05x175 - Becoming an Idol: Minako's Ambition

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x175 - Becoming an Idol: Minako's Ambition

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Venus: lt won't take that long!

Sailor Venus: Are you ready? Here I go!

Sailor Moon: Are you really gonna do it? lsn't it a bit risky?

Sailor Venus: What? It's too late now! I'm counting on you, okay?

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey! Isn't this a good place? What did you want to talk to me about?

Sailor Venus: Well... Oh! It hurts! Something got in my eye...

Sailor Moon: Well done, Minako-chan!

Sailor Moon: It really looks like they are going to kiss!

Sailor Moon: Th-This is... amazing!

Sailor Venus: Oh crap!

Sailor Star Fighter: What are you doing, dumpling-head?

Sailor Mars: These are the pictures you took?

Sailor Jupiter: Whoa! They're terrible...

Sailor Mercury: You can see plenty of Usagi-chan's excitement in these pictures, but...

Sailor Jupiter: Well, Minako-chan thought it out really well, didn't she?

Sailor Jupiter: If a picture like this of her and Seiya is seen by the media...

Sailor Jupiter: ''Three Lights: Seiya's Lover?'' would be the headline of her big debut into show business!

Sailor Moon: That's right! The other day,

Sailor Moon: She made me take a picture of her while she was feeding Yaten-kun his lunch...

Sailor Moon: ''Three Lights: Yaten's Lover?''

Sailor Mars: What? Feeding Yaten-kun his lunch?

Sailor Moon: And... before that, she made me take a picture while she was being tutored by Taiki-san after school.

Sailor Mercury: Sh-She even went that far?!

Sailor Jupiter: She seems to have used everything at her disposal...

Sailor Moon: But, just who exactly...

Sailor Mars: ...is Minako-chan's...

Sailor Mercury: ...real target?

Sailor Venus: Hi! Good morning!

Regular Dialogue: Who is it?

Sailor Venus: W-What?

Sailor Mars: You've been plotting how to get a picture with each of them!

Sailor Mars: Which one of Three Lights is your real target?

Sailor Venus: Oh, that?

Sailor Venus: I completely gave up on that lame old plan and changed to a really awesome strategy!

Sailor Venus: I, Aino Minako, as of today...

Sailor Venus: have become the popular idol group Three Light's...

Sailor Venus: ASSISTANT!

Sailor Venus: The problem is that they're super-busy celebrities!

Sailor Venus: For example, even though we're classmates, there's no chance to even pass a note to them...

Sailor Venus: But, if I become their assistant and I'm with them all the time...

Sailor Venus: ...it's only natural that they'll end up falling for me!

Sailor Jupiter: W-Well, Minako-chan, which is your goal?

Sailor Jupiter: To debut as an idol or to be the girlfriend of one of the Three Lights?

Sailor Venus: Both, of course!

Sailor Venus: Oh no! It's this late already? The Three Lights are waiting for me, so excuse me!

Sailor Venus: Minako is out of here!

Sailor Mars: Becoming their assistant without us knowing... Minako-chan... she's so sneaky...

Sailor Mercury: Huh? Where is Usagi-chan?

Sailor Star Maker: Honestly, will we ever find her

Sailor Star Maker: Our... that person....

Sailor Star Fighter: We will find her! We've become idols for that very reason.

Sailor Star Healer: If we keep gaining attention, she'll notice us, no matter where she is.

Sailor Star Healer: We should do more shows!

Regular Dialogue: Producer Nezu, the president is calling you.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Did you call me, Galaxia-sama?

Galaxia: Have you decided on the next target yet?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Of course. I found my objective just now, Galaxia-sama!

Galaxia: Is that so? Then hurry and get a true Star Seed so I can have the entire galaxy in my grasp!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Yes, ma'am!

Sailor Moon: What're they doing?

Sailor Venus: What're they doing? It's voice training.

Sailor Moon: Vowel cleaning?

Stars Translator's Notes: "boin"=a vowel

Sailor Venus: Why would he be cleaning his vowels... eh, why are you here, Usagi-chan?

Sailor Moon: I thought it looked like fun! So I followed you.

Sailor Venus: Hey, are you a fan? Please don't take photos without permission!

Regular Dialogue: You're in my way! Move over a bit.

Sailor Venus: W-What?

Sailor Venus: Thanks for coming to see the Three Lights! Oh, here's my signature, too!

Sailor Venus: Hey, let me go!

Sailor Venus: You're hurting me! Oh, you're that girl from before...

Regular Dialogue: This isn't a game!

Sailor Venus: Just who do you think you are?

Sailor Venus: Stuck up little...

Regular Dialogue: Good work!

Sailor Star Fighter: Yeah! You too!

Regular Dialogue: I'm here to take photos for the series called "Three Lights Revealed!"

Regular Dialogue: I'm the cameraman, Itabashi Saki. Pleased to meet ya!

Sailor Star Maker: Oh! I've heard about you! It's good to meet you.

Sailor Star Healer: Whatever you want in "Revealed!" is fine, but don't take one while I'm yawning!

Sailor Star Healer: Give me the film!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, don't move! You look even better with that angry face!

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan, she said she's a cameraman!

Sailor Venus: Hmph! I've got a bad feeling about her!

Regular Dialogue: All right! Once more!

Sailor Moon: What's this super-nasty looking stuff?

Sailor Venus: Scarlet Juice.

Regular Dialogue: This is it! Start!

Regular Dialogue: We drink it as well!

Regular Dialogue: Cut!

Regular Dialogue: Okay! Next, let's try it from another angle.

Regular Dialogue: We're ready for more Scarlet Juice!

Sailor Venus: Yes, Sir!

Sailor Moon: Let's see... One, two, three, four... this is the fifth time!

Sailor Moon: It must taste great! Let's see...

Sailor Moon: Gross!

Sailor Venus: Do your best!

Regular Dialogue: Ok, roll it and..start!

Sailor Moon: How do they keep drinking it like that?

Sailor Venus: Silly! An idol has to put on a smile every time they're in front of the camera!

Sailor Venus: It's hard being a pro, isn't it?

Sailor Moon: So hard!

Regular Dialogue: You're talking like you just know it all!

Regular Dialogue: You also want to be a pro, am I right?

Sailor Venus: Yes, I do...

Regular Dialogue: Then, you'll find out eventually...

Sailor Moon: What's the deal with her attitude?

Regular Dialogue: Seiya-kun, lean to that side a bit!

Regular Dialogue: Taiki-kun, move foward.

Regular Dialogue: That's it! Like that!

Regular Dialogue: Just like that! Don't move!

Sailor Venus: The sound of shutters and the flashing lights...

Sailor Venus: This is what it'll be like when I'm a star!

Sailor Moon: I'm so hungry! Just when are they gonna eat?

Sailor Venus: Idols can't eat until they've finished working.

Sailor Moon: Then I could never be an idol...

Sailor Moon: Then I'm gonna get something at a convenience store.

Sailor Venus: Well, since our studio time is over, we're done with the sh**t for today!

Sailor Venus: Good job, everyone!

Regular Dialogue: Good job!

Sailor Star Maker: Well done.

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh, thank you.

Sailor Star Healer: Man, I'm hungry!

Sailor Venus: Well then, how about we go get something tasty?

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh, sounds good!

Sailor Venus: Yay! Let's go! Let's go!

Regular Dialogue: Wait! Would you stay a little bit longer?

Regular Dialogue: I finally got the look I wanted! Please let me keep going until I feel satisfied!

Sailor Venus: But our time is up already!

Regular Dialogue: This isn't school! You can't say it's over just because the bell rang!

Sailor Venus: You insist even though everyone did their best on an empty stomach!

Regular Dialogue: I just want to get the best shot!

Sailor Venus: Sorry to be rude, but if you can't get it right the first time maybe...

Sailor Star Healer: Would you please be quiet for a moment?

Sailor Venus: But...

Sailor Star Healer: Ok then.

Sailor Star Fighter: Take as many pictures as you want, but...

Sailor Star Maker: They must be more beautiful than anyone else's! Those are the terms.

Regular Dialogue: Leave it to me!

Sailor Venus: But... time is up and you guys are hungry...

Sailor Star Fighter: It's because we're pros!

Sailor Venus: Pros? Is this how hard it is to be a pro?

Regular Dialogue: For us, everyday is a serious matter.

Regular Dialogue: To get the best results, we must give it everything we have!

Regular Dialogue: "Almost" is not enough.

Regular Dialogue: We can't just say, "I did my best" or, "I'm hungry."

Regular Dialogue: All right! Let's do it again!

Regular Dialogue: It's not enough to just have a positive outlook and high aspirations.

Regular Dialogue: This world isn't that easy-going.

Regular Dialogue: Wasn't it you who said, "It's hard being a pro"?

Regular Dialogue: We're ready for you!

Regular Dialogue: Okay! Hang in there...

Regular Dialogue: Let's go all out!

Regular Dialogue: Seiya-kun, stand straight!

Regular Dialogue: Taiki-kun, lift your chest up! That's it! Like that!

Sailor Venus: Saki-san is a pro... The Three Lights are pros...

Sailor Venus: I'm still just an amateur...

Sailor Venus: Minako! You'll never be an idol if you do it half-heartedly!

Regular Dialogue: Good job!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Itabashi Saki!

Sailor Iron Mouse: You're the genius cameraman they're calling the new superstar of the photo industry!

Regular Dialogue: Who's there?

Sailor Iron Mouse: I'm impressed by your passion for taking photos!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I wonder if you could take one of me?

Regular Dialogue: I only take photos for a job!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Just kidding! What I want isn't a photo!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I want your Star Seed!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Chuu!

Sailor Venus: That Usagi-chan... Where did she go?

Sailor Venus: I wonder if she went home...

Sailor Venus: Saki-san!

Sailor Venus: Saki-san is...

Sailor Venus: Venus Crystal Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Ah, another failure?

Sailor Venus: Hey you!

Sailor Venus: I won't let you escape!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Venus: Venus

Sailor Venus: Love and Beauty Shock!

Sailor Venus: No way! She dodged it?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh, dear! Where were you aiming at? Stupid!

Sailor Moon: You're the stupid one!

Sailor Venus: Geesh! Where've you been?

Sailor Moon: Sorry, sorry!

Sailor Venus: You att*cked Saki-san, who taught me how hard it is to be a pro! I won't forgive you!

Sailor Venus: For love and beauty, Pretty Sailor Soldier, Sailor Venus!

Stars Translator's Notes: "onigiri"=rice ball

Sailor Moon: And after eating onigiri, the fully-powered Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: She should have taught you much more about how hard life really is!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Sailor Picture! Defeat these girls as you please!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Today's work is complete! Bye bye!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Picture!

Sailor Venus: Saki-san!

Regular Dialogue: That's good, that's good! Nice pose!

Regular Dialogue: SHUTTER CHANCE!

Sailor Venus: Saki-san!

Regular Dialogue: Just like that...

Regular Dialogue: It's the perfect angle! SHUTTER CHANCE!

Sailor Moon: Venus-chan!

Sailor Moon: Hold on!

Regular Dialogue: What?

Sailor Star Healer: Penetrating the darkness of night...

Sailor Star Maker: Streaking through the atmosphere...

Sailor Star Fighter: Resounding truth, we are three sh**ting stars...

Regular Dialogue: Who? Who are you?

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Star Fighter!

Sailor Star Maker: Sailor Star Maker!

Sailor Star Healer: Sailor Star Healer!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Starlights Stage On!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, how picturesque you are! SHUTTER CHANCE!

Sailor Star Healer: Star Sensitive Inferno

Sailor Venus: Now! Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon...

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Sailor Venus: Thank goodness...

Regular Dialogue: Beautiful!

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Moon: Are you our allies?

Sailor Moon: Or...

Sailor Mercury: Are Minako-chan's plans for debuting as an idol going well?

Sailor Moon: Not at all! Because she doesn't get to eat anything!

Sailor Mars: Eat anything?

Sailor Moon: The truth is, after yesterday...

Sailor Venus: Hi, there! you guys are all here! Look!

Sailor Venus: Tada!

Sailor Moon: Hey, that's...

Sailor Jupiter: You are a star! Star Audition?

Sailor Mars: Minako-chan, what's this mean?

Sailor Venus: After thinking it over, I realized that if I debut as an assistant to the Three Lights,

Sailor Venus: my career wouldn't go anywhere after that.

Sailor Venus: So I've decided to do some auditions fair and square!

Sailor Moon: Then, you haven't given up being an idol?

Sailor Venus: Of course not! Well then...

Sailor Venus: Minako is out of here!

Sailor Moon: Hey! You guys are gonna be in a musical?

Sailor Star Fighter: Yeah... Dammit! That woman hates me! That's why she's always making me...

Sailor Moon: Who is this woman? And it's no use taking it out on me!

Sailor Star Fighter: Shut up! You can't understand this kind of pain!

Sailor Moon: Well, I'm feeling pain from my bad grades!

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh yeah.. me too.

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Fighter's true form! A shocking super transformation

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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