01x10 - An Uncharmed Life/The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, the Guardian of Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x10 - An Uncharmed Life/The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, the Guardian of Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

It's unforgivable, unforgivable!

What is it that's unforgivable?

It's unforgivable when someone kidnaps
girls who are praying for love.

Until the day everyone's wishes for
safety and finding love comes true...

In the name of the moon, Sailor Moon
will punish you!

Gomen ne sunao ja nakute
yume no naka nara ieru

Shikou kairo wa short sunzen
ima sugu aitai yo

Nakitakunaru you na moonlight
denwa mo dekinai midnight

Datte junjou dou shiyou
heart wa mangekyou

Tsuki no hikari ni michibikare

Nando mo meguriau

Seiza no matataki kazoe
uranau koi no yukue

Onaji kuni ni umareta
no miracle romance

Shinjite iru no miracle romance

I'm Usagi Tsukino, years old.
I'm in the th grade.

I'm clumsier than others

and a bit of a crybaby.
That's about it.

One day, a strange black cat,
Luna, appeared

and gave me a peculiar
transforming brooch

and made me a sailor warrior.

But, she wants me to fight
against bad guys.

That makes me really nervous.

Oh well, I guess everything
will be okay.

Cursed Buses!
Fire Warrior Mars Appears

If those troublemakers that
appeared on Earth

get a hold of the legendary Silver
Crystal which we are looking for,

we'll have a serious problem!

Our empire is the only one who
should have the Silver Crystal.

I will show no mercy to anyone who
tries to hinder our Dark Kingdom!

Can't you find the legendary
Silver Crystal yet?

I'm sorry.

You have already failed
several missions,

but I will give you a chance
to redeem yourself.

Collect the energy.

And also find the warriors
and k*ll them!

Yes, my lady.

Did something happen?


Oh, Usagi.

Oh, Luna!

Oh, Luna!


Where are you going?

To cram school.

What? You have to take a bus
to go to cram school?

If it's for a good cram school,
I'd even take a plane.

I'm a sailor warrior.

I have to study hard

and gain more knowledge
so that I can help Luna!

Way to go! You're the best, Ami!

On the other hand, when you
compare that to someone else...

The bus isn't here yet.

Did something happen?

Hey hey, listen! Do you know
the story behind this bus?


I heard a bus with some passengers

which left here just after pm
suddenly disappeared.

What?! That sounds like fun.

There's nothing fun about it!

You know there's a bus stop up ahead
called Sendaizaka Ue, right?

Yeah, it's where the five
slopes are, right?

That's right. I heard that a bus
with about fifty passengers

just suddenly disappeared
around there!

The police suspected it could be
a mass kidnapping

and kept it secret for a while,

but they just announced
what had happened

and started investigating
the incident.

A cursed o'clock bus...

I'm scared!

It's very scary.
I'm scared!

It's very scary.

Hey, hey. Do you know the Hikawa
Shrine near Sendaizaka?

They're famous for their amulets
that ward off evils.

Maybe we should buy one!

I heard the daughter who lives
there has psychic powers,

and her fortune telling
is really accurate.

I heard that their amulets
really work too!

Maybe, we should buy one.

Usagi, can you get me one, too?

What? Why don't you come with us?

No, I can't. I have to go
to cram school.

Also, I have an important
mock test coming up.

I can't afford to get a cold
while I'm studying.


Hikawa Shrine

May the boy I like also like me.

So, you, too!

What? Who?
So, you, too!

What? Who?

Tell me!

Pray more! And fill your heart with
the energy of burning desire.

It's coming...

Something evil is coming closer.


Oh, you girls are so pretty.

Oh, you girls are so pretty.

Wanna work as a part-time
shrine maiden?

We just came here to buy
amulets for love.

I know, I know. I was just kidding!

It's : . Perfect!

Then, as usual, I will conduct a
special ceremony for all of you

so that your love will come true.

O god of flames!

Please make sure these girls'
thoughts reach their boys,

and make their wishes come true!

You girls came from far away, right?

Since you're here, why don't you
draw a fortune slip, too?

We also sell votive paintings of horses
for passing entrance exams.

Wanna buy one?

Thank you for all your concern!

I can't believe him!


Was he hitting on us or something?!

Was he hitting on us or something?!

Oh, you girls are so pretty!

Wanna work as a part-time
shrine maiden?


Stop hitting on girls already!

Oh, Rei!

There are bad rumors about you going
around in the neighborhood.
Oh, Rei!

There are bad rumors about you going
around in the neighborhood

Wow! She looks cool! And so pretty!

So, this is a shrine maiden.

I wouldn't mind doing that part-time.


Oh, please!

I sense an unusual aura!
An evil spirit?!

You can try to bring misfortune
to our shrine,

but I won't allow you!

Begone, evil spirit!


This wasn't how it was
supposed to be.

Begone, evil spirit

Miss Rei, I have brought you
a towel and water.

Oh, please leave them there.

Yes, Ma'am.


I feel like I've seen him somewhere.

He's gorgeous!

What?! Where is he?
Where's the gorgeous guy?

I can't believe the way
your mind works!

Is he your brother?

No, he's not.

My grandpa...

He likes to hit on everybody
regardless of gender.

The other day, that man happened
to visit the temple,

then my Grandpa just decided
to make him a live-in helper.

You have a very interesting grandpa.

Did you say that your name
was Usagi? I'm sorry.

Oh, what happened to me?

There is something strange
going on these days.

My sixth sense and prophecies
used to be absolutely accurate,

but now, it's gone haywire.

Prophecies? Could this girl be
the princess I'm looking for?

Excuse me, where is the head priest?!

What is the matter?

My daughter didn't come home

after she left to buy amulets
at your shrine!

I hear your head priest always does
his so-called special ceremony at : .

Are you sure he's not trying to force
people to take the o'clock bus?!

Please don't make
strange accusations!

The : ceremony has been
offered for a long time!

A policeman was here
early this morning,

but if you want to report someone
as missing, just go to the police!

It has nothing to do with my grandpa!

Now, get out!

My! I cannot believe you! How rude!
Now, get out!

My! I cannot believe you! How rude!

You're the one that's rude!
Please leave!


Usagi, something's not right!

I think this has to do
with our enemy.

Contact Ami; we have to figure out
what to do.

But, Ami has to...

Many people have disappeared!

Hurry up and get Ami out
of her cram school!

Okay, I got it!

Sendaizaka Ue

So, this is Sendaizaka.


There are so many of them!

You're right!

Hikawa Shrine

Hikawa Shrine
Everyone has Hikawa Shrine's amulets.

Everyone has Hikawa Shrine's amulets.

Wow, so all these girls are
in love with somebody.

How could they have spare time
for other things,

when they should be busy studying
for high school entrance exams?

Oh, but Ami, you fall in love, too,
don't you?

As for me...

Usagi, if you don't know
what real love is,

you shouldn't use the word
"love" so lightly.


It's here! : .
That must be the bus!

Red Via Sendaizaka
It's here! : .
That must be the bus!

Red Via Sendaizaka

It looks like a normal bus.

Yes, it does.

Okay, Usagi! Get on!


Here, let's go!

Here, let's go!

I don't wanna!

Here, hurry!

No, I don't wanna!

I really don't wanna!

Usagi, don't be silly.
Let's get on the bus!

Come on, be brave now!

I don't wanna! I'm scared!

I'm scared!

It left!

I can't believe you, Usagi.
You're such a coward!

But... But...

It can't be helped, we'll come
again tomorrow at o'clock.


What in the...


No way, no way!

A black hole?

A fourth-dimensional space?

Or a hole in the magnetic field?!
What was that?

Master Jadeite, today's operation
was successful again.

The energy in girls who have
offered prayers is enormous.

Draw it out of them nice and slowly.

Yes, Sir!

Here, Phobos and Deimos.

Oh, Usagi!

What's the matter?

I saw it! Yesterday, the o'clock bus
disappeared again!

So, you're also saying that
it's my grandpa's fault?!


The police came here so many times.
I'm sick of it!

No, I didn't mean it like that!

I was just wondering if you might
know something about it.

I don't know anything!

I'm sorry! I just want to be
your friend. Honest!

Please just leave!

I'll come again later. Good-bye!

How dare she?!

Did she drop this?

We want good-luck amulets for love!

Sure, which color do you prefer?

Which one should I pick?

Since he came here,

we sell more amulets,

and we have more visitors.


But why does the bus disappear
in front of the shrine?


Is somebody there?!

Your meal is ready.

Go away, I cannot concentrate!

My apologies.

Mysterious eyes like ice...

Do those eyes have something

to do with the way my prophecies
stopped working?

Hey, Luna. Why did you
leave that pen for Rei?

I want to check something.

Check something? Like what?

I'll tell you later.

Anyway, Usagi, you have to get
on the o'clock bus today!

Hikawa Shrine

Hikawa Shrine
I know, but...

Hikawa Shrine
You can't be scared!

Hikawa Shrine

Hikawa Shrine
Ami's so late.

Hikawa Shrine
She said she'd get on the bus with me.

Hikawa Shrine
Oh, it's the bus!

Hikawa Shrine

Red Via Sendaizaka

Red Via Sendaizaka

Oh, no! It's here!

Red Via Sendaizaka
Oh, no! It's here!

Red Via Sendaizaka

Red Via Sendaizaka
We have no choice, let's just
get on the bus by ourselves!

We have no choice, let's just
get on the bus by ourselves!

What'll I do now?!

Let's go!

I changed my mind! I'm scared!

Oh, Usagi!
I changed my mind! I'm scared!

Oh, Usagi!


I'm scared! No!
Don't be such a baby!

I'm scared! I don't wanna!

The bus is going to leave! Hurry!

But I don't know what I should do!

Okay, then!

What are you doing?

Moon Power! Turn me into
a cool bus attendant!

Good! This will make me
a little less scared!

Why do you have to be
a bus attendant?

Hey, bus, wait!

What's with you?!


What in the?!

It's my duty to make sure passengers
are safe and comfortable during travel!

Hijacking is unforgivable!

I didn't make it in time.

What is the main culprit?

What is the origin of these troubles?

So, you're the origin of this evil!

What are you talking about?

Don't play dumb! I trust the
fire and it's telling me
What are you talking about?

Don't play dumb! I trust the
fire and it's telling me

that you're the main instigator!

Show me who you are!

So, you found out. You
will go inside, too!

What is...

Where am I?!

Usagi, pull yourself together!

I can't pull myself together!


A monster!

Usagi! Transform yourself
into Sailor Moon!

I don't wanna live like this anymore!

But I'll do it!

That's right! Your spirit and easygoing
attitude are important!

Moon Prism Power Makeup!

I'm the sailor warrior of love
and justice, Sailor Moon!

You've finally shown up!
I've been waiting!

That mark!

Release Rei!

Keeping everyone locked up
in here is unforgivable!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Moon Tiara Action!

You cannot beat me with this toy!

You fell for it!


Rei, are you okay?

I'm fine.

Rei, take out your transforming pen!
I'm fine.

Rei, take out your transforming pen!

The cat spoke!

I'll explain everything later.

Hurry up and take out the transforming
pen you picked up at the shrine!


Use that and transform!

You're Sailor Mars, a warrior
specialized in fire!

Just yell, "Mars Power Makeup!"


I have no idea what you're talking
about, but I don't care right now!

Mars Power Makeup!

So, Rei is the third warrior?

What's going on?

Evil spirit, you won't get away
with this! I'll take care of you!



Oh, what's that?

Oh, no! The dimensional hole is
closing because of Rei's fire power!

We need to get out of here quick!


I don't know!

I don't know!

Oh, no. What'll we do?!
What'll we do now?!

Sendaizaka Ue

Sendaizaka Ue
Usagi, Luna, everyone...

Usagi, Luna, everyone...

Please be all right.

It's closing!

What's that? Could it be Ami?

It might be Ami trying to show us
where the exit is!

She must be!

We'll escape towards the direction
where the signal is coming from!

I'll be the driver! Hurry!

Oh, Tuxedo Mask! When did
he show up here?!

He's so cool...

We did it!

Let's go, both of you.
We did it!

Let's go, both of you.



So, another warrior has appeared.

They are worthy opponents!

I will beat them next time, without fail!




Thanks, Ami!

Thanks, Ami!

Usagi, good job!
Thanks, Ami!

Usagi, good job!

Goodbye, I will see you again.

Oh, where did Tuxedo Mask go?

Don't tell me you like Tuxedo Mask!

You have got to be kidding me!

I just wanted to thank him.

What about you? Are you
in love with him?

Of course, it could just be
a one-sided love.

One... One-sided?

No, it can't be... It can't be!

Yume no naka futari de ita yo ne

Hoshi tachi ni mamorarete

Tomodachi no toki ni wa ki ni sezu

Nanigenaku hanashite ita kedo

Anata dake ki ni naru
shunkan ga atta no

Motto kirei ni ima sugu naritai

Koi suru to nanika ga kawaru ne

Me o tojite tashikamete

Dakishimeta tokimeki sono
mama kono omoi tsutaetai
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