04x24 - The Cookie Monster

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Matlock". Aired: March 3, 1986 – May 7, 1995.*
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Ben Matlock is a widow and a very expensive criminal defense attorney, identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dramatic courtroom scenes.
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04x24 - The Cookie Monster

Post by bunniefuu »

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Fill me in.

Your meeting's in
the conference room,

and Atlanta Tonight wants
you at the station at 5:00.

Fine. Here's the proof sheet

from that photo
session yesterday.

Oh. Oh. This one.
I look adorable.

Have the prints
made up and sent out

with the press release
on the takeover.

Yes, ma'am.

Maggie, Donald.


Chrissie. As always, a pleasure.

Let's cut to the
chase, shall we?

As you already know, the SEC
has approved my takeover plans.

Within a week, I will control
each of your companies.

Bobby, this is not personal.

Not personal? My
company's my whole life.

I created it with my
own blood, sweat

and tears.


You're low, Katie.

Heartless, low.

But consistent.

You still want the
same thing you wanted

in the first grade.

What did I want, Chrissie?


Katie, you're a powerful

Given. But you're a lousy cook.

Really, sugar?

I'm the cookie lady.

Maggie, you understand
why I'm doing this,

don't you?


I am taking over each
of your companies.

Accept it gracefully and
you can keep your titles

and salaries.

Fight me,

you'll wind up with zilch.

Miss White, the bakery.

It's an emergency.

Think it over.

Where are the samples
of my new line of cookies

for the show tonight?

They're in a tin on your desk.


You have 24 hours.


Out of my way!

Get back, please.
Let me through.

Who did this?

Miss White, there's
something wrong with this oven.

It will be working fine,

then all of the
sudden, it goes berserk.

I told you to fix it.

I've had the repairman
out here five times.

He never finds anything wrong.

Well, you get him back out
here, show him this mess,

and tell him that unless
he wants his fanny sued,

he damn well better
find something wrong.

And on the business front,

rumors are rife
of a takeover bid

in the cutthroat world
of designer cookies.

Katie White, the founder
of Miss Katie's Cookies,

is rumored to be
planning a takeover

of several of her competitors.

I talked to her earlier,

and I asked Miss
White if it was true

she was planning
a hostile takeover.


Little ol' me?

Sugar, all I do is bake
the world's best cookies.

We also talked to the heads

of the companies
targeted for takeover:

Donald Ware, the
founder of Health Cookies.

Uh, no, no comment. No comment.

Maggie Shore of
Margaret's Muffins.

Was Miss White's
hostile takeover bid

a surprise to you, Miss Shore?

I don't know
anything about this.

And Miss Chrissie Dubin, the
founder of the Pie Lady shops.

No comment at this time.

We also tried to
talk to Bobby Neil,

of Bobby's Outrageous
Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Mr. Neil, could we have
a comment about...?

Get out of here! Get out!

Mr. Neil, please! Mr. Neil?

But rumor has it that
by tomorrow evening,

we should know which way

Atlanta's cookies
are going to crumble.

Let's turn now to weather.

You know, Bobby's
an old friend of mine.

I was his first investor.

Did pretty well.

Hmm. Well, he sure
looks unhappy tonight.

Oh, you should have
heard him on the phone

when I told him there
wasn't much I could do

about that takeover.

It's a shame.

He's worked really hard.

I'm sure he's a wonderful guy,

but Miss Katie's Cookies
are better than his.

How can you say that?

Her cookies are nothing

but little, round,
brown blobs of grease.

Miss Katie's cookies
are soft and chewy.

Bobby's, you need a jackhammer.

Bobby's cookies are
crisp and crunchy.

You want cereal to
be crisp and crunchy!

You want cookies
to be soft and chewy!

You know, I always thought
of you as a man of great taste.

Well, yeah.

But your taste in cookies...

is impeccable!

Miss Katie's cookies are nothing

but little, round,
brown blobs of grease.

I'm going home.

Well, what about dinner?

Well, what are you fixing?

Hot dogs.

Pork or beef?

Let's go out.

You order yours,
I'll order mine.

We'll talk about baseball.

Can we focus up here
on beam number two?

Yeah. Remember
we gotta check it here.

I'll go check on Miss White.

Just a little blush.

My skin is perfect.

Oh, and hollow
my cheeks a little.

Don't want the viewers to think

my cookies are fattening.

Bobby, what are you doing here?

You gave us 24 hours to answer.

Call my attorney.

He's handling the takeover.

What's the matter, Katie?

Does the personal
approach make you nervous?

You stay away from me.

Somebody's got to
teach you a lesson, lady.

Get a security guard.

What's the matter
with you, Katie?

You think it's okay
to take a man's life?

I got nothing else:
no wife, no kids,

just my business
to show for my life!

Do you understand what

I'm saying to you?

Oh, thank God!

Bobby Neil just threatened me.

I want him removed immediately.

Oh, he's gone.

I've heard people say

that they're addicted
to your cookies.

Now, what do you put in them

that makes them so good?

Oh, I'm afraid that's a secret.

Protecting your cookies, huh?

Well, after all,

there is a lot of
competition out there.

Well, hey, there's nothing wrong

with protecting your cookies.

So what have you got in there?

Well, it just so happens
I brought some samples

of a brand-new
cookie I've developed.

Goes on sale next week.

I call it "The
Kitchen Sink Cookie"

because it has everything in it:

chocolate chips,
raisins, oatmeal.

Yet it's soft like
all my cookies.

Mm, that's outstanding.

Aren't you gonna join me?

Oh, be happy to.

Hey, just one.

So tell me,

tell me the truth, do
you ever have a craving

for just, say, a plain cr*cker?

Better call the paramedic!

Go to a commercial!

Ben, the cops think
I k*lled Katie White.

Well, I didn't.

And they say I threatened her.

Well, I didn't!

I was just trying to talk
some sense into her!

And, Ben, listen,

that cookie tin, they
say I was alone with it.

All right, maybe
I was, but I didn't

put poison in it.

Can I have a glass of water?

Guard! Guard! Water!

I did not doctor
those cookies, Ben.

Hell, if I wanted to k*ll her,

I'd just strangle her
with my own bare hands.

Ben, listen!

I am.

Now, look, I know
what you're thinking.

I didn't want her to buy me out.

All right, I didn't,
but I did not k*ll her!

You believe me?!


Well, why don't
you say something!

It's hard to talk at 2:00
in the morning, Bobby.

Well, hello, Ben.

Who's the water for?

Well, uh,

Bob, you might as
well turn Bobby loose.

He's not under
arrest or anything.

You don't have anything to
hold him on. Come on, Bobby.

Well, I'm very sorry, Ben,
but now he is under arrest.

Oh, come on!

Cookies indentical to the one

that k*lled Katie White were
found in his garbage can.


Maggie Shore, Donald Ware,
Bobby Neil and Chrissie Dubin,

they were all here
when I came in

to tell Katie she was
needed in the kitchen.

Did, did everybody hear
you tell her about the cookie?

I said I had put the
samples in her office.

Well, maybe somebody got
in that cookie tin in her office

before the TV station.

It's right down the hall.


Just got the police report.

Katie White died of
anaphylactic shock.

What's that?

She was allergic to hazelnuts.

That's what k*lled her? Yeah.

That's why no one else
on the show was affected.

Well, come on.

Whoever heard of a
hazelnut k*lling anybody?

There are some
people... Not a lot,

but some... who are so allergic
to certain foods and medicines

that the minute they take
them, they go into shock.

Their blood pressure drops,
their heart can stop beating

and they can die.

Well, I'll be.


You know, sometimes,
when I eat a bunch of them,

I feel a little funny.

I always thought it was gas.

Allergic. She know it?


A lot of people did.

Couple of years ago,
she was at a banquet

for people in the food industry.

Nobody told her
there were hazelnuts

in the sauce for the chicken.

She went into
shock, almost died.

Well, put my leg
in a tea kettle.

Hazelnuts. In here.


I put a dozen cookies in the tin

and left it sitting on
her desk, right there.

That door always locked?

Of course.

No one would dare enter
without her permission.

All of her cookies kind of
looked the same, didn't they?


Whoever k*lled her
had to make sure

that his cookies
looked just like hers.

Do you know where
she kept the recipe?

In a safe in the bakery.

Coming through here.

Not again!

What the hell happened?

I don't know.

I put in the batter,
I set the timer,

I turn it on and the
next thing I know,

that thing's going a
zillion miles an hour.

This is a brand-new machine!

You must've done something.

Hey, I'm telling you
what happened, okay?

You, get this cleaned up here.

Right away.

This is the third
time in two weeks!

Hey, I didn't do nothin'.

This is nice!

Have you always
worked out of your home?

Fits in with the pie lady image.

Thank you, Leticia.

Here you go, a cup of coffee

and a nice, warm
piece of rhubarb pie.


My favorite.

I thought so.

It's getting so I just
have to look at a person

to know what
their favorite pie is.


My mother used to
make rhubarb pie.

But I don't know...

Mine's better?


Mmm, I believe it is.

Well, I better get
down to business.

So, Katie White.

We were best friends,

uh, lived right around
the corner from each other,

went to grade school, high
school and college together,

even went into
business together...


Finish your pie.


Oh, you look very trim.

Well, I, I try.

But this is so good! Mm.

What happened?

Between you and Katie.

Hmm, the man
she was in love with

fell in love with me.

While I was busy being in
love, she stole the business.


And now she was gonna
steal your pie business.


I can't get over this.

I'm glad.

After the meeting...

With Katie.

What did you do?

We all left, I went home.

Was your housekeeper...

Oh, no, that was
her afternoon off.

You're thinking

I could've gone back,
slipped into Katie's office

and put those hazelnut
cookies in that cookie tin.

Could have,

but didn't, Mr. Matlock.


you knew she was
allergic to hazelnuts.

Everybody knew.

She collapsed at a banquet

in front of several
hundred people.


Oh, boy, this is good pie.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Well, like I say,
you give great pie.

Oh, oh...

You sure know how
to talk, don't you?

Hi, Michelle. Hi.

The usual?

You bet. Blueberry muffin,

cup of coffee to go.

That's wonderful,
right from the oven.

You think you can take a break?


Um, bring it to the table. Sure.

Jeannie, I'm taking
five. Okay, Maggie.

Here you go. Thanks.

Uh-huh, no problem. Thank you.

Oh, boy.

I've, uh, been expecting you.

I heard that Ben is taking on

the Bobby Neil case. Yeah.

So, uh, Katie was gonna
take over your business, huh?

And I was angry,
frustrated and helpless.

Last year, you were real excited
about some guy you were dating.

He was in, um, he was

in advertising, I think?

For about a month or so,
you were on top of the world

and then all of a
sudden, it was over.

Word does get
around, doesn't it?

Bobby Neil says that Katie
took your boyfriend away.

Well, Michelle.

Well, Maggie.

She took your boyfriend,

she was gonna
take your business...

Bobby remembers seeing you
get into your car and drive away

after that meeting at her place.

Why shouldn't I have?

I came back here
and worked till closing.

Well, this place is always
crowded late in the day.

It would've been
easy to slip away

for half an hour without
anybody noticing.

You're off base, Michelle.

You're way off base.

All right, here we go now.

Go ahead, go, go.

That's good.

A dozen more on this order

and then we'll ship it out.

Hey. Hey.

Where does this stuff go?

It gets put on a
truck and delivered

to all Miss Katie's
cookie shops.

They bake on the premises there.

What about the
cookies you bake here?

Well, we just box them
up and ship them out

to the local restaurants
and department stores.

What's to keep a guy
from just... taking the recipe

and then going into
business for himself?

Nobody knows the recipe.

It's been locked up
in that safe over there.

Then how do the
cookies get made?

I put in a certain
amount of one thing

and somebody else will put in

a certain amount
of something else,

somebody else
puts... Something else.

So, everybody knows
part of the recipe,

but nobody knows
the whole thing. Right.

Y'all ever think about
getting your heads together

and comparing notes?

Katie White's
figured that out, too.

See, if somebody tries
putting this recipe together,

you get a $20,000
bonus for turning them in.

That's a good one. Yeah.

But you know one way
of whipping up a batch,

you just get yourself
some of this batter,

stick it in a plastic bag

and sneak it out of here.

Anybody who works
here can do that, huh?

Not me.

See ya later!

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Anyway, when I
came to, he was gone.

Security guard
wasn't even there.

Conrad, what's
the matter with you?

I got kicked in the head!

Now, wait a minute,

weren't you the one that
asked me to go over there

and work undercover
in the first place?

Well, yeah, but if
you wanted something

out of the personnel
office, why...

Didn't you just
ask for it? Yeah.

Because they'd get suspicious.

They'd figure out I was a spy.

Well, somebody must have anyway.

Otherwise, you
wouldn't be putting

that ice on your head.

I guess you got that right.

What were you looking for?

Don't you think the only way

the k*ller could
fool Katie White

was by stealing
dough from her bakery

and then mixing
ground-up hazelnuts into it?

And then baking
that tin of cookies?

Well, what were you looking
for in the personnel office?

Well, I'm figuring
that the k*ller

hired an accomplice
to steal the dough.

What's that got to do
with the personnel office?

For the past four weeks,

nothing has been
working right in that kitchen.

The ovens have been overheating,

the mixers have
been going crazy,

the refrigerators
are breaking down,

and I figure it's because
the k*ller's accomplice

was hired in the last month.

He's been doing a
little industrial sabotage.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, his name and when he
was hired would be in the files.

Did you get them?


Only the guy who
clobbered me took them.

You remember any names?

When I came to, I could
barely remember my own.


Look, in the
morning, I'll get up,

and I'm gonna go to work again.

What if the fellow who
clobbered you clobbers you again?

Tomorrow, I've
got a better chance.

It was dark, I
couldn't see his face.

He doesn't think
I can identify him.

You mean you can?

You want something?

Nice shoes.

I like what they did

to my face last night.

Get up!

Wake up. Hey, hey, hey.

What the hell's going on here?

Get out of here, both of you!

You're fired!

Will you look at this place?

Who do you work for?

I work for bakery.


Who's paying you to sabotage

that equipment in there
and steal cookie dough?

Uh, no steal.

I work for bakery! Oh, no.

Then why did you
jump me last night?

You work for immigration.

I don't work for immigration.

I hear you.

Always asking questions.

I think maybe you
look for my friends.

I followed you!

I see you look for my address!

Look, look... I stop you

so that I can tell friends to
go so you cannot arrest them.

Look, that says
private investigator,

not immigration... I'm not after
your address or your friends.

You know you almost put your
foot through my head last night?

And a bucket through
my jaw in there?

You may not be illegal,
but as*ault and battery is.

You, my friend, had
better start talking.

Mr. Matlock, this is the
fastest moving idea in America.

To your health.

Hey, cookies. Oat bran.

It'll clean out your pipes,
lower your cholesterol,

put a bounce in your step
and a song in your heart.

Eat a dozen a day,
keeps the doctor away.

No salt, no sugar, no
fat, no preservatives.

Oh, it sounds too
good to be true.

You gotta tune into
your body, Mr. Matlock.

It wants healthy,
it craves thin,

it demands the health cookie.


Tell me you love it.


What do you wanna talk about?

Katie White?

Wouldn't hurt.

Well, Katie and I were old...

Well, not so old...
But bitter enemies.

I would spend
thousands of dollars

researching the ideal
location for a cookie store.

And the minute
before I sign the lease,

guess who'd open a shop

right across the street? Katie?

I'd charge $3.00 a
pound for cookies,

she'd charge $2.95.

I'd stay open till 7:00,
she'd stay open till 8:00.

I'd run a special

and she'd run a better special.

Aggressive, wasn't she?

She hated me.

Anything to knock
me out of the box.

Have another cookie.


Clean your pipes.

After you left her
conference room...

I went for a drive

and as I drove
away, I had a thought.

What if, instead of waiting
for Katie to buy us out,

the four of us got together
and bought her out?

So, I got on my car phone
and called the others.

They all have car phones?

Well, Maggie Shore doesn't.

Uh, she was back at her
muffin shop when I talked to her.

But Bobby and Chrissie do.


How long were you in your
car when you reached them?

Ten, 15 minutes.

Actually, I never did talk

to Chrissie. You didn't?

I got a recording saying
she was away from her car.

But I got Bobby and Maggie.

There's no flour in that either.


Wanna know what
holds it together?


You think I'm gonna tell you?

Oh, forgive me, I've just
come from Donald Ware's

and I ate a carload
of his cookies.

Like them?

Not especially,

but he said they'd be
so good for my pipes.

Now, let's see.

You said before, when you left
the meeting at Katie's, you came

right back here. That's right.

How long a drive is that?

Hmm, about 30 minutes or so.

So, if someone tried to get
you on your car phone, say,

15 minutes after you left,

they should be able to
reach you, shouldn't they?

I suppose.

Donald Ware said that,
that he tried to call you

and he got a recording
saying you weren't in your car.

Oh, wait a minute, I remember.

I stopped for gas.

When the engine's turned off,

you automatically
get the recording.

Did you use a credit card?

Oh, no. Cash.



Is this you?

I was nine years old.

That was my grandmother.

Her chocolate chip cookies
had just won a blue ribbon

at the state fair.

Who's the other girl?

Katie White.


Your grandmother had won
a blue ribbon with her cookies.

Katie went into the cookie
business and you didn't.

How come?

She beat me to it.

And now, if you will
excuse me, Mr. Matlock,

I have a lot of calls to make.

Oh, sure, sure, sure.

Sure, sure.

Take it with you.

Oh, no.

I, uh, I...

Well, maybe.

Maybe for later

or for a friend or...

Well, the hell with
him, you gave it to me.

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Chrissie Dubin's in there
with John Schneider.

Who's he?

He's a baker at Katie
White's cookie factory.

You know, that fella that
kicked me in the head?

I know somebody did.

Anyway, I thought he was the
one that was sabotaging the kitchen.

He wasn't? No.

And in exchange for
not pressing charges,

he fingered John Schneider.


You following Chrissie?


She wasn't where
she said she was

when she left that meeting.

You think this
Schneider fella's the one

that stole the cookie
dough? I think so.

She might be in
there paying him off.

Want to say hi? Yeah.

Yeah... Yeah, I'll do it.

What do you want?

We'd like to speak with you
and Ms. Dubin, if we might.

What is it, Mr. Matlock?

And make it fast, because
I'm calling my attorney.

Or don't you know there
are laws against harassment?

Do that; you're gonna need him.

What are you talking about?

You hired Mr. Schneider here

to steal the dough
that k*lled Miss White.

What are you talking about?

You were not in your car
when Donald Ware called.

You weren't at the
gas station, either.

You were in Katie
White's office,

planting those cookies.

Is that what you're
going to say in court?

You bet.

Then you're going to
make a fool of yourself.

You really will, Mr. Matlock.

See, because I
wasn't in Katie's office,

and I wasn't at the gas station.

I came straight here.

We're lovers, Mr. Matlock.

We have to meet here right now.

John's married, but soon
all that's going to change.

Good enough for
you, Mr. Matlock?

And if our word
isn't good enough,

why don't you talk
to the desk clerk.

Or the guy that
brought us dinner.

Or the maid who
brought us fresh towels.

Ask anybody.


if you'll excuse us.

Thank you.

If you need me, I'll
be right across the hall.

I can't believe it.

I can't believe I'd do
something that dumb.

Now... It was dumb.

Now... Well, how
c... how could I,

without real proof, accuse
this woman of m*rder

and the man of
being her accomplice?

When all they were doing
was meeting at a motel

'cause he's married and
because they wanted to...

you know.

It's just one of those...


I knew better than
that 20 years ago.

Maybe I'm getting too
old for this business.

Now, stop that.

You're not too old.

Your mind is still sharp.

I mean, the cases

you win.

Mm, well...

And look at you.

You're healthy,
you're tall... your hair

and your figure.

Well, yeah, but...

it's still dumb.

You can't hold that
against yourself.

Every now and then, everybody

does something really dumb.

No, I'm sorry, I didn't...

No, it was dumb. It's okay.

It's dumb.

What's all that?

Ms. White's correspondence.

The attorney who's
handling her estate said

I should just leave
it in here for now.

What are these?

Prints of the photo
she was gonna send out

with the press release
on the takeover.

It was taken just the
day before she died.

Beautiful woman.

I wasn't dumb.

Just premature.


Ms. Dubin, I understand
that you used to be in business

with, uh, Katie White.

For about a year after college,

we ran a catering business, yes.

What became of the business?

I sold my share to Katie,

and after about six
months, she gave it up.

Couldn't make it without you?

Katie was a great
promoter but a lousy cook.

If she was such a lousy
cook, where'd she get

the cookie recipe that
made her a millionaire

several times over?

She got lucky.


Your grandmother won first prize

for her chocolate chip cookies
in the 1967 Georgia State Fair,

is that not true?

Yes. I contacted
the fair people,

and the Homemaking
Division keeps a record

of all their blue ribbon
winners and their recipes,

and those recipes
are very seriously

kept under lock and key,

very confidential.

Like many
government, uh, secrets.

I had to subpoena

to get a copy of your,
of your grandmother's.

Your Honor.


does it look familiar?

That was over 20 years ago.


Well, this is a copy
of the cookie recipe

for Katie White's
chocolate chip cookies.

They're exactly the
same, aren't they?


They're identical.

Katie White stole that recipe.

She took your grandma's
recipe, that was rightly yours,

and used it to establish
one of the most successful

business ventures
the state of Georgia

has ever seen, didn't she?

Objection. Irrelevant.

Irrelevant?! Goes to motive.

What's the matter
with you? Please!

Direct your remarks to
the bench, Mr. Matlock.

It goes to motive, Your Honor.

What's the matter
with you? Mr. Matlock.

Yes, sir? The bench.

But it does go to
motive, Your Honor.

Objection overruled.

She took it right out from
under you, didn't she?

Yes. Why didn't you
do anything about it?

My lawyer said that the case

would be almost
impossible to prove.

And-And-And when...
when the rumors started

that she intended to take
over your pie company,

what'd you do about that?

Once again, there
was nothing I could do.

I think, this time, you
tried fighting back.

Who's John Schneider?

He's my friend.


Motel friend.


Oh, come on!

The bench.

A few more moments, Your Honor.

You better watch it.

Yes, sir.

Go ahead.


Where does he work?

At Miss Katie's Cookies
central bakery and warehouse.

Mm-hmm. Where'd
he work before that?

For me.

When the takeover
rumors started,

you asked your
boyfriend, John Schneider,

to get a job at
Katie White's bakery,

so he could sabotage
the operation,

didn't you? No.

John's a baker.

We have a complicated
relationship, as you well know,

and so, for that reason,
he took a job at Katie's.

Then why did all the equipment
suddenly start breaking apart

within a week
after he was hired?

I don't know
anything about that.

You knew that Katie
White was deathly allergic

to hazelnuts, didn't you?

Everybody knew. Would she

ever have eaten that
cookie that k*lled her,

if it hadn't looked exactly
like all the other cookies

that came from her bakery?

I... I don't know.

And-And-And the only
way it could look like

all the other cookies, was
for it to have been made

from batter that came
from her bakery, right?

I don't know.

John Schneider stole
batter from her bakery

and gave it to you, so that
you could, once and for all,

avenge yourself on
Katie White, didn't he?

Objection! No foundation.

Pure speculation.

Not so! It's not speculation!

Mr. Matlock!

It's not speculation.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure!

We do not yell at the bench.

Oh, I'm sorry. I
apologize, Your Honor.

I apologize. You're
very close to contempt.

Oh, no... oh, no.

This will all tie together.

All right. Overruled.

Uh, for a long time,

I thought those hazelnut cookies

were planted after
the takeover meeting.

But you knew that
cookie tin was in her office

before the meeting,

because John Schneider,
who worked there, told you,

didn't he? No.

You made a big batch of cookies

with batter from her bakery,

laced them with
ground-up hazelnuts,

went into her office
before the meeting,

replaced the cookies
in the tin with yours,

got rid of the originals,

took what was left over of
yours over to Bobby Neal's

and planted them in
his garbage, didn't you?

No, I did no such thing.

Except for the meeting, I
never set foot in Katie's office.

This is a picture...

of Katie White...

taken the day before she died.

What's that on her desk?

A paperweight.

What's in the paperweight?

A half a dollar bill.

That is half...

the first bill...

that you and Katie made

in your catering
business, isn't it?


After you left this morning,

the police went to your
house and retrieved this

from your office.

Tell the court what it is.

It's the first dollar bill I
made as the Pie Lady.

Is it?


the serial number

on this half a bill

that's in the
paperweight... use this.




Now read this serial number.



They're the same.

If you examine
this dollar closely,

you'll see it's two halves

that have been taped together...

Your half and
Katie White's half.

You took this bill
from her office...

when you planted the
cookie that would k*ll her.

I thought I was dumb

when I accused you at the motel.

Forgive me for saying it,

but you were dumber

when you took this
bill from her office.

It was a symbol of your rivalry.


with it, you finally beat
Katie White, didn't you?

It's one of those
awful twists of fate.

You finally won.

But in winning, you lost.
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