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05x13 - Fool for Love

Posted: 05/17/23 18:32
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall-to-wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Did you hear that?

No, althea.
I didn't hear a thing.

That's what's
so scary about it.

One minute
they're wheezing
with every breath,

And the next,
completely silent.

it's just a cold.

Children get colds
every day.

Not this kind.
The wheezing is new.

No such thing
as new wheezing.

People been wheezing
for hundreds of years.

It's new to me.

I think I have the right
to be the overprotective
mother just once.

I don't know what
that's supposed to mean,

But go ahead.


Oh, althea tibbs.

I didn't even see you.

Is everything o.k.?

Oh, I'm just fine,
thank you.

I'd like you to meet
virgil's aunt etta.

This is sally nash,

One of tina's
partners at
the beauty parlor.

Oh, aunt etta.

I have heard
so much about you.

Sally nash...

Seems like I heard
something about you, too.

Oh, and these
must be the twins.

Hello, little baby.

Oh! Ha ha.

This must be
little sarah.

They're just as darling
as you said they were.


Hi, baby.

Hello there, honey.


Hi, baby.
It's me. Hi.



Yes, honey. Sally.


We're late
for an appointment.

Oh. So am i.

I wonder what kind
of appointment she got.

Can I help you?

You certainly can,

What is it, sally?

Sugar, we've
got ourselves
a definite problem.

Sally, I'm
a very busy man.

I've got a waiting room
filled with patients.

What is it this time?

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to
be such a burden.

what is the problem?

The problem
is your wife.

Do we have to discuss this
every time we meet?

No, we don't.

I just thought
you'd want to know

That ardice
invited me
to lunch tomorrow.

Why would she do that?

What did you tell her?

I told her
I'd be delighted.


Sally, are you
crazy or something?

That's what you think?

Well, maybe
I am crazy.

Dr. Talbott?

I'll be right there.

you're right, sally.

Maybe you should
go tomorrow.


We've both
waited long enough.

Yes. It's
been long enough.

Sorry I'm late,

Um, it was a busy day.

Well... My day
wasn't much better.

I'm afraid I've
got some rather
distressing news.

Oh, really?

Shall I ask daphne
to serve the salad,

Miss hollings?

It's mrs. Talbott.

She's no longer
miss hollings,

And this is no longer
the hollings estate.

It is my home. It has been
for 12 years now.

You've had sufficient time
to adjust to the change.

Yes, sir.

No, lorna. I think we'll
hold off on the salad.
Thank you.


I'm sorry, darling.

You were saying?

I'm having company
for lunch tomorrow.

Well, good.

Oh, I'm glad.

I think it's
important for you
to socialize, ardice.

I don't know
how glad either
of us will be.

Depending on
what I find out,

There may be
quite a few changes
around here.

I see.

Hm... I see.


Chief, I made you
a nice cup of hot tea.

Second best thing
in the world for a cold.

I know I'm gonna
regret this,

But what
is the first?

The first...
That'd be next tuesday.

No, parker.

I meant the remedy.

Oh. Chief, you
remember my aunt marge?

No, but it doesn't
matter, does it?

She makes her own
home remedies.

What, moonshine?

No, sir. She
takes a grapefruit,
peel and all,

And boils it
in two cups of water.

And you
eat the grapefruit?

You drink the water.
Fixes you right up.


I can't tell you
how much this
means to me.

Why, thank you,


Lord, help me out.

Good morning,
ms. Tibbs.

Hi, parker.

I'll bet you're here
for the detective's

I know law school
was my idea,

But I never get
to see my husband.

Well, chief's
got the check.

-Go ahead right in.

[Nose being blown]



When a person sneezes,
you say "god bless you."


Not to the man
who gave my children

The worst colds
of their lives.

the way you say it...

You were at my house, playing
with your godchildren

Just two days ago.

Well, they were
playing with me.

One of them
sneezed right on me.

William did a little
more than that.

The check.


There you are.


Oh, thank you.

Have a seat, miss nash.

Miss hollings'll be
right with you.

Thank you.

Thank you, nathan.

Good afternoon,



I suppose you
do your own hair.

I didn't come here
to talk about my hair.

Of course not.

Thank you.

I didn't come here
to eat, either,
mrs. Talbott.

In fact, I find this
most peculiar.


Well, if I
suspected my husband

Of sleeping
with another woman,

I certainly
wouldn't want
to eat with her.

That'd be
the last thing
I'd want to do.

Now, I'm curious.

What exactly
would you do?

You see,
I love my husband.

But I'm at a loss.

I don't know
what to do.

I thought
of offering you money.

You can
save your money.

Vance and I
are in love.

Don't delude yourself,
miss nash.

Vance talbott could
never love a woman
such as yourself.

And do you think
he loves you?

Now look who's
kidding herself.

He never loved you.

He only married you
for your money.

That's not true.

Vance and i...

Somebody help!


Quick, nathan.
Call the doctor.

Oh, dear lord.

Oh... Hold me, vance.

What is it, sally?

Oh, I feel so awful

For feeling
so good about
something so awful.


Ardice is dead.

My god.
What have you done?

Oh... No.

Y-you think...

Well, i... I didn't.

No. I couldn't.

I mean,
she just died,

Right there
in front of me.

Ardice is dead?

Vance, I thought
that was what
you wanted.

Don't you understand?

She was my wife
for 12 years.

But vance...

This is what you and I

Have been waiting for
all this time.

Now I can be your wife.

You are such
a child, sally.

I've got some things
to take care of.

Good afternoon.

Afternoon, chief.

Well, here I am.

No appointment.

Well, we'll try
and squeeze you in.

Have a seat.

Excuse me. I'm here
because the doctor asked
to see me.

Oh, I see.

[Telephone rings]

Dr. Talbott's

It's for you.

Thank you.

Gillespie here.

You didn't boil
that grapefruit
like I told you to,

Did you, chief?

Why do you
think that?

If you did, you wouldn't be
at the doctor's.

What do you want,

To make sure you got
dr. Talbott's message.

Uh, did you?

Don't you remember
where you just called me?

at the doctor's.

Can't you put
that answer together

the previous question?

Yeah, right, chief.

I tickle myself.

bye-bye for now.

Go on in, chief.


Chief gillespie.

Thank you
for coming by, sir.

Please have a seat.

Don't mention it.
Thank you very much.

What can I
do for you?

It's about my wife.

She, uh...

She died
earlier today.

I heard about that,

And I'm very sorry.

The poor thing,

She was confined for
a number of years

In a wheelchair,
wasn't she?

Yes. Her, uh, heart
wasn't very strong.

Well, normally,
uh, these things

Don't have to be
reported to us.

I know,
but you see...

Ardice seemed
to be getting
so much better.

Is that a fact?

You mean this was
kind of a relapse?

Oh, no.
I don't think
that's very likely.

Well, what are you
suggesting happened?

I don't know.

But something
just doesn't sit right.

Well, I'll tell you
what I can do.

I can, uh,
arrange an autopsy.

Let me
get right on it.

That would be wonderful.

At least that way
I'd know for sure.

Well, so would i.

the family doesn't
suggest this,

I'm glad you did.


The chief
said the hollings

Are one of the oldest
families in sparta.

They probably even got
sl*ve quarters out back.

Don't look at me,

None of my people
ever lived here...

That I know of.

So mrs. Talbott
was out here when
she passed away?

That's right,

But I still
don't understand
why you're here.

You said she'd
just started lunch
when it happened.

About what time
was that?

12:30. She always
ate at 12:30.

She hadn't
eaten much when sis...

I mean, miss hollings
was a little girl

When I first
came here to work.

Last few weeks
she seemed
so much better.

Um, maid says mrs. Talbott
had some company for lunch.

That girl was here.

A friend
of mrs. Talbott's?

I'd hardly call
sally nash a friend.

Sally nash?

Why was
sally nash here?

That girl
was carrying on
with dr. Talbott.

Miss hollings
called her here
to give her what for.

And then this, uh,
sally disappeared

Right after it happened.

Ma'am, you didn't
happen to save

Any of the leftovers
from that lunch,
did you?

Of course not.

Miss hollings didn't
believe in leftovers.

Well, ma'am, we still have
to check out the kitchen.

I'll notify the staff.

Excuse me, ma'am.

was doc talbott

When all this
was happening?

At work, but he was
out of the office

When I phoned.

Thank you, ma'am.

Well, this sally nash
sounds kind of...

"Kooky" is the word
you're looking for, sweet.

Think this
is a homicide?

It's too soon to tell,
but I will tell you this:

I'm real interested
to see the results
of that autopsy.

Uh, hi.

I wanted to thank you,
margaret rose,

For staying late
to work on that.

I suppose it
couldn't have waited
till tomorrow?

No. We're in a big hurry.
Did you find anything?

I found something.

Ardice hollings died
of heart failure,

But it wasn't
by natural causes.

Oh. May I ask
what you mean by that?

I mean that she
had a little help.




Oh, yeah.

You don't know
what that means,
do you?

No, but I know
you gonna tell me,

Aren't you,
margaret rose?

Rat poison.

It wasn't
easy to find.

At first it looked
like a normal
heart attack.

Well, maybe that's
why it was chosen.

The only thing
in her bloodstream

Was her usual

Poison turned up
in the heart tissue.

Rat poison.

That stuff
works pretty quick,
doesn't it?

It's one of
the fastest acting
poisons around.

So that the person
who gave it to her

Was probably there
when she died.

And when was that?

Between 12 and 1 p.m.


Now, margaret rose,
aren't you glad you stayed

And found out
all of this for me?



Now we can sleep easier
knowing another m*rder

Has been committed
in our fair city.

Good night,
margaret rose.

Gentlemen, I'm sorry to keep
y'all waiting.

Quite all right.

Come right this way.

Thank you.

Considering the hour,

I'm sure y'all
don't have good news.


Uh, your wife
was poisoned.



I wish I knew.

Sir, we're going
to have to ask you

A few questions
about the day she died.

Of course.

Miss reynolds couldn't
get a hold of you
when it happened.

Oh, I'd just left the office
when the call came in.

You did?

Yeah. My receptionist
can tell you I was there
all morning.

Uh, what about
sally nash?

Well, she's a patient
of mine.


But she had lunch here
with your wife

The day that
mrs. Talbott died.

I wasn't aware
of that.


So you got no idea
what that lunch
was all about, huh?

Well, no.
I have no idea.

Well, can you tell
us anything at all
about sally nash?

I feel sorry for sally.

She took
my professional concern
for something else.

The girl... She thinks
she's in love with me.

Well, that happens.

And you didn't do
anything to encourage it,
did you?

No, I did not,
captain skinner.

Sally is a very
disturbed woman.

You mean
she's a mental case?

I'm her medical doctor,
chief gillespie,

Not her psychiatrist.


All right.

Uh, would that
be everything?

I expect we'll be
in touch with you.

Was he suggesting...

Sally nash
poisoned my wife?

Uh, I didn't
hear that, doctor.

Hey, take a look
at this.

A picture in a heart.

Kind of touching,
isn't it?

Bottle's kind of old.

She must've got it
a few years back.


Guess sally thought
it might come in
handy some day.

This the best little
hair house?

Captain skinner, sparta
police department.

No, ma'am, I don't need
an appointment.

What I do need
is to talk to sally nash.

Left yesterday
at noon?

That's what I call

A pretty long
lunch break, huh?

Appreciate your help.
Thank you.

Here's the lab result.

Nobody's seen her
since she left
the hollings estate.


Mornin', chief.

I didn't see
any lab result.

I got it
right here, chief.

The powder
we found at sally
nash's place

Is the same poison
that k*lled
ardice hollings.

We get any fingerprints
off that container?

Not a one.

That's interesting.




Etta, I didn't get
much sleep last night.

I have no strength
to argue with you.

Good. I want you
to drink this.

What is it?

Uh-uh. If I told you,
you'd never drink it.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

That's o.k.
It'll still be here
when you get back.


Hi, chief.
Come on in.

Thank you.
Hope you don't mind
my popping in.

No. Would you like
some coffee?

Yes, yes. I don't
mind if I do.

We're in here,
in the kitchen.

That would be nice.

Good mornin',
ms. Kibby.

Mornin', chief.

I dropped by
to see you're
doing all right

With virgil out of town.

We're managing, I guess.

Sound like something's
troubling you.

Sally nash from
the beauty parlor
is missing.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Y'all friends
of sally nash?

I know her.
The beauty parlor
called me

To reschedule
an appointment.

They said
she's missing.

Yes. Um...

Do you know
if sally nash

Was seeing this
dr. Vance talbott?

I know she was
a patient of his.

She was
his girlfriend.

Chief, that's
the type of talk

You hear
at the beauty parlor.

Sally always hooked up
with the wrong men.

Married men.

She let men
take advantage of her.

I suppose you make
your own bed.

You ought to stay
in your own bed.

Well, uh, ms. Tibbs...

Do you think
that sally nash

Was capable
of drastic measures?

I don't know,
but you know, chief,

I remember once
she was cutting my hair

And I noticed
that her bracelet slipped.

I saw on her wrist
a real deep cut,

Like a scar.

Now, that's drastic.

su1c1de, but not m*rder.



Vance, what took
you so long?

Where have you been?


Sally, darling,
you've got to relax.

You're... You're
beside yourself.

Well, uh, I'm just
crawling out of my skin.

The... The police
were at the house.

I think
they suspect something.

Sally, of course
you're a suspect.

You were there
at the time
of ardice's death.

But I didn't
do anything.

Of course not.

Then you...
You got to believe me.

You do, don't you?

Sally, honey,
I'm not the one you
have to convince.

Here. These will
calm your nerves.

What... What are they?

It's a gentle sedative.

Oh, I don't want
any pills.

Now, sally, you're
going to take these.

You remember
what happened
last time.

Now, I'll get you
a glass of water.

Here we go.

Oh, v-vance,
I think the police
know about us.

I guess they do.

You got to believe me.

I didn't k*ll ardice.

Oh, I believe you,

Now, take the sedatives.

All of them.


There you go.

Good girl.

Now, you just relax.

Just lie back
and relax.

gonna be fine now.

Now I'll go have a word
with the police.

I may be able to straighten
this whole thing out.



Thank you.


That's the rat poison.

Yeah. Look at that.

And that's
sally's heartthrob.


As a matter of fact,
he just walked in
the door.


So he did.

Uh... Chief?

I'm shocked.


Dr. Vance talbott
to see you, sir.

Well, sweet,
send him in.

Yes, sir.

Do we have any line
on the whereabouts
of sally nash?

No, sir. We're still
looking for her.

well, doctor.
Come in, please.

Seat yourself
over on the sofa.

Thank you.

you can take this
stuff away, please.

Yes, sir.

Now, doctor, what can
we do for you?

Chief, I have
a confession to make.

Sally nash and I
were having an affair.

What brought you
to this revelation?

I'm worried about sally.

I can't help
but feel responsible
for what she's done.

You think she k*lled
your wife?

That's what she told me.


This morning.

I got a telephone call.

Uh, where did
that telephone call
come from?

Ardice's family...
They have a cabin
out by the lake.

We used to go there

You and sally sometimes

Went to
your wife's cabin
on the lake, huh?

Well, is sally
still there?

I'm not sure. I...

I mean,
I don't really know.


[Knock on door]

Miss nash?

Check for a pulse.
I'll call an ambulance.

It's awful slight,
but it's there.

Yeah, this is
captain skinner.

I need an ambulance
at 1820 county line road
right now.

Is she going to make it?

Doesn't look good.

This looks like
the same stuff we
found at sally's house.

Why'd she do it?

She probably thought
she'd get caught.

But isn't it
awful convenient

That we'd find
the same poison
at sally's house?


And no prints
on the bottle.

Pretty convenient, too,
that she k*lled herself

Before she told
her side of things, too.

I think the doctor
requested that autopsy

Because he knew
that the result

Would point to that
poor girl in there.

You think
he k*lled his wife?

Yeah, I do.

Good lord.
What kind of man
we talking about here?

A sorry specimen, bubba.

A sorry specimen.

Howdy, chief.

Good mornin',
miss reynolds.

I must say that's
a charming hat.

What do you want?

Oh, uh...

Well, uh...

I want your help
if I can get it.

Miss sally nash
k*lled herself last night.

Sure she did.

What do you mean
by that?

I mean, it's
no surprise to me.

Vance talbott
could be the ruin
of any woman.

Oh, including his wife?

Including his wife.

Well, wasn't he in love
with his wife?

He was in love
with her money,

But she was beginning
to catch on.

Uh-huh. Is that
why she invited

Poor sally over here
for lunch?

Exactly. Day before
it happened,

She told me
she was changing
her will.

Did vance talbott
know that?

Sure he did.

She made herself
pretty clear that
night during dinner.

Well, um...

Thank you,
miss reynolds.

What you
got there, parker?

A pill.

With no dust on it.

Couldn't have been
under there that long.


Hey, hey. Where you
going with that?

It's o.k., Bubba.

You want me to ask you

What you're gonna do
with the matches, huh?


What you gonna do
with the matches?

You'll see.


That there
is rat poison.

Detective tibbs taught me
that little trick.

Well, doc morris,

I sure hope we got
us something here.

Hoping won't
make it so.

Well, I'll be.

There's two partial
prints here.


Didn't you say
miss talbott

Was on prescribed

That's right.

I suppose you'd like
to see that report.

It might be
helpful, yeah.

Fbi just faxed
us talbott's prints.

Seems he spent some time
in the service.

Here's the report.

Traces found.

Why do you suppose
only traces, huh?

Because somebody
replaced her medication
with rat poison?

Sweet, let me see
them prints.

Well, it ain't
a hell of a lot.

Sure hope it's enough
for darnelle.

Call the chief.

Sure is a shame,
isn't it?

"What a falling off
was here."


Just sign
right there, please.

Excuse me? Did the doctor ask
to see you again, chief?


Did y'all have
an appointment?


I'm very glad
you came by
to see me.

Well, I'm afraid
another examination
might be necessary.

You'll be hearing
from me.

Ah, chief,
what are you...

Oh. Oh, yes, uh...

I already heard
about poor sally.

Yeah. I'm sure
you did.
First hand.

Doctor, we're going
to have to arrest you
for m*rder.

You k*lled the two women
who loved you.

That's most unusual.


Sally nash
and ardice hollings.

You wait just
one minute, here.

No, you just
wait one minute.

How dare you
come with such
an accusation.

Doctor, you're a caution.

You tried to pin
the m*rder of one woman
on the other.

But your plan
didn't work.

Let's see what
my lawyer says
about that.

Well, hey, hey.
Make the phone call on us.

From jail.

This is
all guesswork,

You don't
have anything.

No, nothing except
a little-bitty pill

That got away from you.

That's the only thing
you didn't wipe
your prints off of.

on a pill?

I could hardly
believe it myself,
but there it was.

Bubba, we all ready
to leave here?

Oh, yeah.

Come on.

Lord, lord.

Oh, excuse me,
ladies and

Let me open this door
for captain skinner here.

O.k., Bubba.

It's all

You'll never be able
to get a conviction,

Well, it isn't my job
to get a conviction.

That's up to a jury.

Go on.

Yes. See, well,
that's the way it is.

Now, uh...

I think maybe y'all
ought to try

And reschedule
your appointments
with another doctor

Because this one's going
to be otherwise occupied,

At least
for a little while.