05x171 - For Love: The Endless Battle in the Dark World

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x171 - For Love: The Endless Battle in the Dark World

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Neptune: Someone is there.

Neherenia: My greatest nightmare...I will show it to you next.

Sailor Mars: What are you talking about?

Sailor Mars: If this keeps up...

Sailor Neptune: Deep Submerge!

Sailor Neptune: You can't deceive us with that kind of illusion, right?

Sailor Mars: Th...That's right!

Sailor Mars: She really is amazing! My intuition can't even compare to hers...

Sailor Mars: I wonder if it is because of her experience.

Sailor Neptune: Well, like you said, I think I do have more experience than you.

Sailor Mars: You can mind-read too?

Sailor Neptune: You said it out loud...and with such passion!

Sailor Mars: Did I?

Neherenia: Interesting...Then, how about this?

Sailor Neptune: What?

Sailor Mars: W...Where is she?

Sailor Mars: Neptune!

Sailor Mars: Mars!

Sailor Mars: Flame...

Neherenia: You're not going to sh**t? Then...

Sailor Mars: No good! If I sh**t, Neptune will...

Sailor Neptune: sh**t her! Have you forgotten our mission?

Sailor Mars: Mission?

Sailor Neptune: We swore it! We swore that we would protect our Princess whatever happens!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Neptune: If I am defeated, you will survive!

Sailor Neptune: You will be able to protect our Princess! So...!

Neherenia: Shut up!

Sailor Mars: I can't lose any time here!

Sailor Mars: I've got to protect her!

Sailor Mars: In the name of the Sailor of Flame, Sailor Mars...

Sailor Mars: Mars!

Sailor Mars: Flame...

Neherenia: Will you sh**t? Will you sh**t your comrade?

Sailor Neptune: It's okay. Go ahead!

Sailor Mars: sn*per!

Sailor Mars: I did it!

Sailor Neptune: Well done, Sailor Mars!

Sailor Neptune: With that sharp intuition you..

Sailor Neptune: ...are a true soldier!

Neherenia: Stupid fools! To challenge me to a fight in my own nightmare is nothing but a waste.

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan...

Neherenia: Oh, poor girl!

Neherenia: Look, Prince! Your Princess is coming to look for you.

Neherenia: I'm sure you are cold... even your heart seems to be freezing.

Neherenia: You can give up at any time if it's too difficult for you. Here!

Sailor Pluto: This way!

Sailor Pluto: We're surrounded! Where is the exit?

Sailor Pluto: Venus!

Sailor Pluto: I'll hold them here. Please go ahead!

Sailor Venus: Ahead?

Sailor Venus: You mean, go across this?

Sailor Pluto: When you've crossed the bridge, please drop it and forget about me!

Sailor Venus: Pluto!

Sailor Pluto: In times like this, we need a leader who will unite us! That is you, Sailor Venus!

Sailor Pluto: If both of us are defeated here, who will save our Princess?

Sailor Pluto: What are you doing? Go, quickly!

Sailor Venus: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan...

Sailor Moon: Where is he?

Regular Dialogue: Looking for someone? Are you looking for someone?

Regular Dialogue: Hey, are you looking for someone?

Sailor Moon: The flower!

Regular Dialogue: Aren't you rude? I asked you whether you're looking for someone.

Sailor Moon: A person very important to me... didn't he come this way?

Regular Dialogue: An important person? The most important person is yourself!

Regular Dialogue: You don't have to look for him. He should come find you!

Regular Dialogue: Right! You're right!

Sailor Moon: No! Mamoru is trapped under Nehelenia's curse!

Regular Dialogue: Under Nehelenia's curse?

Regular Dialogue: That's scary!

Sailor Moon: Do you know Nehelenia?

Regular Dialogue: No, I don't.

Sailor Moon: But you said that she was scary...

Regular Dialogue: What's scary is the curse!

Regular Dialogue: It's best to just give up! Otherwise, you'll be completely destroyed!

Sailor Moon: But, I've got to go!

Regular Dialogue: Go? Where?

Sailor Moon: Geez! It's like I said...

Sailor Moon: I'm...going to...where he is...

Regular Dialogue: Who is "he"?

Sailor Moon: He is... he is...

Regular Dialogue: Where someone is, you said?

Regular Dialogue: Where are you going?

Sailor Moon: I...

Regular Dialogue: Look, now you don't even remember!

Regular Dialogue: It's okay if you stay here!

Regular Dialogue: Let's play together in this flower garden! Forget all those unpleasant things!

Sailor Pluto: Dead Scream

Sailor Pluto: We need a leader who will unite us.

Sailor Venus: I am a leader?

Sailor Venus: Venus!

Sailor Venus: Love and Beauty Shock!

Sailor Pluto: Venus!

Sailor Venus: Pluto! Hurry!

Sailor Venus: Venus Love-Me Chain!

Sailor Venus: Well, "That ended rough!" they say.

Sailor Pluto: Why did you do such a reckless thing?

Stars Translator's Notes: Transl. Note: She meant to say "That ended {\b }well{\b } (erai)" but said "{\b }rough{\b } (arai)" instead.

Sailor Venus: Did you really think I would run away and leave my friend behind?

Sailor Venus: This is an order from the leader! Let's combine our strength to rescue the Princess!

Neherenia: Yes... Even the White Moon Princess cannot defeat my nightmare.

Neherenia: However, I will not allow you to be so comfortable...

Neherenia: I'll hurt you, again and again until you feel just how much I was humiliated!

Neherenia: What?

Sailor Jupiter: I won't let you lay one finger on Usagi-chan!

Neherenia: Damn you!

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi-chan! Usagi-chan! Get a hold of yourself! Wake up!

Neherenia: It's useless! That girl will never awaken from her dream!

Sailor Jupiter: Bring her back now!

Neherenia: Haven't you ever seen a nightmare before?

Sailor Jupiter: What?

Neherenia: If she dislikes her dream, she'll awaken by herself.

Neherenia: The fact that she does not awaken even when you are calling her...

Neherenia: ...proves that she wants to stay in her sweet dream!

Neherenia: She gave up everything! She abandonded it all to be engulfed in her sweet dream.

Sailor Jupiter: You're lying! You've locked Usagi-chan in this nightmare!

Neherenia: Shall I trap you within a sweet dream as well?

Sailor Jupiter: Shut up!

Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter: Oak Evolution!

Neherenia: This is my palace of nightmares!

Neherenia: It is what I used to control the Kingdom of Darkness!

Neherenia: You did not know? It was I who controlled the kingdom using dark energy.

Sailor Jupiter: This is your home?

Neherenia: I was sealed by the White Moon Princess when I reached out for that world of light...

Neherenia: ...but in the darkness, I am without equal!

Neherenia: The White Moon's light does not reach this darkness!

Neherenia: Even if all of you att*cked together, you cannot defeat me!

Neherenia: Next I will extinguish the light of the White Moon!

Sailor Jupiter: Stop it!

Neherenia: Foolish! Do you intend to die for that girl?

Neherenia: Is she even worth protecting?

Neherenia: This girl who has thrown away everything and immersed herself in this dream?

Sailor Jupiter: You can't see?

Sailor Jupiter: Even though Usagi-chan is impulsive and a crybaby, she is always cheering everyone up...

Sailor Jupiter: ...like the gentle moonlight! And she always...

Sailor Jupiter: ...takes action on behalf of others even if it means sacrificing herself!

Sailor Jupiter: Everyone loves Usagi-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: Don't you have any friends like her?

Neherenia: Shut up!

Neherenia: Shut up!

Neherenia: Shut up!

Neherenia: Friends? Don't make me laugh! One such as I does not need friends!

Neherenia: I'll imprison you! Just like the rest of your comrades!

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi...

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi-chan..

Sailor Moon: A rose...

Sailor Moon: A red rose...

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Neherenia: What?

Sailor Moon: Nehelenia!

Neherenia: You awoke from my nightmare...

Neherenia: ...but can you reach my palace and your beloved Prince?

Sailor Moon: Wait for me, Mamo-chan!

Neherenia: To go to this extent... She is a fool.

Neherenia: I hope those thorns tear you into ragged pieces!

Neherenia: Your bloody figure is the very entertainment I seek!

Chibi Moon: How dare you!

Neherenia: It's you!

Chibi Moon: Separating a loving couple and, even worse, torturing them! I won't forgive you!

Sailor Saturn: Nehelenia! Release our Prince and Princess!

Chibi Moon: Usagi! What do I do? If Mamoru doesn't wake up...

Chibi Moon: I'll disappear from this world...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa!

Chibi Moon: I'm losing my power...

Sailor Moon: Hang on! We're not alone!

Sailor Moon: Everyone is here! If we combine our strength, we will surely!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Moon Power of Love! End of the Nightmare

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.
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