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05x11 - The Littlest Victim

Posted: 05/17/23 18:30
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles ♪

♪ Wall to wall

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending

♪ To it all

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night

Son, we understand that
they were wearing ski masks,

But can you help us
with anything else? was bigger.

The other
was thinner...

Was he as big as
captain skinner here?

Oh, no. Not quite
that big, but built.

He'’s the one
hit you with the g*n, right?

I don'’t know why.
I gave him
the money.

I think it was
just plain meanness.

Why did y'’all
have $3,200 on hand?

Why so much money?

Old man simmons
likes to make

Only one run a week
to the bank.

You reckon
that camera up there
caught any of this?

I don'’t know
if it'’s working.

I'’d give you the tape,
but it'’s locked.

must have the key.

Yeah, somebody must.

You mind finding out
who that somebody is?

I'’ll call
mr. Simmons.

O.k.did I tell you about
the motorbikes?


I heard a motorbike
start up.

I got up in time
to see them taking off
on two harleys.

Look, we'’d really appreciate
you get that tape for us.

Bryan will clean you up
and take you to the hospital,
if need be.


You know, bubba,

I'’ve always wanted
a harley.

You know,
I can see that.

The wild one.


Uh, dee, it'’s parker.

The robbers at the market...

They got away on a couple
harley davidsons.

I got it, parker.
Two harleys.

Yeah. A black one
and a blue one,

According to
the store clerk.

Hey, lonnie.

Hey, mrs. Tibbs.

Lieutenant jamison...

Jimmy miller.

I'’ve known jimmy
a long time.
How are you?

Hi, lonnie.what happened
to your eye?

Looks like
somebody caught you
off guard.

something like that.

With them
wearing ski masks,

That videotape might not
do us much good.

I want to see it

Clerk say
anything about
license plates?

I double-checked that, too.
He couldn'’t read them.

Couldn'’t tell
whether they were
from mississippi?

He thought they weren'’t,
but he wasn'’t sure.

From that, we can deduce
those boys just arrived,

That they'’re just
passing through,

Or they'’re
going to stay.

In other words,

Here comes somebody
whose presence

Always dresses up
he police station.

Mrs. Tibbs.sweet. Chief,

Boy out there
has troubles.

Got beat up,
probably at his
sister'’s house.

One of your students?jimmy miller.

Sister'’s name
is francine.

Been spending time
at her house.

He'’s worried
about her.who beat him up?

Sister'’s boyfriend.

He got
a mother and father?

Both of them,

But jimmy said
they'’d given up
on his sister.

That'’s why he's
always over there.

That'’s some scene...
Parents giving up on a kid.

What do they say,
"we'’re giving up on you?"

It'’s been said.

Is this it?

Yeah. My sister'’s car
ain'’t here.

I don'’t see his bike.

You talking
about the guy
that hit you?

What'’s his name?

Nick, huh?nick crews.

Uh, lonnie...yeah?

I ought to tell you...

He'’s got a g*n.

Well, thanks, jimmy.
I'’m glad to know that.

Sweet, are you close by?
I'’m on tyler road.

I'’m awful lonesome
here without you.

You in bad company?

I know where
to find some...

3113 Tyler road.

I'’m over on mansfield.
I'’m on my way.

10-4. I'’m proceeding.

Listen, jimmy,
I need you
to stay here

And take care of
my car, all right?

[Baby crying]

[Baby crying]

[Baby crying]

[Motorcycle starts up]

Sweet, our bad company
just left

On a light-blue harley
headed towards cherry.

I'’m a block
off of cherry now.


Got him.

Dee, I just
lost a blue harley
over on cherry.

Got you, sweet.
I'’ll put it out.

Sweet on 4, chief.

Yeah, sweet.

Those guys who robbed
the market...

Weren'’t they
on motorcycles?

Rumor has it.

The guy who
left the house
jamison'’s at

Lost me
on a blue harley.

You get a license?

Couldn'’t get
close enough,

But he had
a skull on the back
of his jacket.

Parker, where are you?

Parker, say good-bye
to whoever you'’re talking to

And get over here
fast as you can.

Uh, yes, sir, chief.
What do you need?


We don'’t have
such facilities
at the hospital...

Not anymore.

Now just a minute.

talking about a baby here
in a dangerous condition.

The baby'’s hungry.
The baby'’s dirty
and missing it'’s mama.

You'’re telling me
you can'’t take it
into your hospital?

Only for examination
and treatment.

We can'’t keep the child.

You have the facilities...

That little old building
behind the new hospital.

It'’s gone.
Came down
last year.

Our funding is gone, too.

What are we
supposed to do?

Rehabilitate the mother.

And in the meantime,
the child perishes.

Call miss lewis at
child protective services.

I'’ll call.

Child protective services
is for teenagers, isn'’t it?

It is,

But if you beg,
you might get help.

Are you any good
at begging?

I reckon
I'’ll find out.

Free medical services
just aren'’t in our budget.

Some of our doctors
would work in a clinic
for nothing,

But there'’s
no such clinic

And no money
for one.

Miss lewis
on the phone.

Oh, fine, fine.

No. Let me talk to her.

I'’m a more experienced
beggar than you.

Miss lewis?
Dr. Frank robb.

How are you today?


This is miss lewis,

Thanks for coming by,
miss lewis.

this is miss lewis.

She'’s come to take care
of the baby.

He'’s a good baby,
even if he cries a lot.

I think he'’s sad.

It'’ll be just fine,
Bobby will be fine.

She'’ll take good care of him.

I bet your parents
are wondering
where you are.

They don'’t care.

Well, I do.

Come on.
Let'’s get you home.

Thanks, lonnie.

We'’ll see you around,

He shows
signs of neglect.

The poor thing'’s
probably starving.

I tried to find him
something to eat.

They didn'’t have anything.

We'’ll feed him.

Look at this place.

I can'’t believe this child
has been living here.

I can'’t believe
the mother'’s
been living here.

You know the mother?

Yeah, I used to.

Come on. Let'’s go.

[Car approaches]

Hey, what is she doing
with my baby?

Taking care of your baby,

Lonnie jamison...

What'’s going on?

We'’ll feed and clean him.

Are you crazy?

Go on ahead,
miss lewis.

No, you can'’t
take bobby!

Don'’t worry, miss.
He'’ll be safe with us.

What does
she mean, "us"?

What does she mean?

She means
she'’s from child services.

Well, you can'’t just
take my kid away
like that.

Yes, I can, francie,
and I'’m doing it.

You'’re a louse,

And I'’m taking you in, too.

For what?

For driving
under the influence.

Well, there must
be something wrong
with your eyes.

Do I look like
I'’m driving?

No, you'’re stopped...
The way you should be.

Come on.

Be a friend, huh?

Give me a break.

Get in.

Boy, have you changed.

Yeah, well,
we all change, francie.

You, too.

[Baby crying]

Didn'’t want
your breakfast?

It ain'’t food
that I need.

Take it away.

Come letting me out?

wants to see you.

Oh, yeah? Why?

Chief will tell you.

Do you mind?yeah. Behave.

I hope you didn'’t spend
too uncomfortable
a night here.

Well, I did.

And why would you
care, anyway?

Oh, I don'’t
particularly enjoy

Having young women
locked up in my jail.

What a kindly
old gentleman you are.

Now be nice, girl.
This is the chief.

Why did that fellow
nick crews

Run from your house

When lieutenant jamison
went over there?

I don'’t have
the slightest idea.

When can I
get my baby back?

When child services
says you can.

When your behavior
and the place you live in

Are good enough
for raising a child.

My place is just
a little messy.

But it'’s just fine
with bobby.

And so is my behavior.

Little babies
are wonderfully tolerant

Of messy places...

And messy people.

you mean to say

You don'’t have any idea
where nick crews went?

No idea.

Can I go now?

All right, dee.

I reckon you can
turn her loose now.

I expect she'’s missing
her morning tonic.

She can'’t help it,

She'’s sick.

Parker, tell chief
we'’re at beau's.


[Jukebox playing]

Good morning there, beau.

Captain skinner.

There ain'’t
no minors in here.

We'’ve been carding
all the chicks,

Even the mamas.

Well, there you go.

But, beau, I'’m here
looking for a fellow
named nick crews.

Nick crews.


I don'’t believe
I know who that is.

He'’s from out of town.

Gets around
on a motorcycle.

Sweet, don'’t let mr. Tattoo
go nowhere, huh?

Nick crews.

Now, beau,
think about that name,

Because I bet you
I ask you again.



O.k., Let'’s hold it
right there.

What for?'’Cause I say so.

All right,
let'’s see
your license.

This your hog here?

Yeah, it'’s mine.

It doesn'’t have
current tags.

They'’re in the mail.

Yeah they are.
What do we got there, sweet?

Ha ha!

"Algernon wallace perkins."

Expired last birthday.

Expired tags,
expired license.

We ain'’t even

On outstanding
warrants yet,

It'’s tiny.
They call me tiny.

Now, that'’s
plumb ridiculous.

You ain'’t tiny.
You'’re algernon.
It says right there.

Go on the radio
and check up
on algernon.

What are you
busting my chops for?

Well, to tell you
the truth, algernon,

I'’m frustrated
and a little

When I mentioned
old nick crews,

You know
what you did?

I'’ll tell you

You got up,
turned your back,
and went outside.

Run algernon through
the computer, sweet.

Wait a minute.

What do you
want to know?

You seen nick crews?

Yeah. Him and his buddy
was in last night.

Who is that?

Charlie. I don'’t know
his last name.

You know where
they hang out?


I don'’t know.

O.k. Tiny.

When you do see them,
you'’ll call me,

And then maybe,
just maybe,

I'’ll hold off looking
at the computer, understand?


Hey, here'’s
your license back,

And, uh...

This is for you.

What'’s this?

Uh, it'’s a citation.

Some people
call it a ticket.

Francie'’s at home.
All right!

are you blind, man?

What a drag.

It was dumb
to leave the money there.

And what would be smart,
leaving it with you?

We'’ll get it.
nobody will find it.

Oh, man!
We got to leave
this skanky town.



What the hell
you just barging
in here for?

We knocked.

I tried calling you,
but your phone'’s
been disconnected.

Where'’s my baby?

Bobby'’s doing fine
at mrs. Barrett'’s.

I'’m sure you can
visit him.

I don'’t want to visit.

I want him home.

Then you'’re going to
have to make a home for him.

Who are you to tell
anybody how to live?

Francie, I'’m a mother,
just like you are.

You ain'’t just like me.

You got a husband
to support you.

You got a big house
his mama left for you.

And you got a job.

You ain'’t got no idea
what it'’s like

Being a single mama
with no work or money.

You'’ve got money
to buy this.

This isn'’t going
to make anything better.

It sure makes
it easier.

It'’s ruining your life.

It'’s ruining
your baby'’s life.

Children of alcoholics
suffer emotional damage, too.

I am not
an alcoholic.

I hardly drank
when I was pregnant.

What I mean is...

I can handle it.

We'’ve got
seven little kids
at the centers

Whose mothers could
handle it just like you.

the baby'’s father?


I call him the donor.

He dumped me
at eight-months pregnant.

Does he send you
any child support?


Robert was trading
my food stamps
for dope.

Sounds like a real...


Well, now...

Lonnie jamison
in his fancy car.

Robert.what do you want here?

Wanted to let you know that

Your child'’s been
taken from francie
by child services.

I just thought
you might want to know
what'’s happening to them.

Ain'’t this out of your
usual line of work,
officer jamison?

Let'’s just say
I'’m taking
a personal interest.

Yeah. You was always hot
for francie, wasn'’t you?

Well, you can
have her now.

Be my guest.

You'’re a lowlife,

Francie was o.k.
Till she spent
time with you.

like a disease.

Nobody talks to me
that way.

I do, and I'’ll say it again.
You'’re like a disease.

Excuse me, miss.

It'’s o.k.

Chief, we might be fixing
to look at nothing.

O.k., Folks.
It'’s show time.

Not until you move
out of the way, parker.

Oh. I'’m sorry.


That guy ran out
of francie'’s house.

How you know that?

This picture
on the jacket...

That'’s the same jacket.

It might
be the same design,

It might even
be the same jacket.

It'’s going to be
awful hard to prove
it'’s the same man.

I think we got to catch '’em
with the money.

And you know they'’ll
have it with them
when they leave town.



what'’s your
problem, man?


You messed us up
real bad.

What are you
talking about?

What are you doing
getting the cops

I was trying to help
francie and the baby.

Yeah? If you don'’t
do exactly like I say,

going to be able
to help francie...

'’Cause there
ain'’t going to be
no francie.

Hey, jimmy.

Just going in
to see francie.

Sure thing.
Go ahead.

Jimmy'’s here.

Just the kid?

Yes, sir. Just jimmy.

He said he'’s visiting
his sister.

I haven'’t seen
anybody else.

10-4, Parker.



Police. Open up.

Jimmy, francie...


What'’s going on?

Jimmy, we'’re going to have
to search your house.

We got a warrant.

Where'’s francie?

Passed out on the couch.

You need me?
I got to get home.

No. You go on
ahead, jimmy.

You find something?

Yeah. Somebody'’s
just been up there.

Couldn'’t have been francie.
She'’s been out for hours.

Jimmy, then?see if you
can catch him.

What'’s up, jimmy?

You know
he went to the cops.

No, he didn'’t.what makes you
so sure?


Not here.

In the van.what for?

I wanna see the money.

Don'’t want
world to see it.

Get in.

Can I go now?

No. We can'’t have you
putting the cops on us.

I suppose
I should k*ll you,

But I'’ll do something else
so long as you act nice.


I'’ll think of something.

We'’re going to have
to keep an eye on you
for a while longer,

So you'’ll be taking
a ride with us.

Got '’em!

Something was hidden
in that crawl space,

But just bottles
everywhere else.

Did that kid
take the money?

He did leave in a hurry.

Is he in
with those guys?

No, sir. They must
have forced him.

Then I'’m worried
about him.

I really am.

Luann, get me
parker, please.

You just gonna
leaving me here?

You should feel lucky.
Charlie had other plans.

Anything else?

No one knows
where we are,

Unless you
registered to vote.

Did you see him
get into the van?

He was talking
to those guys,

And then he got in.

Then what happened next?

He was trying to get out,
then the van took off.

You sure you didn'’t
see those license plates?

I didn'’t look.

All right.

What did the van
look like, then?

It was green.

Kind of old
and dented.

No windows.
It was
just a van.

What'’s this all about?

It'’s about your brother.

We'’re trying to find jimmy.

Brad, I want you to go
with officer parker williams

And look at pictures
of vans.

Try to figure out
the make.

O.k., Sir.

I hope your brother'’s
going to be all right.


What'’s happened
to jimmy?

We think
nick kidnapped him.


Why don'’t you
go sit on the sofa over
here and just relax,

And we'’ll talk about
a few things, hmm?

Go ahead.


He was carrying
some money...

For those
friends of yours

Which they kept
at your house.

And you knew it was there,
too, didn'’t you?


Come on, francie.
Give it up.

All right.

All right.

What you want
to know?

Did nick hide anything
up in that crawl space?

He might have.

I don'’t know.

Did any of nick'’s friends
own a van?

Few of them.

I'’m thinking about
a beat-up, green-panel wagon.

That'’d be charlie.


Is there a last name
and an address
to go with the charlie?

Just charlie.

He'’s, uh,
has some trailer
down on river road.

Jimmy'’s going
to be o.k.?

Luann? Chief?

Find out who we'’ve got
near river road,
will you, please?

O.k., Chief.


Jimmy'’s going to be
o.k., Isn'’t he?

I wish we knew.

O.k., We got all that.

Just got off jasmine
on the river, heading east.

Back-up units
are on their way.

Copy that.

Appreciate the help.

Get some rope.

I don'’t want trash
falling on my iron.

The cops, man.

Get in the van.



Yeah, I see them.

Lonnie, we'’ve located
our beautiful people

About 1 1/2 miles
east of town on river road.

I'’m right there.

no high-speed chases!

[Engine roars]

You'’re under arrest.

Come on now.

Well, sweet,
tell the chief I tried.

How you doing?
You all right?

I'’m o.k.

None of that.

There you go.

I figured you'’d want
to cuddle up to your bike

Since you ain'’t going
to be seeing it a while.

This is bubba.
Somebody talk to me.



Uh, chief, nick crews
and his friend charlie

Are wanted in alabama.

Wanted by whom?

Huntsville police

For armed robbery
and as*ault.

We want them
for that, too,

Plus kidnapping.

Uh, jamison.

Yes, sir.

Darnelle says
he isn'’t interested

In prosecuting
that young woman.

He really thinks
she knew nothing
about it?

Of course not,

But he just figures
it makes better sense

To have her do her time
in some dry-out place.

Uh, chief, lonnie and her
are friends.

Well, we used to be.

I wish there was something
I could do.


Being her friend
again couldn'’t hurt.

Good evening.



Bobby likes it here.

It'’s a very
happy place.

That'’s good,
'’cause miss lewis said

That they'’d
take care of him

While I'’m in rehab.

How long you have to go
to that place?

Don'’t you be ashamed
of that place.

I'’ll be there
a few months,

Then I'’ll come out
the sister I used to be.


I'’ll watch out for bobby.

I'’ll be a good uncle.

I'’m counting on you.

O.k., I'’ll
take you home,

And we can talk about
school stuff.

Oh, mrs. Tibbs,
math'’s my only problem.

I hate math.
You know that.

Hey, jimmy.

Mrs.'’s lonnie.
We can'’t go now.

Come on, jimmy.

Bye, francie.bye, mrs. Tibbs.

Thank you.

How are you doing?

I'’m glad you stopped by.

I leave tuesday
for jackson...

For the clinic.that'’s great
to hear.

Soon as they
allow visitors,

I'’ll drive on over.

I think it'’s after
three weeks.

I was thinking about
what happened

To our crowd
from high school.

I think most of them
did all right.

some of them didn'’t.

You did o.k.

Yeah, well, I had
some good luck.

Wish I could go back
to that night...

When I turned you down
for somebody else.

Boy, was that dumb.

Well, remembering
what I was like
back then,

I think you showed
some sense.