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04x08 - Lucky Streaks

Posted: 05/13/23 07:07
by bunniefuu

This casino night's gonna be huge.

We've already sold twice as many tickets as last year.

Yeah, we're gonna make a ton

of money for the scholarship fund.

I'm gonna make a ton of money, too.

Enid, it's not for cash, it's for prizes.

Whatever it is, I'm gonna win big. 'Cause I'm hot, baby.

[laughs] You're what?

I'm on a total winning streak.

Every game I've played with Manny, I won.

I sank his Battleship, I got Yahtzee on the first roll,

and I kicked his butt all over Candy Land.

[glass shatters]

Oh no, this is terrible.

Don't worry, you can get another one.

No, I broke a mirror, that's seven years bad luck.

You don't really believe that stuff, do you?

Of course I do.

My cousin Zeke broke a mirror his freshman year

and had bad luck for the rest of high school.

All seven years!

[Enid sighs]

[theme music playing]


♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's A beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two Different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same at ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪♪

[Renata and Todd laughing]

Thanks, Renata.

That street fair was a blast!

The games, the food, the music.

Liz and I never did anything like that.

You were funny as a clown when you scared

those little children like a crazy man.

Renata, I was dancing.

Of course you were.

Worry not, I know many dances.

Next week I will teach you how to cha


One, two, cha



I don't know, that looks complicated.

Maybe we should start with the cha.

Oh, Todd, you are so cute.

I cannot wait to take you to Brazil for Carnival.

Wow, Liz never took me to another country.

Liz was but a girlfriend.

I am your soulmate.


So, how did things go with Devon last night?

It was so romantic.

Devon and I snuck into the observatory

and stayed up late looking at the stars.

How's Todd taking all this?

I'm sure he's too busy with Renata to notice.

So are you and Devon like an official couple now?

I don't know, Devon's not really an official kinda guy.

He's sort of unpredictable.

[Devon] Hey Liz, come here.

Devon, what are you doing in here?

[sighs] Just come on, I got something for you.

What is it?

[Devon] See ya.

What was that?

I was gonna tell you.

That you were planning all along to s*ab me in the back?

I thought Devon didn't mean anything to you.

He didn't, but...

Stop. I don't wanna hear any of your lame excuses.

Do you realize what this is doing to me?

I'm sorry, I didn't know you still had feelings for Devon.

Please, this is more important than feelings.

This is my image.

Now people are gonna think that he dumped me for you.

Jess, you know that's not true.

Who cares about the truth?

Quick, how many people know?

I don't know, Enid...


Why don't you just put it on a billboard?


-Liz, just tell me one thing.

Sure, what?

Are you going to Casino Night with him?

Well, we...

Great, I'll be humiliated in front of the whole school.

Come on, it's not that bad.

I can't talk to you right now.

I have to go save my image, what's left of it.

My dear Todd.

My family has guarded a secret recipe for over years,

and I have prepared it for you.

May I present, [speaking in foreign language].

Wow, thanks, Renata.

Liz never made me Rice Krispie treats before.

[bell rings]

All right class, let's get started.

Mr. Wilkins, what did you think of The Catcher in the Rye?

I thought he would've been better off at shortstop.

This is brilliant.

Excuse me, miss, but you're not in my class.

I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave.

I will leave this class,

but I will not leave [speaking in foreign language].

-[girl ] Whatever.

-[girl ] Yeah, really.

Hey, you wanna grab some lunch?

But the cafeteria is that way.

We're gonna go off


Devon, we're not allowed to.

I know. [laughs]

In Self Portrait, Van Gogh employs the impasto technique,

carefully applying thick layers of oil paint.

Next, Gauguin's...

-[students laughing]

-My honeymoon pictures?

[male student] All right!

[students cheering]

That's it.

Class is dismissed.

-All right!

-You guys, come on.

You guys, you have to help me.

Oh, what is it this time?

My life is over.



This time it's for real.

Liz and Devon are going to Casino Night together.


Now people are gonna think Devon dumped me for Liz.

Well, you did go for him and he is with Liz.

But I dumped him first!

Who cares what other people think?

I do. If I don't come up with something,

I'm gonna be in popularity free


Well, when a model start to lose bookings,

they try a new look.

Some of them change their hair color every month.

A new look? But I'm perfect.

Come on, Jessica, that platinum color is tres passe.

Why are you my friend?

Your hair doesn't look bad, but a few

lowlights might be a nice change.


Sure, go for it.

Get a makeover, a new dress.

You're right, Cheryl.

I need a hot new look and a hot date to go with it.

Hey, you know a lot of models.

I don't know.

Please, just this once.

I spend my whole life building this image.

[sighs] Oh, all right.


Marco Alexis is in L.A. this month.

Maybe I can get him to take you.

But he doesn't speak a word of English.

Well, that's OK, I don't need him to talk.

Liz, what happened to you this afternoon?

Oh no, Enid, I totally forgot.

[Enid] So, where were you?

Devon took me off

-campus for lunch

and we ended up blowing off the entire afternoon.

Wow, you've never cut class before.

I know, I feel so guilty,

but I have to admit it was kind of fun.

I never did anything like that with Todd.

But we were supposed to go to Helga's House of Fortunes

this afternoon to change my bad luck around.

Enid, I know, I'm sorry.

That's OK, Helga took one look at my cards

and wished me better luck in my next life.

I have an idea. Why don't you and Manny

come out with Devon and me? We'll double date.

Do you really think Devon would want to?


Let's go to the petting zoo.

I heard they got a new porcupine.

Oh, I don't know about that, Enid.

You're right, Devon's too cool for a petting zoo.

We need some place with some serious action.

I know, Pinky's Putt Putt Pavilion.

The most intense miniature golf course

this side of the Rio Grande.

[both giggling]

[bell rings]

Todd, today we celebrate our three day

anniversary of our first date together.

I bring you a gift.

[romantic music]

I bet Liz never gave you anything like this.

No, she never did.

You do not like?

No, it's great. Thanks, I...

You're not going to wear it.

Are you trying to make me bring the tears?

No, of course not.

Then, you'll wear it.

[boy] I did my best.

[student] Hey, what's he wearing?

Check it out.

Hey, Wilkins, Mr. T called, he wants his necklace back.

[athletes laughing]

You must be the basketball team.


-Stop laughing at my Todd.

Without him, you are nothing.

[Todd] Renata.


This is what you told me last night.

[Student] Man, did you hear that?

[Basketball Player] What's he thinking?

[Student] See you in practice, Wilkins.

If you want to see my date for Casino Night,

turn to page of Saucey.

He makes Devon look totally average.

Mm, and he's skinnier than Kate Moss.

Wait, that is Kate Moss.

Mm, not bad.

So, how did the lowlights come out?

I don't know, I just painted them on minutes ago.

Or was that ?

Jessica, we've been on the phone for almost an hour.

Gotta go, bye.

Wait till Devon sees this.

[playful music]

Oh, no.


[Jessica screams]

Who's screaming?

Oh, Jessica's on the phone with Lila.

Don't you have something for me?

You got my message.

What message?

We're going out with Manny and Enid tonight.

I don't want to hang out with them.

Why not, they're my friends.

Look, I came here to see you, not Manny and Enid.

But I already told them it was OK.

Well, do you want to go out with them,

or do you want to go out with me?

[Enid clears throat]

[Liz] Enid.

It's OK, Liz.

Come on, Manny.

I don't think we're wanted here.

[crickets chirping]

Would one night of miniature golf

with Manny and Enid been so bad?

Um... yeah.

Why, my friends aren't cool enough for you?

No, it's just that tonight I had

something special in mind.

So where exactly did you have this something special planned?

What's wrong with right here?

[Liz sighs]

[Devon sighs]

Renata, I can't wear this anymore.

Too heavy?

Do not worry, soon your neck will be strong like a bull.

Look, my neck's fine.

It's my reputation that's taking a beating here.

I'll be lucky if anyone passes me

the ball the rest of the season.

I'm sorry.

Renata, you are a lot of fun and everything, but...

Todd, I can change, I promise.


Please, just give me one more chance.


So, we will go to Casino Night together?

Sure, but no jewelry.

Of course not.

Now, which will you wear?

Hot pink or turquoise?

Come on, Jess, we're gonna be late for school.

[Jessica] I'm not going to school.

Oh, that's a new look for you, isn't it?

This is all your fault.


If you weren't taking Devon to Casino Night,

I never would've messed with perfection.

Now I'm gonna look like the Riddler for the rest of my life.

Well, you could shave your head.

Look, if you can't help, at least hand me the phone.

[phone beeping]

Cheryl, you have to help me, my life is over.

No, this time it's for real.

Enid, I'm really sorry about last night.

It's just that Devon wanted to hang out,

you know, just the two of us.

It's OK, Liz, I understand.

It's just kinda sad.


When you were dating Todd, the four of us

used to always do stuff together.

Now that you're with Devon, it won't be the same.

I mean, he obviously doesn't want us around,

and it makes me sad.

I better go.

Hey, I scored us two tickets

for the Everclear show Friday night.


Devon, we're going to the Casino Night on Friday, remember?

Come on, they're only in town for one night.

But I already promised Cheryl we'd go.

Well, I already bought you a ticket.

What took you so long?

School let out minutes ago.

Jessica, this is Enrique,

the hair stylist I was telling you...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we don't have a lot of time here.

Are you sure you can help me?

Please, silly girl, they do not

call me the "hair surgeon" for nothing.

Now, let's see the patient.

[Cheryl gasps]

Ugh, let me guess.

Cheap and easy lowlights, right?

How did you know?

When will you people learn to leave

your hair to the professionals?

Would you remove your own appendix?


-[Enrique] Exactly.

So what should she do?

Stay inside, close the curtains,

and cancel everything for the next two weeks.

I do hair, not miracles.

That's it, I'll see you in two weeks.

You can't cancel on Marco, he drove all the way from L.A.

Good, then he knows the way back.

Look, if you don't go tonight,

everyone's gonna think you couldn't get a date.

[Jessica gasps]

-They wouldn't.

-They would.

And when they see Liz with Devon,

your image will be as bad as your hair.


Wait, I am a genius.

I have the solution.

[Manny] Enid, over here, let's try this one.

[Student] Wow, Jessica looks great.

[Man] Yeah, look at her hair, it's gorgeous.

I'm feeling kind of lucky tonight, Marco.

How about you?

Well, I hope this four leaf clover

you gave me improves my luck.

Hey, there's Liz.

-Liz, hey.


Wait a minute, this isn't a four leaf clover,

it's a three leaf.

Three leaves, four leaves, does it really matter?

Manny, this isn't even a clover, it's poison ivy.

See, there's nothing wrong with a little compromise.

We'll play a few card games and then I'll change

and we'll catch the second half of the concert.

You wanna try your luck at the tables?

Why, so I can win you a big stuffed bear? [chuckles]

Todd, I cannot believe you would wear

such a jacket on this fancy occasion.

Oh, Todd.

[students laughing]

You look wonderful.

Wilkins, you look like a dork.

[Student] Hey Wilkins, nice shirt.

[Woman] All right everyone, place your bets.

Cheryl, that Elvis impersonator was really good.

I thought you said you were on a budget.

We are, that's a Cher impersonator.

[upbeat music playing over speakers]

I'm the unluckiest person ever.

I'm losing my best friend, I have only one chip left,

and I'm starting to itch.

But you still got me.

[Enid] Let's go, there's no way I'm gonna win tonight.

[Croupier] black, black is the winner.

[Woman] Congratulations!

[Enid laughs]

Manny, I guess you're my good luck charm.

Come on, seven, Mama needs a new pair of Guccis.

[Croupier] And the lady rolls a seven.


-Way to go.

[Man] Jessica, you're looking good.

Aren't you glad you came tonight?


I've restored my image and made Devon jealous.

-It's a wig!

-It's been a total success.

Hey, Jessica.

Devon, I didn't know you were here.

Nice hair.

It's an Enrique special.

You have the ace of diamonds, the ace of hearts,

the ace of spades, and the ace of doggy feet.

Is that good?

[Player] I'll raise, 'cause I'm outta here.

I'm gonna go get some punch.

Was it something I said?

Congratulations, Cheryl.

Seems like Casino Night's a complete success.


I'd love to stay, but I told Devon we'd get going.

Since when do you let a guy call the sh*ts?

Liz, hi.


Nice shirt.

Did Renata pick it out for you?

Yeah, she did, I love it.

It matches the socks she got me.

So, how's the rebel without a clue?

Oh, we're having a great time.

Liz, will you come on?

We're gonna miss the concert.

Pink's your color, sport


Todd, oh, the past few minutes

without you have been an eternity.

I got something for you.

[sighs] What's the matter?

Are you still mad about Casino Night?

Yeah, Devon, I am.

I'm tired of having to choose between you and my friends.

It's like you're always trying to see

how much I'll give up for you.

I'm not making you do anything.

I thought you liked spending time with me.

I do, but I also like spending time with my friends.

If you ask me to choose between you and them again,

you won't like my choice.

Finally that stuff washed out

and my hair is back to normal.

Ooh, nice try, telling everyone that those green streaks

were the latest trend from Paris.

It was either that or stay home from school for two weeks.

Nobody believed you, you know.

[Student] It turned out even better than I thought.

[Girl] I like yours.

[Student] OK, I think your hair looks good.

[Enid] That was awesome.

I can't believe we beat you guys five games in a row.

Hey, you didn't let us win, did you?

Nah, you guys were really good.

[Enid] See, told you. Let's get a booth.

Thanks, Devon.

[upbeat music]

♪ Look right down Any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's A beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪♪