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06x13 - Falsely Accused

Posted: 05/18/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪♪

So let me conclude
by saying...

That I indict you all...

For being
the best friends

This humble prosecutor
could have,

And I'm honored
to be here.

[Man laughs]all: hear.

[Cheering and applause]

I must say this is
a nice idea.

How is it that
the city council
never thought

About giving me
a little party
like this?

There's more to this
than meets the eye.

I know that you
and your well-oiled
political machine

Is setting darnelle up
for higher office.

How did you know that?

I've been
spying on you.oh.

But, let me tell you,
I approve.

I'd like to see darnelle
going up there to congress.

When he gets there,

He can begin
by prosecuting
all his colleagues.


Shame on you.

I think an announcement
is a little premature.

I'd say it's at least
two months away.

I want to tell you
that just your being here

Has made
all the difference.

Thank you so much.

Bob. Yes.

Good. Yes, thank you.

Well, how are you?i'm fine.

I find william babbling

On the telephone
to somebody.

Who?i do not know.

I just hope
they weren't
calling from alaska.

Now you know
why they call it
the terrible twos.

There was a time
you wouldn't see
blacks here.

It was only
someone cleaning up.

How true.

Are you talking
for my benefit?

Why would I
want to do that?

Would you excuse us,

O.k. You're excused.

Ha ha ha ha!

Who asked those two?

invited themselves.

A dying breed,

No, not dead yet. Look.

Are you waiting on me,
bob pinkney?

I'm really confused,

Has it got something
to do with the law?

I reckon.

I'm always confused
when something's legal

And all wrong
at the same time.

Well, me, too.

For instance,
your intrusion on me
at this moment

Is entirely legal,
but it's wrong.

And it's dangerous, too.

I'll tell daddy
I seen you.

Say hello.

Ahem. I'm sorry.

You a friend
of his daddy's?

I was. Long ago.

How could that happen?

His daddy and I
had a lot in common...

In those days,

I'm sorry to say.

They bothering y'all?yes.

Forget about him.
We're having a good time.

We were.

I still am.

They couldn't
have been invited.

I don't think they were,
but I'll go check.

[Indistinct chatter]

It'll change.
I know it will.


We'll see it happen.

Dream on.

There are two gentlemen
over there

I don't think
were invited.

They need
to be asked out.

Yes.thank you.

please, come back
some other time

When you are not so happy.

Come back here?
You got to be kidding.

You ain't getting
no more of my business.

Good night.

You may be getting
something quite
different, mr. Dago.


What a bunch of stiffs.

You want to hit
the mason-dixon,

Do some more sh**t?

First, I'm going
to try something.



That ought
to make them happy.

[Tin clatters]

You're crazy.

Hey, looky here.

[Glass shattering]


Sparta police department.
Parker williams.

Parker, are you awake?

Uh, yes, sir, chief.

I'm outside
the mcguffy house.

There's a couple
of clowns here.

They're making
a public nuisance
of themselves.

Would you take the food
out of your mouth

And put in a call,
get some help here.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, parker.

[Glass breaks]

Uh, all units, uh,
we got a disorderly

Outside the mcguffy house,

Two perpetrators.

Who's close?

Yo, parker,
I'm on my way.

[Starts car]

Luann, everett, you
available for backup?

Sorry, we've got
a domestic on flower.

I'll take it.
Tell sweet to hold up.

Okey-doke, lieutenant.

Watch this.

Oh ho!

Ha ha!

You a fool, merck!


And you're drunk!

You'd better let me
drive this thing.

You're lucky I let you
ride in it.

[Starts car]

[Parker] sweet,
jamison's rolling
your way, so hold on.

Sorry, can't do it.
The suspects
are leaving.

[Siren wailing]

[Tires screeching]

What the hell...

You nearly run me
off the road!

Step out of the car.

What is your problem?

You been drinking

It's none of your
damn business.

You, too. Out, please.

Keep your hands
where I can see them.

You seem disoriented.

I'll have to ask you
to take a field
sobriety test.

I ain't going to do it.

You refusing
to take the test, sir?


Turn around,
put your hands
behind your back.


Let's work
something out.

Work something out?

What do you have
in mind?



Are you offering me money
to let you go?

You got that right.[Siren wailing
in the distance]

Two hundred.

O.k., Turn around
right now.

You want to add
resisting arrest
to the charges?

He ain't resisting nothing.

Be quiet.

What you got here,

Several offenses,
I'm afraid, lieutenant.

This one, too, huh?

For sure.

Up against the car.
Come on, let's go.

[Indistinct talking]

Come on.

Let's go.

Parker: uh, yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.

Uh, hold on,
miss lasiter.

Uh, chief,
lieutenant jamison

And sergeant sweet
arrested those fellas

You called in about.

I know.

I'm very interested
in those fellas.
Where are they?

Down in booking.

Miss lasiter,
I'm back.

You know, I'm sorry
your dog left,

But he may
just be tired
of home.

I want to use
the phone!

Keep your voice down.


Men are sleeping.

Keep your mouth shut.

You hear how this boy's
talking to me?

I don't like it.

I don't want to hear
from either of you.

Shut up.

Jameson: well, wilson,
what should we
start with,

Malicious mischief?

Sweet: yeah, that's statute

Works for me.
What else?

You refuse to take
the intoximeter?

You're damn straight.

It's not going
to do you any good.

Implied consent means
you'll lose anyway.

What else?

Offer of inducements
to influence an officer.

That's 11-53.

Attempted bribery.
That's a felony, boys.
Nice going.

You got that
all wrong.

He brought up
the damn money.

I what?

You asked
for the money.

You sure did.
I heard you.
Wanted 200 bucks.

That's the figure
I heard.

Let me give you advice.

Don't be stupid.
You'll have to swear
under oath to that.

Then we got you
for perjury.

Ain't perjury
if it's true.

You're lying, pinkney.

The two of us
says you lying.

That's right.

Either way, we got you
for two misdemeanors

And a felony.

So you feel like calling
your lawyer now? Hmm?

Jameson: go ahead.

There will have to be
an investigation.

this is nonsense.

I don't believe it.

Then why dignify
these two?

You know what happens.

The cops get smeared
no matter what.

Virgil, it's just
a question of propriety.

And listen, I think
that you're the man

To conduct
this investigation.

A most appropriate choice.

Hold on, fellas.
I don't want this.

You know how I hate
internal affairs stuff.

Virgil, I didn't ask
for volunteers.

Oh, man.

Excuse me.

I got to run.
Excuse me.



[Door closes]

Now, room 207.
One tuna on whole wheat.

Thanks. I hope
you told them
to hold the mayo.

I started to,
but they said,

"We know this is
going to miss delong."

You should have seen
the heads turn.

Darnelle's going
to investigate sweet.

I suppose you know.yes, I know.

Darnelle's got
to be careful
of his image.

It's bad for him
to seem cozy
with the police.

And not only him.

Yes, but we are
talking about him.

When pinkney
goes on trial,

He will say
that I had him
and his pal busted.

Because they were rowdy.

He'll say I did it
because he offended you.

In other words,

I abused my power
for personal reasons.

That is not true.

A personal reason
that won't find
much sympathy

In these regions.

I'm going to be sick.

Then can I eat
your sandwich?


What's up?

Wilson, close the door
and take a seat first.

yeah, come on.

The, uh, allegations
against you

By bob pinkney
and al merck,

We have to take them


You're kidding.


Not that we believe
those bozos,

But I think
I have a solution,

Quick, easy.

I want you to take
a polygraph test.

A lie detector?

No. Why should i?

Ask pinkney to take it.
He's the liar.

We'll ask him,
and he'll say no.

What does pinkney hope
to gain by accusing me?

A deal.

What kind of deal?

We drop the charges,
they withdraw
the allegation.

I'm not dropping
the charges.

Is that what everybody
wants me to do?

Of course not.

I want to nail
those guys
more than anything.

Now, what about
the polygraph?

No way.

What's happening?

They want me to take
a polygraph test.

Can you believe that?

I can believe it.

That's like guilty
until proven innocent.

No way.

Chief could order you
to take it.

Does anybody trust me?

Everybody does.

I wonder how you'd feel
to be falsely accused

And have that damn d.a.
Take it seriously.

Parker put out
a records search
on pinkney and merck.

You know might
turn something up.

Finally going
to investigate them?

I can hardly
believe it.

[Starts car]

Nice day for something,
isn't it?

Sure is.

[Car starts]

Hi there.


Anything I can
help you with?

We're just looking.

Well, it's obvious
that you know your cars.

How's that?

This car used to be
the pastor's car.

It's the best deal
I've got.

You wouldn't be
just saying that?

We can't afford
repair bills.

My word is my bond.

Mr. Pinkney.

Why, it's our d.a.
Mr. Darnelle.

Can we have a word?

I'll be
right with you. Merck?

Get on over here.

The d.a.'S
a good customer of mine.

You don't say?


Give them a good deal,
50 over wholesale.

Whoa, he likes y'all.

I'm al merck.
Let's get you
in a vehicle.

So what's the story?

No one believes
your story.

Y'all stick together,
cover up for each other
all the time?

I want you to take
a polygraph test,
a lie detector.

I know all about them.
I even took one once.

So you don't have
any objection?

No. I want
to tell the truth
and get justice.

Very well.
We'll set it up then.

You do that.

We'll call you.

Bye, darnelle.

Sold them the car.

Good boy.what's so funny?

They want me to take
a dumb polygraph,

A lie-detector test. Me.

I tell lies
all day long.

Uh, yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

We'll have an officer
there directly.

I'm real sorry
it happened.

All right.

What was that?

Another stolen car--
a new one,

It happened right outside
the city offices.

Three since yesterday.

No, four.

Going out.

You got anything
for me?

Yeah, a stolen t-bird,
brand spanking new.


Uh, sweet...

Um, I got something else
for you, too.

What's this?

In case things
don't work out
so well for you,

There's a whole page
in here

On other employment

What are you
talking about?

I circled this one,
and it looks nice.

Security work
in florida.

Have you lost
your mind?

You have to have one
to lose one.

Thanks for
the confidence.

I'm just trying
to help.

What's the matter
with you?

Pinkney will fail
that polygraph for sure.

I hope
you're right, luann.

But suppose
you're not right?

Oh, parker.

[Telephone rings]

Sparta police department.
Parker williams.

Is your name
bob pinkney?

Yes, it is.

Mr. Pinkney...

Is your
true birthdate

July 1, 1943?


And your mother's
maiden name is baker?

I have no idea.

She weren't never home.

Please answer
yes or no.

Yes or no.

Mr. Pinkney,
don't mess with the test.

I've used
this man before.

He's real good.

I never did think much
of these polygraphs.

Bill, you're thinking
about the old days.

They've really
got it together.

Yeah, well,
it can still be wrong.

Once in a blue moon.

I've heard of guys
who beat this machine.

I never heard
of one.

It's possible.

O.k., Good.

On the night
of the 13th,

Were you stopped
by sergeant sweet

Of the sparta
police department?

Yes, I was.

And were you
arrested by him?

Yes, I was.

Did you offer a bribe?

No, I did not.

Did sergeant sweet
solicit a bribe?

Yes, sir.

That's exactly
what he did.

The police officer
asked you for money,

Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct.

Thank you,
mr. Pinkney.
That'll be all.

I believe
our mr. Pinkney

Will be eating
his words
in a moment.

I'm not so sure.

He was awfully smooth.

Have some faith
in our technology.

Well, let's go
take a look at it.

How did I do?

You can talk to
the d.a. About that.

Would you excuse me,


Well, hi.

Good morning,

Well, let's see
what we have here.

O.k., Jack,
we get a clean test?

Sure did.


I told you.

No deceptions noted.


You mean it appears

The man was
telling the truth?

Yes, sir.
That is correct.

No deceptions noted.

Nice going, gerard.

Jack, this guy's a liar.

He's supposed
to read liar.

What can I tell you, sir?

Well, then,
it also appears...

That we've handed
pinkney his case,

Wouldn't you say?


I said no way.

It's going to
look bad if you don't.

What if I take
the polygraph,

And it says
I'm lying?

It was wrong once.

You have a point,

But, wilson,

The polygraph is not
admissible as evidence.

People will always
claim I was lying.

This is turning
into a nightmare.

Are you listening to--

Excuse me, virgil.

Can I borrow you,

Go ahead.

What's up?

I heard about the test.

It's the pits, huh?

fishing for a deal.

The way darnelle's
handling this case,
he might get one.

Excuse me,

This way, please.

Well, as they say...


You're supposed
to save that
until you see the fox.

You probably mean bingo.

Oh, that works, too.

So, what you got?

Let's see here.

Our mr. Pinkney...

"Arrested alabama, 1984.

Receiving stolen goods."

He got popped again
in '87...

Same deal.

He did six months
in muskogee state.

What kind of
stolen goods?

Um... Car parts.

He took them off
other people's cars.

The problem is now
kind of political.

We can dispose of
the bribery charge

By revealing bill
ordered the police
at the mcguffy house.

Sweet could not have
asked for a bribe.

Then that's
the solution.


That may take us where
we don't want to go.

Like where?

Pinkney's going to
take aim at you two.

I told her this.

He'll say bill busted him
because he was rude to you.

First he'll try
and cut a deal.

They should get
what they deserve.

I don't care
what people say.

You better, if you want
to go on in politics.

Bill's right, harriet.

Can I go on
living like this,

Afraid of doing what
I really want to do?

[Sighs] I don't think I can.

Man, what a bunch
of clunkers.

Cutting torch.

Look at
all this stuff.

Well, what we got here?

Out-of-state plates?

I'd sure like to know
what this thing's hauling.

Lonnie, come here.

What's this?

Looks like
a late-model ford.


No. The frame's
all right.

There's nothing in it.
It's been stripped.

They couldn't have
been that stupid.

What you got?

identification plate.

You're kidding me.

Told you.

Yo, parker.

Yeah, lonnie.
Go ahead.

I need you
to run a v.i.n.

Hold on.

Luann, run this for me.


O.k., sh**t.

Roger 7, harry 3...

Baker 9, 0.

All right.
Hold on.

[Fax machine whirring]

We got a hit.

Thank you, ma'am.

O.k., Lonnie...

We got a red taurus

Reported stolen
on august 28th,

Meridian, mississippi.

Thank you,

I wonder
what other stuff
they got around here.

We'll need a warrant
to hunt by day.

That won't be
any problem.

Don't be so sure.

It's the night watchman.

The man isn't careful
about covering his tracks.

He's got a 40-foot
semi locked up.

It's got to be
full of parts.

The plates
are registered
to a dallas company.

That company's
a mailbox.

Give us a warrant,

Hold it.

I don't think we
should bust pinkney
at this moment.


He'd scream harassment,
make things worse.

So we let him
run his chop shop?

No. Build a case
against the man.

And practically admit
to soliciting a bribe?

Sweet, we're on
your side, man.

Nobody's going to say
you solicited a bribe.

How can you say
that for sure?

Well, because I intend
to let everybody know

That, uh...

I ordered the arrest
of pinkney and merck.

I told y'all
to pick him up. had to
bring him in.

There was no chance
for a bribe.

No, hold on.

I guess you guys
better know.

Pinkney got into it
with the chief.

He did, huh?

Over harriet.

That could look bad.


O.k., Uh...

Tell the chief
don't do it.

I'll take the polygraph.

No problem.

Please, mr. Pinkney.

We can't afford
a new engine.

Well, you obviously
abused the car.

It was a fine runner.

I went to
the market once.

Oh, yeah. Sure.

Well, I'm sorry.
You'll have to excuse me.

I've got some business
with our d.a.

Mr. Darnelle, this man
sold me a lemon.

You got to do something.

I paid good money.

I'm sorry.

Call mrs. Branch
in my office.

She'll tell you
what you have to do.

Isn't it amazing

How unsporting
some folks are?

I want to
discuss your case.

You mean
you're not here
to buy a car?

I'm prepared to drop
all charges against you.


What do I do?

Drop your allegations
against the police.

Sounds like a deal.

You know, you're saving
your buddy gillespie

A ton of trouble.

Yeah, I'm sure I am.

Did you
cook this up?

Did I what?

Did you ask him
to make that deal?

No. I wish he hadn't.

I wish sweet weren't
in serious trouble.


I'm here.

Just that our
foolishly clandestine
relationship has...

Perverted justice.

Oh, I don't think
the law cares.

I care.

[Dog whimpering and barking]

What's the matter
with him?

He just hears bobby
coming home.

My guy's still out.

I care, too.

You do?

You know I do.

You know where
I'd like to be

This very moment.

Me, too.

I'll talk with you



[Cars approaching]

Hey, merck.

We've got about a
million cops out there.

I'll be damned.

Get rid of that semi.

I knew this would be
a double-cross.

Get going.

What do you
want me to do?

It ain't
registered to us.

Just dump it.


Move it!


What's going on here,

That's a warrant
to search your premises.

We're going to do that
right this moment.

Let's get started.

Ain't you talked
to the damn d.a.?

That deal you cut
is no license

To continue
committing crimes.

Only crime
is you harassing me

For reasons you know
all too well.

Now, if you say
one more word
of that sort...

They'll have to
dig me out of you.
You hear me?

[Car starting]

Parker, we've got
a semi on the move.

We want it.
Come on. Let's go.

[Car starts]

[Sirens wailing]

[Tires screeching]

This idiot's going
to k*ll someone.

That's out of our hands.
Stay on him.


All right, all right.
Come on out.

The trip's over.

Can you move?yeah.

Step out of that cab
nice and easy.

All right.

We got the rig stopped
on planter and 7th.

No injuries.

I got it.

Come on.

You mind if
I peek in the back?

Is that o.k. With you?

Sure, anything
you want.

Let's go.

What you got in here?

I don't know
nothing about it.

Yeah, right.


I don't know what's
in this truck.

I wouldn't say too much
if I were you.

I don't know
what it is.

Bring him over here,
will you?

Well, well.
What have we here?

What's that?

A power-steering unit.

It's a late model,
worth some bucks.

We got loads more
in here.

You got your man
right here.

I don't know
nothing about this.

I don't believe it.
He's the one.

You want to say that
to a polygraph?

Good. Don't answer
any of these questions.

Dennis, see that
that man sits

In the privacy
of a police car.

Yes, sir. Come on.

Was it absolutely

To wreck one
of our vehicles?

No, sir. I just
thought I would.

Oh... Well,
that happens.

Thank you, chief.

You want to
go on home?uh, no.

I can wrap this up.

No, I'll stay here
with you,

Then I'll go to
the station and change,

And then go to dinner.

What's the big deal?

Ain't you never been
joy-riding before?

Save it
for the judge.

What's this?

He drove a stolen car
into pinkney's

As we were
finishing up.

You know what they say.

Timing is everything.

Whatever that's
supposed to mean.

Come on, peabrain.

I'm finished with
all this, detective.


Uh, parker,
where's the chief?

On an official date with
miss harriet delong.

Can I speak to you
for a minute?


So, bro...

It's all over.

Don't let this thing
keep burning you up.

I can't
just let it go.

I didn't become
a policeman

To get chewed up
by politicians.

That's just for
regular people, huh?

Wilson sweet...

You learned
a hard lesson,

And you
survived it.

Life is not fair.

Justice is not
always served.

So, uh, give it up.

Is that all,


That's all.

[Opera playing
from inside hotel]

Ah, here we are.


Ah, buona sera,chief.

Buona sera,pierro.

You know ms. Delong,
don't you?oh, yes.

She looks
just marvelous.thank you.

Your table is where
you can see the trains.

Oh, good.
Show us the way.

Did you ask for that?

Yeah, I like
to see the trains.why?

Trains always give me
wonderful ideas.


[Cork pops]

Good ol' bubbly.

Comunemente e solo.

Ritorno in uno momento.

Non sia in fretta.

Due momenti.

What did you tell him?

He said he'd be back
in a moment.

I said take
a couple of moments.

How come you didn't
say hello to everyone

Like you usually do?

You want me
to make rounds?

No. Shh.

Forget all that stuff.


Here's to you.

And to you, bill.

[Train whistle blowing]