04x05 - And Justice for Some

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x05 - And Justice for Some

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[Imitates airplane]

It's a 747 coming in
for a landing.

Runway clear!
Coming in!

[Imitates airplane]

Smooth as silk.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

A 747?

Yeah, what?

All fathers
say that.

It's a dad thing.


Didn't your dad
say that to you?


Oh, well, then
that explains it.

That explains what?

Well, your serious
nature. What else?

you better watch it.

We're going
to have to get someone

To help us
with these babies.

I thought we decided
on my aunt etta.

No, honey.
We didn't decide.

You decided.

What's wrong
with aunt etta?

except she hates me.

Oh, that's just etta.
She hates everybody.



Bye. Bye.

[Bouncing basketball]




So did you
make the team?

The coach's
going to tell us today.

You'll make it.

Good luck, kid.


Not in the house,

Unless you want
to skip practice

And polish
my kitchen floor.

Let's go, kev.
I got an early

You're not going
anywhere until
you eat breakfast.

But, mom--

You heard
what I said. Sit.


Looks like you're
riding your bike
this morning.


I heard that.

Morning, parker.
Morning, jamison.

Morning, detective.

I bet he's going in
to tell the chief

cute baby story.

You got something
against cute baby stories?

No, but when
there's too many,
they ain't cute.


you'll never guess--

Something new
and delightful

About the babies,
I assume.


Well, before you
get started,

May I say one
or two things to you?


How long have we been
sharing this office?

Oh, three years.

Yeah, three years.

Before that I had
the place to myself,

But that's
water over the dam.

But in all that time,

Have I ever complained
about anything?

Well, at christmas--

Leaving aside christmas.

What are you getting at?

proud as I am

To be the godfather
of your two babies,

I must advise you

That baby stories
are only cute

If they're short
and infrequent.

Parker, you read me?

Good morning.
You're on the air.

[Gillespie] parker,
just talk to the man!

Anything to report,
officer sweet?

No. I'm heading
back in.

[Engine rattles]

I don't know.

I think it's
the damn universal joint.

I'm coming up
on some fly-speck town

On the map of old miss.

I'm going to pull off
and get it fixed.

Call memphis and
tell them I'll be late.

[Service bell rings]

[Universal joint rattles]

[Tires screech]



The kid was hit!
Get on the phone!

Call an ambulance!

I need an ambulance
up by fain's place.

A boy's
been hit by a car.

Hey, he's
taking off!

Where are
you going?

Come back here!

Anyone get
the number?

Get the license
plate number?

I got an ambulance coming.

I want you to make sure
nobody moves him.

You watch traffic.

A hit-and-run
at alcovey and camden.

It's a late model
tan minivan.

He turned east
on reeves.

license plates.

Give me some help.

O.k., Bubba.

I'm behind that furniture
store on green street.

Get out of the van.

Don't sh**t me, cowboy.

Up against that van
and spread 'em.

I said spread 'em!

That good for you?

You shut up.

Yes, sir.

Let me see your license.

What did I do?

Shut your
smart-aleck mouth!

I seen what you did
to that boy.

The boy's going
to learn the hard way--

Look before
crossing the street.

Hard way, huh?

Hard way, huh?

No, bubba,
not in the face!

Give me that license.

Say, you like
my picture?


Folks, give him
some room.

Spread out a little.

He in?


That's all, folks.

Let's clear it out
of here. Come on.

See you.

not reported stolen.

No warrants
on a troy caldwell.


He's clean.

It doesn't explain
tennessee plates

On a van registered
to a company in new orleans.

Is that
a question?

The question's
why are you here?

Don't say it's
your diaper route.

Let's look
at those diapers.

Excuse me.
Got a warrant?

No. I was a witness
to a felony hit-and-run.

All we need is that key.

Bubba, you better
come on back here.


Oh, yeah. This ain't
no baby powder.

Luann, do we have
a positive i.d.
On that victim?

Kevin dawson--
12 years old, white.


You know him, sir?

He's my neighbor.

I saw that boy
less than an hour ago.

Well, he's in surgery.

Vip room?

By all means.

This here is
troy caldwell, chief.

Sit down.

Mr. Caldwell,
you're in serious trouble.

Yeah, I know, chief.

The universal joint
started knocking,

And I had to pull
off the interstate.

a mess of cocaine,

You hit a boy.

Naturally, you run off.

We got four charges
against you,

Two of them federal.

Where's my van?

Aren't you
at all curious

About that
little kid you hit?

Oh, yeah, I am.

Why do you think
he did something crazy

Like running
through a red light?

Ha ha ha ha ha.

This is no joking
matter, caldwell.

Like I told your officer,

I had no idea I even hit
the little guy.

Interesting, seeing
as how his body

your windshield.

I thought it was one of
them mississippi skeeters.

them suckers is big!

Whoever threw
this guy's heart
to the hogs

Should have slopped
the rest of him
with it.

That's colorful.
I like that!

Could you write that
down, please?

Boys! Boys! Boys!

Virgil! Bubba!


I think it's about time
I called my lawyer.

All right, put him
downstairs, bubba.

Go ahead.

Let's go.

What about
that phone call?

Oh, you'll get it.

Let him phone
from downstairs,

And, uh, bubba,

Be sure and disinfect
that phone.

Yes, sir.
Get out of here.


Yes, sir.

See if you can
get some word on
kevin's condition.

Did you notify
the parents?

I contacted
the mother.

Officer goode's running
her over to the hospital.

I called the insurance company
where the father works.

Mr. Dawson
is out on a call.

Did you
leave a message?

Just to get
a hold of me.

Detective tibbs.


Nobody can tell me
anything yet.

I need some air.

I'll take care
of this, sweet.

Where's my son,
my little boy?

What's your son's name?

Kevin, kevin dawson.

He was
in an accident
on his bike.

Mrs. Dawson,
your son is in surgery.

Dr. Curtis--

What kind
of surgery?

What are they
doing to him?

That's all I know.

That's not good enough.

Get somebody down here

Who can explain
what's going on.

I'll see what
I can find out.

What is it, virgil?

Uh, kevin's
been in an accident.

They've taken him
to the hospital.

Uh, how bad?

They're working
on him, duwayne.

A broken arm, what?

All I know is that
he's in surgery.


I'll drive.

Isn't there any way
you can get a hold of him?

Yes, have him
call his wife

At the hospital
right away.

Have they
told you anything?

No, nothing.

I'm going
out of my mind.

Do the police
know who hit him?

Yeah, we know.

The officer said
it was hit-and-run.


We've got him, duwayne.
He's not from sparta.

Mr. And mrs. Dawson,
this is dr. Curtis.

out of surgery.

Can we see him?

You can see him
in the icu soon.

Well, how is he?

It's a little
premature yet.

Your son
is in a coma.

The brain waves
appear normal,

But he's suffered
extensive damage

To the lower
lumbar region.

Will he...
Be able to walk?

I'm sorry.
I don't know.

Oh, my god.

I won't lie to you,

You'll be doing time.

How come?

If that's really
a question,

It's a stupid one.


I thought benitas
could get me somebody

That could get me
out of this joint.

Nobody can get you
out of this mess.

Considering mr. Benitas

Is out $12 million worth
of his merchandise,

You're lucky
he sent anybody at all.

Well, um...

Was he mad?

He's not happy.

mr. Benitas
will see to it

That you're
for your...


Why did we deserve this?

What did we do?

Nothing wrong, duwayne.

I can't think of
anything wrong we did.

What did we
fail at, huh?


How do we know?

It must have been
something, I suppose.

misses something.

What was it
the preacher said

In church
just last sunday?

"If the whole world
did what it ought--

the right thoughts,

"Paid attention
to the right things--

would be no misery

"Or sickness
or w*r or crime.

Everything that's wrong
would be right."

What happened to us
wouldn't have happened.

I failed my boy...

But I'll make it
up to him, I will.

Afternoon, lieutenant.

Hey, darnelle.

I can't wait till
you get caldwell in court.

It's the first time

I've looked forward
to sitting in a courtroom.

The whole town
shares that sentiment.

An attorney
can use that,

Claim his client
can't get a fair trial

Here in sparta.

Don't matter.
Caldwell's guilty.

I'll testify to that

May I park here,

I'm d*ck donnelly,
fbi, jackson.

Yeah, sure. Go ahead.

This is d.a. Darnelle.

Pleased to meet you.

Is chief gillespie in?

Yes, I just left him.

Thank you. Excuse me.

If caldwell ever
sees a sparta jury.

What the hell
do you mean by that?

I don't know, bubba.

I probably shouldn't
have said that.

Just forget it
till further notice.


Who did you
bring me here?

Fbi agent
richard donnelly.

How do you do?

Pleasure to meet you.

Come on in.
Make yourself

Thank you.

I just talked to
your boss in jackson.

You got here fast.

Your computer fed us
caldwell's arrest.

Our guys in new orleans

Picked up caldwell's
phone call to benitas.

tapped benitas' phone.

Whose phone?

Julio benitas.

I apologize.

I'd assumed you
had gotten that much
out of jackson.

Julio benitas
is seor cocaine
in new orleans.

Caldwell's phone
call was to benitas

To get him
a lawyer.

He got him one.

A local man, mr. Epp,
is talking to caldwell.

Needless to say,

The fbi
is interested
in this case.

So are we.

I may have
understated my case.

No. I follow you,
mr. Donnelly,

But caldwell was arrested
on a local charge.

He's going to be
tried right here.

When he crossed
the state line
with those dr*gs,

It became
a federal case.

Not the hit-and-run.
That's local,

And there's
the arresting officer.

We're both just
doing our jobs.

You've done yours.

My job's to take him
to new orleans,

And I will.

Not till we're done
with him, you ain't.

That man is going
to be convicted here

And put in the pen.

You can fetch him
out of the pen later on

If you want to,

But he's going to be
put on trial here.

Chief, what
I'm trying to say is,

I'm here to offer him
complete immunity

In exchange
for his testimony.

There will be no case
against troy caldwell

For a hit-and-run
or anything else.

How's the boy?

Alive. That's
all you can say
right now.

What did
the feds want?

They want to see
troy caldwell.

They wanted to offer
him full immunity

In exchange
for his testimony

Against some
big drug dog
from new orleans.

That must be benitas.

I heard about him
when I was there.

It's like this whole
hit-and-run thing

Just never happened.

Well, caldwell hasn't
taken the deal yet.


I guess he's
thinking it over.

Hmm. Must be
afraid of benitas.

I haven't
talked to him

Since we put him

He has talked
to his lawyer, epp.

I presume mr. Epp
told him to play
the game by the rules.

Benitas is lethal.

Chief, parker
just called.

He said that darnelle
would be in his office

For an hour.

Thank you, cheryl.

Well, an hour.

You hear this?

His hands were tied.
Your hands weren't
tied, darnelle.

You merely
washed your hands.

The pontius pilate

Is completely
out of line, gillespie.

No, it isn't.
You could have said no!

You could have said,

"It's a miscarriage
of justice,

And I won't
be a party to it."

To whom,
the justice

Yes, indeed,
the justice department,

if they're wrong!

the attorney general
of the united states

what he's doing.

Maybe it's how
he does it.

Wait a minute.
How can you
blame darnelle?

Why, virgil tibbs,
I'm really surprised at you.

A vicious malefactor

Put your neighbor's child
into a coma in the hospital

This very morning!

I know.


I also know
that julio benitas

Will put more kids in
hospitals--and adults,

k*lling most of them
and draining the spirit

Out of those left.

When you get rid
of benitas, what then?

Another benitas
takes his place!

On it goes, on and on.

They can't stop it.
They don't know how!

Meantime, what happens
to troy caldwell?

We just send him

To a pleasant
little faraway suburb

And put him in a new
house with a new job,

New identity,

All at
the taxpayers' expense.

If cutting a deal
with troy caldwell

Will stop
someone like that--

It just came to me

Why the little lady
holding the scales
of justice

Is always

Because she can't
stand watching you
lawyers make deals!

Well, I'm not

I will not
look away,

And I will not
make any deal!

Any word?

Is margaret home?

She hasn't left
the hospital.

I just couldn't--

I had to leave.

I know.

How do you tell
your boy he may
never walk again,

never play ball
with his friends,

Dance at the prom?

He didn't say
he wouldn't walk.

He said
he didn't know.

When I got back
from the hospital,

There was a call
from his school.

They thought kevin
was home sick today.

Coach solley
called to say

Kevin made the team.

How do I tell him,

You saw him.

He was always
out there at night,

In the rain.

Making that team
meant everything
to him.

What do I say?

If it has to be said,

You'll find
the right words to use.

Most important
is for kevin to know

That you are there
for him

Regardless of
his condition.

I can't help thinking if
I had driven him to school...

It is not your fault.

It was not your car
that hit kevin.

It is not your fault.

That guy
better rot in jail.

I agree.

How long do
you think they'll
give him, virgil?

Things don't always
go the way we think
they should.

What are you
getting at?

The fbi came today.

They made
an offer of immunity

Against the
hit-and-run charge.


In exchange
for his testimony.

The driver of the van

Was transporting
a large amount
of cocaine.

So they offer him

Now, how can that be?

He broke the law!

Now you're telling me

He won't have to pay
for what he's done?

He may not.

He hasn't accepted
the offer yet,

But I'm sure
by the morning--

Who do the fbi
think they are?

My boy is still
in a coma,

And they're already
making their deals?

Believe me,
I know how you feel.

Oh, do you?

Do you really?

What if that
was your boy

Over there in
that hospital
right now?

Tell me you wouldn't
want to k*ll that guy

With your own two hands.

I think
the chief is right.

If it was the
attorney general's kid,

Would they be anxious
to strike a deal?

Probably not.

It's easy to play
political games

With someone else's

That's true.


It's the testimonies
from people
like troy caldwell

That put
these drug lords away.

Thea, it's simply one
of those situations

Where there is
no right or wrong.

So it's a matter
of perspective?


My perspective is
there's no justice.

That's not why
you became a cop.

Thea, don't
make it personal.

Why not?

It's not fair.

Who cares?

Good morning.

Good morning.

It's darnelle.

Troy took the deal.

Sure, he did.

Sure, he did.

You make this coffee

Yes, sir.

Well, it's consistent.

Nothing's good today.

Good morning.

Good morning,

Well, you heard
what I said
in your office.

I meant it.

No deal for me.

I'm not going
to turn caldwell
over to the fbi.

Your involvement
in this case
is over, gillespie.

This matter
no longer concerns you.

Oh, I disagree.
I'm very much involved.

This matter
very much concerns me.

This man is
a prisoner in my jail.

I'm not going
to turn him loose

Until you're ready to
put him on trial here.

That's not going
to happen, gillespie.

Now, you're acting
like a fool.

if a fool is somebody

Who believes in
old-fashioned justice.

The county sheriff
will come over

And take that prisoner
away from you.

Do you want to be subjected
to that indignity?

You can call it an
indignity if you want.

I call it an honor.

Margaret, I'd wanted
to tell you and
duwayne together.

The driver took
their offer.

Yes, he did,

But I'm sure that comes
as no surprise to you.

We're here together,

Because we believe this
just isn't police business.

As your neighbors
and as your friend,

We want
to let you know

We sympathize and
we're here for you.

I appreciate that,

But you can't
tell me anything

I haven't already
told myself.

It doesn't
make it any
easier to accept.

Right now I don't
care what happens
to that driver.

He's the least
of my concerns.

I just want
my little boy.

I just pray that god
makes everything
all right again.

We're praying
with you, margaret.


Dr. Curtis--

Mrs. Dawson!
Good news.

I was giving
to contact you.

Kevin is awake.



Will he be o.k.?

Will he walk?

I can't give
any guarantees,

But there's
a good chance.

How are you, honey?

I'm sore.

You had me so worried.

I can't hardly move.

Like I told kevin,
that's to be expected.

He was bruised
pretty bad.

Mom, do you know
if I made the team?

I don't know, honey.

As a matter of fact,
your dad said you did.

It may take some time
and hard work,

But you'll be ready
for next year's team.

Thank you, dr. Curtis.

Oh, yeah.
Yes, ma'am.

That's the only
good news I've
heard in days.

What did she say?

Let me tell
the g*ng.

Hey, y'all, look here.
Kevin has come to.

Hey, it gets better.

The doctor said
he'll probably
make it back

To a-1 condition.

That's wonderful!

Pardon me, ma'am?

No, detective tibbs
hasn't made it back
just yet.

I--i see.

Y-yes, ma'am,
I sure enough will.

I do not like
the sound of that.

The sound of what?

She said she tried to
call duwayne at work today,

But he never made it in.

I better run this one
by the chief.

Parker, you go over
to that office.

Keep an eye out
for duwayne.

Let us know
if he turns up.

Yes, sir.

You better take
another swing past
the dawson house.

Right, chief.

Uh, chief, why?
What's wrong?

There's nothing
in particular wrong.

We're just taking
some precautions.

Nobody knows
where duwayne is.

Well, maybe he's
making his way
to the hospital.

Kevin's awake.

Well, if he is,
he ain't made it yet.

Mrs. Dawson called
to give him the good news.

He could be
with a client.

That could be.

I hope he's
with a client.

Yeah. I'm going
to look around
outside, chief.



I know who's
out there.

Go on.
Invite them in.

Yes, sir.

How you doing,

Fine, bill.

Hope there won't
be any foolishness.

I don't know
if you heard
the charges.

Sweet, read
the charges,

Yes. We got
reckless driving,

Possession of illegal dr*gs,
vehicular as*ault,

And fleeing the scene
of a crime, hit-and-run.

Maybe more. Enough
to keep him in
the pen many years.

I understand that,

I call upon you, mac,
to stand behind me

And force
these fbi people

To bring in
federal marshals.

I'm sorry, bill,
the authorities
have called on me

To do my duty.

I choose to do it.

I'm satisfied this
isn't going to be
on my conscience.

You made that clear,

All right, sweet.
Fetch out mr. Caldwell.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Donnelly,

I don't know if you've
met detective tibbs.


The little boy
and his family

Are neighbors
of the tibbses.

It's a very...

Difficult situation.

I expect it is,

when you know

That the victims
have a family
and friends.

It's never easy.

Mr. Donnelly...

Let me say...

I understand the need
for plea bargains.

I understand the need

To rid our streets
and schools of dr*gs.

People like julio benitas
are ripping holes

In the very fabric
of our society.

But try as I do,

I'll never
understand a system

Where the guilty go free...

And it is the victim
who has to suffer.

this is my job.

I don't make
these decisions.

I just see that
they get carried out.

It seems
as if I've heard
that song before

In several places.

You can remove
the cuffs, officer.

Hey, you got a lovely town
here, boys.

I'm really
going to miss it.

No sign of duwayne

Then tell the sheriff

To bring that man
out here.

Bring him on out, mac.



Get down!

Get down!

Hold it!
It's all right!

Call an ambulance!

Bubba, call
the ambulance.

Yeah, I'll get
right on it.

He's dead.

Yes, he is,
sure enough.

For sure, bill. For sure.

Oh, lord, help us.

I don't suppose
you'll make a deal
with him.

What are you
talking about?

Y'all got nothing to gain
with that kind of deal,

Though the deal you
made with the other man

Is what drove him
out of his mind.

You're suggesting
temporary insanity.

Isn't that his
lawyer's decision?

I personally don't hold
that man responsible.

Who do you suggest
we hold responsible

For him
k*lling that man?

I didn't do it.

Agent donnelly
didn't do it.

Oh, I know who did it,
all right.

He deserves
some kind of justice,

Like anybody else--

He, his wife,

His little boy lying
in that hospital there.

Otherwise we better change
the pledge of allegiance

From "liberty
and justice for all"

To "liberty
and justice for some...

For those who are able
to make a deal with y'all."
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