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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 07/16/14 06:17
by bunniefuu
Kieren, look at me, what are you?

I am a Partially Deceased Syndrome sufferer.

What I did in my untreated state was not my fault.

It's gonna be good for you going home.

And now the Government is putting these dangerous fiends back into our community.

When they first rose from the grave, they were in a very primitive state, but now they are properly medicated.

A rotter's a rotter, dr*gs or no dr*gs.

If there's any round
'ere, we'll deal with 'em.

They are vicious K*llers.

Roarton's sacrifice will never be forgotten as long as I draw breath.

I just wanted to disappear. When I heard about Rick...

They've found Rick. MOD found him in Afghanistan.

What, he's alive? They've found him alive?


Have you finished in the bathroom?

I've only just got in.

Are you going to be long?

Steve, how long are you going to be in there?

Well, put the kettle on and then I'll be done.

Steve! I've got to get to work.

GIRL IN VIDEO GAME: They're over here, too!

What do you want?

KIEREN: I just wanted to say thank you for warning me last night about Bill, and...

Didn't do it for you.

Did it for Mum and Dad.

They're stupid enough.

They'd have defended you if Bill had burst in without warning.


Either way.

I just wanted to say thanks.

Not accepted.

Piss off!

So, you and Bill Macy are best friends now?

You know he's always hated me.

Get out!

Get out of my room! Get out!



Need a refill?

KIEREN: No, I'm all right. I'm...

I'm trying to cut down.

I know what you mean.

More than three cups and I'm in and out of the loo all day and all night.

And the colour!

I don't know if I should contact Dr Garrison, because the colour...

Can we not discuss the colour of your urine at the moment, please, dear?

Crazy night?

STEVE: Yeah. Yeah, it was.

According to reports, gale force winds reached speeds of up to 60 miles an hour.

Lots of trees down.

Train station's completely flooded.


The underpass. We told them!

I was on the board, told them last year.

The drainage system was out of date and needs to be replaced.

But they won't listen. Completely in denial.

And three inches of rainfall, and it's buggered.

Are you still going to be all right to...

I'm on call. I've told Clive not to contact me unless it's an emergency.


Your Dad's going to be staying with you today.

STEVE: Precautions.

It'll be fun.

JEM: So you're not coming to the ceremony, then?

SUE: I'm going with you.

What's the ceremony?

JEM: I'm not allowed to say.

No, that's not what we said.

JEM: "Don't tell your brother about the ceremony."


That's what you said!

Jemima, come on.

So you want me to tell him, do you?

All right, fine.

It's a ceremony honouring the victims of the Rising.

The people whose brains you ate, basically.

Jemima, just shut up!

This family is f*cked.

WOMAN: Otherwise you look a bit pale and that.

JANET: This is a bit...

WOMAN: I tend not to look at that page because it's...

JANET: It's really disturbing.

WOMAN: Yeah, yeah, it is.

So, I'll be coming back today.

Around lunch time.

And our centre said you can have access to a therapist.

A therapist?

Are you taking a piss?


I'd suggest you take up the offer, Bill.

You know, because Rick...

He's gonna be different from when you last saw him.

BILL: We're not f*cking daft, damn it!

The number's on the back if you want it.

Oh. Thank you.

RICK: Dear Ren, I know this guy's your fave.

You're gonna go far. And I'll be right there next to you, telling dumb jokes and embarrassing you.

This shite with my Dad, I'll sort it.

I swear I will.

- Rick.


Come in.


Don't seem right, you up here on your tod.

Fancy watching something?

I've got five new discs. Just came in the post.

Seen this one loads of times.

Don't mind, though.

I like watching films over and over.

No surprises.

You know what you're gonna get the second time around.

I you don't mind just turning around for me, son.

Come on.

You sure you know what you're doing?

Yeah, yeah. I read them instructions back to front.

Just like taking off a plaster.

The quicker you do it, the less painful it is.

No, I don't think that's actually right...

Here we go!


Let's get you up, son.

Retry later, eh?

Up, up. Good lad.

In we go.

No, no...

Head down.

I don't like confined space.

You're only there five minutes, I promise.

Move, move.

Go on, there's a torch there. Shhh!

Mr Walker.

The 11 o'clock viewing?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Come on in.





They're gone, son, they're gone!

How are you feeling?

Bit better.

Get those flashbacks a lot, do you?

Yeah. It's usually when I'm stressed.

Sorry I stuffed you in the cupboard like that.

I just panicked.



Why did you bury me?

Why bury me?


Hi, Clive.

Your tunnel starting to clear up?

Why, would they need me there?

All right. All right.

The flood at the station's still not getting sorted.

My presence is required and desired.

Clive will be fine. He can do without me.

You can go if you want.

No, no, no.

I'll stay in here with you.

I'll be fine.

Sure? You'll be okay if I pop out?


All right.

But you've got my work number. If anything happens, call me.

You will call, won't you?

DUNCAN: Back door's open.

PATTY: Have you got enough of the leaflets left?

DUNCAN: Yeah, I've got Lisa's flyers.

PATTY: Did you take the ones off the table?

Well, I hope we've got enough.

It's a big day, love.

DUNCAN: Yeah, it is a big day.

Be strong. I'll be aside of you, don't worry.

On this... solemn... anniversary, we honour... the fighters who risked their lives and the fearless souls who lost them to protect this precious community.

VICAR: Perfect timing, here he is.

The man who led that noble fight.

Won't you say a few words, Bill?

Great news.

Rick is coming home.

We expect your full support.

He must be one of them.

GIRL: How are you, Nan?

God, it's cold today, isn't it?

It's been a lonely week this week, Nan.

More than it usually is.


I know you!


No. No.

GIRL: Hey!


Get back!

Stay back!

Your face!

Already dead, dumb-dumb!

I'm Amy Dyer.

What's your name?

I like your epitaph.


Did you choose it yourself?

I was dead.

Some people choose their epitaph before they croak, you know!

"Do not go gentle Into that good night."

"Rage, rage against The dying of the light."

Love that poem.

Did you leave a will?


Oh, I had a will.

It was very thorough.

I specifically said I wanted to be buried here.

Where did you want to be buried?

I wanted to be cremated.

That didn't happen, obviously.

Yeah. No shit.

Your parents buried you instead.

That's so sweet of them.

Hey! Hey, where are you going?

I've got to get back.

Have a nice...

Second life!

Yeah, no, totally understand.

Got a lot of being alone to do.

Looking at old photos.

Reliving the past in minute detail.

I'm psychic.

It's what you've been doing since you got back from the treatment centre, isn't it?

How did you stop doing that?

I went on day trips.

You're sure where we're going is safe?

It'll be fine.


Cross my heart and hope to die.

Tenner says Bill will put a b*llet in his nog the minute he steps off the truck.

I thought we were going somewhere secluded, not Grand Central Station.

You call this Grand Central Station?

I call it being out in public.


We got our contacts in, our cover-up on.

You wear too much of that stuff, by the way.

Yeah, you don't wear enough!

I'm thinking about going au naturale actually.

I wouldn't do that in Roarton if I were you.

We have to go on that!

So the Army finally made a marksman out of you, eh?


What's it for?

Yeah. I noticed your medal.


Looks good.

Where's your mum got to?

MACHINE: Thank you for calling the Department of Partially Deceased Affairs helpline for PDS primary caregivers.

All of our advisers are busy at the moment.

Our website is 24 hours and can be accessed...

JEM: I don't get it.

So Bill's all right with rotters now then, is he?

SUE: Don't use that word.

So, he's all right with the "Partially Deceased", then?

I don't know about that, love.

You saw Bill's face today.

He hasn't come to terms with Rick being what he is.

It's a bit obvious, isn't it?

People convince themselves of all sorts, love.

And let their eyes see what they want to believe.

We're not going to do that, though, are we?

What do you mean?

We're gonna tell Kieren that Rick's back, aren't we?


What is every living person afraid of?



The big sleep.

Deep down, fearing the Reaper is the reason why everyone's so messed up in the head.

They know the end is nigh, but there's nothing they can do about it.

So, it drives them nuts, and they live their lives with one eye on the clock.

We don't have to do that.

We can smash the clock to pieces.

That is an incredible blessing.

"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, for when they shall rise from the dead they are as angels which are in heaven."

You're a fan of that guy with the website.

Watched some of his videos.

Reckon he might be on to something.

He's dangerous.

Just wants us to be treated with respect.

We k*lled people!

We ate them!

Had to survive, didn't we?

KIEREN: Don't you have any remorse?

AMY: Nah. F*ck them!

We were in survival mode.

Out of our minds.


(WHISPERED) Kieren...

AMY: It wasn't like we could pop down to the shops.

"Ooh, have a pint of milk, a packet of fags, and a pound of your best brain meat, shopkeep."

Past is past.

I was wondering where you got to.

All right, Mum?

Yeah. Just been sorting your room out.

Yeah, don't worry.

Your mags are still intact.


BILL: What? I knew that would be on his mind.

RICK: Saw Jem Walker out there today.

BILL: Aye. She's a good lass.

Great fighter.

Considering the family she's from.

They all right with you?


The Walkers.

Yeah, they're all right.

This piece of crap, keeps doing this.

They did go through that... bad patch, before the Rising.

Selfish of him.

There was something wrong in Kieren's head, Bill.

BILL: I don't care how bent out of shape you get.

You keep going.

What happened?

I shouldn't have brung it up.

RICK: Oh, come on.

Tell us.

He didn't get kicked out of college, did he?


k*lled himself.

Weak ending for a weakling.

You shouldn't speak ill of the dead, Bill.

MAN: Kieren?

Kieren Walker?

I went to his funeral.

You're a rotter!

Hey! He's a rotter!

He's a rotter!

(WHISPERED) Kieren...

VICAR: You want wages for patrolling the woods?

Yeah, that's right.

What about your sense of community spirit?

Oh, we've got loads of that.

It's just, it takes up a big chunk of the evening.

Don't it, Gus?

And God forbid protecting the village from rogue, rabid monsters, gets in the way of your drinking time, gentlemen!

Vicar, we're not saying we're not gonna do it.

But now we're a man short and me and Gus are gonna have to take on Bill's shifts, we reckon we should be compensated for that.

What makes you believe Bill won't be doing his shifts?

He's got his family back.

He doesn't have enough time to faff around in the woods.

The patrols are not faffing around.

Whatever you say, Vicar.

But if you want us out there, you're going to have to show us some appreciation.

We just want to be appreciated, Vicar.

Well, it is tight.

But it's feasible.

You'll get your money.

Go on.

Thank you, Vicar.

Ta very much, Vicar, sir.

VICAR: There'll be a patrol tonight.

Aw, what!

Why do I always lose?

GARY: Because you always go for paper, you soft tart.

DEAN: That's five times in a row, that...

God, where is he?

Clive called. I had to go out, and he took longer than...

Never mind that.

Rick's back.

Rick's back like Kieren's back.


Dead man walking!

Jemima! Shhh!

Does Kieren know?

No, no, no, we've not been in yet.

We're not going to tell him!

Well, he's going to find out sooner or later.

All right, let's make it later.

Yeah, later.

No, that's not what I meant!

Jemima, you keep your voice down!

Hi, love!

Sorry to leave you on your own all day.

I'll put the tea on.


Sorry about that.

Sorry about that.

Hello there.


Everything okay?


It's just been a long day.

You cold?

You got your hoodie on.


Do you...

No, no, you keep it on.

It's a bit chilly in here.

Ooh. Yeah. It is, a bit.

Tell you what. I'll put the heating on, eh? Warm us up a bit.

Come on.


Not doing well?


Fourth in the bloody league!

I hear City is scorching.

Might have to switch teams.

Don't you dare, or I'll k*ll ya!


You're not wearing your medal now?

Don't really match the outfit, does it?

You should.

You got a right to be proud. Hey?

Look at that.

Anyway, here's to you coming home in one piece, son.


All right. Get that down and we'll be off.

Just check on your mum Your know how she is.





Oh, come on, Pearlie, that one of me fave pictures of myself.

Could cause offence.

Could I ask you to...


Who's buying drinks for Desert Eagle?

What, is there a sponsored silence in here tonight?

Show some respect!

Don't they realize that Rick's a...

Shut up.

Obviously not, love.

Gonna get you lathered tonight!


JEM: Does he have to do that?

Do what?

Look so bizarre?

When you decide to join us, young lady, you may comment on another person's table manners.

Till then, you don't get to say zip.

Probably Shirley.


Mum tells me you still got a Colt in your room.


I've got it on me.

You know the rules. No handguns in the house.

I'm not putting it in the shed. No way.

The Colt goes in the shed, Jem.

All right, love?

Kieren, it's...

It's for you.


Who is it?

Jesus Christ, what have you done to your face?

I'm going au naturale.

You like?

Where did you go today? I came off the ride, you were gone!

I was recognized by someone!


How did you know where I live?

Knocked on every door till I got here.

Freaked a few grannies out. "Aaah!"

Amy, you can't...

Was that your mum who just opened the door?


Hiya fam!

I'm Amy.

Oh, looks good!

Mind if I join you?

I love your hair.

Is it naturally that colour?


I tried dying my hair like that once.

It came out green! (LAUGHS)

I kept it.

And the next day at school Mr Percy told me I couldn't go around with green hair.

So at lunch time, I shaved it all off.

Why didn't you just dye it back?

Because that would have been giving in.

She's at a difficult age.

Sorry, would you like some tea?

Because we've got some leftovers...

No thanks, Mrs Walker.

My insides are pretty decrepit.

Eat solids and it goes straight through.

Tried eating a Mars bar a couple of days ago.

Had to throw away my knickers and my skirt.


Shall we...

I'll show you my room.

Where the magic happens!

You can't talk to my folks like that.


Because they don't like admitting that I'm...


The undead?


Shouldn't they start getting used to it?


Shouldn't you start getting used to it?

Oh come on, have fun. This is supposed to be the honeymoon period!

Bill, it's Jem. Are you there?



Hey, Jem.

Going on patrol?

What are you doing?

JEM: I'm coming with you.



You can't come on patrol with me.

What are you talking about?


He doesn't want you doing stuff with us no more.

You harboured a rotter without disclosing it.

No, I didn't!

Your brother!

He was seen at the Fun Fair today.

No point fibbing about it.

Bill sees it as a betrayal of trust.

He can talk, because he's got a rotter for a son.

That's different.

How is it different?

It just is!

JEM: Bunch of bullshit.

GUS: So what sort of fire power are you packing over there?

RICK: L85-82 as*ault r*fle.

We also trained up on the 81 millimetre mods.

Oh, sweet arse.

You should've seen the Yanks.

They were tooled up for World w*r III.

They had RPGs, night vision, body armour up the arse...

Were you wearing body armour the day you di...

On the... day of the expl*si*n.

A metal plate on your chest don't do shite when an I.E.D detonates right next to you.


PHILIP: Do you regret it?

You know, joining up?

Happiest I've ever been was in the Army.

It was like a family in it.


A family what's got your back, no matter what.

AMY: I love them.

The fam.

I'd to gobble them up!

Not literally.

Did you...

Get a chance to say goodbye?


When you croaked.

What did you croak of anyway?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?


Last thought I remember thinking was... just that it was so unfair.


I'd been benched before I'd even got to play the game.

What was your last thought?

I don't know.

Just, I remember feeling relief.


How did you croak, Kieren Walker?






NEWSCASTER: Particularly in the Roarton Valley we saw gales of up to 60 miles an hour, and some of you actually reported trees coming down where you live.

Where are you going?


Kieren. Kieren!

KIEREN: Rick's back!

How could you not f*cking tell me that?

SUE: Kieren, come back, please!

And what were basic training like, though? Were it tough?

I reckon I could do it, though.

Don't know why I didn't do it in the first place.

Talking about Vicky Barnes, you horny git?

This one here was making the moves while you were serving Queen and country, eh?

Ah, he's welcome to her.

Get that down you.

k*ll the heartache.

KIEREN: What am I doing?


I'm barred for life!

AMY: Now you're dead. Ban's void!

It's the Legion.

It's just a pub!

No, it's not just a pub.

Yeah, it is.

No, I mean the people in there.

They hated me before I was like this.


Because I wasn't like them.

Look, this Rick...

You want to see him, don't you?

So let's go!

Why isn't he here?

Vicar Oddie did...

He's offending me, Philip.

By not being here, he's offending me.

This will be him now.

Take a picture. Lasts longer.

Is he here?


What'll you have?

We don't drink, so...

Well, you're gonna have to order something if you want to stay in here.

What's the cheapest drink you have?


Two of those, then.

We're serving rotters now?

Are you going to solve this, or am I?

What are you looking at, you weirdo?

I'm going to have to ask you to accompany me.


Hi, Phil.

PHILIP: Just over there.

Who says we have to?

I'm an official of the parish council.

Big wows!

KIEREN: That's good, Phil.

I remember you saying that politics was something you really wanted to get into.

Yeah. Yeah.

You know, it's a lot of pressure, a lot of work.

I had these ideas about what it's going to be like, and then...

You're asking people to stand in a segregated area.

Well, it's not up to me.

Wow, it's the VIP lounge!

PHILIP: Enjoy your night.

Hello, mate.

Good to see you, Rick.

Yeah, it's good to see you, too, Ren.

I'm just sitting out there.


But I can't go out there.

Why not?


Who says?



What are you doing, putting Ren in here?

It's Ren, you tard!

But he's a...

He's a what?

Oh, my friend.

Sure, if she must.

DEAN: Come on, come on.


Yes. Take that, you rotter!

You don't like that, do youse?

You don't know what's got...

(g*n sh*ts FROM GAME)




Patrol Your Certain Death.

I'd forgotten about that.

You made it, I rode it.

From the dent in the bottom of the crack.

RICK: Then, oh my God, then we made Lippy ride it.

And he came straight up the path into that bramble patch!

Hey, do you remember that, Lippy?



I don't know you.

I don't know you, either.

Which school do you go to?

Girls' Grammar.

Are they all lezzies there?

AMY: Yeah.

Huge vag*na hounds, every single one of us.

Didn't you go to Girls' Grammar, Kieren?

Mm, no.

Ah, you should have done. You'd fit right in.

You know drinking makes you sick.

Are you a doctor?

No, just got common sense.

Solids and liquids are toxic to people like us.

I'm not like you.


Mm- hmm.

When's your stitching coming out?

That depends.

On what?

DEAN: Rotter! I've seen a rotter!

Yeah, we know.


Not him! A rabid one.

In the woods.


Out by the caves.

BILL: Right, let's go.

Rick, you're with me.

RICK: Dad.

Can Ren tag along?

You do know what we're running, don't you?

Your sort.

Still on attack.

Move it, Rick.

Just a sec, just a sec, just a sec.

Just got a load our sh*ts. You go up ahead, we'll catch you up.

You should have done that on the way.

Right. Come on, move it.

What happened?


Why are you the way you are?

When you died, everything turned to shit.

Life didn't mean anything any more.

So you...

You offed yourself?

You shouldn't have done that, Ren.


How could you do that?

Had the whole world at your feet!

Did I?

You got into art school!

Full scholarship, you were out of here, mate!

Flying high!

I didn't have much without you.

You can't put this on me.

Can't I?

We'd already said goodbye.

That wasn't a goodbye.

It was.

We drank a bottle of white lightning, smoked a few fags, messed around, and then you said, "All right, see you tomorrow."

Next thing I know, you've gone to Preston for basic training.

I didn't hear nothing from you after that, nothing!

I wanted to make it easier on you.

Easier on yourself, you mean.

I wrote thousands of letters.

Why didn't you reply to me?

Didn't get any letters.

I didn't!

I thought you'd just forgotten about me.

How could I forget about you?

Well, you were going away.

New place. New people.

No, that's what you did, Rick.

That's exactly what you did.

Not me.

I kept us going.

In my head, I kept us alive.

BILL: What the bloody hell are you playing at? Where are you?

Ren's having trouble with his torch.

Yeah. Well get a move on, sharpish, right?

Better get to it.

You don't have to do everything he tells you, you know.

Not anymore.

He's my dad, Ren.

I think we're lost.

I think...


RICK: Ren.


Over here.

RICK: No way.

It's the old den.



Two rotters by the den...

Hey, hey.

Repeat, two rotters by the den.

What are you doing?

What's wrong with you?

BILL: On way. Repeat, on way.

What do you think we're here for, mate?

Two rotters on the move.

BILL: Received. On way.

GARY: Dean. That way.

Keep your arse down. Shhh.

DEAN: Aaah, got ya!

GARY: Ah, a set! You almost could have been paid for a set!

DEAN: We're going to be wanted, mate.


DEAN: Oh no, I've been bit!

I've been bit!


I'm infected! I'm gonna turn!

Gus, tell Vickie, I've always loved her.

My Vickie?

KIEREN: You're not infected.

DEAN: I am!

That rotter bit me good!

KIEREN: You can't get infected.

DEAN: It's common knowledge!

You get bit by one, you turn into one in 20 seconds flat!

It's been more than 20 seconds, though, hasn't it?

Fancy over my fiancée, are ya?


Gus, you spell it all out, I think she's a right dog.

BILL: That's enough!

What do you think, son?

Think we should hand them over to the civvies?


They're disgusting.

And they're evil.

You do the honours.

You're a better shot than me.

Ren. Ren, shift that way.

What are you doing?

They're rabid, mate.

Yeah. At the moment.

When we get them to the hospital...

We're not going to the hospital.


They're rabid.

DEAN: Bill? They pay big for sets!

BILL: Shut up.

Do what you think is right.

KIEREN: They can be treated.

With the same medication we've been treated with, you understand?

They're like us.

BILL: Come on.

BILL: Do it.

BILL: Pull the trigger, lad!

They're like me.

Are you going to sh**t me as well?

Do it!

BILL: What are you waiting for?

Your own sodding doing.



Give me your p*stol.


How much are those two worth alive?

200 each. For the pair?

500 pounds, if we bring them in intact.

KIEREN: That's a lot of money.

You could do with money like that, could you, Dean?

Too right I could, yeah.


Could use the cash, aye.

KIEREN: Let's take it to a vote.

All those in favour of handing them in unharmed, and receiving the 900 pounds reward money, raise your hand.

GARY: They're stinkers, aren't they, these things.

Come around them.

DEAN: Got it.

GARY: Get them up, come on.

Excuse me, mate, I need help.

Bill, this is far from over.

You know something's not right... and you want out.

He's got to go, and you've got to do it.

I blame Kieren.

And that's a horrible way to feel about someone, especially your only son.

I was scared of him. Scared of my own flesh and blood.

They are not your neighbours!

Not your friends!

They are imposters!

Changelings of the highest order!

That's how it is on the films.

Yeah, we've seen it. You get bitten, you come straight back.

In all the films.

Yeah, I know. But this isn't a film.