03x94 - Protect the Pure Heart: The Three-Way Battle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x94 - Protect the Pure Heart: The Three-Way Battle

Post by bunniefuu »

You want to have
your first kiss...

...in a romantic setting
with someone you love!

It's the dream of any girl!

I can't forgive those
who lack delicacy...

...and stomp on a
maiden's pure heart...

...going after the hearts
that yearn for a kiss!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

We're studying at Rei's
place again today...

It's tough having
entrance exams!

What are you saying?

Don't stall yourself
around here!

We should get going!

Otherwise Rei and the
others will yell at you again.


Studying on such a
wonderful day like today?

I feel like I'm wasting
my precious adolescence.

I won't be responsible if
you end up in tears later.

Oh, I wish I could go on a
date with Mamo-chan...

My wish came true!


What about your studies!?



Who is that...? That person...?



Hello, Usagi.

Why are you..?

My brother Motoki is such a klutz.
He said he was going on a trip...

...but forgot the ticket
when he left the house!

So, I rushed out of
the house after him...

That was when I was
passing by their place.

And so Mamoru took me
to the train station!

Oh, I see...

Sheesh, don't surprise
me like that!

What are you talking about?

Oh, nothing!

By the way, Mamo-chan, that
riding suit is wonderful!

You look really
good in it!

- Damn, you're handsome!
- You think so?

You're so well-proportioned,
you look good in anything.

Hey, hey... Usako...

A kiss with Mamo-chan?

Wha-- Usagi, you don't
have to say it so loud!

And what about it,

Have you kissed Mamoru yet?

Uh, well...

I see...

After all, since you're
blushing so much...

You haven't kissed yet!

Well... That's...

Of course. It would be
bad for you to kiss now...

...since you're still in
junior high, Usagi.

And you've got entrance
exams this year to boot!

Y-Yeah... I'm a poor little
student with entrance exams...

W-What about you, Unazuki?
You're in high school...

You've kissed a boy, right?

I can't really say
this too loudly...


I do have a boyfriend
that I love...

...but I haven't
kissed him yet.

Why, why? If you love him,
why don't you kiss him?


I want to cherish
my first kiss...

...with someone I really love!
At the perfect time and place!

Until then, I want to save it...

Isn't it normal to
think that way?



So cute, to be
dreaming of kisses.

Oh, I think it's romantic.

Do both of you know about the
first kiss in world history?

The first people to kiss in
this world were Adam and Eve.

There are many
different kisses.

The kiss on the back of the
hand of someone you look up to.

A kiss of friendship
on someone's forehead.

A kiss on the palm of one's
hand to wish for something.

You really know a
lot of things, Haruka.

In th-century Italy,
it was said...

...that if a young couple kissed,
they had to get married.

They were really strict.

A first kiss...

You want to cherish it.

See ya!

Haruka and Michiru
are so mature...

Oh, that's right, Usagi!

I have a lot of
delicious cakes!

You should come visit my
place later and have some!

Bring your friends, too!

Really?! I'll go, I'll go!

Now, I have to work!
Well, I'll see you later!


Cake! A cake!

I'm such a kid after all...

A first kiss, huh..?

They are just so cute...
It's nice.

We don't have the luxury to
be falling in love right now.

It's dangerous.

Honest girls like that are
easily targeted by the Daimohn.

You're right.
The owner of a pure heart...

We have to be careful.



You have been
piling up failures...

But I'm sure you have
found a new target?


A girl with a pure heart
that dreams ofa first kiss.

A kiss, huh?

I haven't done such
a thing in years...

I guess this is it.

My first kiss...
With someone I love...

Am I putting too much
thought into this?




The talisman is mine!

We won't let
you have that!

Who is it!?

Guided by a new era,
Sailor Uranus...

...acts with elegance!


...I am Sailor Neptune!

This is what I've taken!

I won't let you have it!




It's mine!



The crystal!!

Hold it right there!


Where's the talisman?

Where is it!?



I'm here with everyone!


I was wondering where you ran off to,
keeping everyone waiting...?

- Well, it's all right, thanks to Usagi...
- Oh, I want to clean...

- ...we'll be eating cake in the end, right?
- ...Motoki's room for him again...

Besides, we can study anywhere.

Ami, you planned to have...

...the study group
at Unazuki's place?

Was that a bad idea?


This is strange.

Maybe Unazuki isn't
back from her job yet.

Huh? It's open...



What's wrong!?

This is...!?

Her pure heart crystal
has been taken away!

If we don't follow the Daimohn fast
and get it back, Unazuki will...!

But, where should we look?

Where are you!?

Where, where, where, where,
where, where are you!?

Here it is!

It's a good thing the
tick sensor was on it!

Ami, have you
figured it out!?

Within a -km radius,
towards the north...

I'm sorry, but I can't
be any more specific.

In any case, we have to
split up and look for them!

Everyone should keep in touch!

Everyone have
their communicators?


A kiss...

I want to kiss!

W-What's gotten into her!?

Pull yourself together!

I want to kiss!
Kiss, kiss, kiss!

- NO!
- Unazuki!

Kiss, kiss, kiss!

Come on,
get yourself together!

You said that your
first kiss was precious!

That you were waiting for
someone you really love!

And it would be at the best
place at the best time, right!?

Right, Unazuki!?

I don't care who!
I want to kiss!

Perhaps she became impure
because her pure heart was stolen!

Is that how it works...?

Yes, I'm sure of it!


I'll look after Unazuki!

Everyone, hurry and find the
crystal of her pure heart!


...what in the world...

...do we use as a
clue to look for it!?


There's a Daimohn
-km away from you!

Everyone, hurry over there!

Got it, Ami!


Usako! If you're
in a hurry, get on!


Hurry and bring back the
crystal of her pure heart...!

At this rate,
Unazuki will die!

Usagi! It's in that area!


It's in HERE!?

A Daimohn!

It's got a pure heart crystal!

That must be Unazuki's!


You are as pesky
as little ticks!

Cooperate and give
us the talisman!

This is what I took!

If you want it, you have
to wrestle it away from me!


I won't let ANYONE have
that pure heart crystal!

A girl who dreams of a first
kiss with a wonderful boy...!

I can't forgive you for
stealing such a pure heart!

For love and justice,
the pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I punish you!

We have another tick!?

I can't allow
for any ticks!!

Gust of wind!

Shut up!

Take these
pieces of trash!


I won't lose to someone like you!


I have to save... Unazuki...

All of you,
pile up and DIE!

A crystal of a pure heart...

...does not fit someone
with a soiled heart!

Return the crystal now...

...and be buried along
with this scrap metal!

Tuxedo Mask!

Sailor Moon! Show it
the power of justice!




Oh, no!
The pure heart crystal...!

I won't let you have it!

We will take the talisman!

I won't let you have it!

Let me go!

If I don't give that back,
Unazuki is going to die!

I know that we're
going to have casualties!

Then, why...!?

It's nothing that
you would understand!

It is our duty!

We must get a hold of it!

Sailor Moon!

This is...!

It's not a talisman.

It's only a normal
pure heart crystal!


Give it back!

I'll never let you have it!

Do what you want with it...

What does this mean...?

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon!

Come on, let's hurry
back to Unazuki!

That girl who was dreaming
about her first kiss...

I wonder if
she'll be saved?

She'll probably
be all right.


I'm glad that it
wasn't a talisman.

What are you saying?

No matter what happens,
we must find the talismans!

You're right...

Because that is the duty
that we were given.

Unazuki's body...!

I'm so glad!

Now she won't
kiss just anyone!

You have to kiss someone
you love, after all!

That's right!
In Italy, long ago...

...if a boy and a girl kissed,
they had to get married!

That's how
important a kiss is!

But, Usagi, we know
somebody who often does...

...such an important thing
with a certain someone.

That's right. For now,
we have to think more...

...about the entrance
exams than romance.

Now, let's begin
our study group!

You really are going
to start it here!?

I can't believe it!

If we don't start right now...

...we won't be done with
what we have to cover today!

I'm glad Unazuki
is back to normal.

Yeah. Unazuki's
cherished dream as well.

A first kiss...

Unazuki's dream is
a wonderful thing.

I'm kinda happy that I was able
to protect her wonderful dream.

I guess...

H-Hey, Mamo-chan...

Do you remember
our first kiss?

Um, that's...


By some chance,
you don't remember...?

A-As I was saying...

Well, that's not
worth talking about...

NO! A first kiss is
really important!

The moon is really
beautiful tonight, Usako.

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