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06x20 - Even Nice People

Posted: 05/18/23 08:36
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪♪

[Glass breaking]


[Dog barking]

[Busy signal]

I can be at the station
by noon,

But give me
a couple of hours.

You know
where I'll be

And how you can
get in touch with me.

Yeah, bye.

Bobby, let's go.

Now this is good, see?

You ate everything
this morning,

And this is the stuff
that will prevent
the usual gas.

Can I start it?go ahead.

Can I drive it?

Oh, you didn't
get your permit.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, all right,
go ahead.

wants to come, too.

Oh, no. You want to stay here
and take care of our house,
don't you?

[Ruff ruff]

You heard him.

Yeah, well, all right,
come on, let's go.

Yes, I hear you.

Chief gillespie's
not in right now.

There's an officer here
who can give you
that information.

Just hold on.

New orleans for you,
lieutenant. Blinking line.

come and get this,

Lieutenant jamison.

Yes, ma'am,
we'll take care of it
right away.

I want to turn you over
to another officer

Who's ready
to take down names
and other particulars

That might help us.
Hold on.

Yes, ma'am.

Tell it to me,
will you, please?

Yes, ma'am.

Sparta police,
corporal corbin.


We'll get you
a cab.

Yes, sir.

Where was this, sir?

Well, just a moment, sir.
Let me put you on
with lieutenant jamison.

Lieutenant, something about
g*nshots in the country,
south rim of town.

It's a man talking.

I got another call,
but I want you to know

My chief
won't like it.

It'll be
one more reason

For him to be mad
at new orleans.

We'll call you back.

Good morning, sir.

Can you tell me what
kind of sh*ts you heard?

Did you hear sh*ts,
or did you see a sh**ting?


Can I have
your name?

Do you know who lives
in that cottage?

Go ahead. Tell me
what you saw.

If that there sh**ting
took place out south,

The chief
is heading out south
this morning.

Keep talking.
I'm getting it.

He's going to go see
his daughter, I believe.

Never say,
"not at any price."

I didn't mean
not at any price.

Those were your words.

I was trying to say
I want to live here.

I may sell it someday,
but right now--

Would you take
a million?

You going to show me
a million?

First say you would
sell at a price,

And then I want
to prove to you--try this time next year.

Right now,
my need isn't money.

My need is to be here.

I can't tell you why.
I'm not sure myself,

Really, my "no" is firm.

It's just firm.

I'm going to phone you.

I'll phone you...
When I get a phone.

Miss lana?

Did you know there was
a fella just a-lurkin'
out by the shed?

I saw him
a while ago.

He was spying on us.

Not on you,
randy. On me.


Maybe he wants to know
what I'm doing here.

He's not supposed
to come on your land
without permission.

I did let him.

No, you didn't
let him.

I didn't run him off.

Your daddy
would have run him off.

Why? He's nosy,
but he hasn't done
anything wrong.

He was a-lurkin'.

Your daddy
would have raised
his colt .44

And sent that fella flying.

Bet he wouldn't.

Why, miss lana,
don't you know

Your daddy is
the meanest police chief

In the state
of mississippi?

You ask anybody.
They'll tell you
about your daddy.

He is the--
I mean to tell you--
the meanest.

[Car engine starts]

[Rap music plays]

Well, go on.
You're all clear.

Full stop.

You know,
this is terrible.

Why do you
hate this stuff?

it's always some kid

Trying to tell me things
I don't need to hear--

"What's love? What's life?
What's wrong?

What's the truth?
What goes on?"

I should be telling the kid
those things.

It's just a song,


How can it be a song?
I don't hear any music.

You think this guy
needs any help?

If he did,
he'd be flagging us down.

Can I help you, sir?


You fixing to buy some
property out here, ron?

You hear me talking to you,
ron griff?

I hear you.

Have a nice day.

That guy was weird.

I could have told you that.

Then why didn't you?

You seem to want
to find out things
for yourself nowadays.

I found out
that guy don't care
a whole lot for you.

There's no reason
he should.

I put him in jail once.

She going to sell?

Not soon.

We got ways
to make it soon.

You got something

Yeah, wait.
That's better.

Tell that to the boss.

They're really
whaling on that roof.

seems as though.

Would you get up
on your roof like that?

Sure, if I had
a reason to.

I'll show you
three reasons
next time it rains.

Is that
her new pickup?



[Telephone rings]

Gillespie here.

Chief, poor benny reyno
was shot.

They think it happened
early this morning
at his little place.

Oh, lord.

No doubt
about who it was?

No, sir, no doubt.
He's been identified.

He took four sh*ts
in his back,

Big stuff
like maybe .357s.

Uh, yes, sir.

Right, chief.

needs to talk to you
about something else

your daughter's case.

Get yourself set
for a little more bad news.

I warmed him up
for you, lonnie.

Appreciate it, parker.

The new orleans robbery
division called.

They arrested
jack richard smett
last night.

They holding him
down there?

Yes. Possession
of stolen property.

opposing bail.

Do they know
he's wanted here
in court tomorrow?

We can go get him.

Yes, sir, I told them.
They won't let him go.

Yes, sir.



Mr. Darnelle's
walking in right now.

We'll call you back.

Morning, everybody.

Morning, sir. Before
we start the meeting,

I should say
the new orleans police called.

One defendant
won't make the trial.

Not tomorrow anyway.

Also we got something else.

Looks like we got a m*rder
out on the south fringe.

What a wonderful way
to start the day.

m*rder*d man,
benny reyno,
has a file.

Seems you know him.

You put him in jail
when you were
assistant d.a.,

According to this.

Well, bill gillespie knows
the man as well as I do.

Lord knows why anybody
would want to k*ll him.

Now, why would anybody
want to k*ll the man,
mr. Burrows?

I don't know.
I didn't know him
real well.

I know
he wasn't rich.

We're not going to get
any fresh prints.

And there's no sign
of any spent cartridges.

No, that's 'cause
it was a revolver.
Four sh*ts.

All four slugs
are on their way
to the morgue

Inside mr. Reyno.

k*lled from
fairly close?

No, no.
No powder marks
on the body.

He was probably shot
from, well,

Right about
where you are
right there.

Probably by somebody
who could handle
that revolver

all four slugs

Are bunched up
in the middle
of his back.

Uh, dee, what do you
make of this?

The arrest was
for stealing a car,

But his real business
was starting fires.


By trade?

That's right.

Benny had a way
of doing it.

could catch him.

The chief was friendly
with that man?

It happens.

Now, sir,
you remember anything else
about the man

Besides his hat
and his car?

I told you
he was a white man

In a station wagon,

Yep, that's it, then.

I told you
all I seen.

Uh, told you about
the carry bag,

No, sir, you didn't.
The what?

Carry bag.

When he come out
the door, he had
a little carry bag.

I seen that, too...

A little old
carry bag.

So wide.

Know what I mean?

Yeah. Uh, thank you.

What's he fixing to do?

Don't worry.

You and that crowd
from new orleans,

You're pretty tough,

But you're messing with
the police chief's daughter.

I want to know
what I'm getting into.

You didn't do your job.

Let me handle mine.

Sweet, they're leaving.

[Ruff ruff]

[Ruff ruff]

Excuse me.
Excuse me.

It's a beauty.
Bet it drives good,

Drives well.

Can I drive it?


Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You can't drive
that vehicle

Unless a licensed driver's
sitting alongside of you.

I don't mean randy.

Just go on out
and wait till I get back.

I'll just sit in it.

It looks goofy,
doesn't it?

You'll have to
come to court with me
in this will thing,

But to turn up
in court in this
delissa case

When you don't
have to be there...

I know.

I don't mind
being your daughter.

I do like my pop...

But I don't want to
look like chief daddy's
little girl.

All I was saying was

That darnelle may order me
to be a witness,

Though I'll do
everything I can
to get out of it.

delissa in jail
does nothing for me.

I won't get
the car back he stole.

I don't need the papers.
He can't get
anything else.

of what it does
for you,

He's up
for serious crimes--

Grand theft,
felonious as*ault.

[Horn honks]

You shouldn't have told him

That he could drive
that vehicle.

That's not my horn.
That's somebody coming.



Poor old benny reyno.
Where is he now?

Victim's gone
to postmortem, chief.
Hey, lana.


A mr. Burrows
saw someone drive away

Right after
he heard the sh*ts.

Nobody he knew?

Nope. It was a white man
hanging around,

Carrying luggage,
took off in a station wagon.

There was a guy
hanging around here
this morning.

That's not unusual,

Was he driving
a station wagon?

I don't know.

Got any ideas,

Well, you know,
poor old benny,

He didn't
have anything
worth robbing.

He was a little
gone in the head,
you know,

But, listen, I saw
a white man with
a station wagon.

This end of town?

Yeah, mm-hmm.

Not far from here.

Hey, lonnie.
We'd better hurry.

All right,
if we're ready,

Though I suspect
we are not,

Let's call
this first case.

What is it,
sparta vs.who?

Sparta vs. Delissa
and smett,judge.

Thank you,
mr. Darnelle.

Call it in the proper way,
clarence, will you?

In court,
propriety is all.

County of sparta,
state of mississippi,

Vs. Carl delissa

And jack richard smett.

Indicted for?

Indicted for
four felonies, judge.

Breaking and entering,

Unlicensed carrying
of concealed weapons,

Aggravated as*ault,
grand theft.

It says
they were on bail.

Who--who granted bail?

Judge clint,
your honor.

He's still alive?

Yes, sir.

Am I now to understand

That the defendants
have jumped bail?

No, your honor.

One of them,
jack smett,

Has been...merely arrested
in new orleans.

He's...awaiting bail
down there.

Ah. I see.

Merely arrested.
Is that all?

He can't be here until
he's bailed out of there.

That's funny, ain't it?

I have to ask
for a postponement.

Don't you think
it's kind of funny?

Definitely funny,
your honor.

Your honor,
what I propose--

What about
the other bird?

He in a cage, too?

Uh, no, judge.
He's flying free.

Mr. Delissa is merely
detained, judge,

With a reasonable
explanation, I'm sure.

I wouldn't be surprised--

In fact,
I fully expect

To hear from him
any moment.

I expect to seehim here
at any moment.

I want to see him
in the very next moment,

Or I'm going to issue
a warrant for him.

Where is he?

Your honor, i--

See if he didn't just
appear at your side. Look!


I don't believe he did!

Is he there?
Look around and see.

He's not, is he?


No. Of course he's not.

I want him arrested,

Get the particulars
on him,

Bring me a warrant
to sign,

And let's seize the bail.

Yes, sir.

I want to take
a 15-minute recess.

[Pounds gavel]

15-minute recess.

Get the warrant.
Get the warrant.

The whole law's
becoming bizarre.


Oh, thank you.

Are, uh...

You the young woman
these defendants

Beat up and robbed?

Yes, sir.

That's merely alleged,
your honor.

Just give that man
the information
he needs

And address
no further remarks to me.

Your honor,
I must protest.

Keep your mouth shut.

Are you the daughter

Of the late
georgia farren?

Georgia and who?

Ken farren?

Your honor,
I have to object to--

Who--who are you
objecting to?

This court's in recess.

The judge isn't up--
isn't there, is he?

Is he?

No, sir, he isn't.

Ken farren
was not my father.

But ken farren...

Was married
to your mama,

And now he's in prison
for k*lling your mama.

Is that right?

That's right,

But my real father's
bill gillespie.

Does she mean
our...police chief?



Our esteemed
police chief.

I suppose...

We're going
to hear about

This whole sorry
marital mess

When and if we find
whoever's supposed
to be tried here.

I suppose.

It's too bad.

Yes, sir, it is.

As you've been the victim
of a whole lot more

Than the indictment says,

And now...we're
going to hash it up
all over again.

So they tell me.

I don't get this.

It seems pretty clear.

One of your defendants
is in jail,

And the other one
doesn't want you
to put him there.

Darnelle, we have some things
to talk about.

We sure do. What happened
to your client?

I'll see you outside
in about a minute.

Sure you will.

If I knew where
mr. Delissa was,

I'd have told
the judge, right?

I wanna expedite all this.

If I can call you
later today...

I'll be in at 2:00.


A guy like delissa
could be in jail

Or dead somewhere.

I'll call you


mr. Marcus.

I wasn't dying
to see carl delissa,

But it would have been
better to get it over with.

You may never have to
if he pleads guilty,

If we catch him.

I just want him
to stay far away.

Same for that whole bunch
from new orleans.

I just wish--


If there's anything
I can do, tell me.

Got any influence
with the chief?

I never really tried
to find that out.

How about
a cup of coffee?

I can handle that.

I don't know how
we're going to strengthen
the kid's testimony.

When's she supposed
to give it?

My plan
is to get smett
out of that jail,

Talk them into
letting us have him.

Then I'll move
to try him alone.

A pity the jury
won't get a chance

To see the really
evil-looking one.

The real problem's
going to be

How lana
states her case.

She's not
very aggressive.

almost reluctant.

Well, she told her story
to you, didn't she?


But she's got
to talk to a jury
about feelings--

How she felt
when she came back
to that motel,

Saw that car,

The busted door handle,

Not knowing
whether they were
going to k*ll her.

The jury will already know

They beat her up,
stole some documents
and a car,

I'll tell them that,

But they'll want to know
about the personal stuff.

When you're on the stand,

You'll tell them
how you felt as a father

When you finally
caught up to mr. Delissa.

Her story's
got to be well-told,

'Cause she's
the only witness to it.


I'll see if I
can't work her up
to something.

Another thing--

She's going
to be cross-examined
about her whole life,

Her mother's life,

Criminal associations.

The men who beat lana
and robbed her

Were well-known to her.

Is all that back stuff

Really relevant
to what went on here?

Sure, it is.

Judge cully practically
said so this morning.

Said it right to lana,

And the look on her face
worried me.

How did the look
look like?

Like she wished
she could just back out
of the whole thing.

peake, get out
of there, man.

I think I see
trouble coming.

waste no time, man.

The forces of evil
are definitely in sight.

I'll need more time

To get this thing
back together.

I don't even know
what the damn thing is.

When this
thing's working,

glass cylinders...

Put out radiation.

It gets beamed--

A laser beam--

From 550 yards or more.

You hit a fuse box or a meter
with the beam and bzzzt!

The house goes up.

No one ever knows
how it got burned

Or who done it.


When does this thing do
what it's supposed to do?

First, I got to do
more rewiring on it.

The old wire's been worn

Or ate off by
some kind of crawler.

Was this worth
k*lling a man for?

Benny reyno--

Benny wasn't worth

Now, this here machine is.

I told him
I had to have it.

He wouldn't loan it.

I aimed to take it.

He went for the phone.

I pulled my g*n,

And he pulled his.

Well, he shouldn't
have done that.

Gasoline and matches
wouldn't do, huh?

Oh, sure,

If you want to risk
bringing them up
into the house

And being seen.

No, I don't.

You see,
this here thing

Is witness-proof,

But, better than that,

It's cop-proof.

These are all the pictures
I had time to take

Before they came back,
and I had to hide in the car.

Do these pictures
strike a chord in
your memory, parker?

I ain't feeling
nothing like that,

But I do know what
these pictures are of.

Benny's burn box--

If it's back
in one piece again.

Poor old
benny reyno.

What's it supposed to do?

Well, it was rumored
that, uh...

Benny reyno could start
insurance fires

With his burn box.

Not true, chief?

With this fool thing?

Benny reyno
and another fellow
invented this thing.

They tried selling it
to the army.

It was supposed to knock out
the electric system

Of enemy tanks.

1,000 yards away.


Projecting a ray beam

Like the ray beams
in star trek.

Benny took it over to
general voland's house.

This would be funny
if it wasn't so sad.

The general
was setting up

An electric train
for his grandkids.

Benny decided
to test it,

And he beamed the train.

What did it do?

It made it run faster.

Never did stop it.

Benny's pride got hurt.

That's when he
started putting around
scary stories

About being able
to start fires
with this thing.

Some people
sure believed him.

I'd say the k*ller did.
That's why he took
the machine.

Ronny griff
is not too smart.

If he's the k*ller

And he was hanging around
my daughter lana's house

With this thing,

What do you suppose
was in his foolish mind?

Should we grab him,


We should get ready
to grab him.

Does she understand
that a police chief

Is not empowered
to make plea-bargain deals
with people?

She knows
you're a good friend
of the d.a.

Oh, am i?

Of course you are.

Tell me what
I'm supposed to say
to the d.a.

Just that she
was the one hurt

And why
waste time and money
prosecuting these guys

When all she wants
is them and that
new orleans connection

Broken forever?

Do you really think

That that's a good way
to break it--

letting them off light?

Suppose darnelle
just let them off?

Suppose you quit
your kidding.

He's made those deals

Made a man promise
to stay away from here.

I believe
that girl of mine

Is weakening
your judgment.

I said to myself,
these two men doing
some heavy thinking.

I don't know
if I darest
interfere with it,

Even to say
good morning.

Good morning,
miss kibbey.
How are you?

Good morning,

Well, chief,
things are waiting.

If there's anything
I can say or do,
give me a call.

Thank you.

Was there
something important
I stopped?

Yeah, but it's long past
stopping time.

Well, well.

I don't hear these two
complaining about anything.

You want to hear

I'll tell you just
when to come by.

say that man m*rder*d
was a friend of yours.

He was in the w*r
with me, yeah.

You ain't worried,

m*rder going on
almost next door
to your child?

Oh, yeah. Sure, I am.

Virgil and althea
staying the night
in hattiesburg.

You know that?

I do know that.


If you was waiting
for somebody,

I believe
your waiting
is over.

Oh. Yeah.


I'm on my way.

You better
come by thursday.

I can give you
chicken, pig feet,
and stew all at once.

Thank you very much,

Thank you.

And, uh,
have a good day.

All right.
Come on.

Miss kibbey
has a strong sense

Of everything
that's going on.

A strong opinion
of everything, too.

Meaning you and me?

It worries her.


What is "it"?

Whatever "it" is,

It worries her.

Anyway, we got a call
about some illegal
police surveillance.

sergeant wilson sweet

Was spying
on louis epp's home

From a parked vehicle.

Well, officially,
I have to deny that.

After all, my men
could have been over
on ransome street

For any
number of reasons.

If you have a warrant,

Mr. Epp
says he has a right

To discover the basis
for any warrant.

He'll have to
take me into court

If he wants to pry
into police business.

Mind my telling you
some police business?

I'd love it.

Southern estates limited
is still hungering
after our south side.

They want everybody
in 5,000 acres out of there,

your daughter lana.

Southern estates
is the company
betty simms works for.

I believe they're both
working for the boys
in new orleans.

Excuse me, chief.

I think you ought
to call sweet on 3.

on the south side.

Now, where exactly
are you?

Right next to
your daughter's
house, chief.

what is going on?

Nothing. Uh,
one of the workers
is driving away.

Nobody around...


Somebody who
shouldn't be around.


Ronny griff.

At the moment,
I'm watching him

Watching the truck
drive away.

You know,

If ronny wanted
to burn this house,

Now would be
a perfect time.

He won't burn anything
with that fool machine.

I don't think
he's got it.


It's still
where it was.

What's this about?

It's about a crazy man
with a crazy machine.

I'd worry a lot less
about griff

If he had that fool thing
with him.

He can't harm anyone.

Harm to whom?

To lana.

Maybe he couldn't
rewire it

And decided to work
with something else.

Something simple.

That's what
they were trying to do.

Aren't you going out?

I might do that.

Shouldn't you get started?
It's a way.

Well, maybe you should
become the police chief,

And I'll go on
the city council
and harass you.

If he's
not doing anything,

Then don't you
do anything.

No, sir.

I don't see
the dream machine.

The main thing
is to catch him
in a criminal act.

Yes, sir.
We got you.

Ain't that your daughter
lana in the red pickup?

it sure is.

She's heading home.

I'd say about now

Headed home
is better than
being home.


Look at that.

Every move he makes
looks like a criminal act.

Hold it!

You in the kitchen!

Hey, did you start
a fire in there?



you're o.k.

You're o.k.
Just stay still.

Here, sugar.

Let peake
take care of him.

Get a blanket
from the car.

He's going
into shock.

What's that fire
in there?

This guy started it,

But it's o.k.
We're on it, chief.

Try to keep
his legs raised.

Yes, sir.

This is the chief.

I'm out on haddon road
going toward chalfonte.

I want an emergency vehicle
out here.

We've got g*nsh*t wounds.

There'll be somebody
on the road waiting
to wave you in.

Fire's out, chief.

Do you want to go
sit in here?


Is randy hit bad?

Yes, honey,
I think he is.

Everywhere mama and I
ever went...

People get k*lled...

Even nice people.