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06x17 - The Leftover Man: Part 2

Posted: 05/18/23 08:30
by bunniefuu
They stopped me protesting
in front of the courthouse.

On what excuse?

That I would interfere
with the heavy flow of traffic

In front of that building.

I've been in this beautiful
town of sparta two days.

I haven't seen
heavy traffic anywhere.

This telegram says
that the city council

Has decided that because
of the v*olence

At the high school,

It wouldn't be prudent
to hold a rally.

"Permission to hold a rally
is therefore denied

"With the full

Of our law enforcement

Where's these
law enforcement

I don't see the chief

Or his black assistant
around here.

After having denied me
my constitutional rights,

They've all run
like rabbits.

I'm getting a court order.

I intend to stay here
in sparta

Until I get
the use of that stadium.

I thank the tv news media
for being here to record this.

Thank you once again.

Back off.

All right, then.

That's it, folks, unless
you're waiting for my speech.


Heh heh.

Well, all right,
but time being short,
both yours and mine,

I'll give you the end.

Thanks for coming, y'all,
nice to see y'all,

And god bless y'all.

Go on.

He's been
like that
all night.

He's out
for a while,

Then his eyes open
like he wants
to talk--

If he didn't
have that tube.

The eyes don't
indicate improvement.

I wouldn't expect him
to communicate any further.

You mean today?

Not today, and I wouldn't
think tomorrow, either.

What can he
tell you anyhow?

From what I gather,
he never saw the gunman.

Where exactly did
the b*ll*ts hit him?

One hit
his parietal lobes.

That's why
he can't last.

Brain swells and--

Excuse me. Where's
chris pastory's doctor?

I'm the doctor?
Who are you, ma'am?

I'm libby deschamps,
george deschamps' wife.

Oh, well, chief gillespie,
sparta police--

Virgil tibbs,
chief investigator.

Good morning, ma'am.

Good morning.

Can I see chris?

He can't talk,
but you can see him.

Nurse, could you
take this lady

To bed three,
intensive care?

Yes, sir.

He and I and my husband
are very close.

Uh, ma'am, when
did you last see
mr. Pastory?

I haven't seen him
in the past two days.

Will you excuse me?

Paging dr. Mccormick,
dr. Mccormick.

Uh, chief, if she's
telling the truth...

saw somebody else
in pastory's bed.


Well, she's not
telling the truth.

No. She's not
telling the truth.

The guys have been
waiting here for an hour.

They want
to see some money.

They'll see money,

But we haven't seen
a finished job.

Chris pastory
is far from dead.

For now,
give them this.

I'm in a hurry,
ron. Let's go.

How much did
he give you?


$200? Is deschamps
out of his mind?

I can't go home.
The cops are
looking for me.

They could bust
in here anytime.

There's a cop out
there right now, man!

It's nothing. The cop
stopped somebody.

I could stay in
the van until tomorrow,
then I got to split.

Later. I'm out of here!


I ain't going to go
looking for you.

You won't have to.

Just get me my 1,000,

And don't try to mess
with me, h*nky-doodle.

You understand?

You talk to me
that way again, boy,
and I'll k*ll you.

I don't let no man
talk to me like that,
much less your kind.

Tomorrow, man.

Y'all should've been
on television with me
this morning.

Two camera crews
covering me at
the police station,

Waiting for somebody
to sh**t at me again.

Who wants to take
a shot at you?

People afraid of me
as a political leader, boy.

As a leader?

Where do you want
to lead us people?

To the realization
that this beloved land

Is going to hell
in a handbasket, boy!

That's my message
to the people.

By "people"...

Surely you don't
mean us "boys," too.

You people have leaders.

I hope they make it clear

You don't share a destiny
with the white man.

His future
is not your future.

Why not just buy me out?

You're not making sense,

Give me a another country
that shares the future
with everybody.

Lay some money on me!

I might get my black ass
out of here for good.

Get out of my sight.

But you won't do that.

You're a liar, a phony,
and a r*cist pig!

On your way, boy!
Hold on a minute!

I don't want any more
trouble between you
and these students.

my meeting.

They're just doing
what people always do
at these kind of meetings.

They're just asking
unfriendly questions.

You don't have the right
to shut them up,

And don't you try.

All right.
Eugene, you guys...
It's over.

Let him finish
his speech.

You said we could
question him.

But you can't
stop him or use
fighting words.

The law says that?

Yes. The law
actually says,
"no fighting words."

I don't have anything
further to say,

Except come to that stadium
saturday night.

Help me say a prayer
for chris pastory,

Who was gunned down
by black radicals

Who may be here today.

Thank you.
Thank y'all.

Eugene, you sure
came a long way
from school

Just to see
that jerk.

I was just passing by.

I shouldn't have
wasted my time.

See if our invaluable
acquaintance in the bottoms

Could help us identify
the sh**t, will you?

Yes, sir.

Hey, doc.

[Monitor flatlines]

All right, susan, out!

Come on, take it!
Get it! Get it!

Get serious.

Mr. Pastory's dead.

Had to pull
the plug, huh?

We don't pull plugs,

Nothing could
keep him going?

He couldn't have
talked to you if I had.

No further artificial
measures were called for.

What's happening
to chris?

We weren't able
to save him,
mrs. Deschamps.

He's dead?

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, chris.
Oh, chris!

[Telephone rings]


Gentry residence.

One moment, please.

It's mr. Dubois, sir.




Libby? What did she do?

When she heard the news
about pastory,

She fainted dead away.

She had to be carried
off the floor.

I said she fainted.

Hmm. Pity we couldn't
have gotten rid of them
both at the same time.

Please be careful
what you say.

I'll take care
of that.

Why don't you
go to the store?

Yes, sir.

Libby's a problem, arb.

Don't you do anything
violent, george.

She was helping
chris pastory to write
articles about me.

Bad articles?

All about
my intimate life

From college to now.

She was helping him.

That's incredible,
but true.

One of our people on
the miami times record
tipped me off.

All our friends
were going
to be mentioned.

You, too, arb.

Can we get ahold
of these writings?

I think libby knows
where they are.

That's why I got
to be very careful
how I handle her.

I can't work
in that house no more.

Those men are crazy.

Well, get in here
and tell me about it.

Test time.


Yeah, alrighty.

Hey, bobby johnson
and his friend...

His friend that I know.

Didn't I talk to you
the day of the sh**ting?

He's the one,

He wanted to
talk to the chief.

About what, son?

I saw
that van again.

That the black guy
was driving?

This time
a white guy
was driving it,

And he
had a woman
with him.

When was this?last night.

I seen them drive
into this trailer park.

The van was
still there today.

It was heartbreaking
hearing about my ex-husband

Struggling for his life
in that way.

It was hard
to go up to my office

And get to work.

It was an ex-con
told you this?

A parolee, henry cowan.


I wish I could help you.

Advise me.

What should
I do about vic?

Make believe he was
never in my life,

That he's not
my boy's daddy,

Or help him openly with
everything I've got,

If only
for eugene's sake?

Come here.

Are you willing
to go and see him

And get
close to him again

In the time remaining?


No, I can't do that.

I can't do that.

I feel like
I'm lying a lot lately,

Mostly to eugene
about where I go.

I feel kind of sneaky.

I'm surprised
at myself.

I'm not surprised at me.

I been sneaky all my life.

No. What have you
ever had to hide?

I don't think
there were things
I had to hide,

But there were things
I thought I ought to hide.

And there still are.

Harriet, the world
doesn't know...

When or where,

But, uh...the fact
that we do meet

I think is well known.

And nobody says a word.


I find myself
getting funny looks.

Not as funny as I get.

'Cause they think
you're crazier than I am.


a beautiful young woman

Who could do much better.

They don't blame me.

Of course,
they do hate me
for breaking rule one.

They blame you.

They say,
"what's a poor fellow
supposed to do?

She's irresistible.
She's bewitched him."

I hope so.

[Rock music plays]

They went
into the trailer court

from sweetie's bar.

He's got the van,
and they've gone into it.

You got
a positive i.d.
On that van?

Yes, sir.

I'll get
a closer look.

Chief, we just
located buddy yunger.

Everett saw yunger
get into that van
we're looking for.

Everett, is he
leaving in it?

No, sir.
He's got a girl with him.

He can leave
with a girl, can't he?

Yeah, if he wants to,

But I don't
think he wants to.

We'll be
right there.

Now, listen.
We got to arrest
this guy, yunger.

I mean, we got to
get him alive and well.

Yes, sir.yes, sir.

They're still
in the blue van
over there.

I'll go around back
and cover you.

[Woman giggling]

Open up, please.

What in the hell do you
think you're doing?


Come here.


I'm in position here.

Don't call me.
Let me call you.

Look what I've got
for you.

There you go.

I found the guy
you wanted,
talked to him.

What did he say?

There was
two triggers pulled,

And white men
pulled them.

He saw this?

He saw this.

what's he want?

First--he doesn't
want to be involved.

Second--he wants
$5,000 to go far away.

Third thing he want
is another $1,000

For the man
who was the go-between,

Meaning you know who.

You know we don't have
that kind of money.

Cops will look bad.

This story going to be
in every newspaper
and television.

They all
going to be saying

It was an attempt
on george deschamps'

We can't
worry about the press.

People are saying
that deschamps is
running for president.

They don't know
what we know.

That dead guy
was always a target
from the beginning.

Deschamps set it up.

He's a menace
to free institutions.

Man, you sure
got a way with words.

$6,000 Is a modest
sum of money I'm asking

To help
y'all make that case.

I'm being
more than fair.

Think about it,

Think about it.

do you read me?

I read you,

Jimmy just left.

Can you stay with him?

Unless he drives
through a hole
in a fence.

Chief, you there?

Yeah, I'm here.

Jimmy dawes says
we're looking for
two white guys.

I think bubba's
picking one up
right now.

I'm betting this
third guy's black--

The witness who
wants to make the deal.

You know his name?

Not yet.

What do you want?to talk about chris.

Talk to somebody--

You k*lled chris!
You murdering--

Shut up.
Get in here.


You go on like that,
I'm going
to wring your neck.

You hear me?

You want to talk,
wait here.

I'll be back.

Yes, sir?
Can I help you?

I'd like
to see the chief.

What for?

You arrested
a client of mine
named buddy yunger.

And your name is?

Ron dubois.
I'm an attorney.


Well, uh,
mr. Dubois...

We'd better get you
right in there.

Just walk in there
and I'll take you in.

I thought
you were bringing me
to see the chief.

I don't know
this man.

This is our
chief of detectives
virgil tibbs.

I'm an attorney.

Buddy yunger
is here in your jail.

I want to see him now.


Chief gillespie.

It seems
I know you, sir.

Aren't you
percy dubois?

Percy dubois
is my brother.

He lives in texas.
I'm ron dubois.

We have his client

Sir, he'd like
to see his client.

But wait a minute.

Percy dubois
is the lawyer,
isn't he?

Percy is a dentist.
I'mthe lawyer.

Oh, well, I've got
it all turned around.

See, I thought that
ron dubois was
some kind of janitor...

Over at the high school.

I've been a number
of things, chief.

I have my law degree.
I'm admitted to practice.

I used to own
d&b sporting goods.

I was
a general contractor.

Now I'm a custodian at
sparta county high school.


So you're the one
yunger phoned from here.

That's right.
As I said,
his attorney.

Yes, yes,
I remember. Uh...

Uh, mr. Dubois
is indeed an

Bubba, would you
take lawyer dubois

And let him talk
to buddy yunger?

Yes, sir.
Right this way,
mr. Dubois.

Follow me.
I'll show you
what cell.

I'd love to ram him
into that cell
with the other guy,

But I'll control myself.
You watch me.

I'll show you
some patience.

Let me talk.

They're going to
make you promises

If you say
what they want...

About me...

About deschamps...

About everything.

Don't believe them.

They won't
take care of you.

I will.

Where's the...

I'm going
to take him
out of the picture.

chris' file?

Say what?

Chris' file, ron.

I know you know
what I'm talking about.

Ain't your husband
got it?

He was standing
next to it
on the field.


George never saw
that file.

Everybody saw it.

You're telling me
that brown envelope
was sitting on the field?

It was in a briefcase.

The briefcase
was on the field.

You know,
you're the cause
of all of this.

It wasn't so much
the file.

No, I'm not, ron.

George never cared what I did
or who I did it with.

Does that mean
there was always
a chance for me, lib?

Where's the file,

I know george
doesn't enjoy you.

And chris pastory,

He's beyond all enjoyment,
isn't he?

But you see
kneeling before you

A man who'd enjoy you
more than anything.

Get off of me.

Don't you know
what trouble
you're getting into?

Don't talk to me
that way.

Get off the lady,

Get off of her!

Lord have mercy, dubois.

The lady don't want
no jelly guts like you

Lying all over her.

It's a disgusting sight.

Did you come here
to get k*lled, henry?

No, I came for
the money you owe me.
Then I'll leave here.

Tell you what--

Let's call mr. Deschamps,
ask him for the money.

I can't wait, dubois.

Give me
whatever you got here
and your car keys.

Let's see what's
in this drawer.

Ain't nothing in it
since I took that g*n out.

Dubois, you fool.

You might have
k*lled me with this,

But that one
ain't ready.


It's terrible, ain't it?

You don't want
anybody to know

That you were here
tonight to meet him

For lord knows what.

You're mixed up in this
dirty business, too.

I shouldn't be here.

No, ma'am.

Me, neither.

But I won't tell anybody
you was here.

You won't tell
anybody about me.


Are you?i won't!



That way there won't be
no trouble for anybody.

Now, you're goin' home.
Keep your mouth shut.


Go on.

Oh, this is crazy.

What am I doing?

There you lie, dead man.

And here I am...

About near dead as you.


Jimmy, that money is
out of the question.

Just ridiculous.

Well, what can I
expect, chief?

I see $100 here.

Come back to me
with your friend,
I can find another 100.

That's a pitiful
amount of money.

I know it's pitiful.
I'm embarrassed by it.

But times are tough,

The recession is tough.
Our budget is squeezed.

We can't even afford
to buy doughnuts
for morning coffee.

What you offering
my friend?

I'm going to offer him

I'll see to it
that he's not charged
with first-degree m*rder.

I'll get him a lawyer.
I'll see the judge.

I want to save his life,
give him another chance.

Now, that's reasonable.

Give me a couple
minutes, chief.

Should I follow him?

there's no need to.

I've been trying
to guess what happened.

I can't figure it out.

What, a couple of guys
working for deschamps
k*lled pastory?

Yeah. They turned it
all around.

That's what
the dead man said.

Surprised, chief?

No. I figured you'd come
back with mr. Cowan.

How'd you know that,

I told him.

I, uh, I knew

It was going
to come down, chief.

I knew what I'd do.

There wasn't
nothing else to do.

I wanted
to make sure
everything was cool.

Know what I mean?
No sh**ting.

yeah, lonnie,
you getting me?

Come in
if you got me.

I suppose you just
drove the car.

Yes, sir.

My job
was to steal it
and then drive it.

No sh**ting?

No, sir. That was
yunger and dubois.

Dubois took the g*ns
after everything
was over.

What was this
all about?

It was pastory's

It was supposed
to be make-believe.

what they told me.

They wanted
it to seem

Like someone's
at deschamps,

Whip up support
for him.

The sh*ts
were supposed
to hit the ground.

Next thing I knew,
pastory fell over.

I said to myself,
this ain't
no mistake.

These cats
really wanted this.

Well, where was he

When jimmy
fetched him to me?

He was in
his father's house.

My father's
old house, sir.

My daddy's
old friend
stays there now.

You cash cowan's boy?

Yes, sir.

I wouldn't swear
he was there.

You don't have to,

My daddy's
old friend will.

Yeah, chief,

That was bubba.

shot and k*lled
ron dubois

At his house.

Oh, my god.

That couldn't have been
you, could it, henry?

Last time I saw dubois alive
was yesterday, chief.

I can't believe
anybody would hire
him as a janitor!

You k*lled him
for that file!

Was it worth
your trouble?

Chris pastory
was the victim
of an accident.

And you two
are celebrating!

You can't expect me
to be crossed
over his death.

The file
you're talking about
was a series of articles

Pastory was writing for
the miami times record.

You helped him
put it together!

A woman would do
most anything for love--

Betray her husband...

Fortunately, we have
a friend on that paper...

Unfortunately for chris.

He was compiling
a poisonous picture
of my personal life.

Where is it?

He put that file
in his briefcase

When he met y'all
at the athletic field.

The file was
in that briefcase?

I did not
take that briefcase
off the field.

I thought nothing
about it.

And that's
what you k*lled him for?

Here's to all the fools.

They add so much
interest to things.

[Glass breaks]

this m-14 r*fle
didn't do that.

We'll take
three .45 slugs
out of that body.

Three shell casings.

Chief, mr. And mrs.
Deschamps just arrived.

Oh, well, let them in.
Where's gentry?

Well, since buddy yunger
lost his lawyer,

Gentry's looking
for another.

Why can't these
people k*ll me

of victimizing
my friends?

What people, mr. Deschamps?
Who are they?

What people are you
talking about?

Don't y'all know?

No. We'd
appreciate your help
in identifying them.

Mrs. Deschamps,
maybe you could help us.

Can you make any guess
as to who did this?

Well, I hardly knew
the poor man.

I assume
my husband's enemies

Were his enemies, too,

When did you last see him?

Well, it was, uh...

Yesterday afternoon
or evening.

He came by
mr. Gentry's house.

Said he was going
to the police station

To consult
mr. Buddy yunger,

Whom y'all are holding
down there.

Well, mr. Deschamps,

A man called me
and said he'd k*ll you.

Who could that have been?

I think I would
ask those young...

Black men who were
harassing me.

May we go home?

I've got that
meeting tonight.

Oh. Where
are you meeting?

I'll speak
to my supporters

At the high school

Well. First
I've heard of that.

Could we go, george?
I don't feel well.

What is being done,
if I may ask,

With chris pastory's

Everything's been taken
to the station.

They'll be kept
as evidence.

He may
have had some...
Important notes,

Memoranda, messages,
that sort of thing,

to the campaign.

being looked at.

And anything that relates
only to your campaign

We can find a way
for you to see.

Last time I saw him,
he had a briefcase.

Yeah. That briefcase
is at the police station.

Yep. Seemed to be
just full of evidence, too.

Your parole officer's
here to see you, henry.

If she's here to tell me
I'm going back in,
I already heard.

Mrs. Woodrin's
here to help you.

She doesn't
have to be here,

So you go on
and talk to her.

What's she going to do
for me?

Wants to talk to you
about a lawyer.

Sounds good. Let's go.


What the hell
are you doing here?

I'm waiting
for something to eat.

In a hour, I'll be
given a light supper.

Dubois was
looking for you.


Dubois is dead.

Somebody shot him
in his house...

So they tell me.

I wonder what dubois
wanted with me.

Do you know, buddy?


I don't know.

Well, I reckon
if you don't know,
nobody knows.

if neither one of those
fellas says anything,

What do you think's
going to happen

To that fool deschamps?

Maybe nothing.

Deschamps could go on
for a long time.

I won't give up.
I'll be here with y'all,

So long as I'm wanted
and I'm needed.

They may k*ll my friends...

And my supporters,

But unless
and until they k*ll me,

I will be here with y'all.

I will be campaigning.

There are more people
out there

Who want to hear
my message

Than one might think
from this tiny gathering.

Dear friends...

I do not say tiny
to disparage you,

Because of all
my supporters,

You are obviously
the most courageous--

Those willing
to take a public stand

That may not be
politically safe,

But one we know is true
of most white people
of this nation!

I wish you hadn't
come here, baby.

Nothing may happen,

But, uh, you know.
You just never know.

Virgil, this school
is my territory,

And I'll be here
anytime I feel
it's right to be.

I'm not
afraid of him.

Chief's right.

A leftover man
is what he is.

These enemies attempted
to keep me from my people.

I wasn't given a microphone

And public address system.

That's all right.

I make do...

With the voice
the good lord gave me!


Hi. Chief here.

Oh, hi, virgil.

Is it all over?

Uh-huh. All serene, huh?

Well, that's good news.

Crowd leave the grounds yet?

Leaving now?

Well, fine.

Uh, thank you
for calling.

I'll see you in the morning.


You were saying?

Miss harriet delong said

The council decided
to let mr. Deschamps
speak at the high school.

The supervisor
signed a permission


Did miss delong say
where she'd be later?

Said she'd be home.

If you see a light on
in the sitting room,

It's not a good time
to stop in.

Well, where
is that briefcase?

In the conference room.

Well, that's a switch,
isn't it?

If you see a light,
go away.


Well, what's it like?

It's real
embarrassing, chief.

Have we got a right
to go through this?

You're both
police officers,

And you've been assigned
to examine evidence.

Don't think about it

Well, if what mr. Pastory
writes is true,

Candidate deschamps was
living a very weird life.

You mean sex stuff?

Oh, yeah. Plenty.

A lot of it in
the strange range.

The worst thing
is the people
he's close to

Who've given him
money and support.

What happens
to all this?

We'll send it to the d.a.

And see if he can't
make a case of it.

Or we'll send it

To the people
who paid for it--

Miami times record.

One way or another,

Candidate deschamps
is going to have to account

For his sins.

That's good, isn't it?

That's good.that's good.

Good night.

Night, chief.

Is she
still downstairs?


In the living room,

for all the news.

Right now, only 19.95.

If you'd like to get
in on this bargain,

Call toll-free 1-800--

What did he say?

Oh, same old stuff
he's always saying.

Y'all want some tea?

No. You know, I think
I'll go upstairs to bed.

I don't believe you'll
ever arrest deschamps.

Well, maybe not.

But everybody knows
he did it, he's guilty.

Who is everybody,

down in the bottoms.

When were you there?

I just send word
down there

When I want to know
what's going on.

George deschamps
m*rder*d the man

Who took possession
of his wife.

Now, that's known
as a crime of passion.

never paid for it.

That's the consensus
in the bottoms?

Sure. Our people always
know these things.

Then we tell the white folks,
then everybody knows it.

That's the way it is
in the south.

Well, uh,
don't white people
ever find out first?

Once in a while

A white person
finds something out,

Then they tell us

And let us tell the rest
of the white folks.

But, uh, don't white people
talk to each other?


White folks
think it's undignified

To tell each other
sorry news. Ha ha ha!

I got to make
a phone call,

Good night.

Good night, baby.



Is it all over?

Well, good.

Didn't last long.

Not even an hour.

It was very low-key,

If you call hate

Thank god
there were no fights.

We were all worried

After giving that man

Was bill there?

No. He stayed
at the station

Working on some
other things.

Well, thank you for calling.
Do I hear those twins?

[Children talking]

Yeah. Upstairs
reprimanding their mother.

New generation rising up.

What are they
going to find here?

Well, good night.

I pray god they don't
find too much pain.

We found
too much pain.

You say something,

Yes, but I wasn't
talking to you, darling.

You talk to yourself
a lot. You know that?

Yes, I know that,

I always know
what I'm doing.

Your mama's
a strange woman.

Why are you looking
out the window?

You waiting
for somebody?


Who would be coming
this late at night?

I'm just fixing
to go to bed.