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05x22 - The Law on Trial

Posted: 05/17/23 18:45
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

He won't tell me nothing.

I ask him,
and he makes up some joke.

Like what?

I say, how can they put
the chief on trial?

He says they sent him
an invitation.

An urgent

An urgent invitation. To what?

To come to the courthouse.

To present myself
at the courthouse.

Which is true,
of course.

Well, what's the use?

It's a good thing they've
got schools,

Or I'd be awful ignorant
raised by y'all.

The kid did ask
a pretty good question.

I can't see why
they're putting you
on trial, either.

And I know what
you're going to say--

"Being chief ain't no proof
against doing wrong."

Except in the case
of my chief.

Listen, I got
a few minutes,

So, uh, let's go.

Honey, I'm sorry.

I disagree.

I just don't want
people to think

That this thing's
upsetting us,

So we'll just go about
our normal routine.

Isn't it normal
of me

To want
to be with you
at a time like this?

Yes, but you're
missing my point.

I don't want people
to get the impression

That this is
a critical time.

So if you'll
just be there
when I testify later,

That'll be enough.

Everyone at school
is going to wonder

Why I'm not in court
with you today.

And you'll be calm.

And they will assume

That you are not
worried about a thing.

I don't think I can
pull this off.

This could be
the end of your
professional career

Of being a lawyer,
of being anything!

If anybody hasn't seen
the sparta herald,

There's a picture
of virgil and me

On the front page.

It says, "will these
men have to go?

"Two top sparta cops
go on trial

"For conspiracy
to obstruct justice.

"County sheriff blames
gillespie and tibbs

For escape and death
of salvadoran fugitive."

For once,
the sparta herald

Says it all
and says it accurately.


Yes, sir.


Uh, this is for you

the detective.

It's from all of us.

It's to help pay
for your defense.


I wish I could grandly say
this isn't necessary,

But I can't,
because it is,

And I thank y'all
kindly for it.

Uh, bubba's going
to be in charge

While the trial lasts,

But I won't be any
further away than
the courthouse.

Well, at least
for a while.

Be seated.

"The people of
newman county, mississippi,

"Vs. Chief
william gillespie,

"Detective virgil tibbs,

And father
antonio demarco."

Are there any motions?

I'd like to renew
my motion

To disqualify
ted marcus

As defense counsel
due to conflict
of interest--

Being on
the city council

And also a friend
of the defendants.

Ms. Brock, marcus'
vote on the city council

Could be considered

In favor of friends,
and that would be wrong.

Prejudice in favor
of clients
would not be wrong.

I would say
it would be required.

No conflict of interest.
Motion denied.

How long
will this last?

Going somewhere? Yes.

to the courtroom?

With your
kind permission.

The meeting won't
last long,

If you don't
argue with me.

I am going to prove

That the defendants
gillespie and tibbs

and corruptly

Failed to take into custody
an escaped prisoner.

I am also
going to prove

That the defendant
father demarco

Knowingly concealed
and aided

The same prisoner,

An illegal alien
named ramon salazar,

Who had escaped
from a county
work detail.

The result
was tragic.

Salazar finally
lost his life
in the attempt,

Through no fault
of the arresting

Of the sheriff's

The point is,

The tragedy was

I intend to show

That chief gillespie
and detective tibbs

Did not commit
a wrongful act.

They recognized
that their duty
as law officers

Had to be balanced

the human rights
of ramon salazar.

I will also show
that father demarco,

Abbot of our lady
of faith monastery,

Acted in perfect

With his vows
as a priest.

on trial right now.

Sooner or later,
we'll have to vote

On firing him
as police chief,

And I submit that
harriet delong

Should not be
allowed to vote.

You know,
you're silly,

But you're
also dangerous.

Are you denying
that you have
a relationship

chief gillespie?

Are you saying it?

I reckon I am.

Is this relevant
to the issue?

Did harriet influence
chief gillespie

To allow that
fugitive to escape?

As to the crime

Let's talk about that--
the so-called crime.

We're voting
whether or not
to place gillespie

On administrative

Your vote might
be biased.

Why should it be?

a love affair

Between her
and bill gillespie!

You, sir,
are out of order,
and you're a cad!

He's telling
the truth.

The whole town
knows it.

Waters has
some almighty gall.

If I have
a special interest

In seeing
bill gillespie
isn't hurt,

He has a special
interest in seeing
bill fired.

Are you talking
about sparta south?

Yes, that whole
sparta south

That bill gillespie
has been against
for years,

Waters wants
to go through.

Only bill
and a few others
oppose it.

You really think
it would ruin this town?

Oh, absolutely.

A new development
of discount stores
and chain stores

And multiple
movie houses
and fast fooderies--

That'll turn sparta
and the square
into a ghost town.

But waters is right
about one thing.

I do want to be

We was out
at filmer road.

The county prisoners were
picking up litter.

Traffic was held up.

Some idiot started
blowing his horn.

The other deputy
went to see

What this guy's
problem was.

There was a little

Attention was
momentarily diverted,

And this salazar guy took
the opportunity

To make a break for it.

Then you gave
further chase
to salazar?

Yes, as far as
I could.

I have no further

I have no questions
at this time.

The people call
nathan mccomb
to the stand.

Do you swear
to tell the truth,
the whole truth,

And nothing
but the truth,
so help you god?

Yes, ma'am.

Please state your
name and occupation
for the court.

Nathan g. Mccomb.

I'm the sheriff
of newman county.

Sheriff mccomb,

How did you learn
ramon salazar

Ironically, it
was chief gillespie
who first told me.

He witnessed the escape
and telephoned,

But I soon got the
feeling his attitude
wasn't quite right.

What's up with salazar?

Word is he's making me
look like a fool.

Immigration and
naturalization service

Expects me
to catch him in
the next 10 minutes.

Why do they still
believe he's here?

I believe it.

Somebody reported
a man wearing
prisoner's clothes

Walking along
wildberry road.

That's inside
my city limits,
just barely.

I'd appreciate it if
you'd have your boys
check around out there.

Something wrong
with that, virgil?


I mean, I suppose it's
our obligation.

Virgil's not convinced
that this man salazar

Ought to be automatically
shipped back.

Certainly not
all these people
are criminals.

Really, sheriff.
In most cases, these people--

we'll be awful sorry

If we let every
other nationality

Immigrate here just
because they want to.

Mccomb has got
a point there.

Now, you take
the indians.

They let all us europeans
in here,

And they've regretted it
ever since.

A remark,
which I may add,

I did not find
amusing in the least.

I don't know whether
that made us look
good or bad, virgil.

Nothing looks good
so far, chief.

Roll the tape.

Yeah. Let me speak
to bubba.

Guess who I saw
going into epp's house.

The chief's dear friend
councilman lyndon waters.

Look who's here.

Afternoon, gentlemen. Afternoon, darnelle.

Are you here to help
karen brock?

Uh, yes, for
the time bein'.

Well, naturally,
you the district attorney.

This is an important case.

I'm sorry about this,
but I been pressured.

The last thing
I wanna do

Is get in court
and nail you guys.

See ya in court,
gerard...uh, mr. Darnelle.

Can I help you?

I'm carlos salazar.

You must be ramon's uncle
from washington, d.c.

Yes. I'm looking
for chief gillespie.

We spoke
on the telephone.

Chief's not here now.

He's on trial
over at the courthouse.

The sheriff and
his storm troopers
m*rder*d ramon,

And gillespie's
the one on trial!
How rotten.

Perfectly rotten.

Don't make sense,

What you got here,

This here is
carlos salazar,
ramon's uncle.

Mr. Salazar,
I suppose you're here
for ramon's funeral.

Yes, and
that's not all.

Now, sheriff mccomb,

How did
you ascertain
that the fugitive

Was actually
in the monastery?

I asked the abbot,

Not that he answered me
straight out.

He hedged about it.

Father, are you
or are you not

Harboring a man
named ramon salazar?

You are obliged
to answer that question.

No, sheriff.

I feel that
I'm not obliged.

Now, I know I'm not
talking to a child.

You know it's a crime

To hide a fugitive
from justice.

Many good men
have been fugitives,

And much justice
has been wrong.

What some men have
called justice has
been evil.

Father, can we please
just get on with this?

If you refuse us

I can force my way in
with a warrant.

Well, of course you
must do your duty,

But I must do mine.

You think you can
talk some sense

Into your friend?


Suppose I could have

A private word
with you?

Just a word?
Nothing else?

Nothing else.
I promise.

Let's go inside.

Brother paul,

Let them pass.

And what did you do
after that?

Well, I waited outside
while gillespie was in there.

Tibbs arrived to
talk to the monks.

And they let him in, too.

Next thing,
they were helping
salazar escape.


The witness can't say what
happened in there.


Sheriff mccomb,

Please state only
the facts that you know.

Yes, sir.

Now, sheriff.

Exactly what happened when
gillespie and tibbs

Came out of the monastery?

I asked gillespie
if he'd talked to salazar.

He said, "we did,"

And I asked,
"both of you?"

And tibbs said,
"yes, sir, both of us."

Why didn't you arrest him?

We gave our word
we wouldn't.

You think
the district attorney

Is going to be
impressed with that?

What are you
talking about?

About your failing to do
your sworn duty.

Now, there
are times, mac,

When you have
to make promises.

You had no business making
that kind of promise.

Please tell the jury
what happened next.

I made up my mind that
I'd do my duty

To capture a convict that
had escaped

From my lawful control.

This is a warrant
issued by the county
of newman,

State of mississippi,

To search your monastery
for ramon salazar,

A fugitive from justice.

Please step out
of the way.

You're under arrest.

Please come with me.

Was ramon salazar
in the monastery?

No, sir.

He was gone.

I have no further

That'll be all
for today.

We'll resume
at 9 a.m. Tomorrow.

Your honor,

I have a written request
that should be on your desk.

It's to delay
the trial tomorrow

So the defendants may attend
ramon salazar's funeral.

The court sees nothing
wrong with that.

Do the people have
any objections?

No, your honor.

Fine. This court will
reconvene tomorrow at 1:00.


I want you
to meet ramon's uncle,
carlos salazar.

It's an honor
finally to meet you.

I'm sorry
I couldn't do more
to help ramon.

Mr. Salazar knows what
you tried to do.

And I am most grateful,

But I'm filing
wrongful death charges

Against sheriff mccomb

And the newman county
sheriff's department.

What's that going
to change, sir?

Perhaps the way
people view this case.

I cannot let ramon's m*rder
go unchallenged.

It's good to meet you.

Good luck to you,

I'll see you later. Later, antonio.

Chief, uh,
lonnie just called.

Waters showed up
at epp's house.



Yes? Mr. Epp,

The uncle of the guy
who was k*lled
is here.

He's going
after mccomb. What?

He's starting
some kind of big

Something we ought
to do about that?

We'll k*ll him
if we have to.

[Singing in latin]

[Praying in latin]


Just beginning
or just ending?


But you're still in time.

I hope you and he

Aren't carrying
more guilt
than you need to.

Sheriff, how could
you possibly think

The chief and I
are guilty?

Well, if you all
aren't guilty, who is?

That boy
ran my blockade.

Farrell practically shot
him in self-defense,

But who put him
in that car?

I'm sorry you
think we did.

What are you
trying to do,

Spread the blame

What are you
trying to say,

That we're all

No. That we're all

[Praying in latin]



My beloved brethren,
our lord said,

"I am the resurrection
and the life.

"He that believeth in me,
though he were dead,

"Yet shall he live,

"And whosoever liveth

And believeth in me
shall never die."

Let us now pray
that the grace
of our lord jesus christ,

The love of god,

And the fellowship
of the holy spirit

Be with us all evermore.


In the name
of the father

And of the son

And of the holy spirit.

You ready, chief? Come on in.

You gonna drive me? Yes, sir.

But you got a few minutes
and someone's waitin'
to see you.

Who? Where?

Stay here. I'll be
at the other door
in a minute.

I wanted to say
something to you,

But I couldn't.

I loved
seein' you there.

I'm just wonderin'
if maybe you shouldn't
stay clear awhile.

I should, and I will.

What did you
wanna say to me?

I don't know.

[Knocking on door]

Chief, lonnie's here
with some tape stuff.

I'll be right
with him.

you got a minute?

That's about all.

I got to get over
to the court.

[Epp] here's the way
it is, waters--

If your group
can't secure an option

On the sparta south land
in 60 days,

My people are going to
pull the finances.

[Waters] that would
be a mistake.

[Epp] we can't let
our cash just sit,

Doing nothing,

Waiting for people
to ask questions about it.

We got to get rid
of gillespie.

There you go!

And those teachers
and preachers

That want to
preserve the land

For possums
and raccoons.

What are you doing
about gillespie?

We're cheering the d.a. On,
is what we're doing.


What about the woman thing?


Well, there's more,
isn't there? Let it go on.


Chief, that's all we need
to tie waters to epp.

Yeah, but it was just
getting interesting.

Play the rest of it.

The woman thing
may backfire.

I brought up
the love affair.

The reaction
was mixed.

[Epp] hmm.

Get that little
social item around.

Get it in the paper.

Let people know

That gillespie's
sneaking around,

Slipping into bed
with that woman.

It'll hurt him bad.

It has to.

Chief, that's all
there is, really.

When did salazar
get away?

Well, of course,
the exact time I can't say.

However, he slipped
out of there

Sometime after
gillespie and tibbs
talked to him.

Somebody must have
drove him to town,
dropped him off,

And then he stole the car.


Hey, what are
you doing?

Get out
of my car!

Let go!

What are you doing?
Get out of my--

[Mccomb] it wasn't long
before he hit our roadblock

And deputy farrell
said the same thing.

Get out of the car!

Get out
of that car.

Out of the car,
damn it!

Let him through!

Do you think he'd
still be alive today

If gillespie
and tibbs

Had followed normal
police procedure?

That is speculation.


You may answer the question.

I hold them responsible
for salazar's escape

And, consequently,
for salazar's death,

And that man
is also responsible.

That is an unwarranted

Move to strike
from the record.

I'm allowing the answer.

I have no
further questions.

Sheriff mccomb...

Didn't the sparta police
help in the search?


And chief gillespie
told you about the escape?

He did.

Did you not
ask the chief,
and I quote,

"Think you could
talk some sense
into your friend?"

Meaning the abbot.

Yes, I said that.

So you didn't object

When the chief

Father demarco
into the monastery?

I had no reason to--

Yes or no?


You wanted him
to go in there.

Yes, I did.

And you wanted him
to talk sense.

You didn't say, "go in
there and use force,"

Did you?


Then you agree
that there's more
than one way

To take custody
of a man?

Yes, but I never agreed--

Who fired the sh*ts
that k*lled that man?

Salazar was try-- who fired the sh*ts?

Deputy farrell.

Who is deputy farrell's
direct supervisor?

Isn't that you?


The fugitive's death
isn't at issue.


Sheriff mccomb...

Was the newman county
sheriff's department--

Your department--

In control
of the situation?

Well, finally--

Gillespie and tibbs
were out of it,
weren't they?


No more questions.

I'd love to have
dinner together.

[Knock on door]

Who is it?


Just a moment, father.

You're no sheriff.

I work for
some businessmen

Who don't want you
making trouble
for sheriff mccomb.

He k*lled
my nephew!

He had to.

Now forget it.
Leave town.

Leave town, hear me?

Stay here, make trouble,
and we'll k*ll you.

Let's go.

[Father demarco]

Carlos, what's happening?


Carlos, speak to me!

Did he describe
the man?

Two men.

One is in his 30s.

He's got a mustache
and slicked-back hair.

Like the guy
at epp's house.

But why?

What is this all about?

Somebody heard he was making
trouble for sheriff mccomb.

The idea being that anything
that makes him look bad

Makes us look good.

They don't want that.

I hope this
mysterious "they"--

Don't worry, antonio.
There isn't an italian
in sight.

But there is a mob,
and they're interested in

The sparta south
development project.

They want the chief out.

Bill, is tomorrow your day?

Yes, tomorrow--my day.

What did you and
father demarco discuss?

He told me that
in some circumstances

He felt obligated
to help a fugitive.

I take your point,

But this case
is not the same

As when you were
hiding jews in italy
46 years ago.

Those were the victims of
a justice that was corrupt,

Of immoral laws
and immoral men.

But we're living
in a constitutional

We're obligated
to respect
the laws we pass.

I'm not so sure.

We pass laws
without thinking.

They go, they come.

What was illegal yesterday
is legal today.

But what's wrong
in god's eyes...

It's wrong on any day.

And I also know,

As a priest,

That ramon
has done no wrong.

My dear friend,

If salazar has
broken our laws,

Sheriff mccomb
out there

Has a sworn duty
to arrest him.

Bill, if I blindly cooperate

And turn ramon over
to the authorities here,

They'll dump him
in el salvador,

And a death squad
will m*rder him!

Did detective tibbs
join this conversation?

Yeah. Tibbs found out

That ramon had never had
a deportation hearing.

He wanted to tell him

That we could get him
that kind of hearing

And probably
a stay of deportation.

So you argued
with father demarco,

And he won you over.


Did you ever attempt
to arrest salazar?

Not by force.
Not by force.

Nor by any
other means.

Did you bring
this fugitive out

And turn him over
to sheriff mccomb?

Well... Did you?

No, sir, I didn't.

Thank you.

[Sweet] suspect's turning
onto epp's street
in a silver convertible.

I'm right behind him.

We're both where
we should be.

Hands behind
your head.

Come on!

Get out
of the car.

Let's move it.
Come on!

I told salazar
that an attorney

Wanted to file an appeal
on his behalf,

But that this attorney
would need salazar's consent.

Why you want
to help me?

Well, son, because it's
the right thing to do.


Do you have
any proof

That you're
a political

Will you let us help you?

Will I go
back to jail?

For a short time,
until your hearing.

Ramon, you just can't
keep running all your life.

Show me a piece
of paper that says,

"Ramon salazar,
this is america,
and you are free,"

And I will
go with you.

We have no such paper.

There is no such paper.

I cannot trust them,

Did you have the authority
to arrest salazar?

Yes, of course.

Did you make
any attempt
to arrest him?

I attempted to take
mr. Salazar into custody.

Using what means?


Do you regularly
use those means
in your work?

No, mr. Darnelle, but--

Thank you.

I have no
further questions.

Detective tibbs,

Is persuasion a means
you've never used?

No. I've frequently
used persuasion,

And sometimes it works.

Thank you,
detective tibbs.

I have no
further questions.

thank you, mr. Tibbs.

You holding up
all right?

I wish I could say
everything's going well,

But to tell you
the truth,

I'm scared to death.

I'll tell you what I want
to happen here.

I want you, the jury,

To find all three
of these men guilty--

Father demarco,
who knowingly harbored

An illegal alien who escaped
from the county jail,

Chief gillespie
and detective tibbs,

Who had an opportunity
to arrest salazar,

But refused to carry out
their sworn duty.

Now, chief gillespie was
an old friend of the abbot,

And he didn't want to lose
that friendship.

That was his reason.

I don't know the reason
for detective tibbs,

But it really
doesn't matter,

For he's as guilty
as the chief.

All three defendants
are guilty,

And y'all know it.

What happens
if virgil is fired?

What if he's asked
to leave law school?

That won't happen.

You hear?
It is not
going to happen.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The district attorney is
asking much too much of us.

You see, he has not proved
the element of corruption.

Instead, he has
vainly attempted to show

That the chief's
old friendship with
father demarco

Has clouded and corrupted
his perception of his duty.

That's ridiculous.

I urge you to find
the defendants not guilty

Of the charges
brought against them.

Thank you.

Father demarco,
I have been informed

That you wish to make
your own closing statement.

I speak to you as
the servant of the lord.

I had to give this man

The asylum denied
by the government

But offered by god.

The greater law of god

Cannot tolerate the
injustices of man's law.

To me, being tried
on these charges

Is a sign of grace.

Being tried with
these two friends...

Is a sign of honor.

I can only look
at myself, at my heart,

And do what I feel
is right,

And I know you must
now do the same.

I pray...

That you may also
receive the help of god.

Thank you.

Are those people crazy?

Is the jury made up
of crazy people?

It's a tough case.

Virgil, this is not
a tough case.

They should've come
back in 10 minutes--
not guilty.

I don't know
how I'd vote
in their place.

What are they doing now,
eating at some hotel?

Well, they're
spending the night

At the mcguffey house.

In the morning,
they'll go back
to the jury room,

They'll talk
some more,

And hopefully by about 10:00
we'll know something.

[Classical music plays]

You don't want any
of this, do you?

Well, even so, it would
just keep you awake.

[Car approaches]