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04x21 - Knight of the Rising Sun

Posted: 05/13/23 06:27
by bunniefuu
Now you've got an Asian son and an Asian enemy.

Where is the boy, Coy O'Brien?

I don't know.

These characters believe they're supposed to rule the world.

Well, you better make sure this guy, Tanika, doesn't get me.

You think you have won but you have yet to face the spirit of the Kamikaze.

Keep your eyes open, your backs covered, and keep swinging.

Let's go.

What the hell was that?

Knight Rider, a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

They're ready.

Proceed with the mission.

This dude, Nick O'Brien, what's his tie to Devon?

He's been a close friend for years.

O'Brien served with Devon on the Allied Command in Korea in the early '50s.

You got any idea what kind of jackpot this guy is in?

All I know is we are not here to send KITT to the Far East and have him come back as a crate of ghetto blasters.

Michael, your analogy is quite disturbing.

Hey, don't worry, KITT.

I am a strong advocate of ''buy American''.

I wouldn't buy you if you had a foreign label.

That's very patriotic of you, RC.

Thanks, KITT.

Now, if you'd just work on your taste in music.

Knight, I'll be right down! I'm sure glad he's coming down instead of us going up.

Since when have you been afraid of heights?

Ever since the South Side Skulls trapped me on a roof and I had to do a swan dive into a snow bank to escape.

That could do it.

Well let's get right to it, gents.

The bottom line is somebody's trying to destroy my business.

You're sure it's not just the normal pressures of business competition?

Look, spreading rumors about massive layoffs isn't normal.

Neither is telling all my suppliers that I'm a lousy credit risk.


So, whoever's hitting you is hitting you below the belt.


See, I don't mind a good fight.

It gives my men a chance to show that they're the best craftsmen in the world.

We can't compete with somebody who's willing to lose millions just to destroy us.

See, this guy, Tanika, doesn't want to build in this country he just wants to wipe out what's here.

That's a tall order.

Hey, this is quite an operation you got here.


See my men are as much this company as I am.

Jobs pass from fathers to sons.

I can always cash out and retire.

But there's hundreds of them that can't.

All right, Nick, we'll try and help, but we've got to prove that there's more to this than just irregular business practice.

Hey a man can't ask for any more than what's fair.

What the hell was that?

KITT, talk to me.

What's going on?

Michael, my scanners detect four men heading toward the main offices at the other end of the yard.

Coy, my son.

He's in there.

He comes in after school.

All right, head for the offices.

Get me security! Something tells me these are the bad guys.

Something tells me you're right.

Michael, there are two more of them inside.

Security breach in Complex A.

Keep on them.

I'll check on the kid.


Security breach in Complex A.

For guys that ain't hard hats, you have very good moves.


I'm looking for Coy O'Brien.

You found him.

Nick O'Brien the big guy who runs this place, is my dad.

Some boy you got there, Nick.

How did the two of you meet up, anyway?

Fifteen years ago, I went back to Japan.

First time since I was in the army.

You know at some point I had this feeling I was being watched.

And I was.

By a woman with a one


-old baby.



She wanted me to take him back to the States.

She kept saying something about evil designs or plans you know, between her English and my Japanese.

Anyway, I put them in a hotel.

I went to check out her story and I came up empty.

When I got back, she was gone.

So you adopted Coy and raised him as your son.


Now you have an Asian son and an Asian enemy.

Yeah, this time Tanika's gone too far.

He wants to destroy my business, that's one thing.

But if he wants to jeopardize my son, that's something else.

Nick, Tanika is a very, very powerful man.

How hard do you want to fight?

I mean, how far are you willing to go?

All the way.

I'm willing to lose everything except my son.

I believe that.

All right.

I'll check out a few things, then I'll get back to you.

Fight's on.

All right.

KITT, get me Devon.

I've heard, Michael.

What do you need?

Every piece of information, business and personal that you can get me on industrialist, Suki Tanika.

I've already got Bonnie working on accessing Tanika's database.

Have you discovered who owns the strange black vehicle?

It belongs to an agency called The Foundation for Law and Government.

The driver was Michael Knight.

We have drawn strong opponents, Gobi.

But it is better to test steel against steel.

We miscalculated.

O'Brien's sphere of power is larger than expected.

How else could he call upon resources of this foundation?

We must double our efforts.

That child is still the key.

So what you're telling me is Tanika is trying to revive the Uyoku cult.

Well, the agencies in the Far East have long suspected it.

But, Tanika has yet to do anything visible that would allow the authorities to take action.

What's the story on these Uyoku dudes, anyway?

Well, they were a t*rror1st cult abolished by the Allied Command after the w*r.

It's still illegal in Japan.

Kamikazes were Uyokus.

The death squads were Uyokus.

These characters believe they're supposed to rule the world.

They make the Nazis look like Good Humor men.

Where are you going?

To check out Tanika.

When he gets in that kind of mood, he's usually headed for the eye of the storm.

In that case, would you get on that machine that you call a motorbike and follow him?

Stay close by him in case he needs you.

But don't crowd him.


Michael, this man Tanika's sentiments may be from another century.

But he works amidst state



-art security.

Can we breach it?

Yes, but what do you hope to find?

Hooded ninja walking the hallways?

I don't know, anything is more than what we got now.

It's your move.

There is a sensitive infrared system on the ground level.

The second level looks more vulnerable.

That's correct.

But getting up there is another matter.

All right.

We use the overpass.

Okay, pal.

I need a little help about 25 feet up.

No problem.

All right.

Hit it.

Cover the front, pal.

Point me to the largest office, KITT.

It's the suite on your left.

Thank you.

KITT, get a picture of all these.

Right away, Michael.

You've been spotted, Michael.

I suggest a hasty retreat.

Get him! KITT, the back entrance.

Judging from these photographs I'd say Tanika is after Coy O'Brien.


What's he got to do with all this?

That's a good question, RC.

Look, we got to put him in a safe place till we deal with Tanika and find out.

I'll arrange for him to stay here.

Safest place for him.

I still don't understand why Tanika has sh*ts of Coy all the way back to infancy.

See if you can ID the man holding the baby.

Look, RC, hang around Tanika's office and tail him if he leaves.

Then call in.


I'm going to check on Coy.

I wanna tell you guys how much I appreciate what you did the other day.

But you can't keep on taking risks like that.

There may be more v*olence, and you'll be putting your lives on the line.

Anybody wants out or just wants some time off I'll understand.

We already talked this over, Mr.


While through good times and bad times, you've always treated us right.

We figure it's our turn now.

That's right.


We're with you all the way.

Right, guys?


You betcha.

Me too, Dad.

You can count on me.

No way, kid.

You're going with Michael.

And if word gets back to me that you've been doing any mouthing off I'm gonna kick your butt all the way down to Pier 26.

Okay, now get out of here, huh?

Okay, you want to stay, I'll tell you what's coming down.

You know, he loves you very much.

You don't have to tell me that.

My old man would stand in front of a full

-out bulldozer to protect me.

That's why you're staying with us, so he doesn't have to.

Well, you better make sure this guy, Tanika, doesn't get me.

I don't want my dad losing his fight because of me.

You and your dad are two of the luckiest Irishmen in the world.

Yeah, we do okay.

You gonna let me see this baby strut its stuff?

Excuse me, Michael.

But before this ''baby struts its stuff'' I'd like to say the boy's grammar is lacking in lexiphonic luster.

You ready?


Hang on.

The black man on the motorcycle is still following us.

The same one who was with Michael Knight?

Yes, master.

Have him brought to me.

Hey, whatever you say.

Check it out.

Whoa! KITT's bad, but this is bad.

I think he just paid you a compliment.

Oh, I see.

Thank you, Coy.

I'm afraid you're spending too much time with RC.

I bet you can plug into just about anything with this.

Just about.

From batting averages to you name it.

By the way, have you heard from RC?

Not a word.

I don't know a Michael Knight Nick O'Brien, or any foundation.

We have many ways to awaken one's mind to what he knows or doesn't know.

Man, will you just listen?

I don't know any foundation.

Maybe the young man was telling the truth, Gobi.

Help him up.

Whoever you are, will you tell this big ape to cool it.

He's got this urge to break things.

Then tell him why you were following the limousine.

I wasn't following anything.

A friend of mine called me and told me he was house sitting this old mansion on Holly Canyon Road.

The road you traveled on was Holly Canyon Drive, not Holly Canyon Road.

Road, drive.

What do I know?

I made a mistake.

Where is the boy, Coy O'Brien?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You will.

Michael, just listen I can't talk long.

The old mansion on Holly Canyon Drive.

They're here.

And I'm gonna be house sitting.

Is that all the Foundation recorder got from RC's call?

That's it.

I can't figure out why he called there.

He knows we're in the semi.

The voice print matches his.

But it's not his rhythm.

The words have been reassembled.

I don't like this.

I don't like the fact that he's in there with Tanika.


He's got no choice.

Scan the place.

I wanna know what I'll be up against in there.

Right away, Michael.

I don't detect any electronic security but the main house has guards posted at every entrance.

Shall we blast through the gates?

No, no.

Tanika knows I'm coming.

I wanna keep a low profile.

The main house is my obvious move.

Zero in on that structure at the rear of the grounds and scan it.

I'm picking up RC's biological profile, Michael.


Open the gates.

All right.

Stand by at the gates, KITT.

Easy, RC.


When the time is right slowly and painfully we will take the life from his body.

I'm not surprised you decided to crawl out of your hole at night.

Rodents prefer the dark, don't they?

The morning sun may bring a darkness that would cloud your life forever.

But together, we can prevent it from happening.

You called the meeting.

I'm here.

I'm listening.

I'm not here to talk about us, Mr.

O'Brien but about two other men, who, like us, have a problem that seems unresolvable.

Imagine these two men are pieces in a game of chess a knight and a black bishop, who have just been captured.

Yes, two very important pieces.

I was certain you agree.

Get to the point before I shove my fist down your throat.

The player who has captured them now asks his opponent will you gracefully surrender your king or play on and lose everything?

I'm afraid Mr.

Tanika is referring to Michael and RC, Bonnie.

You can talk in riddles all you want to but I'm not about to surrender my business to you.

Now you got that?

Your business is not my objective, Mr.


Plainly speaking I wish to trade Mr.

Knight and his companion for Coy.

For Coy?

What's he got to do with this?

He belongs to his culture.

Bull! I've had him ever since he was a baby.

He's mine.

No! Kasuga Sukuritsu is a national treasure a direct descendant of the noble scholar who gave birth to our cult.

It is Coy's destiny to revive the Uyoku and proclaim his divine right to rule the world.

You are nuts.

You're talking about a 15


-old kid who's into baseball.

He means more to me than anything in the world.

And the last thing that Michael and RC would want me to do is trade Coy for them.

So you're just wasting your time.

Let them go! Oh, I shall, after they undergo the ritual by which we eliminate the enemies of the Uyoku.

You hurt one of them, just one and I'll come at you with everything I've got.

Whatever it takes to bring you down.

Now get off my back! O'Brien you have now made it a matter of honor.

I have no choice but to destroy you and take Coy as well.

That leaves Michael and RC in an extremely dangerous situation.

My dad wouldn't do that.

He said k*lling them wouldn't do any good.

You heard him.

Tanika will have to let them go now.

I wish it was that simple, Coy.

I'm afraid under the circumstances Mr.

Tanika can't afford to take that risk.

Well, what do we do?

Bring in the police?


Tanika would k*ll Michael and RC the moment he spotted the SWAT team in the area.

So we sit and wait?

And keep a good watch on Coy.

Tanika will never find him as long as he's here and we're on the move.

Okay, I'll get us rolling.

Maybe I can talk to him.

Devon, he's gone.

Show me an overall view of O'Brien's complex.

The blue line represents the route of the delivery truck?

Yes, master.

Tomorrow morning, it will make precisely the same circuit through the O'Brien complex that it makes every weekend.


Where will the containers with expl*sives be delivered?

The demolition plan is multiphased to ensure maximum destruction.

You will be able to sequentially detonate the charges from a remote position.

The technical staff has attained new levels of excellence, Kumita.

Inform them they will be rewarded.

Complete annihilation.

O'Brien will be powerless to retaliate once we have the boy.


Where are you?

KITT! KITT! I know you said to stay put, but on some occasions it's a lot harder to obey orders than others.

But I'm sure you have good reason for not answering.

You, who believe in the divine right of the Uyoku and of the boy, Kasuga Sukuritsu shall choose in which manner these two shall die.

Shall Gobi hunt them like frightened deers or shall he play with them as the bear toys with the rabbit?

Bear! Bear! So be it.

Is there any chance of this being a fair fight?

Not unless we're the bear and they're the rabbit.

Hey! Hey, hold it! We found him outside.

Let them go, Mr.


Don't hurt them.

Come stand beside me.

Okay, I'll stand next to you I'll stand behind you, I'll do whatever you want but you have to let them go and leave my dad alone.

In time, I will be pleased to obey the Master's commands but I cannot do so now.

Why not, if he's the Master?

Because the Master must be ordained Emperor Prince of the Uyoku before he can control our destiny.

You got to be putting me on.

The only control I want is on my fastball.

And I wanna live with my dad.

KITT, I need you.

Open the gates and get in here real fast.

Right away, Michael.

Something tells me we're doing this all wrong.

Yeah, that's what my body keeps telling me.

The boy! Stop him! Who is this guy, anyway?

I don't know, but I wish he was on our side.


You hit him high, I'll hit him low?

Okay, you go first.

Obviously, you're kidding.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

Where's Coy?

Over there.

Let's go! Look, Coy, I'm proud of the way you stood up against Tanika.

You might be as tough as your old man but as long as you're my responsibility, you got to stay put.

Got you, Michael, but

- No buts.

Coy, I'm sure you're very hungry.

Now, why don't you find Bonnie and get her to fetch you some breakfast?

The police found Tanika's enclave empty, stripped bare.

What about his offices?

I'm afraid the gentleman has disappeared.

Makes me feel real uncomfortable not knowing where this cat might turn up.

Devon, Tanika is a fanatic.

If he thinks he's lost, he's gonna try and take others down with him.

You're talking about Nick O'Brien.

O'Brien here.



Have you seen Tanika?

No sign of him here, Devon.

That's a relief.

Nick, I urge you to double security.

And keep it that way until we've located Tanika.


You know, I almost wish he would show up.

This time my boys will be ready.

If Tanika's gonna move on him, O'Brien's gonna need more than his boys.

I'll grab my bike and meet you there.

Gentlemen, be careful.

Michael, Devon's calling.

Yo, Devon.

What's up?

Bonnie's succeeded in accessing Tanika's database.

Take a look at this graphic.

I'm patching it into KITT's system.

KITT, what do those numbers add up to?

They designate key structural locations at the plant.

The chemical symbols represent the components of an extremely destructive plastic expl*sive.

Devon, we're looking at Tanika's blueprint for the total annihilation of O'Brien Industries.

I'll call Nick immediately.

You got it.

Super pursuit mode, pal.

Where's Denny?


But I've got the order sheet, and a diagram of where the deliveries go.

Hold it a moment.

Gate security, Anderson.

Anderson, this is Nick O'Brien.

I want every incoming vehicle gone over with a fine tooth comb.

The weekend parts delivery is just coming through now, Mr.


No exceptions.

Everything gets the once over.

What are we looking for?


You got it, Mr.


I rounded up as many men as I could.


Bring them all in here for a second.

Come on in, guys.

I'm gonna have to check your load.

Orders from Mr.


Let me see your lading bills.

Give me an ETA to O'Brien Industries.

Three minutes, 15 seconds.

Sign here, please.

We're getting close to O'Brien's.

All right, go back to normal.

Michael, Tanika's data indicates that the first detonation will occur in the main elevator shaft.

Sign here.

I can't tell you guys how grateful I am you're giving up your weekend to back me up.

Like we said, Mr.

O even in bad times, you stood by us.

It's our turn.

Let's see that graphic again.

I'm picking up heavy concentrations of plastic expl*sive.

Each charge has a remote detonator.

With Tanika at the controls.

See if you can get a fix on his position.

I can't, not until he uses the detonating frequency.

You mean we have to wait for something to blow before we can spot him?

I'm sorry, Michael.

Well, start with the elevator, pal.

Keep your eyes open, your backs covered, and keep swinging.

Let's go.

KITT, what's happening?

Someone has activated the elevator from a remote location.

Hey, you! What the hell are you doing up there?

Come on, let's get him! KITT, I got the b*mb.

Can you jam this thing?

I still can't read the detonating frequency.

You better get it out of there, Michael.

Okay, bring me down, real quick.

No problem, Michael.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Hey! Behind you.

Take that! All right.

Now that you've got Tanika's frequency, locate and nullify.

Tanika's frequency is nullified, Michael, and I've located him.

Good work, pal.

Let's go and get him.

Master, I believe I can There he is.

Okay, pal, let's drown the rat.

Your rising sun just set, Tanika.

That's a good a way as I know to show some pride.

You all knew there'd be risks today.

But you stood by me you faced them, and you won.

Of course, a little help from a special friend never hurts.

Thank you.

I was just happy to be part of a team that's sticking up for what they knew was right.

I guess that's what Old Glory's all about.

I don't know.

''Thank you'' doesn't seem like enough.

Hey, don't worry about it.

You got a terrific son.

Thank you.


That's righteous stuff, Michael.

For once, Coy, I agree with your choice of slang.

Individual achievement and team spirit are indeed indelibly ingrained in our ideals.

There he goes again.

What's he talking about now?

Ruth, Gehrig, Mantle, Mays, guys like that.

He's talking about baseball?

Sure, a great baseball player is a star.

But he's also part of the team.

I agree, Michael.

Baseball is our national pastime but there are other manifestations of the American way.

That's right.

Nothing is more American than an inside fastball.

You nailed that guy.