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06x18 - A Dish Best Served Cold

Posted: 05/18/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪


We'll get us
something here.

Aunt etta gonna find
that baby supper.

Yeah. Oh, I see something
you're gonna like.

Sure will.

That's right.

Now if I make
that--oh, let's see.

Let me get it.
Oh, here we go.

Something here.




Monolith sounds like
some kind of disease.


Ah, ah, ah!

You put that back now.

I'd get arrested
for that, not you.

Come on, y'all.
Come on. Let's go.

Sergeant sweet,
line five.

Uh, sergeant sweet
speaking. Good morning.

Mrs. Kibbey.

I need to speak
to the chief.

Well, I'm sorry.
He just left.

One of the guys

Is taking a fax
to you.

I'm not there.
What is it?

Virgil and althea's
phone number in natchez,

The motel, and some people
they'll be seeing.

All right.
Thank you.

When's the chief

I'd say
in about an hour.

Mrs. Kibbey,
is there something
troubling you, ma'am?

Yes, son, there is.


I want to talk
to the chief about.

There's just
somebody I saw

I didn't think I was
ever going to see.

That's all.

O.k., Well, I will
tell the chief.

Bye, now.

What's worrying her?

Oh, somebody
she saw.

pretty upset.

[Doorbell rings]

Hiya, sug.

Shut my mouth.

Well, ain't you
going to invite me in?


Come on.

Lance: who is it, carla?

He used to be
my husband.

Reckon he
still is.
Are you?

Reckon so.

Well, we going to drink
some of what you got?

Why not?

You open it.

I'll get
the glasses.

Well, mrs. Kibbey.

I'm very, very upset.

I'm sorry
to hear that.
What can I do?

Jimmy ray
is back in sparta.

I saw him at the market.
Walked past me.

Well, jimmy ray.

I think I recall
the name.

Jimmy ray put
my husband marcus
in his grave.


k*lled him.

Well, mrs. Kibbey,
I thought your husband died
of natural causes.

Mm-mmm. Mm-mmm.

Nothing natural
about no man dying

At 46 years of age.

Ray ruined him.

He was in with him

In sparta's finest
auto center--

Parts and service.

My husband
brought in
all our savings

And the know-how.

And, uh, the other fella
handled the business, did he?

He sure did.

He disappeared
with the money.

Now, are you sure
that the man you saw--

I'll never forget jimmy ray
long as I live.

I want that man

Well, now don't
you fret yourself,
mrs. Kibbey.

We'll look into
this thing.

I want you
to do more

Than look into it,
chief gillespie.

I want you
to arrest that man.

Uh, chief, here you go.

The file you asked for.

Is it jimmy ray?

Uh, yes, sir.

That's a awful
funny case.

were never brought
against jimmy ray.

Yeah. Well,
thank you, parker.

I guess the statute
of limitations

Must've expired
on jimmy ray by now.

There is no statute
of limitations

On embezzlement,
not in mississippi.

Well, I wonder
if jimmy ray
knows that.

Well, I don't know.

Maybe he doesn't care.

I ain't seen you
for ages.

I heard
you were living
with your nephew.

That's right.

Connie, I come
to tell you something.


Jimmy ray's
come back.

You sure?

I saw him myself,

he better not stay.

He'll get hisself

I'm telling you
in case perry
or your daddy

Saw him.

Daddy don't
go out no more,

But perry--

In case perry
saw who?

Etta says
she's seen jimmy ray.


Here in town.
I saw him
at the market.

Where's he staying?

Now, perry, I come
so if you see him--

If I do, I'll
break him in two.

Perry, you quit that.

Calm down, perry.
Chief gillespie's
working on it.

will be done.

Justice's real good
for poetry,

But it don't mean

Why do I get
the feeling

You want
to see me?

Why did
the d.a.'S office
fail to prosecute

The embezzler
jimmy ray?

The embezzler
jimmy ray?

That was way back.
I was only a clerk
in those days.

That was
a very funny case.

Jimmy ray got
clean away with it,

And now virgil tibbs'
aunt etta kibbey

Wants me to
lock him up in jail,

And I don't
blame her.

First of all, things
have changed a lot

In 20 years.

Oh, I don't need
a history lesson, darnelle.

The old d.a.,
Bob lovelle,

Was a good
old boy.

Jimmy ray was

And marcus kibbey
was, you know...

Sure, I know.

Nobody cared
about him.

Well, somebody cares
about him now.

Problem is,
since charges
weren't brought

Within the first
275 days,

We're going to need
new evidence

To file charges now.

New evidence?

He wasn't even tried
on the old evidence,

Which I'm going
to look into myself.

I don't think
we can do anything.

I'm afraid
we're all going
to have to live

With jimmy ray,

Virgil's aunt

Well, we'll see
about that.

Thank you for coming.

Here's every record
I have

On the business

Returned to me
by the d.a.'S office
20 years ago.

Nobody went through it.

I'll go through it
as soon as I can.

I'm surprised this man
came back here

Where so many people
hate him.

Why is he here?

What is he
up to now?

Well, he does have
a wife here.

Oh, chief,
don't make me laugh.

That woman may be
married to him on paper,

But she sure ain't
married to him in bed.

I'll tell you something.

Jimmy ray going to pay
for what he done,

One way or another.

There's people
in this town

That'll k*ll him
without looking
at him twice.

[Doorbell rings]

Mrs. Ray,
I'm bill gillespie,

Chief of sparta police.

I bet you're
looking for jimmy.

Yes, ma'am.

He went
for a stroll.

Gee, I guess
you missed him.

Excuse me
a minute.

I would like
to see you, too,
if I may.


Mrs. Ray, did your husband
let you know

That he was
coming home?

but that's jimmy.

You know,
he just popped up.

Yeah. Did he send you money
over the years

And pay down the mortgage
of this house?

Well, I don't think
that's any of your

Well, it might be,

Uh, because, uh, the question
has come up once again

About a large
amount of money

That, uh, your husband,
uh, went off with.

Jimmy: who's this?

Uh, bill gillespie,
chief of police, jimmy.

Well, excuse me.

You weren't chief
when I knew you.

I've been wondering
if the cops
would arrest me.

Thought it might be
that young tibbs boy.


Why would you
think that?

'Cause his
little conscience

Is prickling him
is why.

You want to cuff me?

Did I say I was going
to arrest you, jimmy?

Then what do you want?

I want to know...

Why you came back.

Carla: 'cause he wants to live
with me again.

Wouldn't you?

Well, with your husband
standing there
looking at me,

I don't believe
I'd care to say.


Chief: bye.

Yes, parker?

Chief, i--i been
thinking, uh--

Well, that's allowed.

Jimmy ray's wife carla's
been seeing a fella

By the name
of lance carter
for some time.

Who's he?a big tough guy.

Maybe we should
watch him

Before there's
any trouble.

That is,
if we can find him.

Well, you find carla,
you find him.

Yes, sir.
I can go right out--

I need you here, parker.

That's a good suggestion,
but I need you here.

Uh, jamison!

Yes, sir?

I think we should
keep an eye

On mrs. Carla ray.

Sure thing, chief.parker's suggestion.

Chief, I'd be glad
to handle that assignment.

I need you here,

You do? What for?

To make suggestions.

Yes, sir.

Uh, chief,
I also heard mention

Of an older fella,

Uh, an employee
who was laid off

When, uh, detective
tibbs' uncle

Closed up shop.

Now, he might
know something.

Who is he?

Uh, lester meacham.

Where is he?

He lives in an old
white brick house

On catalba road
off old route 9.

Now, I can go
right out there.

No, no, parker, no.

I need you here.

You're amazing,

Yes, sir.


Sit down.

What will you have?


You probably
heard my husband's
back in town.

Why'd he come back?

Well, knowing jimmy,

It wasn't just
to see me.

Must've been
some money involved
in there somewhere.

Any money he's got
belongs to my daddy and me.

Well, now you see,

You and me
could work that out

If it wasn't
for him.

I--i heard
the police is on it.


Police can't
touch him.

You sure
about that?

I'm as sorry about it
as you are.

I don't want him

I don't want him living.

I hate him.

You wanted
to k*ll him.

Who--who said?you said that.

You said it
to me.

I was only 18 then.

Would you
k*ll him now?

Why should I tell you
what I'm going to do?

I might could
give you some--
some good money.

Get you
out of this town.

Well, traveling money--

What about
your k*lling money?

Do you want
another soda?

Yeah, I'll have
one more. Thank you.

Yeah, parker,
what does carla ray's
boyfriend look like?

Well, she was with
some other guy just now.

In fact, he's leaving
right now.

Uh--uh, leaving in what?

'65 Gmc pickup.

All right.
Uh, what's the license?

Yeah. Well, I've only got
a partial mississippi.

Mississippi? All right.


Yeah, I got it.
Uh-huh. All right.


Hi. I'm chief gillespie.

What you want?

Is your daddy here?

Where else
would he be?

I want to see him.

Is this about
jimmy ray?


can't help y'all

Any more than he did
20 years ago.

Does he live here
with you?

I've been taking
care of him

Since I was 10,

When he lost his money
and mama left us.


We got company.


I'm bill gillespie.
Remember me?

Uh, I'm looking
into this case

Of, uh, jimmy ray,
the embezzler.

I'd like to talk
to the people
who were involved.

Well, uh, I'll come
a better time.

Ain't no
better time.

If he ain't
like this,

He's asleep.

Thank you.



If you knew
you couldn't
be arrested,

How come it took you
so long to come home?

I don't know.

Why did you have to
come home at all?

To be with you.

What made you think
I'd want to be
with you, jimmy?

Don't you?

I was so glad
when you left.

I'm 65, carla.

This is my house.
I own it.

I want to live
in my own home.

What are you looking for?
Maybe I can help.

The keys to the junkyard.

The junkyard?

Why don't you, uh,
why don't you stay
out there?

I told you
where I'm staying.

I got to
look things over.

At this hour
of the night? Why?

I'm going
to sell it.

Maybe tomorrow.

Perry, you ain't got
no better time than right now.

No, he ain't in the bed.

He went out
to his junkyard.

Know why I like you?

No. Why you like me?

'Cause you're
a dirty, big pig.



Lots of
b*llet holes
and no blood.

And no body. And somebody
was a bad shot.

Whose body
we supposed to find?

The car belongs
to jimmy ray.

I don't get it.
If he stole money from
detective tibbs' uncle,

Shouldn't we pick him up?

It doesn't matter now,
anyway. Where's sweet?

Over there
looking for footprints
and tire tracks.

I found him.
He's over here.

I don't see
any b*llet wounds.

The bleeding
must be from
internal injuries.

So this is jimmy ray?

Yeah, um...

I was looking at those
tracks over there.

I'd say it was a 31.

Yeah, they're truck
tire tracks, all right.

The guy I saw at the bar
with carla ray

Was driving a truck.

So was carla's
boyfriend lance.
He drives a truck.

About a million people
drive trucks.

But I got a suspicion
about this guy at the bar.

Parker's checking
the tag now.

That's why you came
home so late?

What happened, perry?

All's you need to know
is I'm leaving.

Leaving? For where?just leaving.

I'll write to you
when I get there.

What'd you do, perry?

You're scaring me.
What's happening?

I got somebody
going to help me
get out of town.

Let me alone
so I can finish this.

You don't know
nothing about this
truck, hear me?

All right.

Look at william
getting ready
to throw that ball.

That a boy, william.
There you go.



Well, mrs. Kibbey.


I got some news for you.

Go ahead.

m*rder*d jimmy ray.

Well, I can't say
I'm too surprised.

Well, it kind of
closes the case
on him, doesn't it?

It'll be welcome news
to more than a few folks.

Of course,
we've got a new case

Of finding out
who m*rder*d him.

Find out who hated him.

That shouldn't
be too hard.

Have you got any ideas
on that, mrs. Kibbey?

Sure, I have an idea,

But it's an idea
I'm going to keep to myself.

Why, you know
that isn't right.

Don't you tell me,
bill gillespie,
what's right.

Was it right
for that d.a.

To let jimmy ray
walk away 20 years ago?

That man deserved
whatever punishment

God saw fit
to deliver upon him.

But somebody out there
wasn't willing to wait

And leave it to god.


I can't tell you
who k*lled that man.

Look up the people
he hurt.

It's all a matter
of public record.

The kids are so cute.


Woman: ekg tech to o.r.

Ekg tech to o.r., Please.

Now, dr. Robb is coming down
to run some more tests,

But, uh, I'm sure
we'll be able

To release your husband
to the funeral home shortly.

Thank you, chief.

You've been so kind.

What a terrible,
terrible thing.

Him just coming home
like that and...

[Elevator bell dings]

Mrs. Ray, I'm sorry.

I know this
is a bad time,

But I need to get some
information from you.

Of course.

Between 10:00
and midnight last night,

Your husband went out
to the junkyard. Why?

He insisted
on going out there.

He wanted to take care
of some things.

I--i think
he wanted to sell it.

Did anybody else
know he was
going out there?

Somebody else?

No, no, i--

Jimmy didn't say.

We weren't close,
you know, anymore.

I tried to talk him
out of it.

Isn't that funny, chief?

Something must've been
telling me he mustn't go.

Well, you did your best,
I'm sure.

Uh, tell me then--

At the time this happened,
you were alone?

I was in bed.

Was there anyone else
that could verify that?

Sorry to say
there wasn't.

The x-rays
are consistent

With your suspicions
of a hit-and-run.

If there's nothing
more for me,

I'd like to go home.

Oh, yes,
naturally, doctor.

There's no reason
to subject her

To any more
of this discussion.

There's one more thing.


The x-rays revealed a tumor
on the left side of the brain.

Your husband didn't have
much time left.

Even if he hadn't
been run down
by a vehicle,

He would've died of cancer
in a month or so.


Oh, lord.

Hold it.

Are you all right?

It's all right.

Why don't we
go outside

And get a little
fresh air?

Excuse me.

31S. Same kind of tires
we're looking for.

This bumper's been
worked on, too.

Lance carter did not
k*ll jimmy ray.

He was home from
sunset to sunrise,

According to that lady
with the green apron.

See the opera glasses
in her hand?

Lance was here entertaining
jimmy ray's wife

While jimmy ray
was being done in.


Mrs. Kibbey,
I was just leaving.

Well, can't we
sit a minute?

What about jimmy ray?

I heard about it.

When did it happen?

Last night.

If you know something
about it, child,

You better tell the police
'fore somebody get hurt.

I don't know nothing.

If you mean perry,

He was just talking.
I'm sure of it.

I got to go.

Connie...i never meant
to cause trouble.

God help me, I was trying
to prevent it.

Something's telling me
I better get home,
mrs. Kibbey.

Chief, perry meacham,
who's lester meacham's son--

He k*lled jimmy ray
'cause what jimmy ray did

To his poor daddy
and to detective tibbs' uncle.

Could you simplify that?

Yes, sir.

Perry meacham
k*lled jimmy ray
for revenge.

That's the way
you figure, huh?

The dmv finally matched
that partial tag I gave them.

Yes, sir. Revenge...
Is a dish best served cold.

I have to agree
with parker,

Except I wouldn't say
it was for revenge.

I think carla ray
paid him to do it.

Why you think that?

I can't say for sure,

But I could've sworn
I saw her making

Some kind of deal
at hank and jerry's.

Good work, parker.
I'm proud of you.

And if this thing
turns out the way you say,

I believe I'll
give you back your
sergeant's stripes.

Thank you, chief.

Has somebody been
working on this truck?

Why? What do you want?

We want to see
perry meacham.

Hi, mr. Meacham.

We're here
to arrest
your son perry.

Leave perry alone.

I did it.

You're saying
you k*lled jimmy ray?

I got more reason
than anyone living
to k*ll him.

He's making a run for it.

Perry, stop!

Please don't sh**t him!

Wait! Wait! Please
take me with you.

Those woods--they back off
into miller's pond.

Wait! Please let me
come with you.

He won't listen
to anyone else.

Get in the back.

Please don't sh**t him.


Stay in the car.

He's got a g*n.

Come on, meacham.
You got nowhere to go.

Stay in--


Parker, let her go.

No, no! Perry, no!

Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!

Listen, you're just
going to get yourself
shot to death.

What's the difference?

Law's going to k*ll me
one way or another.

Maybe not, perry.
Give yourself every chance.

Perry, listen to her.

I mean,
you'll get off.

Everybody knows you're
not long on good sense.


How long is this
going to go on?

All this loss.


I can't take this
anymore, perry.

I can't lose you, too.

It's o.k.

It's o.k.

It's o.k.

Let her go.

No, no.

It's o.k.

Get up. Get up.

Put your hands
behind your back.

I'm sorry.

This is absolutely

I mean,
how dare you?

Chief, will you please
explain this to me?

These people
barged into my home

And dragged me
down here.

She wouldn't come
peacefully, chief.

She knows the charges,
and she was read
her rights.

Well, bill...

Oh, surely you don't think
that i--

Let me tell you
what we think--

Let me tell you
what we have to think.

That you put
perry meacham

Up to k*lling
your husband.

I don't even know
perry meacham.

Oh, yes, you do.

I was wondering why

You were in such a hurry
to k*ll poor jimmy,

But you had no idea

That he was going
to die any day now,

Because, as you say,

Um, you and he
were not close.

You know...

Life is very hard
on women.

[Piano playing]

Mrs. Kibbey,

You should've stopped
by my office.

You know my door's
always open,

Especially for you.

I'm having
a hard enough time
telling him, reverend.


Well, I'm sorry something
is grieving you.


A man I hated
for 20 years...

Has been k*lled.

Oh, I see.

I know the lord is
looking down here,

Etta kibbey
has strayed.

You certainly
haven't strayed...

Coming here,
the lord's house.

A man is dead,

And I can't help
but feel glad

That he is dead.

Put your mind to
forgiving that man
for what he did,

As the lord
has forgiven us all.

Thank you, reverend.

I'm looking forward
to seeing you sunday.

Mrs. Kibbey.


Uh, I got the information

You wanted
about the funeral.

We are releasing
jimmy ray's body
to the mortuary today,

And so the interment
will be tomorrow.

Is it?

Cypress meadow cemetery.


Now, why did you
want to know that?

Be a good time
to tell jimmy ray...

I forgive him.

You going to that funeral?

I believe I will.

Can you do that?

If the lord help me,

And I'll ask him
to help me.

Let me give you
a ride home.

Thank you, chief,

But I figured
on walking today.