05x178 - Luna's Discovery: The Real Face of Yaten

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x178 - Luna's Discovery: The Real Face of Yaten

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Venus: Luna is missing?

Sailor Moon: She's been gone for a week...

Artemis: That's bizarre. Luna would have informed us.

Sailor Mars: I wonder if something has happened...

Sailor Jupiter: A traffic accident?

Sailor Mercury: A Public Health Center?

Sailor Venus: A traveling troupe has picked her up and...

Regular Dialogue: Minako-chan!

Sailor Venus: Sorry! It's a joke, a joke!

Sailor Jupiter: Anyways...

Sailor Mars: We put up signs.

Sailor Mercury: We just have to wait for her to communicate...

Sailor Venus: Oh! It's Yaten-kun!

Sailor Mars: Cool!

Sailor Moon: Let me see!

Artemis: Oh? That cat!

Regular Dialogue: What a pretty cat!

Sailor Star Healer: She's my family.

Regular Dialogue: Have you kept her for a long time?

Sailor Venus: Isn't she Luna?

Sailor Mercury: It's Luna, isn't she?

Sailor Mars: Without a doubt!

Sailor Moon: It's Luna!

Artemis: Luna, how come?

Regular Dialogue: Hi, little cat! Smile!

Episode Title: {\fad( , )\pos( , )}Luna Saw It!?

Episode Title: {\fad( , )\pos( , )}The True Idol Yaten

Sailor Moon: He doesn't seem particularly suspicious.

Sailor Mercury: Please don't talk as if he's a thief!

Sailor Jupiter: Well, I think you should ask him.

Sailor Venus: That's right! There must be a reason...

Sailor Venus: ...why Luna and Yaten-kun were on T.V., it still hangs over my head!

Regular Dialogue: Really...

Sailor Moon: I'll ask him!

Regular Dialogue: Excuse me...

Sailor Venus: I'm sorry!

Regular Dialogue: You're Tsukino-san in Class I, first year, aren't you?

Sailor Moon: Yes, right...

Regular Dialogue: Well, please take this...

Sailor Jupiter: A love letter?

Sailor Moon: Well, I appreciate your feelings, but there is already someone...

Regular Dialogue: Oh, no...

Sailor Moon: Don't cry! Even though you can't be a girlfriend...

Sailor Moon: ...you may want to be one of my friends.

Sailor Moon: And, it's better to fall in love with a boy!

Regular Dialogue: When you said, "there is already someone", was that about yourself?

Sailor Moon: Yes, I feel a bit awkward, but it's right.

Regular Dialogue: Can you please give this to Yaten-kun? See you!

Sailor Venus: Who thought it would go to Usagi-chan?

Sailor Mercury: Sorry, I thought Usagi-chan was that type of girl!

Sailor Mercury: Oh! I don't mean that in particular!

Sailor Moon: Yaten-kun!

Regular Dialogue: Usagi, go on! Quick! Usagi!

Sailor Moon: Yaten-kun, what are you reading?

Sailor Star Healer: Nothing special, no one bothers me when I read unless they're on errand, right?

Sailor Star Healer: What are you doing?

Sailor Moon: I called you because I have some errands!

Sailor Star Healer: What you call an errand, I guess...

Sailor Star Healer: ...is something like handing over someone else's love letter!

Sailor Moon: Bingo!

Sailor Star Healer: I get too many of those!

Sailor Moon: Here!

Sailor Moon: Hey! What did you do?

Sailor Star Healer: A vinyl bottle isn't flammable?

Sailor Moon: You disposed of the letter without reading it! Why did you ignore a girl's feeling?

Sailor Star Healer: It's none of your business!

Sailor Moon: That's not the point!

Sailor Star Healer: That is the point!

Sailor Moon: Wait! What kind of attitude is that?

Sailor Venus: He's super idol, all right!

Regular Dialogue: That's not the point!

Sailor Moon: Damn!

Sailor Mars: That's why you missed the chance to ask?

Sailor Mercury: Perhaps, Yaten-kun doesn't like love letters too.

Regular Dialogue: Yaten-kun too?

Sailor Mercury: I don't mean it!

Artemis: Anyway, we have to make sure if the cat with Yaten-kun is Luna or not!

Sailor Venus: Don't worry!

Sailor Jupiter: No doubt!

Regular Dialogue: I want to be Luna!

Artemis: You should be more serious!

Luna: Don't worry!

Artemis: How can you be so sure?

Regular Dialogue: Luna!

Luna: I'm back!

Artemis: Where have you been? Without any calls!

Luna: I'm sorry! I've been with Yaten-kun the whole time!

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Venus: What do you mean?

Luna: Well, actually...

Luna: Oh well... it's such a nice day! A good day to sleep.

Sailor Star Fighter: It's moving! That way!

Sailor Star Maker: Quick! Catch it!

Luna: What's going on?

Luna: What a surprise! Why is a chameleon here?

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh well... I bought it at a department store.

Sailor Star Maker: Now that it's hiding behind leaves, there's nothing we can do.

Sailor Star Healer: What should we do?

Sailor Star Maker: "Let's see stars' pets!" without having a pet... don't take such an odd job!

Sailor Star Fighter: Right! It's your fault, Yaten!

Sailor Star Healer: Who told me to train it to sit on the back of my hand, then took it out of the cage?

Sailor Star Maker: Shall we buy another?

Sailor Star Healer: It took me two weeks to get it!

Sailor Star Fighter: We can't make it!

Sailor Star Maker: In such a circumstance, it doesn't matter whether it's a dog or cat, does it?

Regular Dialogue: A cat?

Luna: D-Don't be kidding! To play the role of a chameleon?

Sailor Star Healer: Come here!

Luna: I mean that sounds good!

Sailor Moon: Oh well...

Sailor Mars: Your bad habit came out, didn't it?

Sailor Venus: So, that means...

Sailor Venus: This scent of soap is...

Luna: W-Well we took a bath together...

Regular Dialogue: What?!

Sailor Venus: You took a bath with Yaten-kun?

Sailor Venus: A cat is okay...

Sailor Venus: A cat can take a bath with him...

Sailor Venus: ...sleep in the same bed...

Sailor Venus: ...enjoy his tickling... and a lot more...

Sailor Jupiter: Minako-chan, you have a nosebleed!

Sailor Venus: I want to be a cat too!

Luna: You can't be a cat for sure!

Regular Dialogue: Have a good one!

Luna: There he is!

Regular Dialogue: Yaten-kun!

Regular Dialogue: You always go straight home!

Luna: Idol Okamachi Noriko! She is pretty for sure!

Regular Dialogue: You have a cat, don't you?

Regular Dialogue: A person who has a cat is often lonely, so I wonder if you're lonely too, Yaten-kun.

Regular Dialogue: Noriko is lonely without Juliana. Until recently, Noriko had a Slamese, but got tired of it.

Regular Dialogue: Slamese doesn't feel soft like this. Yaten-kun, is your cat a mixed breed?

Regular Dialogue: I mean... something like that! I recommend a Himalayan than something like that!

Sailor Star Healer: So, what do you want?

Regular Dialogue: Well, I like cooking... so I want to cook for you, Yaten-kun.

Regular Dialogue: Would you come to Noriko's next time?

Sailor Star Healer: You see...

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Star Healer: The way you talk sounds dull!

Sailor Star Healer: I'm already fed up with you posing as my girlfriend in the play!

Luna: Oh! That hurts!

Regular Dialogue: How terrible of you! Noriko would be...

Sailor Star Healer: You're so dull! Please stop it!

Sailor Star Healer: You're not my type and I don't want to be with you except on business.

Regular Dialogue: I understand! Keep being cheeky as you are!

Regular Dialogue: You're just a seasonal idol!

Regular Dialogue: Shut up!

Sailor Star Healer: I think we're both seasonal.

Sailor Star Healer: Hi, how did you know I was here?

Luna: This one! I'm very weak against his smile!

Sailor Star Fighter: As I told you, Black came back, didn't she?

Sailor Star Healer: Come on! Don't call her by such a strange name!

Sailor Star Healer: I gave you a better name, didn't I?

Sailor Star Maker: What is it?

Sailor Star Healer: Haven't decided it yet...

Sailor Star Fighter: Then, Black should be fine!

Sailor Star Healer: No!

Sailor Star Maker: How about "Juliana"?

Sailor Star Fighter: You said something to Noriko, didn't you? She was really upset!

Sailor Star Healer: I told her the truth.

Sailor Star Fighter: Are you disposing of your fan letters?

Sailor Star Healer: What a chatter-box!

Sailor Star Maker: You shouldn't do that! You're reducing the number of fans.

Sailor Star Healer: I just don't believe them.

Sailor Star Healer: Without knowing us, how can they say they like us?

Sailor Star Maker: That's true... in this world, there is something like passion.

Sailor Star Fighter: Intuition or inspiration...

Sailor Star Fighter: You might feel that you like someone when you first see her.

Sailor Star Healer: What happened, you two?

Sailor Star Healer: Have you forgotten someone?

Luna: Someone?

Sailor Star Healer: We don't care for those without the true shine of a star, do we?

Sailor Star Healer: I won't! I'll never accept anyone except her.

Sailor Star Fighter: I know, that's why we're singing!

Sailor Star Maker: Right, to see the only woman in the galaxies.

Luna: The true shine of a star? Only one woman?

Sailor Star Healer: I can't believe the people of this world. Not a single one...

Sailor Star Maker: I know what you mean...

Sailor Star Healer: We only need her.

Regular Dialogue: Be a good girl! Don't move!

Regular Dialogue: You have good senses! She's nice and soft!

Sailor Star Healer: Stop chatting and hurry up!

Regular Dialogue: All right! I love your cool attitude too!

Luna: You're joking... I've got bubbles in my mouth...

Regular Dialogue: Are you itchy anywhere?

Regular Dialogue: Look how pretty she is!

Luna: What are you thinking?

Sailor Star Healer: Looks good!

Luna: If Yaten-kun says so!

Regular Dialogue: Here you go! Sorry to keep you waiting!

Sailor Moon: Oh dear... With such a funny dress...

Sailor Venus: She is heavy-eyed, almost like girlfriend!

Artemis: Stop joking, please!

Sailor Jupiter: If Yaten-kun is your rival, I can see the result already!

Sailor Mars: Don't worry! Luna is not the only cat!

Artemis: Please!

Sailor Venus: Hey, look!

Sailor Mars: Idol Okamachi Noriko!

Sailor Moon: You're right!

Sailor Moon: I want her autograph!

Regular Dialogue: Yaten-kun! You use this shop too?

Sailor Star Healer: What is it?

Sailor Moon: What are they talking about?

Regular Dialogue: My goodness! Your cat's dress is pretty, Yaten-kun!

Regular Dialogue: But underneath, there's something that totally doesn't match!

Luna: What?

Regular Dialogue: Sorry to invite you the other day! Noriko didn't know that you're gay, right?

Sailor Moon: She did it!

Regular Dialogue: Damn!

Sailor Iron Mouse: In the drama, "Mr.Higashi's Girlfriend Is A Pretty One!", we know that Yaten-kun...

Sailor Iron Mouse: ...and Noriko-chan are acting, but are intimate in private life too!

Regular Dialogue: W-Who are you?

Sailor Iron Mouse: I am someone like this!

Regular Dialogue: Juliana!

Sailor Iron Mouse: The camera is running! Take care!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, no! Please don't!

Sailor Iron Mouse: How long have you been dating Yaten-kun?

Regular Dialogue: Dating? We're not yet...

Sailor Star Healer: How foolish!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Because you say "we", we can consider that your relationship is pretty well-developed?

Sailor Star Healer: Lets go!

Sailor Moon: Oh! Yaten is leaving!

Sailor Mars: The parking lot is the back!

Sailor Iron Mouse: What is the secret of love?

Regular Dialogue: Well... I guess...

Regular Dialogue: ...like shining as a star... I mean... something like that!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Well, well! Then the source of that shine...

Sailor Iron Mouse: ...is your Star Seed. Let me see it!

Regular Dialogue: Well, rather than Star Seed... Star Seed?

Regular Dialogue: What? "Surprising Camera"?

Regular Dialogue: A monster!

Sailor Jupiter: Here he comes!

Sailor Star Healer: What is it?

Regular Dialogue: Noriko is surprised! So, how would you like it?

Regular Dialogue: Come on! No! Where's the camera?

Sailor Mercury: It's a problem! We released all the birds!

Sailor Venus: You mean it's our fault?

Artemis: You don't have time to chat!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, that's right!

Sailor Mercury: Everyone! Let's transform!

Regular Dialogue: Good reaction, isn't it?

Sailor Star Healer: I give up!

Sailor Star Healer: Nothing...

Sailor Star Healer: What we do means nothing without finding her! Space...

Sailor Star Healer: ...will end.

Sailor Star Healer: H-Hey!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Wow! A beautiful Star Seed! This time, it must be...

Sailor Iron Mouse: A cat!

Sailor Iron Mouse: No! No! No! Don't!

Sailor Star Healer: Why? Why are you trying to save her?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Stop! There!

Sailor Star Healer: Noriko was so mean to you...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Damn!

Sailor Iron Mouse: My best suit is torn! Damn! But, anyway, I got a Star Seed for sure!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh... No way! This one is a blank too! Oh well, I'm in a bad direction today, I guess!

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I didn't hear you.

Sailor Iron Mouse: What did you do?

Sailor Moon: Everyone knows it...

Sailor Mars: A pet shop is a place of dreams!

Sailor Mercury: In addition, you att*cked the private lives of idols!

Sailor Jupiter: We can't forgive you!

Sailor Venus: I agree! Even I hesitate!

Regular Dialogue: Venus!

Sailor Venus: Sorry!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Today's business is over now! Are you paying me for overtime?

Sailor Moon: For love and justice!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hey, are you listening?

Sailor Moon: Pretty Sailor Soldier!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hello? Hello?

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: See you! I'm leaving!

Sailor Venus: She's gone!

Sailor Mars: Because you kept going on!

Sailor Moon: Don't mention it!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Mademoiselle!

Regular Dialogue: Good looking with pretty eyes and teeth, clear head and further...

Regular Dialogue: I don't want to see it! Pervert!

Regular Dialogue: I have a great body too! You see?

Regular Dialogue: So what?

Regular Dialogue: Oh, you have no waist!

Sailor Moon: Well I... do I? I think I'm an average high school student!

Regular Dialogue: Too easy! Sagging in your body means sagging in your mind!

Sailor Star Healer: Hi! Are you her friend? Don't worry! She's just resting.

Sailor Star Healer: Please stay here and protect her!

Sailor Star Healer: If fighting is our fate...

Sailor Star Healer: ...we just have to do it.

Sailor Star Healer: Even though the day when we can see her is so far ahead.

Sailor Star Healer: Healer Star Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Moon: Oh no!

Regular Dialogue: I'll give you a final shot!

Sailor Star Healer: Star Sensitive Inferno

Sailor Star Healer: Breaking through the evil darkness... I am a wandering sh**ting star!

Sailor Star Healer: Sailor Star Healer!

Sailor Star Healer: Stage on!

Sailor Star Healer: I'll help you this time only for the sake of that brave little cat!

Sailor Moon: Little cat? You mean Luna?

Regular Dialogue: M-Mademoiselle won't give up!

Sailor Star Healer: Luna? Good name! Sailor Moon! Now!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: Beautiful, isn't it?

Sailor Star Healer: We probably need your power.

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Star Healer: Oh God! Think about me, for I have to confront them!

Sailor Moon: As I thought, he's going to dispose of the love letters again!

Luna: It's okay! Yaten-kun has a woman to love.

Luna: So, he can't reply to those letters!

Sailor Moon: But... Oh!

Sailor Moon: W-What? I'm not peeping!

Sailor Star Healer: Good morning Luna!

Sailor Star Healer: Is that your cat?

Sailor Moon: Well... yes...

Sailor Star Healer: Come and see me anytime!

Sailor Moon: What? What's this change in tone?

Luna: Yaten-kun, I hope you find her soon!

Sailor Moon: Taiki-san! I heard you'll be on a cooking show next?

Sailor Star Maker: Yes.

Sailor Moon: Then, I'll tell you how to make an outstanding Usagi Special!

Sailor Moon: First, on the top of the rice in a big bowl...

Sailor Moon: ...you put some salted salmon. Finally, you add hot green tea...

Sailor Star Maker: Isn't that Ochaduke?

Sailor Moon: No! Usagi Special!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Enemies? Allies? Starlights and Sailor Soldiers

Copy of Episode Title: Enemies? Allies?

Copy of Episode Title: Starlights and Sailor Soldiers

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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