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07x09 - Covert Maneuvers -Wiseman-

Posted: 05/19/23 08:09
by bunniefuu
Hey, it's this way. I'm over here.

Usako? Chibi-Usa?

I'm going after them!

I'll go into the space-time storm, too.

You cannot! It's dangerous.

We don't even know where they are.

If he's there, then I'm going after him!

I came back for him.

In this place between space-time,

where concepts such as distance or direction do not apply,

there are places where pitfalls open up in the fearsome darkness.

It is already very dangerous under normal circumstances.

Searching in the storm would be...

I'm going, Pluto.

Pluto, we'll go with her, too.

Yes. Believe in us.

We must protect Usagi-chan at any cost.

Yes, that's our mission as Guardians.

All right.

Moon Pride

I want to support you

The tears roll down my cheek Eyes burning scarlet

Someone is shouting love out loud Like a flash of lightning

No matter how dark it is

I know I'm not alone

Moonlight shines upon us

Even girls have unshakable wills

We will fight on our own

Without leaving our destiny to the prince

Shiny Make-Up!

We are gonna shine bright Under the starry sky

We are not helpless girls

Who need the protection of men

So... Shiny Make-Up!

We're going to fight With the powers from the starry sky

A new legend begins right now

Right here

La La Pretty Guardian


Title Card{\fad( , )}COVERT MANEUVERS

The coordinates are unstable.

There's an eerie atmosphere.

Just where does this lead?

I do not know.

In this place, you will need a Space-Time Key

to determine your "where" point.

Those without one will become a wanderer in this timeless space-time interval,

destined to never be found.

That powerful shockwave and storm...

All I can think is that Small Lady may have clashed with something

and been drawn into a dimension somewhere.

Then Tuxedo Mask must've gone after her into that space.

There's no guarantee they're together.

That's true. In this strong storm...

No, he has a strong sense of responsibility.

He will keep his promises.

he would go to the end of the world to follow her.


I just know what Mamo-chan must be thinking.

I know how the guy I love thinks!

Chibi-Usa is our precious child together,

so he's decided to use all his strength to protect her.

I'm sure he's with her.

Mamo-chan, I'm sorry.

I want to see you right now.

God is playing a trick on me.

I want to see him so badly and just when I think I finally can,

we get separated again.

I'm getting some kind of reaction.

Is someone there?


I guess Chibi-Usa was here.

Luna-P was with her wherever she went. Did she leave it behind?

It's dangerous beyond this point, let's go back!

Chibi-Usa, Mamo-chan...

Sailor Moon!

Where am I?



Where are we? Where is Rubeus?

Is this... the Chamber of Darkness?

Yes. This place is directly below the Malefic Black Crystal reactor.

The surface is dangerous, so I brought you here.

The reactor started to go berserk.


Due to the power of the Legendary Silver Crystal and the expl*si*n earlier,

fires started on the surface of this planet, and the fusion reactions began.

There were unbelievable energy emissions.

It's all thanks to you, Saphir.

The planet was able to grow like this because you built the reactor

and set up the Malefic Black Crystal fusion reaction system.

Now Nemesis is an unbeatable planet.

The mark of the Black Moon.

Who are you?

Wiseman is calling.

Come on.

Are we dropping down to the interior of Nemesis?

The planet's interior is right in the middle of the fusion reactions.

It wouldn't be as cold, dark, and quiet as this.

Where are we then?

This is a twisted space created by the negative power

of the Malefic Black Crystal.

The edge of space-time, ruled by Wiseman.

That will be your new castle.

Wiseman's Castle of Darkness.

Wiseman's castle?

Does he come from this twisted space?

This woman looks just like her.

Who are you?

Welcome to my castle.

I never would've guessed you'd have a castle like this tucked away.

Have you said hello to my dear Rabbit?

It can't be! Why do you look like that? Have you switched sides?

How rude. Wiseman's will is absolute.

His will is the truth.

All we have to do is follow him without going astray.

You must've had that explained to you. Did you forget?

No... Something about Wiseman is different from before.

Where is Rubeus? Where has he gone?

Wiseman did away with him.


He rebelled against Wiseman, then attempted to escape.

He deserved it.


Wiseman... Who are you?

Show me your true form. What the hell are you plotting?



My will is absolute.

You must serve me.

Act according to my will.


We act according to your will.

We'll give you more powerful Malefic Black Crystal earrings.

Malefic Black Crystal earrings are signs of loyalty to Nemesis,

and symbols of power.

I finally have the Legendary Silver Crystal

and Rabbit.

Yet it's like a common glass bead.

Why doesn't it give off light?

Where's that power it held before?

Only Neo Queen Serenity can use that Legendary Silver Crystal,

because it belongs to the queen.

I see. Then that power was unleashed

by Sailor Moon's past Legendary Silver Crystal.

In that case, get Neo Queen Serenity and Sailor Moon.

Obtain the Legendary Silver Crystal of both, the future and the past.

For you, it should be simple.

I will get the other Legendary Silver Crystal right away.

It is a simple task.

Neo Queen Serenity's castle won't fall to just anything.

Also, just because Rabbit had that glass bead

doesn't mean it's the real Legendary Silver Crystal. It seems questionable.

Are you sure you can trust her, Wiseman?

You'll know once I capture Neo Queen Serenity.

We'll launch another Malefic Black Crystal monolith at that planet, Earth.

Once we do, the queen will show herself and kneel before me.

If you do that, Earth will be destroyed for certain.

I don't care.

I already have what I want.

The one I love...


Prince Demande. Saphir.

With those earrings, you can travel freely.

Make preparations to attack Earth!

Look, Saphir.

Nemesis is blazing so brightly.

I guess this was a gigantic planet.

I finally have you. I won't let anyone get in our way.

You're mine alone, forever.

Chibi-Usa. Mamo-chan.

They're surrounded by darkness. Where are they?

Chibi-Usa. Mamo-chan.

Usagi... Usagi-chan...


Are you okay?


This is... my room?

You fell from the high bar in gym class and got a concussion.

Sheesh, you're so clumsy.

I'll go make some tea for everyone.


We had the king fix Luna-P.

I used Luna-P to erase your mom's memory for the moment.

What happened to me?

Do you remember using too much power and collapsing?

We left the th century temporarily and came back here.

Does it feel good to be back home?

You were snoring, Usagi.

You're kidding?

It's true.

You wouldn't wake up at all.

Did you know we pinched your nose?

Oh, no! You guys are so mean!

Oh, everyone came over to play!


It seems so unreal

that we could all come home together like this.

I'm really happy.

I'm happy, but...

I'm so greedy.

Without Chibi-Usa and Mamo-chan...

I feel... so lonely.

Usagi! Hey, I brought Luna-P to school! Everyone wants one!

Jeez, you're hopeless.

After we all got together to comfort you...

You've gotten kinda motherly, Usagi.

I'm happy to see your smile again.

I'm going to look for them, no matter what.

I'll bring them back safely for sure.

Along with you guys, the two of them mean the world to me.

I need your help.

You can count on us!

We don't want to leave things like this either.

Let's come up with a plan to save them, together.

We wouldn't want you to go alone, anyway.

That's true.

You've gotten so strong, Usagi-chan.

Serenity... Because I wasn't there for her,

our daughter Small Lady is...

I assume it was your power that saved Sailor Moon.

She said she received that power from you.

The Legendary Silver Crystal from the past can't be used in the future.

So it was you who activated it, right?

Serenity... Haven't you woken up?

Lend me your strength. As a spirit, there's nothing I can do.

Why won't you answer me?

It must not be time for that yet, King.


When the situation is truly dire,

the queen will surely help us, just as she saved Sailor Moon.

Right now, the queen is healing her injured body

inside the Legendary Silver Crystal.

She is storing her power for the right time.

The queen being asleep is a sign that things are still okay.

Cheer up, King.

Thank you, Diana.

Get plenty of rest tonight.

I will.

See you, Usagi-chan.

Take care, guys.

A sunset red like the color of blood...

Mamo-chan, Chibi-Usa... Please be safe.

The Space-Time Key?

What's this distortion? What's happening?

My body's being torn apart!

Are you all okay?

What was that?

The Space-Time Key!

Is Pluto calling us?


Are you okay?

Luna! This is...

Something must've happened in the th century!


Let's go!


Moon Crystal Power!

Mercury Star Power!

Mars Star Power!

Jupiter Star Power!

Venus Star Power!



Sailor Moon!

What happened? We felt a shock all the way in our dimension.

Something truly awful has happened!


A second Malefic Black Crystal?

The Black Moon launched another attack?

Queen. Neo Queen Serenity.

Wake up. It's me.

Who's there?

It's me.

Your daughter. Usagi Small Lady Serenity.

Small Lady? It can't be.

Don't you know?

Only members of the Silver Millennium royal family can enter this palace.

But why do you look like that?

I was able to grow up.

Someone granted me power and helped me awaken.



It can't be.

Did you forget about me?

Now, give me the Legendary Silver Crystal!

So that's how the ineligible are removed.

I guess this means I'm no longer qualified to enter the palace.

This is exactly what I wanted.

The Silver Millennium treated me like a nuisance,

so I'll be the one to cut you out!

Small Lady!


Is that... Chibi-Usa?

There was indeed a time when I was called that.

But I'm no longer the tiny little me from those days.


I'm the Queen of Darkness, Black Lady.

I was chosen by the Ruler of Darkness, Wiseman.

And I have been reborn as the queen of Nemesis.

To Be Continued card To be continued...

Let's hold hands

Let's go to see the ocean

Just the two of us

It feels a little sad, doesn't it?

I can see a moonbow

Hanging in the sky


I promise I won't cry

Dreams that are almost crushed

By the oncoming wind

On a starry night

They bubble and melt

Even if the whole world has gone into a deep sleep

I will continue singing

I'm sure we'll see each other again

Please stop it, Chibi-Usa!

I'll give you the Legendary Silver Crystal.

I'll even sacrifice my life!

You are not Black Lady.

So please wake up!

Don't let us see the future like this anymore!

Act. Attack, Black Lady.

The Moonlight is the Message of Love.

endcard - don't miss the next episode!Don't miss the next episode!

endcard - don't miss the next episode!