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06x22 - A Correct Settling

Posted: 05/18/23 08:37
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night

[Engine starts]

[Horn honks]


Hey, in the car,
can you hear me?


Yes, sir. That's state 11,
near byanton road.

I got it.

You weren't involved,

Just driving by.
Is that it?

[Telephone rings]

Sparta police.
This is luke everett.

Can I help you?

Prisoner visiting
is on now.

Oldsmobile, yes.
The license number?

Yes, ma'am.

Find out who
that belongs to.

Now, the other car
that did the ramming,

Could you tell
what make?


Let me put you on
with another officer

So I can get some help
started out there.

Brenda, take this, please.

Yes, sir.


Brenda: yes, sir.

Chief, accident
out on byanton road.

I'm sending
the crime van.

Is there something
criminal about it?

There's a witness
says yes.

File this back
into traffic?

File it in the
trash, please.

The paper in
this building
is choking me.

[Intercom buzzes]

Yeah, what?

Dee wanted
tag name and i.d.

Go ahead.

That's a '90
olds cutlass

Registered to
a bishop william
prinn of jackson.

Bishop prinn?

Well, well. Huh.

You know him, chief?

I met him once
at the tibbses'.

Better call
the tibbses.

Detective tibbs
is in jackson, chief.

This man was a friend
of mrs. Tibbs. Call her.

It's time for her
to leave for school,
but I'll try.


Well, well.

Bye-bye, althea.

[Loud music playing]

Dee! Well,
how you doing, hon?

Oh, althea just
this moment left here.

Oh, uh-huh.
Well, that's bad news.

I'll have this
back to you by
monday afternoon.

Wait a minute.

I'm still here.

O.k., Uh-huh.
Well, thanks
for calling.

Sit down
and have some coffee.

I'm getting eric
to school.

Bishop william prinn
was in a car accident.

You know,
the prison bishop.

My god.
What a coincidence.

What is?

Well, I just
waved to eugene,

Then I hear about
the prison bishop.

He came to a party here,

And he spent time
talking to eugene.

He got you upset, too.

I got to run. Bye.

Oh, o.k.

[Door closes]

Didn't you say you
had an early class?

I said I had
an early appointment.

What time is
your first class?

Mamma, what are
you yelling about?

I'm not yelling.

Going to church today?

No. My first class
is 10:00.

It's now 8:40.

Why am I here?

To meet with the man
who sees my daddy

And works with him to
get his sentence commuted.

We're meeting here
in reverend wishert's
office. O.k.?

Of course, it's o.k., Eugene.

This is a white church.

Hush, eric.

I'm glad to know
you're still
working on that.

Don't say that, mamma.

You're not glad about it.

I'm only saying
that I admire
your loyalty.

It's not loyalty.

I love him.

He's my father.


The bishop's been
in a car accident.

He's on his way
to county hospital.

He's in fair shape.

He was conscious
and talking.

Oh, god.

Is that
bishop bill prinn?

Yes, miss delong.

Eugene and I were
going to talk with him.

I hope he's o.k.

Want to come in
and call the hospital?

No. I'm going
to go over there.

[Engine starts]

Bad luck.

He's been waiting
all week.

I didn't know.

Eugene, your husband,
and the bishop were--

I don't have
a husband.

Eugene's father
and I divorced.

I'm--i'm sorry.
I don't keep up with that.

You live in your world,
I live in mine.

May the lord
be with bill prinn.

Amen to that.

No, sir, but the
man will be o.k.

You've pulled a few people
out of wrecks, huh?

Yes, sir, a few.

What's the story?

The tire marks agree
with what you said,
mr. Turner.

Rammed off the road.that's what it
looks like.

Driver's door
says the same.

We're looking for
an older sedan?


Yellow-tan sedan
with damage
on the right front.


If the man dies.

I hope that
doesn't happen.

Attempted m*rder for sure.

The officers don't think
it was an accident, sir.

I won't argue
with your officers.

If we say
a white man
went after me,

We'll have to
guess why.

The guessing
is going to start

Angry race arguments,

Which are always
a big setback to
my work.


I want another x-ray.yes, ma'am.


Because I don't
like that one.

I want to leave.

I want to be
in jackson
by noon tomorrow.

Not noon

Or noon day
after tomorrow.

Can somebody
lend me a car?

I cannot afford
a rental.

I'll drive you, bishop.

He can't ride
in a jeep

No matter
when he goes.

Now, come on.
Who are we looking for?

What kind of
question is that?

Have you had
any threats lately,

Say, from a white man
in his 30s?

Who said a white man
in his 30s?

A witness who saw the man
that rammed your car.

Call from
sergeant sweet.

Excuse me.

See, as I was saying,

Before the invasion
of doctors, x-rays
and police,

The strategy is
to not try for
a reprieve--

1, 2, 3, Like that--

The strategy
is to get delays
and more delays.

The more your daddy
stays around,

The more people
will think he ought
to stay around.

You ask if your mamma
could be helpful?

The answer is yes.


Miss harriet delong.

Here to see the chief?

No, sir. For you.

Hey, miss delong.
How can I help you?

I wanted to find out
about bishop prinn.

If you want
to see him--

No. Not this minute.

He seems to be o.k.
He's in one piece.

Last time I saw him,

He asked what
I'd do for my husband.

Didn't want to hear
that I didn't have
a husband.

My child's father
was to be ex*cuted.

What would I do?

Eugene was
with him just now.

You've been his coach.

I know you talk.

Yes, ma'am.
Now and then.

Well, I want you
to know where I am
as his mother.

I live my life
for him...

And for his cousin
who's with us...

And for
the people I love
and who love me.

I understand.

I really should be
over at that hospital.

It's the right thing
to do...

But i, uh, just
don't feel up to

A session with
the two of them.

I'm glad that
bishop prinn is o.k.

He's kind
of a great man.

I'll try to
reach him by phone.

Listen, miss delong.

If there's
anything I can do...

Could you
tell my son...

If the occasion
presents itself...

Tell him what?

Say something
to make him...

Say nothing.

What can be said?

Oh, uh,
from the glove box,

Door pockets,
under the seats,
and trunk.

Find anything

Yeah. We found
this message.

It's a note
to the bishop.

Maybe we shouldn't
have read it.

If you were fishing
for something special
without a warrant,

We'll have a problem.

We weren't fishing
for nothing special,

Just digging
for worms.

Found a good one.

I got no problem
with this at all.

I'd say it's
good police work.

Look at this.

Hey! Hey!

How's my car
coming along?
I need it.

I reckon you do.

What happened
to ours?

What do you see?
A little accident.

Take about
half an hour

To get that
fuel pump back on.

I'll wait.

You'll pay
for our car, too.


Come on in.

This, uh,
this is one of
two sitting rooms.

There's a porch
off there.

Well, they're asking
79,500 for it.

It's a pretty fair deal.

It's only three blocks
from the square.

Ground around it.

It's got four
regular bedrooms
and a small one.

I've seen this house before.


Somebody gave
a party here.

Somebody who
was renting it.
I forget who.

A couple of years ago.

It's o.k.

It's nice.

Well, of course,
it's, uh,

It's too big
for just me,

But then I've still
got bobby with me.

I don't know how long
that's going to last.

I can't predict
the future...

At all.

Viola's got
her own place.

Bill: uh...

If I stay by myself--


My son is going to
carry on that fight
for his father's life,

And I'll lose my son
to that fight.

You say that
as though

It's absolutely
bound to happen.

It is!

Unless I get in
the fight with him.

How do I do that?

Well, I'm afraid my...

Thoughts on that are...

Are not very helpful.

Your thoughts.

You mean let eugene
go his way?

Don't get involved
with that man?

Don't go--

Don't go
near him again?


You think if you said
those things to me

I'd turn away from you?


Why would i?

You love me.


[People speaking indistinctly]

You could call vic glinden
a model prisoner

Because he really is.

Well, actually,
none of the men
in this section

Give us any trouble.

Leastways, none
that are still here.

But vic glinden's an
especially easy man
to deal with.

I would have
guessed that.

Very intelligent,
very courteous.

Very helpful to everybody,

prison personnel.

Works hard on
his own case.

I gather he was
well thought of
on the outside.

I think he was.

He got fired from a job,
but he shouldn't have.

You know what
he told me once?

"Warden lynch,
I ran around

"For about
12 years after that
in a red-hot rage

"Until my head popped open
and my good sense flew out."

Well, uh...

I don't really need
to talk to him.

I--i just, uh...

Oh, I done already told
him about the bishop,

And he said, "sad sam
quirt must have did that."


Sad sam quirt's a guy

Who had a brother
who got ex*cuted.

He claimed the bishop
didn't help his brother

Because he was white.

I see.

Have a seat,
chief, please.

Thank you.

Vic glinden's former wife

Wants to know
if she can help him.

can help him.

He could use it.

Well, uh,
she isn't anybody.

She would
like some specific
advice on the thing.

What should she do?

She could visit him,

Help keep
his hope up,

Contribute some money
if she can.

Vic's lawyer
has dropped him,

Says he has to
have some money.

Uh, visit him privately?

Oh, yes.
Yes, indeed. Yes.

As private
as he and she
want it to be.

They can be
completely alone,

Nobody listening,
nobody spying.

Uh, warden,
she's his ex-wife.

She hasn't been married
to him for years.

Well, we don't
stand on a lot
of formality

And prerequisites
around here, chief.

This is death row.

We try to make life,
such as it is,

As normal as we can.

Well, thank you, sir.

I'll advise the lady.

You, uh, you know
the lady well, chief?

Well, she's on
the sparta city council,

On the police committee,

And we work together

Good, good.

I...what I'm trying
to say, chief,

Is that the conjugal visit

Isn't listed in the program,

But it's not
unheard-of here.

That's a funny name--

What did you say
it was--sam?

Sad--sad sam
everybody called him.

May I use that phone
over there?

Oh, certainly.
Help yourself,

Just dial 91
and then the number.

[Telephone rings]

Jamison here.

Yeah. Hey, chief.

Yeah. I'm getting it down.


Yeah, I got it.

We'll run it through
the computer right now.

You starting back?

Yeah, o.k.

Yeah, I will.

You know that
byanton road thing--
bishop prinn?

Yeah.we got a name.

All right.
I'll run it
through r2d2.

Come on, sharon.
Let's go.

O.k., Oh!

Sam quirt.

There's got to be
something in here

On a name
like sam quirt.

If there isn't,

I'll enter it
in the general query pool

As quickly...


Hi, dr. Wishert.

I'm lieutenant jamison.

Oh, how you doing?

We're following up

On the bishop
prinn case.

We're hoping
you could help.

I sure hope so.

It's hard to believe
that that was an accident.

We don't believe
it either, sir.

The question now is,

Who are the bishop's

It might be some
spur-of-the-moment thing.

Some fool didn't
like bill driving
a fine-looking car.

It's a thought.
It's happened before.

Look at this.

It's a note we found.
There's no signature.

It doesn't read like
someone who's friendly.

"Live with the thought

"That a white man
is going to k*ll you.

Why? You know why."

Has bill prinn
got any idea?

I'll ask him,

But he doesn't
like to talk about
anything r*cist.

Yeah. I know.

Pretty personal,
isn't it?

"Why? You know why."

Sounds like somebody
with a real wicked

White man
with a grudge.

You got any idea?

You know,
I can't imagine.

I can probably name
a hundred white men

Who are his friends,
but a white enemy?

I--i don't know a one.

Sharon: lieutenant,
excuse me.

Covey on the horn.

Yeah. O.k.

Well, excuse me,
reverend. Thanks.

I wish I could
have helped.

yeah, covey?

at lambardy's.

Nothing at
walsh brothers.

But we got something

At sparta
automotive. What, a car?

Yeah. But it's not here.

What are you
talking about?

Fella wanted to leave
his car for work.

He wanted a loaner,

And they couldn't
give him one.

What kind of work?

Fuel pump.

We're looking for a car
with body damage.

The fella here
knows this guy.

He's a cuckoo.

Meaning what?

Meaning a real case.

When he heard
about the ramming,

He was the first one
they thought of.

Do they know his name? Sure do.

Sam quirt.

What kind of car?

'77 Buick,
pea green.

Call it in.
I want everybody
looking for that car.

I saw the warden.

He thinks
you can help vic.

Did you see vic?


He looks very well.

They all think
very highly of
him up there.

What should I do?

Uh...i've got
a phone number...

Anytime you get
ready to use it.

I think...

No matter what...

You can't risk
losing your son.

You have to go.

You can go
whenever you want.

You can go tomorrow.

Hold me until tomorrow.


Breakfast is
on the table.

You want me to
drop him at school?no. I'll do that,

But I want you
to bring him home.

Mrs. Willis will
give you dinner.

You going to be gone
again tonight?

I'll be back
by 8:00 or 8:30.

And then you'll be
here for the night?

I believe I will.

But you can't
say for sure, huh?


Do your plans require

That you know
what my plans are?

I don't mind.

I just don't
like hearing

and hardness
in your voice.

She's driving to
sunflower county.

Is it far?

It will take me
two or three hours.

Have I been there?


Oh, I forgot.
I've got something
for you to sign.

It's a permission
to practice note.

What's in
sunflower county?

Parchman prison.

I thought you knew that.

Why you going up there?

To see if I can help.

You doing this for me?


I'm glad you're going
to see my dad.

There's, uh...someone else

I'd like you not to see.

I ask you as a son.

I have a right...

Haven't i?


I'm not hungry.

You'll walk away
one day,

And I'll tell you
to keep on going.

Just check
the box "yes"

And sign your name.

[Door slams]

Go ahead.
Check "yes."

Morning, chief.

You know that name--
sam quirt?

He seems to be the
one we got to find.

Quirt's got
four arrests,
two convictions--

Disturbing the peace
and an as*ault.

What's his problem
with the world?

People in it
who ain't white,
looks like.

He started a couple
of race brawls up in
the delta,

Did 90 days jail
time in yazoo.

He also underwent
what they call
mental evaluation

Because he tried
to k*ll himself.

There's a note we think
quirt wrote to bishop.

It's a death threat.

O.k. I'll call you.

Just so you won't
be surprised,

Luann just
brought a visitor
into your office.

I don't see
anybody in there.

He's lying
on the davenport.

Oh, lord!

Bobby brought him in
on the way to school.

Bobby brought
him in? Why?

You were supposed
to take him to the vet.

You weren't
at your house, so...

Oh, I forgot. Uh...

Well, I'll go
in there and change,

And then
I'll take him in.



Did the kid seem
upset or anything?

No. I'd say he knew.

He knew what?

Knew where you were.


The door
doesn't lock.

We have to have
that window in it.

That lamp
over there,

You can
turn it off.

I'll knock
in an hour.

You can knock
if you're ready.

Thank you.



I suppose
it's wrong to say

That you're
looking well.

Well, what's wrong
with saying that?

It implies that this
is the place to be,

Which is dumb.

For diet, exercise,

Study, contemplation,

It isthe place to be.

Please sit down, harriet.

Thank you.

Bishop prinn
coming around?

Yes. He's going
to be all right.

Did you talk to him?

Not yet.

Hmm. Well,
don't be in a hurry.

He'll only pick
a fight with you again.

You don't need that.

Aren't you going
to sit down?

Bishop prinn
is a good man.

He sure is.

He's a great man.

If anybody
going to save me,

It will be him.

I love him.

He's a fighter,
all right,

In the best way

And for
the best reasons.

Eugene's a fighter,
isn't he?

Oh, yes.

Let me introduce you
to another fighter.

She's the woman
who's been with me

The last seven years.

She's my main fighter

And wants to keep
being my main fighter,

If you know what I mean.

Harriet, I need your help.

I need you to help me
find a new lawyer

And put up money
to retain him,

If you can.

I can do that.

Thank you.

That's all I want, harriet.

That's all I need.

Does eugene
know about her?

No. I, uh...

I got to straighten him out
about a few things.

He's not easy, vic,

And he's so rough on me.

Well, he's a kid.

I do know about
his big project,

Which is to bust up
you and gillespie.

I don't want in it.

I just wanted you
to know that I know.

What does eugene say?

He can't figure out

How you and him
got tight.

"Old white cop" is
what he calls him.

I knew him through my work.

I didn't like him.

There really wasn't
any reason to like him.

Then one day
we found ourselves

Laughing about something.

Then we found
ourselves laughing
about something else.

Everything began to change.

That's all I know.

I'm going to
give a knock.

That's it?

I go?

No. Now, don't be silly.

You just this
minute got here.

First let's
have some tea,

If I can get some.

You want some?

Well, i... Um...

It's a long haul back.

Yeah. Tea would be nice.

Then you can go.


The officer
can go in,

But he shouldn't
stay long.

We want the
patient to rest.

The bishop
calls him in.

I'll have
a settee moved.

Then he won't
see the officer.

I'll be
in my office.

Um...what are
they going to do
to him, anyway?


It's a procedure
to find out

How much
his arteries
are blocked.

He could
leave tomorrow

Or stay
for heart surgery.

The chief wants to
escort him to jackson.

He's that worried?

Well, quirt's a nut.

A nut might do anything.

Going over to
the county hospital,

Maybe say hello
to the bishop.

Uh...bishop prinn's

Working with
eugene glinden,
you know?

Yes, sir.

This whole thing's
been rough on the boy.

I wish there was
something I could
do to help,

But I'm bad news
with him.

Eugene's got
a lot to learn.

I hear his daddy
doesn't have
much of a chance.

That's what they tell
me up at parchman.

Call me, will you?

Yes, sir.

Covey here.
Across the street
looking at y'all.

Got a buick, four-door,
kind of green.

It could be a '77.

Is anybody
around it?

Car's locked.

Pair of black
work boots in the back,

So the driver's
probably male,
whoever he is.

Excuse me.




Get down!


Give it up!

What can we do?

Can we get him
off the floor?


You o.k.?

It's too late
for that.

He's already dead.

I guess
I was unconscious
the whole time

When that terrible
stuff was happening,

But I was dreaming,

And it was
all in the dream.

Isn't that amazing?

All that sh**ting
and fighting out there...

Though I couldn't
envision who
was doing what.

When I came back in,
you seemed awake.

I knew I was awake

When these women
were fussing,

Listening to
my poor old heart.

They were watching
that machine

Take my blood pressure.


They tell me...

He k*lled one
of your policemen.

Yes, he did.

Why the lord
would take that boy

And let me stay?

Well, it's good
you don't need surgery.

And you can
go home tomorrow.

Good night.

See you
in the morning.

Good night.good night.

I'll be just
down the way

If you need me.

I'll come back
in the morning, too.

That's the first
young man

You've lost
in a while.

Yes, sir.
About two years.

Well, we live
with sadness,

But we needn't
live sadly.

That young boy
of yours

Really loves
his mama.

You can believe that.

Thank you.

Now, what are
you two going to do?

Do you know?

Try not to live sadly.


Well, you keep working.

You keep, uh...
Stirring around.

You keep moving.

Keep working.

Keep stirring around.

Yeah. I like that.
I like moving.

That's good.
That's good.

Ha-ha! Keep moving.

Well, we looked
at a house.


That's nice.
