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06x06 - Random's Child

Posted: 05/18/23 08:12
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Well, lookee here.

parking only."

The fella's going to
get tagged, towed,
and tucked away

Unless he can prove
he cant read.

If he can't read,
I'll arrest him

For illegally
a motor vehicle.

I think I've seen
this car before.

With louisiana plates?

It may belong
to a wise guy
from new orleans.

Parker, find out
if a carl delissa

Is the owner
of this caddy.

Soon as I know,
you'll know.

Covey, stay with
that convertible.

Jamison here.
Chief, you there?

no, he called in.

He's out shopping

He's what?

He's in a supermarket

Lonnie, I'm here.
What's going on?

I just saw lana farren
at the courthouse.

Did you talk to her?

No. She walked
right by.

is that the girl who says
she's the chief's daughter?

luann,he says that.

She couldn't care less.

Is she here
to see you?

I hope so.

Did you love
her mother?

I sure did.

You ever
tell her that?

Do you think
I should have?

Well, as her father,
you know--

As her father,
I was fired.

The kid fired me.

Are you feeling
sorry for yourself?

You don't let me
get away with much,
do you?

Yes, I do.

Hi, there.

What street leads
to old route 12?

That one right there--


You may think
you know her,

But she don't.

Let's go, covey.
We're blocking traffic.

Because y'all
parked there,

We had to
park in the street.

That's not good for us.
Not one little bit.

We were only in
there five minutes.

No, at least 35.

We were looking
for somebody.

A girl driving
a sports car.

Maybe you saw her?

Here's your license,
mr. Delissa.

I'm delissa.

Oh, I'm sorry, sir.

Then this one
must be yours, mr...


That's a pretty poor
picture they took of you.

Where do I claim my car?

You're a much better looking
fella than that.

The address of the pound?

That's on the back
of that ticket there.

I hope the rest
of your stay
is real nice.

I know you hate me
for saying that,

But it's my orders.

See y'all.

If I don't see y'all,
all the best.

Stay dry.


Am I headed right
for the mccall place?

Keep on right on down
the road there.

O.k., Thanks.
I know where I missed it.

she's on her way
to her grandma's house.

has she got a problem?

Want to make
sure she doesn't.

All right. I'm 10-7.

Is the girl beautiful?

I don't know.
I've never met her.

The girl's mama
was beautiful and wild,
but sweet.

She and my sister lainie
used to have fun together.

She married
that crazy farren.

And the fun stopped.

No. That's when she started
chasing the chief.

Now hold on, gentlemen.

Chasing's a game for two.

Yeah, but seeing
what happened,

That fun didn't end.

Did it, officer dee?

I reckon.

But I don't believe I care
for the trend of the talk.



get back here!
I want to see you!

Don't make me chase you,
I'm just going to get mad.

Go get him.


Well, hello again.

It's all right.
That was just
old randy.

He doesn't mean
anybody harm.

You don't remember me.

Yeah, I do.

Not at first,
because of the uniform,

But I do.

Why'd you follow me?

In case you needed
some help.

Drifters sometimes
camp here a while.

I'm sorry if
I scared anybody.

I was looking
for my darling juanita.

She took off earlier
this morning.

I'm afraid
she needs a whipping.

Juanita's his dog.

She's got a twin brother--
name of spike.

You have to look close
to tell who's who.

Drifters come here, huh?

You know,
homeless people.

Last week we had
a young couple
here with child.

They forgot something.

I need to be alone here
for a while.

May I be?

I can see you're
all right.

Randy, let's find
some other place to
get in the way.

I suppose you'll be
in to see the chief?

I won't have
any time to see him.

Just a lawyer to sign some
papers about this place.

be disappointed.

Well, just say hi for me.

Well, i...

I hear lana's
in town.

Yes, sir. She is.


how's she look?

She looks good--

Did you talk to her?

Yes, sir.

She's here to see her place
and, uh, talk to her lawyer.
Only to him.

And then drive
that car right back,

The one that used
to be her mama's.


So be it.

Also, that new orleans mug
that was with her mama?

He's in town, too.

Maybe lana's made friends
with him again.

Whatever she's doing,

I can't imagine she
wants any advice
from me.

Sorry about that, chief.

she's on her way up.

Oh, well.

No, no, no.
Stay, bill.
Say hello.

She can't reject
a word of welcome.

Oh, yes, she can.

And when this kid
rejects you,

She gives you a look.

It's like getting shot.

You can
find out everything
I want to know.

Did she
invite those mugs

To come up here
from new orleans?

If so, why?

Has she got any problem?
Does she need
any ready cash?

It's not a breach
of anything for you
to tell me, is it?

No. I believe
her father has a right
to know that much.

Have I got your permission
to set up a meeting?

You'll get shot for
your trouble, my friend.


Oh, uh...



Would you step back in
for a minute?

You trying not
to meet somebody?

Just step in.

You're hiding
from that girl.


Well, uh...

That's your daughter.

Yes, that's lana.

What is your problem?

She doesn't
want to see me.

That's her problem.

She doesn't have
to look at you.

And you don't have
to hide from her.


I'll talk to you later.

I gave you the money.
Give me the keys.
I need the car.

I got business to tend to.

I'm trying to explain.

You paid me
the towing charge.

You got to pay your fine
at city court.

Why didn't
the other cop tell us?

He too dumb
to remember?

Or maybe too smart
to want to.

I could sue
this city over this.

Randy boy, get ready
with the sad song again.

I got to
tell this same story
so many times

I made a number
out of it.

We do it together.

♪ I hate bein' mean

♪ You paid
your towage fee ♪

♪ There's your machine

♪ But I must
hold the key ♪

♪ Till you get released

♪ By high authority

♪ A hundred dollars

♪ Is what
you must lay down ♪

That's right.

♪ Before your cadillac

♪ Can be removed
from town ♪ get our taxi.

Where the hell is it?

Taxi gone
five minute ago.

I hear your car
is missing a number.


Who are you?

Detective tibbs,
sparta police.

Is it the vehicle i.d.?

No, that's on the car
in three places.

The number missing
is the motor number.

What's he going on about?

The motor number--

Usually stamped
on the engine block.

took a torch
and offed it.

What in the hell?

Just take it easy.

You can get
your car back.

Just let me see
your papers on it.

Morning, miss shepard.

Morning, sir.

Step right this way.

waiting on you.

thank you, ma'am.

Councilman marcus,

Thank you. Fine.



Well, as you can see,

She didn't sh**t me down.

That's probably
because you didn't
say anything.

I said
what I wanted to say,

Told her what
I needed her to do,

And she's
on her way here.

She's coming over here?

Any minute.

To do what?

To be nice.

And to ask for your help.


Shut my mouth.

Life is all
in who you know, huh?

Maybe. I'm glad you
changed your mind.

My lawyer changed it.

Just business.

We got a new cajun
restaurant in town.

If you got no plans
for dinner.

Sorry. I have plans.


Seems a little
cold-natured for
a mississippi gal.

Oh, she is.

Now, besides that farm,

There's 20 acres on
the other side of the road.

There's also
a small building
over in kenard

That's leased out
to four stores.

They're all
doing good business

And yielding about
$1,200 a month in rent,

So, bill, that child
is hardly destitute.

The farm
and the property are at
a dead loss right now.

But she's only costing
$115 a year in taxes.

Here she comes now.

miss lana farren.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Well, well. Hi.



Well, it certainly
is a pleasure
to see you.

You been keeping
well, I hope.

Oh, sure.
Busy anyway.

Still got
the same job?

I have two jobs now.

Are they nice ones?

No. Both dumb.

But they pay
the maintenance
on mama's condo...


Oh. Well,
come on in, child,

And sit down.

Can I get
you anything?
Coffee, tea?

like that?

No, thanks.

I was just saying

That anything
I can do to help
settle your estate,

Just tell me what it
is and it's done.

Well, officially,
I don't exist.

I may need you to say
I am who I am.

Mama had me
out of the country,
the virgin islands,

And brought me back without
a birth certificate.

So, I'm nobody.
I'm not here.


But, uh...

Didn't you need
a birth certificate
to go to school?

Somebody forged one.

A guy who could do
licenses, passports.

A good friend of mama's.

Am I in the way?

No, virgil.
Come on in.

I want you to
say hello to lana.

Lana, virgil tibbs,
my chief

Hi, lana. Hi.

Hey, ted.

How you doing? All right.

Lana, do you know
a carl delissa
and a richard smet?

He's nobody to me.

he's dangerous,

He's boring.

we're watching him.

We're suspicious of
how he got his car.

Did he follow you here?

He's been hanging around.

He wants to know
what mama left me
in her will

So he can get at it.

There's two bank accounts,
deed to the condo,
and her car.

He said he wanted
mama's property here.

Comes to about $500,000.

He says it's his.

Claims he's
a common-law husband.

He lived with
your mama?

Sure. For years.

He wasn't the worst.

So can you say
that I'm the kid
in my mama's will?

I sure can.

I know,
and I will swear,

That your mama
intended to leave you
everything she had.

You're my daughter.

You georgia farren's
child and mine.

If you'd said that
20 years ago,

I wonder how things
would've turned out.

Better for me, anyhow.


I'd have had you.

I'll see you.

She's got
the stuff with her.

She won't be long.

Sit down. We wait.

Get up.
Get up. She's here.


If you yell,
I'm going to
break your face.

You going to yell?

You're going to be

You're going to be

You got all the papers
in there--

The apartment,
car, land, banks?

All mine
and mama's stuff.

What do you
want it for?

'Cause it's mine,
not yours.

My money's
the biggest part
of all that stuff.

It's other men's money--

Lupara's, corodi's,
and mama's own money.

10 Years I'm with her,
and it's mine.

Get those car keys.

That's all I need,
lana bunny,

Just to know
where it's all at.

Come on.



Yes, he is.

Is this lonnie?

Yeah, mm-hmm.
Hold on. Hold on.

it's lonnie jamison.

Lonnie, I know
I shouldn't say anything,

But you sound
pretty stressed.
Is everything o.k.?

Oh, no.

Does the chief know?

Is she seriously hurt?

Does she have to stay
in the hospital?

Hold on. Hold on.

Yeah, what's happening?

They stole her car.
I put an apb out on it.

They also took
some photocopies
of some documents.

She'll be carrying
some facial bruises
for about a week.

There's no concussion.

I don't think
she should go back
to that motel.

Not that one either.
That's still
another motel.

Have her brought here

And have someone
just get her things.

Uh, lonnie...

Uh-huh. Let me see
what I can do.

She's got
a mind of her own,

And it doesn't seem
to connect with mine.

I already called the chief.

He hasn't beeped me
back yet.

O.k., O.k.

We're going to check you
out of the motel

And take you over
to the tibbs' house


To keep those guys
away from you.

Why worry now?

We're paid to worry.

They did their thing.
It's over.

Guys like this
often come back
looking for another dance.

I don't want to make
a big deal out of this.
The motel is fine.

The motel
is not fine.


It won't do.

You're spending the night
at the tibbs' house

Or right here in ward 3
where we keep wounded

That's orders.
That's the choice.

[Knock on door]

Hi, mrs. Tibbs.
This lana gillespie,

Excuse me,
lana farren.

Oh, my god,
come in.

Got to be some man
done that.

Come on, baby.

Is she really
going to be o.k.?

Doctor says she is.
She's got something
for the pain.

She looks...really mad.

Oh, she is. She stays mad.

Anyway, I'll see you later.

Yes, chief, that call
was from jamison,

I believe
from the hospital.

We got
a little situation,

But don't
get into a stew
because all is well.

I'm getting to that,

I want to make sure
you understand

That there's nothing
tragic or unbearable
going on.

Chief, it's about
your daughter,

Who's at
virgil's house now
and just fine.

I've been told
she had
a little run-in

With them guys
from new orleans,

And, uh,
well, virgil's here.

He'll fill you in
on the rest of it.

Chief, yes,
we checked lana
out of the motel,

And, as bubba said,
she's fine.

My impulse is to run
right over there,

But it's pretty late,

And if they've given her
a sedative,

Why, I might as well
wait until morning.

She isn't too wild
about seeing me anyhow.


Well, thank you,

Good night.

The man I was
telling you about,

last boyfriend,

He beat up a bit
on the kid.

That bastard!

Well, she's o.k.

She's...going to
spend the night
with the tibbs'.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking
I'll call althea

First thing
in the morning.

You're afraid
of that kid.

You think she's got
something on you.

Every time
she looks at you,

She puts you
in the wrong.

She knows when
her mama called me up

And said she was
going to have a baby,

I did not have
the character to say,

"Hang on, georgia,
honey, we'll have
that baby together."

You think most men
would have said that?

Well, if they wouldn't,

Then there's something
lacking in them.

There certainly was in me.


Still is.

Not serious.

But you're right.

I am afraid of her.

That guy,
did they catch him?


We will.

A car like that
would cost 75,000
from a dealer.


Well, the manager says
they stayed here one night

And then moved on.

He thinks
to the running fox lodge.

Wait a minute.
Did you check
running fox lodge?

I checked that. Nothing.

Nobody of that description
with a louisiana tag,

But the station attendant
here just told me

That what
we're looking for

Bought gas
and headed north
on rutherford.

Hold on. What's on

Just that trailer park
with the awful reputation.

serenity glen?

I think it's a shame

To give an awful place
like that

Such a lovely,
spiritual name.

Serenity glen.
You get that?

Got that.

you with us?

Still with you.

Did you hear that?

I know the place.

Shall we gather
at the river?

Gather ye without me,
but stay in touch.

Dee, can you get
my wife on the phone?

Yes, sir.




Do you know
serenity glen?

Yeah. That's where
the hookers went

After we run
old maybelle
out of town.

Our new orleans
may be there.



Well, well...

Anything else, sir?

Yes, young fella,
I'm going to need
a driver.

Mrs. Tibbs
on the line.

Oh, o.k.

Hi, babe,
how you doing?

Honey, our guest
is feeling better.

Did the chief call yet?

No, not yet.
You know, I'm
really surprised.

It's a side of him
I'm not familiar with--

Very depressed.

Lana doesn't
mention him at all.

What she hasn't said
sure says a lot.

You've just
heard the voice
of mrs. Etta kibbee,

historian, and
cultural spokesperson

For the town
of sparta, mississippi.


Thanks for being
so nice to me.

It's a pleasure,

I started
to tell you
that your grandma

Never did farm
that place,

Reason being,
she couldn't keep
a husband,

Though your grandma
had 3 1/2 husbands,

By which I mean,
she was married
to three.

My mama had
3 1/2 boyfriends,

Meaning she didn't bother
to marry but one.

Your grandma's third
and a half husband,
your father,

Was mangled and k*lled
by some piece
of machinery he bought,

Which he shouldn't
have done,

Being as how
he was a preacher's son

And never learned
how to work at nothing.

Pitiful man.
Not like your daddy.

What do you think
of my daddy?

Mmm, he try
to do good.

He didn't always.

He a lonely man,
kind of sad,

But maybe that's
getting better.

Well, hi.


This is chief
bill gillespie's child

Who got herself hurt
and is staying over.

Lana, this is
sparta's councilwoman
harriet de long.

It's nice
to meet you.

You, too.

Let me tell althea
you're here.

Have that tea
that's poured there.

Thanks. Don't stand.
Sit. I'll sit, too.

I know what happened.

I'm an old friend
of your daddy's.

We figured he'd call.

Well, I'm sure
he'll be by.

He wishes
he had the nerve

To put his arms
around you.

He doesn't think
you'll let him.

Did you know my mama?


You know how it is
in these towns--

Half the people
don't know
the other half.

I know your daddy
because we work

Do people like him?

Oh, I think so.

being a police chief...

Do you like him?


Pizza for smet.

He's in the motor home
with the whore in it.


Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh.



O.k., Big fella,
let's go.

Cops again.

What's the problem
this time?

Grand theft, auto.
Felonious as*ault.

That other car
is mine.

Can you steal
your own car?

You beat up
on my daughter.

Who are you?
Who's your daughter?

You wouldn't have
done that

If these cops
weren't here.

If they weren't here,
I'd have shot you.

[Knock knock]

Hi, chief.
Come on in.

No, I just stopped by
to inquire.

Well, virgil's here
all by himself.

I'm sure he'd love
another male presence.

Well, uh, jamison's
waiting out there.

Well, you know best.

Your daughter's
doing fine.

She'll probably stay
tomorrow, next day,

Before she goes
back down south.

Did you find my car?

Uh, no.

It wasn't there
where we found those fellas.

They may even
have sold it
to somebody.

We'll find it.
Don't worry.

Uh, I've got
stuff to do inside.

If we don't find it
right away,

I've got a car
that you could use

To drive
back to gulfport.

You can keep it
for as long
as you need it.

I want you to know...

I'm sorry, too...

About things.

And I blamed you.

you had every right.

No. Wait.

I want to say this.

If you'd chased mama,

Followed her down
to new orleans
when she was having me,

Nothing would have changed...

Not for me.

You wouldn't have
stayed with us.

You couldn't.

She'd have treated you
like all the rest--

Like a chauffeur
and a butler
and a messenger boy.

One of my stepdaddies

Even use to call
other boyfriends
for her...

But...they all loved her.

You could never
have lived like that.

I just know it.

Your face hurt you?

This side.

What's this?

Mmm, it's me.

I found myself
in a closet
in granny's house.

Wouldn't you like
to stay a while

And maybe get
your granny's house
back into shape?

Maybe, yeah.
I think I would.

You know, I feel
something out there.

Uh, I could get help
for you.

I could come
and help you myself,

I mean,
if you'd let me,

I mean,
if you want me to.

I want you to.

Nobody in the world...

Can help the two of us
the way we can help
each other...

Because there's
nobody left in the world

of the two of us.

We're all there is.

That's it.