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03x08 - Peter and the Wolf

Posted: 05/18/23 19:48
by bunniefuu




PETROV: I don't want to argue.

ELIZABETH: Stop speaking,
merely nod, and we won't be.

Let me bring logic to bear.

Let's bring the bear to logic
instead, so it may maul its dull ways.

I find logic so lacking in imagination.

And yet it always has
a strange logic to it.

There is an army massing
on the Swedish border

and your nephew at the bottom of a lake.

Who is moving faster?


Sorry, logic doesn't allow for feelings.


Not at all.

There will be floods of tears
on this trip, be prepared.

- Eh, I've seen a lot of tears.
- Caused your share, I imagine.

Afraid so.

A woman was once so in love with me

that she would cry whenever she saw me.

I felt for her for a while,
then it became plain annoying.

I'll need to hear more of
these stories at the lake,

which we're on our way to first.



Apparently it's still pretty solid.

You judge with your head?

How my father taught me.

Did it occur to you it
was a joke at your expense?

Not till now, but...

[CHUCKLES] ... that would make sense.

This is the place.

How do we get him?

We might have to wait for summer.

- I can't leave him now I'm here.
- Right.

I hate to revert to logic, but...

He's not going anywhere.

It was my point and sounds even stronger

when someone else says it
out loud in a more direct way.

I am also not going anywhere.

If you need to leave, leave.

I'll just k*ll a wolf
for food when I need it.

Why do I suspect that's true?

Oh, I once ate rare wolf chops
in the snow with Peter the Great.

A real treat.

I'd love to hear some
Peter the Great stories.

I'd love to hear how we're
getting Peter up here.


Got it. Cannons.

We get cannons, and we
launch a hundred cannonballs.

That would be both fun and,
also, visually brilliant.

And time-consuming, as
we need a hundred cannons.


What are you...

Love it.

We cross at three points,
take these villages.

Expect light resistance, 'cause
we'll have the element of surprise,

and they're Swedish,

so they'll have all the
spine of a fileted herring.

- Whoa, whoa.

Can we get a moment, Velementov?


Get your men ready.

We leave at dawn.

Okay, couple of things
occurring to me. [CLEARS THROAT]

I understand the "herring" crack

is just to rouse the
men against the enemy.

Yeah, 'course it is.

Not really the enemy though, are they?


Here's my problem, I don't
think I can k*ll Swedes.

Well, we can. We f*cking love it.

- Okay.
- I've told the men they could take heads as souvenirs, it's a...

it's a morale booster.

[CLICKS TONGUE] That's actually
quite an upsetting statement.

Okay, a new plan that
answers this question:

how do we take the country
without k*lling anyone?

You want your country back, you're
gonna need to f*cking take it.

I'm in charge of this,
okay? I'm a f*ckin' king.

A king knows how to k*ll his own people.

That's basics.

Agnes often says I'm too nice.


Did you just segue into
thinking about f*cking my wife

while we're talking about w*r and
bloodshed and existential crisis?

No segue, I'm always thinking
about f*cking your wife.

She runs in the background
of my every thought.

- Good to know.
- We're going!

And I'm gonna die in a
palace, your wife astride me,

drinking your best f*cking
schnapps till my lungs explode.

Or... give me a day
to come up with a plan

or get to grips with
k*lling my own people.

Or... we leave in the
morning, like we actually are,

and you grow some
meatballs by the morning.

Culturally insulting and
personally belittling.

Yeah, yeah. Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Or... you give me some
time to come up with a plan!

I'll take lack your lack of
consciousness as agreement.

PETROV: They should take a
few hours to melt through.

If it works, we'll hear a
crack and we'll have a hole.

Are you actually explaining
my idea back to me?

I guess I am.

So strange to think
of him underneath us.

My advice? Don't.

I'll be in the tent.



f*ck me.

Savagely would be ideal.

Ideally do things that make
me genuinely fear for my life.

It won't take the pain away.

It does actually, for a short while.

I need a break from it.

- From what exactly?
- Is the chatting foreplay?

I-I-It's sweet but
unnecessary, just f*ck me.

Well, I'm always curious about
my sex partners' inner lives.

It's a thing for me.

You are a most infuriating person.

So many people say that to me,
and I'm still baffled as to why.

I have lost my nephew, a son really,

and my first son I pulled waterlogged

and blue from a lake, and now another.

Twice in a life is too much.

I want to banish all of it and
just have it all gone for a minute

as you f*ck me savagely and my
body is wracked with pleasure.

I must confess, I know
about your son. That was sad.

Offer rescinded.


Why do it to yourself again then?

I've seen a lot of bodies,

and I've come to realize something.

A dead body either means too little
and you wonder on your humanity,

or too much and you
wonder on your sanity.

When my son died, I would lay
in bed staring at the wall,

and every morning, Peter
would come in, nine years old,

and would bring me a fried
quail sandwich I never ate.

He would say nothing, just take my hand

and sit there until nightfall,
just be there with me.

And one day, he said to me,

"Would it make you feel better
if the sandwich had aioli?"


I laughed, and the sound
was so foreign to me,

I didn't believe it
had come from my body.

Saved me.

Definitely in a "too much" situation.



Oh, hello.

Oh, it's you.

Of course now.

He is.

Take care of him on that side.

And I mean care and understanding.

He needed that.

Give it now.

[SIGHS] You're right, I must.

You talking?

There was a wolf.

Are there chops?

Not this time.



- Huzzah.
- Huzzah.

Look, he had a few last night.

You know how he is, a vodka balloon.


So, we are postponing,

as we've had some new intelligence,
and a new plan is being devised.


You're all quite large men, aren't you?




Is that blood?

Looks like raspberry compote.

[MUFFLED] Hugo, f*cking
let me go, you f*ck!

Just listen.

I had an idea last night,
like fate came to visit me.

I was looking up at the
sky and a star exploded,

and as I watched it, an idea formed.

[MUFFLED] I'll f*cking
k*ll you, you c**t.

Hear me out and try not to interrupt.

This borderland, Swedish vibe,
Russian land, uninhabited.

I could set up here, my own kingdom.

No one dies, we start a nation
from scratch, and we call it...


Okay, thoughts.

I'm gonna sh**t you in your
eyes, ball bag, and nostrils.

Okay, because you're a selfish man,

I understand I need to
appeal to that side of you.


Agnes comes,

we live in a strange triangle of bliss,

we build an amazing palace,

and you die a kind of number-two king

in your own land with Agnes astride you.

And that's like being draped in a
vigorous vise of velvet, my friend.

And when you both cum, she
just holds you in this look

that says, "One day, I'll
k*ll while we do this."

It is a special feeling.

What do you say, other than
thank you, oj, and f*cking huzzah?

You are an idiot.

What if I'm a genius?

- I can take Sweden.
- That's what I came to do.

Maybe you die in a
hole outside Stockholm

with a bayonet in your arsehole
looking like a flesh popsicle.


A dead emperor is just a dead man.

Neither's worth freezing for.

I'm ready.

[LAUGHS] Great suit,

but you're not going in there.

You can't be the first person
he sees. He doesn't know you.


can't really argue with that,

despite the myriad of
logical responses available.

Don't drown.

Annoying to explain.

Thank you.

After seconds, I'm
pulling you back in.




I found another hole over there.



- And I found him.
- Right.

He's very far down.

I think the horse is holding him down.

Well, maybe if I go down
on a weighted rope...

We're going to leave him there.

Right. Are you sure?

He looked rather peaceful...

like he was riding upside
down on a blue cloud,

and I want to remember him holding
my hand and eating ice cream

and throwing a dog off a roof.

A dog?


Give me a minute.

Of course.

A beautiful place to land, my darling.

I will leave you now, but
know that I carry you always

and that I will sob until my ribs break,

and that will be right
because I will never take

a full, un-pained breath again.

But the joy you brought me...


... more than enough.

Okay, I say from here to here,
access to the river and the sea.

She's never gonna go for it.

It'll be an example of
what she wants to do.

An experimental zone.

Wait, I can sell it.

We dedicate it to Peter.

Right. Poor f*cking kid.

Let's stay in the future,
shall we? It's nicer there.

You're never gonna get her to agree.

Got you and Peter to steal
her f*cking army, didn't I?


The Empress of Russia
would like her army back.

[GROANS] Jesus!


There is some anger in grief.

Temper it, or I sh**t you in the head.

My job is to bring them back alive.

- I will do my job.
- Understood.

Ah, Jesus!

You know what?

I'm gonna lie down for a minute.

Go ahead, sh**t me.

Between the eyes ideally.

I'm not going back.

Get on your horse,
General. We're going home.

I'll do it myself then.


Please follow orders, General.

Show some honor, or I'll be
very, very disappointed in you.

Not to mention your discontented soul

following you for
eternity in the afterlife.

I mean, that'd be a bitch.

Sorry... about Peter.

I'll never forgive myself.

You cared for him, sometimes when
he was impossibly cruel to you.

I remember once, I passed out drunk,

and when I woke up, he'd covered
my whole body in pastry dough.

I was next to a blazing oven.

Never quite knew whether he was about
to put me in it or it was a jape.


- He was unique.
- Yeah.

Huzzah to that.


Again. Play it again.


- Hello.
- Hello.

Come to breakfast. I got
divorce through the Nakaz.

It is the talk of the court.

Well, that and, um... of course.

You can say the word.

Peter. It is actually
reverberating in my head constantly.




Our song.

He hummed it to me once.

I will make music for
us in my head, and now...

Oh, Catherine.

Don't touch me.

We must move, keep moving,

or a flood of darkness comes
and it tries to drown me,

and I wish to let it, but cannot or...


Come. I had them build
our old breakfast room

next to the new apartment.

You what?

So many fierce battles of
wit and clit we had in there.

Musicians, follow.

So he's in front of me,

and I can see the animal in his
eyes, and it's a fight to the death.

Me or Pugachev...

man to man.

He launches, tries a
swing with the knife,

but I kick it out of his hands.

I was wearing a block-heeled
boot, so it was easy.

Then I raised my g*n.

I have him.

"No, Maxim, please!"

"I beg you, stylish
sir, have mercy, please!"

And I look down at him, and I say,

"There is no mercy in Maxim's heart."

Oh, Maxim-esque.

You're a sweet and special kid.


A toast to the Empress.

She has freed women everywhere.

And men.

There are chairs.

I like something hard to sit on.

God, you're an annoying whore.

Marial was waiting in
the carriage, lookout.

She, too, is a hero.

We share it, as any married
couple share everything.

[WHISPERING] A day, an entire day.

She kept his death from
us for a whole f*cking day.

Deceptive bitch.

Would you like Paul brought to you?

Yes. No!


As children, Grigor and
I invented a language

only we could understand.

We were completely mad.



Again, George. Say all that again.


When we were young...

That's not how you started.

- When we were ...
- We should go.

The Divorce Office opens,
and I am tired of sitting.

Bring your plates if you wish.



We so loved this song.

- Hmm.
- Shh! Both of you, so I can listen.

Huzzah to the Empress!


They love you. You have freed them.

Thank you, Empress.

Releasing so many from unhappiness.

I mean, think of the
b*tches people are tied to.

Ladies and gentlemen of the
court, it is a great day.

We now have freedom from our ties.

If one is unhappily married
in a violent coupling...

you now do not have to bludgeon
the other to death with a rock,

but to merely fill in
a form in triplicate

and tie it with a ribbon
and the bind is dissolved.



[SOFTLY] I miss my husband.

My shocked heart seems
to not want to beat.


But beat it shall, for you are my love,

my fate, my destiny,

and, uh...

so, it's open, the office.



Oh, George, um, give one
to Grigor for me, will you?

Or do you want to retain your
dignity and do it yourself?

He and I...

"Had our language," blah blah blah.

Ooh! Sh... Oh!


I love the sky, looking at it.

Always have.

You see things.

And I haven't looked at it in ages.

Just stopped, don't know why.

Look at that cloud
shaped like an antelope.

- Catherine...
- You can't look and talk at the same time, George.

Mm, so true.

f*cking hell, George.


No, I'm sorry.

It's fine.

I thought I'd feel something.

Divorce, the love of the people...

a real achievement.

It is.

It will change lives.


- MARIAL: Oh, shit.
- Good Lord!

MARIAL: I saw her husband
putting in divorce papers.

[THUDS] Shit!


- Get inside or you will be shot.
- But he's left me with nothing!



Hello. Just checking on the latest
body count from the divorce laws.


God's laws work,

and when they are meddled
with by man or woman,

unintended consequences erupt.

Not a good time.

There will be some
casualties to progress.

It's not just the death
toll, though, is it?

What do you mean?

Ah, there you are. Shall we walk?



Empress, welcome to the Marriage Market.

I know it is probably too soon for you,

but all these old men with massive
estates, it is a boon for us.

They are pathetic and
grateful and will die soon.

It is a win for the women of Russia.

- That is...
- Brilliant, I know.

You finally did something right.

There is the matter of estates,
of women left with nothing.

- I'm not interested in that.
- I'm not interested in that.

[SIGHS] Right.

You meant well. Your
heart, as always, is good.

My heart is black and dead.

Of course.

Look at Raskolvy.

He divorced his wife this morning,
remarried in the afternoon,

divorced her just before
dinner, and is now back for more.


A mess.

Unintended consequences.

Don't speak to me of
unintended consequences.

I know about unintended consequences...

because Sweden.


I could've said anything
else, any other words.

Salt bath, otter spit, Irish stew,

hurt me, love me, kiss me, forget all,

touch me, hit me, sh**t me.

Love you with every sinew

and one day it will hurt all
over to never touch you again...

to never...

to never feel our eyes
meet and inflame me.

To never hear an inane thought
that somehow made my blood sing...

"Don't go, don't leave
me, don't leave me."

More than two, that last one, I know.

I'm sorry.

I could've said that.

Go rest.

Could've said that.

You're too weak with grief to be
managing something so incendiary.

You need to rescind the
divorce proclamation,

go lie in a dark room, eat peaches,

and wait for God to heal you.


I ate peaches a day for
a month when Fat Mother died.

Had to get rid of the acrid
bitterness in my mouth,

it made me retch but would not go,

so I needed something sweet to salve it.

Forty peaches a day, though,

I had continuous diarrhea.

Sweetness in, bitterness out.

I believe I literally
emptied out my grief

in a cavalcade of peach shit.

And it worked?

Still cry when I eat
them, but, yes, it worked.

Maybe unintended consequences
is just what life deals us

and we must all just bear them.

- Empress...
- I need to lie down now.

I'll just say this.

If we had divorce when you arrived,

you and Peter would
never have fallen in love.

You'd be back in
Germany, flower arranging,

blowing a man called Otto.


Take peaches to everyone
who has been divorced,

a gift from the Empress.

And someone carry me to my room.




- WOMAN: Leave me... and my husband alone!

Guards, do something for me.


They say it's not opening.

The f*ck it's not.



Out, sad circus. Go on, f*ck off.

Why have you shut the Divorce Office?

It's a f*cking disaster, that's why.

If they're not jumping out of
windows, they're beating each other up.

Teething problems.

Catherine, you can't stop now.

I can.

I have.

People need this.

You mean you need this.

Yes, I do.

And you said yourself
you have to keep going

or you'll drown in this
pointless f*cking sadness.

Just go. I'm so tired.

Divorce, Catherine. Choice.

f*cking choice, which, trust me,

has been a foreign concept up until
this moment for many, including me.

I just can't see a way
through, and what's strange...

I don't even care.

I tried to before,

spent several minutes
trying to dredge it up

from the tiny, laughable bucket
I call my f*cking destiny.

I need you to stick this through.

I'm just going to hum the song
if the musicians have left.



Look, I get that you are sad

and you feel like your heart
has been kneaded to a pulp,

but you can finally do
what you came to f*cking do,

what I helped you for.

And I'm sorry that the one
thing I could not do for you

is open your eyes

to the psychotic, selfish,
f*cking brutal child

who took a knife to your
reign and called it love.

He locked you in a trunk
and he shot your bear

and he set fire to a girls'
school, and he f*cked your...

Ooh! Ugh!

Get the f*ck out now!

I just couldn't listen
to her talk about him.


I'm going to leave.

No, could you stay?


And talk.

I don't care what about, anything.

The walls are nice in here.


I like this wallpaper.

It's... I have a dress
in a similar color.

If I concentrate, it's like
he's just outside the door.

Like I can hear his footsteps coming.

If I shut my eyes, it's
like I'm waiting for him,

buzzing like a fly in a glass.

And then he bursts in and
says he wants to f*ck me now,

like he has always f*cked me,

and kiss me so hard that he draws blood.

That he wants to pull my
dress up and my stockings down

so fast that they rip.

Hear the crack of my head on
the wall as he pushes inside me.

And I say yes, because I always say yes.

I've always said yes.

Even when it isn't good.

And it wasn't always that good,

especially when he'd
had stuffed pheasant.

But he hasn't had stuffed
pheasant tonight, so...

we start f*cking against that wall.

My cheeks get pink, and
his breath gets shallow,

and he gets faster and
does that face he does

that tells me the end is coming.

He smells of salt. Always smelt of salt.

I bite his shoulder and taste the ocean.

And then he lets out a moan,
and I do, too, and it is done.

And we don't speak.

And it feels like we built a city

and burnt it down in about four minutes.

Then he leaves.

Sorry, I, I don't know why I just...


f*ck, sorry.

It was interesting.


It's unbearable, isn't it?

You need to rest.

[SNIFFLES] You were right
to end the divorce fiasco,

valiant, but you're not in a...

You want Grigor, and you will
have him trapped to keep him.

And I want Peter, and he is
dead at the bottom of a lake.

And I am dead, but still able
to speak, which is confusing.

I'll go.

You seem angry.

Not at all. I love you.

I took him from you.

I know that.

It hurt you.

So don't give her the chance
to take Grigor from me.

I will do what's best for Russia.

How do you know?

- Destiny.
- Amazing!

You are just a person, though.

If you have it, you know.

And when it all goes wrong,
that does not shake you?



I would fear it was delusion.

Like when you are in love with
someone and think they are with you,

but you are nothing to them
but old cheese on their shoe.

It could be, I suppose.

Maybe that is why
sh**ting myself in the head

is looming as an attractive option.


There is none to be had.

Did you want Paul now?


Lay him down.

Open it.


Catherine the Great, a hands-on ruler.


- Why?
- What?

I have the what, I wish to know the why.

Why do you want to get divorced?

You must show cause.

That wasn't on the form.

I'm constantly evolving and
improving things, it is my way.

Huzzah. Why? Go.


her breath smells like a dead deer's,

uh, when she chews I want to choke her,


I get sleepy when we f*ck.

No, refused.

Face side on when you eat
together, f*ck in the morning,

and think of others when you do. Next!

He hits me.


But if I leave, I have nothing.

You will have half his worth. All
women will get half of the estate.


sh**t them if need be.

I'm free?

Of him, yes.

Of life and the possibility
of more rib-sticking pain

and suffering than you
could ever imagine? No.

I married and f*cked Nadia,

which is all I wanted really,
and now I want to move on, so...

[CLICKS TONGUE] ... that's me.

Happy to do so. Half
his estate, you said?

Sorry, what?


Um, my new wife.

Um, just need this stamped
to lose the old one.

New rule: You must be to be wed.


Is that all?

Seems so.

[SOFTLY] There is
something I haven't done.

I need to do it.


I know you've probably heard,

and I want you to know, I
will k*ll him, I promise.

- What?
- Pugachev.

I guess I winged him.

Apparently he's rallied
thousands near Moscow.

He's not dead?

He will be. I don't miss twice.

I take my leave. Bloodshed
is now my business.



Paul, I have to tell you something,

and after I tell you,
you will not be the same.

So let's just take a
moment where you are.


I'll whisper it.


No, too bitter.

This one, try this one.

Much better crunch. Crisp. Go on.




Not too tart.


Why have you brought this
little foppish f*ck with us?

Men have to learn to hunt.

He needs us.

Hey, look.



f*cking hell, good shot. What's that?

Three! Ha!

Good. Now maybe Maxim could go back

to the palace and we could carry on?

Great accessory, a g*n.

Maybe I'll hold one in my next portrait.

Totally agree. You
look great with a g*n.

Very Maxim-esque.

Or I could f*cking leave.

[FIRES] Four!

Sorry, Arkady.

It's not my fault
you're not quick enough.

You're acting like a lobcock.

No, you are! Isn't he, Maxim?

Unsure yet.

Maybe fight to make it
clear to me who's right.

Ha, rhyming! Good!

- And yes.
- We shouldn't fight.

You know what we should do?


We should cry and, and hold each other

and laugh about things that
happened when we were young,

because our friend is dead!

And I just want to stand in the
forest with you and miss him!

Fight, fight, fight, fight!

- Yeah, let's fight.
- Grigor, don't...

Fight, fight, fight, fight, Arkady!
Come on, punch me in the face.

- I'm not f*cking punching...
- Punch me.

All right, I am!


Enough! Enough!

No one won.

You should keep going
until someone's unconscious.

What the f*ck?

- He's right.
- He's a child!

- With an old soul.
- Ha! Hear that?

Old soul. Fun soul!

I'm going back to the palace.


[LAUGHING] Thirteen!

Grigor, can we talk man-to-man?

Yeah, of course.

Divorce, you and
Georgina, are you doing it?

I'd appreciate if you'd
be straight with me,

if you were thinking of
unhooking yourself from your mare

to bridle up my filly.

I'm just here to sh**t deer and drink.

I really haven't thought about it.

Here, have another swig.

You know, I might just go back.

No, no.

Stay. Stay and sh**t. Come on. Maxim.

I tend to have a nap around now.



[g*nsh*t, DEER FALLS]

Come on, you fat f*ck.

Come on.

- Who'd you k*ll?
- Didn't get names.

- Always best.
- Where's George?

Catherine, I guess.

Do you think I could assuage her
grief by throwing myself at her?

And if I kind of forced her,

would she regret it or be
kind of mad, kind of grateful?

f*ck off, Petra, or I'll sh**t you.

Sorry. Are you gonna
get divorced or what?

It'd be good for me
to have a plan ready.

I don't know.

People are betting on what
you'll do, who you'll choose.

My friend just died so I can't have you

f*cking talking at my ears like this!


If you need anything, let me know.

Is this room smaller?

- Than?
- Before.

It... feels smaller.

If you're not yelling, you're staring.

You're on thin ice, Petra!



I was looking for you.

You all right?

Well, I won the fight, Arkady,
so it's more, are you all right?

Here's your g*n. You dropped it.

Are you all right?

Are you really asking that?

Not really.

Of course, you're not.

Marial wants me to marry
her and divorce George.

I know. They're laying bets.

Ah. Who did you bet on?

- Neither.
- Ha.

It's a new life with Marial.

With George, it's us
with a piece missing.

I can't look at her
without thinking of him.

I actually can't look at
cheese without thinking of him.

- Or ham.
- Figs.


Bleeding torsos begging for mercy.


ARKADY: Where are they going?

GRIGOR: I guess they're going
to an orgy in the church.

- You up for it?
- Probably just watch.

Sex and grief. f*ck the pain away.

Let's go.



Can't look f*cking sad anymore.

I took cake to Tatyana today

and had to literally
bite my tongue to blood

to stop myself from laughing
at her black dress. [LAUGHS]

To his f*cking death!

- Huzzah.
- Huzzah!

Oh, shit. Grigor.

- What the f*ck?
- What the f*ck?


Celebrating, is it? My friend's death!

Raising a glass to a
dead man who loved me?

Loved you all, in his way.

Yes, mercurial and
mad and f*cking unique!

You didn't know him,
you just think you did!

You didn't see his eyes tear up
when he looked at the forest at dawn,

or when he sucked down on a pigeon pie,

or fire up to v*olence
when a friend was wronged.

f*ck you all for your blindness
to him, your lack of love!

He was a man who felt everything,

not with the hurdles and
fences and cul-de-sacs

that we stop ourselves with.

If he was fury, he was nothing but fury,

nothing but joy, nothing but k*lling.

He knew life whole,
not by measly portion.

He loved me that way.

He was the rarest of men.

He was all f*cking in on life!

You will never see his like again.

For my life ended, too,
in that freezing water.

I loved him, more than I have
ever loved anyone or ever will.

What the f*ck are you
talking about? I'm right here.

You love me!

Of course, you're here.

He was a monster. A f*cking monster!

Go to bed, everyone,
or we'll k*ll you all.





- Please.
- Do not f*cking touch me!

You have a chance at a new life.

You love me, and I
know you f*cking hurt.

- And you don't.
- No!

I don't, because he made me a
servant, and he ruined my family,

and he f*cked me once at an orgy
and he called me Miriam as he came,

and he k*lled people I loved.

We can't be together.

He doesn't ruin this for me!

Enough! We love each
other, we can be happy.

You want a new life, or you-you're
just gonna live in f*cking pain now?

Or lie around with George
reminiscing about the good old days

when he f*cked her in front of you.

You loved him, he didn't love you.

He did.

That's not f*cking love, Grigor,
to cause you pain like that.

Go away, Marial.

Because I scored a telling point?

That should be, "Come here,
Marial, for making me see sense."


I'm not giving up.

He doesn't win!

Thing is, Paul, nothing
really matters now.

And I can pretend it
does, but it doesn't.

How he loved you.

And how they will now try to destroy me

and you with me.


I was just thinking about you.


Can I sleep here?

- Hello, Paul.

Does he know?

We were just discussing it.

Grigor, you have to
do something for me...

for Peter.




♪ Looking from a window above ♪

♪ It's like a story of love ♪

♪ Can you hear me ♪

♪ Came back only yesterday ♪

♪ I'm moving further away ♪

♪ Want you near me ♪

♪ All I needed was the love you gave ♪

♪ All I needed for another day ♪

♪ And all I ever knew ♪

♪ Only you ♪

♪ Sometimes when I think of her name ♪

♪ When it's only a game ♪

♪ And I need you ♪

♪ Listen to the words that you say ♪

♪ It's getting harder to stay ♪

♪ When I see you ♪

♪ All I needed was the love you gave ♪

♪ All I needed for another day ♪

♪ And all I ever knew ♪

♪ Only you ♪

♪ All I needed was the love you gave ♪

♪ All I needed for another day ♪

♪ And all I ever knew ♪

♪ Only you ♪