02x75 - The Mysterious New Guardian: Sailor Pluto Appears

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x75 - The Mysterious New Guardian: Sailor Pluto Appears

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Who are you?

What do you mean Chibi-Usa's
mind is in danger?

Don't worry, Chibi-Usa.
Please trust us.

This time it's our turn to protect you.

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

I have come for you, Rabbit.

I don't know you!

Who are you?!

You know the answer to that
better than anyone else.

Now, let's go to where your mom is.

Mom, I'm scared.

They're coming after me again.

Those people with the
Evil Black Crystal.

Help me.

Help me, Mom!

A Mysterious New Warrior,
Sailor Pluto Appears

A Mysterious New Warrior,
Sailor Pluto Appears
A Mysterious New Warrior,
Sailor Pluto Appears

A Mysterious New Warrior,
Sailor Pluto Appears

Today the Evil Black Crystal is
emitting energy as if it were hunting.

You truly are amazing, Prince Dimande.

Every word you utter is
like beautiful poetry.

Saphir, what do you think?

Never mind that, elder brother!

Do you still intend to target the
won'thless twentieth century?!

It has value in its own way.

But, bro...

But, bro...
In place of Rubeus,

In place of Rubeus,

I will take command.

I will not fail like Rubeus did.

Esmeraude, you are too loud.

I am very sorry.

I do not think we need to go after
either the legendary Silver
Crystal or the Rabbit.

Our Evil Black Crystal is invincible.

I do not think we need to
go to the trouble

of going back in time just to
waste our time and energy.


As long as the legendary
Silver Crystal exists,

our Evil Black Crystal
cannot be invincible.

Obtain the Silver Crystal that
hinders us and shatter it.

Wherever the Evil Black Crystal's
energy spreads,

our ambitions follow.

Oh, Minako, what should I do?

Chibi-Usa's going to die!



Calm down.

I can't calm down!

Even the doctor doesn't know
what's causing this.

Help me... Help me.

Hang in there, Chibi-Usa.

The Evil Black Crystal...

Those people...

They're coming!


Help me...

Help me...

Help me... Help me, Puu...

Who's that?

I am no one suspicious.

I am Sailor Pluto,

a warrior who protects the
gateway of time and space.

Sailor Pluto?

Are you the person who
Chibi-Usa calls "Puu"?

Sailor Pluto...
It sounds familiar somehow.

Please, help Small Lady.

Small Lady?

I think she's talking about Chibi-Usa.

The Evil Black Crystal is gradually
invading Small Lady's mind.

Unless we do something,
it will destroy her mind.

There is only one way to save her.

You will need to enter the
world inside her mind.

It is a very dangerous task.

But you're saying that we'll
be able to help her.


Let's go!

Yeah! Let's go!

To save Chibi-Usa!


It's our turn to save her!

Chibi-Usa, I'll help you for sure.

Let's go!

All right!

Thank you, everyone.

Please take care of Small Lady.

So, this is the world inside
Chibi-Usa's mind?

It's a rather oppressive place.

The moon looks so big.

This is probably the Crystal Tokyo
of the future.

It's a very dark future.

But this is inside Chibi-Usa's mind,

so it doesn't mean the future
is really like this.

Mom... Mom...



I'm scared, Mom.


Who are you people?!


How dare you call me Chibi-Usa?!

My name is Small Lady!

What are you saying?!
It's me, Usagi!


I don't know any of you!
Who are you?!

Chibi-Usa, why?

Usagi, everyone,

the Chibi-Usa we see here might be
Chibi-Usa before she met us.

In short, you're saying that
Chibi-Usa is dreaming

of a time before she came to our era?

What are you babbling about?!

Wait, Chibi-Usa!

I didn't know there were more
enemies other than that guy!

I can't let my guard down!

Come on, Rabbit.

Let us continue our game of tag.


Run! Run!


Everyone, transform!

Protect Chibi-Usa!


Moon Crystal Power!

Mars Star Power!

Mercury Star Power!

Jupiter Star Power!

Venus Star Power!


Hold it right there!

If you want to show up
in someone's mind,

you should be more polite!

I'm a sailor warrior of love
and justice, Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Lmpudent little brats!




Venus Love-Me Chain!

No way!


The Rabbit knows the reason for
that better than anyone.


Sailor Moon!

Please take care of Chibi-Usa!


We're your opponents!

Oh? This sounds like fun.


Wait! Please listen to me.

I don't want to listen!

We came here to help you.

What are you talking about?!

You're the ones who destroyed
Crystal Tokyo!

What do you mean?

You guys from the Dark Moon Clan
did this to Crystal Tokyo...

And to Mom...

You made all of this happen!

You're wrong!

We're not their friends.


It's true!

We came here to protect
you from them.

Protect me?

Please trust us. We're all sailor
warriors who fight for justice.

We're on your side.

You're supposed to time-travel from
this era to the twentieth century,

and become our friend.


You must be kidding! This is stupid!


Since you're that insistent,
I'll let you have my trust.


But in exchange, you have
to save my mom.

Your mom?

It's so pretty!

It's the Crystal Palace.

My mom is sleeping inside.

Okay, I got it.

Wait a minute!

What is that?

It's the power of the Evil Black Crystal.


My mom told me

that the enemy can control the power
of the Evil Black Crystal at will.

Now, help my mom!

You're scared; aren't you?

Then don't tell me that
you're my friend.


Sailor Moon!

Everyone is in trouble.

Okay, I'll be right there.

Chibi-Usa, I promise you that
we'll help your mom.

Luna, Artemis, take care of Chibi-Usa!


Sailor Moon...

You guys!

Sailor Moon!

Everyone, listen!

It seems that Chibi-Usa's mom is
trapped in that Crystal Palace.


If we save Chibi-Usa's mom, we may
be able to cure her illness.

Let's go and save her.

But the palace is surrounded
by a barrier.

Then, either way...

Looks like we have to k*ll him.

But don't let your guard down.

I can't believe that our att*cks
don't work at all.

How can we beat him?

Not yet...

I will put you out of your misery now.

Chibi-Usa, please open your
heart to everyone!

Sailor Moon!

So, that's where you were, Rabbit.

Chibi-Usa, run!

Let's go back!

Sailor Moon...



Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon...

Chibi-Usa, are you okay?

Why did you...

Because we're friends, of course.

It's okay. It's okay, so just
let go of my hand.

I can't let go of your hand.

Because we came here to save you.

The sailor warriors will
surely save you.

So please don't cry, Small Lady.

Hey, Tuxedo Mask,

is Sailor Moon strong?

Yeah, she's invincible.

Sailor Moon...

Sailor Moon, are you invincible?

If you would just open
your heart to us...

Please trust us, Chibi-Usa.

Come, Rabbit.

Let's go back to where your mom is!

k*ll him, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon!

Enough is enough!

I won't allow you to do whatever
you want anymore!


Moon Princess Elimination!

So that's Chibi-Usa's mom.

Sailor Moon.

Thank you.

Thank you, everyone.

I'm okay now.

We're always with you, Chibi-Usa!


We were able to get back?

Thank you, Sailor Moon.

Thank you, everyone.

Chibi-Usa... Is she okay now?

I slept very well.

We did it! She recovered!


Puu, I want to go back to the future.

You are not ready yet, Small Lady.


And the enemy is certain to
appear in this era again

with another new plot.

Protecting this era will be the same
as protecting the future.

Sailor warriors, please look
after Small Lady.

And please do not let go of the
Silver Crystal, no matter what.

Wait! Who are you?




I will protect them.

Chibi-Usa, the Silver Crystal
and the future to come.

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart,
with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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