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05x17 - By Means Most Foul

Posted: 05/17/23 18:39
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night

♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night

Thank you.

Welcome to
maison ballard.

That will be $2.00.

To park in a empty
parking lot?
Are you crazy?

Here you go.

Parker, this is virgil.
I'm 10-7 at ballard's.

He's having lunch
with his wife!

Come on.
I am on duty.

If they want you,
they can beep you.

I'm not going to
listen to tag checks.

No tag checks.



Ha ha ha. Hi!

Oh, you finally
drug him down here.

I was looking forward
to coming, mrs. Ballard.

Oh, please. Rebecca.


Thank you.

I guess we can
find you a table.

I'm sure business is bound
to pick up, rebecca.

It had better.
My husband's
going to k*ll me.

Thank you.

By the way,
peter's going
to design a mini-mall

For kevin riley,
the general contractor.

Kevin riley--
he's quite a character.

Do we know him?

I do. He's mixed up
with epp's crowd.

Whoever they are,
I hope they got money.

God knows peter
could use some.

We both could.
Now, drinks?

Yes. I, um...

Iced tea.

Mmm. Yeah. The same.


Look at these prices.

Honey, you're not at
the magnolia, you know.

Well, maybe
I ought to be.


Prices are steep here.

Naturally. This
is a fresh-flowers
place now.

Uh, judy, I guess
I'm going to have
the meat loaf,

Double order
of mashed potatoes,

And some fried okra,

It sounds wonderful.

It's getting to be t*rture
eating with you.

And for you, chief?

Tuna fish on toast.

Hold the mayo. And hold anything else
that happens to be good.

I saw you sitting
in here.

I reckon you did.

How can we help?

What does that look like?

Busted up mailbox?

That's the way
I found it this morning.

Well, um...

That is sure enough

Where it had been blasted
by vandals.

Oh, you don't suppose
a car hit that?


Behold the evidence
of a baseball bat.

Well, maybe so.

I'm demanding you
catch the perpetrators.

Even a chief deserves
to have lunch in peace.

Please report this
to parker williams
at the office.

Don't you take that tone
with me, bubba skinner.

My next stop
is the sparta herald,

Then you'll see.

I'm sorry, mrs., Uh...
What is her name again?


I thought
those people moved away.

Afternoon, chief.

Hello, mr. Riley.

Hi, there.

Mr. Ballard.

Chief, who was
that guy with riley?

That's peter ballard.

The ballards have just
opened up that fancy
new restaurant.

Oh, yeah.

The one with that
sexy hostess rebecca.

With the wife
of the owner rebecca.

Here we go.

Wait a minute,
please, um...

I don't want this.
I want what he has.

I didn't say nothing.

Get it, please.

Uh, sure thing, chief.

When I show you the site,
you'll take pictures.

Will you take rebecca?

No. She's got to
spend every minute
at that restaurant.

You ain't into that.

I'm not.
I wish she wasn't.

She's got to do
her own thing.

Can't keep them
at home no more.

Now, what you
gentlemen having?

Tucker, what you at?

I ain't paying you
to fool around
with your truck.

Change that camaro's oil.yeah, yeah.

Morning, miss ballard.

More problems?

Oh, yeah.

I still got that shimmy.

Just pull her right in.

Peter just called me.


What he call you?

Be serious.

Him and riley's going
to take a ride tomorrow.



What do you mean,
"uh-huh. So?"

It happens tomorrow
morning, right?


Right. Swell.


I got something
to show you.

One life
insurance policy.

1 Million.

Which we split, sugar.

You got a minute?

I got more than that.


Chief, I had lunch
at ballard today.


The food's great.

I just don't think
a whole lot of people
got $40 to drop on lunch.

Peter ballard must be
trying to get rich in a hurry.

Yeah, he's also doing
business with riley.

I saw them together.

Does ballard know
who riley is?

Who epp is?

Maybe not. His wife
didn't seem to know.

He's gonna begin.


Who is gonna begin what?

Parker's got some idea
about the mailbox bashing.

That again?
This is ridiculous.

We're getting a whole lot
of complaints, detective.

Well, that's people for you,
they call in about mailboxes,

Take murders for granted.

Follow me.

All right.

I want you all
to review your notes

On those hot tags,
uh, our missing parolee,

And our dui target.

Now, our final item tonight

Concerns the recent
mailbox bashings.

Officer parker williams here

Has an idea he'd like
to share with us.

Will this
take long, parker?

After I'm done,
you'll thank me for this.

Now, thus far, a total
of 15, uh, mailboxes

Have been
criminally damaged.

As in all serial crimes,
there's a pattern,

If you know how
to look for it.

Now, on the 15th...

Calhoun street.

And on the 17th...

Lamar circle,

Then polk way...

And bibb road...



And rankin.

And two nights ago...

It was, um...


Then last night...



See what I mean?

No, parker, I don't.

Not yet, parker.

Then you're just
not looking right.

Help us... Parker.

All rightee, detective...

I'll cut to the chase.

Please. Shh.

Now, according
to my calculations,

The next target
of our vandals

Is going to be elm street.

that's where I live.

There you go.
You better beware.

What are your
calculations, parker?

Now, chief, I cannot divulge

The exact nature
of my algorithm.

It could be patentable
and worth lots of money,

But you can count on it
being elm street.

Should I stake out
my mailbox, parker?

That's not a bad idea,

You done?


Can we all say thank you
to officer williams?

Thanks, parker. Thanks, parker.

Hey, peter. Morning, kevin.

Ready to climb
that old hill?

I don't see how you'll
get earth-moving
gear up there.

I doubt you can make it
in this thing.

You got your camera? Yeah.

I just about
left it in my car.

I'll be right there.

People, we need you
to step back, please.


A little more. Thank you.

Try and get rid
of these people, will you?

Yes, sir.

There we go.

You people want to clear
out of here, please?

Right now.

There may be
further explosions,

So just go on
about your business.


Please, ma'am,
just go on home.

You can see all this
on tv later.

But not as good
as here.

This is mr. Cousins.

Ronald cousins.

Did you
see anything, sir?

I knew your father.

Pleased to
meet you, sir.

He's dead now.

Yes, sir.

20 Years dead.

You wouldn't
remember him.

Not too well, sir.

Uh, mr. Cousins,
just what did you see?

A car...
Over there.

A car.

What kind of car?


Yes, sir. Black.

And what else?

I don't know what else.

Mr. Cousins,
uh... Do you see
that car over there?

Sure. I ain't blind.

No, but what
kind of car is that?


But don't ask me
what else.

You're white,

And I don't know
what else you is.

You're black.

I know what else you is.

You the son of
louis wilson sweet, jr.

Yes, sir.

Ha ha ha!

The black car
was a 351 v-8

With two headers
and some kind of
full-barrel carburetor

And must have had
those fat radials

'Cause he took off fast,
but no squeak.

Did you break the news?

Yeah, yeah.

You know,
chief, ringing that
doorbell's bad enough,

But that door comes open

And you're looking
at two teenage girls--

Oh, lord.

Yeah, uh, what did
the fire chief say?

They reckon there was
10 sticks of dynamite
under the gas t*nk,

Which, by the way,
was full.

What about ballard?

They didn't think
he'd make it.

Hi, althea,
thanks for coming.

Robb told me
you know mrs. Ballard.

A little.
How is she?

Hard to say.

How's he doing?

We're not a trauma center.
We're doing our best.



Have they
told you anything?

They say he has a chance.

I can't believe
this is happening.

Hello, althea.

Is he gone? No, dear. Far from it.

He'll be all right?

I think we can save him.

His blood
pressure's stable.

We'll see if he's
had any brain injury.

Sorry. I know it's hard.

I don't know
if I can stand this.

I want to go home.

But we should
hear something
pretty soon now.

Of course we'd call you.

If you want to wait,
I can wait with you.

I'd just be waiting
for him to die.

I guess she
misunderstood me.

I don't get it.

Don't start.
I did what you wanted.

Peter's alive.

He wasn't in the car
with riley like you said.

I guess we weren't
as smart as we
thought we were.

Could he still die?

If I have any say.

Baby, I told you
to turn them down!

Honey, the hospital
needs people from
the community

On the ethics committee.

This is about
life and death decisions.

Is that what you want? Isn't that
what youdo?

Yes, that's why
I'm telling you
it's not a good idea.

Why you say that?

You think only men
should have a say
in these things?

Now, etta,
that is not what I meant.

It sure sounded like it!

It doesn't make
any difference!

'Cause I'm gonna do
whatever I wanna do.

Ha ha ha.
You always have.

One of the many
reasons I love her.

Now here come
the sweet talk.

I know,
but I like it.

[ Crash ] what was that?

I'm gonna check
on those twins.

It came from outside!



This is outrageous!

Yes, sir, detective.
We're right on it.

And I'll most certainly
let you know.
But I did...

I told you to watch out
for your mailbox.

Maybe next time,
they'll believe me.

Lieutenant jamison,
sergeant sweet,

You fellas copy?

Yeah. What's up?

Tallyho! The mailbox bandit
has struck again.

On elm, just like
I said he would.

You owe parker
an apology.

And you?

No apology necessary,

Just get out there
and catch those vandals.

You brought this on,
you know.

All right!

Well, well.
Jerry tucker.

Clyde smith.

You could have
caused an accident.

I could
have got hurt.

you still could.

Come down from there.
Come on.

Get in the back
of our car.

You would have thought we
knocked over sparta savings.

Yo, sweet,
look at this.

Look at these kills. Wow!

They're some
real daredevils!

Or a pair
of dumbbells.


Go have a seat
on the davenport.


We saw it on cable...
In some movie.


It looked like fun.

Is it?


it was thrilling!

Well, you might find
the county jail

Kind of thrilling, too.

You ain't the judge.

I knowthe judge.

You were brought in here
when you were 7

For some kind
of misbehaving.

I would have thought

You'd grown up
a little bit since then.

O.k., It was stupid.

Am I finally
hearing some sense?

Now, if you make
a whole bunch of apologies

And you make restitution...

Which means paying people
back for the damage,

It may help you,
and I say may.

Now, nobody wants to see
y'all get a criminal record.

Ask the judge
to go easy.



We'll see.

Excuse me, chief?

Yes, luann?

Um, miss ballard is here.

Thank you.

Your me-ma's coming
to bail you out,

And your daddy's
coming for you.

Keep them with you
about 20 minutes,
will you?

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

Thank you, chief. Uh-huh.


Excuse me.

The chief
will see you now.

Thank you.

Who is that lady?

Oh, that's
miss rebecca ballard.

Poor lady.

Her husband was
one of the fellas
blown up yesterday.

He was one
of those guys?

Yeah. You seen
her before?

A few times
at moss motors,
where I work.

Oh, is that right?

Uh, jerry?

Oh, miss ballard.

Please, sit down.

I'm awfully sorry
to trouble you

When your husband's
over there

Fighting for his life,

Can I get you anything?


No. I'm fine.

You're sure?


Any idea who did it?

I always have
a few ideas,
of course,

But I don't like
to talk about them

Until I get them
boiled down to one.

Did your husband
ever mention
the epp crowd

Or mr. Riley?

Peter said
he was worried.

Who'd he say he was
worried about?

I can't recall
any names.

When he talked to you
about being worried,

Didn't he ever say,

"Darling, I'm worried
about so-and-so"?

He might have, but...

I might not have been
paying attention.

See, I've been busy
with my restaurant.

No names at all?

None that
I can remember, sir.

Can we drive you home?


I'll be o.k.

Fine. Fine.

I want to thank you
for coming in.

[Telephone rings]


Moss motors.

That jerk you got
working for you,

He saw the chief today.

Who, jerry? Why?

I don't know why.

You think
he saw you here?

I don't know.
Just do something.

Like blow him up?

Well, you ain't too good
at that, are you?

Oh, I'm damn good,

Except when
I get crossed up.




So, uh, who exactly
is on this panel?

Dr. Day, myself,
and counselor tibbs.

Althea tibbs?

Well, why?

she's on our committee,
and she's a friend.


Hi. Hi, rebecca.

Thanks for coming in.

Please, be seated.

The purpose
of this meeting

Is to help you
make a hard decision,

Probably the hardest
you'll ever make.

Peter is being
totally sustained
on life support.

Now, if that equipment
were to be turned off,

He'd die.

He's in a deep coma.

Brain activity
is minimal.

Chances of anything
like full recovery
are close to zero.

Rebecca, the committee
has to ask--

If peter's condition

Do you want the hospital
to keep him alive

Please do
anything you can,

Just as long
as he isn't suffering.

We have to ask you
something else.

Does your husband have
a life-insurance policy?

Why, yes, uh...

I mean, he does.

Good. That will help.

How do you mean?

Help pay the bills.

Keeping peter alive
is very costly.

When he does go,

The insurance money
will help settle
with the hospital.

Thank you.

Mr. Tibbs, I thank you
most kindly for coming.

How can we help you,
mr. Epp?

I'm going to try
to help you.

In what way?

Help you catch
whoever k*lled
my friend kevin riley.

Any idea who it was?

Why would I know?

I presume you know a lot
about riley's business

And the people
who were close to him.

I don't care at all for
your tone of voice, tibbs.

What do you want, epp?
I'm in a hurry.

As I said,

I want to help you.

$10,000 For information
leading to the capture
of the guilty parties,

Made out to the department.

Well, an act
of concerned


Not at all.

Nothing you do
would surprise me,
mr. Epp.

I'd have said the same.

As long as there's hope,
you can't give up.

Of course not...
Even at 1,500 a day,

Half a million a year.

Or more than one year.
Got to face that.

I know.

Good thing you've got
that life insurance.

Isn't it?

Excuse me.

Althea, I want to spend
some time with peter.

Oh, sure.

You may come in now,
mrs. Ballard.

Well, he's doing as well
as the doctor expects.

I hate him being
left alone like this.

What if something

He's hooked up to
all sorts of monitors.

Any change,
and the alarms ring.

That's good to know.

I can leave you
alone with him.

No. That's o.k.

That would just
make me sad.

Well... I'm surprised.

I didn't think
that even epp

Would try
a gag like this.

That check is a bluff.

He's sure nobody
will get it.

I'm not sure he's
even in this game.

Then a reward check's
good pr at no cost.

What did you find?

The bomber's driving
some muscle car.

There's a hundred
of those.

What do we do?

Best we can. Go ahead.

You working
part-time now?

Had a little problem.
Sorry I'm late.

You saw the police.

Your girlfriend
told you.

What you talking about--

Oh, come on, man.

Mrs. Ballard...
I ain't stupid,

And you wasn't changing
her head gasket
every wednesday.

You told the cops
you seen her here.

What's the big deal?
Her husband
got blowed up.

What do I care?



Unless there's money
in all of this,

And I can't get none.

Hey! Get off me!

Help! Someone, help!

Help! Someone, help!

[Blows falling]

[Car engine starts]

And this is
cross-referenced to that.

I know only one person

Who would reach around me
and do that,

And here he is.

You had an electric
bell 10 years ago.

What happened to it?

I'm saving on current.

I think dr. Robb wants
to talk to you, chief.

Well, maybe
you're right, parker.

And I think
it's about the bombing.

He's right.

Will you
step this way,

I think he wants
to have a private chat.

Yeah, I suppose he does.
Thank you, parker.

Yes, sir.

Tell me. Uh...

How is poor mr. Ballard?

Well, there's no change,

But it's miss ballard
I find odd.

In what way?

When we asked
if she wanted peter
left on life support,

I felt sure
she wanted to say no.

You mean, uh, she
just couldn't get
the "no" out?

Not in front
of althea tibbs.

You think she
should have said no?

Well, ballard's

He can't live without
artificial help

Or a miracle.

Miss ballard's
betting 1,500 a day

On a million-to-1 shot.

I'm sure
she doesn't want to.

Now, what would you do
if I was lying there?

Would you pull
the plug on me?

You're not
getting me on that.

I believe you would,

But then,
on the other hand,

I don't believe
you would.

A profound conclusion.

What did you want
to see me about?

See you?

You came in to see me.

No, I didn't. Yes, you did.

You walked in here,

You rang that bell...

I should have
called you.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Do you think
rebecca ballard

Helped to k*ll
her husband?

I don't know.

What do you think?

Oh, I'm past thinking.

I'm sure she did.

Clyde, what are you
doing up here?

J-j-just waiting
to see jerry.

Is this where he works?

Yeah. For moss.

There's something weird
going on.

There usually is.
What looks weird to you?

Well, I was coming along
to see jerry,

When I see moss pulling away
in jerry's pickup,

And I don't know
where jerry is.

Is this moss' car?

G-g-guess so.
Can I go?

Just wanted
to see jerry.

Planning on bashing in
more mailboxes?

No, sir. No way.


Hey, wait a minute.

Give me a lift

We going downtown?

As far as
the police station.

Long as I don't
have to go in.

Come on.

Really appreciate it.

Next time you need
a taxi, just wave.

Any luck?

Nah. Town's full
of muscle cars.

Parker, you know
anybody named moss?

Moss. Uh, no,
not personally,

But I do
know the name.

You going
to tell us, or what?

Uh, yeah.
Moss motors.

Young jerry tucker
we had here,

He worked for moss.

We was just there.

Well, anybody want
to grab some lunch?

Yeah. I'm about ready.

You know, that moss
is a very poor mechanic.

Jerry mentioned
he'd seen

Rebecca ballard
over there
quite often.

He saw rebecca ballard
at moss'?

That kid clyde said
something weird
was going on.

I kind of felt it.

Moss is a very
weird guy,

In addition to being
a poor mechanic.

Maybe we ought
to put off lunch.

Brian moss.

What you boys jumping
out from there for?

Ain't nobody jumping,
just strolling.

If you're looking for jerry,
he took off.

Said he's leaving town.

Say what town
he liked better?

He just went off.

That your car
over there?

Sure is.
My pride and joy.

What you got
under there?

351 With tuned headers.

Maybe a four-barrel

Matter of fact, yes.

Now, what's
going on here?

Maybe we'll get
something going
at the station.

You arresting me? Yeah.

You got to charge me.

O.k. Storing and using
inflammatory substances

Such as kerosene, benzene,
propane, and gasoline

In an unsafe manner,
therefore endangering
the general public.

When we get
to the station,

We'll all sit around

And try figuring out
if this is somebody
we used to know.

What's mrs. Ballard doing?

She serving
free lunches?

We got popular

When mr. Ballard
got blew up.

What you want, son?
You can't park
a police car.

You can't
leave it here.

Yes, I can.

You watch it,
but don't touch it.

Hello, virgil.


And this is?

Uh, I'm sorry.

Um, officer shepard.

It's nice to meet you.

I have no choice.

I have to stay open.
The hospital
needs the money.


Two for lunch? Uh, no.

No. We're on duty.

Not... Peter?


Peter's the same.

I'd like it
if you come with us.


Uh, we'd prefer it
if you'd just
come quietly, rebecca.

We'll talk
at the station.

All right,
let's go.

You do know
ms. Ballard.

She was a customer.

Why, 'cause you're
a renown mechanic?

I doubt it.

I understand that
she visited you
rather frequently.

She might have been back
a time or two,

Have things adjusted.

Is that
what you call it?

Where is tucker, mr. Moss?

I don't know.
How many times
I tell you?

I keep hoping
it will come to you.

[Intercom buzzes]


Oh, bring him in.

Young fella said
he'd be happy
to help us, chief.


Now, son, uh...

Do you recognize
this man here?

Yes, sir.

When did you
last see him?

Couple of hours ago.

He was driving
jerry's truck.

Who is this kid?
I never seen him before.

What did you do
with jerry tucker,
mr. Moss?

I want to talk
to a lawyer.

We'll move him

After that,
I don't know.

Virgil says
they have a case,
so sooner or later,

Rebecca or moss will
try to make a deal.

Meaning each will
blame the other.

Whatever happens,
rebecca will never
get the insurance money.

What happens to it?

Insurance companies
just won't pay

If there's any suspicion
of the beneficiary.

Just a suspicion? That's right.

I just had
an amusing thought.

Rebecca's still
on the hook for
the hospital bill.

Mr. Epp, that's entirely
up to the courts,

But we do anticipate
a conviction.


Oh, thank you.

What does epp want,
get his money back?

If no party has fulfilled
his requirement...

In other words, yes.

Well, I hate
to see him

Get $10,000
reward money back.

Isn't anybody else
entitled to it?

I don't know.

Now, what
about that kid?

Clyde put us on
to moss, didn't he?

You could say so, yeah.

I just did say it.

The only thing is,

What would clyde do
with all that money?

Blow it. In a week,
sure enough,


What did epp say?

How did he say
we should use
the money?

"At our discretion,"
he said.

my discretion would be

To put that money
into some kind

Of a college trust fund
for young clyde.

Why is that funny?

I was just thinking,
here's this kid--

Not much going for him--

Goes around mailbox bashing,

Then winds up
with 10 grand.

It's just...well, maybe
it's weird,

But, uh...

I'm satisfied
with weird--

Now and then.