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05x19 - Moseley's Lot

Posted: 05/17/23 18:42
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh-ohh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be
all right ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Two years back,

Robin took her cat missy
into todd's animal clinic

So she could
protect sparta

From being overrun
by furry felines.

I guess robin and todd
liked each other,

Because now,
much against missy's wishes,

Robin's accepted
todd's proposal.

They're going
to get married,

And I thank you all
for coming.

Short and sweet.

Did it just for you.

Hi, there.

you made it!

Hi, daddy!

Good to see you,

Hi, lewis.

Just passing

I hope he isn't.

He needs to stop
here a while.

Car's outside.

Needs parking
and the top put up.

It's the red mustang.

Sit next to me.

Let me get a chair.

Red mustang.
There it is.

But where he run to?

Only place
he ever runs to--

To get a drink.

All right.

Can a guy
get a drink around here?

Tequila sh**t,
beer back.


How's business, chief?

It is slow,

The way police business
ought to be.

How's everything
in new orleans?

Bit of this,
bit of that.

More like nags, numbers,
and nasty women.

Lewis, come on.

So, what's
the police chief
doing here?

Oh, we're being
nice to him.

He gave us a contract

For rewiring
the police station.

Big job.
Sure is.

Let's see
that night log.

I ain't eaten all day.

Could you wait here

While I zip over
to the heavenly wok
and get some takeout?

Why, sure I could.

Then I could
put an entry in here--

Patrol delayed because of
parker's peking duck.

They deliver,
don't they?

Yeah, eventually.

[Door closes]


Hello and good-bye.

Any messages?

Yes. Mizz tibbs called.

Her meeting's
running late,

The twins are fine,

And could you pick up
some apple juice?


Hey, did the chief
go home?

Uh, he's not home.

He's at that
engagement party

With our electrical
mr. Moseley.

Oh, right.

When is moseley going
to finish with that mess?

Soon, I hope.

I'll be glad when
he finishes the kitchen.

My life ain't the same
without the microwave.

Parker, I'm sure.

Heavenly wok?

Yeah, hello, sue-lee.
Parker williams here.

Lewis, it's a party.

It's always a party
for brian.

What do you know?

I know you didn't
stumble in here

To honor your sister.

What do you want?


Shut your face.

Going to make me?

You never could,

Now you stop this,
hear me, right now!

I ought to have the chief
run you both in.

I'm liable to do it.

I think the party's over.

Will you drive me home?


I'm sorry, honey.

It's not your fault.


What can I do?

My boys
hate each other.

Oh, now, warren, listen.

I'll see you
tomorrow morning.

Thanks for coming.

Don't mention it.

It was very pleasant,

Hey-hey, brian.

You talk
to your daddy?

Stop following me.

I told you
I'd take care of it.

Yeah. But soon,


Um...chief, I would have
eaten in the kitchen,

But the light
still doesn't work.

Since when
do you need light

To find your mouth?

Would you run
that tag for me?

That's louisiana.

It's a bmw.

Right now?

Oh, naturally,
finish your egg roll

Before you do
anything else.

Well, you just in
from jackson?

Yeah. With
a little homework.

I guess I should
have my law degree
in 15, 20 years easy.

Althea still want you
to go for it?

She couldn't be
more supportive,

Like you.

You're going to be
a fine lawyer.

Maybe even a judge

Thanks, chief.

Chief, guess what?

I give up.

Well, I ran a 10-28
on that tag number.

It came back
with a 10-31.

I forget
all these numbers.

What are you
talking about?

We aren't the only folks
interested in that vehicle.

New orleans
flagged that number.

They usually only do that
for armed robberies.

Not this time.

This here 10-31

Came from their
organized-crime detail.

That vehicle
was at the affair
I just came from.

What we ought to do

Is find out
where it went

Yes, sir.
Right on it.

The bmw is leased
to an edward coltrane,

Better known
as fat eddie, a bookie.

He's bad news.


What's going on?

That other son
of warren's--

He came back
from new orleans

With a couple
of foul balls.

I think the boy's
in trouble.

We found that vehicle
at the welcome inn motel.

I got you, sweet.

Let's go
get some names.

Wesley, what you know?

What can
I do for you?

I'd like to look
at your register.


Two guys in a bmw,

What makes you
say that?

'Cause I ain't
a total moron.



They're from new orleans.

Oh, well, then...

Lewis is out of wire.

Tell him 10 minutes.

So, where did you
get to last night?

I saw some friends.

The bourbon brothers
by the look of it.

Dad, we got to talk.

I need help.

Yeah, I figured.

How much?


Plus compound interest
at 18%.

Have I told you about my
worst electrical shock?

Well, let's see.
You told me about a few.

Must have been
one of them.

Pull it on through.

No. The worst one

When I was
a real little kid.

I stuck a hairpin
in a wall socket.

Why did you do that?

My mama said not to.

Said I was never
the same after that.


I've got to get this
info to the detective

About bad guys
from new orleans.

In sparta?

You'd be surprised
how many of them

Do business in
this little town.

How did you ever get
into this jam?

I had a job working
for fat eddie,
a bookie's runner.

What's that?

I-i-it's kind of a gofer

For one of eddie's
book men.

I'm glad you
spoke truthfully,
although it hurts.

I can see it hurting.

Then I started,
um, playing myself.

I was--i was way up.
Doing fine. Sports book.

Remember how I
followed sports?

I was going to get out,

Put everything
on the game.


Dad, he said
he'd have me k*lled.


Fat eddie, the big boss.

Who is fat eddie?

These two guys worked
for fat eddie.

Yeah. Say their names again.

Uh, balcer, a cajun,

And bressak,

Balcer did a stretch
in starkville--
intimidating a witness.

Tony did time
for manslaughter--
plea bargain.

Excuse me.

My daddy needs me
back at the office.

It won't be long.

Oh, yeah. Go ahead.

Thank you, sir.

dee on line three.

Yeah. What?

Chief, they're
just hanging around

As if they're waiting
to see somebody.

Well, they probably are.
I want to know who.

Yes, sir.

Mister, um...


Call me rene.


Fine. And, uh...


Your problems
would be cured

By a good strong dose
of home.

Come back to sparta,

Then we can all
be together again
like a proper family,

The way mom would
have wanted it.

You should get married.

Plenty of nice girls
in sparta.

I think
nice girls are boring.

you don't mean that.

I'm a nice girl.


It's just so good
to have you home again.

You're kidding.

Plus interest.

You charge interest
on losings?

[Car horn honks]


Stop talking
to these people.

Y'all listen to me.

We ain't going to do it.

This here's
brian's problem.

What would happen
to your brother

If he can't pay?

Yeah. What
would happen, huh?

You going to break these?

Maybe a few
of these, huh?

Kid, you're starting
to give me ideas.

Now, we don't want
to make no mess.

No. We're merely
trying to recover
the stolen money.


I knew he wouldn't
tell the whole story.

He bet the float.

The float?

Money we gave him
to pay our debts.

He stole it.
He's a thief.

You write down
the exact amount.

And the date he took it.

You'll get the principal

And 6% simple interest.
No more.

Well, I don't know.

Well, what you think?
That going to work?

Yeah. It'll work.

That's money
I helped make.

You can't just go do this.

This will take
a day or two.

I'm going to want
a written receipt.

No problem.

I'll want to talk
to mr. Coltrane.

We'll tell him you're
going to be calling.

Meeting's over, chief.

Moseleys are staying.
Wise guys are leaving.

O.k., Dee. Thank you.

I want you to keep
an eye on brian moseley.

That shouldn't
be too hard

With that ticket magnet
he's driving.

And the way
he drives it.

Well, uh,
try and find out
where he goes

And who's hanging
around with him.

We'll put the word out.

And jamison?

Yes, sir?

What do you mean
by the way he drives?

Do you know brian?

I saw him around
when he lived here.

Was he a drunk then?

He's not a bad kid.

He's just kind of wild,
you know?

I know.

You've got nerve.

Daddy's thinking about
taking things easy,

Letting me run things.

You'd like that, right?

Just when we're getting
a little ahead,

You blow back in here,
wipe us out.

This is getting old.

I made a big mistake.
I know that.

He's my daddy.
He's helping me.

There's nothing you
can do to stop that.

He's helping you
with my money.

Am I working for you?

I'm sick of you.

You're down on me,
always have been!

Well, thank you.

Is that for the food?

I'm so glad you're mine.

How are the kids?

telling them stories

Her mother
used to tell her.

Oh, lord,
we're in trouble now.

Oh, I heard about the
moseley boys fighting.

Well, that's too bad.

I mean, two brothers just
grew up hating each other.

Sibling rivalry.

We're lucky our kids
get along so well.

Not today.

William has a bump
on his head.

How come?

He wouldn't let sarah
play with the truck.

She took it anyway,
then gave it back...

On his head.

Our kids are out
of control.

Well, why don't you
console yourself

With some home cooking?

You didn't.

Baby, you're the best.

Can i? Yes.

He's back to pass.

He's looking.
He's got it.

It's a touchdown.


Yo, bo.

Hey, brian.

Let me think now.

How about
a harvey wall-banger?

Don't have no galliano.

You're kidding me.

Make it a kamikaze.

I don't know how
to make that.

I'm going to show you.

Come on. I got to
go call the old lady.

Uh, yeah, bo. Yep.
I--i appreciate it.

All rightee. Lonnie.

Here you go, lieutenant.

What's this?

Brian moseley.

Man, this is not one
of my favorite joints.

What I'm going to do

Is I'm going to invest
in all these properties

Being sold off after
the s and ls went under.

I'm going to make a fortune.

You've got to find
the investment capital.

Lend me 50 grand.

How do you want that,
in cash or check?

Morning, bill.

Oh, warren,
good morning.

You wanted a word?


Did you know that
a couple of characters
from new orleans

your son brian
back into sparta?

You don't
miss much, do you?

What I wanted
to ask is,

Have they
been giving you
any grief?

Not them, no.

Good morning, chief,
mr. Moseley.

Nice day, isn't it?

I understand your brian
is back in sparta.

Yes, miss watson,
he is.

Would you excuse us,
mrs.--Uh, we've got
to meet a train.

What train?

Oh, I believe
there's a special.

So the bank's going
to have a cashier's
check tomorrow.

They really
came through.

Well, I wish
there was something
we could do.

Well, if it
wasn't eddie's boys,
it'd be someone else.

Brian would spend
his whole life

over his shoulder.

You're a kind
father, warren.


It's what their mother
would have wanted.

I still think about her
all the time, you know?

Do you ever think
about anna?

Oh, sure,
now and then.


Maybe this will all
turn out for the best

If it makes brian
grow up.

Morning, lewis.

Morning, parker.

How you doing?

I'm fine.

Just fine.

I think I'm
going to need this
opened up again.

Oh. Sure thing.
Sure thing.

Here you go.

You sure got lots
of stuff here,
don't you?

Yeah. It's kind of
a crime museum.

A lot is
ripped off gear--

It's still
marked evidence.

You mean,
tools criminals use?

Yeah. Sure.


This was used to brain
a night security man

At big x market.


And, uh...

Small pry bar--


Hey, what about

What sort of things
they use for that?

Uh, well...

This here
is a slim-jim.

Put this
by the window

And you pop
the door.

What do they do next?

Well, uh,
slide hammer.

You screw this
into the ignition,

Then you
pop the lock out.

That's kind
of messy, though.

Don't they have
other ways of doing
that sort of thing?

One old boy got him
sets of these.

Well, now,
what is that, then?

Master keys.


Yeah. Comes in
pretty handy
for a car thief.

Well, ain't that

You know, I ought to
get back to work.

I'll see y'all later.

Yeah, I got a few
things to do myself.

There's time
to make up.

Mr. Moseley,
we're sure looking forward

To some icy-cold air
in here.

Morning, daddy.

Lewis, I want you
to finish
the sub-feed.

Yes, sir.

I'll get the main.


I'm, uh...

Well, I'm sorry
about what I said

Say that
to your brother.

Yes, sir.

Let's get on with it.

Hi there.


Glad to see me?

No. I'd like
to stay on
through the night.

Any excitement?

About an hour ago,

Rene stopped
and bought some beer.

Then some pizza
was delivered.

You always
get the action.



Parker, this is sweet.

Sergeant sweet,
you out there?

I'm there.
What you reckon?

I figure ol' miss
will win by 10 points.

I'll take
those 10 points
and your 5 bucks.

No, sir.
My 5 bucks is safe.

ol' miss will certainly
be tested tonight.

They put their undefeated
record on the line.

Where's brian?

Ain't seen him.

He just said he
had to make some calls.

Mr. Moseley?

Yes, todd.

Robin told me about
brian's problem.

I had to, daddy.

I'm going to be part
of this family,
and I want to help.

You just take this.

I can't.

Ain't right.

It's o.k. Really.

Now, let's eat.

You'll get it back.
Count on it.

Where is brian?

You--you start.
I'll get him.

No, no, no.
Make it a grand.

Six points.

Come on. You know
I'm good for it.

No. That other thing
got taken care of.

Are you insane?

I got to go.
O.k. Done.


You just made a bet,
didn't you?


I got to recoup,
don't i?

You want your money
back, right?

Brian, you--
you need help.

Professional help.

I need my luck
to change.

What's going on
in here?

If I get any calls,

I'll be
at the mason-dixon
watching the game.

He just made a bet,
didn't he?

Your brother needs
our help, lewis.


He needs
a head shrinker.

Boy's nuts.

You might as well
just set fire
to that money

For all the good
it's going to do.

Yeah. Let me speak
with mr. Coltrane.

That's o.k.
I'll leave a message.

Tell him this is
warren moseley

And that I've
changed my mind.

Brian moseley
can take care of
his own debts.

No, I don't want him
to call me back.
Tell him that's final.

Thank you.

Parker, get backup.

Man in red mustang's
firing into motel.

And call the paramedics.

I got ya, sweet.

Sweet, sweet,
no pursuit,
you hear me?

I don't want
any high-speed chase
k*lling innocent people.

Just go back
to the motel
and watch those two.

Make sure they don't
do anything foolish.

Yes, sir.

A red mustang.

A red mustang
is brian moseley's car.

That's strange.

I thought
warren paid off.

Why would brian
do that?

I don't think he did.

Put out a bulletin
on that red mustang.

Add to it,
"approach with caution."

It was brian.

Boy's tired
of living.


Just take it easy,

Anybody hurt?

No. We're o.k....

No thanks to you.

Give me a break.
Just stay put, all right?

Out of the car.
Keep your hands up.

What's your problem?

You are.
Now get out.

What are you going
to hold me on?

Apart from driving
while intoxicated,

That depends
on how you behave.

Chief, we picked up
brian moseley.

We're taking him in.

Did you find a w*apon?

Pete, you got
a w*apon on him?

Not on him.

No, sir.

All right, then.

Chief, I think

Mr. Balcer and mr. Bressak
are ready to see you.

I had a talk with them
about their manners.

Fine, fine.

We sure regret
what happened here.

We're glad
nobody got hurt.

Did y'all see
who did it?


We saw nothing.

Well, I just want
to caution you

Against jumping
to any false conclusions,

Et cetera.

Do not take matters
into your own hands.

You understand
what I mean?

You reckon that's
understood, bubba?

I sure understood.

Feel secure
about that, sweet?

Oh, I'm hopeful,

Good night, then.

Boy, coming to work

With my brother in jail
in this very building.

Say, you seen my daddy?

Not yet.

I thought the chief
wanted to see him.

Well, I best
finish this up.

I'll need back in here.



I'm placing you
under arrest.


For theft by taking

And tampering with
material evidence,

For thinking
I wouldn't notice

You took something
out of this
evidence room.

Hands behind your back.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say
may be used
against you

In a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford one,

One will be
appointed for you.

You understand
these rights?

Yeah. Let's go.

This is a terrible thing
you tried to do.

To k*ll your brother

Just as sure
as if you stabbed him.

You wouldn't listen
to me, daddy.

He's trying to take

we ever worked for.

Brian is sick,

But you may be sicker,

I may be
the sickest of all,

Not understanding
how to raise you,

Not seeing the way
you were turning out.

Take him downstairs.

Where's brian?

He's downstairs
in a cell
drying out.

You want to go bail?

All right. Turn him loose.

Hey, what's this?

is incarceration,
young man.

Don't young man me.

How about knothead?

Why is he here?
What did he do?

A bunch of stuff.

I can't believe that.

My hard-working,
goody-goody brother.

I ain't no brother
of yours.

Don't be silly, lewis.

He's blood.
You can't change that.

Brian, you're out of here.

Your pa bailed you out.

Why, I don't know,
but he did.

Lewis, what have you
been up to?

Come with me, please.

What happened, bill?

No way of knowing.

You could be
the world's best daddy,

And your kids could
still get in trouble.

That's life.

It's cruel.

It's that, too.

What do you want to do
about the outstanding

Fat eddie's boys?

Pay 'em.


It's up to you.

They're over at the motel.
They know that happened.

I appreciate
all the help
you've given me.

Don't mention it.

Hi, dad.

Will somebody tell me
what's going on here?

Here we go, chief.

nondairy creamer,

Artificial sweetener.

You sure want to drink it?

I like it. It reminds me
of the real thing.

Darnelle's going
to press charges.

Lewis will be lucky
if he doesn't do time.

You think brian
will straighten up?

It would be nice,
considering what
his father's done.

Yeah, it would be nice,

But I don't think
it's going to happen.

Why don't you
talk to him?

And say what?

Tell him
he's got to dry out,

Quit gambling,

Get his act together.

Tell him what
he already knows?

Sorry, honey.
I agree.

All that's old stuff.

All right.

What would be new stuff?

there isn't any.

Orders, ultimatums,

Anything coming
from somebody else

Isn't going to work.

He's got to make
the decision

Howdy, chief.

Chief, herb findley
just called in

Asking for you.

I'm here to see him.
Where is he?

He said there's no point
in coming here.

He can't do the job.

He hasn't even
seen the job.

He can't fit it
in his schedule.

Anyway, he's scared
of big jobs.

Oh, boy.

Well, we may
have to finish.

Leave a note.

We call amos polk
in canard
tomorrow morning.

How's it look, alan?

We can't finish it.

It's pretty complicated

Somebody could arrest us

For doing electrical work
without a license.

Sure mr. Moseley
can't finish it?

His doctor's
worried about him.

He hasn't got his sons
to help him.

I got to line up
somebody else.

When you have a drunk
in the family,

Not only
pulls down the family,

But affects everybody
on the outside

That has relations
with the family.

I'll tell you about it.

Chief, fella
with the problem,

If I take you right,

Ain't doing much
to solve it.

I saw his car
to the mason-dixon.



Hey, you, brian,

What do you call
that drink?

Depth charge.


You come to see me?

I was driving by,

And I thought I saw
your car out there,

But I said,
that couldn't be
brian's car,

But I had to just
make sure.

You want to talk
about something?

No. No.


Hey, you, uh...

You don't want
to lecture me,

Tell me
I got to behave?

No. I don't want to say
useless things to people.

You're right, chief.

You know,
you're a good man.

Well, I'm glad
you think so.

So's your, uh...
Your friend--

My dad.

How many guys
would do

What he done
for me?

He said he did that
for your mama.

No. That's just
his way of saying
that, uh...

Saying what?

No, I think he said
what he meant to say.

Wasn't for your mama's

He'd do what I'd do.

What, let those guys
sh**t me?


What, and k*ll me?

I would have hoped
that they'd merely
wing you.