07x03 - The Jeffersons Go to Hawaii: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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07x03 - The Jeffersons Go to Hawaii: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole lot of tryin'

Just to get up that hill

Now we're up
in the big leagues

Gettin' our turn at bat

As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

Ain't nothin' wrong
with that

We're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

NARRATOR: Last week on
The Jeffersons,

Louise and George received
a postcard from the Willises.

George, look at the
postcard we got
from Tom and Helen.

Oh, yeah? What'd
they have to say?

Oh, just that they are
having a wonderful
time in Hawaii

and they
wish we were there.

that day, George made
a doctor's appointment

and was told he had
high blood pressure.

The doctor recommended that
George take a vacation.

Now you're starting to
sound like my wife.

She was bugging me
this morning to take
her to Hawaii.

Go to Hawaii.
Spend a week or so, relax,

and I'll check your
blood pressure when
you get back.

NARRATOR: Without telling
her the real reason,

George surprised Louise with
plane tickets to Hawaii.

I got us some tickets
to Hawaii.

NARRATOR: George planned
his trip carefully, so that
he was leaving for Hawaii

the same day Tom and Helen
Willis were due home.

And just think, George.
No traffic, no smog...

And the best part of all,
no Willises.

NARRATOR: But what
George didn't plan on,

was the Willises deciding
to extend their vacation

And now,
The Jeffersons

Whoo! Mmm, mmm!

This place is perfect
for my horoscope.

Yeah, I was reading it on
the plane and it said

I'd soon be involved in
a running romance.

I can believe that.
Any man that sees you coming
is gonna start running.

See, George? I told you
it'd be too warm here
for a business suit.

Yeah, Mr. Jefferson,
this is Hawaii.

You supposed to let
your hair down,

or in your case, keep track
of what you got left.

Come on,
let's go check in.

Oh, Miss Jefferson,
would you check
in for me too?

Where are you going?

To the beach. I've been
in Hawaii minutes and
I haven't touched the ocean.

So what? You've been
working for us for six years,

you ain't touched
the vacuum cleaner.

I can see why Tom and
Helen like this hotel.

Why, is the furniture made
out of zebra skin?


This is better than
going to the supermarket
on Monday morning.

Aloha,pretty lady.

Yeah, you.

I was checking you
out from over there

and I could not
believe my eyes!

Why, ain't they got no
women where you come from?

Well, yes, but they don't
hold a candle to you.

Oh, go on.

No, really. How long have
you been living here?

Well I just got in today.
I'm a tourist.

A tourist?

I never would
have guessed.

Hey, would you do me the honor
of allowing me to place this
lei around your neck?


To set off those
gorgeous eyes.

Call me a romantic,

but I just got to
complete this picture.

Well, I guess we can't
have no underdeveloped
pictures, can we?


Well, how do I look?

Whoo! Fantastic.

Five dollars, please.

Five dollars?

Well, for the lei.

Well, I thought you wanted
to take my picture.

Well, that's gonna cost you
an extra five dollars.

Aloha,pretty lady.

George, I can't believe
we're really in Hawaii.

I never thought I'd
live to see this place.

Yeah, I know what
you mean, Weez.

Now, this afternoon
we could...

what are you doing?

Oh, nothing, I'm just looking
at this dumb machine that
checks your blood pressure.

Oh, wow,
isn't this something?

Why don't you sit down and
check your blood pressure
so we can see how it works?

Are you kidding, Weezy?
The thing costs cents!

We just got to the hotel and
you're blowing money already!

Now, the first thing I want
to do is buy some postcards.


Won't Tom and Helen
be surprised to find
out where we are?

Yeah, this vacation's
just what I need.

Seven whole days without
the Willises! Oh, boy!


...and after that,
we'll go to Diamond Head,
and then to the Pali,

and then to
the Bishop Museum.

That's enough for
the rest of the day.

That's enough for
the rest of the month!

Oh, Tom, stop complaining.

You promised we'd
go sightseeing.

Why don't we wait
until tomorrow?

That way, we could
have a full day.

Today, we could go
rent a sailboat and...

Tom, I told you,
I don't want to go sailing.

Now go rent a car while
I map out our route.

Helen, do you really want to
spend a nice day like this

cooped up in a stuffy car?

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Rent a convertible.

Now, Tom!

Yes, dear.


Helen, they won't have a
convertible until tomorrow,
so maybe we should...

Tom, I could've sworn I just
saw Florence out there.

Florence who?

Florence Johnston.
She walked right
across the patio.

Maybe we ought to forget
about the convertible.

You sound as if you've
had too much sun already.

But it looked just like her.

Maybe we ought to spend
the rest of the day just
taking it easy...

No, Tom, we're
going touring!

Now, are you going to rent
a car or do you want me to?

Okay, okay. But you just
stay here and relax.

I'll get a car with
air conditioning.

I'll be just a
second, George.

I have to find Florence
to give her her room key.

That's okay, Weezy.
I'll just stay here and
get me a reading.

I mean, uh, you know,
read a paper or something.

Okay, I'll be right back.
All right.

Do you want me to rent
the car for today, or
for today and tomorrow?

Tom, I just saw Louise.

Louise who?

Louise Jefferson.

Oh, Helen...

She walked straight
out that door.

I saw her as plain as day.

Helen, your mind is just
playing tricks on you

because you miss your friends.

Well, I haven't seen George.

Friends, Helen,
I said, "Friends".

Maybe you're right.
Of course I am.

Now you just finish with your
map and I'll be right back.

Hey, buddy,
you need to relax.

Uh, pardon me, sir, but
can you tell me the time?

No, sorry. Thanks, anyway.



Mr. Willis!
Mrs. Willis!

Florence! Louise!

Tom! Helen!

Louise! Florence!

Damn! Damn!

...and so Helen wanted to
do some sightseeing,

so we decided to stay
in Hawaii another week.

Oh, George, isn't
that wonderful?

Yeah, wonderful
for New York.

We were going touring
this afternoon, why
don't you go with us?

Oh, Helen, we don't have to
go sightseeing today.

I'm sure George and Louise are
tired after their long flight.

No, they ain't.
They slept on the plane.


Oh, we'd love
to go sightseeing.

Come on, George,
let's go change.

But Weezy, you said you
and me were gonna spend
a nice, quiet vacation.

I can't understand how
you can spend all that
money to get here,

and then just want to lay
around all the time.

sh**t, you can lay
around at home.

Yeah, nobody knows
that better than you.

Come on, everybody.
Let's go!

Come on, George!
It'll be fun!

A once-in-a-lifetime

Yeah, that's what
I'm afraid of.

Oh, come on, George.

Oh, isn't it wonderful here?

Yeah, it sure is.

We've been here three
days already and I ain't
got dizzy once!

Why would you he dizzy?

Huh? Oh, you know,
when I stay in the sun
a long time, I get dizzy.

You never told me that.

Oh, no? Oh.

I guess we only
talk on cloudy days.

George, you know, ever since
we've been here, you seem
like a new person.

I do?

You seem much more
relaxed than you are at home.

You don't get angry
or upset.

You're even getting along
with Tom Willis.

Yeah, old Willis
is easier to take now
that he's got a tan!

Yeah, but I know what
you mean, Weez.

We should have never waited
this long to come over here.

You're right, George.
Life's too short.

Yeah, not anymore,
it ain't.

Oh, hi, Florence.
Ooh, what lovely flowers.

Yeah. I found out it was
an old Hawaiian custom.

If a woman wears a flower
on the left side, it means
she's spoken for.

And if she wears it on
the right side, it means
she's available.

Available for what, planting?

George! Florence, would
you like to join us?

Oh, no thanks, Miss Jefferson.
You know what they say,

"Two's company
and three's a crowd."

Oh, Florence, that's silly.

No, it ain't. I heard a
lot of people say that.

Look, Miss Jefferson,
I appreciate you including
me in everything,

but this is your
vacation, too.

I mean, you've got
Mr. Jefferson,

and Mrs. Willis has
got Mr. Willis.

sh**t, I just wish I
could find me somebody.

Why don't you put another
flower in your hair,

maybe you can find
yourself a gardener?

Florence, I know you'd
like to meet someone,

but you've only been
here a few days.

Yeah, but my horoscope said
I'd meet somebody soon.

Look, maybe you're
trying too hard.

You want me to give
you some good advice?

Just be yourself.

Weezy, I thought you
said, "Good advice"?

Mr. Jefferson's right.

I've been myself all my life
and that's all it's gotten me.


Well, I'm going
down the beach

and see if I can find
somebody interesting.

You better settle
for anything!

Yeah, Weez?

Shut up.

Man, I can't believe
I haven't been able to
find myself a woman.

This is supposed to be
the Island of Romance.

One woman isn't too
much to ask for, is it?

I mean, all I want is
someone who's nice.

Someone who's
easy to talk to.

Someone my wife will
never find out about.

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself!
Say what?

Do you think I'd go out
with a two-timer like you?
But I...

I'm glad I found out about
you before it was too late!

You all right, ma'am?

Yes, and I ain't
a ma'am, I'm a miss!

Excuse me. But you
stepped in my puka.
I did?

No, no... Pukain
Hawaiian means "hole".

Oh. Well, you ought to
be more careful where
you put your pukas!

Again, I apologize.
My name is Leon Kanekuulo.

Well, pleased to meet you,
Mr. Kane...

Kanekuulo. But you
can call me Leon.

My name is
Florence Johnston.

Nice to meet you,
Miss Johnston.

But you can
call me Florence.

You live in Hawaii?

Yep. I was born here.

Oh, it must be a nice place
to bring up a family.

Yeah, but I don't
have a family.

I haven't found the
right woman yet.


I mean, aw!

I'm sorry I ruined
your sand castle.

Don't worry, Florence.

That means, "Hang loose",

"Don't worry",
"No big deal".

You mind if I help you?

Of course not.
I'd love the company.

Okay, what do you
want me to do?

Well, you could get me
some more wet sand,
if it's not too much trouble.

Hey, Leon...

Sorry, friend.
Oh, it's all right, here.

No, no, no.

You take it, and flick it
with your wrist like that.

Oh, oh, I see.

That's it.
I think you're a natural.
Want to join us?

All right, come on.

Hey, Weezy, keep an
eye on my stuff.

You just might be
looking at the next
Frisbee throwing champ.

Oh, good. The prize'll
look nice next to your
trophy for throwing the bull.

Hey guys, got a new player.

Hey, that's very good.

You sure do
beautiful work, Leon.

Well, I could never have
done it without you.

You're the best
helper I ever had.

Are you an architect?

No, this is just a hobby.

I'm in charge of
security at the hotel.

Security? Well, you can
protect me any time!

Uh-oh, I gotta go.

Have you got plans
for tonight?

Well, I was gonna see
that Polynesian show,

but I don't really
want to see that.

That's too bad, I was
going to invite you

to come to the Polynesian
show with me.

Hey, I always wanted to
see a Polynesian show.

Fantastic. I'll meet you
at : , all right?

See you at : .


All right!


That was fun, huh?

Yeah, man, that was
quite some workout.

You're really good, uh...

George. George Jefferson.

George, Bill Wilson.
Ah, hey, Bill,

Man, you know you
make that Frisbee do
everything but the hula.

Yeah, well, I get a chance
to practice a little bit
every day, George.

Ah, you live in Hawaii?

Yep. I moved here
years ago from Chicago.

I left there on
my th birthday.


You're ?
You don't look it!

It's these islands.

My doc in Chicago told
me that if I didn't learn
how to relax more,

I'd be dead in a year.
You know what I did when
he told me that?

Loaded up on life insurance?
No, no.

I sold my business and
I moved here right away.

I've been great ever since.

You mean you gave up
everything and moved
to Hawaii?

Well, I tried, but my
wife came with me anyway.

What do you
do for a living?

As little
as possible.

You see, I took the money
that I got for my business,

and I got somebody to
invest it for me over here.

I guess I don't have to tell
you what a good investment
counselor can do for you.

Oh, of course not.

What can he do for you?

Well, instead of me working
for money, he's got my
money working for me.

You mean you don't even work?

Ken Sanders, my investment
counselor, he does everything.

I'll tell you, George,
Hawaii is a gold mine.

And that Ken has a great
nose for good business deals.

Hmm. Do you think he'd do
a little sniffing for me?

I beg your pardon?

You know, maybe set me up
with something like you got.

Yeah, well, as a matter
of fact, I'm meeting Ken
in the bar tonight.

If you want to come by,
I'll introduce you to him.

Great! What time?
: .

Oh, damn! I'm taking my
wife to that Polynesian
show tonight.

Ah, okay...

But I'll think of something,
don't worry about it.

All right, George, but I
gotta tell you something.

When it comes to money, Ken
doesn't deal on a small scale.

We need the small scales
for lightweights.

See you tonight.
You take it easy.

"Take it easy"?
Yeah, I plan to.

Hey, can I make a
call on this phone?

As far as I know, that's
all you can do on it.

I tried surfing on it
once, but the cord wasn't
long enough.

What are you?
The local comedian?

What are you?
A talent scout?

Just pick it up and the
operator will come on.

Hello, operator?

I'd like to make a
person-to-person call

to Mr. Curt Randall
in New York City.

The area code is ...

Hi, cutie.
How about a drink?

That sounds great.

But I think I'll let my
husband buy it for me.

Would he buy
me one too?

Yeah, you heard me right.

Ask Blue Sky Cleaners how
soon they can buy my stores.

What? How am I supposed
to know what they worth?

You the accountant!

I know it's a big step.

But look, this could be
a matter of life or death.


Ooh! Oops, I gotta go.

I'll talk to you later.


George, who were
you talking to?

Talking to?
Yes, on the phone.

On the phone?

Oh, I was just making sure
we had reservations for that
Polynesian show tonight.

Oh, how thoughtful.

You know, George,
these last few days
have really been great.

Yeah, Weez, they sure have.

Hawaii's such a
beautiful place.

Ain't it? You know,
I feel like we jumped
inside of a postcard.

I could stay here forever.

Really, Weez?

You know, that's funny,
I was just thinking
the same thing.
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