04x21 - No Other Road

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x21 - No Other Road

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Okay, this is where
turn it on, go!

Start your sprint
beforethe far turn!

Hey, mrs. Tibbs.

You a track fan?


I need to talk to that
young miler down there.

Eugene glendon?


If he doesn't
pick up his grades,

He can't run
in the state meet.

Can't run if he don't
pick up his feet, either.

Sergeant jamison says
his heart ain't in it.

Boy, I tell you,
if my father was on trial
for m*rder in this town...

I'd have a hard time

Keeping my mind
on track, too.

You want me to
go get him for you?


I'll talk to him
some other time.


Got to give
it up, lonnie.

Well, o.k., Gene.

I'll tell the head coach.

I want to apologize
for wasting
everybody's time.

My time is your time,
you know that.

I just hate to see
yourtime wasted.

I can't think
about running,

Or school.

Think about the future.

I don't see how
I can stay in this town.

Gene, why don't you
just think about now?

Why don't you do
what the good lord

Gave you to do today,

And the future will
work itself out just fine.

Vic wants to
give me this...


You used to be his wife.

I gather it's a fairly
nice condo in north miami.

Isn't anybody
living in it?

Isn't he sharing
his life with someone?

I don't know.

He says
the place is empty.

When is this trial
going to be over?

Couple of days, uh...

Court recess
is about over.

I need to get back.

How's it going, ted?


He's a tough client
to defend.

I can't dispute the facts,

So I'll just try to
soften them up a little.

He doesn't have
a prior criminal record.

I just hope the jury
doesn't hang him.

Well, these days,
they, uh...

I know.

It's that other thing.

It's much harder to say.

His son
came to see him.


He said, "no."

He didn't want to
see the kid in there.


The detective
is calling in.

Where is he?

Tucker warehouse
on seaboard tracks.


he's on now.

Yeah, virgil?

He's in the warehouse.

Bubba thinks
you can help us.

Where's bubba?

Bubba's right here.

Is that wottle,
sure enough, in there?

Yeah, glenn--not shorty.

The guy with glenn
got away from us.

Well, maybe
thatwas shorty.

No, it was
a big ol' guy.

Shorty just
ain't around here.

O.k., I'm
on the way.

Uh, chief--

We got a little bit
on that car.

It's silver, four-door,
georgia license plates.

Them wottles had kin
in georgia, didn't they?

They sure did.

Uh, corbin?


A message
for the detective

From mrs. Tibbs.


Right off the ice
for you, mrs. Tibbs.

There's the snapper,

And here are the scallops.

It's double-wrapped
if you want to freeze it.

Thank you, mrs. Breene.

I lost track of time.

The election
is coming up soon.

Yes. Someone told me today

That I might as well take
harriet delong's poster

Out of the window--

That she wasn't
going to run--

Which would be a shame,
if true.

Yes, it would be.

My first husband--
I've had three--

After I left him,

He went and robbed a bank
in texarkana, texas.

But me, I acted like it
had nothing in the world

To do with me.

Which it hadn't.

Truth is,
it did shame me.

But I knew
if I was to let on,

My life would be over.

I never could have
gone marching on

To get two more husbands.

Excuse me.



Chief, that school
is going to be letting out

In 15 minutes.

It'd be mighty nice
if we could wrap this up

Before those kids
hit the streets.

Has he fired at you?

One round. I fired
back one just to say, "hi."

Sure hope you can
talk him out of it.

Few of the boys are eager
to have it out with him.

Now, bubba...

I don't want to hear
any notions like that.

Our job is to bring
a malefactor to justice,

And not to bring justice
down upon him.

Your job is to make sure

That all our officers
understand that.

I know, chief, but that man
is a born son of sparta,

Come back to rob and k*ll
his own people.

That's awful hard
for some of them to take.

This business
of making judgments

Is no business of ours.

Chief, there's a jury
in superior court
looking at vic glendon.

Making judgments
is their business,

And their point of view
is exactly the same as ours--

For the man
who harms their own,

They show no mercy.

Virgil, I think that
we ought to try

Never to k*ll in anger.

Now, let me see
if I can't go and...

my own precept here.

Glenn wottle?

Bill gillespie here.

Now, glenn...
I sure hope

We're not going to start
sh**ting at each other.

How come I see that
hog leg in your hand,
uncle bill?

What did you expect
to see, an ice cream cone?

You got g*ns
in front and back of me.

Nobody wants
to use them.

I'll bet you don't
want to be in here, glenn.

I'll bet
you're right, chief.

Easy, easy--
don't fire.

He's not going
to do anything.

Don't fire.

You know me
a long time, son,

And you know I'm not
very big on k*lling.

I don't know about
the rest of them, though.

They think I shot
mr. Clidder at the market

And that black guy
at the check-cash place.

But it wasn't me
that m*rder*d them men.

If you want to tell me
all about that,

Why don't you
come on down here?

I'll send
everybody else away,

And you and i,
we'll just sit awhile.

Leave luann here.

Y'all just find
something better to do.

He'll be down after
a little more talking.

Chief, this guy's
k*lled two people.

Don't worry, will you?

Please, virgil,
don't worry.

I'm going to die,
huh, uncle bill?

We all
going to die, glenn.

Question for you and me is,

Are we going to die
in this nasty old warehouse--


Or pick a...
A better time and place?

I remember one time,

You did give me
an ice cream cone.

That's what
my message meant.

Eugene is so alone.

I sent for him, but
they couldn't find him.

I think a man should
talk to him anyway--
like virgil.

Boy been ruled by
a woman a long time.

He don't wanna listen
to no more women.

Well, do the kids
in school make remarks?

Not at all.

That could bother
the boy, too--

Not knowing what
anybody's thinking.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.

The kids aren't
thinking anything.

They don't care.

Some don't even know
what's going on.

Virgil tibbs

Hold on, detective,
bubba wants to talk to you.

Hey, virgil.

We got us kind of
a silvery sedan

With a georgia plate,

Parked outside
the crest motel.

Let's just
watch the vehicle,

Uh, from
a plain car.

Have another
car cruising,

And if the vehicle moves,
follow it and report in.

You got it.

I think etta's right

About a man talking
to eugene delong.

Eugene glendon,
isn't it?

He still carries

His pitiful
daddy's name, don't he?

Thea, eugene's
not entirely without
male influence.

Well, honey,

I don't think eugene
has much in common

With sergeant jamison,

Who can be a bit cold
and worlds apart...

If you know what I mean.

She means
he's too white.

You had your dinner?

Yes, sir.

Well, I want to
talk to you.

You go
with this officer,

Will you please?

Yes, sir.

Haven't seen you
at my trial.

Well, I
looked in one day

When my officers

Were testifying
about the robbery,

About catching you.

I should have
taken your deal--

Moved the trial
to another town.

I don't have any friends
here, after all.

Even that guy you just
took outta here hates me.

He don't know
nothing about me.

He read the sparta herald.

Now he says they gonna
come down heavy on him

Because of me.

I started a trend.

"Native sons victimize
hometown sparta."

I don't read the paper.

that car right there

Is registered
to mr. Frank kloot

Out of decatur, georgia.

The front desk said
he left this morning.

seen him come back,

But there's his car
right there.

The chief thinks there's
a third man involved.

They're the only two
registered here,

So I say number three
is in our jail.

Lonnie, why don't you
make sure he can't run?

And in about 10 minutes,

I'll flush him out
for you.

No problem.

Mr. Clidder's daughter says
the man who shot her father

Was about 5'11",
average weight,

Dark hair,
and about 35 years old.

That sure sounds
a lot like you.

Do you want to
change your statement?

I hold with
what I said--

Frank kloot
done the sh**ting.

The same for the
check-cashing place?

That's right.

I didn't sh**t that
black guy, neither.

Kloot k*lled
both of them,

Just like
I said there.

You didn't say anything
about shorty,

I don't think, did he?

Nothing about shorty.

Don't you want to
say something

About your brother shorty?

Yeah. Shorty
wasn't with us.

He died
about a year ago

Of busted ulcers
in atlanta.

I see.

O.k., Mr. Wottle,

Go ahead and sign it.

Oh, go ahead, glenn.

You can go
back on it later

On your lawyer's advice.

Meantime, we might be able

To get you some
kind of deal with that.

If, of course, we take
frank kloot alive.


Why not?
It's the truth.

O.k., Glenn.

I told you, mr. Kloot,
the name is preston.

And this message
is for mr. Glenn wottle

At the sparta
city jail,

Where I
recently was myself.

I don't want to talk
about it on the phone.

I can come to your room,
you can come to the lobby--

It's your call.

The ice machine
out back.

No, that's o.k.,
I'll meet you
there right now.


Mae, you all have

An ice machine
way out back there?

Uh-uh, I didn't
think so.

You know,
ain't it terrible

How people
make up stories?

You hold it
right there, kloot!

Come out with your hands
empty--plum empty!

Come on!

Just do as you're told
and don't make us k*ll you.

Yeah, this is good,
this gonna be real good--

Not like the glendon case,

With just one man to hang
that m*rder rap on.

I didn't m*rder nobody.

You got the guy
in your jail.

My good buddy
glenn wottle--

He done the k*lling,
I'll sign a statement.

The trial should
be over tomorrow.

The quickest one
I've ever seen.

How long do we
have to keep him?

Until he's sentenced.
That a problem?

No, sir, I just think
it was a bad day

For eugene and his mama
when he came back here.

And I just don't think
they're gonna have

Any good ones
until he's gone.

Oh, chief!

The detective
is on the phone.

He's got word
on the other
wottle brother.


Things you can't
do anything about,

You best
just leave them.

Leave them to who?

Oh, I think you
know the answer to that.

Yes, sir, detective--
oh, he's right here.


Yeah, I'm with you.

Glen wottle's brother
may be in town,

As you figured.


This young lady stroller
said she was with him--

Went to a cottage
with him.

If that h**ker's
very young, I doubt it.

She wouldn't know anything

About an old creep
like shorty.

She's 40,
if she's a day.

Oh, well, then she is
worthy of our attention.

We'll follow it up.


Chief? A young woman
brought this over
from city hall--

A secretary
to miss harriet delong.

Well, let's...

When did this come in?

Oh, about
20 minutes ago,
around about 8:30.


Thank you.


[Bell chiming]

You're pretty far
away from school.

I didn't go to school.
I was at county court.

That's a long way
from here, too.

I came by to ask you...

Are you gonna
go to the trial?

'Cause there's not
much time left.

I asked the chief
to let me see vic.

You ain't going
to the trial?

Please help me out
by letting me finish.

I don't wanna see vic
in the best of circumstances.

I certainly don't wanna
see him at his public trial.

What would show on my face--
that I'm against him?

Well, I'm not.

That I'm for him?

I'm not!

You want him to die?no!

Mama, that jury's
going to execute him.

But if you're there,
maybe they won't.

They're not gonna pay
any attention to me,

It's been so long
since I was his wife!

They'll say,
"harriet delong
is our good friend,

And for her sake,
we won't k*ll vic glendon."

If they see you there...

Mama, I know he's not
your husband anymore.

But he'll always
be my father.

Eugene, I have to
think about what's
ahead for us,

Not just about what...

[Brakes screeching]


Talk to me, parker. Yeah, bubba, I'm here.

I can see the back
of the place, uh...

There's a pickup
back there.

I think there's somebody
inside that house.

Me, too, but let's
don't find out
by being targets.

No, sir.

You know,
it's about time

Somebody turned on
a light in there.

you out there?

Lonnie here,
I'm by the courthouse.

We're out here
on old hellas road,

About 200 yards
from route 10.

Come on out here.

Be right there.

Just now?
Oh, 10 minutes ago.


O.k., Thank you.


Court just adjourned
for the day.


You get everything
set up?

Yes, sir, and I'm going
to see to it myself.

Fine. I'm going to
stay here awhile,

You know, in case...

Yes, sir.

We'll put
the condominium
in eugene's name.

I'll just be
the trustee

Until he's, um...

21 Or 25.

Till he's 30.

He ought to let it
make a little income

For a while.

Will you tell ted?

Yes, I will.

Did you write
to baton rouge,

Tell them everything?


You want me to?

Telephone my sister.

She'll tell the rest.



Is there anything else
I should do?

Be happy.

I wish you...

God's kindness, vic.

And some good luck.

And I wish the same
to you, harriet.




Will you come in?

Oh, I have to go.

Well, I think
I did the right thing.

Ithink you did
the right thing.

Eugene says he can't
stay in sparta.

I might feel
the same way,
I don't know.


If he won't stay,
I can't stay,

Can i?

And let the boy
go off by himself?

What would you do?

When the world
was different,

I'd probably
let him go.

But now...

I guess I'd plan
to be with him.

Of course...

I'd hope that
he changed his mind.

Still not a move,
and it's been over 12 hours.

We're through waiting.

I got more men coming
with as*ault shields.

When they get here,

We're going to go in
and get him.

Wait a minute.

I believe
he's kidding us.

He's going out
the back door.
Come on!

Hold it!

old shorty's gone.


Couldn't help it.

Yeah, well,
it happens.

Go get a cover
from the car.


Go get the cover
from the car.

This here's our k*ller,
right there.

How do we know
for sure?

'Cause this one
put up the fight.

Could that get
his buddies off the hook?

No way.

And another defendant's
about to find that out.

[Intercom buzzes]

Yes, marie?

Sergeant jamison
wants to see you
a minute.

A minute's
all it can be.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.
Good morning.

Morning, sergeant.
Going on duty?

No, just came off.

Court starts in
a few minutes,

So, if this needs
a lot of time...

No, sir, I just wanted you
to think about something--

Dropping the charges
against eugene glendon.

Can't do it.

He was in possession
of money from the robbery,

And trying
to help a k*ller--

Whose crime his daddy's
gonna have to pay for.

Mr. Darnell,
eugene's an innocent kid.

He didn't even realize
what he was doing.

Something like this could
mess up your whole life,
and it shouldn't.

I'd just like
to add, on gene's behalf,

That I'd stand responsible

For him doing right
in the future.


I can, if I choose,

eugene's case over

To the mississippi
youth services--

Referee can work out
a probation deal--

Or I can
prosecute him

As a criminal

But I can't just
drop the matter.

I will consider
your standing up
for the boy.

I don't suppose you've
done that for many people.

No, sir--first time.

Call me next week.

Thank you, sir.
Good morning.

Good morning.


We have
about 10 minutes.

Can you spare me two?

You can't let
what happens in here

Affect what you do.

You want to say,
"how can it not?"

I say that's
strictly up to you.

What other people do
is notstrictly
up to me.

What I mean is,

We all have to plan
the race we run.

We can't change
that plan

Because the crowd yells
this or that.

I'm through
with the race.

Don't quit, eugene,

Don't go away.

I'm as good as gone,
mr. Tibbs.

I already
left the track.

Mr. Marcus,

The court will now hear
the defense in summation.

Thank you, your honor.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The defense has never
claimed innocence

In this crime,

Except in the matter
of m*rder.

The defendant certainly did
enter the lambry plant

With two companions

On a certain
sunday morning.

The motive is undeniable.

It was to steal $290,000,

Waiting to
be paid out on monday.

With him was a man
expert in opening safes,

And another man
who was lookout and driver.

These men had
criminal records.

The defendant had never
committed a crime.

These men fired their
weapons at sparta police.

The defendant never fired
his w*apon at anybody.

Vic glendon
guided this project.

He was able to do that

Because he was once
a high official at lambry.

He was paymaster
and general manager.

If he were
a son of mine,

I couldn't have
treated him better.

I advanced
his fortune

Above any white man
in my employ.

But that
wasn't enough.

He had to have
a white woman--

Mrs. Amos l.

And all the while
betrayin' a...

A lovely woman waiting
for him at home,

Who you're now
trying to protect

Against the agony
of publicity.

That was our
first thought, jess.

I did harriet a favor
when I fired vic.

And I will now do her
a greater service

By removing him
from her life forever.

I will make no deal.

You have heard
character testimony

From citizens of sparta.

Vic glendon
was well-liked,


And he was a family man.

But then...

He made a mistake--

And who doesn't?

A serious, social mistake
in this case.

He had a love affair.

The owner of lambry
threw him out

And virtually banished him
from this town.

Eight years later,
he tried to get even.

But as you have heard
him testify under oath,

He never intended to use
the w*apon he carried.

He never intended v*olence.

He never intended m*rder.

I can't sit still

And watch
something hopeless.

You going to
the station?


Uh, home,
if you want me.


Hey, babe.

How's it going?

Only way it could go.

I'm going to be brief...

For there is no reason
not to be.

The facts in this case
are clear,

Not denied
by the defendant,

And brought to us
by the police officers

Who made the arrest
in this case.

On that sunday morning,

When all was kinda quiet
as usual in this city,

An alarm was activated
at the lambry plant,

And picked up by a monitor
at the police station.


Hold it!
Hold it!

Hey--stay where you are
and drop those g*ns!

Hold it!

Drop your w*apon!

On the ground,
on the ground.

Come on.


Are you
vic glendon?

I am.

You've heard the defense
admit guilt in this crime.

Vic glendon not only
planned it,

But he ran in
with a g*n in his hand.

And he had
a second w*apon--

A partner
with a machine g*n.

Now, the first g*n
did not k*ll the guard--

The second one did.

But does it really matter?

Because this man
brought both weapons.

Thisis the k*ller.

[People murmuring]

[Telephone rings]


Yeah, what?

Chief, virgil.

Oh, hi, virgil.

The jury went out
and came right back.

They found
glendon guilty of
first degree m*rder.

They gave him
the death penalty.


Lord help him.

Thank you
for calling, virgil.


Jamison--we have
an inquiry wednesday

Into the sh**ting
of shorty wottle.

I'm worried
about peake.

Yeah, the first time
shakes you up.

Maybe you can talk
to him tonight?

Yeah. Couple
of sad sacks
going on duty.

Maybe we can
cheer each other up.

I see something right now
that might cheer you up.

Look who's coming.

That mean
something good?

Don't know, but I'm
gonna pretend it does.

Hey, gene.hi.

Why don't you
jog around once,

Then give me an easy quarter
in about a minute-thirty.

You got it.
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