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05x22 - Torn

Posted: 05/17/23 06:19
by bunniefuu
I'm freaking out. This isn't like her.

She always responds.

She knows that she
needs to be home by : .

She's . She's not .

I'm sure it's fine.

She's probably having fun.

- Maybe she met a boy.
- No.

She needs to be studying,

focusing on the charity she created.

It's not that easy to get
into college these days.

And you need to back me up for once.

Michelle, the guys are waiting for me.


Go get drunk with your work pals.

I'll do all the parenting.


I'm staying on.

[SIGHS] There's her car.


♪ ♪

All right.

I found her car.

All right, none of her stuff is in it.

There's other cars here. I'm just...

I'm gonna head down

to where her GPS is telling me to go.

I got a bad feeling about this.

I mean, what is she even doing down here

in the woods at night?

It's Bronxville.
It's not the Amazon basin.




God, it's creepy down here in the dark.


Oh, my God!

- What the hell is happening?
- Meghan!

Oh, Meghan, baby!

Meghan, wake up. Wake up. Meghan!



♪ ♪


Hold on. Isn't it Ramadan?

Aren't you supposed to be fasting?

Yes, um,

but I'm taking some time off.

Time off? From what?

For being a good Muslim, I guess.

- Okay.
- And don't tell my mom.

- I'm Chief Tucker.
- Agent Bell.

- This is Agent Zidan.
- So glad to have you on board.

We got six dead teenagers.

This is way beyond our capabilities.

How long were their bodies out here?

One of the mothers
got worried when her daughter

was late coming home last night.

She found them out here.

We assume it's drug-related,

but none of it makes any damn sense.

♪ ♪

Are all these kids local?


And no criminal record on any of them.

All good kids.

Is there any sign of trauma?


I'd swear they were all
just taking a nap.

All right, well, are there any cameras

that are out on the road
leading into the woods?

No. We never had any need for them.

Yeah, the Dolans, their...

their daughter's name was Meghan.

We have the rest of the parents
down at the station

if you wanna talk to them.


Thank you.

Mr. and Mrs. Dolan.

I'm Agent Bell. This is Agent Zidan.

We're really sorry
for what happened here.

Do you mind if we ask you
a few questions?

Yeah, of course.

Did Meghan have a history of drug use?

No way.

She was a good kid.

We did everything right with her.

She snuck a beer here or there.

I found a cannabis gummy once,
but she was a good kid.

They were all good kids.

Any changes in her behavior
or attitude recently?

I mean, come on. She was a teenage girl.

So there were moments, but
nothing out of the ordinary.

Mrs. Dolan?

No, not that we noticed, but...

I can't believe this is happening.

It's okay. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

You guys, you need
to figure out who did this.

We will.

Um, can we have access to her phone?

It may help us figure out
what happened to these kids.


Anything you need.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

So what, we're looking at a su1c1de pact

or some sort of accidental overdose.

Found pill fragments
during the autopsy...

fatal combination
of fentanyl and carfentanil.

Carfentanil is literally
used to put down elephants.

It's times more powerful
than fentanyl, which is...

times more powerful than heroin.


Leads to pretty bad math.

You can imagine the effect
it had on a -pound teenager.

Anything else?

The chemical signature
of the sample we sent

is unsophisticated, powerful.

Leads me to believe we're
dealing with a DIY chemist.

If this stuff is really on the streets,

we're gonna be seeing
a lot more of this.

♪ ♪

Six dead kids with bright futures.

Four were already accepted to college.

Two were planning to join the Air Force.

So somebody help me out with the math

because this is not adding up.

Elise, tell me about the social media,

anything leading us to believe
that these kids wanted to die.

No... all their posts
were completely normal

for kids that age.

Seemed excited about the future,

lots of upbeat posts
about high school graduation,

the colleges they were accepted to.

All right, let's assume
this was not a mass su1c1de,

which means
it was an accidental overdose.

Kelly Moran, anything from their phones?

Yeah, I haven't finished
scrubbing all the data yet,

but just found this
from Meghan Dolan's phone.

Time to party, everybody.

Timestamp indicates it was taken

minutes before
estimated time of death.

Come on, Meghan.

For the record, I'm not
too sure about any of this.

You're gonna love it.

Here, let me hold your phone.

First time for everything, right?

Atta girl.


That kid just signed
their death warrant.

So who is he?

Tony Hasa, Albanian immigrant.

Looks like he's got
a sealed juvenile record.

Just turned and he already
has two collars

for felony as*ault in the Bronx.

Four months ago, he was released

from court-appointed drug rehab.

No current address.

And he's not one of the dead kids.

So how does a tough kid from the Bronx

intersect with these kids
from leafy Westchester?

Got this from social media.

Hasa works out
at the same martial arts gym

in Mount Vernon as two of our dead kids.

There's the connection, bingo.

Okay, so how do we find him?

Last court filing on his cases,

he listed Tirana Lounge
as a place of employment.

It's a bar in the Bronx.

It's a good place to start.

Let's bring this kid in for questioning.

FBI. Looking for Tony Hasa.

- Who?
- Tony Hasa.

Never heard of him.

- We know he works here.
- Wrong.

Friendly reminder, it's
a felony to lie to the FBI.

Who's lying?

You wanna try that again?

Same answer.

What about you?

I don't know the guy.


Well, when he comes back in,
you can let him know

that we're looking for him.

It's the kind of place
that would just as soon

sh**t you in the face
as pour you a drink.

Psst. Hey, yo?

I'm Agent Sula, assigned
over at Organized Crime.

Are you working a case on these guys?

Look, can't really talk right now,

but the kid you're
looking for, Tony Hasa,

he stays at a basement
apartment at th.

It's , halfway up the block.

Good seeing you again, Agent Zidan.

You know him?

♪ ♪

All right, so Jubal confirmed
there is, in fact,

Agent Sula assigned
to the Organized Crime branch.

So hopefully this guy knows
what he's talking about.

Tony Hasa, FBI.

- Check it out.

Hey, Tony?

It's open.

♪ ♪


Tony Hasa?

Wake up.

Tony's dead.

It looks like another overdose.

All right, so M.E. confirmed

that Tony Hasa died of an overdose.

The dr*gs in his system were the same

as the dr*gs in the other six.

So we need to find whoever is selling

this poison before more kids,
innocent or not,

end up on a slab.

We recovered Tony Hasa's
cell at the scene,

so what did that phone tell us?

It was activated yesterday
morning, so not a lot of data,

but there was an interesting

text exchange with another burner.

Okay, "Tony: I messed up and
took a little of your stash.

"Some kids died. Burner: What? How?

"Tony: I don't feel good. Please help.

"Burner: Boss is gonna to go crazy.

"Tony: Sorry. Need help.

Burner: Good. See you in hell."

Great. Okay. Anything after that?

- No, that's it.
- Okay.

So we need to track down
the empathetic soul

on the other side of that exchange.

I'm guessing he's the one
dealing the poison.

I've been scrubbing security cam footage

from across the street
of Tony's apartment.

So he arrived minutes after the video

of him supplying the dr*gs was recorded.


Opioid swoon.

This kid is struggling.

Yeah, he probably took the
same pills as the other kid,

but he's a user, has a tolerance,

was able to make it home before dying.

But minutes later,
this guy showed up.


Fast forward it.

All right, so he was in there
for six minutes

and did not call for medical attention,

and he took something that is likely

a key piece of evidence. So who is he?

Bad angle, can't get facial rec.

What about the car? The plate?

Plate comes back cold,

registered with the same make and model,

but was totaled three weeks ago
according to DMV.

Okay, let's work the cameras
from the scene out.

Let's find out who this mystery man is.

Hey, Organized Crime guys
just showed up.

Nobody else dies from this poison!

Get to work.

The Tirana Lounge
is owned by a gangster?

Yeah, a guy named Fabian Shabani,

runs an Albanian crime organization.

Right hand man is Luhan Hyka.

Okay, so you've been working
the case against these guys?

Yeah, money laundering.

All right. And how do you fit in?

I've been under for three months,

posing as an ex-con looking for work.

We're in the process of expanding this

into a full-blown RICO case.

Might be able to wipe out the
whole g*ng, Shabani included.

So I need you guys to tread lightly.

We have seven dead teenagers.

I'm afraid treading lightly
is not in the cards.

We will be working with Agent Sula,

leveraging his connections.

In the meantime, your case is on hold.

We've been working on this for months.

This operation is very
important to the ADIC.

He'll back me up on this.

Well, I just got off
the phone with the ADIC,

and he gave me his unequivocal support.

Feel free to call him if you like.

You will be working
with Agent Zidan and Bell.

They're in the conference room.


Good to see you again.

Word is we're working together.

You, uh, used my name back there.
Do we know each other?

No, but you spoke at my
high school class once.

You talked about what it was
like to be a Muslim in the FBI.

[SCOFFS] Hope he didn't
put you to sleep.

Actually, it was more of an awakening.

You made me believe that
it was possible to be

both a good Muslim
and an effective agent.

Well, that's good.

Make up for the granola bar
you ate this morning.

Any talk about Tony Hasa's
overdose at the lounge

or the dead kids up in Bronxville?

I haven't heard anything specific,

but there was definitely
a lot of commotion

in the back room this morning.

Uh, the boss, Shabani,

was yelling and screaming at everyone.

Who's this?

This is Dardan Hasa, Tony's uncle.

How was he involved in the business?

- dr*gs.
- Great. We'll start there.

You interact with this guy?

You think you could
plant a listening device?


He tried to sell me
a few g*ns the other day.

I'll tell him I found a buyer.

Okay. And if he's there
and he lets you in,

see if you can get him
talking about the dr*gs.

Sounds like a plan.

I'll get the listening device.
Be about minutes.

Which way is east?

East is that way.

- Join me in prayer?

Um, I'm gonna have to
make it up, but feel free.

You know, I was figuring
with my tech background,

they would assign me to cybercrime.

When they asked me to penetrate
Shabani's crew, jumped at it.

It's a good assignment.

It's more than that.

I hate these bastards.

They bully their own people,

force them to pay protection money.

They tried to do that to my father.

He was a tailor, but he refused to pay,

so they beat the hell out of
him right outside the mosque.

I'm sorry to hear that, man.

Taking these guys down will be a joy.

And in the process...


Little help?

Means to honor
and respect one's parents.

All right, Tiff and Scola are on site.

Your wire secure?

Keep it on just in case.

I haven't been packing.

I don't wanna make Dardan nervous.

No, I get it, but there's a reason

why we carry, especially in
situations like this, so keep it.

"Offensive" is gonna be our safe word.

You say that, we'll come running, okay?

Copy that.

♪ ♪


What's going on?
What are you doing here?

I wanted to talk to you
about those g*ns.

I just met a potential buyer.

There's lots of heat on me right now.

This helps take the edge off.

This buyer... you know him?

Dealt with him before?

Yeah, he's a good guy.

So what kind of heat?

This moron, Tony, screwed up.

He ruined the biggest deal
we had in the works.

Supposed to go down tomorrow, but...

So what about this buyer of yours?

How do you know him?

We... I used to buy coke
from him when I was younger.

He's a drug dealer?

How much is he willing to pay?

, bucks, all three g*ns.

What's his name?


John what?

See, you're not a good liar, Val.

Hey, come on.

Dardan, it's me.

What are you doing?

This is offensive.

Offensive? No.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

At the door, you said you just met him.

Now you're saying
you used to deal with him

when you were younger. Which one is it?


♪ ♪

FBI! Drop the g*n!


Dardan left out the back.

I'm in pursuit of the suspect.


Suspect is down.

I need an ambulance
at Lorillard Place.

You guys good?

You had a clean shot.
Why didn't you take it?

No, I just... I... I thought I was...

I mean, in my head,
I was pulling the trigger,

and then...

Okay, well, we got him.

- Is he gonna die?
- I don't know.

Just got the warrant for Dardan's van.

Here. Go on the other side.


♪ ♪

Any dope?

No, but I got piperidinamine
and lithium aluminum.

Everything's empty.

Maggie, that means these guys
are making their own dr*gs.

Looks like it.

♪ ♪

All right, so based on
the empty chemical containers,

it appears this crew
is making their own pills

in mass quantities.

Can we track the van that
we found the containers in?

We tried, but he disabled
the vehicle's GPS.

Okay, what about LPRs, cameras

in and around Dardan's apartment?

Tried that too. No luck.

Hey, suspect is in surgery,
prognosis is unclear,

which means if he pulls through,

Val is burned as an undercover.

So for now, let's not
tell Dardan's family

what's going on and buy
ourselves a little more time.

We need Val to plant a bug on Shabani.

Is Val gonna be okay?

Didn't exactly go smooth at Dardan's.

OA talked to him.
He thinks he's gonna be fine.

All right, well, we've gotta
find out when and where

that drop is happening,
and he is our best shot.



Okay. Button cam is working.

- How are you feeling?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm good.


Omar, is there any chance
Dardan's mother and father

can see him while he's in the hospital?

Eventually, but he is
making and selling dr*gs

that are responsible
for k*lling seven kids.

Okay, so let's not waste our energy

worrying about him too much.

It's not about him.

It's about his mother and father.

I've met them.

They're not involved with Shabani.

They're practicing Muslims like us.

I get it.

But we gotta focus on this right now.

This is the device.

It's a key fob with a detachable piece.

You pull this out and plant it,

and we're good to go, sound and picture.

- Got it?
- Yeah. I'm good.

You sure these guys talk
business in the back room?

Boss is always in there working.

There's always a lot of people
coming and going.

Okay. Let's do it.

Hey, so I've got something
I wanna run by Shabani.

You think it's okay if I go back there?

What do you mean?

I've got some friends, Dominicans.

They're looking at getting
into the fentanyl business.

If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut

and bring the boss's lunch
when it gets here.

Don't press it, Val.

Take the man his lunch,

anything that gets you
in that back room.


I'll serve his lunch
on a silver platter,

shine his shoes while I'm at it.

Smart boy.

I'm thirsty.

And you know it's bad luck
for Albanians to drink alone.




What's wrong?


Take the drink, Val.

What's he doing?

Take the damn drink.

Yo, somebody order food?

Is it that big of a deal to drink?

I mean, I've seen you have a cocktail,
or two, undercover or not.

If you are really devout, yes.

I was that way when I first started.

Yeah, but you were working undercover

with radical jihadis, not gangsters.

There's this concept in
Islam called "al-darurah."

And it allows you to make exceptions

to the doctrine in cases
of necessity or extreme need.

Okay, so you basically have a blanket

get-out-of-jail-free card.

No, but I use it to balance
my work and faith,

and Val is gonna need to reconcile that

if he's gonna be an effective agent.

Honestly, Organized Crime
should've checked

this kid's level of devotion
before putting him under.

♪ ♪


What's up?

No phones back there.

Oh. Got it.

♪ ♪

I always had that other kid check

to make sure the owner's
brother isn't cooking.

- He's awful.
- Yeah.

Crazy what happened to Tony, right?


Don't push, Val.

Don't forget to put
the peppers on the sandwich.

♪ ♪

Right there, behind the plant
near the entrance.

- Hey, kid, make sure...

What is that?

Just my car key.

When you're done,
go get me some more coffee,

Italian place down the block.

Yeah, sure.

♪ ♪

Oh, hey, kid...

hey, make sure to tell them...

Tell them the coffee's for me, okay?

Yeah, will do.

They know how I like it.

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪


We are up on the bug. Good work.

Thanks. My heart's still pounding.

Yeah, I bet.

But listen, Val, when it
comes to something like

taking a drink, sometimes it's
better to play the part,

stay in character.

I don't drink alcohol.

Val, this isn't a training exercise.


One misstep's gonna get you k*lled.

I'll do whatever I can to help the team,

but my faith...

I don't screw around with that.

I get that, okay? I do.

I thought when I first started

I could follow all the rules too, but...

The rules?


You know what I mean.

They're not rules.

It's the word of God and the
Prophet, peace be upon me.

What I am saying is that the b*ll*ts

in these g*ns are real.

So sometimes you might need
to give yourself a break,

okay, adjust to reality.

You mean surrender?

I mean adjust.

Get your head in the game.

Get back out there. Go.

♪ ♪


Jubal, what's up?

Hey, so we've been monitoring the bug.

Okay. And?

And there's gonna be
a meeting with the Latin Kings

in about two hours.


It's probably our buyer.
That's good news, right?

It is, but it's not happening
at Shabani's office.

It's happening in the
apartment above the bar.

So you need us to plant another bug?

Well, according to real estate records,

it's owned by Shabani,

but according to utility records,

somebody else lives there,
an imam from a local mosque.

- An imam?
- Yeah, and he seems legit.

Leaves early, comes home late.

Spends most of his time at
his mosque on Webster Avenue.

And we really feel comfortable

bugging an imam's apartment?

No, unless Shabani
is using that apartment

for illicit meetings.

If the imam comes home,
we will deactivate the device.

It's not an ideal situation,
but we've gotta take a swing.


♪ ♪

I told them I was
putting money in the meter,

- so I can't be too long.
- Okay.

What do you know about
the apartment upstairs

being used for meetings?

- The imam's place?
- Mm-hmm.

Look, we heard on the wire
that Shabani uses that place

to speak with the Latin Kings.

So we need you to go up there
and plant another camera.

- In the imam's apartment?
- Yes.

Odds are high that
they're gonna be discussing

that major drug deal
that Dardan mentioned.

Can we find another way?


We don't have time to find another way.

So nothing else matters?
You just make the case?

No, Val, what matters is the parents

that we talked to this morning
whose -year-old daughter

is lying in a morgue,
her future vaporized

by the poison that Shabani
is making and peddling, okay?

That's what matters.

Still, I can't do it.

This is the FBI, man.

You can't pick and choose
the orders you wanna follow.

What I mean is, I literally can't do it.

I barely made it through
surreptitious entry training.

I bet I won't even be able to make it

through the apartment's door.


Whatever. I'll do it.

You just need to get me inside, okay?

♪ ♪


Go get everything ready
for the meeting upstairs.

You got it.

OA, Shabani's sending Hyka your way.

I need more time.

Val, you gotta slow him down.

Hyka, hey.

Hey. Hold on.

I wanna run something by you

about these Dominicans
I was telling you about.

They're major players.

And they have distributions up and down

the East Coast out to Chicago.

I got it. I'm in.


♪ ♪

You know, but they hate having to count

on the Mexicans for supply.

You know, they don't like
the prices they're getting.

OA, you gotta hurry up.

Bottom line is, these guys can buy

as much as we can make.

Stop talking now.

How do you know what
we make or don't make?

Blame Tony.

Look, I don't wanna
speak ill of the dead,

but Tony told me.

Get lost.

OA, Hyka's coming towards you.

I need more time.

♪ ♪

[WHISPERING] Stall him.

- Hyka?
- What now?

Just, you know, if you
need any help up there...

Just go back to the damn bar.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Okay. Here we go.

Can we get facial rec on these guys?

Yes, sir.

Pulling it up now.
Come on, come on, come on.

Olive jacket is Oscar Diaz,

senior member of the Latin Kings.

And the orange jacket is...

Juan Ruiz, another documented
member of the Latin Kings.

Okay. They're heading inside.

Ian, can you throw up the feed

from inside the imam's apartment?

Yes. Feed is good.

There you go.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

Hold on.

Oh, no. OA, it's the imam.

He's coming back.

OA, you need to get out there
and divert the imam.

We cannot let him go into his apartment.

Copy that.

♪ ♪

- Imam. Salaam alaikum.
- Do I know you?

Uh, no, but I've worshipped
at your mosque a few times.

Oh, I see. Well, nice to see you again.

I was hoping that I could speak to you

about a spiritual issue
that I've been having.

Well, just give me a moment.

I forgot to take my blood pressure pill.

I'll grab it in my apartment.
I'll be right back.

OA, the meeting's not over.

You gotta keep him on the street.

Okay, another time then.

You're busy, and I have to go to work.

Tell me about your issue.

Who cares if I have a stroke? [CHUCKLES]

Okay. Thank you.

I appreciate that.

I'm sticking at / .

On a retail level,
we assume most of the risk.

So I need this to be a true partnership.

I can't move off of / ,

so I don't know why
you're wasting my time.

You got balls. I like that.

/ it is.


Have the money ready by : .

We'll text you the location.

We'll see you in about an hour.

If your lifestyle violates
the teachings of the Quran,

you already know what my answer will be.

There has to be something.

There has to be some latitude somewhere.

- To new friends.

- Salud.
- Salud.

All right, OA, meeting's over.

You gotta get off the street now.

Your life must reflect your faith.

You can't pick and choose
when to be a good Muslim.

Okay, but what about al-darurah?

Well, I worry when a follower
tries to use it casually.

Our faith is not a system
to be gamed for convenience.

OA, they're coming out now.

You gotta get off the street.

Okay. Thank you.

I have to go, um, but I'm gonna come

- to prayer service this Friday.
- Okay. Good.


- Hey, Shabani's on the move.
- Do we have eyes?

We've got a soft tail on Shabani.

OA and Maggie,
Tiff and Scola are trailing.

Yeah, and SWAT is ready to deploy.

Shabani just crossed into
Hunts Point, then he stopped.

He stopped? Okay. What's there?

Location's coming back as Abel Store-It.

What do we know about this place?

Property records show its
owner is a cousin of Shabani.

All right, they told Diaz
the meeting was at : .

That's less than an hour from now.

All right, we've got a solid
case against Ruiz and Diaz.

We cannot risk this stuff
getting out into the world.

Take them down.

♪ ♪

Maggie, those are the same
buckets from Dardan's house.


All right, guys,
we need to clear the employees.

Secure the truck. Let's go.

Get out of the warehouse! Go! Get out.

FBI, freeze!


- Shabani's on the run.
- Hey!

Don't move.

Go, go, go.

Hey, Jubal, we found the lab.

Roll Hazmat.

These burners are still on.

Don't you wanna wait for Hazmat?

This place goes, whole
neighborhood's going with it.



♪ ♪


- OA, are you okay?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪


Wanted to come see you
before I met with my boss.

You okay?


If I'm being honest,
I'm really not okay.

I know it's not easy,
but you did the right thing.

You saved my life.

You know, I was naive,

convinced myself I'd never have to k*ll.


I get that.

First person I ever k*lled,

I couldn't eat or sleep for three days.

I don't wanna be in that position again.

You just need some time, process things.

No, I get it, but it's more than that.

I don't like all the
compromises you need to make.

My Imam says life is faith.

Faith is life.


♪ ♪

I'm jealous of you.

Why is that?

You don't struggle
with these things like I do.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪