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04x06 - A Kiss is Just a Kiss

Posted: 05/13/23 07:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Hey ♪

♪ Don't try to drive home ♪

♪ Living for the moment ♪

♪ Means you had me down ♪

Liz, I have something to tell you.

You found the perfect guy.

I found the perfect guy!

He's cold, aloof, and gorgeous!

He's just like me.

Aren't you happy for me?

Jess, you come in here every other month

claiming to be in love.

Yeah, but this time I really mean it.

Okay, who is it this time?

Devon Whitelaw.

And he feels the same way about you?

All the signs are there.

He waited five days after our first date to call,

then he didn't ask me out again for two weeks.

And they say good men are hard to find.

I know.

Devon's like Luke Perry before he got old.

Let me guess, you never felt this way about a guy before.

You do understand.

One, two, three.

[whimsical music]

Liz, I never thought I'd say this,

but I think he's the one.

["Sweet Valley High Theme" by Kathy Fisher]


♪ Look right down any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection? ♪

♪ One always calls out to you ♪

♪ The other's shy and quiet ♪

♪ Could there be two different girls ♪

♪ Who look the same ♪

♪ At Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

[boy] Hey, come on in, let's go.

-Nice break.

-I know.

Todd, tragedy has struck my life.

Your cable's out?

My papacita was giving me a new car for my birthday

but I do not have my American driver's license.

You need me to take the car off your hands?

Even better, I've selected you to help me get my license.

I don't know.

You do know how to drive, yes?


-Good, then you can

teach me the American rules.

In Brazil, we had no rules,

it was much easier to pass the test that way.

There's gotta be someone else you can ask.

You are right, Devon is the driver of race cars.

I will go ask him.

Why do I even bother with you?

No, wait, that's okay.

I'll, uh, I'll help you out.

Liz, Todd has volunteered to help me

get my American driver's license.

Really, Todd, that is so nice of you.

Well, I didn't want her getting any bad tips

from Ron Juan over there.

Take the stick, pull it back really slow and



I'll be right back.

Do not worry, Todd, I've had very many cars

with relatively few casualties.

[Liz] What are you doing?

Playing pool.

Don't you have a date with my sister?

Shouldn't you be there already?

I guess I'm late.

Come on, Devon, it's your turn.

Guess I'll be later.

So anyway, as I was saying, we have a lot



[melancholic music]

[car starts]

Now, Renata, the first thing you wanna do

is check your mirrors.

I have, and I look perfect.

In all of them.

Now, I will drive.

But first, make sure you look to the right,

then to the left, and then pull out very slow.

[tires screeching]

Slow down, whoa, wait, watch out!

[woman] You crazy kids!

Renata, we don't just plow through

senior citizens in this country.

[laughs] I would never hurt such sweet little old ladies.

You people must go faster!

Go, go, go!

Run, run for your lives!

Much better.

You can't just yell at people crossing the street,

pedestrians have the right of way.

But watching them scurry is so much fun.

Well, it's not done like that here.

I will never learn to drive in this country.

Just relax, take a deep breath,

think of something that calms you.

Go to your chill zone.

Where is this "chill zone"?

Well, for me, it's Hawaii.

I spent a week there last summer.

That must have been wonderful.

It was, till the last night, I, uh,

I hula

-ed too close to the tiki torch and um,

my grass skirt caught on fire.

[laughs] Todd, you are funny, like a clown.

So, just think of something that calms you.

I will think of my old boyfriend, Junino.

-[car engine revs]

-[dreamy music]

[tropical music]

[dreamy music]

-[tires squeal]

-[car horn honking]

[man] Watch it!

Oh, that was closer than usual.

Next time, don't close your eyes when you're making a turn!

This is a disaster.

What's the matter?

I have an eyelash clump.

[playful piano music]

[car horn honking]

All right, that's it, pull over!

[woman] Watch where you're going!

Are you trying to get us k*lled?

Do not worry, an eyelash clump, it's not dangerous.

I can't take this anymore, find yourself another teacher.

No, Todd, don't go.

I promise I will be more careful.

It's just that I cannot drive if my makeup is not perfect.

You don't need makeup, you look beautiful.

I do?

[birds chirping]

Hey, did Devon end up coming by last night?

He showed up exactly at .

He was two hours late?

Yeah, isn't he considerate?

He knew I'd never be ready on time.


Hey, I was reading that.

Look, there's something you should know about Devon.

That he's perfect for me?

I don't think he's the kind of guy

you should get too attached to.

Too late.

Jess, he doesn't call you for a week,

he waits forever to ask you out,

then he shows up two hours late for your date.


And every time I see him, he's got tons of girls

hanging all over him.

Can you blame them?

Besides, he's not taking any of them

to Ryan's party tonight, he's taking me.

He is?

Why do you care anyway?

I just don't wanna see you get hurt.

Don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing.

[melancholic music]

-[upbeat music]

-♪ Hey boy ♪

[crowd chattering]

♪ And I remember it all ♪

-Do you see Devon?


But if I see him, I will tell him you are looking for him.

-No, you won't!


Have you ever heard of "hard to get"?

[Renata scoffs]

♪ Baby, I remember ♪

This party is raging.

I'll go get us a drink.

Oh, and Todd,

don't try to be the life of the party this time.



-Dudes, crank it up!

-All right!


♪ When I see you smile ♪

What, I'm just gonna try and chill with my buds.

♪ And realize I love you ♪

Isn't he a beautiful man?

He's so strong and masculine.

Renata, we've gone over this, Devon's my date.

I'm talking about Todd.

He has taught me so much about driving.

Did you know that policemen do not like it

when you go faster than they do?

-How fascinating.


And he's been so patient with me, he's very mature.

Not like these other high school boys.

[crowd cheering]

I just know I'm gonna pass my drivers test now.

Jessica, are you listening to me?

Renata, let's get two things straight.

One, I have an incredibly short attention span

for stories that don't involve me.

And B... I'm going to find Devon.


[crowd cheering]

-[background chattering]



Whoa, whoa!

[upbeat music]

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ I see things ♪

Todd, I'm so glad you found me.

I do not think I'm ready to take my driving test.

[sighs] Sure you are.

No, I need many more lessons with you.

You'll do fine!

No, I'm a nervous shipwreck.

And you are so wise.

[sighs] True.

Besides, you have so much more to show me.

We haven't even gotten to parking.

I'll be right back.

I'll be right here waiting.

What's with you?

Thanks, you shouldn't have.

Aren't you here with a date?

Someone who looks like me?

Yeah, but it's not you, it's too bad.

So you ditched Jessica?

I didn't ditch her.

It's not like we're attached at the hip.

Maybe not, but it's not fair how you're leading her on.

-[Devon sighs]

-She really likes you.

Girls like Jessica date a lot of guys.

She has a different boyfriend every month.

Every other month, but that's not the point.

Are you always so interested in who your sister dates?

No, it's just



So then, you're interested in who I date.

I couldn't care less.

I just don't wanna see my sister get hurt.

♪ When I see you smile ♪

Looks like she's being taken care of.

-What about you?


♪ Just how bad you treated me ♪

♪ Baby, I remember ♪

If I were him...

I wouldn't leave you alone with me.

Please, you're the last one I'd want.


'Cause you're the only one I want.

♪ When I see you smile ♪

♪ I don't care about ♪


[crickets chirping]

You got what you wanted, are you happy now?

-Let me explain.

-Don't bother.

You said I shouldn't get too attached to Devon

because you wanted him for yourself.

That is ridiculous!

He kissed me.

He wouldn't do that!

Well, he did.

You told me I couldn't trust Devon,

but what you really meant was I couldn't trust you.

Come on, Jess, you know me better than that.

Liz, I was right there!

I saw you kissing him!

Jess, that's not what happened, you have to believe me.

I'm your sister.

I have no sister.

[dramatic music]

[door slams]

[soft rock music]

What do you think?

I am going driving with Todd.

[Jessica] Mm.

Ooh, you are right, this is too much.

I've been betrayed by my own flesh and blood.

Oh, betrayal, it is the spice of life.

Last night, I saw Liz kissing Devon.

Liz was kissing another man that was not Todd?

Can you believe my own sister would do this to me?

So there's hope for me, Todd will soon be free

and I will have my first American boyfriend.

I didn't say Todd and Liz were breaking up.

Of course they will.

She's cast him aside like an imperfect diamond.

He will need me.

I think you're making too much of this.

Poor Jessica, this denial is not a good thing.

It was just a kiss.

Ugh, where there's a kiss, there is fire.

Liz and Devon are probably kissing as we speak.

Thanks, Renata, I feel so much better.

Excuse me while I go throw myself in front of a bus.

If you'd like, you can throw yourself in front of my car.

I need to practice swerving.

Remember, keep your hands on the wheel

and your eyes on the road.

I promise my eyes do not leave my head.

And, uh, you have to wear a seatbelt.

Oh, no, so unfashionable.

I do not want to crush my suede.

Then again, maybe I do not mind.

-Crush away.

-[car horn honks]

-How dare this man!

-Move it!

-It's Renata!


Go to your



Oh, yes, my chill zone.


-[dreamy music]

[tropical music]

[dreamy music]

[playful music]

[rock music]

Yeah, uh


[girl] Oh, that is a problem.

What's up?

Why don't you tell me?

Tell you what?

Look, I know my sister threw herself

at you the other night.

But that doesn't make kissing her okay.

She didn't throw herself at me.

We were talking, I felt like kissing her, it just happened.

And you don't see anything wrong with that?

Look, I only took you out a couple of times.

What'd you expect?

I expected you not to hit on my sister.

You expected too much.

You know, I could do so much better than you.

[dramatic music]

Liz, I've decided to



I thought you were giving me the silent treatment.

I was, but I think you've learned your lesson.

I've decided to forgive you and let you be my sister again.

How kind of you.

Besides, if you say Devon kissed you, then I believe you,

because you're my sister

and I should never doubt anything you tell me,

no matter how much it looks like it isn't true.

You talked to Devon, didn't you?


Are you okay?

I'll be fine.

Besides, he was too into himself anyway.

Good thing I bounce back quickly.

That's what I love about you.

That's what I love about me, too, I'm bouncy.

From now on, no guy will ever come between us.

As twins we need to stick together.

After all, we do share the same DOA.

Jess, you didn't tell anyone Devon kissed me, did you?

Please, you know I'd never tell a story

that makes me look bad.

Good, because you know how jealous Todd gets.

If he finds out, I don't know what he'd do.

-[birds chirping]

-[background chattering]

[school bell rings]

Todd, I've passed my driving test, you may praise me now.

Oh, good job.

I know, and I owe it all to you, my American friend.

Uh, you can let go of me now.

Oh, don't fight this feeling.

This is bigger than the both of us, can't you feel it?

I can't feel anything, my arm is numb.

You and I belong together, forever,

our two hearts shall beat as none.




-Don't speak.

Just kiss me


What are you doing?

You know I have a girlfriend.

But she has found happiness on another man's lips.

What are you talking about?

You did not hear about the kiss?

What kiss?

Do not tell me you are the last to know.

Maybe you are.

[school bell rings]

[background chatter]

[boy] Hey, I'll see you guys later.

[girl] What is that?

Okay, bye.

Hey, Liz.

-About the other night, I um



-I don't wanna talk about it.

As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened.

We both know it did.

Well, it'll never happen again.

You sure about that?

[sighs] I'm trying to figure out this equation,

so why don't you just leave me alone?

It's an easy one.

You're not helping.

Okay, look.

You got a positively charged ion,

it's colliding with the negative one,

it creates... energy.

Right, and?

You know how, um,

you know how opposites attract?


Then why don't you stop denying the way you feel about me?

I'm not denying anything, Devon.

I have no interest in you.

Why don't I believe you?

Look, I have a boyfriend.

You should go.


But if I go, I won't come back.

[melancholic music]

So you should be really sure about what you're saying.

You still want me to go?

I didn't think so.

[sultry music]

["Sweet Valley High Theme" by Kathy Fisher]

♪ Look right down any crowded hall ♪

♪ You'll see there's a beauty standing ♪

♪ Is she really everywhere ♪

♪ Or a reflection? ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Sweet Valley ♪

♪ Sweet Valley High ♪

♪ Meet you at Sweet Valley High ♪