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05x16 - A Time to Trust

Posted: 05/17/23 18:38
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[Tires screeching]

[Siren blaring]

This was real bad.

His head busted out
the windshield.

Was he
the only one
in the truck?

Yeah. Looks
like it happened
pretty quick, too.

It'll take a while to get
this thing out of here.

I got a crane coming.

Who said to hurry?

Foster, just tow it
to our parking lot

And not yours.


You want the job
or not?


I'll be waiting
for you there.

So, do we lack faith
in this man?


Luann, chief around?

Yeah. Hold on.


Yeah. What?

Sweet on radio four.

Yeah. O.k.

Yeah, sweet?

Chief, you might want
to call doc robb.


Uh, it's another semi,

Out on old route 112.

There's no collision.

He must have
lost control.

Where's the driver?

On his way in.
He's dead.

Oh, lord.

O.k., Sweet.
Thank you.

Luann, get dr. Robb
for me, please.

Yes, sir.

Don't forget.
The test is saturday.

It's a week
from this saturday.

8 A.m. Sharp.

Don't forget
those vocabulary lists.

Mrs. Tibbs,
I don't have
my application.

[Beep beep]

Yeah, chief. Virgil.
What's up?

Another big rig
went into a hill.
Same circumstances.

Is this the third?

No. It's the fourth.

I'm sorry.
My mother forgot
to sign it.

She'll do it

Shelly, wait.
Vocabulary list.

I'm sorry. I forgot.

Are you feeling
all right?

I'm fine. I just got
to get organized.

Shelly, if you do well
on the s.a.t. Scores,

You could get
that college scholarship.

You'll do well in math
and science, but--

Am I keeping you
from somewhere?

I'll study.
I promise.

I gotta work
at the diner
this afternoon.

Do you want to talk to me
about something?

No. I'm fine,

You know what?

That girl's problem
may just be

That she and her mother

Lives with a dude
that's a bum.

You know the guy?


I just had
a phone conversation
about him.

He runs
a towing service,

Among other things.

What other things?

We think
he's pushing dr*gs.

Got my
requisition signed?

Lonnie's got it.

I ain't goin'
over there to get it.
I don't like that dog.

Stay, samson.

That one of them
sniffing dogs?

When I want him
to be.

What's he
going to sniff?

do we know yet?

No. We don't know yet.

Why? You got
any suggestions?

O.k. We got it.


No, no, no, no.

Shh. Shh. Shh.

Hi, etta.

What? What?

Never seen anything
like these two.

She'll only
eat potatoes,

And he'll
eat everything
but potatoes.

Etta, please don't
force him to eat,

Then he'll just grow up
being a very picky eater.

Well, in my day,

We ate whatever
was put before us.

Thank goodness
times have changed.

Do you know
how lucky you are

To have aunt etta
here to love you

And a mama and daddy
to spoil you rotten?

Oh, you don't spoil them
at all, huh?

I never give them
what they
don't need.

Till they start
screaming for it.

'Cause screaming
tells you

When they need more.

You see this letter
from todd wade?

Who's todd wade?

He's a hotel man.

He's invited us down

To a grand opening
of a deluxe new radcliff.

In sparta?

No. New orleans.

This will be great.
We'll leave friday.

That'll give us
three days, two nights,

To eat, sleep, relax--
just the two of us.

What about
your law classes?

I'll get copies
of the notes.

I just can't take
friday off.


you've never asked.

It's about shelly
and that man
she lives with.

Think about it.

I'm thinking
about bobby foster.

Well, think about us.
Just think about us.

Forget bobby foster.

Don't forget
your jacket.

think about it!

Chief, I'm tellin' you,
I can taste that creole food

And hear that
jazz playing
right now.

And every room
in that hotel

Has a view
of the river.

And all for free.
You can't pass that up.

Just waiting on word
from althea.

She doesn't want
to leave town
right now.

Chief, virgil.

This is mr. L.q. Hill

From landover
insurance company.

He'd like to take a look
at the big rig out back.

Mr. Hill.



Soon as we're finished
going over it,

You can take
a whack at it.

Rig wasn't supposed
to leave the interstate

And come through sparta
at all.

He was headed
for birmingham.

The fella had
a 20-mile detour.

Looks like he was doing
some private delivering.

Maybe some
private picking up.

Mr. Hill, is your company
the insurer

In all four
of these cases?

Just the last two.

Previous ones were
covered by east-west.

I'm going to recommend

That we exclude
this part of mississippi.

Well, that's a mighty
powerful reaction,

Isn't it?

Well, we been paying

Some mighty powerful
indemnities, chief.

Yeah, well...

Hop up there,

[Woof woof woof]

That-a-boy, samson.

Samson smell
something familiar?

No smell.

Looks kinda like that stuff

We found on that truck
haulin' the melons.

You know,
that pill stuff.


a lactose binder.

You see,
when amateurs
make pills,

The form-pressure
is weak.

The pills
fall apart,

And lactose powder
gets here and there.

What kind of pills
are we talking about?

The powder we found
was amphetamine.

Remember that guy
we busted, bubba?

I remember
we couldn't hold him.

Oh, yeah. I remember that guy.
Who was he? Bobby foster.

A student of althea's
is forced to live with him.

A child is being forced
into an indecent relationship

With--what's his name? Bobby foster.

No...but she's forced
to put up with it.

I don't like that,

[Loud music playing]


Look out there, ma!


Ha ha ha!



Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Mama, will you at least
put the music down?





I'm trying to study!

Ha ha ha!

[Knock on door]

Who are you?

Sh-shelly hughes.

Can I see mrs. Tibbs,

What for?

It's personal.

You know, private.

She's my grade advisor.

Wait here.

There's a white girl
here asking for you.

Name's shelly.

Oh, you can
let her in, etta. Thanks.

Come on in, child,
and close the door
behind you.

We have anything
to offer her?

We got some cola
and some apple juice

And some
store bought cookies
not too bad.

Hi, mrs. Tibbs.

I'm sorry.

Sorry about what?
Come on in.

Have a seat.

Have you
had your dinner yet?

Yeah, I had something.

Your makeup's
running a little.

Have you been crying?


I'm not going to
take the s.a.t. Test.

I can't go to college.

with a scholarship--

can't help me.
I just can't do it.

What's the problem?

I can't leave home.

Why not?

I can't leave my mother,
mrs. Tibbs.

She's in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

I don't want her to get
bothered by the cops.

Shelly, if you don't want me
to tell my husband, I won't--

Unless she's
done something wrong.

She never hurts nobody...
Except herself.

She works real hard--
two shifts at the diner.


Started taking speed,

You know, whites,

To keep going.

Then at night,
she can't sleep,
so she drinks

And parties with
her scuzzy boyfriend.

He's the one
who gives her the pills.

I hate him.

What do you think
we should do?

We have to tell someone.

I know.

But in the meantime,
I can't leave her.

I'm all she's got.

Scuzzy. Hmm!

I like that word--

Scuzzy boyfriend.

Now, he's a creature
that has to be run off.


O.k. Got a tennessee
license plate--


It's a blue ford, '89.

How much you wanna bet
this guy's just
selling bibles?

You bet he is.

I bet he isn't.

O.k., Forget the bet.

Let's just go in,
jump him, and find out.

Hold on, sweet.

Can't do nothing
we're not supposed to.

I hope you
do understand that.

And tell lonnie
not to make any more moves.

That's chief's orders.

We want bobby foster

In condition
to do some talking.

This man was doing
a lot more than speeding.

A few days up on speed,

And folks see things
like invisible pals.

And this blood showed
a lot of sulfate

Of the amphetamine

You know, his log says
he went nonstop,

30 Hours.

Yup. This poor boy
was wired and tired.

Just an accident
waiting to happen.

Like some of the others
we had.

Although I guess
when a pusher's
involved in an accident,

It's not really
an accident, huh?


I'd call it m*rder.

Help you?

I'm althea tibbs. I'm--

I know who you are.
Want a menu?

No. Just some decaf,

I'm here to talk to you
about shelly.

Is she in trouble?

Oh, no. Shelly's
the perfect student.


So, mrs. Hughes,
she needs your support.

What's that
supposed to mean?

Some encouragement.

Shelly needs to know
you're interested
in what she's doing.

Lady, I don't know
what you're
talking about.

This might be
a coffee break
for you,

But I got
work to do.

Shelly's about to take
a very important test

That could lead
to a college scholarship.

I can't give her
the answers.
I'm real dumb.

I quit school at 14.

I wait tables
'cause that's all I can do.

There's nothing dumb or wrong
about what you do.

But we're talking
about shelly.

She needs to know
you care about her.

I care about her.

There's a roof
over her head,
food on the table.

I care for her
the best I can.

What do you know
with your fancy
clothes, car,

And your
big education?

You think it's tough
being poor and black
in sparta?

Think about being
poor and white.

And I got
nothing more to say.

You don't mean to say
your company

Would withhold payments
from those families?

No, not my company, chief.

We don't write
life insurance.

But two other
insurance companies

Are saying that use of dr*gs
invalidates the policies.

Do the driver's policies
specify that?

No. That's why
the thing will have
to be tried in court.

You're going against
the family.

I'm obligated
to go to court
to say what I found.

All four men were on speed
when they died.

When the court decides
what to do about that,

I won't even be there.

More coffee, gentlemen?

Yeah, sharon,

My company doesn't even
want to pay for the rigs.

They say that the drivers
broke the rules.

We're liable to
call you to testify.

Aw, leave me out.

That makes
about as much sense

As telling you
to drop the investigation.

If you did drop it
and nothing
could be proved,

Then neither one of us
would have to go to court.

Oh, well,
come on, come on.

I'll see you later.

O.k. Bye.


Hey, baby.

Hi, honey.
Hi, bubba.

I called peachy's.

You car will be
ready in the morning.

Really, there's no rush.

Yes, there is. We're taking
your car to new orleans.

Honey, I just can't
get away right now.

Why not?

Because of the problem
at school.

There's always going
to be a problem at school.

You know what this is?huh?

Althea has this student
with a crazy mother

Who goes with this bum
bob foster.

Well, I better get going.


Shelly needs
my help right now.

We'll be glad to
help you out, mrs. Tibbs,

Whatever it is
you're trying to do.

Why don't we go talk
to the girl and just see.

What? What could you
possibly ask shelly?

Could ask her about
her mother's crazy
boyfriend, for one thing.

That seems to be where
the bad smell comes from.

No, not yet.

Why not? Whoa.
None of my business.

No, bubba.

Because shelly's about to take
a very important test.

She's scared,
she's nervous.

Just...leave her alone.

No, I won't
leave her alone.

Excuse me?

I have a job
to do, thea.

I have a job to do, too.

And I'm gonna
stand by her side

I won't allow her
to say anything

To any of the cops,
and especially you!

Wait a minute.
What are you talking about?

Yeah, yeah,
go ahead and do that.

Make sure you check
all around back here,

That trailer
and the garage, too.

Here comes somebody.

I never have cared
for this set-up.

Something about it
always made me feel
like staging a raid.

Yeah, I'm looking forward
to talking to this old boy.

We don't
send out trucks.

I know.

We don't even
own trucks. I know.

We take calls and orders
and supply information.

You bailed a trucker
out of my jail once.

Well, i--

Yes, one time.

If a trucker
wants something,

They just
give you a call.

Sometimes, yes.

Not often.

You in turn
call somebody else

Who will get that
trucker whatever
he wants or needs.

I don't really
know what you mean.

[Door opens]

You drive a blue ford
with tennessee plates?

No, I'm from here.

My car's a buick.

You got friends
from tennessee here?



No. Nobody
I can think of.

A tennessee car's
in your garage

That you're blocking
with your buick.

Officer's right.

That's the way it is.

If those tennessee folk
aren't your friends,
they got some nerve.

We got two guys sleeping
in the trailer out back.

Sweet, do they got
that tennessee look
about them?

Yeah, one of them does.

Other one does, too...

I think.

Yeah, they could be
tennessee folks. Sure could.

Y'all better
wake them up.

I don't know.

Four semis
on the way to alabama.

Yes, sir,

But the shortest way to 'bama
sure ain't through here.

There's just not much
out on this old road

A few dilapidated
factory sites,

An abandoned motel,

A bar,

And a couple of
junk yards,

Including foster's.

We going to hit foster's?


We're going
to do our part.

I just hope when we bring in
these nefarious people

That your office is
prepared to make
the appropriate charge.



Oh, always nice to talk
to you, too, darnelle.


I was just discussing
the feasibility

Of charging our
amphetamine dealer
with homicide.

Why not?

If the driver
hadn't taken
those pills,

He'd be alive
right now.

I think it's
time we go
after foster.


Would you please
get me a search warrant?

I'll go right now.

Otherwise we'd
have to wait until
after the weekend.

Speaking of which,
aren't y'all off
to new orleans?

No, uh...

We decided there was
a little too much

Going on right now.

There ain't nothing
going on here

That we can't
handle without you.

Right, parker?

No, sir. I certainly think
we need the detective to stay.

Well, then--

You weren't supposed
to say that.

Please go make
some coffee, will you?

Hold on to your opinions
until you're asked.

Yes, sir.


It wasn't my idea
to cancel the trip.

Althea didn't
want to go.

Well, I never met a woman

Who didn't want
to go to new orleans.

And she was quite
firm on the subject.

A little too firm,

If you know
what I mean.



Maybe things will
be different next year.

I hope they
will be, shelly.

Thanks for all
your help.

I could talk
to judge walton.

He's helped a lot
of teenagers.

What could he do?

He could declare
you be placed
in a foster home.

I could never
do that to my mom.

It would k*ll her
if I walked out.

She may need this
to force her
to clean up her act.

Think about it, shelly.

Is that foster's truck?


Shelly, do you remember
when you asked me

To keep all this
a secret?

The police knew
about him back then.

Each day they were getting
closer and closer,

And soon they'll
arrest him.

I just wish they could do it
without hurting my mom.

I hate going in there.

Why don't you
come to my house
for dinner?

Afterwards I'll
drive you back here.

No, I have to change

And work with my mom
at the diner.

She's waiting
to take me.

But thanks.

Call me tomorrow, o.k.?

Yeah, I'll call.

Thanks for everything.

Heh heh.

You're not funny.

Where's my mother?

Little girl wants
her mama, huh?

Forget your mama.

Why don't
the little girl
have a drink?

We'll sit down
and have a nice talk.

You can tell me--

Don't be stupid. Hey!

Don't you
call me stupid.

I know a thing
or two.

A thing or two
is all you know.
Let go!

Heh heh.

Where's my mom?

Passed out
in the bedroom.

Why you cozy with
that cop's wife,

That black beauty? She's my teacher.

What's going on?

Mama, you look sick.

What have you
been saying?

Leave her alone, bobby.
I need something.

Why you calling her

Shut up
and leave me alone.

She was
talking about me.

I was talking
about myself--

To my friend.

Why she want to be
your friend?

She's helping me.

To do what?

To get outta here.

She's helping me
to get away from you.

Mama, we both got
to get away before
they arrest him.

You going to
get arrested, darling?

They going
to arrest me?

No, they ain't.
What for?

For your dr*gs.

They know about you.
They're closing in on you.

What's she talkin' about? [Foster chuckles]

Driver's licenses,

Uh, chief,

They got driver's

Local addresses,

But no registration
in their cars.

Give them citations
and let them go
back to work.

Yes, sir.

Are all the cars clean?

Far as I can see.

Somebody's been smoking
mucho marijuana
in that one.

You find any?

No, but I can tell by
that unforgettable fragrance.

Dee, find virgil, please.

Tell him to meet me
at the station.

Yes, sir, chief.

Well, when judge walton
checks in,

Please let him know I called.

Althea tibbs.

Thank you.

May I ask why you're trying
to reach judge walton?

I need some advice.

From a domestic court judge?

It's got to be about me.

Well, maybe the twins.

It's not funny, virgil.


But, look,

When are things going to get
back to normal around here?

[Telephone rings]


Yes, he's here.

Hold on.


Tell him I'll meet him
down at the station.

Yeah. All right.


This girl's problem,
whatever it is,

Is like a wedge
that somebody's
driving between us

And forcing us apart.

or do you mean me?

I think I mean you.

She told me things
in confidence.
She trusts me.

Don't you trust me?

[Telephone rings]



I'm sorry. Yes?

This time it's for you.
Sounds like that
shelly hughes girl.

Shelly? What's--
virgil, wait.


No, I'll be right there.
Just wait there.

What's going on?

Bobby foster's left town.

He's taken shelly's
mother with him,

And shelly's afraid
she might be hurt.

Gentlemen, here's the case.

You all are doing pick-up
and delivery

For a memphis distributor.

Mr. Foster is--or was--
your dealer here in sparta.

I'd like to show you
your notebook, your ledger,

Your diary,
and your phone book.

Did we get any
fingerprints off
these items?

Yes, and we're running
a check on them now.

Uh-huh. Hm...

Now, samson,
I know chinese food

Ain't a particular
favorite of dogs,

But if you don't try it,

How are you going to
expand your appreciation?

He likes it.

[Telephone rings]

Come on, samson.

Captain skinner here.

Bubba. Good. Virgil.

Looks like bobby foster's
making a run for it.

Myrna hughes is with him.

Anybody know where
they're heading?

Myrna's daughter
thinks his garage

To pick up his stash.

He knows
we're onto him.

Okay, I'll put it out
from here.

Samson, I'd join
you for kung pao,
but not now.

Hey, parker, kung pao,
but not now.

I like that.

Kung pao, but not now.

Apb for bobby foster

In a silver and blue
'85 chevy pickup.

We're on our way,
but send two more units.

You got it.
They're on the way.


What are you
doing with that?

sh**t anybody
gets in our way.

Don't take that g*n.

Lots of people would
still be alive if only--

Shut up.
You're making me nervous.

[Car approaching]

What's going on?

Shut up and get
in the truck.

[Engine starts]

Foster! Get on out
of that truck
with your hands up.

No. Don't bother firing.

We'll catch him at the block
up on the road.


Attention all cars.

Foster took off in
an '85 chevy pickup.

He's got a woman
with him.

He turned left
at 112.

He'll dead-end
at dean road.

We're following.

We copy.

Virgil: jamison,
I'll meet you at dean road.

All cars, try to get
the man to give up.

We don't want
that woman hurt.

I'm approaching
dean intersection.

Wherever he's going,

He doesn't seem
to be heading for
the interstate.

Is he doubling back?

Bobby, please.
Bobby, please.


Bubba: he sure seems
to be doing a circle.

Here he comes now.

Bobby, don't leave me!

Hold it!



I'm sorry, ma'am,
but you're gonna have
to come with us.

Now, about new orleans.

About new orleans.

Whatever happened to
that old response,

"Sure, honey,
whatever you want"?

Who's talking to whom?

I was thinking
of the wife talking
to the husband.

Oh, well,
that's all gone now.

Mm-hmm. Gone completely.

You might still
find it in fiction.

It was
a religious rule--

"Sure, honey,
whatever you want."

I think it was more
in the nature of advice.

St. Paul did say,
"wives be subject
to your husband,"

But he was talking to women
who were not being called out

To do the work of the world.

If he were alive today,
he'd probably say,

"Wives go forth.

"The world needs
your tender attentions,

Because there's weeping
and bleeding out there."

I think somebody
told them that already.

about new orleans--

It will wait for you.

Honey, where is she?

Where could she be?

I should have
talked to you about this,

I just...should have
spoken to you.

Who's to say it would've
turned out better?

I know.

I'm just tired,
and I'm scared.

Honey, we're supposed to be
each other's best friends,

And we're
just in different places.

We're so far apart.

We forgot.

The things we do best
are the things we do together.

Like sarah and william.

There you go.

Our two best

We have to remember
to talk to each other.

And sometimes we will.

And sometimes we won't.

Honey, if we don't
talk to each other,

We're just going
to make the same

I knew a man.

This fella,
he once told me

That...if you keep making
a mistake over and over,

It starts to feel
like the right thing.

That sounds very odd.
Who said that?

That bigamist I arrested
when we first got down here.



Look who's here.