04x22 - A Turning

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x22 - A Turning

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

Well, what number
did you call?

The number we got
for him in greenfield

Goes to
an answering machine
in the judge's office.

Well, here...

Judge walton's home
phone in greenfield
is 7445.

Are you sure
virgil's there?

He said he was
going there for dinner.

Then why bother him?

We got the guy
who shot at him.

I know
he'd want to know.

In the middle
of dinner?

I doubt it.

But o.k. 7445.

Thank you, chief.


What would you
advise me to do here?

Just fold it up

Or cheat?


Cheat. O.k., I will.

Well, look at that.

That makes it, too.

Gillespie's a character,
isn't he?


Yes. A memorable


Would you want to be
a police chief?


[Telephone rings]you'd make
a good one.

Well, I think so.

I may not be up
to the politics.

What about
studying law

And going on
to other things?

The phone's
for you, mr. Tibbs.

Ooh. Ha ha ha!

Thank you.
Excuse me.

Thank you.

Emory's been chosen
by justice magazine

As their
judge of the month.

You have? Well,
that's wonderful,

Oh, it's--it's
really nothing.

Except, I guess,
one's own peers.

I thought
about saying no.

They're profiling
his career--

How he took
the bar exam at 23,

And onward and upward.

But they barely
mentioned me.

My guiding light.

Lead kindly, light.


The guiding light
is not always kindly.



[Telephone rings]

Sparta police.

Wai-wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Wait.

Who is this?

O.k. Yeah.

We will get somebody
out there right away.

What and where?

Two people shot
at the cross county

On the way to greenfield.

Well, here we go again.

I wish
they'd let us shut
that place down.

tell lonnie to
meet me out there,

And tell the chief.

Sweet, come with me.

Here we go.
Right over here.

All right.
Thank you.

were these masked guys
tall, short, what?

I don't know.
My arm hurts.

The four customers
are sparta folk.

I got their numbers.


Got a slug
in the wall.

Excuse me.
I got to get
to the phone.

It's our phone.

Yeah. Yeah, it is,

But you going
to let me use it,
ain't you?

If you were
at the station,

We'd let you
use our phone.

Would you like
to go to the station?

Let him use the phone!

I'm dying here!


Well. Winnie.

Lonnie jamison.

How are you doing?

Doing all right.

Did you
see any of this?


I woke up about the time
y'all got here.

Really? Slept through
all them g*nshots, huh?

Reckon I must have.

What are you

That I have to crawl
out of bed in five hours.

I want to thank you
for your patience.

I know the judge's
wife bothered you.

Older successful women
think we're dying
for their advice.

I'm glad she gave me
that recipe,

But not
how to plan my life...

Like having
one or more babies.

she's had seven.

And she mentioned it
seven times.

Did you hear her
tell me I should
study law?

What was that
phone call about?

We caught some guys
we've been after.

Parker wanted
to let me know.

It never ends.

Did you hear him say

That he thought
the work I was doing

Was the greatest
in the world?

You heard me say
it was the craziest.

[Telephone rings]

Look at that.

A wife
can't even escape it.


I'll bet $5
I know who's calling
at 1:00 am.

Hello, chief.you owe me $5.

Yeah. I know
where it is.

No. I can
stop there.

I'll call you
on the way back.

All right.

This won't take long.

I just have to check
on the guys.

What's this all about?



Mrs. Tibbs.

Winnie furlong.

What are you
doing here?

I live here.

My mama
owns this place.

Really? How long?

All the time
when I was
in high school.

What happened here?

Something terrible,
mrs. Tibbs.

Two men were shot
to death in the bar.

Black guys,
dressed real nice,

And driving
that nice car.

And mama's arm
got cut by a piece
of flying glass.

Nobody can tell us
about the getaway car?

Nobody saw nothing
coming or going.

Who did the sh**ting?

Well, they say
one guy did most of it.

I dug this slug
out the wall.

But even with masks,

Didn't anybody
get a hint of
what they looked like?


Maybe they
weren't locals.

Nobody picked up
on the voices.

That might be
what they said,

But I don't believe it.

You know that girl?

Yeah. One of our
very sad little dropouts.

She told me
what happened here.

Two young black men
shot to death.

Wait just a minute.


Just a very
simple answer.

What are we doing here?


At this place
in the road?

Any place on any road.

In sparta,
the world.


I'm sorry, but if
this is going to be

A "let's take stock"
talk, could we--


We shouldn't
talk about it here.

We should wait.

But the answer is,

We aren't doing
what we should.

Is there a short answer
to the question

"What should we
be doing?"


Something different.

Something very,
very different.

Maybe the both of us.

But certainly you.

Where do we go now?

My uncle bart's shack.

From there
you go one way,
I go another.


That's what guy's do
who done what we done.

How much did we get?

About $90.

You lying!

That's it.
That's all he had.

You want to search me?

You said they'd
be carrying $25,000!

They always do!

Then where is it?

And we k*lled them!

So what if we did?

They's snakes.


They ought to be dead.

Two people for $90.

three and three.

Yeah, that makes
seven altogether.

Three from each body
makes six.

We dug one
out the wall.

It looked like that one.

A little smaller
than the rest.

Maybe hit a bone,
got mashed.

Maybe fired from
a smaller caliber.

I don't trust
that lab.

Didn't when I worked
here regular.

Ever tell you about

little willy mack
shot his granddaddy?

Yes, sir.

I dug a pellet
out of his butt.

Yes, sir,
and you did specify
it was a pellet.

Lab said it was
a piece from a .45.

Cops were fixing to
arrest a 4-year-old.

Know what I said?

It was a pellet.

What kind of entry wound
we got there?

Angle's different.

Could've been fired
from higher up.

Fired by
somebody taller?

You go ahead, now.

That's a conclusion.

I just stay
with the facts.


The french have
a word for it--

If that means
depressing, I agree.

What you got, sweet?

Oh. Yeah. Um...

It was a '88 t-bird

Registered out
of birmingham, alabama,

To a lawyer by
the name of callaran.

It was not
reported stolen.

I'll bet the police
didn't tell him
where it is.

No. They think
the lawyer's a player.

Is this
a drug-related case?

Ain't they all, doc?

You don't have
to fuss, mrs. Tibbs.

I can always
see virgil
at the station.

He'll be right down.

I'm sorry y'all had
such a late night.

I know I'm
somewhat to blame.

But then
when you have
a chief investigator

As able
as virgil tibbs,

Well, you're
liable to lean
on him too much.

Good morning,

Sorry for dropping
by so early,

But driving past, I saw
the twins on the porch.

I just left you
in a dream.


I dreamt that
the whole town
had turned bad,

you and I were
holding them off

From behind
a police car.

that crazy?

Not crazy at all.

Althea, please.

Please what?

Lighten up
a little bit.

I'm just talking
about a funny dream.

I don't think
there's anything
funny about it.

I thought it was...

Somewhat humorous.

Well, it did have
its dark side,

And she saw that mess
at the road house
last night.

My fault.

The way the world is
is not your fault.

More to the point,

It's not mine
or hers.

Well, I don't think--

There's no solution
in my quitting
police work

To study law
and politics.


Honey, where's
the herringbone tweed?

My jacket?

Of course your jacket.

I left it in myself.

I had a little rip.

I'll just get it.it won't be ready.

It has to be weaved.

I'll ask them
for it. Bye.


Your eyes...

Your eyes,
uh, look red.

It's nothing.



Did you fail to tell her
you were nearly shot?


Oh, what
a tangled web we weave

When first we practice
to deceive.

I know. I know. I know.

Well...is there any chance

That you might study law
and so forth and so on?

Totally ridiculous

on to other things.

I think the victims
last night were
probably bag men

For a dope syndicate
out of birmingham.

But who k*lled them?

Jamison thinks
they're local.

He's probably right.
I didn't think it
was a chance brawl.

They knew who they shot.

They knew
they would be there.

Maybe somebody
at that nefarious joint
was party to the thing.

Miss etta tells me
these two will be
early talkers.

And walkers, too.

Sarah ahead
of william, both ways.

They must be a great joy
to mrs. Tibbs.

Oh, yes.

And a great worry, too.

Are they o.k.?

Oh, they're fine, baby.

It's just that althea
was out here with them

Just before leaving and...

Talking to them and all,

And that radio went
from music to news.

It was talking about
those murders last night.

Althea looked over in
the carriage at these two...

Bust into tears.



Order for me.

Giant prawns, fries,

and black-eyed peas.

I eat good lunches,
very little at night.

Keeps the figure trim.


Hi, lonnie jamison.
How you doing?

Two number fours, please.


So, what'd you really
ask me here for?

Like I don't know.

We need to know
what happened.

It was dark.
It was.

I was there.

All I saw was

One guy was black,
the other was white.

You could've said
this last night.

What if those guys
come looking for me?

Or their friends?

What friends?

You know those
kind of guys.

What kind of guys?

Young guys
who got nothing,

Just enough
to get a g*n
and an old car.

They ain't got work.

They think they
ain't never going to
get no work,

Never get nothing,
never have no life.

You were going
that way.

No chance.

Lots of people
said so.

Here's your salads.

Thank you.

I knew the black kid
from school,

But I don't know
his name.

You could
pick him out?


What's going
to happen, lonnie?

Ain't there
nothing in life

For all these
young crazy guys
but g*ns and dope?

What you asking me for?

I'm just a cop.
Now, eat your lunch.

One guy I heard
people call china.

Why? I don't know.

The other guy
was called bop

From the way he walked.

Well, we want
to know who k*lled
them and why.

They had what you call
a franchise.


Well, wasn't no 7-11.

They'd meet a guy here
once a week.


Old white creep

Who owns most
of these mansions here.

The guy called china

Would go sit
in his car for a while.

The jag?

He drives over in it
from marshalsburg.

Well, now,
old man philbrick

Didn't k*ll
china and bop.

The guys who k*lled them
could have been anybody.

Maybe 'cause they
wanted to rob them.

I ever tell you
I wanted to be a cop?

No. A singer.

That, too,
but a cop first.

I'd be a lieutenant
by now,

Telling you
what to do.

Jimmy dawes,
jimmy dawes.


What can
I help you with?

These two men.

I want to know
who knew them,

So could you show them
around intelligently?

Tragic, isn't it?



Life goes on,
don't it?

Sure does.

[Country music plays]

Hey! There he is.

There he is.

Miss furlong around?


Mind finding her
for me?

I'm busy right now
with my customers.


Dee, go find her,

You know, son,

You're working on
a serious attitude

Ain't no laws
about attitude.

No, but, see,

The information
I got on you,

Ronnie price,

Is that you got

On a charge
of aggravated as*ault.

Not in sparta.

You know,

You're so slow,
I can't even get mad.

If I have to haul you in
for obstruction of justice,

I guarantee
you'll do some time.

Hey, lieutenant.


You catch
the bad guys yet?

No, ma'am. We ain't
getting no help.

Can I take a break?

Go ahead.

He's a kind of
unfriendly guy,

But with the
customers I get,

That's a quality.

Does probation know
he's working here?

I don't know.
You going to tell?

I just might.

Got a g*n here?

Well, sure.

Where is it?

behind the bar.

Can I see it?



Now, why a teeny-weeny
little .32?

So you could use it?


But I last fired it
two years ago.

Anybody fire it
last night?

I didn't.

How about ronnie there?

The only guys
I seen with g*ns
was the K*llers.

You know--nah. No.

I better take this in.

That's all right.
I'll bring it back.

Receipt for
your property, ma'am.

That stuff's
pretty good.

uh, excuse me.

I spoke to that
owner in birmingham.

He says he has no idea
what the two men
were doing at sparta.

He says he used
those two men

As process servers
now and then.

Process servers?

That's an
interesting cover.

Yeah. Instead
of delivering summonses,

They'd be delivering dope.

And there's nothing
in the computers
about this lawyer.

No arrests.

Thank you.

You think
one of the slugs

That went
into the wall

And one that went
into one victim

Was fired
from this .32?

Yes, sir.

And you figure

Your friend ronnie
the bartender fired them?

I figure ronnie was
involved someway,

But on whose side?

That's always
a vital question,
isn't it?

Yes, sir,
it sure is.

O.k., Come on, now.




Hee hee!
You said it!

That's it.
You got it.

that's my girl.


Can you say it,

Come on.

Come on.
Say daddy.

Teach him
how to say it.

Say--say daddy.

No.[Doorbell rings]

You going to say
it before we finish.

That's my girl.

Hey, bubba,
come on in.


Come on in.dada.

No. Bubba. But close.

Hey, you sure I ain't
intruding here?

Oh, no, no.
I appreciate you
stopping by.

I guess althea got
tied up somewhere.

I couldn't see
taking these guys
to the station.

I don't know
why not.

The chief wouldn't
have minded.


So you think ronnie
fired off those .32s?

Yeah. I sure do.

With this right here.

Prints on it?

No. Probably just
wiped it clean.

I figure
it went like this--

Ronnie tipped off
the gunmen

That the victims
was at the roadhouse,

But when they got there,
something messed up,

And ronnie grabbed this.

Look, this crib
here's the bar.

You're one
of the victims.

You're sitting there
drinking, whatever.

You see
two masked men

Coming in
and lock on you.

You go for your g*n,

But you don't fire
because they do first.

Ronnie's with the locals.

He gets off
some rounds, too.
Down go the dopers.

Masked men run over,

Go through
their pockets,

Haul butt.

Yeah, but
china was shot
at the door.

Yeah, I know.
The only way
I can explain that

Is somehow ronnie
didn't see him.

He got off a round,
then took two.

What's going on?althea, baby.

"althea, baby" me.

What are you doing?

I'm sorry. I have
a m*rder to solve.

Not in front
of the children.

They don't know what
we're talking about.

Uh, virgil, uh, I
should tell you now

That the two slugs--

One of them hit
a fella by the name
of bop,

And the other one
stuck in the wall.

Look, I'll see you
back at the station.


The babies can see
the g*ns,

And they'll
remember that!

I'm sorry.

I'll just take
these two upstairs.

Thank you.

You used to be such
a sensitive man.

Now I just don't know.

i--i'm sorry.

It was stupid.

You used to be
an honest man, too.

What are you
talking about?

What I am talking about?

This is what I mean.

What happened here,
a moth got to this?

I just--

I didn't want
you to worry.

That's great.

You got out,
you nearly
get yourself k*lled,

But you don't tell me.
'Cause you don't
want me to worry.

How did you think
I was going to react
when I saw that?

I was not thinking!

Now I have a lot more
to worry about,

And so have you.

[Door slams]

[Baby crying]

Hey, calvin.

What you want, man?

Your mama home?

No. Why?

She been
looking for davy.

He just came home
with a car.

What it to you
who's looking for who?

I take an interest
in my community.

Best show
some respect
before I slap you.

Got to go.

where davy been?

I don't know.

Where he steal
that car?

It ain't stole.
It's his friend beau's.

Beau bryan?

Why you want to know?

I look out
for my people.

For instance,
where you going,
small man?

I'm going to
my ballet class.

I think
virgil tibbs
likes pressure.

I like it, too.i think that's weird.

There's someone here
to see you.


Guess I should
have said action.

That's what I like--
action. Excuse me.

Sniffing that kitchen
makes me want to eat.


No. Makes me
want to eat
someplace else.

Well, I like the food
in this restaurant.

My lunch is cooling
on my plate, so...

I'll be brief.

You want a black cat
named davy nellin.

Hmm. How do I know
that name?

Chief investigator
virgil tibbs k*lled
davy's brother mitch

A month ago.

O.k. What about davy?

k*ll him,
and all that's
left is calvin.

k*ll him,
you've wiped out
a whole family.

You going to tell me
something about davy?

Write it down.

He's in a '76 chevy.

It ain't his.

Belongs to a white boy
by the name of beau bryan.

Davy's in his house
on pearblossom street,

Number 14.

O.k. How much?

Ah, don't think about it.

I do my business
with the chief.

A '76 chevy...

Camaro, man.


Police here, davy.

Just relax.
Keep still.
You're under arrest.

Hands on the wheel.

Up high.
There you go.

Well, son, there's
no sense in putting off

What must be done,

And that would best
be done now.

We'd like to bring beau
in like you,

But to bring him in
without k*lling him,

We got to surprise him.

We'd like your help.

Beau don't want
to be brought in
no way,

And I ain't going
to go agin' him.

Well, if you don't,

You're going
to be blamed

For the k*lling
he's done

And maybe for one
he might yet do.

That's how you feel,
we'll say no more

And put your butt
in jail.

Oh, bring him in.

Yeah. Ronnie
wasn't inclined

To accept
our invitation.

Sit him down?

Let him stand.

I want
my probation officer.

I want a lawyer.

Everybody wants to talk
to somebody else.

Nobody wants
to talk to me.

Davy here tells us

You put them
up to this.

I didn't.
I swear.

Shut up.

No. Keep
talking, son.

You got
a nice voice
for singing.

Tells us you fired
at bop and china.

Now, you've been
on parole.

You're going to be
the big loser.

Well, I don't hear

So put them
in the cell.

Yes, sir. Together?

Sure, together.
Let them visit a while.

Let davy tell ronnie
what he's been telling us.

Let them get
their stories straight.

Uh-uh! Not with him!

No choice here.
Let's go.

What are you
scared of?

Y-youscare me!

Put them in there!

I'll tell
where beau is.

Shut up!

Oh, put him
in a cell.

Ronnie, come on.

We got a phone
down there.

You can use it.

Now, if you're ready
to tell us the truth,

We might be able
to help you.

[Telephone rings]



I'm glad you called.

I was going to
call you,

But you know how I hate
calling the station.

Listen. I don't think
it's right

That we're talking
on the phone.

I think we need to
talk face-to-face.

Why'd you call me?


I may be late.

Yeah, well,
althea, we're
on to something.

It may take a while.

I'll get back to you
soon as I can.

Maybe within an hour.

I love you.


This came from jackson
a while back, and--

Hey, uh, virgil.

No, no. I don't think
this goes

With what you got on.

beau's affinity
for sh**ting,

I can make
it work. How's
the location?

I don't remember.

There ain't a lot
of cover out there.

Where are sweet
and jamison?

Sweet's going over
beau's camaro,

But jamison's
in the locker room.

Would you
get them, please?


Now, you have
at your disposal

A way to get
close in there,

Even though
the cover's sparse.

[Train whistle blows]

don't come in fast.


You see anybody?

We're going in.

Beau bryan.

Beau bryan,

Come on out.

Well, there's nobody
fishing here today

Except you and me.

[Engine roars]

Goode and peake
are backups.

Parker, not
on this channel.

No, sir.
Not this channel.

Hold it! Now!

Uh! Aah!

You best lay still.

You don't want us
to sh**t you again.

Well, how is he, sweet?

Two hits.


Get him to
the doctor's, quick.

Yes, sir.

Look at that.

You want to take this
home with you?

Honey, I know
I've been unfair,

But not for bad reasons.

I just want our children
to have two parents,

But I married
a police officer,

And being
the daughter of one,

I--i understand
what that means.

It's just
that I love you
so much, virgil,

And I don't
want you to feel
under pressure by me.

Althea, I love you.

I want to say
something to you, too.

[Doorbell rings]



Well, chief,
come on in.

Chief. I'll get
another glass.

Well, mrs. Tibbs,

Is this a new departure?

Non alcoholic

Oh, well.

As the bearer
of good tidings,

I deserve a treat

Whether it's wild
or housebroken.

What are
the good tidings?

Virgil can go to
law school if he wants to.

I brought over
the prospectus.


You didn't tell me
you were doing that.

I agree with most
of the things
you said.

That's what I was
trying to tell you.

We can keep him on
while he takes classes
towards his degree.

Is that possible?

I've just been burning up
the telephone wires,

And yes,
it can be done.

Chief, I really
appreciate this.

It is possible.

It's a good way
to keep you on the force

Another three,
four years.

If he's going
to law school,

He's going
to need the money.

Well, mrs. Tibbs,
to your very good health.

Chief, it's been
three years.

Please call me althea.


Well, althea,
your very good health,

And thank you.
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