01x43 - Usagi Abandoned: The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x43 - Usagi Abandoned: The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's see... My dear Dark Kingdom,

as of today, I, Sailor Moon

have decided to quit being
a sailor warrior.

Please let me join your organization.

Hey, Sailor Mars!

Thanks so much for picking
on me all this time!

In the name of the moon,
I'm gonna punish you!

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Sailor Moon, prepare yourself!

It's time to give up, Sailor Moon!

No way!


Then, we have no choice.

Good-bye, you dummy.

Sailor Moon,

in the name of Mars,
I will chastise you!






Is Usagi Going It Alone?
The Sailor Warriors Get Into a Big Fight

Yet another abnormal energy reaction.

For the last several days,

a similar energy reaction
has been detected.

Perhaps some change is coming
over the Silver Crystal.


He should be done investigating
about now.

Monster Oniwa Bandana,
are you there?


Oniwaw Bandana is here.

Did you find the origin of
the abnormal energy?



This is?


As we expected,

the abnormal energy is coming
from the sailor warriors.

Not only that, but it is because

Sailor Moon is fighting with
the other warriors.


Sailor Moon and the other warriors?

Is this infighting? Or a trap?

What do you think, Kunzite?

Please give me some time.

Very well.

Continue investigating!

Certainly. Banban.



Who are you?!

A burglar!

I am taking the jewelry! Banban!



Hold it right there!

Sailor Moon!

I'm a sailor warrior of love
and justice, Sailor Moon!


In the name of the moon...

In the name of the moon...

What are you doing?!

Quit acting cool all by yourself!

You messed up my pretty face!

I think you actually look
better than before.

What did you say?!

Why did you come here?

You're an eyesore!

I'm the one who first
got wind of this case!

You were probably
eavesdropping on us.

Don't talk about me like
I'm some thief!

Oh, I've heard just about enough!

You are in our way!

Look who's talking!

Sailor Moon my butt!

What's going on?
Sailor Moon my butt!

Shut up!
You're always clumsy and
making mistakes,

You're always clumsy and
making mistakes,

always nothing but useless!

On top of that, you've got this
long dragging hair!

Aren't you just ashamed of yourself?!


Sailor warriors in a big fight
at the site of an incident!

Oh! Hey! Wait!
Sailor warriors in a big fight
at the site of an incident!

Oh! Hey! Wait!
This is a huge scoop!

Who are you?!
This is a huge scoop!

Who are you?!

I'm a freelance reporter for
the weekly, "Surprise."

That's enough already!

The weekly, "Surprise", is that
notorious tabloid magazine

that writes about anything,
whether it's true or not!

Something like that.
So, how did the fight start?

The thing is, the thing is,
that was just a joke!

There's no way the sailor
warriors of justice

would be fighting among
themselves, right?!

Isn't that right?

There's something weird going on!
Oh, I know!

It's because Sailor Moon keeps
messing up, isn't it?!

Or are you fighting over a boyfriend?

This is ridiculous!
Or are you fighting over a boyfriend?

This is ridiculous!
Let's go home!

Oh, wait! You can tell me!

I can't believe this.

Come on!

What was with that?

Excuse me...
What was with that?

Excuse me...

That's right! Where's the monster?!

I think she left during that commotion.


Excuse me...


Could you help us?

Sorry about that!

So, the burglar got away, too.

Oh, really?

It was just weird.

What was?

It seems Sailor Moon and the
other warriors are fighting.

No way! I don't know about
the other warriors,

but Sailor Moon is cute and sweet!

There's no way she'd have
a fight with them.

You think so?

Of course!


Oh?! You're from yesterday's...

Tell me more about what you
were just talking about!
Oh?! You're from yesterday's...

Tell me more about what you
were just talking about!

Oh, sh**t.

Oh, that's right, I should
introduce myself.

My name is Nana Asahina and
I'm a freelance reporter!

Nice meet you!

So, you guys seem pretty close
to Sailor Moon.


Just a little...

Why wouldn't Sailor Moon
be having a fight?

Do you have any basis
for believing that?


I hear you've been saved by
Sailor Moon many times!


Did you talk to Sailor Moon
about anything last night?

Did she say any nasty things
about the other warriors?

I'm in a hurry, so...

Wait up, Usagi! Hey, that wasn't fair!

If something happens,
just give me a call!

She's way too persistent!

What's the square root of two?!

That hurt! Mars kicked me for real!

If we don't do this seriously,
it won't be good practice!

But... But that kick was full of hatred!


Mars, I hope you're not...

What are you looking
at me like that for?!

Besides, you're the one who
came up with this plan!

It's pitiful of you to start whining now!

I'm not whining!

Tuxedo Mask is being held c*ptive
by the Dark Kingdom

and I'm going to save him,
no matter what!

And to do that,

we have to look like we're seriously
fighting each other!

But the butt you kicked with
all your strength hurts!

That's enough!

Listen to me! If we don't fight
like we really mean it,

they'll never take you, their enemy,
to their hideout!

I know that.

Mars is right.

We don't really want to do
anything this dangerous,

but we're doing it because
you insisted.

Yes, yes, I know.

Hey, Artemis, did you find out anything

about the gossip reporter who
showed up at the jewelry shop?

Well, there's something
suspicious about her.


I knew it!

Sailor Moon Breaking Up?
They're Fighting!

Sailor Moon Breaking Up?
They're Fighting!
It's already out?!

Sailor Moon Breaking Up?
They're Fighting!
Sailor Moon Showed Up in Harumi
Oh, no! I look funny in that picture!

Sailor Moon Breaking Up?
They're Fighting!
Sailor Moon Showed Up in Harumi
Oh, come on, that's how
you always look.

What did you say?!

Stop it!

She's a freelance reporter who
suddenly became popular recently.

Politics, economics, entertainment...

She's getting huge scoops
in every field!

There's no way she's a normal person!

Maybe she's been turned
into a monster?

I think so, too.

All right!
I think so, too.

All right!

If a monster's approaching us,

that means my strategy
was a success!

It could just be a coincidence...

Anyway, we better start the
final stage of our plan, then!

Anyway, we better start the
final stage of our plan, then!

Usagi, this is going to be
pretty dangerous.

Usagi, this is going to be
pretty dangerous.

Are you going to be okay?

Huh? Probably...

There's nothing to worry about!

We'll be right there,
watching over you!

Do you want me to take your place?

So, that's the truth of it.


Your plan was to give me a hard time,

and then try to become
the leader, wasn't it?!


Usagi, you're thinking too much.

Because Rei never goes easy on me.

SOMEONE's just too clumsy!

What did you say?!

You're nasty! Don't spit on me!

It's turned into a real fight.
You're nasty! Don't spit on me!

It's turned into a real fight.
Yuck! Quit it!

Yuck! Quit it!

Freelance Reporter
Nana Asahina

Freelance Reporter
Nana Asahina
Let's see... Is it around here?

Let's see... Is it around here?

Oh, here it is!


This is a pretty nice condo!

It must be nice to live in
a place like this!

This is no time to be getting
carried away, Usagi!

She could be a monster!

Oh, I almost forgot.



Well, Sailor Moon asked me to
deliver this to you.

It's from Sailor Moon?

"I want to quit being a sailor warrior
of love and justice."

"I don't want to fight with those
other warriors anymore."

"I want to make a
shocking confession,"

"so I will be waiting at the Juban
Cemetery at pm tonight."

But why did this come to you?

I have no idea.

People often say that I look
dependable, so...

You big fat liar.

Thank you! I can write another
huge scoop with this!

I'm so glad!

Monster Oniwa Bandana,
are you there?


How are things coming along?

I see.

It seems there is no doubt
that Sailor Moon

is being isolated by the other warriors.


Looks like it is time for me
to go out there.

It's time.

Thank you for the letter.

When did you...

Is it true that you're going to split

from the rest of the sailor warriors?

Of course! I don't even want
to see their faces anymore!


That's right!

Really, really?

Really, really! I've already
made up my mind!

I see...

In that case...

Ban, ban, ban, ban,
ban, bababa, ban!

You're a monster!

Master Kunzite!

Master Kunzite!


Kunzite?! I never made an
appointment to see you!

I'm supposed to be interviewed now!

Baban! There will be
no more interview!

What?! Really?!

It seems you have been isolated
from the other warriors...

How about it? If you join our side,

you will be able to see Endymion
anytime you want.

Don't be ridiculous!

I'm a sailor warrior for love
and justice, okay?!

Endymion cannot move right now,
due to certain circumstances.

What?! Is he sick?!

Well, I wouldn't know.

But I am sure he will be happy
if you come see him.

Perhaps asking you to join us
is too much to ask.

Then, how about just coming
to see Endymion?

You'll take me to see him?

Of course, but on one condition.

A condition?

Hand over the Silver Crystal.


If you miss this chance, you will
never see Endymion again.

Tuxedo Mask must be sick.
What should I do?

What is your answer?! Banban.


Will you hand it over?

Okay! But only after
I see Tuxedo Mask!

It looks like they fell for it.

Master Kunzite.

Damn. So, it was a trap, after all.

Come on, now that it's been
decided, let's go!

I don't care about Sailor Mars
and the rest anymore!

That is a good attitude to have.

What is this?!

An entrance leading to
the Dark Kingdom.
What is this?!

An entrance leading to
the Dark Kingdom.


It's kind of creepy.

Will you change your mind, then?

No, I'll go!
Will you change your mind, then?

No, I'll go!

I can't believe this!
He's as mean as Sailor Mars!

Why does she always keep
bringing up my name?!

Now, now.
Why does she always keep
bringing up my name?!

Now, now.

Tuxedo Mask, I'm coming!


Now, hand over the
Silver Crystal. Banban.

Not until after I see Tuxedo Mask!

Still saying that even now!
Then you will die right here!

We will look for the Silver Crystal
afterwards. Banban.

I don't have the Silver Crystal with me!


Sailor Moon is...

Let's go!

Let's go!


If we go now, everything
will be ruined!

Fool! Once I k*ll you,

there will be nobody left who can
use the Silver Crystal.

You dug your own grave, Sailor Moon!


Everyone, just be patient!

I get it. They're testing to see

if Sailor Mars and the rest
will come to rescue me.

Everyone, please don't come.

No matter what happens,
you can't come!

We go now!

We go now!


We can't!

Are you still saying that?!
We can't!

Are you still saying that?!

Out of my way!

Mars, you actually really hate
Sailor Moon, don't you?!



If I hated her,

I wouldn't be watching something
this important for her!

Sailor Mars feels the same
as we all do.

Mars, I'm sorry.


Sailor Moon!

Everyone, don't come!

I can't let them do this anymore!

Man, she's so arbitrary.

Stop right there!


Sailor Mars!

Sailor Mercury!

Sailor Jupiter!

Sailor Venus!

That's the end of our charade!

Prepare yourselves!


Fools! I had seen through your
monkey business long before!

Anyway, release Sailor Moon!

I'm angry now!








If you want to trick me,

you should study acting a little more!


It is time for you to die!

Ban! Baban!

Sailor Moon!



You better just give up!

Why you!

Ban, ban, ban, ban,
ban, ban, ban, ban!

We will chop you to pieces! Banban!

Not so fast!



What is this?!

I pulled all-nighters to come up
with this plan

and you saw through it that easily?!

That's outrageous!
Rhododendrons are beautiful!

What are you talking about?!

Anyway, in the name of the moon,
I will punish you!


Shut up!



Ouch! That is hot, hot, hot!

Now, for the finish!

Moon Healing Escalation!


We did it!


Hey, why did you guys show up?

I was doing perfectly fine on my own!

Because you were crying
like a little baby!

When was I crying like a little baby?!

Today, at o'clock, minutes,
and seconds!

The way you say it is mean!

I don't know how they keep this up.

Won't someone please stop them?

Hey, I heard rumors that the sailor
warriors were breaking up!

Is it true? So, how about it?

I'm sick of this!
Is it true? So, how about it?

I'm sick of this!

During the day,
the fragrance of flowers

During the night,
the twinkle of the stars

It's a world no one knows about

With white shoes clicking

Cross the white moon bridge

And there lives a princess,
dreaming of a sweet kiss

Offer a prayer to the moon

It will surely bring you happiness

Go round and round,
the moon's merry-go-round

Make that serene dress made
of glass flutter in the wind

She's always watching over us

Moon, moon princess
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