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06x10 - Flowers from a Lady

Posted: 05/18/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

What they
get paid to do.

What's that over there?

Check it out.

Come here.

In a parking lot?
These days?

They have nowhere
else to go.

They were lovers
in high school,

But her father forbade
her to marry him.

So they went
their separate ways,

Carrying their broken hearts
with them.

Finally, they could
stay apart no longer.

You know them?

No. But isn't that
a beautiful story?

When's the last time
you brushed your teeth?

Look, that was a mean
thing to say, evey.

I brush my teeth
every day.

With what,
day-old coffee
and cigarette butts?

Here they come.

The state's going
to have to let me know

How much money they're
going to give me

So I can put on
the extra officers

It's going to take
to patrol that road.

I don't think they
have a clue yet.

The main objection... I know.

The recreation
area near that site.

What worries me...

One dump truck
in one accident
involving a child

And the city of
sparta will be sued,

Up one side and
down the other.

We should
submit the costs
for the extra personnel,

Move things along.

I'll work up
some figures.

My client prefers
to remain anonymous,

Whether this project
goes through or not.

There's no need
to discuss his name.

I've got a nephew
waiting for help
with his homework.

Good night.

Bill, I'll run you back
to the police department.

Fine, ted.

Good night,
miss grimes.

Good night.

Serena, the trouble
with these projects is,

Half the people
are for them and
half are against.

You can't tell which
is the bigger half.

How profound, bill.

I'll see you soon.

Good night.

[Car alarm beeps]

That was
the police chief.


Damn! Nobody
on the road but me

And he has to hit me.

Nice lady, nice car.

Now give me the keys.

Don't be ridiculous.
Get out of here.

Give me the jewelry
and the purse now!

Come here.

You're a two-fer.

New car, fine broad,
for the price of one.

You're a monster!

You keep your
voice down, lady.

People are
trying to sleep!

Ohh! Ohh! No!

I said hold still!

Shh! Hold still!



Anyone in the vicinity of
kellog and preston roads,

Reported armed robbery,
car and possibly valuables.

I'm right in
the neighborhood.
What else you got?

Woman on the ground.
No name yet.

A mrs. Hawthorne,
7532 kellog,
called it in.

She heard a scream
that made her hair
jump up and salute.

Got a description
of the woman?

Not yet.

Bubba's on his way
over there.

Call the paramedics.

Yes, sir.

luann, you there?

Sorry, that was
the chief. You got it?

7532 Kellog road,

Miss hawthorne.

[Siren wailing]

Uh, miss hawthorne,
I'm bubba skinner,
sparta police department.

You don't
look like a cop.

And it's

Uh, sorry, ma'am. Mrs.

I want to thank you
for calling this in.

I just hope
she's alive.

The way
she screamed,

I thought
that was it.

Uh, here you go.
Let me help you.

Now, can you tell me
exactly what you saw?

I didn't see anything
till that scream.

I saw the one that
punched that poor woman.

I shined my light

Right in his ugly face.

Would you mind coming
down to the station?

Well, I don't drive.

I'll send
somebody for you.

Fine. It was
a ford fairlane.

Excuse me?

He jumped in
a ford fairlane

And drove away fast.

Are you sure about that?

Well, I had one like it.

I'd say it
was about a 1963,

Dark color.

O.k., I'm
going to go put
that out on the wire.

And, mrs. Hawthorne,
you're a good citizen.

Who was
that woman victim?

Name's serena grimes,

You know her?

Yes, I do.

I was just at
a meeting with her
and miss delong.

They say she's
going to be all right.

Nothing's broke.

Chief, I thought you
was at a meeting.

I was. So was the victim.

her condition?

Jaw's injured,
but not fractured.

Can she talk?

I don't know.
She's in outpatient.

Chief, I'd like to
ask her a few questions.

come with me.

Give miss boggs
a ride home.


It'll just be
a little bit,

Unless you'd
like to wait?

No, thanks.
I work here,

Call me. Yeah.

What'd you give me?

A muscle relaxer.

Excuse me, miss grimes.

Uh, would you be up to
answering a few questions?

She can't take
the ice pack off.


I thought I'd
said good night to you.

Oh, serena, I can
hardly believe this.

This is... This is
so awful.

Remember what
the doctor said.

All right,
I'll be fine.

It happened so fast.

Uh, do you remember
what you had
in your pocketbook?

Money, cards,

The keys to my house,

My address.

He tried to...
You know...

He grabbed me
and he groped me.

We get it, serena.

You take it easy.

Everything's going
to be all right.

It looks
like the old

There's been a couple
of these lately.

I can't go home.

Don't worry.
You'll be fine.

We're putting a woman
police officer with you.

The thief who put
the g*n to my head
was a woman.

Things sure
getting equal.

Uh, we're
going to want you

To come down
to the station
to look at pictures.

That man,

When he put
his hands on me...

Don't upset
yourself, serena.

Just you be calm.
We'll wait for you
outside the door.

Beautiful woman, huh?

Oh, she
certainly is.

She's single, too,


I was just
making a comment.

Seemed awfully
disturbed, didn't she?

Of course
she's disturbed.

After what
happened to her,
why wouldn't she be?

No, I meant, uh...

Listen, she's
plenty disturbed.

There's nothing
unusual about that.

A typical cop. Always
looking for faults.

Hi, bubba.
She seems to
be doing better.



[Knocking at door]

Why, captain skinner,
good morning.

Well, hello,
miss grimes.

I thought I'd see
how you was doing.

How kind.

I got brand-new locks.

Wish I could
fix this jaw as easily.

Don't go worrying
about your face none.

I'm sure it will heal
real nice and quick.

The most important
thing you've got
to remember is just to

Get back to your
normal activities
as soon as possible.

Like getting back
on a horse after
you've been thrown?

Yeah, exactly.

I tried that once.
Got thrown right back off.

Yeah, well, I guess
that's possible. Uh...

Do you mind if I ask you
a few more questions?

All right.

Do you remember
anything more about
what happened?

I remember his teeth.

The man who hit me
had the worst teeth.

They's rotten?

Yes. And he smiled.


Can you remember
anything else?

Not blond, not dark,

Tall, on the thin side.

I can't remember
anything else.
It was very dark.

Yeah, that's all right.

That's just fine.

Uh, look here,
we'll be in touch, o.k.?

Uh, miss grimes,

I bet it's hard to eat

With that thing
on your face.

Hard to chew?

I managed soft cereal
and coffee.

That doesn't
sound too appetizing.

I know a place
that serves the best
homemade soup.

It's right over on...

Captain skinner, is that
an invitation to lunch?

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Is this a service

You provide to all your
victims of violent crime?

No, ma'am.

Well, I'm glad.

That makes me special.


Uh, tomorrow.

That'll be fine, sir.

This thing ain't
going to be ready
to roll by tonight.

Did I say tonight?

That's what I heard.

Well, tomorrow's fine.

We don't want to
make it look fresh.

Hey, monk, I felt like
we was bonnie and clyde.

Except you got to
get your teeth fixed.

You wouldn't be
half bad if you
had some new teeth.

I knew you was coming
around to liking me.

Don't get too
stuck on yourself.

Hey, where'd you get
that ring, little girl?

Off that
rich lady's finger.

She probably
get plenty more.

Let's just
get this job done.

We can take a break.

No breaks! Not now!


Well, good morning,

Don't you look nice.

Thanks. Where are you
rushing off to?

Well, serena grimes
was robbed at gunpoint
last night.

Last night? Where?

She was going home
from that meeting.

She o.k.?

She's o.k., But she
took some hard punches.

They stole her car,
took all her jewelry

And everything
she had in her purse.

I guess
that cancels this
morning's meeting.

I'll call her.

Every time she
gets something
good going,

Something else
falls out of place.

She does
bring some of it
on herself.

Like what?

Oh, just man problems.


Well, you
be careful, hear?


Now, you know
better than this.

I won't be more
than a minute, chief.

Well, since flowers bring
relief from the humdrum,

Which often afflicts
my police station,
go ahead.

Appreciate it. You make it fast.

Well, did he say
who's the lucky lady?

No. But I reckon
everybody's lucky.

Flowers make
everybody feel good.

They sure put a smile
on a woman's face.

I see it, but there
must be some mistake.

No, not if there's
a captain skinner here.

See? "Delivery for
captain bubba skinner."


You captain
bubba skinner?


the lucky man.
This is for you.

Y'all have
a nice day.

Captain bubba skinner.

ha ha ha ha!

What y'all
looking at?


I know that,

They're a bunch
of flowers.

A bigbunch
of flowers.

Expensive bunch
of flowers.

I guess you ladies
didn't get lucky today.

Sure didn't. Thanks for mentioning it.


That's nice.

That's nice.

Well, mrs. Hawthorne,
nice to see you again.

That's a pretty hat
you got.

Well, thank you,
captain skinner.

I'll get
mrs. Hawthorne

Started on
the mug books.

Miss grimes
said the man was tall,
medium-brown hair,

And really bad teeth.

I'll be in there
with you all in a minute.

Mrs. Hawthorne:
who's the lucky lady?

Those kind of flowers
mean l-o-v-e.

ha ha ha ha!

All right, who's been
working her charms,
luann or dee?

Right this way,
mrs. Hawthorne.

are those flowers
really for you?

Y'all seem to be taking
a great interest in them.

Well, we love flowers.
They're beautiful.

Yeah. They obviously
have something to
do with police work.

I mean,
they're here.


Did you want to
tell me something?

Yes, sir.
Mrs. Hawthorne's here
in the conference room.

Miss grimes
gave us a little more
on one perpetrator.



And them flowers
are from miss grimes.

Kind of a thank you
for last night.

Virgil: that's class.

Not many citizens
would come up
with that.

Yeah, and I guess
I ought to say...

Would you
like me to leave?

No. No, virgil,
it's all right.

It's just that, uh,

I went by there
this morning,

Not knowing
about them flowers,

And I asked
her to lunch,

But only because, uh, she
seemed so, you know, um...


Yes, sir.

Now I'm kind
of sorry I did

Because those flowers
make me feel kind of,
you know...


That's it. Obligated.

Well, lunch
doesn't mean anything.

You sure?

Oh, a dinner,

That could
mean something,

But I've never known
lunch to mean anything.


You sure?

Sure, I'm sure.

All right, then,

We'll see you.

Lunch doesn't worry you?


I can't see anything
dangerous about lunch.
Can you?


Lunch can be dangerous.

I guess what
I'm asking, jimmy,

Is what kind
of equipment
would it take?

You go to some places
in jackson,

Tell them the volume
of work you expect,

And they show you
the stuff you'll need.

So if somebody wanted

To start a little
business on the side,

Do a little
car-painting at home...

They'd still need
the same stuff.

Some knucklehead come in
wanting to buy equipment.

If I sold him my stuff,
what'd I do?

Who was he?

Some white guy.

I said he could
come work for me,

But he said he could
make more on his own.

What'd he look like?

Not much. Kind of raggedy
about the mouth.


Thanks, jimmy.

I'll take you around,
miss grimes.

Thanks, but I can see
how things are done.

Club policy, ma'am.
I have to show you.

If you must,
let's start over there.

Certainly, ma'am.

You following me,
captain skinner?

No, ma'am. Didn't know
you worked out here.

I don't.
I mean... I'm new.

I'm just getting started.

Perhaps you could
give me some training
pointers sometime.

Yeah, sure enough...

But I can't
do it today.

Got to get those guys
that took your car...

Which means I have
to postpone that lunch

For a couple days.

Well, uh, look here,

You have a
good workout.

I'll be talking
to you soon.

Miss grimes,
if you'll follow me.

I don't want to follow you.

Thank you.

Anytime, chief.

Serena ought to be
back at work by now.

She's well enough
to accept

A luncheon engagement
with bubba.

Is that a fact?

That's a fact,

And she just sent him
a bunch of flowers.


That's nice, a woman
sending a man flowers.

You don't think
that sets up a need,

I mean, a near necessity
to respond in kind?

I suppose it could,
but it's a new day.

Women feel free
to do many things
they didn't used to,

And I am delighted.


Good morning,
miss delong,
chief gillespie.

Mr. Mason.

Good morning, mr. Mason.
Nice to see you.

Yeah. Sure is.

Are we testing
public opinion out here?

Well, if we are,
we just won by one vote.

Of course,
now I don't care much
about public opinion.

I'm looking
at retirement.

You, on the other hand,

Aren't you still
looking for votes?

White ones as well
as black ones.

Caring less and less
about whether I get them.

Anyway, the election's
not tomorrow.

True. May I
call you later

And make believe
I didn't?

Well, by all means.

And we have a complaint
from minow's
convenience store.

Too many school kids
are squeezing in
at one time.

He can't watch them all,
and... He's having a fit.

The man hates kids.
Always did.

Some kids.

Still we got
to check it out, o.k.?

Here's the latest
on the "bump, rob,
run" phenom.

Impressive rap sheet.


Chill, jamison.

Bernard "the monk" stiles
served 18 months

For aggravated as*ault
and robbery.

First offense,
he took a vow of silence

For the duration
of his prison term.

Must be our man.

Wouldn't smile
in his mug shot.

He kept that
raggedy mouth shut.

Someone get on
the motor vehicles division.
Get his address.

Dee, I want you
to make copies
of this picture.

Make sure
everybody's got one.

Will do. O.k.

Did you have
that lunch yet?

No, but I saw her
at the gym.

You be careful.

It's just a lunch, chief.


It's my experience
that lunches

Can be dangerous.

What about the
license plate?

Didn't you take it
off the other car?

You didn't say to, monk!

Never mind.
We'll get it
on the way out.

Come on. Let's go.

Good god, monk,
we got company.

Hold your fire!

Look, why don't you
come on out of there?

It's too damn hot for this.

You'll have to come out

Why not make it now?


Stop struggling
so I don't have
to hurt you.

Look, knowing when to quit
is the first sign of wisdom.

Man on tv: year-end
clearances and...

[Siren wailing on tv]

Woman on tv: by friday...

now number 19, daniels

Takes his place
in the batter's box...

And here's the pitch...

You want to talk?


You sure?


You going to say
"nope" to everything?

Well, uh, ask me
something else.

Want to...


[Turns off television]


[Knocking at door]

Miss grimes,
what are you doing
out so late?

Looking for you.

Looking for me?

I'm a good detective.

Yes, ma'am...

You sure are.

When do I get my car back?

Well, it's in evidence
right now.

Serena: I don't like
that paint.

No, it's not
a pretty color, is it?

It's been a rough day,
and I'm tired,

But we'll get your car
back to you soon.


Yeah, honey.
I'll be right there.

I knew you had company.

Yeah, and I better...

I want to see you.

Miss grimes, uh,

Maybe that's not
such a good idea.

Why not?

Well, I already
have a...

A girlfriend? Then why
did you come on to me?

Bubba: ma'am, I was just
trying to make sure
you was all right.

I didn't mean anything.

And you didn't mean that.

And I'm sorry.

I am truly sorry
if you took it
the wrong way.

But right now, um...

I really got to go.

O.k., Miss boggs,
you want captain skinner

To meet you
at the aragon at 7:45.

I'll give him
the message.

Mm-hmm. Bye-bye.


Miss grimes.
Nice to see you again.

Can I help you?

I'll be there
in a minute.

Covey, take them
to the cells.

Captain skinner,
there's a message
from miss boggs.

Luann, just bring
that to the office.

Well, serena, I hope
you're feeling all right.

Yes, bill, just fine.

Any word on
our incinerator project?


I suppose
that's bureaucracy.

They move about as fast
as a pregnant snail.

It's certainly good
to see you up and around

And looking so well.

Why, thank you, bill.

Are you here
for your car?

No. The paint shop
is picking it up.

That color...
I couldn't drive.

Well, that was smart.

If there's
anything I can do,

Give me a shout.

Thank you, bill.

I wanted to see
captain skinner.

He's in a meeting
with the chief
and detective tibbs.

It would
only take a second.

They going to be
a while, miss grimes.

Why are you
doing this to me?

What's her problem?

I don't know.

Serena never can
start over

Without the weight
of the past

Crashing in on her.

She repeats
the same behavior...

I didn't tell bill all this.
I feel sorry for her.

I feel sorry for bubba.

He probably doesn't even
know what's going on.

I had the same
experience in college.

I only dated
the guy twice,

But he wouldn't let go.

He stalked me, and
nobody could do anything

Because there are
no laws against it.

What did you do?

I came on to him
real strong.

Oh, lord!

But it worked!
He cooled down
and disappeared.

I think he just wanted
power and control.

Hi. Your secretary told me
I could wait here.

Landry from
the state capital's
on the line.

Go ahead.

Yes, landry.
What can I do for you?

No. You're right.
Things have come
to a standstill.

No, there's nothing
I can do about it.

Miss grimes has
the power of attorney.

If she's not feeling
up to dealing with it,

There's no dealing
at all.

If I hear anything
to the contrary,

I'll give you a call.


I'll talk with you soon.

All right. Bye.

I brought over the figures
for those extra police.

Landry is chafing
at the bit.

To tell you the truth,
I'm glad things
have slowed down.

The more
I look at this
incinerator project,

The less I like it.

You talk
to serena grimes lately?

No. I talked
to althea about her.

She pitched a fit
at the police station today

Because she couldn't
get to see bubba skinner.

She yelled at a couple
of my women police officers.

She's a complicated case.

What is it?
Is it sexual?

Maybe not.

Then maybe what?

It seems more about power.

Althea said she had
an experience like it
in college,

And the guy
was more interested
in controlling her

Than in going
to bed with her.

Well, you can't
have the second

Without you get
the first.

It's not the same.

It's more like someone
getting it in their head

That you must
focus on them

Whenever they want you to.

Well, don't most people?

No. A normal person
wouldn't expect you

To exclude everything
and everyone else

From your field of focus.

Well, poor old bubba.

Every time he looks around,
there she is.

Kind of spooky.

I guess you can't be nice
to people anymore.

Oh, you can be nice,

And most people
respond in kind.

Serena responds
in another way.

She needs help

You know, it's awful hard
to stand here like this

And try to concentrate
on serena and bubba.

You know what I mean?

Oh... I'm sorry.
Miss delong,

You have
a finance meeting.
It's late.

Thank you.

I got to go.

Call me.

Yeah. Uh, uh, listen...

I'm sorry she saw all that.

It's all right.
It could have been worse.


See if you can't
get miss grimes
on the phone.

Yes, sir, chief.

It's warm out there.

Chief, I didn't mean
to set this thing off.

It isn't your fault.
You didn't do anything.

Boy, am I happy
to hear you say that,

'Cause last night
the woman come
to my house.

When I wouldn't
let her in,

Whoa! She walloped
on the door.

I know the woman personally.

I'll have a talk with her.

I'd sure
appreciate that.

Chief, I got miss grimes
on the line,

But she hung up
when I said who it was.

Did she say anything?

Chief, I don't...

What did she say?

She said,
"tell bill gillespie
to go to hell."


Open up!

I want my car now!

Oh, howdy,
miss grimes.

We about to close
for the day.

Is my car ready?

Course not, ma'am.
We just picked it up
this morning.

Won't be ready for
four days, at least.

What am I supposed to do
in the meantime?

Miss grimes,
if you'd like
to go somewheres,

We'll take you.

I want my car. Now.

Anything you say.
I'll get your keys,

And you can
drive it out yourself.

Here you go,
miss grimes.

Drive it
right on out.

Answering machine:
this is tracey. Please leave
a message at the beep.


It's bubba. I'm running
a little late,

But I'll be there
before the music starts.


I'm sorry.

Now, serena,

This is not
what you wanted
to do, is it?

No, bill.

It's not.

Would you allow me

To offer to find
some help for you?




Why does help
always turn into this?

Well, let's see
if we can't find out.