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05x10 - An Eye for an Eye

Posted: 05/17/23 18:29
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night. ♪

[Car starts]





Becky'’s gone.

It'’s after 5 a.m.

I'’ll give her one hour.

I'’m going to embarrass
her this time.

[Telephone rings]


All right.


I can get
the telephone.

Yeah, what?


What do you mean,
she'’s gone again?

She'’s snuck out again!

Maybe she didn'’t.

Why'’d she do that?

How should I know?

Gerard, maybe--

Please, faye.

Well, uh...

If you could guess
why she left the house

It might help us
a little.

This is serious,

I want her picked
up immediately.

She has no business
doing this.

All right. Don'’t have
a conniption fit.

Just tell me what
she looks like nowadays

And what she was
wearing last.

O.k., Thank you.

Becky darnelle'’s
best friend hasn'’t seen her

Since after school

No idea where
she might be?

She didn'’t think
she'’d sneak out again

After being
grounded last time.

Boyfriend hasn'’t seen
her since he dropped
her off last night.

He seem worried?


Worried about
who else she'’s
sneaking out with.

What am I
doing here?

Why am I here?

Who are you?

What are you
going to do?

It'’s all right.
Now just hush.

Come on out.

Come on.

I can'’t get up.

Come on.


Come on.

Let go of me.

I'’m not going to
hurt you. Come on.

What am I doing--

Go on. Get in.

What are you
looking for, virgil?

I'’m never sure
until I find it.

not going to find
my daughter there.

Are your men doing
anything about that?

Gerard, please.

[Doorbell rings]

Why don'’t you
ask them?

I think that'’s
them now.

Becky didn'’t sneak out,
did she?

What'’s going on?

Nobody that we spoke
to has seen becky.

She didn'’t leave
here on her own.

That screen was opened
from the outside.

You don'’t mean
somebody took her?

We can'’t rule
that out, darnelle.

But why?

You don'’t think
this is a...

A sex thing?

[Telephone rings]

You better get that,


Mr. Darnelle?

Who is this?

The man that'’s got
your daughter.

a pretty thing.

If you touch her, I'’ll--

You'’ll what?

I'’ll take good
care of her till
I get what I want.

I'’ll be in touch.

I won'’t tell the police.

I don'’t care
who you tell.

It'’s a kidnap
all right.

What'’d you get?

The only prints were
the girl'’s and her parents'.

No tracks.

This is a man
who knew what
he was doing.

Thank you.

Hold on.

Parker saw a truck
out here last night.

What kind of truck?

O.k. Thanks.

The pickup was a gmc
with a camper top--
'’70, '71--

Right outside the house.

What time?

About 5 a.m.

Wasn'’t a vehicle
of the darnelles,
was it?

The only thing we found

Were some marks
on the window sill.

The thing
I don'’t understand--

Why kidnap
darnelle'’s kid?

Surely there are
wealthier people
in sparta.

Oh, much.

But maybe this
thing isn'’t about
money at all.


Oh, you mean
something personal.

Like revenge?

D.a.'’S bound to make
a lot of enemies.

Some of them could
be dangerous.

Gillespie, it'’s past time
the fbi were called in.

is a federal offense.

That'’s right. The fbi's
assistance will be welcome.

I'’m not interested
in their assistance.

They'’ll be
in complete charge.

I know that.
I'’ve already
called them.

When will they be here?

Two of them
should be here
within the hour.

A third
is coming down
from washington.

Why from washington?

That'’s the way
it is, virgil.

When anything
like this happens
in mississippi,

They like to have
a yankee in charge.

They'’re afraid
we'’ll run around
lynching people.


The southern forces
will be in retreat.

Y'’all can expect
a northern invasion
by about 2:20.

Let me
tell you something.

I think that joke
about lynching

Was in really bad taste.
Don'’t you agree?

Oh, yes...yes.

I am probably
what shakespeare
would have called

"A coarse fellow."

Do you intend to
let the fbi take over
this investigation?

I intend to go on
doing my job

Until somebody
tells me not to.

And I don'’t think
the fbi can
tell me that.

I take it we
still have work to do.

Oh, yes.
Certainly we do.

Let me tell
you something.

If you fail
to do that work,

You'’ll risk
having somebody
come to you...

Long after
the event, see,

And accuse you
of being remiss
in your duties.

I have been through
these contingencies
many times.

Chief, we got an apb
out on that truck.

That'’s good.

I wish I'’d got a better
look at that plate.

If we had
to spend all our time

Worrying about
every beat-up pickup,

We'’d hardly have time
for anything else.

Our file on
darnelle'’s cases

Only give us convictions
and acquittals.

No character stuff?

No, sir.

Chief, you reckon
that somebody that
darnelle put away

Is maybe trying to
get even with him?

Sparta police


recently paroled.

I could get
darnelle'’s files.


That'’s one terrible
way to get even
with somebody,

their daughter.

Thank you.

Chief, miss turner at
the heart-a-sparta motel

Says the fbi is
taking over her place.

You think they'’ll
let us help them?

I doubt it.

They might not
need it.

But in case
they do,

We'’ll be working
alongside them,
won'’t we?

Oh, sure. Sure.

But are they
going to know we'’re
working beside them?



Let me know
if I can help,
mr. Darnelle.

Bye, now.

Am I too early?

No. This is a summary
of mr. Darnelle'’s cases.

A lot of cases.

Been in the d.a.'’S office
over 10 years.

They have been doing
a lot of prosecuting.

If you didn'’t
arrest so many,
we wouldn'’t have to.

I'’ll pass that on
to the chief.

Thanks, marie.

Thank you.

Agent chris hayes, fbi.

I need some information

Regarding mr. Darnelle'’s
past cases.

Uh, what kind
of information?

Tom retsom was the one
most recently paroled.

Chief, I know
all these fellows.

None of them'’s
a kidnapper.

Didn'’t tom retsom
try to k*ll his wife?

Sure did.

that'’s not kidnapping.

No, it'’s merely
attempted m*rder.

Tom'’s wife
around on him.

That'’s why the
judge went easy.

Why, sure.

The judge found his
own wife fooling around.

Tom could'’ve got
about 10 years.

Oh, sure. But he got
just a little bit.

Now he'’s out,
and he'’s free.

Old tom retsom
is enjoying himself.


How you doing,

Fine. You?

Pretty good.

Where you
living now?

Over there
in the trailer.

You there
last night?

Yep. All night.

What am I supposed
to have done?

We'’re just checking,

D.a. Darnelle'’s daughter
is missing.

Well, she'’s not
with me.

Go look.

I don'’t think
that'’s necessary,

But, tom, we got
reason to believe

That somebody might be
awful mad at darnelle.

I don'’t have anything
against the d.a.

He did his job.
That'’s all.

While you
were up at parchman,

Anyone talk bad
about mr. Darnelle?

Come on, guys.

Come on, tom.

We'’re talking
about the welfare
of a child.

A lot of guys shot
their mouths off,

But there was one guy who
sounded like he meant it.

Danny sloan.

Danny sloan?

I knew him before
he was sent up.

He out now?

He'’s due for parole.

O.k., Tom. We
appreciate it.

And I'’m glad to
see your job'’s
working out.

Yeah. If you like pigs.

You know, bubba,
I like pigs.

They'’re smart.

Smarter than some
people I know.

Parker, you shouldn'’t
be so hard on yourself.

[Telephone rings]

All right,
that'’s it.

Try to keep him
on the line,

But wait
for my signal.


All right...

Now, darnelle.

Is becky all right?

She'’s fine.
You don'’t
have to worry.

I'’m taking good
care of her.

How much money
do you want?

You so sure
it'’s about money?

50,000. Tomorrow.

Why tomorrow?

Let me talk to
becky, please.

Somebody tell you
to keep me on the

[Dial tone]

Not long enough.

He knew just when
to hang up.

Whose are these?

They belong
to a kid I know.

They'’re clean.

Don'’t wear them
if you don'’t want to.

It'’s about time
you got back.

Don'’t you think
a person needs to
go to the bathroom?

I reckon so.

Sorry about that.

It'’s right back there.

[Flies buzzing]

This is disgusting.

It sure enough is.

Good reason
to make it quick.

[Airplane engine]

Darnelle doesn'’t
want us involved.

Tell me why.

He thinks we'’ll mess up.

What does
faye darnelle think?

Has anyone asked her?

I'’m sure
darnelle didn'’t.

Well, honey...
Why don'’t i?



The reservation'’s
for 7:00.

Yeah, honey, I know.

I'’m going to call faye.

She'’d appreciate that.

I hate to think
what she'’s going through.


I'’ll get it.

You look
for the number.

Ah, hello.

Ed from gas and go

An older guy
driving a pickup
with camper top

Bought some odd supplies.

How odd?

Well, uh,
girls'’ things--

Scented soap, tissues,

Pink hair brush,
and some shoes.

He used a pay phone
to make two calls.

We'’re trying
to trace them.

Keep me posted.

Will do.

We may have a line
on our kidnapper.

You weren'’t expecting
fried chicken?

You never told me
what my daddy said.

He asked about you.

He likes you
a little.

He loves me.

How do you know?

He'’s my dad.

Yeah. That'’s
what daddies do--

They love a lot,
and they miss a lot.

When will I see him?

Soon enough.

Soon enough.

If your daddy had
more compassion
in his job,

Everybody would
have been spared
a lot of pain,

Including you,

Now eat.

Hi. Agent hayes
wanted to see me?

Yes. That'’s me.

Hi. I'’m bill gillespie.


Well, well.

Uh, you certainly
have a whole lot
of stuff here.

This is our basic
field kit.

I understand from
darnelle'’s assistant

That you'’ve been doing
some investigating on
your own.

Oh, you must mean
all those names

That lieutenant jamison
got from that office.

I tell you
what that was.

That was information
we needed to have
in our computer.

Not that I owe you
an explanation.

I'’ve taken over
the investigation.

I didn'’t want any
confusion about that.

Oh, well, I'’m--
I'’m not confused.

Are you?

You'’re very well known
in our jackson office.

I wish I could say
they admire you.

Oh, well, uh...


Ahem. Well, uh...

Well, uh...

Well, I might as well
just go on over.

I know what
I wanted to ask you.

How much money is the
kidnapper asking for?

50,000. Why?

I would have thought
that he'’d demand more
than that,

Much more.

Well, if there'’s
any way at all

We can be of
specific help
to you,

Why, let us know.

Uh, chief, I got
some information
on danny sloan.

Danny sloan?

Yeah. A fellow
that mr. Darnelle
put away.

You better take
a look at the file.

Well, I'’ll read it.


Thank you.

Danny sloan.




It'’s very sad...

But very interesting.

[Music box plays]

[Door opens
and closes]



Oh, althea.

Ah, it'’s so good
to see you.

Hope I'’m not
disturbing you.

Oh, no, no.
I--i was...

Do you have time
for a little visit?

I just have to finish
cleaning up in here.

I want everything
to be nice for becky.

Has there been
any news?

He'’s asked for $50,000.

Althea, why?

Why my little girl?

Why her?

You'’re going to have
to try to not think
about the worst.

I know it'’s going
to be hard, honey,

But...i have a feeling
everything'’s going to
be o.k.

Althea, I'’m so glad
you came by.

No one else has.

People just don'’t
know what to do.


Would you just
look at this room?

I don'’t think
it'’s ever been this clean.

Becky won'’t be able
to find a thing.

you got a minute?

Not really,
but go ahead.

I suppose you know
that danny sloan
died last week.


He'’s the son of a cop
in marshalsburg.

Yeah. Ben sloan.

Used to be a cop,

Made himself
a damn nuisance
during the trial.

You say
the son died?

He k*lled himself.

They reckon
he couldn'’t stand

Facing any more time
in prison.

Danny sloan had
a parole hearing
last week.

I know.

The board turned him down.

On my recommendation.

He had a history
of trouble.

Just '’cause
his daddy'’s a cop

Doesn'’t give him
special rights.

I'’m not prosecuting you,

Why are you
bringing this up?

Well, whoever
took your child,

I believe did it
for personal reasons.

Maybe one of sloan'’s
relatives might be
worth investigating.

Don'’t investigate.

The fbi are
handling this.

Any investigating
of yours

Is only going
to cause problems.

Last thing I want to do
is cause you any problems.

Excuse me.

Bill: go ahead, virgil.

From what I can see,

Sloan hasn'’t
been home for days.

I wouldn'’t be
a bit surprised.

Did sweet
match the number
of those calls?

He sure did,

And we traced those numbers
to darnelle'’s home phone.

You live here?

When I
feel like it.

Any relation
to mr. Ben sloan?

That'’s what
they tell me.

You don'’t believe it?

I don'’t think I could be
a cop'’s granddaughter.

You ain'’t getting
any argument on that one.

Don'’t be running
your sassy tongue,

And put out
that nasty thing!

Ma'’am, where is
ben sloan?

Ben? I haven'’t seen
him all week.

Not since we got
the news from the prison
that danny cut his throat.

Um, the father took it
pretty hard, huh?

Yeah. He'’s been raging,
quoting scripture--

"An eye for an eye."

I assume he meant danny.

Yeah, but I don'’t get it.

Nobody k*lled danny.
He k*lled hisself.

Ben'’s been going
around the bend lately,

But this thing put him
clear out of sight.

Mr. Darnelle,
excuse me.

I'’m right in the middle
of this, marie.

This is more important.

What is it?

You never saw this,
you understand?

But don'’t you think--

Come on,
let'’s go.

Come on.

That'’s him.
That'’s the guy.

Want me
to go with you?

You better stay here.

I'’ll run shotgun
for you.

I can handle this one.

Don'’t worry.

Mr. Darnelle
will be mad.

You did
the right thing.

I hope you'’re right.

Uh, chief,
those truck plates

Are registered
to a benjamin sloan,

And jamison'’s
on the radio for you.

Line 5.

Where are you?

He took a trail I know.

There'’s a cabin
5 miles in.

Was darnelle with him?

Someone was.
I couldn'’t tell.

From that cabin,
he could hold us off.

He could go berserk--
k*ll the kid and darnelle.

Any other way
in there?

Some trails
go around back.

You anywhere
near lyon'’s woods?

Man, I'’m in them.

Them foot trails end
in lyon'’s meadow,

About 15 miles
from where he is.

We supposed
to call agent hayes?

I'’m afraid of that.

Hayes is liable
to call in a helicopter,

And if sloan is as crazy
as we think he is,

That could push him
right over the edge.

Same if we go
charging up this road.

How long to get there
taking a back trail?

On foot, most of a day.

On your feet maybe,

But there'’s feet
can get you there
lots quicker.

Yeah. I like them.

[Horn honks]

Yeah, here come the chief.

Here you go.

I brought you
the .308s.

I like them, too.

-Hyah! Come on.
-Come on!

Let'’s go!

Danny wasn'’t
a m*rder*r.

Those other boys
k*lled that man.

I'’m aware of that.

He paid
for his mistakes.

Couldn'’t you
let him be paroled?

Why couldn'’t you, daddy?

I didn'’t think I should.

It wasn'’t easy to decide.

Can'’t you
tell the child
more than that?

About a young man,

A young life,
gone now?

His son danny had been
in and out of prison

Several times.

Each time
he was released,

He got into
more serious trouble.

It would have been
different this time.

I know.

He promised
the lord.

He promised me--
with tears
in his eyes.

You made him
stay in prison?

Yes, I did.

Why couldn'’t you let
the parole board
handle it?

Why did you have to
throw your weight

Can we talk alone?


I guess

I don'’t want you to hear
what I'’m going to say.

You'’re used to that,
aren'’t you?

All right, let'’s go.

The child sure asked--


The child sure asked
some hard questions,
didn'’t she?

I gave her
the best answers I could.

I just hope
she was listening.

They don'’t listen,

What now?

I'’m going
to k*ll you.

That'’s what
it'’s all about.

You could have come
in my office and shot me.

I wanted to make it
as painful as possible.

And you were a cop?

You said that before
at danny'’s trial.

What, a cop
just sets aside
his feelings?

Ben, I beg you,

Please let becky
go first.

Don'’t make her watch this.

I'’ll free her
before nightfall.

She'’ll never
find her way.

I'’ll make sure
there'’s light.

When'’s this
going to happen?

When I decide.

I want gillespie now.

He'’s not here.
Detective tibbs
will return soon.

Who'’s in charge
right this minute?

Well, I guess I am.

What can you tell me?


I'’ll make a federal case
out of this.

I'’ll charge this
whole ricky-ticky
police department

With hiding evidence,
obstructing justice,

Accessory to a felony--

Mr. Hayes, please,
just calm yourself, o.k.?

Now, what can I
do for you?

Tell me where darnelle is.

We don'’t know.

His assistant said
you would.

The kidnapper has him,
we think.

You'’re making
trouble for yourself
acting on your own.

We found it necessary
to do what we did.

As soon
as everyone is safe,

We'’ll fly you in
by helicopter.


It'’s a remote spot.

Meanwhile, what do I do?

Nothing now,

But you and your men
will make the arrest.

And if this becomes a mess?

Then it'’s our mess.

You said it, and you
had better believe it.

That way.

Come on, move.

Come here.

Follow that trail.

It leads to the highway.

What'’s going to happen?

We'’re going to talk.

-Well, what about?
-Lots of things, darling.

Just go on.

No, I won'’t go.
He'’s coming with me.

Rebecca, go!

Don'’t make me
leave without you.

Police, sloan!

I'’m looking at you
from behind
r*fle sights.

Set the p*stol down.

Just think about
your granddaughter
and daughter-in-law.

I'’m thinking about them.

They became trash
on account of what
he did to my boy.

Ben, no!



Are you o.k.?

Oh, becky.

It'’s all right.

This is bubba.
Who'’s with me?

Sweet here.
So'’s the chief.

the situation there?

We got two down.
Sloan'’s in no hurry.

Better get darnelle
to the hospital.

I'’ll telephone
for the helicopter.

Hold on a second,

Well, agent hayes.

You'’re still in town.

Is there
anything I can do

To expedite things
for you?

You know, they were
right about you
over in jackson.

You bear watching.

Well, I'’m always glad
to set an example.

You think gillespie
will stop by?


Here he is now.


Hi, chief.

Hi, virgil.

Well, mrs. Darnelle,
how are you?

How are you?

You look like
you'’re feeling o.k.

She was complaining
the other day

That nothing ever
happens in sparta.

hayes get to you?

He was trying
to find you.

Yes. I met him

I think we'’ve made
another friend
in high places.

I just wanted to say
something to you.

Well, I'’m all ears,

As the jackass said
when he looked
in the mirror.

I--i wanted to...

Well, I'’ll--

I'’ll just call
you tomorrow.

Fine, fine.

Take your time.

Uh, listen,
whatever it is,

Maybe it doesn'’t
even need saying.