing to that planet.

This light...

A gentle power...

The palace is getting brighter...

A bright and warm light...

The power of the Legendary Silver Crystal is so strong.

If so, it's enough to draw out

the power of Sailor Moon's past Legendary Silver Crystal,

which can't be used in the future...

That's Sailor Moon's power?

Damn you... Wiseman!

The Crystal Palace...

It's being crushed!

Sailor Moon!



Something terrible is happening!

What's happening?

Small Lady has...


As queen of the Black Moon.

Nemesis has appeared through another dimension,

and it's about to crush the Crystal Palace!

They might not be able to defend Crystal Tokyo this time, or the planet.

Yet I'm stuck here in a place like this...


I want to fight along with them!

I want to protect Small Lady.



Small Lady...

I'll stay here as the guardian.

I don't have power like you, and I'm so tiny.

But leave it to me.


Please save our precious Small Lady.

Go through that door, Pluto.

This is the time for you to go through it.


You're just like Small Lady. Thank you.

Good luck, Pluto!

This is the power of the Legendary Silver Crystal...

Clear and beautiful. A piercing light that crosses time.

Even if we used the power of the Malefic Black Crystal to restart history,

we cannot win against that power.

We can't surpass it.

Will this planet crumble first?

Or will you, Sailor Moon?

I wonder how long you can hold out against the Malefic Black Crystal.


I'm the queen of planet Nemesis, Black Lady!

The Earth and the future... They are all in my hand!

I can't hold it...


It's yours!

If you want the Legendary Silver Crystal, you can have it, along with my life.

So please, open your eyes!

You are not Black Lady!

Please give me back Chibi-Usa.

That selfish, caring, needy,

adorable Chibi-Usa that I know!

I don't want to see this future anymore!



Sailor Moon!





The past and the future, two Legendary Silver Crystals are here.

Finally, I have both of them.

They're mine! I've got both Legendary Silver Crystals.

Prince Demande!

Oh no!

Can it be! Is that...

Small Lady?

Black Lady and Wiseman.

You said the Malefic Black Crystal has unbeatable power.

But I wonder if it can beat two Legendary Silver Crystals.

Their power surpasses space-time.

I no longer trust anyone.

Everyone's lives are in my hands now!

What do you plan to do with two Legendary Silver Crystals?

If he lets them touch each other, this entire world will be destroyed!

Give them back!

Small Lady!

I'll take all of you with me!

To Be Continued card{\fad( , )}To be continued...

Let's hold hands

Let's go to see the ocean

Just the two of us

It feels a little sad, doesn't it?

I can see a moonbow

Hanging in the sky


I promise I won't cry

Dreams that are almost crushed

By the oncoming wind

On a starry night

They bubble and melt

Even if the whole world has gone into a deep sleep

I will continue singing

I'm sure we'll see each other again

I'm the Queen of Darkness, Black Lady!

I am not Small Lady!

I don't have any allies. I'm all alone.

But... What is this feeling that overflows in my heart?

Why can't I stop crying?

Act. Showdown, Death Phantom.

The Moonlight is the Message of Love.

endcard - don't miss the next episode!Don't miss the next episode!

endcard - don't miss the next episode!