07x04 - The Jeffersons Go to Hawaii: Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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07x04 - The Jeffersons Go to Hawaii: Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole lot of tryin'

Just to get up that hill

Now we're up
in the big leagues

Gettin' our turn at bat

As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

Ain't nothin' wrong
with that

We're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

NARRATOR: Last week on
The Jeffersons, George
made a doctor's appointment.

and was told he had
high blood pressure.

Some time in Hawaii
would be perfect.

It would?
Yeah, Go to Hawaii.

Spend a week or so, relax,

and I'll check your
blood pressure when
you get back.

George didn't plan on

was the Willis's deciding
to extend their vacation.



Mr. Willis!
Mrs. Willis!

Florence! Louise!

Tom! Helen!

Louise! Florence!

Damn! Damn!

NARRATOR: But George
fails to follow
his doctor's advice

to forget business.

You mean you don't even work?

Ken Sanders, my investment
counselor, he does everything.

I'll tell you, George,
Hawaii is a gold mine.

And that Ken has a great
nose for good business deals.

Hmm. Do you think he'd do
a little sniffing for me?

Beg pardon?

You know, maybe set me up
with something like you got.

Yeah, you heard me right.

Ask Blue Sky Cleaners how
soon they can buy my stores.

What? How am I supposed
to know what they worth?

You the accountant!

Yeah, I know it's a big step.

But look, this could be
a matter of life or death.

I could stay here forever.

Really, Weez?

You know, that's funny, I
just thinking the same thing.

NARRATOR: And now,
The Jeffersons continue...

Good evening.

Yes, sir, uh, table for six?

That's right, the
name is Jefferson.

Hmm, I don't
seem to see it here.

Here. Why don't you use this
to buy yourself some glasses?

Oh, here it is.
Right this way, sir.

Here you are.

Any further back and
we'd be in Los Angeles.

At least it's close to the
front door, in case one of us
wants to leave the show early.

Well, who would want to
leave the show early?

Leon! Florence's dates
always leave early.

George, could you try to
get us a better table?

Okay, okay. Look, ain't you
got something a little closer?

Well, you've got to
remember, sir, this
is a very popular show.

And this is
our busiest day.

But maybe we can
work something out.

Oh, I think I see a table
up front, right this way, sir.
Follow me.

Oh, no, it looks like this
table is reserved, sir.


There you go. Table for six.
And if you should need
anything else, my name is Keo.

Keo? Is that Hawaiian
for Ralph?

Oh, George, these are the
best seats in the house.

They oughta be. They cost
more than our furniture.

Do you know that for
the price of this show,

we could rent a sailboat
for a whole day?

Forget the sailing, Willis.
Nobody wanna go with you.

But George, you have no idea
of the incredible feeling
that sailing gives you.

When you're out on
the ocean, you...

You consume nature.

Tom, you've already consumed
enough nature.

Quiet, Tom, the show's
about to start.

Back up!

That's the Samoan Slap Dance.

Wow, look at that precision,
look at that style...

Look at those bodies!

Oh, isn't she
beautiful, George?


What a nice set of...


How does he do that?

Carefully, Tom,

very carefully.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
we've come to the
part of our show

where you, the audience,
can come up on stage
and dance with us.

As you can see,
some of our warriors
have come down to

select their partners
for the next dance,

and you have nothing
to worry about,

unless of course,
you refuse
to accompany them.

How about a nice hand for
our lucky lady volunteers?

Oh, Helen, I wish I had
my camera.

You should've seen yourselves!

Ah, you looked ridiculous!

And now, the men.

Say what?

This isn't going
to hurt, is it?

Let's hear it,
ladies and gentlemen,

for our brave, strong
and handsome volunteers.

GEORGE: Hey, hey!

Alright, hey!

Man, that was fun!

George, I'm so embarrassed.

Oh, Willis looked stupid
up there, didn't he?

Oops, it's : !

So that reminds me. I gotta go the bathroom.


Well, that's what
happens when you stay
in these fancy hotels.

You gotta make reservations
for everything.

Now here is where we plan
to put the tennis court,

so naturally, the
buildings themselves
would shield the wind.

Hmm. That's quite
a proposal, Ken.

It would be hard to say no
to an investment like this.

It sure would, unless
you're allergic to money.

Hey, Bill.

George! Hi.

Ken Sanders,
George Jefferson.

Nice to meet you, George.

Same here.

Hey, old Bill here
has been telling me

when it comes to finding
good investments, you're
one of the best.

That's not true, George.

I am the best.

George, I told Ken that
you might be interested
in investing over here.

Yeah, that's right.
If you got something good,
why don't you run it by me?

See if I'll bite?

Well, Bill and I were
just talking about
a real money maker,

where you'd never
have to work again.

Hey, hey, hey,
let me sharpen my teeth.

George, how'd you like
to get into real estate?

Yeah, great. As long as
I'm not six feet under it.

I'm talking
about condominiums.

We're building units on
prime ocean front land.

We're calling it,
"Paradise Acres."

"Paradise Acres."
Hey, it's got a
nice ring to it.

Yeah. Let me give you
an idea of how much
money you'd need to invest.

We're talking about something
in this neighborhood.

Neighborhood? It looks
like a whole city.

Well, if it's too
steep for you...

Oh, no, no, no.
I can handle it.

You see, I'm selling my seven
cleaning stores in New York.

Ah. Does that mean
you're interested?

Well, now, if it checks out.

All right. Well,
here's my card.

I'm going up to survey
the land tomorrow.

Would you like
to come with me?
Yeah, I'd love to.

All right. Just give me
a call in the morning.

George, it looks like
we're gonna be partners.

If there's anything I
can do for you, just ask.

Yeah, well there is one thing.

See, I haven't told
my wife about the two
of us moving out here yet.

And you want me
to tell her?

No, no, no, I'll tell her.
It's just that, uh...

Well, you know...

Well, how'd your wife take it
when you moved out here?

Well, I had a little
trouble convincing her
at first.

But she came around when
she found out that credit
cards work here, too.

I wonder where George is?

He missed the
rest of the show.

Maybe he was
so tired from dancing
he went up to bed.

Oh, no, George never
goes to sleep this early.

But you two went
to bed a lot earlier
than this last night.

Tom, I said "sleep."




How was the show?

It was fine.
But where were you?

Well, I was out just
walking and thinking.

Thinking about what?

Well, I was thinking about
how wonderful it is to be
in Hawaii with you.

Where's Florence and Leon?

Oh, they went for a
walk on the beach.

Hey, that sounds
like a great idea.
Maybe we should do that.

Yeah, let's all go for
a walk on the beach.

Yeah, well, if you walk that
way, we'll walk this way.

I wanna spend some time alone
with the girl of my dreams.

Oh, George, I don't think
I've every seen you
this way before.

Well, Weezy, maybe it's the
way the moonlight shines
in your eyes,

the way the wind blows
through your hair.

Oh, I think I'm gonna swoon.

Great. Don't fight
the feeling.


Man, Weezy, ain't
Hawaii beautiful?

I mean, the air is so clean.

And the weather's so warm.

And credit cards work
here too, you know?

What I mean is, can
you imagine living
in a place like this?

I mean, wouldn't
that be something?

It sure would.

You think so?

Sure. I think I'd rather
live here than anywhere.

Uh, except New York.

What? Name one thing
that New York's got
that Hawaii ain't got.

Well, our home
is in New York.

Lionel, Jenny and Jessica
are in New York.

Our friends, Tom and
Helen are in New York.

I said one thing.

Isn't the moon beautiful?

It's a lot more
beautiful than that one
they got in New York.

Don't you think if Lionel
and Jenny saw this place,
they'd want to live here?

Well, who wouldn't?

And as far as friends
go, we can make friends
like Tom and Helen

no matter where we go.

All we gotta do is look
in the Yellow Pages
under "Zebras."

George, no matter
where I lived,

things wouldn't be the same
without Tom and Helen.

Yeah, but...
TOM: George, George!

You'll never guess what Helen
and I found up the beach.

A harpoon with
your name on it?

Just kidding, ol' buddy.
What'd you find up the beach?

A place where you and
I can rent a sailboat.

Oh, Tom, will you stop
with the sailboat?

George said he
didn't want to go.

I said I didn't
wanna go tonight

because, uh... It's too dark.

But it'll be light again,
tomorrow, right, Helen?

You mean you will go
sailing with me?


I mean, first thing tomorrow
morning. I mean, after all,
life is too short.

I mean, we good friends
gotta stick together,
no matter where we might be.

Ain't that right, old buddy?

I still can't believe it.

Tom and George were actually
laughing together on their way
to go sailing this morning.

Yeah. Isn't it spooky?

Maybe it's the air and water.

Or maybe it's the
Scotch and water.

But whatever it is,
I just hope George can
take it back home with him.

Well, if he can't, I guess
you two will just have
to move here permanently.

What? And give up the
good old hustle and bustle
of New York City?

Not in a million years, Helen.

Yeah. I guess no matter
how beautiful Hawaii may be,

New York's got some things
you just can't beat.


Like the concerts,
and the plays.

The museums and the galleries.

Old friends.

Good family.

And most important of all...

BOTH: Bloomingdale's!

Oh, boy, George, this
is gonna be great.

Yeah, sure is.
You know what our
problem is, old buddy?

We argue too much.

I know. Silly little things.

Right. And since we're
going to be neighbors
for a long, long time,

we oughta call a little
truce and try to get along
like good friends should.

Here, here!

Hey, brahs, can I help
you with something?

Yeah, you got any sailboats?

Well, we could probably
dig one up. -footer?

Yeah. -footer, old buddy?

Oh, fine with me, old pal.

Okay. Now, who's gonna
be the captain?

BOTH: I am!

Eh, George, old buddy,
I really think
I should be the captain.

After all,
I do know how to sail.

Ah. Yeah, but remember,
old buddy, you are talking
to an ex-Navy man.

Correction, old buddy,
ex-Navy cook!

The only thing
you ever sailed
were potato peels.

Now, I, on the hand, used to
spend every summer sailing
with my uncle on Lake Placid.

Ha! "Used to spend every
summer sailing with my
uncle on Lake Placid."

Does that look
like a lake to you?

Hey, hey, brahs,
I'll settle this.

You be the captain.


The captain pays
for the boat.


Now, will you be wanting
some lessons with this?

Sailing lessons?

No, no, no, no.
Dancing lessons.

For sailing lessons
you have to join
our hula school.

Oh, well, a little brush-up
might not be a bad idea.

Oh, come on, Willis,
we don't need no lessons.

Look, you finish renting
the boat, I'm gonna
make a phone call.

Ex-Navy man.
Oh, yeah?

Which Navy? McHale's?



Hello, Sanders?
George Jefferson.

Look, what time are you
going up to look at that
land for Paradise Acres?

: ? Great! Look,
I'll meet you at my hotel.

Huh? Yeah, aloha to
you, too, Sanders.

Ooh, Lord have mercy.

Is that it?

Yes. George, I hope you don't
mind but, since we're both
probably a little rusty,

I decided to hire an
instructor to go out with us.

Willis, I told you I
knew how to sail.

But they said this
guy was an expert.
An expert?

Okay, where is he?

Right here.

Ha, ha, ha. He's an expert?
The boat's older than he is.


Look, Willis, I told you
I know what I'm doing.

Plus, we gotta be alone
so we can talk.

Talk? About what?

Well, about how two good
friends like you and me

can be friends no matter
where we live, as long as
we live in the same place.

Thanks, kid, we don't
need no lessons.

Okay, man, but remember,
once you pass that breakwater,
you're on your own.

And if we have to go out there
and save you, it's gonna
cost you $ , plus.

Plus what?

Plus I'm gonna laugh at
you all the way back in.

Come on, Willis.

George, I still think
we should've...

Look, Willis, you
worry too much.

Look, I know how to sail,
you know how to sail.
It's a piece of cake.

Well, all right, George.
If you say so.

Of course I say so.
Ain't nothing to it.

Okay, where's
the steering wheel?

Ms. Jefferson! Ms. Willis!
Wanna hear my horoscope?

Well, uh...

Listen to this...

"Expect an important question
today from a recent
romantic interest."

You know what that means?

Leon's gonna ask
me to marry him!

He is?
Of course.
What should I do?

Stop reading horoscopes.

Ms. Jefferson,
this is serious.

Last night Leon and I were
walking down the beach,

staring at the moon,

and then we stopped,

he looked into my eyes

and guess what he did?

What? What?

He held my hand.

That's it?

Of course. I ain't
that kind of woman!

You think Leon wants to
marry you just because
he held your hand?

There are some things
a woman can just tell.

You know, it's a good
thing Leon didn't hold
both your hands,

or you'd have two kids
and a dog by now.

Look, I know it
sounds silly,

but Leon's coming here
in a little while
to teach me how to surf.

And I just know
he's gonna propose to me.

Well, if he does, what
are you gonna tell him?

I don't know.

This has all happened so fast.

When Mr. Jefferson
proposed to you,

did you give him an
answer right away?

No. I told him I
wanted some time
to think about it.

Well, how long did you
think about it?

I'm not sure.
My watch didn't
have a second hand.


Ooh, it sure is
pretty out here.

A lot prettier than New York.

George, I don't think
we should've gone past
the breakwater.

At least when you go
sailing out here, you
can see fish and coral.

In New York all you see is
orange peels and beer cans.

I don't even see land anymore.

Hey, Willis, listen to me.

How'd you like to live
out here all the time?

A nice house on the beach.

Yeah, I just wish
I could see the beach.

You can see the beach.
It's right over there.

Where the hell is the beach?

Man, let's move it.

No, no, not that way.
Move the tiller.



Just swing us around
so we'll be going back
the way we came.

I think we wanna go north.

Which way is north?
How you tell that?

Just look for
the north star.

It's daylight!

Oh. Hehe.
Yeah, you're right!

C'mon, Willis, do something.
You're the captain.

Well, what?
How should I know?

Just hurry up,
it's getting cloudy.

But I don't know
what to do.

Well, let's swing the sail.

No, don't stand up.
You'll tip us over.


Sit still, George. Grab
hold of something solid.


Hey, here he comes!
Here he comes!
Florence, calm down.

Right. Here he comes!

Good morning, everybody.


Florence, I have to
ask you something.

Would you be too disappointed
if we didn't go surfing today?

That's it?

Well, it looks like
there's a storm coming in

and the water might be
too rough for a beginner.

Gee, I hope Tom and George
make it back in okay.

Oh, I'm sure they saw
the storm coming.

By now, they're probably
sitting in some bar

swapping sea stories
over a cold beer.

I guess you're right.
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