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04x155 - Overcome Your Fear: The Jump to Freedom

Posted: 05/18/23 12:22
by bunniefuu
Damn those little girls,
where are they!?

What are you doing!?
Hurry up and show yourselves!

Sheesh, don't be so annoying!

You'll raise your blood pressure that way.

Well, we're playing hide-and-go-seek.



What kinda voice is that!?

Found Pallapalla!

What is this!?


Where is Junjun?

She went out to go play.
She said she was bored.

It's better than hearing
a lecture from an old hag.

You little...

Anyway, what is it?
Have you decided on a target, old hag?

What conceited brats!

Lemme see!

What is this?

Not my type!

Don't be so picky!

When are you going to bring me
the owner of the Golden Mirror!?

But is that our fault?

Well, I don't like this person!
So, I'll give this one toJunjun!

Oh, that's a good idea.

Then, it's decided!
Let's continue with our hide-and-go-seek!

Oh, hey! I'm not done with you...
I still have other things to tell you!!

Pallapalla is IT!

- I don't wanna!
- No use crying.

Geez, are they really able
to conquer Earth like this...?

I'm sorry that I'm not honest.
Gomen ne sunao ja nakute

I can say that in my dreams.
Yume no naka nara ieru

My thoughts are about to short-circuit.
Shikou kairo wa SHORT sunzen

I want to see you right now.
Ima sugu aitai yo

It makes me want to cry, this moonlight.
Nakitaku naru you na MOONLIGHT

And I can't make a call at midnight.
Denwa mo dekinai MI DNIGHT

Because I'm naive, what should I do?
Datte junjou doushiyou

My heart is a kaleidoscope.
HEART wa mangekyou

Guided by the light of the moon...
Tsuki no hikari ni michibikare

...we meet each other again and again.
Nando mo meguri au

By counting the constellations' blinking...
Seiza no matataki kazoe

...we forecast the outcome of this love.
Uranau koi no yukue

We were born in the same country.
Onaji kuni ni umaretano


I believe in it.
Shinjite iruno


What's this, what's this?

They're making such a big deal out of this...

Are they trying to compete against
us by making a new circus?

A little bit more to the right...
a little more... right there!

All right, that's fine right there!

Hey! If you're gonna
go home, help us out!

What's with her?

Hi, Chibiusa!


Yo, are you on your way home?


Oh, tomorrow is the athletic festival?

That's great. I get really
excited seeing events like this!

Yeah, yeah! You can always look
forward to Makoto's yummy lunches, too!

And the upperclassman you have
a crush on is going to be in the relay...

...and you cheer for him at
the top of your lungs! Right?

- Yeah, that happens!
- That's right...!!

- And, he just happens to be on the rival team.
- It's easy for outsiders to say...

Hey, look out!

It's all right!

Yeah, but...

No need to worry!

I'm gonna go!

A perfect !

This is dangerous,
so please DO NOT attempt this at home.

Oh, amazing!

He's pretty good.
He was in your class, right Chibiusa?

Kyusuke Sarashina.

You idiot!

How many times do I have to tell you to
not do dangerous things like that?! Geez!

Come to the teacher's office later!!

What are you up to...?

It's because you didn't answer no matter
how many times I was calling out for you!

Why are you going home?

Come to think,
you're not so cheerful.

Do you not like athletic festivals?

It's not that I don't like them...

But the obstacle course
has the jumping box...

All right!

You're not good at the jumping box?


What? That's so pathetic...
it's only a jumping box.

You can say something like that, Usagi!?


Because... you know, Usagi... can YOU jump?

Oh, that's horrible!
Of course I can jump jumping boxes!!

You're so, so cruel!

- W-Were there jumping boxes...?
- Everyone is underestimating my abilities!

Yeah, there were!

I'm sure you didn't know because
you never seriously practiced at all!

Oh... I see...

Well, athletics is about sense and talent!
It's not about practice!

Whoa, I can't do anything even
if you wanted me to teach you!

Nobody asked YOU to teach me!

But an athletic festival, huh...?

It brings back memories...


Please, teach me how
to jump jumping boxes!

What are you doing!?

You can't be thinking about
getting Mamo-chan to teach you!

Why not!?

We're going to go shopping now...
there is no time for that!

Hey, Mamo-chan... Please...!
Teach me how to jump jumping boxes!

No way!

What?! Are you saying that
I can go embarrass myself!?

This is an obstacle! A challenge!
Why don't you try to get over it yourself!?

Did you just say that!?

Yeah, I just said it!

All right, enough.

It's all right, Usagi... we don't have
much spending money anyway.

Let's all practice the jumping box.

Thanks, guys!

You're kidding...

Then, haste makes waste!

I don't wanna!

We can't help it this time!

That's right!


Come on, hurry!

What's this? What's this?

They sure are making
a big deal outta this...

Are they trying to go against
us and open up a circus?

I'm going to jump!

Don't! It's dangerous! Stop!

Since then, the jumping box
is the one thing I can't do...

Kyusuke, you can't jump
these jumping boxes?

Are you serious?

You're lying!

Dammit! I can't let me, Kyusuke the
master of all sports, be a laughingstock!

I can't do it after all...

Why... can't I jump?


What's that?

L-ls someone there?


Amazing! You're amazing!

I don't know who you are,
but you're amazing!

Yo! You look like you're
not good with jumping boxes...

You want me to be your coach?

Oh, really?

Juban Park

Juban Park
Are you sure I just have to stand here?

It's all right!

All right, Chibiusa...

The most important things are when you
jump off, and the timing to plant your arms.

Got it...

We're okay!

Wait, why am I the one to jump over!?

Now, Chibiusa, let's go!

I already see it coming...

Now, take that extra step!


That's right! Jump!

That's right! Just like jumping into
the arms of someone you love!

You can't!!


It always ends up like this!

Nope, no good.

I'm telling you, it's all about when you jump,
and the timing to plant your arms!


In the first place, why are you
slowing down right before the takeoff?

If you keep doing that, you won't be able to
jump even if you practice for a whole year!


So, why DO you get scared there?

I-I'm not scared...

It's getting dark...
I think we should call it a day.

I'm almost there!

Please, just a little more...

If you're hungry, we run a noodle house.
I'll treat you later...

But, still...

I want to be able to jump by tomorrow!

Please! I'm begging you!

The surs already set, though...

Let's meet here again
early tomorrow morning.

I'll make you able to jump in no time!


Mamo-chan, catch me!

I don't get it.


What were... you doing?

Oh, I was just doing some image training...

There's an athletic festival tomorrow.
But... I can't jump over the jumping box...

I envy you, Pegasus... you can
fly freely as much as you want.

I wish I could fly freely...



Actually... You can fly
much freer than I can.

I can't even jump over jumping boxes!

You can jump... I'm sure that you can.


You're getting up early tomorrow!

Rei and the others are going to
help you with your special training!


So go to sleep soon!!




Dammit, I've been practicing from
before dawn, and I'm still like this...?

Am I just incapable of doing this??

So you're here...!!


So it IS you!

When I saw the photo last
night, I was like, "huh?"

Well, this is great!

That makes it much easier!

All right, let's hurry up and
get over this jumping box!


It's not that you're lacking athletic skills!

You're just afraid of the jumping box!

I'm not afr...

Don't be bashful.

I don't know what happened,
but as long as you have that fear...'ll never be able to jump!


And so, there is a way to
quickly overcome that fear.

A quick way...?

In other words, if you get into
an even scarier situation...'ll forget this fear
and be able to jump!

W-What's this!?

H-Hey! What does this mean!?

It means THIS!

A-A bear...!?

If you don't hurry, it will eat you!

This is too much!!

I jumped...?

I jumped over the jumping box!
I did it!

I jumped!

But this is no time to...!

The bear, the bear!
Where's the bear!?

I just showed you a small illusion,
but it worked wonders!

An illusion?
Both the bear and the cage?

That's right.
Wasrt it scary?

O-Of course it was!
I thought I was going to die!

You're so cruel!

Oh, it was all right.

After all... thankfully enough,
you were able to jump.

Now you have no regrets, right?

So, let's go!


What, this isn't it!?











Hold it right there!

Here we came, in hopes of having a special
practice... what are you doing here!?

You're causing a nuisance to the entire
neighborhood from so early in the morning!

For love and justice!

Pretty soldiers in sailor suits!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Chibi Moon!

In the name of the moon...

...we'll punish you!

But you really do show
up anywhere and everywhere...

Oh, well. Come out, my Remless...

Dream-eating acrobat, Tobikiri-yarou!

Welcome, welcome.

And so, well, you all want to see my tricks?
You really have a good eye for things!

I'll do my best to entertain you!

But before that...

Excuse me!

I'll take this!

Oh, Kyusuke!!

Hey, now that you're full,
I'm trusting you to do the job!

Sure, sure!

Here we go!




How are my tricks?

Want another?

Here you go!

Damn you!


I don't have time for that!

This is no good!
He moves too quickly for us to attack!

Tobikiri-yarou (exceptional guy) is more
like Tondakkiri-yarou (jump-and-that's-it guy).

Hey! I'm going to trust
you to finish them off!

Yeah, sure thing!

This is getting us nowhere!

Isn't there a better way...?

At this rate...

If we can't stop him,
even for one second...

If we can't...

If we don't defeat him,
Kyusuke's dreams...

All right, it's now or never...

Hey, Chibi Moon!

I think it's time for
the final trick soon...

Here we go!

You don't have to come!


Chibi Moon!

You can fly...

You can fly...
I'm sure you can...

Yeah, I'll try!

W-Wait a minute!!

Chibi Moon!

She jumped!

Let's go, Sailor Moon!


Please, Pegasus!
Protect everyone's dreams!





See ya!

You did it, Chibi Moon...



- Go!
- Chibiusa!

First place!

All right!

If you are the student responsible for the bent
pole, please turn yourself in immediately!
- Principal

If you are the student responsible for the bent
pole, please turn yourself in immediately!
- Principal
The next event is the
boys'obstacle course.

Those of you participating...

- Kyusuke!
- ... in the race, please gather at...

- Go show 'em!
- ... the entrance gates immediately.


I can jump this!

I'm not afraid anymore!

You did it, Kyusuke!

First place!!

La La La... Never give up.

I'll do my best.

I'm putting everything into this match.
Kono shoubu ni kaketeruno

My heart races from happy anticipation.
Uki uki tokimeku no

In an age of adolescence...
Shishunki AGE

...overwriting a profile of love is okay!
Kakikae OKAY koisuru PROFI LE

Listen - I fell in love at first sight...
Kiite houkagono

...with the trickster after school.
TRICK STAR Hitomebore nanoyo

Somewhat like my last boyfriend...
Maeno kareto niteru

...spinning all around...
Kurukuru mawaru mata kizutsuku kana

Do you think I'll be hurt again?
Kurukuru mawaru mata kizutsuku kana

What should I do...? But I already decided:
Doushiyou demo kimeteruno

I want to make him wait on purpose.
Wazato jirashitai

Letting the sailor suit wave in the wind...
SAI LOR fuku nabikasete

...let's live "our way."
"Rashiku" ikimasho

La La La... Never give up.

I'll do my best.

This time it's surely my turn.
Kondokoso watashino ban

My heart races hard in anticipation.
Doki doki tokimekuno

In an age of adolescence...
Shishunki AGE

...overwriting a profile of love is okay!
Kakikae OKAY koisuru PROFI LE