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04x10 - West Coast Story: Part 2

Posted: 05/13/23 07:09
by bunniefuu
[Liz] Previously on Sweet Valley High.

Gorman's back?

I thought he moved to Delaware.

Christian Gorman.

Hey! Get away from my bike, you dirtbag!

Devon, don't!

You should've seen what Devon did to that guy.

I'm gonna k*ll those guys.

I'll find out who did this Todd.

It's been a long time.

Too long.

Winston, help! A bunch of guys

just jumped Todd in the parking lot!

[fists thudding]


[soft music]

Can you believe the cops

gave us ten hours' community service

for getting into a

-minute fight?

At least we didn't have to go to jail.

I don't know, I was kinda looking forward to my free meal.

Excellent shiner, Todd.

Nothing says tough more than a black eye.

I've always wanted one of those.

Of course, I'm allergic to pain, but...

Yeah, well I wouldn't have one if those guys hadn't jumped us.

And they ambushed us.

I'm telling you, we'd crush 'em in a fair fight.

Exactly. That's why we're gonna challenge those losers

to a fair fight

and settle this thing once and for all.


-All right.

We just need a few more guys on our side.

Manny, have you ever been in a fight?

Are you kidding? I'm undefeated.

Of course, they've all been food fights.

[Todd] Winston, what about you?

Who do you think he defeated?

It doesn't matter. We'll take whoever we can get.

-Hey, you!

-Ow, ow, ow.

-Can you do that under pressure?


[boy] All right, Wilkins, bring on the nerd!

Ho! Unh!

Okay. Okay.

You're in.

I can't wait to crush those punks from Big Mesa.

[all] Crush Mesa!

[Mr. Cooper] What's going on here?

Uh, haven't you ever seen a group hug before?

There's a lot of love in this hallway.

Nice try, Wilkins.

Just remember, anyone caught escalating

the rivalry between Big Mesa and Sweet Valley

will be expelled.

[tense music]


I love you, man.

[upbeat music]

♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see There's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere Or a reflection ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be Two different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

Boy, that's a shame,

'cause, you know, I was really looking forward

to kicking some Big Mesa butt!

Yeah, me too!

Maybe Cooper will let us have a food fight.

Forget about Cooper.

We'll have our fight.

We just need a place he won't find out about.

How about the Moon Beach?

Nah. Our insurance policy doesn't cover rumbles.

Wherever we have it,

Christian Gorman and his Big Mesa g*ons

are gonna find out they messed with the wrong guys.

-That's right.

-They'll see.

[Devon] And that bright one off Orion's Belt there

is the North Star.

Wow, it's beautiful.

Yeah. I barely noticed.

Devon, how long do you think

this rivalry with Big Mesa will last?

Who cares?

I already settled my score.

Don't tell me you're proud of beating up that Big Mesa guy.

Hey, he had it coming.

He messed up my bike.

How can you be so insensitive?

The guy's still in the hospital.

So? My bike is still in the shop.

[tense music]

Why didn't you tell me

you're involved in the rivalry with Sweet Valley?

[soft song playing on stereo]

I'm sorry.

I should've told you.

I just didn't realize

things were gonna get so out of hand.

I guess I was hoping you wouldn't be affected by it.

Well, I am.

I know.

And I hate it that we have to sneak around all the time.

It's just not a good idea for people to see us together.

Well, it is kind of romantic.

It's like we're living out that classic story

of forbidden love between

two extremely good

-looking people.

Romeo and Juliet?

No. Billy and Alison.

Don't you watch Melrose Place?


There's a lot of people who are gonna freak

when they find out about us.

Do you think you can handle that?

As long as I can be with you,

I can handle anything.

Are you sure?

Things could get pretty rough.

I'm sure.

[soft music]

[upbeat music]

[Manny] Okay, one more time.


Hey, Manny.


Oh, I love these things.

So what are you doing with this?


Manny, you know you can't keep a secret from me.


Here comes the tickle bug.

Okay, okay, okay.

Todd asked me to fight with the guys against Big Mesa.

What? Are you out of your mind?

Come on, Enid.

A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

And a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

[girl] Guys, it's Jessica.

[boy] It's Jessica.

Shouldn't you be at Big Mesa

with your boyfriend, Gorman?



Hello, class.

[students laughing]

[boy] Who wrote that?

[teacher] This is very disappointing.

I agree.

"Traitor" is spelled with an "O."

[students laughing]

[girl] I didn't finish.

-I tried.

-You did?

[girl] Let's go.

Later, Jessica.

Going out with the leader of Big Mesa?

Nobody's made a decision that bad

since Luke Perry cut off his sideburns.

Lila, wait.

I gotta go, Jessica.

Word is you're socially contagious.

[somber music]

[on bullhorn] Are you girls ready to start practice?



Jessica, we know you're kissing the enemy.

Big Mesa guys are off limits.

-I don't care how hot he is.

-But, Amy, I



We're kicking you off the squad.

-[marching band music]



Come on, Enid, I gotta go. Give me a kiss.

If you're gonna fight, I'm not gonna kiss.

A handshake?

Are you kidding?

No, wait.

I'll shake it.

Too late.

[sighs] Men.

I can't believe the guys

are still talking about fighting Big Mesa.

Neither can I.

This whole rivalry has made everyone crazy.

Last night, I saw a side of Devon that really scared me.

Maybe you should talk to Todd about ending the rivalry.

Todd? He's more out of control than anyone.

Besides, we haven't exactly been close

the last couple of weeks.

I'm the last person he'd listen to right now.

At a time like this,

you might be the only person he'll listen to.

[boy] All right.


[boy ] Man, what is she doing here?

-[boy] Yeah.

-Back off, B.J.

[B.J.] Man, what's the deal?

What's the matter?

The cheerleaders found out about us

and kicked me off the team.

No one at school would even talk to me today.

I was afraid something like this might happen.

I just didn't know it would be so bad.

Call us when you lose the chick, Gorman.

At least we have each other.

Jessica, I can't stand to see you like this.

I feel like it's all my fault.


Maybe what?

Maybe we shouldn't see each other for a while.

Whoo! That was close. Amy Sutton almost saw me,

and I had to high

-jump your shrubs.

It is tough being friends with the unpopular.

Lila, I'm having the worst day of my life.

Christian broke up with me today.


He said it would easier for both of us just to end it.

Good. Maybe people at school

will start talking to you again.

You don't understand.

I have to find a way to be with Christian.

What are you gonna do?

I've got an idea.

You'll never guess what it is.

You're transferring to Big Mesa?

Nope. I'm transferring to Big Mesa.

Thanks for helping me out with my deadline.

See ya guys tomorrow.


-See ya.

[Devon] Hey, Liz.

Devon, what are you doing here?

I just got my bike out of the shop.

I thought we'd take a ride up the coast.

-I can't.

-Come on.

We can check out the stars.

Devon, I've got something to do, okay?

[Devon] No, it's not okay.

[rock music]

Todd, can we talk?

Can't you see I'm training?

Todd, please.

What do we have to talk about?

The rivalry with Big Mesa.

What about it?

It's gotten way out of hand.

I don't want anything to happen to you

or anybody else.

Too bad, Liz.

I'm not yours to worry about anymore.

Look, I know things haven't been good between us lately,

but that doesn't mean I've stopped caring about you.


Do you wanna be responsible

for more people getting hurt?

You're the only one who can stop this.

The guys will listen to you.

It's too late, Liz.

[somber music]

You got a problem?

You've got the problem, Gorman.

Sweet Valley versus Big Mesa in a fair fight.

No weapons. Saturday at midnight.

Jackson's Wharf.

You bring your guys, we'll bring ours.

[Todd] Wait!

I got your challenge, Wilkins.

We'll be there.

[boy] Good.

Make sure you're sure.

[rhythmic knock on door]

That's not the secret knock.

[knocking with different rhythm]

That's not it, either.

[Todd] Winston, open this door,

or I'll tell everyone you water down your ketchup!

You can't prove that.

Now, here's some of the Big Mesa thugs

we have to watch out for.

For example, page one, Crusher Caldeen.

Crusher made my life miserable back in grammar school

when we rode the bus together.

Crusher doesn't look that tough.

Well, she was back then.

Maybe we oughta, I don't know,

think this through a little bit more.

What's to think about?

You're not getting cold feet are you?

Are you kidding?

Saturday night we're gonna finish this thing.

[all] Crush Big Mesa, yeah!

All right!

[answering machine beeps]

[Devon] Liz, what's the deal

with you blowing me off at school yesterday?

Call me.


Liz, I know you're there.

Liz, pick up the phone.


Liz, I don't like being ignored.

If you don't call me back






Over here.

[Christian] Hey.

I miss you.

I can't stand it anymore.

I'm going crazy not being able to see you.

I know what you mean.

-I think about you all the time.

-I know.

That's why I came up with a perfect solution.

I'm transferring to Big Mesa.

You'd do that for me?

As long as we can be together.

So, what do you think?

I think you'd be worse off at Big Mesa.

Until this rivalry dies down, you're the enemy.

I just wish we could end this stupid rivalry thing.

Maybe we can.

[girl] I liked it, yeah.

[girl ] I know. And he wouldn't even leave.

[pop music playing]

I'm worried about Manny.

I haven't kissed him in days,

not even an Eskimo kiss,

and he's still gonna rumble with the guys.

I can't believe they're willing

to risk getting expelled for some stupid fight.

I tried talking to Todd, but he said it was too late

to do anything about it.

Good news. The w*r is over thanks to me.


-Christian and I decided

that calling a truce is the only way we can be together.

He's meeting with the Sweet Valley guys tonight.

[Cheryl] Nice going, Jessica.

Hey, you wanna know what we did

when both sides of my Uncle Nester's family

stopped feuding back in



Enid, what did you do?

We had a truce party.

Good idea, Enid.


Hey, Liz.

Devon, you scared me.

Where have you been?

I was at the store.

And at the Moon Beach.

How did you know that?

Why haven't you returned any of my calls?


Ever since this thing with Big Mesa,

you've just


- you've been blowing me off.

Do you blame me?

You put a guy in the hospital.

You leave threatening messages on my machine.

You know, look, sometimes I get angry and I snap.

Well, I don't like the way you handle your anger.

Liz, we gotta talk.

Devon, let go of my arm.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I'll be right in.

Well, don't take too long.

People are gonna be here any minute.

[tense music]

What for?

There's a meeting at the Moon Beach

to call off the fight.

We're gonna celebrate.

Do you have a problem with that?


Now maybe everything can get back to normal.

Not everything.

[door slams]

Truce, huh?

We'll see.

[boy] This thing's all their fault. They better.

The guys from Big Mesa have arrived.

Show them in.


Gentlemen, welcome to the Moon Beach.

Tonight we've got a special peace menu.

Dove bars, olive branch soup, and Geneva burgers.

My humble attempt to aid the peace process.

These burgers cost twice as much as the normal ones.

Hey, buddy.

Everything's more expensive during wartime.

Cool it, B.J.

We came here for a reason.

So you want a truce, huh?

I think we both do,

or we wouldn't be here right now.

I guess you're right.

How do you like my Aunt Mavis' peace nog punch?

I followed her recipe down to the last pound of nutmeg.

Enid, are you sure it didn't call

for a pinch of nutmeg?


I'll get some juice.

I just got off the phone with Amy Sutton.

Thanks to my peacemaking efforts,

the cheerleaders are gonna take me back.

I'm gonna be able to wear my scarlet letters again.

Finally, we can go back to being friends in the open.

I ruined four pairs of Valanchi pumps

crawling through your bushes.

Jess, I'm glad you won't be transferring to Big Mesa.

Me, too.

I would've been miserable there.

I mean, the nearest shopping mall's

at least ten miles away.

I'm just glad this stupid fight is over.

Maybe now the guys will chill.

Yeah, especially Manny.

I mean, he's a hugger, not a fighter.

Let's make a toast.

-To peace.


And popularity.



[Christian] Agreed.

And our last demand.

In the food court at the mall,

our turf runs from Pork on a Fork

to Schnitzel In a Jiffy.


Alrighty then. I think that's everything.

Let's shake on it.

[dramatic music]

What are you doing here, Whitelaw?

So, Todd, this is the guy who pounded your face last week?

And now you're shaking his hand.

Come on, man. We're puttin' all that behind us.

Is that what it is?

'Cause it looks like you're wussing out.

-What'd he call us?

-What'd you say?

You're really gonna trust a bunch of guys

who jumped you in a parking lot?

You trashed our cars.

And you put one of our guys in the hospital.

You really don't wanna settle this

with a handshake, do you?

If a food fight breaks out, these guys are history.

You throw it, you pay for it.

Besides Manny, we're here for peace.

Your soup stinks.

That's it!

This means w*r.

[boy] Okay, let's do it.

Let's go.

Forget the truce.

We're not gonna take care of our problems here.

Saturday night, Jackson's Wharf at midnight.

The fight is on!

[boys] Yeah!

We'll see you.

[dramatic music]

♪ Look right down ♪

♪ Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see ♪

♪ There's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you ♪

♪ At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you ♪

♪ At Sweet Valley High ♪

-[cheerful music]

-[children laughing]