05x180 - Calling of the Shining Stars: Enter Haruka and Michiru

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x180 - Calling of the Shining Stars: Enter Haruka and Michiru

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Venus: I did it! I'm connected!

Sailor Venus: Hello!

Regular Dialogue: I'm sorry, all the tickets to the Fantastic International Music Festival are sold out.

Sailor Venus: Sold out!

Sailor Venus: Sold out!

Sailor Jupiter: Minako-san!

Sailor Mars: A chance to see Three-Lights in concert? And we can't get any tickets?

Regular Dialogue: Right...

Sailor Venus: No! No! No! No! No!

Sailor Jupiter: Hey, don't act like a child!

Sailor Neptune: Hello, how are you?

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san! Michiru-san!

Sailor Uranus: Hi!

Sailor Neptune: Could these be the tickets you're looking for?

Sailor Moon: T-This is it! Are you sure?

Sailor Neptune: Of course.

Regular Dialogue: Now we can see Three-Lights play live!

Sailor Jupiter: But why do you have tickets, Michiru-san?

Sailor Mercury: And, they're invitations!

Sailor Moon: Well, you took a measure behind the closed door, didn't you?

Sailor Moon: In fact, you're also a secret fan of Three-Lights, aren't you, Michiru-san?

Sailor Neptune: Oh my!

Sailor Uranus: No wonder. You don't know what's going on.

Sailor Moon: What?

Sailor Mars: Three-Lights & Kaiou Michiru: A joint concert?

Sailor Moon: Great! So, what is a joint concert?

Sailor Venus: Oh dear.

Sailor Mars: Hey, what were you so impressed at?

Sailor Mercury: A joint concert means that the musicians play together live in concert.

Sailor Moon: So, Three-Lights and Michiru-san?

Regular Dialogue: Yes! Yes!

Sailor Moon: Are going to play together?

Regular Dialogue: That's right!

Sailor Moon: Like cool and hot?

Regular Dialogue: Sure, like cool and hot?

Sailor Moon: That's incredible!

Regular Dialogue: That's really incredible!

Galaxia: Sailor Iron Mouse! Do you understand what I said?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Yes...

Galaxia: Then you understand that you don't have many chances remaining, right?

Galaxia: There's no room for useless people!

Galaxia: If you want to live, find a real Star Seed! There's no excuse for failure!

Galaxia: Understood?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Yes. I'll search as if my life depends on it.

Sailor Iron Mouse: If I fail this time, it's going to be a real problem.

Sailor Iron Mouse: I wonder what kind of person has a real Star Seed.

Sailor Iron Mouse: There are an awful lot of people here.

Sailor Iron Mouse: They should wear nametags or something!

Sailor Iron Mouse: This it it!

Sailor Iron Mouse: A world-renowned scholar like him must have a real Star Seed!

Sailor Star Fighter: What kind of woman is this Kaiou Michiru?

Sailor Star Healer: Well, I don't like it. Doing a joint with a stranger.

Sailor Star Maker: Don't worry about it! We should play our music. Just for our princess.

Sailor Star Fighter: Okay, Let's go. It's time!

Sailor Jupiter: I guess meeting here is a problem.

Sailor Venus: Hey! It's almost time!

Sailor Mars: Usagi, what are you doing?

Sailor Jupiter: Hey, I bet she took the wrong bus and got completely lost!

Regular Dialogue: That's her!

Sailor Mercury: No way! She's a high school student now. That's impossible...

Sailor Neptune: What is this feeling?

Sailor Neptune: A very strong wave?

Sailor Neptune: A message of their love?

Sailor Star Fighter: This feeling...

Sailor Star Fighter: ...a strong brightness of a star?

Sailor Star Fighter: Kaiou Michiru...

Sailor Star Fighter: {\i \pos( , )}Who are you?

Sailor Neptune: {\i \pos( , )}Who are you?

Sailor Moon: Is it over?

Sailor Uranus: You're late! Everyone was worried.

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san! It's over, right?

Sailor Uranus: Oh? Y-Yes.

Sailor Moon: No! No! No! No! No!

Sailor Uranus: Come on.

Sailor Uranus: Well, I'm going to Michiru's dressing room. Do you want to come with me?

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Neptune: Come on in! Its open! Oh!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hi, congratulations!

Sailor Neptune: Congratulations! You did very well!

Sailor Star Fighter: You too, Michiru! You were incredible!

Sailor Neptune: Do you mean it? Thank you!

Sailor Star Fighter: To tell you the truth, I'm a fan of yours!

Sailor Neptune: You?

Sailor Neptune: You don't look like a listener of the classics.

Sailor Neptune: Well thanks anyway. But let's keep it secret from your fans...

Sailor Neptune: ...otherwise, I don't know what they might do to me.

Sailor Star Fighter: You're mysterious!

Sailor Neptune: So, how about you?

Sailor Star Fighter: I want to know much more about you.

Sailor Neptune: Oh, do you?

Sailor Neptune: Then, do you want to help me change?

Sailor Uranus: I'm coming in, Michiru!

Sailor Moon: Michiru-san! Oh? Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Star Fighter: Well, well. You're with a good-looking guy!

Sailor Moon: Don't be rude! Haruka-san is...

Sailor Neptune: ...my important partner!

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh? You're bad-natured, Michiru.

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm Seiya Kou! Nice to meet you!

Sailor Uranus: Tenoh Haruka.

Sailor Uranus: Nice to meet you!

Sailor Star Fighter: Nice greeting, eh?

Sailor Uranus: Go away!

Sailor Star Fighter: Well, Michiru-san! Have a nice evening!

Sailor Star Fighter: Visit us later, Dumpling! See you!

Sailor Uranus: Don't let him into your dressing room, okay?

Sailor Neptune: Oh? Are you jealous?

Sailor Moon: Haruka-san, please accept my apology for him.

Sailor Moon: He can be rude, but he's really a nice guy. Please forgive him!

Sailor Neptune: Haruka is suspicious of strangers. By the way, it's okay to visit him, right?

Sailor Moon: Yes, I'm going! I'll see you later!

Sailor Uranus: Michiru, I was...

Sailor Neptune: Now, do you want to help me?

Sailor Uranus: All right.

Sailor Star Fighter: Tenoh Haruka...

Sailor Star Fighter: I felt the same...

Sailor Star Fighter: strong brightness of a star.

Sailor Star Fighter: I wonder who he is.

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey you!

Sailor Star Fighter: Did you finish talking with the good-looking guy?

Sailor Moon: Hey, listen! Haruka-san is a woman!

Sailor Star Fighter: You're trying to make an excuse!

Sailor Moon: No way! And what about you? If we hadn't shown up, what would you have done?

Sailor Star Fighter: N-Nothing!

Sailor Moon: Why are you so upset? Well, I don't think Michiru-san is serious about a kid!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's kind of cold! And for starters, how do you know them?

Sailor Moon: Do you really want to know?

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm not sure.

Sailor Moon: They are important...

Sailor Moon: They are important to me.

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh my. The mysterious aura around you grows larger and larger!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, no!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling! Are you okay?

Sailor Moon: I'm sorry.

Regular Dialogue: Are you okay, Mademoiselle?

Sailor Star Fighter: Mr.Garayan!

Sailor Star Fighter: Are you okay?

Regular Dialogue: Yes, thank you.

Sailor Moon: Do you know him?

Sailor Star Fighter: You really don't know Mr.Garayan?

Sailor Moon: Mr.Gara-pan?

Sailor Star Fighter: Y-You're terribly rude!

Regular Dialogue: A funny mademoiselle! Your girlfriend?

Sailor Star Fighter: Yes, that kind of thing.

Sailor Moon: No, just a friend!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's kind of cold, isn't it?

Regular Dialogue: Seiya!

Sailor Star Fighter: Y-Yes?

Regular Dialogue: Today's live show was excellent!

Sailor Star Fighter: Thank you.

Regular Dialogue: I felt a mysterious wave in your songs.

Regular Dialogue: In strong passion, I can feel gentle love.

Regular Dialogue: But it is somewhat sad. Right! It's like a message to your love!

Regular Dialogue: I'm talking such nonsense... Ouch.

Sailor Moon: Are you all right?

Sailor Star Fighter: I'll go with you to your room.

Regular Dialogue: That's okay. I'll go back to my room after I go get some fresh night air.

Regular Dialogue: See you.

Regular Dialogue: Seiya! If your songs are really a message to your love...

Regular Dialogue: I hope they reach her as soon as possible.

Sailor Star Fighter: Yes!

Regular Dialogue: Ouch...

Sailor Moon: Is he such a great old man? That Gara-pan.

Sailor Star Fighter: Garayan!

Sailor Moon: That's Garayan!

Sailor Star Fighter: He's a world-renowned conductor.

Sailor Star Fighter: At the end of today's stage, you saw the New Tokyo Orchestra, right?

Sailor Star Fighter: He's the conductor!

Sailor Moon: Oh.

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh? You didn't see it?

Sailor Moon: I have some reasons for that.

Sailor Star Fighter: What are you saying?

Sailor Moon: But anyway, is he all right? Well, I'll go and check on him!

Sailor Star Fighter: Okay!

Sailor Star Fighter: A mysterious wave? It really reached somebody, didn't it? Our message!

Regular Dialogue: Ouch... Oh, what a terrible thing!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I'm sorry, but you might see more terrible things.

Regular Dialogue: Who are you?

Sailor Iron Mouse: I'm a producer at Galaxy T.V. Oh?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Galaxy T.V. Oh God. My business card.

Regular Dialogue: What can I do for you?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh God! Don't bother!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Your Star Seed! Give it to me!

Regular Dialogue: Oh my God!

Sailor Moon: That old man!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Wow! A beautiful shine! I'm sure this is...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh? Hey! Hey!

Sailor Iron Mouse: It's wrong! Next! Let's go next!

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Moon: Our big brothers and sisters! We must take good care of seniors!

Sailor Moon: For love and justice

Sailor Moon: Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Okay! Okay!

Sailor Moon: So, just wait!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I don't have time to play with you! I have to do overtime today!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Bye!

Sailor Moon: Hey you!

Sailor Moon: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Conductor!

Sailor Moon: As I expected, this is the natural course of events.

Regular Dialogue: Welcome to my theater!

Regular Dialogue: Today, I'll begin with the first movement! PIANO!

Regular Dialogue: The second movement! CELLO!

Regular Dialogue: The third movement! VIOLIN!

Regular Dialogue: At last, the impressive final movement.

Regular Dialogue: Who are you?

Sailor Star Healer: Penetrating the darkness of the night.

Sailor Star Maker: The air of freedom breaks through.

Sailor Star Fighter: We are the three sacred sh**ting stars.

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Star Fighter!

Sailor Star Maker: Sailor Star Maker!

Sailor Star Healer: Sailor Star Healer!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Starlights! Stage on!

Sailor Moon: Starlights!

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Star Healer: What a bother!

Sailor Moon: Thank you.

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: BEAUTIFUL!

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Moon: Let me thank you for today in a proper manner! Thank you very much for helping me.

Sailor Moon: I believe that we can keep fighting together.

Sailor Star Fighter: What do you think?

Sailor Star Maker: We seem to have a common enemy.

Sailor Star Healer: I don't mind as long as you don't bother us.

Sailor Star Fighter: That's our answer!

Sailor Moon: Let's work together!

Sailor Star Fighter: Who are you?

Sailor Uranus: Go away! I won't miss again!

Sailor Moon: Oh no! Please, stop you two!

Sailor Uranus: Those guys are intruders from outside the Solar System!

Sailor Uranus: I can't believe them!

Sailor Moon: That's not true! They're not bad!

Sailor Neptune: Step aside!

Sailor Star Fighter: Forget it!

Sailor Star Healer: You don't have to cooperate with us!

Sailor Star Maker: We can manage by ourselves!

Sailor Star Fighter: After all, we can't work together, can we?

Sailor Moon: That's not true!

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Moon: That's not true. We can understand each other.

Sailor Moon: Why? Why can't we come together with them?

Sailor Neptune: It's our mission to protect you from outside intruders.

Sailor Neptune: Please understand, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Star Fighter: Dumpling!

Sailor Star Fighter: You're still here! I'll take you home since it's late.

Sailor Moon: Hey, Seiya.

Sailor Moon: Can't we make friends with someone who came from...

Sailor Moon: a far, distant, unknown place?

Sailor Star Fighter: What's with you so suddenly?

Sailor Moon: So, what do you think?

Sailor Star Fighter: What do I think? I don't know.

Sailor Star Fighter: For example, I'm a transfer student from a far-away city that you've never seen.

Sailor Star Fighter: I think I'm your friend.

Sailor Moon: That's right!

Sailor Moon: Oh, I'm relieved!

Sailor Star Fighter: What's up?

Sailor Moon: All right! Let's go home!

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn! You're funny!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey Dumpling, why are you so serious?

Sailor Moon: Oh nothing! It's not good for only us to be in this room!

Sailor Star Fighter: So, this is your first time?

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't worry! I'll lead! It's so good!

Sailor Moon: No! I have Mamo-chan, my important person!

Sailor Star Fighter: Come on!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Seiya And Usagi's Nervous Date

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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