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06x14 - A Step Removed

Posted: 05/18/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪♪

"Atkins, lewis"
isn't in the computer

Or in the old file.

Where did parker
do with the guy?

He filed him--
you can be sure of that.

But under what?

Something to do
with an accident

'Cause atkins
was an accident case.

I really need
to talk to parker.

He's off-duty.

He left with
his bowling ball.

Atkins should've
been filed under
"a" for atkins.

Try looking under
"v" for vehicles.

It's too big a category.

Then look
under "c" for cars.

Hey, man, remember
we're talking
about parker.

[Telephone rings]

Sparta pd.

O.k., Hold on. I'll be
right back to you.

All units--anyone near
mason's dixieline bar?

I'm over on mansfield.

I'm on my way.

10-4. I'm proceeding.

[All clamoring]

[Siren approaching]

Come on!
Get him, roy!

You're breaking up
a good fight!

Get the hell
away from me!

Hey, you're arresting me,
lonnie jamison?

I've got to, roy.

3 Strikes
in the 10th frame--

Where'd you learn to
bowl like that?

I majored in bowling
in college.

And, uh, what
college was that?

Bowling green.

you got a moment?

Sure, lonnie.

Oh, uh, y'all excuse me
while I go freshen up.

Uh, yeah, lonnie.

Wh-what's up?

Listen, we had to
arrest your stepdaddy.

I figured
you'd want to know.

Well, what happened?

He was fighting
somebody 20 years
younger at mason's.

Did roy get hurt?

No. The younger guy's
lucky we came along.

Hey, what's up, guys?

It's nothing.
Enjoy your evening.

Hey, luke.yeah?

Your daddy
ever embarrass you?

Sure. Not as much
as I embarrassed him.

I guess I better
go to the station.

He's still pretty drunk.

Let him sleep it off.

We can deal with it
in the morning.

That man was highly
decorated in the navy.

He was wounded twice,
I believe.

He served
all kinds of places--
korea, vietnam.

Was he an officer?

No, and no gentleman, neither,
I'm afraid.

He also put in a bunch
of time in the brig.

Guys like that
scare me, chief.

Well, you never know what
a hothead's going to do.

does the hothead.


Objection overruled.

This is merely
an arraignment.

Sergeant sweet,
please continue.

Yes, ma'am, um...

At approximately 10:00,

Roy eversole was arrested

In the parking lot
of mason's dixieline bar.

He was charged
with disorderly conduct

And for being drunk
in a public place.

Thank you, sergeant.

Mr. Eversole,
would you please stand?

Have you understood
the charges
against you today?

Yes, ma'am.

How do you plead?


Guilty, your honor.

Have you been advised

That you could be facing
a 30-day jail sentence?

Yes, ma'am.

Mr. Eversole,
the charges against you
are misdemeanors.

However, this court does
not take them lightly.

Your honor,

We ask the court
for leniency

In view of
mr. Eversole's
military record

And his advanced age.

Can you stay out
of trouble?

You got my word,

Very well.

You are hereby fined $500
for disorderly conduct

And $100 for
being drunk in public.

Your honor...

I don't have the money.

Could you raise it
by 5:00 on friday?

No, ma'am.

I guess I just got
to serve the time.

Your honor,

Can I address
the court?

Go ahead.

Uh, your honor,

I'm, uh, ready
to pay mr. Eversole's
$600 fine.

Very well.
See the city clerk.

Next case.


Yes, sir.

What you got,
roy eversole's
booking slip?


What is
the story on him?

Same old story.
You want to hear it?


No, it's been old
for years.

When is this man

Ever going to get
ahold of himself?

I get job offers,
but they fall through.

Uh, no, thanks, hon.

I'm flat-broke, parker.

I don't know when
I can pay you that $600.

Go back to the mill
and talk to our boss.

No. That wimp had
no right to fire me.

Who the hell does
he think he is?

The new owner.

I hate him.

Roy, for once
in your life,

Why don't you...

Swallow your pride and--
and be a little humble?

Are you asking me
to shame myself?


I did no wrong, parker.

That little jerk
would make a saint
lose serenity.

Just tell the man
you're sorry.

Why should i?

You need the job.

I need the job, but
I also need my dignity.

Who would leave a cup

On the corner
of a table like that?

I'm sorry, hon.

Come on in.

I got your cash.

Thanks, loretta.

Damn! Look who's here!

This is norbert clemens.

Roy eversole's
approaching my office.

I want him thrown
off the premises.

Yes, sir.

What the hell
are you guys doing?

come on. Let's go.

I only wanted
my job back!

What, you think I'm gonna
k*ll you?

Come back again
and I'll have you
jailed for trespassing.

You stupid
little egg-sucker!

Maybe I will k*ll you!


Have a nice day.

Excuse me, chief.

I, uh...

Found that missing
accident report.

Well, are you going
to tell me about it

Or give it to me?

Uh, yes, sir.

Ahh, well, well, so...

You didn't get that
phone call you were
waiting for, did you?

Just because
roy eversole
says he'll call

Doesn't mean he will.

I just wish
for once he would.

Well, maybe he hasn't
got out to the mill yet.

Maybe he hasn't
got any news.

No. It's the same
as when I was growing up.

He'd leave mama and me
and go off to sea,

And we wouldn't hear
from him for months.

Uh, when did
she divorce him?

When I was
in high school.

I hardly heard
from roy after that,

Though he never
really wanted to be

Anything like
a father to me.

But you still seem
to want the man's respect.

I suppose I do,

Though respectable
he ain't.

We got a
fatal sh**ting.

The man's name
is norbert clemens.

His housekeeper just
discovered his body.


I know a gus clemens that died
a couple of months ago.

Is this a relation?

Norbert's his son,

He's the fella that
took over the mill.

Do tell.


This is annie tucker.

She's mr. Clemens'

I almost died myself
when I seen that body.

You worked for
mr. Clemens full time?

Except for two nights when
I stayed at my own place.

Did anybody notify
his family or...

There wasn't
nobody to notify.

He had a father
who just passed on.

He never mentioned
no one else.

Did he have
a girlfriend?

Well, he was
seeing someone,

Though I never
saw her myself.

Then how did
you know that?

Oh, i--i been finding
traces of her around.

Two sh*ts to the heart.

I'd say a .38
at close range.

Do we know
when he died?

Between 11:00 and 1:00
last night.

The body's
completely stiff.

Wallet was lying
a couple of feet away.

Nothing in it but this.

What is that?

A fortune from
a fortune cookie.

Oh. What does it say?

"Choice, not chance
determines destiny."


He just busted it
and reached in.

Is there any gravel
out there?

No, chief,

But there is a fair
footprint out here.

Man's size...9 1/2.

How can you read
a shoe size
off a footprint?

I can't,

But I used
to sell shoes.

I found
an appointment book
open to today's date.

He's got a name
written down in there--

And a phone number.

Why do I think I know
that phone number?

It's the number for
newton general hospital.

Oh. So it is.

So it is.
Well, well.

Dr. Dans,
dial 55, please.

Dr. Dans, dial 55.

Hey, tracey.

Hi, lonnie.
Can I help you?

Do you have a carolyn
on the staff?

Got two. Here's one--

Carolyn boshell,
a nursing assistant.

Hi, carolyn. Do you know a man
named norbert clemens?


What's wrong?

How well
do you know him?

Oh, my god.
What happened?

Somebody shot him.
He's dead.

Were you
a good friend of his?

We were dating.

Saturday would
have made a month.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Do you know if anything
was worrying him
or anybody?

He said he had
a nasty experience
with a fired employee,

But norbert didn't sound
that worried about it.

Did he mention
the employee's name?


Excuse me.

I just need
to sit down.

Did mr. Clemens
usually carry

A lot of cash
around with him?

He liked cash.
He signed out
some money yesterday.

Do you remember
the exact amount?


Three 100s and,
uh, four 50s.


Why did he fire
roy eversole?

He hated him.

Roy wouldn't take
orders from him.

In fact,
he almost laughed
in norbert's face.

It was norbert's daddy
that kept him around.

He was an old
navyman like him,

And he liked roy,
but then he died.

Norbert became
roy's boss,

And I don't blame him
for gettin' rid of roy.

What kind of threat
did roy make?

I heard roy tell norbert

That he would k*ll him.

Think he meant it?

I have no doubt
he meant it,

His words put cold
chills up my spine.

O.k., Thank you.


Roy eversole has
a .38 smith & wesson

Registered in his name--

The same caliber
that k*lled clemens.

I've known
roy a long time.

And I know
he's got a bad temper,

But I can't believe
he'd sh**t a man
in cold blood.

Do we question him now?

No, we don't want
to bird-dog him
at this moment.

Does that mean let's
not alert him just yet?

Yeah. That's what
it means.

It sure is hard
on parker.

Yeah, I know, uh...

I sure hate
doing it to him.


What are you sad about?

I'm not sad.
I'm worried.

Worrying's like
a treadmill.

It wears you out
and gets you nowhere.

I know.
But how would you feel

If you had the
police out shadowing
your stepdaddy?

What else could
the chief do?

If you were chief?

No. I'd do
the same thing.

I'd have somebody
out shadowing roy.

I'd just hope
the police wouldn't
find anything.

Parker, I'm with you
on that.

I don't believe
parker's stepdaddy
k*lled that man.

You're right.
Let's call it a night.

We can't do that.

You're right
about that, too.

Open the door, richard.

Hey, there.
How you doing?

All right, sweet.
I'll let the chief know.

Chief, sweet called in.

They followed roy
to a card game on hazel.

there isn't anything
in that, is there?

I don't know.
I just can't help thinking

I shouldn't have pushed roy
on his boss.

You don't think
he k*lled him, do you?

No, sir. I don't.

I just feel I should be
doing more to help roy.

Help him?
As a stepchild or...

As a parent?

As an officer
of the law?

Hey, babe.

How's your work?

Why are you so drunk?

'Cause I had
a lot to drink.

I been sitting here
thinking about how much
I still love you.

I don't want to.

Hey, I'm still
your husband, ain't i?

Legally, but not really.

My heart don't
understand that, carolyn.

I don't want
that divorce.

We've managed
to stay friends.

Don't force me
to start hating you.

You hate me?

That's a laugh, man.

I'm the one who's had
to stomach you runnin'
around with other men.

Then go out
with other women.

You like older men,
don't you, carolyn?

Yes, I do.

Especially the kind
that got money.

There's nothing wrong
with money.

How could you pick a man
like norbert clemens over me?

Where'd you go
last night?

I went out.


Here and there.

Where I go is
my own damn business.

[Door closes]

This 'bout them
traffic tickets?

Yeah, now that you
mention it.

But I'm really interested
in that game back there.

Just a friendly game.

Well, which friend's winning,
and which one's losing?

I'm losing,
and so is roy eversole.

How much
is eversole losing?

A lot.

He pulled out $100
and blew it
in 10 minutes.

But he's still
in the game?

Yep. Sure is.

Whipped out
another c-note
and started losing that.

Roy usually bring
$100 bills to the game?


I ain't going to give you
any more money.

Hey, come on everybody!

Everybody that loves beer!

But think of
the money he saved.

Come on, roy,
don't you know
any clean ones?

There was a young lady
named banker,

That stowed away
on a tanker.

She awoke with dismay,

When she heard the mate say,

"Let's hoist up
the topsheet and spanker."

Hey, y'all doing o.k.?

Hey, bring my friends
another round of drinks.

Here, keep the change
for yourself.

Hey, luke.

Let me buy you
a drink.

No thanks.
We're just passing through.

Did roy eversole
give you that 50?

Yeah. It ain't
counterfeit, is it?

What'd he pay
his last round with?

A 50.
Paid his bar tab, too.

Does roy usually pass 50s
and buy drinks for everybody?

Heck, no.

What'd he do,
rob a bank or something?

[Roy] you made
a good batch this time.

Here we go. Oh, ho.

Yes, sweet.
Go ahead.


Is this about roy?

Fine. Hold on.

Chief, sweet's
on line four.



Evening, roy.

What do you guys want?

Chief has
a few questions.

Questions about what?

Y'all think I k*lled him,
don't you?

Nobody's saying that.

Fine. Go tell your chief
I'm busy.

Don't make this
a problem.

It's you that's causing
the problem.

I can arrest you
and take you
to the station.

Will you go to hell?

Cuff him.

What are the charges?
You going to tell me
the charges?

Yes, roy.
You're being arrested
for m*rder.

Thanks, peake.

You think you're
a real hotshot,
don't you, roy,

Too tough to talk?

A real man
would tell the truth
right now.

Who do you think you are,
john wayne?

You got nothing on me.

You threatened to k*ll
norbert clemens,
and now he's dead.

What a loss.
Just pass the hankie,

What's the matter
with you, roy?

Roy, why don't you
sit down?

Excuse me, parker.

We just want to know
where you were
the night of the m*rder.

Chief, I want you to know
I'm deeply insulted
by these accusations.

Who'd you spend
the night with, roy?

I spent the night
with mr. Jack daniels.

Oh, come on, roy.

All right.
Where's your old .38?

If we had it,
we could run it
through ballistics.

We could maybe
clear you.

Why won't you tell us
what you did with it?

I gave it away years ago
to a young lady.

She needed it
for her personal defense.

Where's that
young lady now?

She shot some guy
in tallahassee.

I suppose she's
down there somewhere.

Roy, you were spending
100s and 50s that night.

100S and 50s were taken
from norbert's wallet.

Where'd you get your money?

That money was
my emergency stash.

That had nothing
to do with norbert.

There are other people besides
that twerp who can walk around
with 100s and 50s.

I thought you said
you were broke.

Well, I wasn't.
But I was out of a job.

I figured I'd make
a few bucks
playing poker,

But the cards weren't
falling for me,

So I got out
while I still had money left.

I went and bought a few drinks
for my friends.

I laid out $600
to keep you out of jail.

I know you did, parker.

And I knew when I saw you
in that courtroom

That you were going
to pay the fine
if I copped for the time.

Awful truth is
I used you, son.

I used you.

Why, roy?

Tell me why.

Because I ain't no damn good,
boy. That's why.

Roy, um, did you know
anybody that wanted
to see norbert dead?

Can't think of anybody
that wanted him alive.

Did you ever see
anybody express any kind
of hatred for him,

Anybody at all?


Yeah, there was this guy...

In the parking lot
about a week or so ago,

Cornered norbert.

And they started arguing

And...and this guy
was very mad.

I mean,
he was spitting tacks.

Did you catch
what he was mad about?

A woman.

Norbert was fooling
around with his woman.

Well, well.

you got a minute?

I do if I can
keep moving.

Sure thing.
You know carolyn boshell?

She dated the guy
that got m*rder*d.

Yes, of course.
I've heard that.

Was she dating
anybody else?

Well, I can tell you this--
she's been married.

When was she divorced?

I don't think she did.

Are you saying
carolyn's still married?

I don't know
what goes on there, parker,

But they still live together.

I got to go.

Well, thanks, trace.

[Knock on door]

Is this about norbert?

Yes. Can we come in?


Why didn't you tell us
you were married?

I don't consider
myself married.

I, frankly, didn't
think it was anybody
else's business.

Well, your husband
went to see norbert clemens
last week.

I didn't know that.

I didn't know johnny
knew about norbert
till last night.

Well, what did he say then?

He wanted to know
how I could leave him
for a man like norbert.

He scared me.
He was so angry.

Even though
he knew norbert
was already dead.

Does johnny keep a g*n?


In his bedroom.

He sleeps
in a separate bedroom?

Most nights.

Top drawer.

It's a .38,
and it's been fired.

Look, here.


Norbert clemens'
credit cards.

Where is he now?

He's at work.

The crusher run plant
at tyson's quarry.

What's going on?

We're looking for
johnny boshell,
where is he?

Down there...

By the dump truck.

Parker, he's in one
of the monster trucks.

You won't be able to
stop him with a car.

I got it, lonnie.

Uh, thank you, peake.

Well, roy...

We're going to drop
the m*rder charge
against you, naturally.

Naturally. How can
I ever thank you?

But, you know what?

I just wish there
was a job waiting
for you out there.

A job somewhere, yes,
but not in sparta.

Every boss I've had
in sparta was a silly fool,

And I'm tired
of working for silly fools.

Oh, parker, I was just
tellin--tellin' your chief

What a fool I've been.

I didn't hear that,

All these years,

I just took our relationship
for granted,

And we could've been
good friends.

Close friends.

That's the truth, roy.

Well, that's history.
It doesn't matter.

Too late to set
things right?

No, I don't think so, roy.

Good. That's what
I plan to do if I stay
in this egg-sucking town.

Ahem. You fixing
to go somewhere?

I thought I might go
down to tallahassee

To see that little lady
I was telling you about,

See if she's set up
to take care of me.

If she wasn't,
I'd come back and try
to be a good daddy to you.

How would you like that?

Sure thing, roy.

Uh, how you planning on
getting to tallahassee?

Why, hell.
I ain't proud.

I'll ride the bus.

Lots of people do.

That's true.

I wonder if I could
float a loan

For the price
of the ticket.

Gee, roy,
I'm a little short

On account of the fine
and everything.


I'll tell you
what I can do.

I can float
that loan
for the ticket

Provided it's
a one-way ticket.

How about that?

You got it, chief.

You got it!

Parker, you're gonna be
a lot better off without me.

I just know you will.