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06x12 - Judgment Day

Posted: 05/18/23 08:23
by bunniefuu

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Two desserts...

Four forks.

There must be some mistake.
We didn't order dessert.

No mistake.
They're on the house.

Please say, "thank you"
to miss lucille.

Thank you.

Gerard, you don't
have to do that.

My daddy used to say,

"A good lawyer
knows the law...

"But a smart lawyer knows

"When to take
the judge to lunch."

Well, I will propose
a toast.

To lawton gray.

Uh, the honorable
lawton gray.

The honorable
lawton gray--


Army officer, judge,

And our next

Councilwoman douglas'
sentiments are appreciated,

But it is a long way
between entering a primary

And winning
the nomination...

And more, the election.

I'm going to
need support.

Grass root support.

White people and black
people working together

For positive change.

Excuse me.
There's a phone call
for judge gray.

Ah. Yes?

Yeah, this is
lieutenant jamison,
sparta pd.

Your residence has
been burglarized.

Anybody hurt?

No, sir, your wife
surprised the man,
and he ran out.

Oh, thank god.

Well, is anything
valuable missing?

We don't know yet.

Why hasn't mrs. Gray
told you?

Well, she's doing
a little bit

Of resting
right now, judge.

Say what it is,

Well, looks like
she's been doing
some drinking.

I'm on my way.

My house been

Is mrs. Gray
all right?

Well, she's a little shaken,
but she'll be fine.

Excuse me.

Don't look at me
like that, lawton.

I had a few martinis

While I was waiting
for the police.

Sure, you did,

That man almost gave me
a heart attack.

I needed to take

Didn't i?

I reckon so, ma'am.

[Door opens]

Judge gray...

I'm really sorry
you're having
this trouble.

Well, first time
for everything.

Never think
it can happen to you.

Yeah. And how you
feeling, mrs. Gray?

Like I been r*ped...

Having a strange man
going through
my bedroom drawers...

all my personal things.

Did the man
take anything?

He found some jewelry
in mrs. Gray's bureau.

Oh, just
costume pieces.

Nothing precious.

I keep all my valuables

In the wall safe.


Well...didn't you
set the alarm?

I guess I forgot.

I'm afraid
I often do.

That's when she unlocked
the door and walked in,

And heard somebody
rummaging around.

Then she saw a man
heading out the terrace door.

Can you describe
the man?

Well, he was white.

He was...
Medium height.

He wore dark clothes.

Was he by himself?

I didn't see
anybody else.

I'm sorry, hon.
It must've been
terrible for you.

Oh, lawton.

I--i'm so lucky.

I could've
been k*lled.

Any sign
of forced entry?

Yes, sir.
You can see
the tool marks

Right here
by the locking


Uh, excuse me.

Your name is...?

Eleanor brooks.

And you work here?

That's right.

Almost 10 years.

I'm sorry.

Uh, I'm virgil tibbs.

This is
lonnie jamison.


How do you do?

Where was everybody
when this happened?

Horton drove mrs. Gray to
the hospital to see bessie--

She's our cook
and housekeeper.

He dropped her off at the door
when they got back,

And drove off somewheres else.

And where were you?

Shopping for fruits
and vegetables
out on wildberry road.

I only got back
a minute before you.

What is your job
here, ms. Brooks?

A personal assistant does
anything and everything.

Whatever mrs. Gray
might wanna do for herself...

If she wanted to do it.

Thank you.

Is there some trouble?

Oh, I don't
think so, ma'am.

There was a burglary
in this neighborhood
this afternoon,

And we're asking
everyone if they saw
anything suspicious.

I wasn't home.

I spent the afternoon
at the garden club meeting.

Oh, matilda,
there's been a robbery
in the neighborhood.

Did you happen
to see robbers...

Or men who looked
like robbers?

I noticed an old,
beat-up gremlin

Circling the block
this morning.

You sure
it was a gremlin?

Yes, sir,
my brother had one.

Did you see
the driver's face?

No, I couldn't see
his face.

Huh. Well, what color
was the car?


Tell me...why do men
resort to burglary

When there's so many
legal ways to be dishonest?


Uh, thank you.

So darnelle likes
judge gray, does he?

He picked up
the lunch check.

He must
like him a lot.

Councilwoman douglas
supports him, too,

But she's always been
a fan of his.

What about you?

Are you kidding?

Well, he's
going to win.

His w*r record might
make him a hero to some,

But the only good thing
about him is his wife,

And he never even
mentioned her name.

She's a boozer.

Don't be cruel.

Say it any way
you want, but you
can't deny it.

Bill, it's an illness.

Whatever it is,

Judge gray
is tired of it.

Now, uh, I didn't
forget anything,
did i?


Oh! The butter.

I thought you put that
on the table.

Why do you
have to go now?

Lawton, please!

I have to work.
That's that.

You don't really
have to leave
at this hour.

Please stay
here with me.

I hate to be here

It's an important

Every meeting
is important,

This is
a campaign.

What about me?

Well, in a certain
frame of reference,

You are all-important,

But I cannot neglect
my duties, commitments,

I need to be with you.

You really don't.

Now, I have to
get going.

I...want to spend
some time
at purvis lake.

I thought you
didn't like the lake.

I used to love it.

I want to go again.

How lovely it was...

How peaceful...

Walking through
the woods.

Of course, there were
surprises now and then.

The cruel world was
never very far away.

v*olence and vengeance...

Are always near.

But it's still
beautiful there...

Unless you
let yourself think...

About ugly things.

I hope you don't
wait up for me.

Why does it bother me?

it's humiliating,
that's why.

You're not
to blame for it.

I get blamed anyway.

Just be thankful muriel
wasn't in the house

When that burglar came in.

God knows what
might've happened.

Things like that
happen all the time,
don't they?


They do.

Were they
in the main house?


What did they do?

They were getting
ready to...

You know.

What did you
see them do?

Well, it was
the living room.

Did they kiss?




That's all I saw.

They went upstairs.

Where is he now?

Having breakfast.

You remember
sam perkins?


Of course.

You liked him,
didn't you?

Sure. Everybody
liked sam.


Not everybody.

There's something
I haven't told you.

You swore it was over
with rosalynn douglas.

Well, you swore you'd
quit drinking, too.

Muriel, you are
an embarrassment
to me

At a time when
I need you the most.

I want a divorce.


Don't be ridiculous.

I'm being dead serious.

I'm willing
to wait till
after the election,

But I want
all our property...

And stock accounts
into my name now.

And my attorney
will draw up
the papers.

You're crazy.

I'll ruin you publicly.

Well, you will degrade
yourself, too.

You want everybody to say
you lost your husband
to another woman?

Don't be silly.

I'll just tell
the police

The truth about
sam perkins' accident.

The police wouldn't believe
a thing like that.

The papers
will run the story.

The police will have to
look into it again.

And it's true.

If you do as I say,
you'll have no problems.

I want the divorce,

And I want
all we have.


Chief? The prints taken
off the terrace door--

Too smudged to be
of any use.

Though I doubt if we're
looking for a pro.

The jewelry taken
was junk...

If any jewelry
was taken at all.

You mean mrs. Gray
lied to us?

I think so.

We ran a computer
check on blue gremlins.

There are only two
in the tri-county area.

One has a prior.

His name
is ray worrell.

Sweet arrested him
two years ago
for burglary.


Well...i can't wait
to meet him.

What do y'all want?

Looking for
ray worrell.
Is he here?

I'm ray worrell.

Ain't you the man
who ruined my life?

Nah, I just made
the arrest, that's all.

Yeah. And I told you
I didn't do it.

That old woman
was mistaken,

It wasn't me she saw.

Is that your car
over there, ray?

Yeah. The cadillac's
in the shop.

Where were you
yesterday about 2:00?

Right here
at home...

With my lady
and my sons.

That's right.
Ray was with me.

From when to when?

From the time we
got up in the morning

Till the time we went
to sleep at night.

Y'all got
a problem with that?

We'll let you know.

Hey, judge.

Nathaniel. Sorry
things aren't going
too good for you.

Rough times, judge.
I've just about given up
looking for work.

Listen, you know much
about plastering?

Pretty much.

Uh, wall or ceiling?

Both, I'm afraid.
Suppose you could

Stop by tonight
and give me an estimate...

Say around, um, 11:00?

Isn't that
kind of late?

It sure is, but I can't
get home till then,

And I wanted you
to start work
in the morning.

Whatever you say,
sir, 11:00 it is.

All right,
and do me a favor--

Don't mention
doing the work
to anyone.

Can I ask you why?

It's just work I'm not
supposed to be doing.

Um...let me
explain it to you

When you come over
tonight, o.k.?

O.k. You got it, judge.

And don't worry.
I'm going to pay you well.

God bless you,

[Tire blows]

[Clock chimes once]

[Doorbell buzzes]

Didn't I tell you 11:00?

I had a flat, judge.

I'm awful sorry.

Job's upstairs.

You know, your ceiling
could be peeling
for a lot of reasons.

And it might be on account
of a busted pipe.

If that's the case,

I'm not gonna be able
to do the job.

All I know about
plumbing is, there's a...

Cold faucet
and a hot one.


What's that for, judge?

Oh, hey, virgil.

Who else was
in the house?

Mrs. Gray's assistant
is in kenard

Visiting her sister.

The chauffeur
was asleep.

He says he didn't
hear anything.

They got an i.d.
On this man?

Yeah, uh...
Nathaniel crenshaw.

I found this jewelry
in his bag.

You know if he used
that w*apon?

There's a hole
in the carpet

Where the slug
went in.

All right, let's, uh...

Get rid of the body.

What about
mrs. Gray?

where is she?

Master bedroom?



Rigor mortis.

But not in her arm
and wrist.

Meaning what?


She's been dead...

Two hours.


That the break-in?

Yes, sir. And pry marks
on the windows.

What are you
standing on?

Dirt, sergeant.
And there were
no footprints.

Well, there's no dirt
around here, either.



It's my fault.

Why, judge?

Well, I left
muriel alone.

I just didn't think
he'd come back again.

The burglar.yeah.

Where'd you go?

I was at councilwoman
douglas' house.

She was helping me
on the campaign.

And you came home when?

Oh, it was about 1:00. came home,
and you found what?

Well, now, once again,

That alarm hadn't been set.

And I yelled for muriel--
I was so angry that
I yelled for her.


She didn't answer.

Then I heard someone
moving upstairs.

And then I went
into the study,

And my desk drawers
were all open.

That's when I knew
somebody had been here,

And I pulled out my .45.

You keep more than
one g*n in that drawer?

I keep several--
that .38 he used

To k*ll muriel,
that's mine.

So you went after him
with the .45.

I ran to the stairway,
and he fired at me.

And then I fired at him...

I fired twice.

Just take your time.


Then I went into
the bedroom, and I saw...

Oh, man.

I saw what you saw.

Then you called
the police?

Almost immediately.

It wasn't till
I came back out
in the hallway

That I realized I'd shot
nathaniel crenshaw.

You knewthis man?

Uh, yeah. I sentenced him
for m*rder 20 years ago.

Had you been in contact
with him since his release?

I ran into him
about a month ago, and...

He seemed humble
and apologized
for his mistakes.

One thing led to another.

I found out
he'd been having
a hard time

Making a go of things.

So, I hired him
to do a job for me.

Why didn't you mention
this to me yesterday?

I didn't think
it was important.

How long did he
work for you?

Only a couple days,
there wasn't much work.

Did he seem normal?

What do you mean?

Was he touchy, nervous?
Seem mad about anything?

No. He act--

No. He seemed calm.

He was grateful
for the work, you know.

Yeah, thanks.

Chief, the autopsy report
confirms what I found--

That mrs. Gray was k*lled

Two hours before
crenshaw was k*lled.


So, crenshaw comes
to the house,

And he sh**t that woman,

And then he hangs around
for two hours,

Waiting for judge gray
to come in and sh**t him.

Do you believe that?

Well, um...

Now, the judge did
call out for his wife.

That could have been
what made crenshaw run.

But why...

The man would stay
in that house two hours

After he k*lled muriel gray,

I couldn't tell you that.

Autopsy says
both b*ll*ts passed
through her arms

Before penetrating
her chest.

She was in
a defensive position.

Probably woke up,
saw him,

Then raised both arms
for protection

When he aimed his g*n.

Uh, excuse me, uh...

Crenshaw's pickup's
been located.

It was nearly 10 miles
from gray's house,

And it had a flat tire.

And the marks on the window
where somebody had pried

Were made by tools
crenshaw carried.

But according
to this lab report,

The fingerprints
on the doors
and the windows

Were not crenshaw's.

Let me see that.yes, sir.

Uh, lab man
handwrote a note
there in the corner.

You know, his
handwriting's awful,

But I managed to read it.

All right, parker,
what'd it say?

It says that
crenshaw's fingerprints

Were found all over
the stair banister,

But none were found
in the study,

And they're nowhere
in the bedroom.

Judge gray is devastated,
but he is not bitter.

He still feels the need
to help the impoverished.

We are going to set up
a special scholarship
in mrs. Gray's name.

Chief gillespie's here.

Well, come on in, chief.

Hi. Excuse me.

I want to ask
some questions,

If you don't mind.certainly.

You want some privacy?

Well--i don't. I don't need it.

What would you
like to know, chief?

What time
did the judge

Leave your house
last night?

It was a little
before 1:00, I think.

Well, I figured as much,

Knowing what time
he got home
to his own house.

We were planning
political strategy.

Judge gray's
only shortcoming

Is that he is
a workaholic,

And he tries to make one
out of everybody else.


You don't suppose
that mrs. Gray's m*rder
could have been prevented

Had he left
a little earlier?

Oh...who can
say that? No.

he's a good man.

He's an honorable man,

And he does not deserve
this kind of luck.


I am running late.

Is there anything else
that I can help you with?

No, thank you.

I'll give you a call
about that scholarship.

All right.

Is, uh... she fooling around
with the judge?


I'll type this up
for you, miss delong.

Thank you.


You know that for sure?

Well, bill, how could
I know it for sure,

Unless I was a fly
on the bedroom wall?

She never confided it to you?

If she confided in me,
I wouldn't tell you.

So you're just guessing.

Yeah, I'm guessing.

Well, a lot of people
go around guessing
about other people.

And they're right, too.


And you seem
to enjoy it.

I might as well.


Wait just
one minute.


[Doorbell rings]

I don't think we're
fooling anyone.

I don't think
we have to.

Don't you think
people care,

Well, here more
than most places,

But not enough.

I can still get elected.



Ms. Delong,
my name is
eleanor brooks.

Where do we know
each other from?

You co-chaired
the hospital
charity committee

With ms. Gray--
poor muriel.

And you were
working for her.

Worked for her
for years.

Would you like
to come in?

Thank you.

Mrs. Gray was
a very nice woman.

You have
my condolences.

Would you like
to sit down?

No, thank you.

I needed to talk to
someone I could trust.

Well, I hope
I can help you,
whatever it is.

It has to do with
the m*rder of muriel gray.

She told me
a rather...

Terrible story
the morning before
she was m*rder*d...

About judge gray.

Are you sure it's something
that shouldbe told?

No, I'm not.

It might not
be true,

And muriel told it
in confidence...

But it's something
I can't keep inside.

I just can't.

It had to do with a man
named sam perkins.

Sam and the judge
were old army buddies.

They served together
in vietnam,

And went off to saudi arabia
with the reserves.

It was just after
the troops got back.

The grays were up
at purvis lake,

And sam was with them.

They were out in the woods...
Hunting, muriel said.

She was behind them,

Then caught up to them...

And saw judge gray
k*ll sam perkins.

The judge
later claimed

Sam was k*lled
by another hunter,

A hunter who, of course,
was never identified.

Did muriel know why
he k*lled him?

She thinks something happened
when they were in the gulf.

She didn't know what.

Why did she
tell youthis?

She wanted my advice.

She wanted
to divorce the judge,

And use this story
to force him into
the settlement she wanted.

She asked me
what I thought.

I told her I didn't know,

And I don't know whether
she used it or not.

This way, ma'am.

Excuse us, chief.
This is gail henderson.

Why don't you
have a seat, miss?

She's the gail
on the watch.

Oh, hi,
miss henderson.


I'm wondering
why your daddy
felt compelled

To do a thing
like this.

We found him
at that house

Where judge gray
shot him.

He was wearing
that watch at the time.

I gave my daddy
that when he turned 40.

She brought it to him
at parchman prison.


I had to bring it back
to keep for him till he...

Came home.

How well
did you know him?

You must have been an infant
when he went to prison.

My mamma used to
take me for visits

When I was growing up.

She finally married
somebody else...

But I stuck with
my daddy.

We wrote and visited.

He lived with me
when he first got out.

Did you see
much of him
after that?

Oh, yes.

He couldn't m*rder
no one.

What makes you
so sure?

I know he k*lled a man
when he was young,

But my daddy
was a religious man.

He dedicated
the rest of his life

To serving the lord.

This is some of
my daddy's letters.


They'll help you.

I'll read them, too,
if I may.

Yes, sir, you may.

Thank you.

Officer williams
will have you
fill out a form,

And then we'll
release the watch.

Here--take it now.

Thank you.


Hey, you want to
look at these?


This girl's father
was left-handed, chief,

No doubt about it.

Well, crenshaw's
thumb print,

Which was found
on that .38,

That's from
the right hand,
wasn't it?


[Intercom buzzes]

Yeah, what?

Miss harriet delong
is on line one.

She says it's urgent.

Thank you.

Yes, harriet.

Well, we'll meet you
in 10 minutes.


Muriel gray knew all about
her husband's affair

With councilwoman

She was
going after him.


She was going to
ask their attorney

To draw up papers
transferring all
their property,

Goods, and cash
over to her.

As part of a separation,
or what?

She was giving him a choice

Of a scandal,
or a quiet divorce.

Sounds more like a choice
between a scandal
and being dead broke.

Come on, a scandal?

Who worries about
that anymore?

You know who
sam perkins is?


Yeah. Sam perkins,
he was k*lled
in a hunting accident

Right after the gulf w*r--

And judge gray
was with him.

He sure enough was.

Muriel said
it wasn't an accident.

Who'd she say that to?

To eleanor, who worked
for her for years,

And was her friend.

She got any proof
of that?

She says mrs. Gray did.

Wonderful, but
mrs. Gray's now gone.

Well, you asked.

Lieutenant, you there?

Go ahead, luann.

Ray worrell just walked
into maude's pawn shop,

Trying to hock jewelry.

Ask if she's sure
it was ray.

You sure
it was ray?

She says she's positive.

She knows him.

O.k., 10-4.

you disappear
in the back,

And now you're
taking forever.

What's the problem?

I had to get
my pricing book.

You don't
wanna wait, leave.

I'm outta here.

You stole junk, baby,

Costume junk.

If it's junk,
why'd you blow
the whistle?

It's m*rder junk, sugar.
Gotta report it.

Ray, don't
say anything now.

Get your hands
behind your back, ray.

Go on and cuff him, sweet.

Appreciate it, maude.

What are the chances
of two different men

the gray's residence on
two consecutive nights?

Slim, but possible.

It's also possible that
crenshaw and worrell
were working together.

But muriel gray
was k*lled two hours
before crenshaw.

Why would crenshaw
hang around a house
that long?

Whoever said crenshaw
was a genius?

What about eleanor
brooks' story?

Well, I'd say it's
vindictive hearsay

If I were
on the other side.

Gerard, judge gray
is a double-m*rder*r.

He murders his own wife
in cold blood,

Then he m*rder*d

Whyare you
so reluctant to say so?

You seem to be saying
it all for me.

O.k., So we don't have
a smoking g*n yet,

But the man is
as guilty as sin!

Judge or no judge,
w*r hero or not.

Sure he is.
Arrest the son of a bitch.

I'll find a way
to make the case.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha,
that's something else.

Who is that?

What is it?

Oh, excuse me, judge,

You better hold up
court for a moment.

There's been
an important development.

We'll take
a five-minute recess.

Court is not yet
in session.

Court will be
in session
in five minutes.

All right, now,
what's so important?

You're under arrest.


Yeah, for m*rder.

Yes. For the murders
of nathaniel crenshaw,

And muriel gray,
your wife.

This is preposterous.

You lose your mind

Well, maybe so,
but that's another question.

Officer peake
will book you.

Tell the judge his rights.
I'm sure he knows them,

But tell him anyway.

Let's go, judge.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up
the right to remain silent,

Anything you say can
and will be used
against you...

Well, I'm leaving
the way I came.

what do I do?

Well, I think the first
thing you better do

Is give a longer recess.