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06x05 - Discovery

Posted: 05/18/23 08:10
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be
all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Is she out there again?


Look, do you want me
to go out and...

Make her go away? No.

I don't need
protection from her.

Megan doesn't
mean me any harm.

Well...then why don't you
go and talk to her?

Deal with it now
get it over with...

Invite her in.

Can't--i'm just
not ready.

Every time
I look at her,

I think about
garth's su1c1de.

Who's that guy
on the harley?

New boyfriend,
I don't know.

Another one already?

It's only been, what?

Two weeks since she
buried the last two.

Honey, that's
the way she is...

You make it sound
like a crime.

Of course I do,
I'm a cop.

I'll call you
later, o.k.?

[Motorcycle engine

[Phone ringing]

Sparta police,
can I help you?

Uh, yes, ma'am,
can I help you?

Yeah, I need to talk
to ms. Tibbs.

Can I get her number?

Aren't you the girl
that went with that fella

That k*lled lyle ridley,
and then shot himself?

Yeah, that's me.

Ms. Tibbs'
phone number's private.

Uh, she's got a office
in your high school.

But she's been on leave
the last couple weeks.

I know she's been
on leave,

But you can reach her
through her office
with a message,

Or leave a message here,
and I'll get it to her.

No, you don't get it.

I need to talk
to ms. Tibbs.

Now what you need is
to learn some manners.

It's a message,
or nothing.

Well, you got
a pen and paper?

Hey, luke,
how you doing?

Fine, I reckon.

How you doing,
miss fowler?

Name's megan,
and I'm getting by...


Well, I gotta run.

You take care.

What's megan fowler
up to now?

She wants to contact
ms. Tibbs.

She just rode off
with some guy
on a bike.

She did? Riding a harley

Alabama plates.

You didn't happen
to catch the license
number, did ya?

Only a partial.

Should I try to get
a computer i.d.?

Why don't you
tell me, everett,
should you?

Yes, sir.
Right away.

I'm gonna get me
a 10-point buck today.

Come on, now.

[Indistinct speech]

Leave me alone.

I don't want
no help, ms. Tibbs.

He thought
he owned me.

That's crazy.

Ask... Ms. Tibbs knows.

She's been
counseling him
for a year.

I belong down here
with my mama.

[g*nsh*t] aah!



Why don't you
come sit over here

With us
for a while?

Do you think
it's too hot
out here for them?

No, they out
of the sun.

that's good.

They should stay
out of the sun.

They say it isn't good
for people anymore.

Look like nothing's
good for us anymore.

Why don't we
take a long stroll

Out to the square?


No, I don't feel...

I--i--i shouldn't leave.

Yes, you should.

Sue emma will watch them,

And they won't be alone
for one second,

If we should decide
to stay a while.

I think I just want
to go inside.

I'll feel better inside.


Althea is not
getting any better.

I want to do
something to help,

But what?

Nothing. Just keep
an eye on her.

It's all you can do.

Yeah, but I wanna
be encouraging.

And I feel like I'm just
walking on eggshells.

It's the stress
of working with
all these kids.

That's the cause of this.

A little rest
is bound to help.

excuse me...

Come in, luann.

Got a make
on that harley
from alabama.

It's registered
to david ritt
out of selma.

Served time
for robbery
and as*ault.

Well, well,
thank you.


Well, this mr. Ritt,
here, he...

He left
megan fowler off

In front
of this door
this morning.


What did she want?

She wanted
althea tibbs'
telephone number.

And she ended up

Leaving this note
for you.

"Ms. Tibbs,
I really need
to talk to you.

"Please call.
Sincerely, megan fowler."

There's the phone number.

Yeah. No doubt
with some heavy
new problem

Just to lay
right on althea.

Oh, well, uh...

Who's that bum?

You've been
drinking again.

Don't walk
away from me.

I can walk
where I want.

My mama married you,
but you ain't
nothing to me.

I asked you
a question...

Who's that bum?

He's not a bum.

He's a bum...

And you're a whore.

I want the money
my mama left me.

I'll get the law
on my side,
I already started.

You threatening me,
sweet baby?

Yeah, so give me
my money and let me
get outta here.

You've been real sweet
to everybody else.

Now you're gonna be
real sweet to me.

I'll sh**t you,

Where you going
with my g*n?

Now, didn't
I tell you

That I would come by
and see you tonight?

My stepdaddy
hit me again.

Well, did you get
your savings bonds?


Come here.

Now I gotta
get going.

I love you, davy.

112 Over 68.

Very good.

What about
my sleeping?

You really should
start exercising again.

You'll sleep better
if you work off
some tension.

School's been
wondering about you.

I don't wanna
teach anymore.

I once felt that way
about medicine.

I guess I was
too idealistic
for my own good.

I had such high

I bought into the myth

That I could help
every patient,

And they'd all be
forever grateful.

And then suddenly,
I was ready
to hang it all up.

What made you go on?

I got some
very good advice

From a very good doctor.

Told me I could let
myself off the hook...

That the world was
far from perfect, and...

All I could do
was try my best.

[Sirens wailing]

But what do you do

When your best
turns out all wrong?

My best k*lled somebody.


I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

Don't try to talk.

Just lie quiet.

Well, looks like
the only shot fired

Landed in that
poor man's chest.

cleaned out,

You better
go call it in.o.k.

It's an armed robbery
at pleasant and lake.

It's a small grocery.
Owner shot in the chest.

I copy that.

You the man
that phoned in
the sh**ting?

Yes, sir.
Willie stevens.

Is wendell gonna
be all right?

He's in good hands now.

Could you tell us
what you saw?

I was just passing
the time.

I didn't notice nothing
till I heard the g*nsh*t.

Then I seen this guy run
across the road there.

A white guy?

Uh-huh. Jumped on
his motorcycle
and took off.

You said he was white.
Anything else?

White and in a big hurry.

Um, what about
the motorcycle?

Black and noisy.

What about
the plates?

Gold with
green letters.

Alabama. I couldn't
read nothing.


Everett was looking up
alabama plates this morning.

There's a good chance

Megan knew nothing
about that robbery.

She's with ritt,

And he's
in big trouble.

Let's not look
at the worst
before we have to.

Yes, sir.

Life hasn't
been kind to her.

I just hope
we can get to her

Before she
gets in any deeper.

You see if she's home,
I'll check around back.

Nobody's answering.

I got a feeling somebody's
in there, though.

Well, there's
no motorcycle
back there.

First room
on the left.

Thank you.

Dr. Andrews,
extension 15.

Dr. Andrews,
extension 15, please.

Hi, bill.

We're not gonna
bother you too much.

But we got
a pretty good lead

On the man
who did this.

Did you get a chance
to see his face?



And when I catch him,

I'll bring him in here
and let you identify him.

If I have to sh**t him,
I'll carry him in here

And let you identify him.

But he's gonna be sorry

That he messed with
a personal friend
of mine.


Wendell munn is
a very strong man.

should be 100%.

I'm very glad
to hear that.

What's the prognosis
for althea's recovery?

Maybe we should try
something new this time.

Such as?

There's someone
I want you to meet.

His name's
dr. Atwill.

I know him very well,

And he's right here
in the hospital.

Is he a psychologist?

Yes, and a medical doctor.

He's had a lot
of success

With cases
like althea's.

All right.
I'll meet him.

I'll meet him.

They tell me one of
althea's students,

Megan fowler, may
have been involved
with sh**ting mr. Munn.

Her new boyfriend was,

But we're not at all
sure about megan.

Well, don't say anything
to althea about it at all.

That's a dire warning.

It is.

She's already
on overload.

One more problem
might completely
break her down.

See y'all later.

Thank you, dr. Day.

Oh, man...

Virgil tibbs,
dr. Levi atwill.

Dr. Atwill, thank you
for making time.

Your wife doesn't want
to return to teaching?


Now that in itself

Is not necessarily
a matter for
a doctor's concern.

But her tension
and anxiety
must be dealt with.

They were certainly
by the su1c1de

Of the watkins boy.

But they were there
long before that.

Maybe they were,
but I wouldn't
have said so.

You didn't notice
tension and anxiety?

Yes, yes...

Now and then,
but nothing abnormal.

Abnormal. Whatever
that is, eh?

Abnormal, to me,

Is, um, is not
being able to function.

To me, it's not
being able
to be happy.

But we all
think differently,

And I often
work differently,
I should tell you.

In what way?

I don't believe in
long-time therapy.

Patient spends 10 years
in freudian analysis,

And just when he begins
to figure out his problems,

Guess what?


His analyst dies,

And he has to start over
with someone else.

What I'd like to do

Is see your wife
at a time and place

Of my own choosing...

With your help,
of course.


I'll try and help.


Thank you, doctor.

Dr. Day.

[Motorcycle approaches]

Let's leave.
He's going to
be here any minute.


Why don't we wait
and see if he's
got some money?

How are you going to get
any money off him?

I'm going to take it
from him.

Davy, he's got a g*n.

Me, too.

Shh, shh, shh.

Shh, shh, shh.

Close the door.

Don't believe
nothing she says!

Take out
your wallet.


That's why
you're here.

Just do what he says,
and we'll leave.

You want my money, megan?


Stand still.

Well, sweetheart...

I hope you have
a real good time...

'Cause when
I catch up to you...

They gonna need
dental records

To tell you apart from
that jackass over there.


[Motorcycle starts]

Are you corinne foster?

That's right.

Don't I know you?

Probably. Your
sister arlene
and I are friends.

Well, you sure look good
in your uniform.

Corinne, are you friends
with megan fowler?

We're sort of
friends at work,
but that's all.

Do you know
megan's friend

Who drives
the motorcycle?


He's from alabama.

What else you know
about him?

Well, she said

That he was
the best lover

That she ever had,

And that girl
has had herself a few.

She tell you where
the best lover stays?


With a buddy
in some garage, uh...

Cliff's, or something
like that.

Oh. Excuse me, randy.

Old buford here
took three slugs.

The woman
who phoned it in

Said she only
heard the sh*ts.

You find
any b*ll*ts?

We got b*llet holes
in the ceiling
above the body.

And a little blood
over there.

Somebody else's, maybe?

Whoever k*lled fowler?

There wasn't anything
in his pockets.

Maybe he was k*lled
for money.

Detective tibbs. Yeah?

This is todd denton.

He has something
to tell you.

I think I seen the dude
that done this,

But you got to swear
you'll keep me out of it.




You tell me what you saw,

Or I'm gonna drag
your ass off to jail.

First I heard some sh*ts.

How many?

Four and then two--six.

What did you see?

This motorcycle,
a harley,

Came roaring out
of the driveway.

Who was on it?

A guy.

With megan fowler.

Thank you.

Peake, take him.
I'll talk to you later.

Police! Open the door!

Step on inside
and turn around.

There anybody else here?

No, nobody.

Turn around.

You know davy ritt?

Yeah, I know him.

Has ritt been
staying with you?

Well, he was.

Where is he now?

I don't know,
I ain't seen him
since this morning.

You've got a 9mm beretta
registered in your name.

Have you got it?

Ritt's got it.

You lend it to him?

No, he took it...
And some clips.

I didn't know
they was gone.

Blood. And it's wet.

I don't suppose
you've been doing
any bleeding?


Your buddy ritt
wounded one man,
and k*lled another

With your g*n.

Was ritt just here,
bleeding a little bit?

Yeah, you just
missed him
by a few minutes.

He took a b*llet
in his leg.

He didn't
tell me how,
and I didn't ask.

Was megan fowler with him?


Did ritt tell you
where they were going?

No, he just said they
was leaving tomorrow.

Megan left on
her own free will?

Oh, yeah.

And from the way
that little girl's acting,

She's having
the time of her life.

Come on.


What's on your mind?

Megan fowler.

I can't deny having
personal attachment
to her.

Anyway, some of the guys
thought I should ask you

To take me off this case.

Everett, uh, free advice
is usually overpriced,

But I'll tell you this...

Don't listen
to such platitudes

As "never get
personally involved".

But I shouldn't be
thinking about the girl.

But if I take you from here,

And I put you over here,
or I put you over here,

You'll still be thinking
about her, won't you?


I've heard
that hypnosis

Can remove a person
from your mind.

Would you want us
to send you down
to miami?

There's a famous
hypnotist down there

That does

For divorced couples.


What I'm trying to say

Is that no adviser
can tell you

How to keep from getting
personally involved,

Because it's part of life,
it's part of police work.

I suppose you're right.

What you don't
wanna do is, uh...

Have to arrest
megan fowler,
isn't that it?

That's right.

Well, then you
gotta make sure

That somebody else
does it.

That's all I can
tell you.

[Sirens wailing]

Ritt is by himself.

We're passing elm,
heading south
on sycamore.


Bubba, we're heading
towards you.

Come on!


Come on!

What's wrong with you?

What's wrong?

Get on the radio.

Captain skinner,
we're in pursuit of ritt,

Heading south on sycamore
past cheap gas.

The boy double back?

Yes, sir.

Megan fowler
is with him.

That's him.

You got any doubt
about it?


Chief, ritt and megan fowler
have been spotted.

Two units are
in pursuit,
as we speak.

What do you think
of that?

I think highly of that.

Where do I
know you from?

I was the first officer
on the scene.

I waited with you
for the ambulance
to arrive.

I can't say
I remember...

But I'd like
to thank you for
helping me through.

Oh, I'm just glad
I could be there.

[Engine falters]

What's going on?

I'm out of gas, and
I'm gonna make a run for it.

What about me?

I can't wait for you.

You tell them
I forced you into it.

Throw that w*apon
down, boy!

You don't want
to end it all here.

O.k., Davy, just
tell me one thing.

Did you ever love me?


You want to run?

Y'all wouldn't
happen to have
a piece of gum?

My mouth is real dry.

Oh, sure, I'll get you
a piece in just a minute.


You've gotta believe me,
I didn't do nothing.

Megan, you'll wanna
make a statement

At the police station.

You'll want to call
a lawyer, too.

But davy forced me
into the whole thing.


You're under arrest,

And don't say
anything else.

Well, none of this
would have happened

If he'd have let me
talk to ms. Tibbs!


I'm sorry.

Come on, megan,
let's go.

Buford will tell you
it wasn't me...

Buford can't
tell us nothing,

He's dead.

Oh, yeah.

That's right.

I forgot.

Now, the question
in your mind is,

Why did I make you
come into school?



Uh, you don't really
need me here, do you?

Not at this moment.

I'll be right outside.

I love you...
Right outside.

If you're going
to quit teaching,

You have to do it

You can't call it in.

Excuse me?

Go to your principal

And explain your
disabilities to him.

You brought me in here
to tell me that?

That's right.

That's the most
important thing
I can tell you.

I don't even know
what's wrong with me.

I don't know, either,

So go to the principal
and tell him that.

You don't know
what's wrong,
but you can't go on.

I can't say that.
That's ridiculous.

Well, why don't you
sit down there,

Collect your thoughts,

Put a cogent
statement together,

Write it out,
study it.

And then go personally

And say it
to the man
who's boss.

We didn't mean
to disturb you,
ms. Tibbs,

But we heard
you were here

And couldn't wait
to see you.

Thank you.

I've missed all of you
very much.

When are you
coming back?

When I'm a little
more rested.

Ms. Tibbs,
don't tell us that.

We know how upset
you've been,

But we really
need you here.

We all love you,
ms. Tibbs.

I love you all
very much,

And I'll be back soon.

I put my word on it.

Ms. Tibbs, I really need
to talk to you.

It's about megan fowler.

Looks like your plan
is working.

I didn't plan
on those students.

Why didn't you tell me
megan was arrested?

I didn't want you
to get involved.
I still don't.

Well, I've gotta
go to her.

If I don't help her,
who will?

Sit down.
Write the reasons
why you should,

Write the reasons
why you shouldn't.

Study them.


Doctor, no time.

I'm going to do
what I have to do,

And then I'll write down
the reasons why I did.

You're the doctor.

Thea, you'll never change.

Do you want me to?

Well, let me think
about that one...

Well, I'll tell you...

I'll sit down
and write down
the reasons why I should.
