05x06 - The Secret: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Matlock". Aired: March 3, 1986 – May 7, 1995.*
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Ben Matlock is a widow and a very expensive criminal defense attorney, identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dramatic courtroom scenes.
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05x06 - The Secret: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »






Hi, I'm Patrick,

and I'm a compulsive gambler.

Hi, Patrick.

Here we are again...
The Wednesday night

participation meeting
of the West Side group

of Gamblers Anonymous.


And, newcomers, welcome.

You're in the right place.

Ty, come on up and let's
start off this clambake.


My name is Ty, and I'm
a compulsive gambler.

Hi, Ty.

Some of you who attended
last Friday's meeting

heard me going on about

my 138 consecutive
days not gambling

and about how important
the program is to me

and how great it
is to feel free again;

how great it is to like myself.

I bet you thought,
"He's on a roll."

I bet you thought, he's
gotten the program.

I bet you looked up here
at me blowing my own horn

and said, "He's a winner."

If that's your bet, you lose.

'Cause that's
what I am: a loser.

The very next day, the guy who
owns the club I'm working in...

He started talking to me
about the Atlanta Falcon game,

the point spread and how
the quarterback was hurt.

And I started
thinking... Bad move.

You got that right.

Well, we all know
the end of the story.

I made a bet.

One bet.

That bet cost me my 138 days.

And $25,000.

I don't have $25,000.

You know, they say

you have to suffer
to sing the blues.

Hell, I'm singing
better than ever.

♪ I was raised up ♪

♪ On Jimmy Reed ♪

♪ Corn bread, collard
greens and black-eyed peas ♪

♪ Took my first bath
in muddy water ♪

♪ All you mamas ♪

♪ Better watch your daughters ♪

♪ I'm a blues man... ♪

This guy is great!

Didn't I tell you?

♪ I'm a blues man ♪

♪ I'm a blues man ♪

♪ I'm a blues man ♪

♪ I'm an original ♪

♪ One of a kind ♪

♪ I don't do nothing ♪

♪ What's on my mind... ♪

All right.

Listen, I'll be sure
to send you a copy.

Thanks again.

Hey, guys, you made it.

Sherry, come here.

I want you to take
a picture of me

with my three oldest
buddies in the entire world.

Four gorgeous hunks.

Squeeze in, come on.

Come on, guys,
smile for the lady.

Come on.

My private table.

Thanks, babe.

♪ I'm a blues man ♪

♪ I'm a B... ♪

♪ L... U... ♪

All right.

You are a gin and tonic,

beer and a...
bourbon, straight up.

Just cut the crap and tell us
what the hell this is all about.

Well, fellas, I just seem to
be a little strapped for cash.

Wondering if you
could help me out.

We can't handle
any more of this.

This is the last time, boys.


Last time.

All right.

Break it down, man.

I'll check you in a minute.

Hey, Ty, that was great.

Thank you, man.

Hey, hey, Ty.

Ben! How's it going?

All right!

My friend here didn't
believe I know you.

Ty Mullins,

- this is Conrad McMasters.
- Conrad.

You were great.

- Didn't I tell you?
- Yeah.

Yeah. How long
you gonna be here?

Well, actually, it looks like

this might be my
home for a while.

All right.

You'll see a lot of us.

Want a drink?


You know, I have some
business to take care of.

Can I take a rain check?

- You got it.
- Right. Hey, Conrad.

- Nice to meet you, Ty.
- Nice to meet you.

Ben, it's always great.

- Yeah.
- See you later.

- Great, huh?
- Yeah.

Didn't I tell you?


Come on, fellas, relax.

It's not like you have
a whole lot of choice.


- Eric, I need to talk to you.
- Later.

Look, man, you owe the
guys more than a grand!

I know.

And you owe me 25 grand, see,

so don't you start
leaning on me.

Look, I'm not asking for myself.

- I'm asking for the band.
- Back off!

Not until you pay 'em.

Look, let's, uh, let's
just calm down, huh?

We'll settle this tomorrow,
my office, 10:00 a.m.

Cash money.

Sorry about that.

So what do you say, fellas?

$50,000 apiece ought to do it.

Damn bloodsucker.

This is the last
time, you got that?

This is it.

That's what I said.

Come on, fellas.

I don't hit you up
on a regular basis.

Just when I need it.


Did you bring the money?


Hey, Davis.

Yo, Eric.



Look, hurry.

Send the police to
Gaston's Blues Club.

There's a man shot here.


I don't know how

the money or the
g*n got in my car,

I swear.

It's not your g*n?

I hate g*ns.

I've never owned one in my life.

The police assume the money came

from the safe in Eric's office.

I didn't take it, Ben.

Well, who-who knew you were
gonna be there this morning?


At least I didn't tell anybody.

Maybe Eric told Sherry but I...

Who's Sherry?

Sherry Brown.

She's a hostess at the club.

He used to date her.

Wait a minute.

There were three
men sitting with Eric

when I went to talk
with him last night.

They all knew I
was gonna be there.

Who were they?

I don't know.

Would this, uh, Sherry know?

She might.


I like you.

You're certainly one of the
best singers I ever heard.

And I want to hear
you sing some more.

I'm gonna take you on.

Now... what's her
name, this Sherry...?


Brown, Brown...

Maybe I better
have a talk with her.

- Thank you, Ben.
- Yeah.

But look... look, you
know I like to sing,

but there's something
you don't know about me.

What's that?

I like to gamble.

Well, I like to be on
the edge once in a while.

You don't understand.

I like to make a bet.

Well, everybody puts a
dollar or two on the home team

every now and then.

Last bet I made
was for 25 grand.

You bet $25,000?

On a football game that I lost.

You lost $25,000?!

Well, actually, I
owed it to my bookie

who-who just happened
to be Eric Gaston.

You owed $25,000

to the man you're
charged with murdering?!


With him dead,
the debt's wiped out.

Oh, the D.A.'s gonna
have fun with this one.

I thought I had it licked.

I quit going to the Gamblers
Anonymous meetings.

I thought I was cured.

Have you got any
other surprises for me?


Thank God.

Hey, Bob.

Well, Mullins told
me he knew you.

- Gonna represent him?
- Yeah.

What's that?

The victim was
wearing that ring.

Apparently, he and the
k*ller had a real dustup

because Eric Gaston
arrived at the morgue

with a big cut and
bruise on his jaw.

But he gave as good as he got...

At least one good right...

Because that's
what's left of the ring.

You mean he hit
the k*ller so hard

he shattered the
stone in the ring?

That's right.

Well... there you go.

There I go where?

My client doesn't
have a mark on him.

So? Maybe Gaston
didn't connect with his face.

Maybe he hit his belt
buckle or something.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Is there a Mr. Ben Matlock here?

Yeah, I'm Ben Matlock.

Hi, I'm Sherry Brown.

I brought the picture.

Oh, thank you for coming down.

Can we talk
someplace else, please?

Oh, sure...

I took this when
they first came in.

Eric asked me to.


Why does this guy
look so familiar?

That's Roy Stevens.

He's a network
sportscaster, Channel 4.

Oh, yeah, I know him, yeah.

You know these other guys?

Oh, yeah.

That's John Delaney,
he's a big agent...

Movie stars and basketball.

Football superstars, too.

That's Tom Hermanski.
He breeds racehorses.

One of his horses won the
Preakness about four years ago.


How did they get to
know one another?

College... they played football
together at Baxter University.


Well, what did Eric want
to talk with them about?

Oh, I... I don't know.

Uh, uh, he didn't tell me.

You and he were, uh... close?


Hey, Ben.

Oh, Sherry Brown,

this is Conrad
McMasters, investigator.

We were just talking
about Eric Gaston.

Did you know he was a bookie?

Mr. Matlock, he had a lot of
phones and a ledger by his bed.

I know he wasn't selling
magazine subscriptions.

This ledger, you
know where it's at?

I have no idea.

It's in his office, I suppose.

Listen, uh, you
can hang onto that.

What a day.

The guys I'm with,
I usually dump 'em,

or they run back to their wives.

No one's ever died on me before.

It must be a shock.

And, well, thank you.

You've been a big help.


No, I'll tell you exactly
what I want, Norm:

I want a signing bonus,

I want a fair salary,

and I want
performance incentives,

and I want to know
today, you got that?


That's a coffee stain.

No! Come on, Norm, you're
not even in the ballpark.

Sit over here.

Oh, sure.

You want Hutchison
or not, yes or no?

Can I get you anything?

No, thank you.

That is a coffee stain.

No, no, Norm, you
don't understand.

Tomorrow's too late.

You got five minutes
to call me back

or I'm on the phone
with the Raiders!

You got that?!

John Delaney. You
must be Ben Matlock.

Yeah, I'm Ty Mullins' lawyer.


Is that a... a bruise
on your chin?

No, no, it's just a shadow.

Just a shadow.

I understand that, uh,

that you and Eric
Gaston were great friends.

Uh-huh, yeah.

Played college
football with him.

Eric was a star running
back, and I was his right tackle.

Won the championship
my sophomore year.

Hey, hey...

Yeah, and I hear that you and a
couple other ex-football buddies

were at his place the night
before he was m*rder*d.

Yeah, one of our
regular get-togethers.

You know, a few
beers, a lot of laughs.

Mostly bragging
about the glory days.

Yeah, yeah, I guess so.

Did you know that
Eric was a bookie?

Of course I did.

Did you ever place
any bets with him?

Gambling's for
losers, Mr. Matlock.

Yeah... yeah,
you got that right.

It still seem, seems
strange for a... a sports agent

to be friends with a bookie.

Did, uh, did he ever ask you

for tips, you know,

like who was injured
and who wasn't?


I mean, a bookie
would pay big money

for that kind of information.

I said he never asked.

S-Somebody told me

that, that you and he
almost came to blows

at his club a couple years ago.

It was over a girl.

Oh, don't tell me.

Next question
you're gonna ask is

where was I at the
time of the m*rder, right?

It wouldn't hurt.

I was right here.

Yeah. Delaney.

Yeah, Norm.

No. No.

No, I can't give him
those figures, Norm.

That insults me, you know that?

Quick, where's the kitchen?

This sucker's heavy.

Ty, what... what in the
world have you got in there?!


You're kidding.

Yeah, boy.

- Ooh, and it's still hot, too.
- Ah...!

Well, don't just
stand there, man.

Go get us some
plates and silverware!

You don't want to eat
Morocco-style, do you?


Mmm... mmm-mmm-mmm!

Ah! Whew! Boy, I'm full as d*ck.


You eat like this all the time?

You don't think I got this
way eating salads, do you?

Now what-what-what's
some of this stuff called?

Let's see here.

Uh, well, this one was called
"Evelyn Walters' Never Fail

Sunday Baked Chicken."

We had a little bit of

Rebecca Venerable's
sauerkraut salad,

and last but not least,

whew, Goldie's
Yo-Yo pudding. Ooh!

Yeah, outstanding.

All of 'em outstanding.

Let me help you
clean up this mess.

No, no, no, leave
it. I'll get that.

Let's go in, let's go in

the other room and
hear a little tune.

You got it.

Go on in here.

Ty, I don't pretend

to know much about
compulsive gambling,

but from now on,
you're not to as much

as buy a lottery
ticket, you understand?

I understand.


Uh, did, uh, Eric
Gaston have a ledger?

Yeah, he kept it
in his top drawer

in the desk at the club.

It's not there.

How long was he a bookie?

Said it's something
he learned in college.

In college?!

Play it much?

No, no, not much, no.

That's a shame.

You know, these
things are like women;

they like to be stroked
from time to time.

♪ There is a house ♪

♪ Down in New Orleans ♪

♪ They call the Rising Sun ♪

♪ Well, it's been the ruins ♪

♪ Of a... many a poor boy ♪

♪ And, God, I know I'm one ♪

♪ Mamas ♪

♪ Tell your children ♪

♪ Not to do as I have done ♪

♪ And shun the house ♪

♪ Down in New Orleans ♪

♪ The house they
call the Rising... ♪

♪ Sun. ♪

All right!


Hello, John. What do you have?

Where's your wife?

She's over in Linville
visiting her mother... why?

I just want to make
sure we're alone.

So which one of you did it?

Wait a minute... you
think one of us k*lled Eric?

All I know is Ben
Matlock thinks I k*lled Eric.

Now, just who the hell
am I protecting here?

Well, hell, we
thought you k*lled him!

Would you guys cool it?

That is not why I
brought you here.

We've got a problem.

Hi, Tom. This is Sherry.

Bet you, Roy and John
think it's all over, huh?

Well, surprise.

Guess who has you know what?

I was just gonna turn
'em over to the police,

but then, I thought, I can't
do that to such sexy guys.

So, fellas, they're yours.

For 50 grand apiece.

Think it over.

Call me tomorrow.

Who the hell is Sherry?

That's that blonde bimbo

that was always hanging
around Eric at the club.

When'd she call?

She called me this
morning on my private line.

And you wish she
was a bimbo, John.

She... is smart.

And dangerous.

Sorry I kept you waiting.

I had a late night.

Uh, that-that-that's okay.

Have you got the key?

Right here.

Well... where else can we look?

Beats me.

Maybe the kitchen?

Well, I-I've never
been in the kitchen.

It wasn't my cooking
that turned Eric on.


I'm beginning to
believe it's not here.

So, where do you
think the ledger is?

Well, whoever k*lled
Eric has it, I guess.

Or had it, or... maybe
it's destroyed by now.

Who knows?

Well, thanks for coming over...

Do they know what happened?

Drunk driver, my eye.

That car was
heading right for us.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm okay. I'm
just a little shaken up.

I'm gonna get going, okay?

Yeah, go ahead, go ahead.

You didn't get a
good look at the driver.

Nor the license plate.

But you're sure it's
one of the suspects.

Or somebody they hired.
Who else could it be?

But you don't have anything
on any of the suspects.

Why would anybody bother?

Maybe they think I
got something on 'em.

Or maybe I got something
on 'em and don't know it yet.

Think it'll run?

Yeah, sure, with a
tow truck pulling it.

Bad joke.


Want me to give you a lift?

No, no, I'm-I'm-I'm fine.


Now in their 25th
year, the Baxter Falcons

are celebrating a
silver anniversary.

Coming off of what
has to be considered

their worst year ever,
the Falcons are attempting

- to bring...
- Roy Stevens!

Cut, cut.

Oh, whoa, you're not
live or anything, are you?

No, no. If we were,
I'd be screaming now.

You were a friend of
Eric Gaston's, right?

That's right.

Played football with
him at Baxter University.

As a matter of fact, me and
two other old friends of his

were at the nightclub
the night before he died.

Doing what?

Well, you know, a couple
of drinks, a few laughs.

Like I said, uh, we
were old friends.

Excuse me, what, uh,

what do you keep staring at?

Oh, that's right,
you're wearing makeup.

Of course I'm wearing
makeup; I'm doing a show.

I'll bet sometimes
that comes in handy.

You cut yourself shaving,
nobody'd notice, huh?

Yeah, yeah, I guess so.

You ever place bets with Eric?

Yeah, yeah, we all did.

You owe him money when he died?


And I don't appreciate
what you're implying.

I told you Eric
and I were friends.

Even friends have arguments.

Yeah, well, we didn't.

Besides, I, uh...

I was taping my interview with
the coach of the Atlanta Falcons

on the morning
that Eric was k*lled.

We started in at 9:30, and
we finished taping at 10:30.

You don't believe
me, you ask him.

He'll tell you.

Now, if you don't
mind... Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Martin Kravetz?

That's right.

How you doing? I'm
Conrad McMasters.


Private investigator.

All right, Jubal, that
ought to hold you.

A real private eye, huh?


You remember Eric Gaston?

Yeah, I sure do.

Best running back
this school's ever seen.

It's no surprise whatever
happened to him.

Why do you say that?

Eric was always in trouble.

He only played by one
set of rules: his own.

That's what got him
kicked out of here.

He got kicked off
the football team?

No, he was kicked out of school.

Expelled in the middle
of his senior year.

Why did they expel
him from school?


Yeah, he was putting money
on Baxter football games.

He would bet on
the opposing team,

then he would manipulate
the point spread

by faking an injury or taking
himself out of the game.

Kid was just too damn
smart for his own good.

Do you remember John Delaney?


Yeah, yeah, he
played right tackle.

What about Tom
Hermanski and Roy Stevens?

Wide receiver and noseguard.

What about 'em?

Were they involved
in the gambling, too?

No, no. Just Gaston.

If the other guys
were, I'd remember.

I'm sure you would.

Okay. Thank you, Mr. Kravetz.


He made my heart
stop out there today.

Ran his best time ever.

Uh, Mr. Hermanski?

Uh, hi.

I'm, uh, Ben Matlock,
Ty Mullins' lawyer.

Oh, good to meet you.

Your wife told me
you were back here.

Said you were expecting me.

John Delaney and Roy
Stevens said you'd show up.

Uh, John, Roy, Eric and
me... Friends from way back.

I've heard that.

You ever come face-to-face

with a Triple Crown
winner before?

Won the Triple Crown?

Not yet, but he will.

Lot of money to
be made in horses.

A lot to be spent, but...
a whole lot to be made.

You mean racing
them or selling them

or betting on them?

All three.

Did you ever place
any bets with Eric?

Oh, sure.

Maybe, uh, you owed him
money or he owed... you money?

I had no reason to
k*ll Eric, Mr. Matlock.

Mr. Hermanski!


All right.

What's more, I
couldn't have k*lled him.

I lift weights every
morning from 9:00 to 10:00.


Lloyd's Gym. If
you'll excuse me.

Tom Hermanski.

That was really stupid, Tom.

Who is this?


The woman you
just tried to run over.

What are you talking about?

That's gonna cost you
guys an extra 25 grand.

Now, just a minute.

That makes $75,000 apiece,

and I want it tomorrow.

You're out of your mind.

That's impossible.

Well, I hope not, for your sake.

I want you to bring
the money, in cash,

to the Sky View Lounge at
the airport tomorrow at 1:00.

Now, Tom, if the
cash isn't all there,

or if you bring company, you
guys are in the evening edition.

And you can bet on it!

Rogers drives
through the center,

and there's the tackle
on the 44 yard line.

A gain of two
yards on that play.

Third down, seven to go.

Oh, hi, Ben.

Got your message. What's up?

I just looked into something
that's gonna help the case.

That's Frankie Lance over there.

- I know.
- He's a bookie.

I know. I just talked
to him a minute ago.

I don't want to hear that.

I didn't place a bet, Ben.

Frankie just told me that Eric
was into a couple of loan sharks

for 150 grand.

How did it happen?

Apparently, he took a
whuppin' last weekend

on a couple of games.

They been putting the
squeeze on him real hard.

Maybe he wanted to
squeeze somebody back.



I told you I knew the
Green Bay Packers!

Oh, yeah!

Five bucks, Ben.

It's... It's not even a bet!

Flight to New York passenger

Alberto Robinson
please report to Gate 12.

New York passenger Alberto
Robinson please report...

Excuse me, sir, I believe
this belongs to me.

Aren't you forgetting something?

You'll get the negatives

when I'm sure there's
$225,000 in here.

That wasn't our deal.


I'll call you tonight.

♪ Like Jack Horner ♪

♪ In the corner ♪

♪ Don't go nowhere ♪

♪ What do I care? ♪

♪ Your kisses ♪

♪ Are worth waiting for ♪

♪ Oh, believe me ♪

♪ I don't stay out late ♪

♪ Don't care to go ♪

♪ I'm home about eight ♪

♪ Just me and my radio ♪

♪ Ain't misbehavin' ♪

♪ I'm saving my love for you ♪

♪ Ain't misbehavin' ♪

♪ I'm saving my love for you ♪

♪ Oh, yeah! ♪

All right! All right!

That's the way!

Good! You know, you
don't have to bring food

every time you come over here.

I enjoy it.

You like that?

Yeah, it's good.
What's it called again?

Aunt Bessie's sweet potato pie.

You know, they say that when
Aunt Bessie's husband died,

she baked a pie
and put it in the coffin.

- She did?
- Oh, yeah.

She was very classy;
went all the way.

She put in a... a linen napkin,

dental floss and mouthwash.

But, of course, he had to eat it

from a paper plate
with a plastic fork.

But it was the thought.

I'll be, I'll get me some
more before my turn.


Hey, man, I didn't tell
you; we got a gig Saturday.

And you won't ever guess where.


Gaston's Blues Club.

New owner called me today.

Isn't that the irony for you?

Me playing at a club
that used to be owned

by the guy I'm on
trial for murdering.



Where'd this come from?

Oh, man, you
spoiled my surprise.

That's the first payment
for your services.

You didn't answer my question.

Yeah, where I get it from.

Um, man, my folks
they're so great.

When they found
out I was in prison,

they sent over ten grand.

They mailed you cash?

No, no.

They sent, uh, a
check, which I-I cashed

because it was under
my name and all.


You been gambling?

No, Ben.

I told you I'd stop.

Answer my question.


It's from my folks, honest.

Ty... you got to do
something for me.

Anything, Ben.

Tell your folks I
said thank you.

I'll do that.

Play something.


Tattoo, huh?

He... He had a tattoo?

No, he had two tattoos
on-on-on either forearm.


Some kind of
flowers or something.

About six foot, 190
pounds, dark hair?

Yeah, how'd you know that?

Sounds like a guy that
works for Tom Hermanski.

I saw him out at the ranch.

I think they're looking
for Eric's ledger.

They're looking for something.

Sorry to keep you waiting,

but I had no idea
you'd be dropping by.

Oh, that's okay.

I didn't know I was coming over.

Il just got to thinking
about, uh, Sherry Brown

and wondering why your
man broke into her house.

What are you talking about?

Are you and your two football
buddies in on this together

or were you acting on your own?

You've totally lost me, okay?

Uh, you married well.

Your wife could've given
you the money to pay Eric off.

Why k*ll him?

Look, I don't
have time for this.

I should've gone to
the police first, I guess,

but I thought I'd
give you a crack at it.

Get out.

Well, okay, if that's
the way you want it.

But I'll just have to come
back with a subpoena.

Maybe bring the
police with a warrant.

That's fine. I'll
take my chances.

It's me.

The three of us
have got to talk now.

Lot number 14 on your
program, ladies and gentlemen.

A fine piece of horseflesh
and it has a chance

to make you some
good money on the track.

4,000, now 4,500.
Will you bet 4,500?

Will you bet 4,500? Will
you bet 4,500! Now five.

4,500, now 5,000.
Will you bet 5,000?

Will you bet 5,000?
Will you make it 5,000?

5,000! Now six.
5,000, now 6,000.

Will you bet 6,000?
Will you bet 6,000?

Will you bet six thou...
Will you bet 6,000?

5,000 now 6,000! Now 6,500.

6,000, now 6,500.

Will you bet 6,500?
Will you bet 6,500?

Will you bet 6,500?
Will you bet 65

6,500, now 7,000.

$6,500 bet, now 7,000.

Will you bet 7,000?
Will you bet 7,000?

Will you make it 7,000?
Will you bet 7,000, now 7,500.

What do you mean,
Matlock knows something?

He knows that somebody
ransacked Sherry's place.

Somebody working for me.

Did he find the negatives?


Well, did that crazy broad
tell him what the guy was after?

What are you, stupid?

Eric had those negatives
for 15 years and she knows it.


No, she's not gonna
tell anybody about them

until she's milked us bone dry.

Yeah, well, I
can't get any drier.

One more payment
to her and I'm finished.

Me, too.

So... what are we gonna do?

Whatever it takes.

You think about it.

Let's talk tonight, huh?


Buyer number 84,
thank you very much, sir.

Lot number 15 on your
program, ladies and gentlemen.

A really fine piece
of horseflesh.

8,500, now 9,000.
Will you bet 9,000?

Will you bet 9,000?
9,000! Now 9,500.

$9,000 bid, now 9,500.

9,500, now 10,000.

$9,500 bet, now 10,000.
Will you bet 10,000?

I have 10,000!

Will I have ten-five?

I have 10,000. Will
you bet ten-five?

Will you make it ten-five?
Will you make it ten-five?

Will you make it
ten-five? Ten-five!

10,500, now 11,000.

Ten-five, now 11.
Will you bet 11?


You mean, you mean,
they're being blackmailed?

Yeah. And from what I heard,
it's been going on for years.

Sherry's just taking
up where Eric left off.

They're after the negatives,
they're not after the ledger.



Hello. Mr. Matlock?


Mr. Matlock, I'm scared.

They're gonna k*ll me,
just like they k*lled Eric.

Where are you?

I'm at a friend's cottage.

I-I thought it would be safer.

Listen, there's something
I haven't told you.

We need to talk.

About how you've been
blackmailing those three men?

How did you know?

You answer my question first.

Now, what have you got on them?

Meet me tomorrow
at the parking lot

at Lake Wheeler, and
I'll tell you everything.

What's wrong with right now?

I hid something that
I need to show you.

The negatives?

You know?


Well, I... I can't get them
till tomorrow morning.

The parking lot, Lake Wheeler...
Can you be there at 9:00?

You bet.

See you then.

Well, Conrad... Huh?

We're gonna see
the sun rise tomorrow.


9:00 on the button.


There she is.
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