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05x15 - Odessa

Posted: 05/17/23 18:37
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

how you doing?


You going
to the church?

No. I just stopped by
to drop off these toys
to those two.

I've been duly warned
about spoiling them,
but I can't help it.

Don't you worry
about it.

I believe
they need spoiling.

I heard that.

Good morning,

You two are conspiring
to make my children

The most spoiled
in sparta. Thanks.

The pleasure
is all mine.

When are you and virgil
going to meet us
at the celebration?

I'm going
to have to beg off

Because I've got
business in kenard.

You mean you're not
going at all?

I just don't see how
I can get back in time.

I'm going
to have to ask virgil
to stand in for me.

Well, I better get going.

Morning, harriet.

Hi. You following us
in your car?

No. I've got
some police business...

I won't be making it
to the church.

Well, the parade
and the presentation
is the main thing.

You going to be
on time for that?

Is there anything
I can do to make you
cancel this parade?

I told you before.

No. I can't.

You can't?
What would you do
if it rained?

It wouldn't be
the first time.

Listen to reason.

By saying that,
you want me to do
the wrong thing.

That's silly. It's true.

I couldn't
cancel it now
even if I wanted to.

People are
ready to go.

I don't know if you
read the sparta herald,

But I wish they
hadn't played up

That odessa robbins

I can't see
anything, parker.

Was this
on local tv news?

Oh, yes, sir.

Tape it?

I got it right here
for you to watch.

We're at
the courthouse now.

By the sparta
city council and citizens

With a parade
and presentation.

Mrs. Robbins was
the first black to vote

On this day in 1964.

Wrong as usual...

And incomplete
as usual.

She didn't
vote that day.

She didn't even
register that day.

She tried
to register.

that's the point
of the whole thing.

Earl colmer, sr.
Threw the woman

Out the back door
just for trying.

Well, trouble could
very easily happen,

So what do we do?

Keep an eye
on the event.

Go ahead.

This parade has got
a lot of people on edge.

Althea has even heard

Some kids talking
about throwing trash.

there's always talk.

Martin luther king

Now that went off
without any incident.

When earl colmer
came to see you,

He looked mean.

He sounded like
he meant serious business.

Well... Uh, chief...

Somebody just
smashed the window

Of morton's trophy shop.

stealing trophies?

beginning to give
each other prizes?

Chief, that's not funny.

Mr. Morton
is a very nice man.


Excuse me, parker.

I am inclined
to be callous.

Parker, I'll look into it
for you.

Thank you, sir.

Cotton fields.

I know the awful meaning
of it all,

But it
sure looks beautiful.

Lord, have mercy...

I haven't seen odessa
in over a year.

You harriet?

Oh, sure.
Every week or so.

Do you remember
when odessa robbins

to the courthouse?

I didn't know
anything about it
till it was done.

Didn't anybody know.

She made up her mind

That she would be
the first black
to register,

And that was it.

was more dangerous.

You could get k*lled
trying to vote.

Harriet was there.

You never
told me that.

I never felt like
talking about it.

mrs. Delong,
mrs. Tibbs.

She's getting ready.
Come on in.

Look, she got
new curtains.

Won't you
sit down, ladies?

Odessa will only be
a moment.

won't you
sit down, ladies?

I'll only
be a moment.

You ladies look
real nice.

Thank you,

Will you be coming?

Uh, no.
I got to do things
for my mama.

You and your mama
should come to the
church, celestine.

Yes, ma'am.

You right, etta kibbee.

My daughter and her know
all about everything,

Except their own history.

Excuse me, ladies.

Oh, harriet.

My dear.

Oh, etta.


You're looking
beautiful, miss odessa.

Oh, thank you,
but y'all the ones.

Well, sam,

This is it.

How do I look?

Samuel, I'm right here

On the front page
of the sparta herald.

And the girls are here
to pick me up,

Take me
over to the church,

And then
on to city hall.

Now, I won't be late.

How late will I be?


We'll be at the church
until about 2 p.m.,

Then we'll parade
over to city hall.

You'll ride in mr. Gates
brand new convertible.

We should have you
home by 5 p.m.

I'll be back
at 5:00, sam.

We got a couple
of phone calls.

You know
who they were?

Couldn't tell.

I guess every nut
has a phone.

I don't take it
too seriously.

You shouldn't have to.

Taking it serious
is our job.

Y'all just have
your celebration.

Thank you,
and god bless you.

And thank you.

Naturally, your
friends got to have
their celebration

In front
of the courthouse
and city hall.

That's where
that day began.

I sure hope I was right
when I told people

They didn't
have to worry
about any trouble

At this
odessa robbins thing.

Why you telling me this?

I just want
to emphasize

What you were told
when you came
to the police station--

That we want
this celebration

To go on here
without incident.

I trust you
understand that.

I don't believe
I know you.

This is brent lunay,
a friend of mine.

Bill gillespie.

Hello, brent.

I'll see you later,

I wish you
hadn't of been here
right at that moment.

Why not?

That man happens to be
chief of police of sparta.

Don't make
no never mind to me.

I'll be leaving
in the evening.

Tell your daddy
about this yet?


It's a piece of cake.

Slip this
under your jacket
while riding your bike.

My jacket?
What if it explodes
if I hit a bump?

It's just a smoke b*mb,
sonny boy.

It ain't going to go off

Unless it hits wood
or stone or something.

That's why we're
not going to let you
carry it under your hat.

Real funny, brent.
Realy funny.

Well, it's real simple, now.

You get down there
a few yards from your target.

All you're gonna do
is rev back there
and you're gonna throw it

Just like the prettiest
little touchdown pass...

Then you're gonna
run like hell.


What's this for?

What's it for...


That's what it's for,
sonny boy!

What's it for! Go on!

Go on!

Ha ha ha!

Mr. Morton,
was anything taken?

No. I don't think
they even went in.

Earl colmer
come by here

Wanting me
to side with him

the odessa robbins

Think he did this?

I can't imagine
earl, sr. Doing it.

Was he alone?

Had some guy with him.

I didn't recognize him.

He butted
into the conversation

Telling me
that he wanted me

To make a plaque
for my own grave--

Said he'd pay for it,

And it should read,

"Here lies ira morton,
n*gg*r lover."


I'm real sorry
about all of this.

Well, here's
the odessa plaque.

I've got to get
it over to the church.

That's really beautiful,

Again, I'm real sorry.

Want a word
with you, shed.

For you, anytime.
Hope this ain't
no formal call.

Oh, semi-formal.

Uh, shed,
you usually
let me know

When y'all
are planning something.

But you haven't
said a word to me

About this
odessa robbins thing.

I ain't said nothing
because we ain't
planning nothing.

What makes you
think we are?

I don't like what I see
on earl colmer's face.

He ain't
been with us

Since our annual
4th of july event.

He went nuts,

Blaming us
for not helping him
in his time of need.

Can I depend
on what you say?

Sure, you can, bill.

I got
too much work to do

To be worrying
about that
old woman.

Let her
have her party.

That's what I say.

Monroe here
missed practice
three times.

Y'all need
to get on him.

jamison, come in.

Yeah, jamison.
Come on.

Excuse me.

Things o.k.?

Yeah. Everything's
normal so far.

Somebody defaced
morton's store
with hate slogans.

Is he o.k.?

Yeah. It had
something to do
with odessa robbins.

I'll be there
when I finish.

All right.
I'll see you
when you get here.


Do they need
all these police
in uniform?

Looks like
we're doing
something wrong.

You worry too much.

If I wasn't worried,
this would worry me.

Been some crank calls.
Nothing serious.

Just what I need--

in a bottoms church

With people
who don't know me.

How can they know you?

You hide in your office.

A city manager's
supposed to hide
in his office.

You need to get out
and about and get
to know this town.

Do you think we all
look alike to them?

Don't know.
Never asked.

Does that
make you nervous?

Oh, here she is.
Here she is.

Oh, see you later.

Thank you.

Bless you, my child.

Praise god.
God bless you
this morning.

God bless each
and every one of you
this morning,

And welcome.

I'm not going to take
the time this morning

Telling the public life
of odessa robbins,

Even though there's
a lot to speak about.

[Choir humming]

But clarice kincaid...

My mama...

Oh, I can remember

How she used to lead me
by the hand,

Take me down
fresh water road

Every saturday to visit
with odessa robbins.

They'd sit
on the top of the porch,

And I'd sit on the step.

She'd go in there

And get
a big old plate

Of fresh baked
golden brown cookies

With the big old raisins
and the nuts in them.

Oh, lord, I haven't had
no cookies that good since.

And when it was time
for us to go,

She grabbed
little old me

And hugged me so tight,

And she say,

"Now you just keep your
head up, you hear me, boy?"

That's the odessa robbins
that I knew.

Praise god,
all I want to do now

Is just hug you
and kiss you

With all that the lord
has given me.

Y'all join in.

Come here, darling.

Oh, bless her.
Bless her.

Bless her.

♪ Let it shine
let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine

♪ Let it shine

God bless her.


♪ This little
light of mine ♪

♪ I'm going
to let it shine ♪

♪ This little
light of mine ♪

♪ I'm going
to let it shine ♪

♪ This little
light of mine... ♪

how's it looking?

Well, everything's fine.

I still got a feeling
in my gut about this.

I don't think anything
is going to happen.

I don't see any
knotheads around here.

♪ Jesus

♪ Savior

♪ Pilot me

♪ Over life's
tempestuous sea ♪

♪ Unknown waves

♪ Before me roll

♪ Hiding rocks

♪ And
treacherous shoals ♪

♪ Chart and compass
came from thee ♪

♪ Jesus savior

♪ Pilot me

♪ As

♪ A mother

♪ Stills her child

♪ Thou canst touch

♪ The ocean wild

♪ Boisterous waves

♪ Obey thy will

♪ When thou sayest

♪ Till then be still

♪ Wondrous sovereign

♪ Of the sea

♪ Jesus

♪ Savior

♪ Pilot me

You know,
maybe we're

But it's better
safe than sorry.

I'll make
a few passes
around the block.

Let's go in.

You may not know me,
but I'll introduce
the district attorney--

you all know better...

Uh, i...

I didn't mean that...

Please welcome
district attorney

Gerard darnelle,

Who's going to say
a few words

Before we adjourn
to the buffet lunch.

Y'all must be
getting hungry.



Come on up here, gerard.

you never told them
who you were.

I didn't?

Oh, good lord.

I'm bill ankst,
your city manager.

Thank you, bill.

I want to thank you all

For coming out
to celebrate this great day.

Miss odessa robbins

Has seen many changes
come to sparta.

Her life
spans the generation

As a symbol of courage
and dignity for everyone.

Miss odessa robbins


Don't panic!

Everybody get out!

Don't panic!


it looks like...

been hurt so far.

They're just--

They're just
roughed up
and scared.

Don't be too sure.

Gillespie here.

Oh, lord.

Oh, good lord.
Well, uh...

I'll turn round
and come back to town.

I'll call them in kenard.
Tell them I can't make it.

Oh, i...

Uh, listen...

Did anybody get hurt
besides odessa robbins?

A lot of people scared.

Some of them close to odessa
breathed in some smoke,

But they're fine.

Odessa's the only one
we have to worry about.

What about
the three women with her

brought her there?

Althea and etta are fine.

Harriet's fine, too,

I presume
nobody saw anybody

Who might have been
likely to do this?

Uh...don't know yet.

I haven't had time
to question anybody.

All right, then.


Wait a minute.
There's one other thing.

I want you
to write down the name
"brent lunay."

Looks like
it's spelled l-u-n-a-y.

Well, it could be
in the french n-e-t
at the end.

Then again,
it could be french n-e
with an acute accent.

I don't know
what else it could be.

the first name's brent.


I'll see you.

How'd you do,
sonny boy?

Loudest thing
I ever heard.

I got out of there.

Did you remember
to keep your mask on?

Sure, I was cool.

Still not going
to tell your daddy?





I got to get going.

Got to be in mobile
by morning.

Did you say goodbye
to daddy?

Yep. He's at the store
doing inventory.

I got to get
down there myself.

You sure did
bust things up,
earl, jr.

Ain't going
to be no ceremony
at city hall today.

Nobody got hurt,
just like you wanted.

Of course,
been my b*mb...

I'd have had me
some nails in it.

I heard screaming when
I was running to my bike.

That was good enough.


You keep that,
sonny boy.

You earned it.

Any change?

No. Which isn't good.

What happened
to her?

She had a big heart attack,
mr. Darnelle.

This is felony as*ault.

That and more,
I'd say.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, chief.

No change
in ms. Robbins.

Thank you.

Chief, uh...

Didn't you know her

I never met her.

I know all about
what she did.

I was there.

I didn't know that,

Oh, yes.

I was standing
in front of the courthouse
talking to somebody.

All of a sudden
this woman came along,

Went right up
the front steps

And right through
the front door.

That took a lot of nerve
in those days.

We're talking about 1964.

Black people didn't
go in the front door.

If they did,
the least they'd expect

Was a broadside
of insults, threats,

And plenty of people
to back them up.

Later I found out
ms. Robbins wanted
to register to vote.

The registrar
was none other than
earl colmer, sr.

Colmer was
the son and heir

Of the colmer
mercantile family.

They made their money
in cotton

And in the largest
retail store in sparta.

Odessa robbins
marched right into
earl colmer, sr.

He dragged her out
to the back door,

Pushed her out--

It looked like
they were going
to throw her downstairs.

Just then, a young student
by the name of harriet delong

Rushed up the stairs,

And she protected
odessa robbins
from those people.

Old colmer--still mad
after all these years.

Just 'cause
she went in the front door.

No, because that day
was the beginning
of the end for him.


All the black people
in sparta

Stopped going in
to colmer's mercantile.

Pretty soon, all
the white people stopped
going in there, too,

And it reduced
earl colmer, sr.

From a very big man
around here

To, uh,
what you see today.

It drove him cuckoo.


This just came in
off the computer.

What have we got here?
Old brent lunay.

Well, he's wanted for as*ault
in montgomery, alabama.

Did you know him?

Well, yeah.

I met him
with earl colmer,

Over there
in front of the store.


as*ault in many places
and many kinds of as*ault,

And a member
of a couple of hate groups.

I think I hate him.

[Bell rings]


You didn't tell me
lunay was a celebrity.

You didn't ask
me about him.

He's most recently
wanted for as*ault
with a deadly w*apon

Over in montgomery.

Nice friend you got,
mr. Colmer.

Well, he's
not a close friend--
just an acquaintance.

Is he still staying
with you?

I think he's gone.

I haven't seen him
since this morning
on the square.

He was with you
when you visited
mr. Morton.

He called mr. Morton
a n*gg*r lover

And threatened
his life.

I didn't hear that.

Have you any idea
where he went?


You're lying.

You want
to search the place?

I haven't got
a search warrant
for the store...

Only for your house.

[Door creaks]


Lookee here.

He's got
the right stuff.

Yes, sir, he sure has,
don't he?

He's taking chances
doing this so close
to the house.

Yeah, either
a professional or a fool.

Well, lunay's
definitely professional.

And colmer
definitely a fool.

Somebody better calm
harriet delong down.

Not me.
The woman's furious.

Look, she moved that thing
through the city council

With spit and grit.
Nobody wanted to do it.

Nobody wanted
to open old wounds.

Now the town's ready
to take a su1c1de jump

Back into the sixties.

Oh, I doubt that.

I supported harriet
because I could finally see

The value
of honoring odessa.

Odessa robbins is like...

Sparta's own mother teresa.

More like
rosa parks, ankst.

Yes, rosa parks
is who I meant.

[Bell rings]




Anything new
on that fella lunay?

We got information
coming in
all the time,

Except his location.

Thank you, darling.

I bet he built
that flashbang.

What's a flashbang?

A very noisy smoke b*mb.

Is it lunay
probably or definitely?

Well, we're going
to find that out
pretty soon.

you ready to order?


[Machine buzzing]

This just came in.

Thank you.


Bring in your
witness, sweet.

Sure thing,

Chief wants
to see you now, alvin.

Want to come with me?

Go ahead, alvin.
I'll be right here.


This is alvin talmon.

Alvin, this is
chief gillespie
and lieutenant jamison.


Hi. Come on
around here, alvin.


Sorry I had
to drag you down
so late at night.

I was watching tv.

Well, I'm sorry
about that, too.

We'll get you back
as soon as possible.

They tell me
you might have seen

The man who threw
that b*mb.

I'm willing to bet

That that man
is this fellow here.

No, sir.

The man
was younger than that.

than that?

He came
on a white motorcycle.

I saw a white
motorcycle go by.


Right in front
of the church.

Thanks, alvin,
you've helped us a lot.

You go on
with sergeant sweet.

Come on. Let's go.

Could you tell
who was riding
that motorcycle?

I think it was
earl colmer, jr.

Dr. Williams,

Dr. Williams,

Excuse me, nurse.

Did you move ms. Robbins
to a room?

No, downstairs.

What's downstairs?

A holding room.

She died about
half an hour ago.

The family
just left.

I'm sorry.
We did all we could.

Thank you.


on the phone,

And earl colmer, jr.
Definitely rides a motorcycle.

A white '91 honda.
I already put the word out.

Oh, good.

All right.
Excuse me.


Yes, luann.

Oh, really.

I'm very sorry
about that.

Thank you.


Ms. Odessa robbins

[Bell rings]

Is earl, jr.
In the store?


Well, where is he?
I want to see him.

Well, maybe he's home.

I just got word
he's not home.

you take me to him.

That's the very best
thing you can do
for your son

At this moment.


I don't want my men
to have to chase him.

I don't want
any violent showdown.

He will not
come out of that well.

You saying he busted up
that meeting at the church?

Busted up the meeting
is putting it mildly.

Come on now,
he didn't hurt nobody.

Let's just
keep him safe.

Now, take me to him.

What will
you charge him with?

Something appropriate.

I'll ask the d.a.
For his advice on that.

Come on.

Isn't this beautiful,
ladies and gentlemen?

"That ever
ms. Robbins..."

Right there.

Aren't you going
to say something?


Let darnelle
do the talking.

[Cameras clicking]

Aren't you supposed
to say something

About receiving
it for odessa?

Everybody knows.

Darnelle's waiting.

We're almost ready here.

Are you ready?

Yes, sir.

This plaque is presented
to the city of sparta

In honor
of miss odessa robbins.

Miss robbins died today,

And we are finishing
a ceremony

That should have,
of course, included her,

it's about her.

It's about
equality of rights
in our land.

It's about true freedom.

[Cameras clicking]

This is
where she belongs...

And this is
where she'll stay.

I want you
to go in there
and talk to him.

I will.

He'll mind me.

I got a g*n.
I ain't scared.

Don't be silly, son.

Don't run.
Give up peacefully.

We can't help you
unless you do.

You ain't taking me in.

Now just back off.

[Earl, sr.]
Don't do this.

You're not
in much trouble now,

But if you fight--

You don't understand,

That old woman died.

It came over the radio.

I got to go, daddy,
and disappear

Or else I've had it.




Oh, god, son.





Um. Hi, chief.

No, he's not here yet.

I thought
it might be him calling.

What's going on?

[Door opens]

[Door slams]


Wait, hold--

Yeah. Hold on.

Chief, hold on,
he's here.

Hi. Hi.



No, I just came
from there.

Dr. Robb isn't on.
Dr. Perry's handling
the autopsy.


O.k. I'm here
if you need me.

The colmer kid.

I know. He told me.

I saw his father
at the hospital.

It must be rough.


The interesting
thing is,

Earl, sr.,
The father...

He blames
it all on us.

On us?

Yeah. On odessa robbins
and her admirers,

the police department,
the city council--

In short--everybody but
himself and his friend
brent lunay.

Where is this lunay?

Nobody knows.

I wonder
how many of those creeps
are still around here.

I wonder how many
are still
in philadelphia...

In trenton...


Name it, you know.

Um, could I have

Tuna fish on
whole-wheat toast?


[Baby cries]

Oh, honey,
give me five minutes.


Oh, harriet, hi.


I feel
terrible about
this whole thing.

We're trying
to get a line
on that guy lunay.

I've got a meeting
in five minutes.

Harriet, I hope
you're not going to--

Going to what?

I was going to say,
I hope you're not going
to be unreasonable,

But I know that word
makes you mad.

Well, I hoped
you'd be there for me.

Well, you don't mean
at the church, do you?

Well, yes,
but more importantly

For the presentation
right here.

But odessa robbins
was already gone.

But I was here...

And I needed you here.

You don't know
what I mean, do you?

You don't even
know what I feel.

I don't even think
you know what you feel.