05x174 - A School Storm: The Transfer Students Are Idols

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x174 - A School Storm: The Transfer Students Are Idols

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan, how are you doing?

Sailor Moon: l am...

Sailor Mars: Usagi! We're going!

Sailor Moon: l'm doing well, of course.

Sailor Moon: Oh, yeah... Lately, Mako-chan and the others have been crazy about the idol group called "Three Lights."

Sailor Moon: The other day, there was a filming at the Tenth Street Park.

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan said, ''Those three are super cool! l wanna make them my boyfriends!''

Sailor Moon: But, of course, you are the only one for me, Mamo-chan.

Sailor Moon: To my beloved Mamo-chan. From your Usako.

Sailor Jupiter: A long distance love?

Sailor Venus: As they say, ''Whenever they want to see each other, they are strangled.''

Stars Translator's Notes: She meant to say "shibatteru" which means: "they are connected.''

Sailor Jupiter: What the...?

Sailor Mercury: Usagi-chan! Did you forget the kanji characters you learned for the entrance exam?

Stars Translator's Notes: kanji =Chinese characters used in the Japanese writing system

Regular Dialogue: Amazing! Just as the rumor said!

Regular Dialogue: The rumor from Juuban Junior High that you are a "supergirl" is true, isn't it?

Sailor Jupiter: Well... please stop saying that! l...

Regular Dialogue: lf you join us, l'm sure we can proceed to the inter-high school competition!

Regular Dialogue: Let's work together as athletes!

Sailor Jupiter: l... l planned on joining the Cooking Club...

Regular Dialogue: Kino Makoto-san!

Sailor Jupiter: Y-Yes...

Regular Dialogue: To not use the athletic abilities you have is a direct insult to the importance of sports!

Sailor Jupiter: Even if you say it like that...

Regular Dialogue: You are in high school now!

Regular Dialogue: You know what you must do! You understand me, right?

Sailor Jupiter: Y-Yes

Regular Dialogue: l'm so happy! Let's do our best together!

Sailor Mercury: Here you go! l downloaded a document from...

Sailor Mercury: ...Columbia University library's site concerning space engineering.

Regular Dialogue: Thanks a lot! l'm not very good at English...

Sailor Mercury: lf you like, l can translate it for you.

Regular Dialogue: Oh, right! This is in English too!

Sailor Venus: Yes! Since l, Minako Aino, belong to this club...

Sailor Venus: ...l will give them a victory in the Nationals!

Luna: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Moon: Luna!

Luna: You're going home by yourself?

Sailor Moon: Yeah. The girls said they had club activities.

Luna: Do you want to join a club too?

Sailor Moon: Well, let's see... one that's super fun...

Sailor Moon: ...where l can sing and dance... and eat snacks afterwards...

Sailor Moon: ...where there are TONS of super cool boys ...and where l can go to America!

Luna: You're only half serious, right?

Sailor Moon: Yeah!

Luna: For now, you belong to the "Going Home Club"...

Sailor Moon: Hey, Luna...

Sailor Moon: How should l tell everyone what happened yesterday?

Luna: Because we don't know if they are allies or not...

Luna: ...shouldn't we just keep an eye on them for now?

Sailor Moon: But l have a bad feeling about...

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh, sorry!

Sailor Star Fighter: Are you okay?

Sailor Moon: l'm okay... HUH?!

Sailor Star Fighter: What...you again, dumpling-head?

Sailor Moon: What?! Don't say that after bumping into me!

Sailor Star Fighter: It's dangerous to walk without looking where you are going.

Sailor Moon: You're the one who jumped in front of me!

Sailor Star Fighter: You're weird...

Sailor Star Fighter: Ordinary girls are happy when they bump into me.

Sailor Moon: Why?

Sailor Star Fighter: Because l'm such a cool guy!

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya, what are you doing?

Sailor Star Maker: lt's about time to go!

Sailor Star Fighter: Okay. l'll be right there!

Sailor Star Fighter: See ya, dumpling-head! Lucky you, huh?

Sailor Star Fighter: What a jerk! He's only a little bit good-looking!

Luna: He's incredibly good-looking...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh, this looks good! Entry number ...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Captain of the American style football club at the Tenth Street High School, Kayama Yuji.

Sailor Iron Mouse: An American-style football Star. And l like his high school student status...

Sailor Iron Mouse: He's young as well... These shoulder muscles also look good!

Sailor Iron Mouse: l'll go get him!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hi, Third Production Department!

Regular Dialogue: Producer Nezu, the president is calling you.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Yes.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Did you call me, Galaxia-sama?

Galaxia: Sailor lron Mouse, have you found a true Star Seed?

Sailor Iron Mouse: A human with an especially radiant Star Seed...

Sailor Iron Mouse: I will capture him for you.

Galaxia: To obtain all the galaxies, we must get a true Star Seed as soon as possible!

Galaxia: l'll be expecting good news!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Yes, ma'am!

Sailor Moon: Huh?

Sailor Jupiter: What's that all about?

Sailor Mercury: Oh, look! lt's Minako-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: I wonder what's going on?

Sailor Moon: We always come a second too late...

Sailor Moon: What's up, Minako-chan?

Sailor Mercury: What a big crowd!

Sailor Venus: Don't you know?

Sailor Venus: The Three Lights are transferring to our school!

Sailor Jupiter: No way...

Sailor Venus: See?!

Sailor Mars: So many people came...

Regular Dialogue: Rei-chan!

Sailor Mars: l want to see them, too.

Sailor Mars: E-Excuse me!

Sailor Mars: l am member of your fan club, Hino Rei-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: l am member , Kino Makoto!

Sailor Venus: l am member , Aino Minako!

Sailor Mercury: My name is Mizuno Ami. My membership number is... .

Sailor Jupiter: Ami-chan!

Sailor Mars: So early!

Sailor Venus: Not only with your rank number in tests...

Sailor Mercury: l'm sorry...

Sailor Star Maker: Thank you. l'm glad.

Sailor Star Healer: Let's hurry! lt's so noisy here!

Sailor Star Maker: Okay, okay...

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey! Dumpling-head!

Sailor Star Fighter: You go to this school, too?

Sailor Moon: You're one of the Three Lights?

Sailor Star Fighter: You want to be in the same class as me, don't you? See ya later!

Sailor Moon: You must be joking! Why should l?

Sailor Mars: Hey, Usagi!

Sailor Venus: How do you know Seiya?

Sailor Moon: Well...a lot of stuff happened... He really is a weird guy!

Regular Dialogue: Unbelievable!

Regular Dialogue: So, these three have joined our class today.

Regular Dialogue: Everyone, please let them know whatever they need.

Regular Dialogue: Now then, find a vacant seat...

Sailor Venus: Hi! Hi, Yaten-san! This one's vacant!

Sailor Star Maker: ls this vacant?

Sailor Jupiter: Y...Y...Yes!

Sailor Star Fighter: l'll take this one. Good to see ya, dumpling.

Sailor Moon: My name is Tsukino Usagi!

Stars Translator's Notes: "Tsukimi"=Moon viewing

Sailor Star Fighter: Oh! ''Tsukimi'' dumpling, huh?

Regular Dialogue: Now, let's start class.

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan! Well done!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey, hey, hey!

Sailor Star Fighter: I want to join a club. You know any good ones?

Sailor Moon: There's none that are super fun, where you can sing, dance and eat snacks...

Sailor Moon: ...where there are TONS of super cool boys and where you can go to America!

Sailor Star Fighter: Uh, okay...

Sailor Venus: Well, l can show you around if you like.

Regular Dialogue: Hey, you! We're right in the middle of class!

Sailor Venus: l'm sorry...

Sailor Star Fighter: Can you show me around, too?

Sailor Moon: You're kidding!

Sailor Star Fighter: You're so coldhearted!

Sailor Venus: Of course, l can...together with Usagi-chan!

Regular Dialogue: Cut it out!

Regular Dialogue: Yes...

Sailor Iron Mouse: Here it is!

Sailor Venus: Seiya-san! Go for it!

Regular Dialogue: Get through, if you can!

Sailor Star Fighter: Fool!

Regular Dialogue: What?!

Sailor Star Maker: He's enjoying himself, isn't he?

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya's acting like a little kid!

Sailor Venus: Amazing!

Sailor Jupiter: Cool!

Sailor Mars: He really IS amazing!

Regular Dialogue: Rei-chan!

Sailor Moon: How come you're here?

Sailor Mars: I ran here right after school got out!

Sailor Star Healer: Enough! l don't want to be here any longer! lt smells like sweat!

Sailor Star Maker: l agree. l prefer fine arts clubs to such a place.

Sailor Star Healer: l don't like fine arts clubs, either! l'll go home.

Sailor Venus: That's right! An amazing person like you, Taiki-san, fits right into the fine arts clubs!

Sailor Venus: Sports clubs reek of sweat anyway!

Sailor Venus: Aino Minako, your fine arts club specialist, will give you the grand tour!

Sailor Star Maker: I'm fine by myself...

Sailor Venus: l...will...give you...a tour!

Sailor Venus: Now, let's go! Let's go!

Sailor Venus: Right on! l got one of them!

Sailor Mars: Minako-chan is incredible!

Sailor Mercury: Other fans hesitate to approach them at school...

Sailor Jupiter: l wish l could do it...

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey! Dumpling!

Sailor Moon: I said, l'm NOT "dumpling"!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sorry about that! Where are we going next?

Sailor Moon: How the heck would I know?!

Regular Dialogue: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Mars: Our object of affection...

Sailor Mercury: ...Seiya-san...

Sailor Jupiter: ...shouldn't be talked to like that!

Sailor Mercury: Oh! l don't know much about him, though...

Sailor Moon: So... next is the American style football team.

Sailor Star Fighter: lts a perfect fit for a cool guy like me, isn't it?

Sailor Moon: In what way?!

Sailor Star Fighter: My chance!

Sailor Moon: Wait! What are you gonna do?

Sailor Star Fighter: You'd like to see me get a touchdown, right?

Sailor Moon: That's impossible! The football team at Tenth Street High School is really strong...

Sailor Star Fighter: l'll show you!

Regular Dialogue: Oh? Looks like something interesting is coming my way!

Sailor Star Fighter: That was easy!

Sailor Star Fighter: lt can't be!

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Moon: Hey, you! What were you thinking?

Sailor Moon: You've tackled an amateur who's not even wearing protection...

Sailor Moon: What? Don't hurt...

Regular Dialogue: I'm Captain Kayama.

Sailor Star Fighter: You're a big man! Such incredible power!

Regular Dialogue: You did well against our team!

Sailor Star Fighter: I just imagined I was dodging some crazy fans and it was easy!

Regular Dialogue: How do you feel about joining us?

Sailor Star Fighter: Sure!

Sailor Moon: After what he did, why do you want to join with him?

Sailor Star Fighter: It's something you wouldn't understand, dumpling!

Regular Dialogue: Nice to meet ya, Miss Dumpling!

Sailor Iron Mouse: As expected, you have good sense, Kayama-kun!

Sailor Iron Mouse: You're shining!

Sailor Iron Mouse: It's like you were born to be an American style football Star!

Sailor Iron Mouse: I am a producer at Galaxy TV, and my name is Nezu.

Sailor Iron Mouse: I'd love to collect data on you.

Regular Dialogue: l have a meeting pretty soon. So next time...

Sailor Iron Mouse: How wonderful your muscles are!

Sailor Iron Mouse: They're even more defined than I thought!

Regular Dialogue: Please don't... Can't you gather data later?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh, that's not good! l've been waiting for you to be alone.

Sailor Iron Mouse: l don't want to wait any longer!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Yes, this place will do just fine.

Regular Dialogue: Just who are you?

Sailor Iron Mouse: Me? l am...

Regular Dialogue: Damn monster!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Oh, dear... it's already gone.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Geesh! This isn't the kind of Star Seed l was hoping for!

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Moon: l can't forgive you for intruding on a friendship between men!

Sailor Moon: For love and justice, Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: ln the name of the moon, l'll punish you!

Sailor Iron Mouse: You again? Well, that's fine.

Sailor Iron Mouse: Today's work is complete!

Sailor Moon: Another Phage?!

Sailor Iron Mouse: For the time being, have fun with the Phage!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Hang in there!

Sailor Iron Mouse: Later!

Sailor Moon: Hey, wait...! Before you leave, clean up after yourself!!

Sailor Moon: l have a bad feeling...should l go home?

Luna: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Luna!

Luna: Pull yourself together!

Sailor Moon: But, it seems to be very strong...

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Guts!

Sailor Moon: Oh no...

Luna: That is so nasty...

Sailor Moon: lt is! lt is!

Regular Dialogue: A man's charm is blood, sweat, and guts!

Regular Dialogue: Take this! Sweat of Youth Attack!

Sailor Moon: That stinks!!

Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter: Oak Evolution!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Jupiter: What is that?

Sailor Mercury: A new enemy?

Sailor Moon: lt's Yuji Kayama of the American style football team!

Sailor Moon: He's been changed into a Phage!

Regular Dialogue: Take this! The Sweat of Youth!

Regular Dialogue: Just like that, give me laps!

Regular Dialogue: No way!

Regular Dialogue: Now, one more time...

Sailor Star Healer: Penetrating the darkness of night...

Sailor Star Maker: Streaking through the atmosphere...

Sailor Star Fighter: Resounding truth, we are three sh**ting stars...

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Star Figher!

Sailor Star Maker: Sailor Star Maker!

Sailor Star Healer: Sailor Star Healer!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Starlights are here!

Regular Dialogue: New Sailor Soldiers?

Sailor Star Fighter: This time, we'll take care of it!

Regular Dialogue: Guts! lt's guts!

Sailor Star Maker: Star

Sailor Star Maker: Gentle Uterus!

Sailor Star Healer: All five of you are here, and you still can't handle it.

Sailor Star Fighter: And you call yourselves Sailor Soldiers?

Sailor Star Maker: How pitiful!

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon....

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: Beautiful!

Sailor Jupiter: What in the world just happened?

Sailor Mars: They seem to be Sailor Soldiers...

Sailor Mercury: What is going on...?

Regular Dialogue: Usagi-chan!

Sailor Venus: l heard you've joined the manga club!

Sailor Mars: Oh, let me see! Let me see!

Sailor Jupiter: Aww, it's cute!

Sailor Venus: It's pretty good!

Sailor Mars: A pig with a crescent bald patch is very unique!

Sailor Jupiter: Wait, isn't it a tanuki?

Sailor Mercury: It's all in Hiragana again...

Sailor Venus: Hey, hey... lt's a Tasmanian devil, right?

Stars Translator's Notes: Hiragana is used when you do not know the kanji (character) for a word. Apparently, Usagi doesn't even know elementary kanji ^^;

Sailor Moon: Can't you see? This is Luna!

Regular Dialogue: What?!

Sailor Moon: Leave me alone!

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan, ls it true that you're the Three Lights' girlfriend?

Sailor Venus: Oh, Usagi-chan, it's true! They even took a picture! What a mess...

Sailor Moon: Oh, let me see! Let me see!

Sailor Venus: Oh my! Is this how it feels to make your debut as an idol?

Sailor Moon: Hey! Aren't those photos...fake?

Sailor Venus: Geh... You can see that?

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Aim for the idol! Mianko's ambition.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.
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