02x77 - Shared Feelings: Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x77 - Shared Feelings: Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Mamo, please look this way!

I put my feelings of unrequited love
into each and every knot,

and I've finally finished
the promise ring.

Trampling on this innocent girl's
feelings is totally unforgivable!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

I'm late again!

Whoa! Watch out!


Are you okay?

That hurt!


Oh? What happened to our
homeroom class?

Oh, Ms. Haruna is not here today.

So even first period is study hall.

So that's it.

I wish I'd had another bowl of rice.

Umino, give it back to me.

What? But...

I'll give it to you when I
finish it properly, okay?

Well, if you say so, Naru.

What? What is it?

It's a promise ring.


Miss Usagi, you don't know
what a promise ring is?





This is no good.

Our Feelings are the Same!
Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again

Our Feelings are the Same!
Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again
Our Feelings are the Same!
Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again

Our Feelings are the Same!
Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again

These are the promise rings that
everyone's been talking about.

Wow! So lovely! How do they work?

You make them one knot at a time
while making your wish,

and then you tie it around
your wrist or ankle.

Then, when they snap, your wishes
are supposed to come true.

It's very popular nationwide right now.


You're right. I didn't notice
everyone wearing them.

I wonder if I should make one, too...

There are different ways to make
them, depending on the wish.

Mystical Power
Promise Ring
There are different ways to make
them, depending on the wish.

Mystical Power
Promise Ring
Oh yeah, they opened a new specialty
store in the Juban area.


Not only do they carry embroidery
threads, books, leather strings, beads

and everything else needed to
make promise rings, but

they also offer free classes
to customers.

They say that if you make one and
give it to your boyfriend,

you'll stay together forever.

Just like Naru and me.

Really? Then maybe I should also...

Don't be so friendly with me.

I don't love you anymore.

Don't make me say the same thing
over and over again.

Please go home. Leave!


You said we'd be together
forever and ever.


Usagi! Usagi!

What's wrong? You look so down.

Did something happen at school?

No, nothing like that.

Then, cheer up!

If you have any problems, we can
give you advice anytime.

Thank you, but it's nothing like that.

Oh, yeah, I heard the Juban area
has a new promise ring...


My wish came true.
I've bumped into Mamo!



I've been trying to figure out why,

but I just can't.

Please tell me!
Why don't you like me anymore?!

I can't give you up like this...

Please, at least tell me why!

It's just me being selfish.
Please forgive me.



Our clars Prince Dimande

poured bright red wine over this
beautiful Crystal Tokyo.

And I'm going to fill this crowded
Tokyo with Dark Power.

The new Negative Point is...

Over there.

Droid Udering!


This Tokyo is very crowded
and suffocating.

Make the Dark Henge's power grow
as quickly as possible!

Yes, Lady Esmeraude. Ring!

Prince Dimande...

I want to return to you soon.

And I want to bury my face
in your arms.

This is the "Misanga's Mansion" that
everyone is talking about.

A promise ring is a symbol
of happiness.

I'm sure your wish will come true.


Usagi, do you know the spell that
will make you happy for sure?

When you cast a spell, what's
important, is that you believe in it.

And the power of your belief
will bring you happiness.

Of course, I just read that in a book.

But don't you think that the power of
belief can also cheer you up?

Yeah! Thanks, Mako!

Promise Ring
Handmade accessories that
make your wishes come true.
Here! These are the materials
you need to make

Promise Ring
Handmade accessories that
make your wishes come true.
A promise ring that will let you
make up with your boyfriend.

Promise Ring
a promise ring that will let you
make up with your boyfriend.

Promise Ring
Thank you.

Promise Ring
Here, the classroom is this way.

Promise Ring


Excuse me...

Well, we'll be right over there.

Good luck.

Good luck.


Is this your first time?


Here she is.

Naru! Umino!

Are all of you friends?
Then, you can sit here.

I'm glad you're here. I was worried
since you looked so down today.

To make this ring, cut the string to
ninety cm and make ten of these.


First, secure the strings with tape.

Then, start knotting from the middle,
as if you were writing the number, " ".

Repeat this twice.

Let's see, from the middle...

Maybe we should start with
a simpler pattern.

There are six strings total.
Start knotting from the left, as if you
were writing the number, " ".

See? Isn't this really easy?

Everyone has trouble at the beginning.

All right, then we will stop
here for today.

Everyone, please read the manual
carefully and finish it at home.


What?! I have to read it?!
What a pain!

What?! I have to read it?!
What a pain!

Do you understand?!

Yes, ma'am!

Bye-bye. Thank you.

Okay, be careful on your way home.

Ole, ole, ole, ole! Udering!

Udering, how goes the operation?

Everyone wearing a promise ring
tonight will be corrupted. Ring!

And the Dark Power will
increase all at once,

making the Dark Henge grow.
Ring, ring!

Good, I'm counting on you.

I wonder if she finished making
the promise ring?

Oh, she fell asleep!

I wanted her to make me
a promise ring, too.

She's probably tired from working
on something new.

Let's leave her alone for a while.

Yeah, you're right.

Mamo, why...


We're finally married; aren't we?

Usako, I will never let you go.



I'm so happy.

Mamoru Chiba, you must not get
close to Usagi Tsukino.

Mamoru Chiba, you must not get
close to Usagi Tsukino.

Mamoru Chiba, you must not get
close to Usagi Tsukino.

Who are you?!
Mamoru Chiba, you must not get
close to Usagi Tsukino.

Who are you?!

When the two of you are bound
together, the world will crumble,

and Usagi Tsukino, in other words,
Princess Serenity,

will be struck by misfortune.

You're lying!

It's a lie!

It can't be!

A dream? Why did I have
a dream like that?


Mamo! Mamo!

You're too loud!
What time do you think it is?!

I'm sorry. Mamo, there's something
I just have to ask you.

I've got nothing to say to you.
Go home!

Mamo, did you have that
weird dream as well?

Weird dream?

Why is Usagi visiting Mamoru
all of a sudden?

She should keep knotting
this until it's done.

So, you also had the same
dream as me.

You did dream about it then.

But it could be just a dream.

Are you crazy? You could also die!

Mamoru, you were intentionally
cold to me for my sake?

But I can't believe a dream like that!

I didn't believe it at first either.

But I kept dreaming the same
dream every night.

This is probably not just
a regular dream.

This is a dream that's
predicting the future.

No way...

But if it's with you, I don't mind dying.


In the end, we're just not supposed
to be together!


Mamo, I don't want that!

Even if the Earth is destroyed
and I die,

I want to be with you!
I just want to be with you!

Mamo! Come on, Mamo!

Don't be so unreasonable.

Open the door!
Don't be so unreasonable.

Open the door!


Usagi sure is late.


Oh, here she comes.



It won't come off my hand!



Chibi-Usa, are you okay?


Luna, what's happened?

All of a sudden, the promise ring...

This is...

Impossible, it can't be!

What's wrong?

Luna, take care of Chibi-Usa!


Absolutely Pass Cram School

Absolutely Pass Cram School

It's not coming off!



Everyone, we're in trouble!


It's that new promise ring shop, right?

I'll be right there!

Artemis, let's go!

Yeah, okay!


It was here, just as I thought.

Moon Crystal Power Makeup!

Dark Power, increase more and more!

Ring, ring, ring!

I won't let you do that!

Who's there?! Ring?!

Wishing with each knot they make,

girls put on these rings to make
their wishes come true.

But you imbued them with an
evil power; that's unforgivable!

I'm a sailor warrior of love and
justice, Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Lmpudent little brat,

this is what happens to anyone
who gets in our way!

One Ring Attack!

A diagonal pattern makes your
dream come true! Ring!

The secret to successful magic is
not to give up after one try.


For someone with no boyfriend,
the heart pattern will be perfect!

How dare you?! I do have a boyfriend,
even if I might not look like it!

Sailor Moon!

Watch out!


Pitifully easy. Here's the next one.

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring,

ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring!

Who's there?! Ring?!

A promise ring is a ring of hope.

Abusing the trust of beautiful girls.
You have an ugly heart, Droid.

I, Tuxedo Mask, will not allow it.

Did you say "trust"? You're so naive.
What a huge joke!

Three-Ring Thunder!

For someone like you who wants to
make up with a friend,

ethnic patterns are the best!

Shine Aqua Illusion!

Sailor Mercury!

I'm glad I made it!

Then, Four-Wheel Drive!

For you, who wants to beat
a rival in love,

a V-pattern will be the
perfect thing! Ring!



Thank you for waiting.

Sailor Mars!

Since it's come to this,
I'll use my last resort!

Five Ring-pic!

Sparkling Wide Pressure!

Venus Love-Me Chain!

We've arrived!

sh**t! Ring!

Now, Sailor Moon!


Moon Princess Elimination!

Ring, ring, ring, ring!





You impudent sailor warriors,
listen very carefully to me.

Soon, the Dark Gate will
open in Tokyo.

When it does, the Evil Black Crystal's
power will flood this place.

Then, the Silver Crystal will
turn evil and black,

and the whole world will be
surrounded by Dark Power
and destroyed!

Sailor Moon...


Protecting our beloved city and
the future city, Crystal Tokyo,

is the duty that has been laid upon us.

No matter what kind of hardships
stand in our way,

we have to overcome them
and keep going.

Tuxedo Mask...

Sailor warriors, let us continue
to fight together.


Tuxedo Mask...

Sailor Moon, why are you
just standing there?!

Hurry up and go after him!

I don't know exactly what happened,

but you cleared up the
misunderstanding between
the two of you, right?

How did you know that?

It's obvious by the passionate way
you two look at each other!

So, stop being indecisive!

The tough experiences in life are
what make us girls prettier.

So, hurry!

Okay. Everyone, thank you.

Usagi, good luck!

I hope your wish comes true!

Good luck!



Mamo, maybe we're not supposed
to be together in the future,

but... but right now,
just for a little while...






I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart,
with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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