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04x09 - West Coast Story: Part 1

Posted: 05/13/23 07:08
by bunniefuu
[upbeat rock music]

[cheerleader] Ready, okay!

Go Sweet Valley!

Preston, Cali!

Go Sweet Valley go!


[on bullhorn] Hold it!

Excuse me.

You call that cheering?

[all] Yes!

In case you forgot, we're playing Big Mesa.

This is the most important game of the year!

The gym will be packed and all eyes will be focused on me.


I want you to cheer like your popularity depends on it!

[all] Okay!


[Brazilian accent] Yessica?

I've decided to join you in the leading of the cheers.

[girls scoff]


Your cheers do not steer the soul.

You need someone with fire in her eyes

and hot Latin blood running through her veins.

-You do have spirit but




I want to be with my Todd.

Renata, cheerleading requires great looks and hard work.

[all] Mm!

You think we do this just to meet guys?

Why else would you wear such short skirts?

Well, there aren't any openings.

[cheering] Hit the road!


[laughs] Come on! Just one cheer!

All right.

Take it from the top.

Ready, okay!

We've got spirit!

Yes, we do!

We've got spirit!

-How about you?!


-Oh, no.

-My new nose!

-Ugh, is she okay?

-Now you have an opening.

[upbeat music]

♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see There's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere Or a reflection ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be Two different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you At Sweet Valley High ♪

Why don't you guys eat like this at the Moon Beach?

I'd have my new car in a week.

-We're carbo loading.

-Getting stoked to



[boys] Crush Big Mesa!

Yeah, we have to win this game!

No, we don't just have to win.

-We have to humiliate Big Mesa.


We have to go paint their parking lot.


Those stupid pranks are old.

Todd's right.

Let's paint their sidewalk.


No, no, man!

Let's just kick their butts on the court!


-All right!

Or else we could shaving cream their windshields.

I mean, that's what they did to me last year.

What do you think?

I think this rivalry with Big Mesa gets worse every year.

You're right.

Maybe we should just stick with water balloons.

Enid, it's stupid to dislike people

just because they go to a different school.

Exactly. That's why I called the editor

of the Big Mesa Post and suggested we throw a joint dance

this Saturday after the game.

-That's a great idea!


She thought so too.

Jess, what do you think?

I think the models in this magazine are way too skinny.

I mean, hello?!

Eat a burger once in a while!

If we don't beat Big Mesa, the rest of the year

will be a total disaster.

Look, we beat 'em last year,

and we've all gotten a lot better.

Yeah, but they got Christian Gorman back.

Gorman's back?

I thought he moved to Delaware?

He did and he made all

-state two years in a row.


I've hated that guy since junior high.

You know, Big Mesa might win this year.

Christian Gorman's back, and I hear he looks amazing.

Christian Gorman?

[Liz] Wow, I remember him from junior high.

He and Todd used to fight all the time.

We're gonna crush Christian Gorman.

Christian Gorman.


This year, Big Mesa won't be able to touch us.

I installed a laser alarm in the locker room,

so they can't sneak in any sheep,

and I booby

-trapped the trophy case.

Any Big Mesa pinhead that tries to mess with us

is in for a big surprise.

All right, Winston.

-What'd you use? Dynamite?


Maybe. Now observe, gentlemen.

As the perpetrator approaches the trophy case,

a beam of light will trigger



[boy] Barbie dolls?

That does it. They die!

Let's go to Big Mesa right now.

We'll show 'em who the girls are.

No, we don't need to play their game.

I'm telling you, the best revenge we can get

is blowin' 'em off the court.

I don't get it.

Those guys should be trapped like the rats they are.

I rigged this thing so when you touch the case.

[upbeat rock music]


So, how goes it with the Brazilian bombshell?

She's driving me crazy!

I've gotta break it off.

It seems every time I turn around, there she is!

If it weren't for basketball, I'd never get away from her.

If you need any advice on how to break it off with Renata,

it is my expert opinion to let her down easy.

Actually, I picked up a few pointers

from this article, "Breaking up Is Easy to Do."

Like anyone's gonna fall for this stuff!

"It's not you, it's me."

Wait, Judy Marshall told me that last week.

"Let's be friends"?

You mean, that's a line too?

Has every girl in the school read this list?


I've been so worried about you!

I have not seen you since the second period.



Renata, we have to talk.

I know. We have so much to catch up on.

It seems like an eternity since I drove you to school.

Let me fix your hair.

-[boy] Check it out!


-[exasperated sigh]


Renata, I was thinking.

I think we should have more spaces.

Because it's you, not me, who's grown

and friends...


You do love me.

The very sight of me ties your tongue.

I wanna see other people.

Other people?

Why did you not say so?

I will throw you a party at once.

Oh, I saved the best news for last.

I have joined the cheerleading squad!

Now we can be together all of the time.

And I will cheer only for you, my jungle burning love.




-Christian Gorman?

-Jessica Wakefield?

It's been a long time.

Too long.

So what brings you here?


Not bad.

Not too bad yourself.

We, uh... We had some good times in this park.


[laughs] How could I forget my first kiss?

Actually, you're my third.

But you were the best.

I still am.

So, you wanna buy me dinner sometime?

How about tonight?


We can go to the Moon Beach for old times' sake.

I go to Big Mesa, remember?

The Moon Beach is not my hang.

How about Mesquite Pete's?

Mesquite Pete's?

I go to Sweet Valley, remember?

Okay, how about Chez Jay?

Ooh, nice!

Maybe afterwards Miller's Point?

Christian! What kind of girl do you think I am?

[crickets chirping]

So, did you hear about the dance this Saturday?

-What dance?

-The one Liz is planning

to call a truce between our schools.

[laughs] Oh, no.

Not another We Are the World party

like she had in junior high.

[laughs] Kind of, except we don't have to hold hands

in a circle and sing.

Mm, I don't think a dance is gonna solve anything.

You better get used to kissing the enemy.

Fine with me!

Let the rest of them battle it out.

It's got nothing to do with us.

[crowd cheering]

Here we go. Okay, one, two, three!

k*ll Big Mesa!


Come on, Todd!

Go Todd!

Ooh! What is this, the JV team?

That's the last one you get, Wilkins.


[crowd cheering]

[Jessica] Whoo! Christian!

Give me the ball!

This game's mine, Gorman!


-[wild cheering]

Way to go! Whoo




[Cheryl] This dance is gonna be awesome!

I handed out flyers to about a hundred people!

I know. Everybody from Big Mesa was psyched about it,

even though they lost the game.

[students cheering]

-I can't believe it.

-Man, that's harsh!

What the


- ?

Look at Todd's car.

Nice paint job, Wilkins.

Now they've gone too far.

I'm gonna k*ll those guys!

I'll find out who did this, Todd.

I'll take pictures of the tire tracks,

scan them on my computer, do a cross check.

-They slashed my tires!


When I was leaving the game, I heard this car squeal off,

and the guys were shouting, "Sweet Valley bites."

What'd the car look like?

I didn't see it, but judging from the sound of the engine,

I'd say it was a ' Chevelle with four on the floor,

dual overhead cams, and a spoiler on the back.

I tried to play it fair and square

and look what it gets me.

Let's go kick some Big Mesa butt.

[boys] Yeah!

[chanting] Kick butt! Kick butt!

Kick butt! Kick butt! Kick butt!

You still wanna have that dance?

Kick butt! Kick butt!

Kick butt! Kick butt! Kick butt!

So what do you wanna do tonight?

I don't know. Whatever you wanna do.


Oh, I can't wait till those Big Mesa jerks

see their ' Chevelle up on blocks!


-Don't forget about the Jetta,

the Pathfinder, and the Mustang.


I wonder how long it'll take them to figure out

the tires are in the pool!


Don't you guys see what you're doing?

You're stooping to their level!

You're making it worse!

Save the speech, Liz.

I'm not just gonna sit here and take it anymore.

Come on. Let the boys have their fun.

Hey, did you guys TP their trees, too?

You think you're above all this?


[boy] Big Mesa rules!

[loud crashing]




-Yeah, Big Mesa rules!

-[cheering and laughing]

-Let's get 'em!

-Come on, guys!

Hey! Get away from my bike, you dirtbag!

[Liz] Devon, don't!

[Winston] I can't believe they trashed it.

Look what they did to this place.

How dare they destruct my Todd's favorite restaurant?


I'm not your Todd, got it?!

And I don't wanna see you anymore.

It's over!

Look what they've done to my Moon Beach.

I agree!

She's way out of control.

Trust me, she's off the squad.

I'll tell her the minute she gets here.

Gotta go.


-[phone beeps]

What's with you?

Todd has rejected me.

It's a good thing that I can handle rejection so well.

Hey, speaking of rejection...

The only thing that keeps me going

is the leading of the cheers.

Thank you, Yessica.

For without you, my life would have no meaning.

Renata, I don't think

you're in the right frame of mind to cheer.

Don't be ridiculous!

I've never had more spirit.

I have spirit.

Yes, I do.

I have spirit.

How about you?

[boy] Man, that guy trashed Devon's bike.

Yeah, but did you see what Devon did to that guy's face?

[laughing] That was awesome!

Don't sweat it, bro.

We'll have this place cleaned up in no time.

[sighs] You know, vandalizing a school is one thing.

But to hit a friendly burger joint?

It's un


I never thought I'd say this, but I hate Big Mesa!

[boy] We'll get 'em, Winston!

They're not gonna get away with this.


Then they can come back and set the place on fire.

Winston, they just trashed the Moon Beach!

Are you gonna take it lying down?!

You're right. I'm in!

[boy] Those guys are dead meat!

[chanting] Dead meat! Dead meat! Dead meat!

Dead meat!

Dead meat! Dead meat! Dead meat!

Dead meat! Dead meat!

Deaaad meat!

Come on, you must have some idea who trashed Todd's car.

Can't we just forget about all this rivalry stuff?

Let's talk about something else.

Okay. The truce dance.

What time are you picking me up?

The dance? Actually, why don't we go to a club instead?


I'll come by around :?




Liz, I need your advice.

What's the best way to tell Renata

she's off the cheerleading squad?

Just be honest with her.

No, seriously!

Think of it as breaking up with a guy.

What do you do?

Usually, I go to a crowded place

where they can't make a scene.

Like a nice restaurant.

Then, after he's paid the bill, I dump him.

[sarcastically] Hmm, that's nice.

[sighs] But I don't wanna take Renata to a restaurant.

Wait, the dance!

I can drop by, kick her off the squad, maybe dance a little,

and be back in time for Christian!


Jess, do you think it's a good idea to be dating Christian

with all this fighting going on?


That's like the pot calling the kettle collect!

You're the one who's organizing a truce dance.

I'm just doing what I can to bring the schools together.



-What's up?

Thank you, Winston. All right!


What are you doing?

I'm in charge of security.

[laughs] Couldn't get a date, huh?

Well, some things are more important than a date.

My secret Big Mesa double agent told me

that something big is going down.


Get away from me!

Hey! What's up, man?

Yessica, there you are!

What did you want to talk to me about?

Stop right there!

Well, it's about cheerleading.


Yessica, brace yourself.

There is something that I must tell you.

The leading of the cheers reminds me too much of Todd.

I cannot do it anymore.


too bad.

I know the squad is nothing without me, but



[Winston] Ow!

-I must resign.


Unless, of course, you desperately need me.


[laughs] I mean, not desperately.

Good. Let us go inside and jump around.

What do you mean we're nothing without you?

Hey. Go ahead.





Put the limbo pole back in the car!

But nothing brings people together like a good limbo!

Put it back!

[song playing in dance] ♪ All the things I do for you ♪

♪ All the things I do for you ♪

-♪ All the things I do for... ♪

-Hey, Enid!


[Big Mesa Jock] Die, Wilkins!



Winston, help!

A bunch of guys just jumped Todd in the parking lot!

Hey, they're beating up Todd!

-Where, man?!

-Come on, come on!

-Over there.

-What's going on?!

[boy] Come on, guys! Quick!

[Boy ] Hit him, come on!

Wilkins is getting pounded!

-[police sirens]


[girl] Hey, the cops are here!


Break it up! You're all under arrest!

-[punches land]

-[Christian groaning]

I'm not the one.

[Todd] Hey, take it easy!

[boy] Christian did this! Hey, come on, man!

Arrest him!

[Enid] It'll be okay, Liz.

That's what I used to think.

Come on, let's go.


[police radio chatter]

[somber music]

♪ Look right down ♪

♪ Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see ♪

♪ There's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you ♪

♪ At Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you ♪

♪ At Sweet Valley High ♪

-[cheerful music]

-[children laughing]