06x08 - Joltin' George

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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06x08 - Joltin' George

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin'

♪ Just to get up that hill

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat

♪ As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

♪ There ain't nothin' wrong
with that

♪ We're movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

♪ Movin' on up
♪ Movin' on up

♪ To the East Side
♪ Movin' on up

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

Florence, you seen
the sports page?

Yeah. It stinks.

The Knicks lost?

No. I used it to
wrap the garbage in.

Now I ain't got nothin' to do.


There's the doorbell.
Why don't you do that?

That's your job, remember?

Mr. Jefferson,
I would get the door
if it wasn't for my legs.

What's wrong with your legs?

They ain't as close
to the door as yours.


And besides, it's Sunday,

and even the good Lord
took a rest on Sunday.

(SCOFFS) Not if
you were his maid.

Hey, boss.
What's goin' down?

Her salary.

Hi, Florence.

What you want, Marcus?

Well, I need some help

with a kind of, uh,
well, a mathematics

Okay, sh**t.
I got a brain
like a computer.

Yeah, the pocket-size.

Well, here's the problem,
Mr. Jefferson.

A monthly membership
at Mickey's Gym costs $ .


Well, Marcus only has $ .

I feel a computer
overload comin' on.

how many dollars will
Marcus have to borrow

from his boss
if Marcus wants
to join the gym?

That's easy. Zero.


I thought you had
a mind like a computer.

I do.

But I also got a wallet
like a bank vault.

Look, why do you
wanna join a gym,

Don't you get enough
exercise working for me?

Well, you see, last night

I was at this disco
talkin' to this chick.

Next thing I know,
her boyfriend came up

and laid me out with one punch.

You're kidding!
You let him get
away with that?

No, I really messed him up.

I bled all over his shoes.

The thing is, he knew
how to box and I didn't.

So I wanna take some lessons.

Good idea. I used to box
when I was in the Navy.

They used to call
me Joltin' George.

Joltin' George? You?

Yeah, that's right.
I was a welterweight.

I don't know
what a welter is,

but it sure must
not weigh very much.

Come on.

Hey, you know,
you do look pretty
good with your dukes.

You're damn right.
Always have been.

When I was a kid,

they used to
call me this name.
I used to hate it.

Every time
I heard that name,
I'd get in a fight.

And I heard that name a lot.

I bet you were
a tough little runt.

That was the name!

Take it easy, man.

Take it easy.
I'll bleed on your shoes.


So, how about it,
Mr. Jefferson?

Will you loan me
the bread for the gym?

Well, look,

I'll give you the money

and some advice
to go along with it.

What's the advice?

Make sure you pay me back.

They didn't call me
Joltin' George for nothin'.

Thanks, Mr. Jefferson.

Hey, why don't you come with me?

Maybe you can
teach me a few things.

Sorry, Marcus, I ain't got time.

Why, what are you doin' today?

Nothin', and I'm gonna
spend all day doin' it.
Ha, ha.

are you about ready to...

Oh, hi, Marcus.
Hi, Mrs. Jefferson.

George, you haven't
forgotten what we were
going to do today, have you?


The bedroom, remember?

Oh, come on, Weezy.
I don't feel like it.

I got a headache.

George, you promised
to help me rearrange
the bedroom furniture today.

Oh, right.
But I can't.

And why not?

Well, because
I promised Marcus here
I'd teach him how to box.

You did?


Oh, yeah, you did.

See, Marcus got in a fight
the other night, right?

And he got
a few marbles knocked loose.
So his mind comes and goes.

So I'm gonna
take him to the gym.
Now, look, George...

Look, Weezy, don't get mad.

I'm doing it for the kid.

The kid?

Kid Jefferson,
that's what I think.

"Kid Jefferson"?
Hey, that ain't bad.

But it ain't as catchy
as Joltin' George.

These fists are made of iron.

Good, they match your head.

I'm sorry they didn't have

any clothes that fit you better.

Don't worry about it.
I don't want to show
my body off anyway.

Yeah, if I was you,
I'd keep it a secret, too.

Man, this is great.

The sights, the sounds.

Even the smell takes me back.

You must be glad you left.

Oh, you'll get used to it.

Hey, look, you better
hurry up and get started.

Yeah, right.
What do we do?

We don't do nothin'.
You the one who's gotta
start getting warmed up.

How? How are we
gonna get warmed up?

I don't see no
girls around here.

Now that's how
I'd like to warm up.

Can you teach me how to do that?

You wanna learn how to do that?

Yeah, from the master!

The master?

Oh, right.


Here we go.

I think this bag is off balance.

But, if you're real good,

you only need one punch.


Hey, come on over here.

I'm gonna show you
how to build up your arms.

How do we do that?
I'll show you.

See these handles?
You grab these handles, right?

Grab both of 'em, tight.

Okay, then,

you throw your...

You throw your... Okay.

You throw your...

All right, Mr. Jefferson!
You did it!

Damn thing needs oilin'.

Uh, maybe we ought to try
somethin' a little simpler.

Right, okay. Oh, hey,
right over here. Come on.

Five sit-ups each.

You got it.

All right.



That was five?

Yeah. Two up
and three down.

Okay, now, I got it.

Now, I'm gonna
show you how to really
tighten up your stomach.

Stay over there.

Now, I'm gonna
throw this ball, see?

But, remember,
catch it in your stomach.


You ready?
I'm ready.


Hey, look, I'm sorry, pal.

I was just tryin'
to show the kid how
to use the medicine ball.


Somebody ought
to show you how
to use one first.

Listen, lighten up.
I told you it was a mistake.

The mistake was letting
a jerk like you in the gym.

Jerk? Who you callin' jerk?

I'm looking at him.

Oh, yeah?
Well, I guess
you can see me,

'cause you ain't got
no hair falling in your eyes.

How'd you like
a fist in your eyes?

Don't be foolish.

You're talkin'
to Joltin' George.

Joltin' George?

You ain't got enough
volts to jolt nobody,
you little runt.

Runt? Did you call me runt?

you just said
one word too many.

I did, huh?
Why don't we stop talkin',
man, and step into the ring?

Come on!
No, no! You can't.

I mean, don't...
I mean...

Oh, it's bein' used.

Oh, yeah,
I guess it is.
Lucky for you.

Well, lucky for you,
I got the ring reserved

tomorrow at :
for an hour.

An hour? Great.

That's minutes
more than I'll need.

I'll see you tomorrow,



Mr. Jefferson,
are you sure you
wanna fight that guy?

I can handle him.
Don't forget this.

Hey, wait a minute.

Did you say tomorrow?

I got something
to do tomorrow.

I gotta get a haircut.

Don't worry about it.

When I get through with you,

you ain't gonna need no haircut,

'cause you ain't
gonna have no head!


You got a problem?

No, but it sure
looks like you do.

What is it, fleas?

I'm shadow boxing.

Well, give me five bucks
on the shadow.




Oh, George? George?
Are you okay?
Don't hit me. Don't hit me.

I'm not going to hit you.

I'm not talking about you.
I'm talking about the guy
I'm fighting tomorrow.



what are you
talking about?

Oh, it's nothin', Weezy.
It's too silly to talk about.

Being silly
has never stopped
you from talking before.

Now what's this about
you fighting tomorrow?

Did I say I was
fighting tomorrow?

And you better give me
an explanation unless
you want a fight tonight!

Okay, Weezy.

I had a run-in
with this dude
down at the gym,

and we decided to settle it
in the ring tomorrow.

George, are you crazy?

You could get k*lled!

Weezy, you don't even
know the guy I'm fighting.

No, but I do know you.

You're not a fighter,
you're a cleaner.

Okay, now,
what do you
want me to do?

Challenge him to
a cleaning contest?

What I want you to do
is call this fight off.

Weezy, are you kidding?

Look, a man with no pride
is a nobody.

Now, he challenged me,
so I gotta save face.

That's exactly what
I'm trying to save.

Your face!
Well, you can just
save your breath,

'cause I don't wanna
hear about it. sh**t.

Okay, George.
Don't listen
to reason.

But I'm warning you.

If he breaks your neck,

I'm gonna break your neck.

Hi, Mrs. Jefferson.

What are you doing here?

Well, Mr. Jefferson
gave me the afternoon off

so I could referee.

Really? Can you fix it
so that George doesn't
get hurt?

You mean, cheat?

Now, I wouldn't do that.

But don't worry,

I'll stop it as soon
as either one of them

busts a nose
or spits out any teeth.

Where's George?

He's in the dressing room
with Marcus

having his hands taped.

He should be having
his mouth taped.

Who's George fighting?

Uh, that guy right over there.

Uh, excuse me.


Uh, I'm Louise Jefferson,
George Jefferson's wife.

You got my sympathy.

Uh, look,
you don't really want
to fight my husband, do you?

Sure, why not?

Well, he's...
He's an orphan.


And he's also a veteran.

That way you won't have
to pay for his funeral.

And he only has one kidney.

Really? Which side?
I don't wanna waste
a good kidney punch.

There must be some way
I can get you
not to hurt my husband.

Forget it, lady.

How about $ ?

You said your husband
was an orphan?

What do you want me to do?

Just don't hit him.

And when he hits you,
you go down. Okay?

No problem, lady.

You got a deal.
Uh, now, you won't forget?

Hey, I got my pride, okay.

When I take a dive,
I do it right.

what're you doing here?

Look, if you came here
to talk me out of fighting,
forget it.

No, George, I'm not.
I don't care what you say,

What did you say?

I said,
I'm not going to try to
talk you out of fighting.

Why not?

Well, like you said
last night, George,

a man without pride is a nobody.

On the other hand,
a man without teeth
is an ugly nobody.

Hey, I got an idea.

there's a better way
than winning a fight

to show Marcus how to be a man.

Uh, what do you mean?

Well, this is what I'll do,

for Marcus' sake, understand.

I'm gonna throw the fight.

That way, I can show
Marcus even if you lose,
you can still be a man.

Throw the fight?

Yeah, Weezy.
I won't even throw
a punch at the guy.

And after he throws
his first punch at me,
I'll just hit the floor.

Uh, George,
you could hit him once.

Weezy, I could hit him
a thousand times
if I wanted to.

But I got to do this for Marcus.

But, George...

Fighters to the center
of the ring!

Don't worry, Weezy.
Everything'll be fine.

Okay, men.
This is a -round fight.

Now, keep it clean.

No hitting below the belt.

When I say break, you break.

And the most
important rule of all,

please, don't nobody
hit the referee.

May the best man win.

That be you,
Mr. Jefferson.

Well, this is it.

Good luck.



MARCUS: Hit him.
Foot work, foot work.

Mr. J, now watch out
for that left. Watch out.

Hit him.

MAN: Looking good.

MARCUS: Another right.




No, thanks.
I'm too tired to spit.

How am I doin' so far?


Is it just me,
Mr. Jefferson,

or do you notice
somethin' strange
about this fight, too?


I was looking
for a bigger crowd.

No. I mean,
nobody's thrown a punch.

Yeah, I was thinkin' about that.

It's a heck of
a defensive battle,
ain't it?


Go get him.

No, no, no.
There he is.

MARCUS: Hit him.
You got him on
the run now.


Come on,
Mr. Jefferson.
You can do it.

How you got the fight
scored so far, Leroy?

Well, if this
was a baseball game,

both you guys
would have no-hitters.


This is the last round.

Will you do somethin' for me?

What's that?

I've got news for you, Marcus.

It ain't easy to last rounds.

I know. I almost fell
asleep in the seventh.


Okay, boys, last dance.

I mean, last round.

Now touch gloves
and come out fighting.

One, two, two and a half.

Three, four, five.

MARCUS: Get up!
Five and a half,

Come on, Mr. Jefferson.
He's not gonna get up.

Oh, yeah? Hey...

Seven, eight, nine, ten.
You're out!

The winner.

My boss, Jumpin' George!

Joltin' George.
Cool it, Leroy.

I don't want this guy
askin' for no rematch.


'cause that just might
cost you another C-note.

What the heck is that?

It's okay, Mr. Jefferson.
I know you paid the man
not to hit you.

I don't blame you.

I didn't pay nobody nothin'!

Where'd that come from?

It came from me.

George, I...
Weezy, will you stay outta
this. Listen, Marcus...

What do you mean
it came from you?

I'm sorry, George.
I just didn't want
you to get hurt.

Hurt? Weezy,
I could have dropped
that bum like a hot potato!

Well, then, why didn't you?

Well, because I...

why don't you
tell Marcus the truth?

The truth?

Okay, the truth is...

Well, the truth is,
I was scared.

Why didn't you say so,
Mr. Jefferson? So was I.

Oh, yeah. I shouldn't have
gotten into this fight
in the first place.

Hey, buddy.
You see...

You're holding something
that belongs to me.

Not now, man.
I'm talkin'.

Anyway, where was I, Marcus?
Oh, yeah.

Look, Marcus, just
because you lose a fight,

doesn't make you less of a man.

I mean, like
that dude that hit you

the other night over that chick.

He's the real loser.

I know.
I got a date
with her tonight!

Hey! I said,
I want my dough.

And I said I'm talkin'.

Somethin' wrong
with your hearing?

Where was I? Look.

I mean, what does it take
to clobber somebody?
Anybody can do that.

I'm through being nice, runt.


All right, come on!
Get up!

Come on,
I'll knock you into orbit.

Yeah, just get up.
Come on.

Hey, hey,
just kidding.
Just kidding.
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