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06x19 - Legacy

Posted: 05/18/23 08:35
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪♪

It's all right, parker.
I know.

I just wish something
would happen

To keep from having
to go to that dinner

If something
should happen,

I'll be sure
to beep you.

What time did
you say I had to
be there at 5:30?

That's what yousaid.

It's moving towards that
with every passing moment.

Thank you, parker.yes, sir.

Only reason horace sloan

Wants me
at that dinner party

Is so's he can
pick my brain.

He's fascinated
by the criminal mind.

Well, chief,
your mind's not criminal.

I hope not, parker.

But you said--

I didn't mean mymind.

I meant the minds
of all the criminals

That we chase around.

Don'’t you see the man
is writing a book.

He wants to know
my life experience
as a cop.

Chief, you should give me
the phone number

In case your beeper

That's a good idea.

Here, it's right
on that invitation.

Wonder what they're
serving for dinner.

Oh, some kind of bird.

Those people enjoy
eating birds.

We might call
just so you'll know

We're thinking about you.

You don't have to
do that,

Though come
to think about it,

You could beep me
about 9:30.

I should be out
of life experience
by that time.

Will do.yes, sir.

It's just that
he always invites
such strange people.'s
the chief of police.

What are people like us
supposed to say

To a person like that?

Just let daddy
do the talking.

And who is this woman
from chicago?

A relative.

Well, I know that.

Who is she?

She's a distant cousin.

I've never met her.

Couldn't I just
have a headache?

No. You are going,

But this
is the last time

Daddy will dictate
our dinner plans.

Your daddy's going
to be dictating
from the grave.

Honey, let's
just get dressed.

We'll go down there

And make
the best of it.

Think daddy would mind
if I don't do black tie?

I don't have
anything appropriate.

You never do.
And knock.

Brother, dear,

Would you tell your wife
I don't have horns

Just because
I got a divorce?

I did knock.

Get dressed...


Amy, I'm sure
you got something
she can wear.

Help her out.all right.

Y'all hurry up.
Daddy's waiting.

Oh, amy.

This is delicious.

You weren't
going to wear this.

It's just not you.

Well, actually,

I was planning
on returning it.

You may wear it.thank you.

Have it.

I been telling virgil

He should have gone
to the sloans

Just for the experience.

The experience of being
the only black person?

I've had it.
I don't need it.

Makes you feel
uncomfortable, like...

A fly
in the buttermilk?

ha ha ha ha!

I haven't heard that
in years!

But I been there--

The only fly in the bowl
of buttermilk.

A fly could be
in worse places.

Anyway, you're
holding your own.

Thank you.

Nobody's doing you
any favors.

Old man sloan just
counts his money.

All right.

[Doorbell chimes]oh, saved.

Hi. Is this
the tibbs residence?

Yes, it sure is.

Is virgil tibbs here?

My father sinclair sloan
gave me mr. Tibbs' name.

He said he knew
mr. Tibbs' people.

Sinclair sloan
who moved to chicago?

Yes, that's right.

Oh, well!


I'm virgil tibbs.

Come in.thank you.

I don't want
to be a bother.

I know it's dinnertime.

You're not
being a bother.

This is
my aunt etta kibbe.

How you doing?nice to meet you.

Come into
the dining room.o.k.

Harriet. This is
harriet delong.

She's one of
our councilwomen.

Oh, nice to meet you.

to meet you.

You know, actually,
you could have dinner
with us.

My wife will be back
from a church meeting

In, maybe, 10 minutes.

Oh, no, I can't.
Believe it or not

I'm late to a dinner
right now

It's a dinner I've come
from chicago for.

Would you like
some tea or coffee?

I'd love some,
but another time?

I'm here on business.
I'm a lawyer.

I need your advice
on a place to stay.

Well, how long are
you going to be here?

Not more than a week.

Well, what do you think,

The motels
are all o.k.

sometimes not...

Overjoyed to see us.

Mmm, I see.

You have no people here,
I know you ain't here
to see relatives,

'Cause you got none
left there.

That's right.

No family, but
a little family business
to take care of.


I have a studio.

It's not much,
but it is private.

Actually, I kinda like it.

You're welcome
to stay there.

Or here.

You can stay here.

Actually, the studio
would be a lot better--

Being by myself
and for coming and going.

Thank you so much.

I won't be
putting you out?

Oh, of course not.

Consider it yours.

Your daddy tells me

You're planning to
stay on here in sparta

And be devastating.

Well, that's his plan.

Actually, I dated
a policeman once,

But the family
made me stop.

Didn't they like him?

Hated him,

But my daddy speaks
very highly of you.

But you're
not dating me.

He thinks you have
a very romantic life.

Now, let me
tell you something.

There's nothing
romantic about crime.

And it doesn't make
for very pleasant

Exciting, though.

Do you wish
to start dinner, sir?

Let's give our
guests more time,
10 minutes or so.

make it five.

Well, people
are hungry.


While we're waiting
on our long lost cousin,

How about another
bottle of this?

By all means.

I want to toast
my son lamar,

The new chairman
of sloan.

It's all his.
May he make it grow.


Hear hear.
Hear hear.

I hope
he makes it last.

Oh. do you
make a fortune last?

I'll worry about that
when I get one.

Any tidbits for this
newborn writer

Of southern tales
of crime and passion?

I thought
I'd tell you about
the widow cleary.

We used to call her
the black widow.

Oh, was she colored?

No, miss amy,

But she had
the same habit
as the spider

Of getting rid
of her husbands.

She did away with
four before anyone
got suspicious.

I hope my daughter
doesn't do that.


I didn't k*ll milton.

I just divorced him.

the black widow spider
is larger than the male...

And she eats her mate
after mating.

But milton, as you all know,
is still very much alive.

[Doorbell rings]

Anabel, you seem
to have left

What little
gentility you had

In new york.

Happens to everybody
who goes there.

All right, now. I asked
the chief to tell us
about some cases.

Let him finish, please.

There's a young
lady that wishes
to see you, sir.

All right.

If you all will
excuse me, please.

Good evening.

Good evening.
I'm candace sloan.

Your message didn't mention
a formal dinner party.

Oh, I'm sorry.

We usually...

I mean,
on sunday evenings,
we, uh...

Oh, I didn't realize.

Of course not.

I'm horace sloan.

Welcome.thank you.

You didn't know
I was black, did you?

Yes, I did.

Was it in the will?no.

It's part
of what we call

The oral history
of the south.

I'm the only one
who does know, though.

Come on in.
Have a glass
of champagne.

No, thank you.

We'll be serving
dinner right away.

I'm going to decline,
if I may.

Oh, no, please.


I wanted to talk
to you alone.

I'm not ready
for a family dinner.

I'm here
representing a claim
against the sloan estate

On behalf of my family.

Ah, I see.

I think I know what
you're talking about.

Merlton sloan
was your grandfather.


Why didn't you come
long before now?

The question's

I came when I could.

Yes, of course.

I think this whole thing
can be handled
very simply.


I don't know about that.

I'll be getting a copy
of your father's will
from the court clerk.

I will
honor the bequest.

There's no need
for trouble.

I think you may
come out better
this way.

It's not likely that

Your people couldn't
have enhanced the estate
as we have.

Neither you nor I

Know what my people
might have done,
mr. Sloan.

I'll talk
to you tomorrow.

Horace, uh, excuse me.

Quentin said I might
use your telephone.

Oh, yeah, yeah, please.

Thank you.

Did you see
that young woman
that just left here?


I presume that
she's the cousin

Y'all are
waiting to see.

She decided not to stay.

I suppose the family
will have to wait

And see her
some other night.

This all still belongs
to the sloans.

Did your grandfather
say how much land
he was promised?

No. He described it

As a large piece suitable
for farming or selling.

My guess
is horace's father

Left him the acreage
he sharecropped on.

Like paying off a debt.

That's right.

Black people having
this kind of land
isn't rare.

What is rare is
getting control of it.

Granddaddy came back here

And waited
for a phone call
that never came.

Horace sloan has such
a gleaming reputation.

Are you sure the bequest
is in the will?

I'm sure.

It's the only reason
horace finally honored it.

it really is
beautiful here.

yes. The south
begins with the land.

It was
a small gathering.

He wasn't
very well known.

Well, he sure
loved it down here.

He never wanted
to be anywhere else.

Well, dear, he would
be very proud of you.

Now, uh,
this is the grave.

Thank you.

I want to say
a few words to him.

I'll wait for you
by the car.

Miss delong,

You got a good grip

On the business
of the city.

Mostly it's got
a good grip on me.

Yeah, you keep on
pushing cause

We're with you.

Thank you.

And I'm with you
in a personal way.

I think
you know what I mean.

You've got a good heart
and are always
following goodness.

Thank you again,
reverend hastings.

I really
appreciate that.

But how distant
a cousin is she?

Very distant.

Well, I think
it's a hoot.

You think?

What is everyone
else in town

Going to think?

Frankly, my dear,
I don't give a damn.

You don't give a damn
about anything.


we have business.

You are the heirs.

I need your acquiescence

Before I can
make an offer
to candace sloan.


You want to give
my future away
to a stranger.

My father gave it away.

Can't you grasp
that fact?

It's right
here in his will,
written by him.

But I cheated
those people.

of slaves.

Correct. Now I want
to make it right.

Don't worry.

You'll never miss
these few acres of land.

I just think
it's bizarre--

all these years,
making such a claim.

what about that?

There is a statute
of limitations, father.

Lamar, it was
for years of service
to this family

For low wages
or no wages at all.

ancient history,

It really is.

Y'all all don't seem
to get the point.

She can make a lot
of trouble for us.

If she succeeds
in reopening the probate,

This will
will be read
in open court...

And I'll pay the price.
I was the executor.

Now help me out here.

Well, you have
my vote, dad.

Thank you, darling.

I have to go.

Wait till
the women's club
hears about this.

You wouldn't dare.

I must take a video
to record their faces.


Don't you go doing
anything to embarrass
this family!

All right, now.

Let's settle this.

Why didn't you
destroy that will?

Couldn't bring myself to.

Then why didn't you
just contact him

And give him
the damn land?

I wasn't quite ready
to do that, either.


Because you were
weak and indecisive?


I guess I was.

Well I can't go
along with this.

Well, I don't care
what your daddy wrote.

I'm going to fight her
all the way to hell.

I agree with lamar.

There's no news in that.

Quentin, would you please
pour me a whiskey?

It's a little too close
to your medicine time,

I need the whiskey
more than the medicine.

Please pour it.

May I help you?

I'd like to request

A copy of the will
of horace sloan, sr.,

Probated and entered

Into the records
of the court in 1956.

And who are you?

Candace sloan,

An attorney representing
the family of merlton
"pappy" sloan.

He was an employee
of sloan, sr.
For 30 years.

I can't give you that
without permission
from the family.

I'm filing a claim
against the estate.

I need it for my case.

Do I have to
get a court order?

I guess you do.

Very well.

Now what is that
all about?

I don't know,

But I'm going to find out
before I do anything.

Are you sure no one
in your family

Was ever contacted?

My granddaddy
would have told
my dad about it.

He came here
thinking they'd do
what that old man said.

He wrote that he tried
to talk to horace sloan,

And horace
treated him rudely.

I'm surprised
he's so gracious now.

Maybe it's guilt.

And maybe it's an act.

What are
my chances here?

Slim, unless
the court of chancery
reopens probate

On the grounds of
conspiracy to defraud.

promised last night
he'd do the right thing.

He said means,

All the other
family members

Have to go back
and divide

What was given to them.

How much time
do you figure?

A lot of time,
a lot of money.

It's winnable,
but it's a long shot,

If it comes to that.



I got an idea.

You made your feelings
known this afternoon.

Father, what...

What if the original will
were never found?

That is ridiculous.

I have it right here
in my hand.

it's been probated.

There's a copy
in the archives

Of the court
of chancery.


It disappeared.

what have you done?

What I'm supposed to do--
protect you from yourself.

I intend honoring
the bequest.

Did you hear something?

Excuse me.

She can't prove anything
without that will,
you know.

Daddy, every inch
of that land is ours--

Anabel's and mine someday.

What's yours is
what you get from me.

You give me that!

You let me
handle that woman!

Don't you understand?

Things are different
now, lamar!

That's always
bothered me.

That's why I kept it.

You are
horace sloan, jr.,

Not some sniveling,
weak-kneed soft touch.

You are my daddy.

We're a family,
and she is not one of us!

Yes, she is!

Yes, she is!

This land was left
to her grandfather
by my father.

He relied on me
to fulfill his wishes.

I didn't!

I dishonored him.

we can't change that.

Give me that will,

Give it to me.

Lamar, will you
get out of here?

Give me that! Daddy!

Daddy? Give it.





[Glass shatters]

Somebody down there?

Quentin, that you?

get me the police.

The glass in
the library door
was broken,

But the door
was locked.

Somebody relocked the door?

Never happened.

That patio outside
the library door is clean.

Must be something.

Just keep
looking around

And careful
where you walk.

All right.
All right.

I would guess
not very long.


About two hours ago.

Can you get me
a prelim
this afternoon?

Late this afternoon.


I told the family
to wait in the living room.

Chief, let's suppose
he surprised
the burglar.

See where
that takes us.

Go ahead.


Would you gentlemen
like anything?

Oh, I don't
think so. Virgil?

Uh, n-no.
No, thank you.

I'm just going
to take a closer
look around here.


Get yourself together.

Good morning, everybody.

I'm sorry to have
to get back to y'all

Under such
sad circumstances.

This is
lieutenant jamison, here.

My condolences.

How could this happen?

He was doing so well.

Dr. Barnes said so
over and over.

Uh, what is missing?
Have you any idea?

Yes, an old will
and, uh...

A what?

A will.

Whose will?

It was my
grandfather's will.


We just kept it
as a sentimental

Some rights to
property and, uh...

Just old,
old, old stuff.

Sort of
curiosity value.

Maybe value
as an antique.

Where were y'all
last night?

We went up early.

You go up early, also?

I was reading
up there for hours.

I heard lamar
call out "who's there?",

But I don't know
why or where he was.

He was in bed with me.

I thought
that I did
hear something,

But I figured
it was quentin
closing the house.

But these
antique documents...

Somebody must have
wanted them badly.

Well, yes, chief.

Somebody did want them.

Lamar, honey,
you'd best speak up.

That might be helpful.

It was that
woman who came
from chicago--

That candace woman.

She claims
to be a part
of our family

And that we owe
her some money
or something.


How do y'all feel
about this woman being
a kin of yours?

A very distant cousin.

She, according
to horace,

to blackmail him,

To embarrass him.

Embarrass him about what?

She's colored.

So, you're saying
candace sloan broke
into this house.

She wanted something
from my daddy.

That's all
I can say.

It upset him

Did he leave her
something in the will?

Yes, and it was
not valid.

Wasn't valid.

Were you the one
who found him?

Yes, I came in
to make sure

Mr. Sloan took
his medicine as
I do every night.

I found him on
the floor--dead.

How'd you know
he was dead?

I looked at him.
I felt him.

I know when
someone's dead.

Well, I suppose
we ought to be going,

And I'll leave y'all
to grieve in peace.

We'll need you
for questioning again.

Oh, yes, and so I wish

Nobody would do
any traveling.

Yeah, I would
talk to that
candace woman.


That's what
she calls herself.

Well, I can hardly wait
to talk to her.

You're up with the birds.

Yes. I want
to catch the worm.


What's this?

A court order,

I remember.

Where's the will?

Can't find it.

You can't find it?

That's what I said.

If there ever
was such a will

Or copy of a will,
it just disappeared.

I spent my entire evening
going through
every box from--

What year you say
that was probated?
'55? '54?


That's right. '56.

Strangest thing.

Could be the family
kept all the copies.

I don't think so.
I want a copy.

Give me
the copy, please.

I can't give you
what I don't have.

You're in contempt
of a court order.

That's my problem.

Mr. Morgan, you could
get arrested.

His doctor, dr. Barnes,
gave strict orders
to de-stress his life.

I guess that's
why he retired.

Doctors really give
orders like that?

Oh, yeah.

The family was supposed
to abide by it.

If he came in
on a burglary,

That was really
pretty stressful.

So, it was
a heart condition.

Yeah. Knock
on the head had
nothing to do with it.

Can I use your phone?

All right.

I'll talk to him.

That was sweet.

The question is,
what's the charge?

You can't charge
somebody because
of a heart attack.

What did
the medical examiner say?

Mr. Sloan was
definitely under
doctor's care

And was supposed
to remain calm.

How do you do that?

What about his head?

Hit it when he fell,
so says dr. Robb.

Well, how did he fall?

Did they have
some kind of fight

Over what was
in that safe?

Don't know.

But candace sloan
wasn't involved. No way.

I just can't see her
breaking into that house,

Struggling with
the man...or whatever.

We're going to have
to talk with her.

I still want
the name
of the crime.

It sounds like m*rder,

But a heart attack
k*lled him

So we can't
call it m*rder one.

Well, you know
what it isn't.


She's going to have to go
on the stand, jerry.

Get her ready
for the worst.

I'll see you
in a few days. Bye.

[Knock on door]

Who's there?

Officer sweet,
sparta police department.

Evening, ma'am.
Are you candace sloan?


Where did you spend
last evening?

I spent the night
right here.

From when to when, ma'am?

Uh, from about 9:00 p.m.
Till 10:00 this morning.

Has something happened?

Yeah, I'd say so.

Horace sloan's dead.

What happened?

Somebody broke
in his house and
k*lled him, looks like.

You had business
with mr. Sloan?

My business didn't require
anything like that.

Ma'am, we need you
to come to the station

And answer
a few questions,
if you don't mind.

I do mind.
Certainly I mind,

But I don't think
it matters, does it?

I'll get changed.

Miss delong...

I'm anabel sloan burnett,
horace sloan's daughter.

I'm sorry
about your father.

I'm also sorry
your family is
painting a picture

Of candace that disagrees
with what I've seen

And what she says.

Did they hold her?

No, they didn't,
but it's not over yet.

I want to talk
with her.

I really have to go.

Miss delong, please,

I am not my brother.

I don't believe
candace had
anything to do

With my father's death.

Did you
tell the police that?


I'll see if candace
will talk with you.

Call my office
in an hour

And think about
telling the police

Anything that might
be helpful to candace.

My problem is...
Lamar is my brother.

I cannot
go against him.

Of course
she's got an alibi...

Because somebody else
did it for her.

Lamar, I have
nothing to go on.

Harriet delong confirms
she spoke with candace
that night.

Now, candace is not
the one we want.

Lamar, your father died
of a heart attack.

The result
of a burglary.

Only the will
was missing.

Only candace sloan
wanted it

What more do you need?

A motive isn't
everything, lamar.

Evidence is important.

I will find out
who she paid to do this.

I know what to do.

There's something
wrong with him.

Mr. Quentin.

Detective tibbs.

Lamar sloan is lying.

How do you know?

I was in the room during
that family meeting.

Mr. Sloan said he was
going to help this
woman from chicago,

Give her something.

I don't know what,
but something.

Was candace threatening him
in any way?

I didn't hear that.

Anything more?

No. What more
do you want?

You'll have to
sign a statement--
a sworn statement.

You'll lose your job,
no doubt about it.

I'm making
this statement
here, privately.

Everybody's going
to know about it.

They have to.

It'll be your word against
the whole sloan family.

Maybe not.

Maybe not. Anabel--
she may tell the truth.

She might, but
blood's thicker, you know?

Most always.

Anybody with
a degree in burglary

Wouldn't have
locked that door.

Wouldn't even
have closed it.

Lamar sloan keeps
trying to point
the finger at candace,

Though that
doesn't make sense.

Who took the archive copy
of the will?

It may not be gone.

What about
quentin the butler?
What's his story?

Candace is telling
the truth,

Though I'm not sure
about the butler.

A little prejudice
working maybe?

Because she's
black and beautiful?



Mrs. Burnett?yes.

You must be
candace sloan.


My father wanted to
make everything right.


There's so many things
gone now...

Beyond any changing.

He did feel ashamed.

Did he?

My father was
a wonderful man.

He really...he really
did get better.

You know what I mean?

What about your brother?


Why are we talking?

I want to see you again.

I don't think
that's a good idea.

Why not?
I do get to chicago.

Maybe we could
have lunch or
something like that.

I'd really like
to get to know
the rest of...

The rest
of your family.

Why are you doing this?

We are kin.

There's a lot
of distance between us.

But my daddy
would've wanted me
to go that distance.

Call me when
you're in chicago.

We'll see what happens.

[Knock on door]

We close at 5:00.

Lieutenant jamison,
sparta police.

Just a minute.

Mr. Morgan's gone home.

Did he leave
anything for me?

Didn't think you were
coming till tomorrow.

He had to dig
in old boxes.

Got to sneezing
from the dust and all.

I'm sure he did.

Well, tell him thanks.

I'm glad we didn't
have to go to court.

No need for that.
Everything's fine.

Good evening, ma'am.

Chief gillespie and
detective virgil tibbs, sir.

Good afternoon,


Afternoon, mr. Tibbs...

How do you do?chief gillespie.

Ma' Sloan.

I'm glad to see
you here, fulton.


Uh, gentlemen,

I know that you
have questions for us,

But I have a question.

Can you tell me,
is that candace woman

Getting any of our land?

No, I can't.

Only the court
can answer that.

Now, as for you,
mr. Sloan, to be brief,

We think you're lying.

what a dreadful
thing to say.

There's no need
for offensive language.

Question is,

Did your client
push his daddy
so that he fell?


Now, lamar,

We are not going
to arrest you

For burglarizing
your own home.

But we want
to know truthfully

What happened here.

It was an accident.

I tried to get the will
away from him,
and he fell.

That's enough, lamar.
No need to say more.

It's not going
to end there.

I know he's going
to have to face

A charge of manslaughter.

You knew that your daddy

Was under
medical instructions
to remain calm.

I'm not going
to stay here

And listen to
any more of this!


Of course I will.

As to the matter
of attempting to bribe

The chancery court clerk...
He got smart

And followed
the court order.

What would you think
about going down

To district attorney
darnelle's office
tomorrow morning

And surrendering

That's cordial of you.


We're going
to fight this woman

All the way
to the mississippi
state supreme court.

No matter what.

Mr. Sloan,

You better start
thinking about what
you're going to say

To the superior court
of sparta,

'Cause, mister...

You're in trouble.

Well, I suppose
we should be going on.

Good to see you, fulton.

Good day.afternoon.