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06x09 - When the Music Stopped

Posted: 05/18/23 08:20
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

So I got this
little cousin,

And she's like 7--
you know, cute.

She asked me
what does it mean

When a policeman says
he had a good day?

Does it mean he arrested
a lot of people or
he didn't arrest any?

What did you say?

I said a good day
is when there's
no trouble

And the shift
goes quick,

Like in about
15 minutes.

Yeah, right.

Jamison, sweet,
come in, please.

Go ahead, parker.

Sparta arms. Got us
a celebrity arriving.

We off in 10 minutes.

You want me
to tell the chief that?

Who's the celebrity?

Eddie larran.
He's playing at
the mcguffey house.

He was a celebrity
a long time ago.

He's still loved
by many people

Across this
great land of ours.

We're rolling,

Nice to see you.
Thank you
for coming.

Let me sign that

I can only sign one.

I've got to
get inside.

Come on with me.
Come on, follow me.


How are you?
Nice to see you.

Eddie, you probably
don't remember me,

But the name's
bubba skinner.

Oh, sure,
I remember you.

Do you really?
Yeah. You're
looking good.

You're coming
to the show?

I wouldn't miss it.

Hey, eddie!

Step over here
and lay some money on me.

Oh, what we
got here?

Hey, hotshot,
you hear me?

Look at me
when I'm talking to you.

Sir, we don't
want to start
no trouble.

I got a right to be here.

Not if you're
a troublemaker.

Come to the station,
or walk away from here.

What's it
going to be?

I'll walk away.
Leave me alone.

Did you fellas
get to see
eddie larran?

We did,
but from a distance.

There's the man
who shook hands with him.

We saw you
greeting eddie.

It ain't every day we get
a world-class entertainer.

I wanted to make him
feel welcome.

You and eddie
old buddies?

Not old buddies,

But I had the honor
of talking to him once.

It was at a big concert
in birmingham,

And I got to say
hello to him.

Yes, sir, eddie larran

Is one of
the all-time greats
of country-western music.

Remember about a mile,


About a mile where?

Come on, sweet.
It's a song.

It's eddie's
signature song.

One time you couldn't
turn on the radio
without hearing it.

Chief, we're surrounded
by musical ignoramuses.

I know
the song well.

I don't listen
to country.

I listen
to jazz and blues.

What about you, chief?

Jazz? Yeah, sure,
if it's old jazz,

And blues
if it's old blues.

I just wish that we'd get
somebody modern,

Somebody from today
to give us a concert.

Oh, yeah.

That would be real good.

Probably end up
with some freak

With hair down to his butt.

I'll tell you
about eddie larran.

Eddie larran writes songs.

He sings songs
people care about.

He sings songs
that people can understand.

Oh, what's the use?

Big crowd
at the hotel?

Oh, no, sir.
Just 30 people or so,

Mostly old-timers.

There was one
loud drunk, though.

Just stepped up
and demanded money
from eddie.

Nothing serious.

You never know
what kind of crazies

These celebrities bring out.

Why ain't we playing
right here?

At least
it's new and clean.

Mcguffey house
is the only place
that books acts.

These small towns
ain't helping us.

You got to keep

You got to go
where the people
remember you.

How are we going to
handle ace mccabe?

I'd like to
handle him with
an ax handle.

Get me another drink.

We need to go
to the joint
and set up.

Mal, get me a drink.

Well, duke,
be a big crowd tonight, huh?

I doubt it.

Eddie larran
ain't nothing these days.

Then why did y'all
bring him then?

He's cheap.

All right, look here, duke.

You can't block
your back entrances
with beer cases

And keep that door unlocked

And keep
the alleyway clear.

Them violations
I saw coming in.

I've been running this bar
a long while.

If you want to
keep running it,
do what I told you.

The last time
eddie played
this place,

He had to do
three shows a day

Just to handle
the crowd.

I don't seem
to remember that.

That's because
you weren't
paying attention

To such events
10 years ago.

No, sir. I wasn't.

It was
jam-packed in here.

Old eddie--he'd
get us to screaming
and yelling,

And then quiet
you down just
like that--

Make you laugh, cry.

He was
the all-american
music man,

One of the greatest
showmen of all time.

Hey, how you doing?

Oh, real good, eddie.

Kind of early
for the show.

We're checking
some things.

Tonight when you're here,
sit down front.

That's where my friends sit.

I may let you
do a number with me.


Let's try this.

♪ You are near to me

♪ When the highway
gets lost ♪

♪ In the plain--

Give me less bass
and a little more treble.

I remember there's a bit
of bounce on the ceiling.

♪ You are near to me

♪ When the highway
gets lost ♪

♪ In the plain

You ain't
singing that
till I see money.

I want to see

And that's just
for that song

And last year.

You ain't going nowhere
with that.

I'm going to
bust that head.

I'm going to bust you
into jail.

You know him?
What's his problem?

Eddie's a crook
and a fraud.

He knows me.

We'll take care
of him.

Don't think this ends it!

You and I are going to
finish our business!

I'll get what you owe me,
or I'll k*ll you!

Yeah, chief,
ace mccabe's crazy.

Nothing he says
is the truth.

give me an example
of something crazy.

Well, he claims he wrote
eddie's best songs for him,

But eddie larran
is the squarest guy
in the world.

He was a w*r hero.

He won some medals
in the dominican republic.

Seems I read
about that.

Sure you did--1965.

Yeah, I know, nobody
talks anymore about
the dominican republic,

But let me
tell you something.

There was a lot
of brave americans

That laid their life
on the line there.

Eddie larran
was one of them.

How was the show?

Ooh, it was wonderful.

Eddie came over afterwards,

And we had us
a nice long talk.

It's been
a long time
since I saw him.

Oh, he sounds better
than he ever did,

Better than he ever did.

♪ I love my truck

Good to hear it.

Is anything wrong?

No, no.
A fan's a fan.

Did ace mccabe
call a lawyer?

He called his daughter
in natchez.

Uh, collect, chief.
I made sure of that.

She's coming down
with the bail money.

All right, all right.

All right, all right.

How you feel
this morning,
mr. Mccabe?

What do you care?

Reckon I don't.
Just asking.

Do you give him

He threw it
in the toilet.

Man stole my life.
Now he's got me in jail.

You got yourself
in jail.

I stopped you from
going after him
with a beer bottle.

What a joke.

If I was a man
with some guts,

I'd gone after him
with a .38.

Your hero is lucky.

"The people of
newman county, mississippi,

"Vs. Joe john ace mccabe--

Attempt to commit as*ault
with a deadly w*apon."

How do you plead?

Not guilty, your honor.

May I see
the complaint?

Your honor,
this man has no ties
to the community,

And taking that
into consideration,

We're asking $50,000 bail

To ensure the defendant's
appearance at trial.

I've been trying
to collect money
owed me.

I have no funds.

My daughter has to
pay my motel bill.

Is this
your lawyer? Yes, sir. Right here.

This man larran,
your honor--

Shut up!

You are adequately

By a public

This just
isn't fair.

Well, ma'am,
what's your daddy's
specific claim, anyway?

The song
about a mile.

Oh, uh, eddie's
signature song, huh?

Daddy wrote it.

If you would've said
any one but that one...

Eddie put his name
on it.

Daddy agreed to it
for money.

Well, with all
due respect, ma'am,

I don't believe that.

Believe what
you want.

I'm going to set bail
in the amount of $5,000

And remand the defendant
into the custody
of his daughter,

Miss june mccabe
of natchez.

I'm going to set the trial

For the 25th day
of next month

At 9:00 in the morning
in this courtroom.

Next case.

[Piano plays]

♪ Sometimes I think
of lovin' you ♪

♪ And then I think
about the way ♪

♪ We loved before

♪ And I remember
all the heartache ♪

♪ And pain we both knew

♪ And then I think
about the nights ♪

♪ We held each other tight

♪ And how no one
has ever loved me ♪

♪ The way you did

♪ Before you turned
and walked out the door ♪

♪ And so I just try
to start over ♪

♪ Try to give love
another chance ♪

♪ To find romance

♪ The feelings that left us
so long ago ♪

♪ Don't you know
that I loved you so? ♪

♪ And how it hurt
as I watched you go ♪

♪ I just can't let you go

You just going to
let them run me off?

I thought you had
more gumption than that.

It's not
about gumption,
it's about sense.

You keep
after eddie,

And there won't be
enough bail money
in mississippi

To get you out.

All I want's
simple justice.

You call this
simple justice?

It'll serve.

It'll serve
to put you in
the penitentiary,

That's what
it'll do.

Now, I love you,

But you're a fool.

I'm getting
rid of this.

Put if back
with the rest
of my stuff.

I'll tote it
back to natchez
and sell it.

Don't take it, please.
I need the money.

Put on the news.

Maybe they'll give us
the weather report.

Maybe we'll head
back tonight.


Oh, daddy.

♪ It's hurts so bad
when you turn to go ♪

♪ I just can't
let you go ♪

Hey, they loved me.

Damn straight they did.

You could be out there
doing encores
all night long.

I wish we'd been
in a showroom or theater--

Something big.

We were great.
Did you hear them?

This town was lucky
for me and will be again.

I'm here to k*ll you.

Come on, ace.
Don't be stupid.

Hey, buddy,
come on now.
Be happy for a change.

Here. Have a drink,

And maybe we can talk
like civilized folk.

What'd you think
of that crowd?

The old tunes
are the best,

And you helped me
put them together.

Cut the crap!
I want 50,000
to begin with!

Now, ace, you need
to be reasonable.

He needs
to be sober.

We been paying you
a long time--

About a mile,

Not to mention
country wedding,

Oil town,
faraway love.

You made a living
off them.

I ain't making the kind
of money I used to.

You're driving a caddy.
I'm walking.

You stay in hotel suites.

I live
in cheap motel rooms.

I carried you.
I'll carry you again
when things improve.

Don't promise him
a damn thing.

I'm going to tell you
one thing straight--

The old deal is over.

It's over--finished.

I can't give you any
of my old action.

No more percentage,

No more
gross position.

You get it.

I got to get it, too,


It's like
eddie said.

We'll carry you
best we can.

I'm done
being jerked around!

he looks like he's dead.

Nah, he ain't dead.

He sure ain't breathing.

don't think about it.

It was self-defense.

He wasn't going for me.

We got to say he was.

I saved your life.
What are you raving at?

Ace was aiming at you,
and I hit him.


So that life can go on,

So that your tour
can go on,

So that the money
don't stop.

We can't afford
to miss a date.

This could be over.



So, you saved my life.


I think I saved
my own, too.

Yeah, sure.

That's right.

Ace was holding the g*n,
and he fired it.

Now, if mal hadn't
hit him,

I'd be lying there
where ace is now.

What made him
so furious?

We let him go. We couldn't afford
a full-time arranger.

Well, this song
about a mile,

I understand that
ace mccabe

Had some kind of
a claim to that?

I was the one that
mentioned that, eddie.

Where'd you hear that?from mccabe's daughter.

Oh, she don't know
what she's talking about.

Well, why do you think
mccabe kept following
you around

he wrote songs that--

Don't ask me to explain
why people do things.

Ask a head doctor
about that. Even then--

Did you need
to hit him
that hard?

I thought so.

I didn't think
it was too hard.

You ever know
mccabe to carry
a g*n before?

No...i mean,
I don't know whether
he did or didn't.

I never saw
the g*n either.

Chief, I got to
get ready for
my show tonight.

I thought you
cancelled tonight.

Why? Phone's ringing
off the hook.

We got a bigger crowd
than last night.

Sure, mr. Larran,
you go on ahead.

And you, too,
mr. Talbot.
You can go.

Thank you very much. Yeah, see you again.

When that report
is ready,

You walk it over
to the d.a.'S office.

Yes, sir.

It's too bad you can't
put in that report

That eddie nursed
a sick wife for 25 years

And when she died,
it tore him to pieces.

Did you know that?

No, I didn't know that.

There's plenty the public
don't know about eddie.

How do you know it?

'Cause I'm
the man's friend.
We talk.

And if he said it was

It was self-defense.

We're mainly making
a report on the manager,
ain't we?

Miss mccabe,

I'm bill gillespie.

I'm very sorry
about your daddy.

When you going to
arrest somebody?

Well, um...first, I must
identify the crime.

My father is lying
in there

With his head
mashed in on a slab,

And you don't know
what the crime was?

We know that mal talbot
hit your daddy,

But why he did that--

Why does a k*ller k*ll?

Many reasons.

For money.

Yes. Hate.


Miss mccabe, uh...

Did your daddy own
a .38 caliber revolver

With pearl grips?

I really couldn't say.

You really couldn't?


Because I know what
you're trying to do,

And I don't intend
to help you

my daddy's name.

The blood on this
is this victim's blood.


Any fingerprints on that?

Yeah, we got some.

Anything to
compare them with?

Well, we got a call in
to washington.

Chief, did you come
to look at the victim?

Yeah, uh...

Do I need to?

No, sir.

Oh, well, good.
I'll forgo the pleasure.

♪ I was lost

♪ But now I'm learning

♪ What to do

♪ Roller coaster of love

♪ Roller coaster of love


I thank you.
I thank you.

It's been a little like
old dodge city around here,

But I'm still
walking around

Without any
unnatural perforations.

Thank the good lord
and my manager mal talbot.

nice and quiet now...

Excepting for all the noise
we're making here,
but this is happy noise.

of happy noise...

Let's do this one.

♪ Some guys
love their women ♪

♪ Give 'em
all they got ♪

♪ Flowers, candy hearts,
and jewelry ♪

♪ Glowin' in the dark

♪ Dinners near
the candlelight ♪

♪ Brings lots o' luck

♪ But me, I'm happy
as a clam ♪

♪ You see,
I love my truck ♪

♪ I love my truck

♪ It takes me
where I want to be ♪

♪ Right up to
the mountaintops ♪

♪ Or right down
to the sea ♪

♪ And if someday
some woman goes ♪

♪ And falls in love
with me ♪

♪ I will look her
in the eye ♪

♪ And tell her lovingly

♪ That it gets me where
I want to go ♪

♪ And gets me back
from there ♪

♪ It takes me
to the hardware store ♪

♪ And to the county fair

♪ Other guys just spend
their nights ♪

♪ As lonely as can be

♪ But me,
I'm never all alone ♪

♪ I live in reverie

♪ I love my truck...

Chief, this wasn't
hard to find.

Couldn't miss it at all.

It left a hole
in this mirror here.

hasn't confirmed,

But this has got to be
the b*llet mccabe fired.

Well, it didn't hit
anybody, so what's
the big interest?

Well, um...

They say that mccabe was
trying to sh**t eddie.

If that's so,
the b*llet
would've hit this door

Or the wall
'cause that's where
eddie was standing.

The manager came out
of the dressing room

And hit mccabe
from behind,

So how could
mccabe's b*llet
go behind the manager

And into the dressing room?

Seems it could
only go this way

If it was fired
this way.

If it was fired this way,
he was sh**ting at mal,
not eddie.

And it was eddie
who hit him.

Mm-hmm, yeah.

Hey, come on.

Give him a hand.
Come on.

You can do it.
Don't be nervous.

♪ I love my truck

♪ He loves his truck

♪ It takes me
where I want to be ♪

♪ Right up
to the mountaintops ♪

♪ Or right down
to the sea ♪

♪ And if someday
a woman goes ♪

♪ And falls in love
with me ♪

♪ I will look her
in the eye ♪

♪ And ask her lovingly

♪ Do you love my truck?

♪ Or do you love me?

♪ Am I all
you want in life? ♪

♪ Do I fit you
to a tee? ♪

♪ Will you throw my heart
in overdrive ♪

♪ And take me
to the stars? ♪

♪ I pray that
you won't dump me ♪

♪ For some
crummy foreign car ♪

Hey, hey, bubba!

You're not looking
for me, are you?

Yes, ma'am,
if you have a second.

This is tina yost.

She was with daddy
many years.

Miss yost.

Yeah, I was with him

Until he started
looking for eddie

To try and find
some of the money
he owed us.

'Cause ace and me,

We didn't have
nothing to live on.

Wh--how come,

I just told you
how come.

'Cause he wouldn't
pay us the money he--

He owed us.

I mean,
how come you had
no other way of--

To find money?

Yes, ma'am.

Finding the money
would just give him

The green light
to go on cheating us.

Uh-uh, no way.

We weren't going to
lift a finger.

He--he s-stuck us
where we were.

He could pull us out.

I just find it hard
to believe that--

Oh, you one of them
country boys?

Don't want to believe
nothing wrong

About mr. Eddie larran.

Tell you he let his wife
die poor and wanting,

You won't believe it.

Tell you he weren't
never decorated
for nothing!

He weren't even
in the army!

You won't believe it.

You don't want to
believe it 'cause...

It--it'll make
a fool out of you.

Miss june, I just--

It'd make a damn fool
out of you!

Worshipping a fake!

He stole all
the beautiful melodies
that my husband--

My husband who's just...

He is just my husband
in name only,

But he couldn't--

He couldn't find
a way to...

To marry me...

And keep
the woman he loved.

He loved me, and we--

Shh. Tina, please.

The little girl...

Tina, hush now.
People are looking.

Ma'am, I'll make
this quick.

Yes, please.

You see how she is.

Yeah. It's that
the folks
at the morgue--

I mean,
the hospital,

Can't release
your daddy until
day after tomorrow

of a pileup--

I didn't mean
"pileup." It's--

All right! All right!

I need this...

Tina, please!

You was just
a little girl.

I'm going to get a g*n!

Tina, please!

You understand me?
There's nobody but me--


Well...i'm sorry.

She said,
"if I had a g*n."

It isn't
as though she said,

"I'm going
to get my g*n."

No, no, no.

I'm not discounting
any possibility

However remote
it might be.

What I'm saying is

We're just going
to have to watch
the lady.

We'll have to
watch both ladies
very carefully.

You might also ask
the proposed victim

If he thinks
we have anything
to worry about.



That's bubba.

Proposed victim?
Who's proposed
as a victim?

Eddie larran once again.

I don't think we have
to worry too much
about the lady,

Though I do appreciate
you telling me.

Why, I've heard her
say many times
things like,

"Eddie, I'm going
to k*ll you."

I mean, many times.

No doubt you've noticed
she's, uh...

A drinker. Yeah.

We used to say...

"A little unreliable."

I never knew when
she might show up
and denounce me.

Could be at
the stage door
of a theater

Or on the front steps

Of the first baptist
church of memphis.

I reckon she had
a few choice items

To tell you about me.

Yeah. Yeah, uh...

Mccabe's daughter
june did, too.

My whole life's
a lie, right?

That's about it,
eddie. Yeah.

Well, I guess
a lot of it is

If you go by what
the newspaper writers

Or those press agents say.

It'll take me a while
to straighten that out.


Maybe I'll write
a book someday,

And as for
the songs I wrote,

Or I didn't write--

Hey, hey, hey.

You don't owe me
any explanations
for anything.

All you ever owed me

Was a good show
for the money
I paid,

And you gave me that
every time.

Now, if I expected more,

And, well, maybe I did,

Then that's my fault.

You never promised it.

Well, best get going.

Eddie, I wish you well.
I really do.

There he is!

Hey, eddie!

Where's eddie?
Where's eddie?

That's eddie back there.

There's eddie.
There he is.

Howdy! Howdy!
How are you?

Excuse me.

Thank you all
for coming.

Everything's going
to be all right.

Did the police
make any charges?

No. I just gave them
my statement.

Y'all broken up
over the death
of ace mccabe?

That goes
without saying.

Tina yost
is in town.
She made a statement.

We're late.
People are waiting.

Maybe later tonight
or tomorrow.

This is della cole
reporting for wtsg news.

Good-bye, eddie!

[Country-western music

Chief gillespie,

You got a minute?

I sure have.

How you doing,
eddie? All right.

This is parker williams,
one of my officers.

How are you? Pleasure.

I don't reckon, uh,

Old bubba is coming
to the concert tonight.

I don't know.
Is he?

Uh, he's busy, chief.
Actually he's on duty.

If y'all excuse me,
I got to see
to something.

Go ahead.
Go ahead.

Well, I know
it's been

Kind of
a sorry visit.

No, no, no.
We did just fine.

We, uh, made expenses
and then some.

I broke in a lot
of my hit records
right here.

Oh, I recall that.

You know,

I really enjoyed bubba.

I mean, he reminded me

Of a lot of men
I admired

When I was growing up.

I mean, they were tall
and tough and true.

I never got a chance
to tell him that.

I'll tell him that.


Looking back,

I mean, what do
you regret most?

Eddie, I am not
in a confessing mood.

Well--well, then,

What worried you?

I mean, about yourself.

Oh, almost everything.

Uh, I was always afraid
of being found out,

So, uh, I got like
some spooky old house--

All closed in
and shuttered up,

Stone cold
from top to bottom.

You know, at one time,

I might have made
a song out of that.


Enjoy the show.

Thank you, sir.

♪ You smiled at me

♪ And everythin' changed

♪ My life,
my dreams ♪

♪ All my plans
rearranged ♪

♪ I learned
how lovin' ♪

♪ Can make
the world new ♪

♪ And it all began
with you... ♪

The prints we got
off the crowbar

Will be back
from jackson

We'll match them up
with these.

This sheet's talbot's.

Came in later
than larran's

Because it was
passport prints.

Larran's are
from the navy.

I bet we'll find
both their prints
on that thing.

Eddie was in the navy?

Mm-mm. Marine corps.
See that?

Navy department.

He did a hitch
in the corps
in the sixties.

♪ Can't you feel
my heartache? ♪

♪ Won't you even try?

♪ I can't believe
it's over ♪

♪ And you're
sayin' good-bye... ♪

Let's go.

Thank you.

Thank y'all.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I hope the show
ain't over yet.

Oh, he'll probably do
one or two more.

Thank you.

I--i can't
leave you all

Without saying
a few words

About ace mccabe.

I told
police chief gillespie

What happened to old ace
when he pulled a g*n
backstage here.

I'd like to correct
that statement.

When I finish
this last number,

The chief and I
will take a ride
to the station,

Maybe come up
with some truth.

Old ace and i...

We wrote
a lot of stuff together,

So much
it's hard to know

Who wrote this
and who wrote that.

I mostly wrote the words.

We borrowed lots of stuff
from lots of people.

We plumb stole a song
from a german guy

Who wrote it
160 years ago,

A fella by the name
of robert schumann.

Ace did the arrangement,

And, of course,
the...the words were mine

'Cause they're
about my wife fay--

God rest her soul...

Who always sat beside me
in the old days

When I drove the bus
from town to town.

Y'all know it--

About a mile.

♪ You are near to me

♪ When the highway
gets lost in the plain ♪

♪ When I look for you

♪ Through the night
of a soft-fallin' rain ♪

♪ When the stars
all fall away ♪

♪ I find your eyes

♪ I see your smile

♪ Then I touch
your face ♪

♪ As the lights
in the town ♪

♪ Touch the sky

♪ And your lips
press mine ♪

♪ Like a high-ridin' beam
rushin' by ♪

♪ And the rockin'
in the wind ♪

♪ Just seems to be

♪ You holdin' me

♪ You won't appear
where highways end ♪

♪ In angry cities

♪ I can't pretend

♪ Alone in dreams
of yesterday ♪

♪ I call you back

♪ But you stay away

♪ But you're near again

♪ When the highway
gets lost in the plain ♪

♪ When I look for you

♪ Through the night
of a soft-fallin' rain ♪

♪ When the stars
all run away ♪

♪ I find your eyes

♪ I see you smile

♪ For just a while

♪ About a mile

Eddie, eddie, eddie.
Don't do this.

Let it play out
like I said.

Can't help it,
old buddy.

There's no crime
so far.

Ain't going
to be one.

Eddie, I'm so sorry.

Please forgive me.

I don't want to go
to natchez.

Take your hands
off of me.

I'm trying
to talk to him.

I don't want anything
but to be with you.

I want to be with you
for always!


My name is tina!


I said "ride."

Too far to walk?

No. It's a very
pleasant walk.

Glad you could
make it, old buddy.

Enjoy the show?

Just like always, eddie.