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04x19 - Knight Flight to Freedom

Posted: 05/13/23 06:26
by bunniefuu
The army has taken over the country.

I urge every citizen to resist the militarists.

That woman's our contact.

Come on, Lisa, get in! Track this super car down.

Take the driver alive.

I'm picking up a vehicle in pursuit, Michael.

Turbo boost.

He's not who he says he is.

He's with the opposition.

You're going to the wall at dawn.

Ready! Aim! Fire! Knight Rider a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Michael Knight, a young Ioner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

But, senor Ruiz she was supposed to have left an hour ago.

Are you sure?

Well, that's great news.

Sounds like good news, Harrington.

Yes, Mr.


The plane got off.

My wife is on her way back to the States.

Excuse me, sir.

Thank God something has gone right.

The calls just keep coming.

Not one victim has been evacuated from the volcano yet! I thought the army was supposed to be handling that.

So did I.

I personally, personally ordered Colonel Peralta to dispatch every available vehicle to the towns most heavily hit

- Colonel, what is the meaning of this?

In an emergency like this, the nation needs us to be together.

Colonel, he's right.

Thousands of your people have already been k*lled by the volcano.

Quiet! You, Senor Presidente, and your American advisor have bungled this national emergency.

Your incompetence has forced me to declare martial law.

Arrest him! You're insane.

Wait, wait.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

I'm an American citizen.

We're exactly one mile from the San Duarte border, Michael.

Either they're greeting us with fireworks, my man or that mountain blew its top three days ahead of schedule.

I'm afraid, the latter, RC.

Mount Duarte last erupted in 1874.

Spare us the stats, will you, pal?

Scan the road for volcanic debris.

The road is clear, but I've detected military activity up ahead.

It's no longer an open border, RC.

Yeah, they slammed the door before we got through it.

They're gonna need a new door as soon as those vehicles clear.

We got to get Harrington out.

Okay, pal, let's button up.

As the boss would say we're making smashing progress.

They don't like gatecrashers down here, do they?

We can't get kicked out of this party.

We've got to meet our contact and get a fix on the situation.

Yeah, I think this is called serious.

Michael, thanks for talking the boss into letting me come along.

No problem.

I'm picking up a vehicle in pursuit, Michael.

All right, let's shake it, pal! We'll out run him.

Michael, there's a ravine blocking us No problem, buddy.

Piece of cake.

Hang on.

Turbo boost.

This is it?


Sorry about the accommodation.

It's the only cover within satellite relay.


Compared to some of the places I've crashed this is the penthouse on Lake Shore Drive.

Yeah, well, it's an empty one.

Our contact isn't here.

Man, you mean to say we crashed the border drove 1,200 miles, and got stood up?

I mean, I thought the boss said this lady was solid.

Solid as they come.

She's a national heroine.

Lisa Corrales led the fight that put President Sosa in power.

Get a hold of Devon.

Maybe he knows something.

Signal check.

Hello, Bonnie.

You read me?

Yes, loud and clear, RC.

Hello, Michael?

Are you two all right?

I've been expecting the worst.

I haven't been able to get in touch with Harrington.

Devon, I'm not surprised.

The army has taken over the country.

Oh, that changes things.

As someone once said should you or one of your people be caught or captured the Foundation will disavow any knowledge of your activities.

That is a distinct possibility.

Devon, we are fugitives.

We ran the border an hour ago.

We're at the rendezvous point, but our contact is not here.

I thought that might be the case.

We've been alerted to a possible change in plans.

According to this communiqué you will find Miss Corrales at the State Television Station making a broadcast against the takeover.

On my way.

RC, anybody from our side shows, tell them where I've been.

What about the other side?

Tell them you never heard of Lisa Corrales.

Units of the Army were to provide food, medicine and shelter to the stricken populace.

And even the areas most devastated by the volcano have received no relief.

This, and the closing of the border by armed troops prove that a coup is underway.

We have just received confirmation that President Sosa and other members of the government have been arrested.

I urge every citizen to resist the militarists who, once again, are attempting to destroy our democracy and impose their will on

- Come on.

Come on, Lisa, let's go.

We've got to move.

Come on.

Get out of here.

Come on.

Get out of here.

I'll cover you.

That woman is in trouble.

That woman's our contact.

Let's pick her up.

Come on, Lisa, get in! Get in! I'm not finished yet! That was dangerous and dumb.

w*r usually is, Mr.


You don't have to remind me.

I told you, my best guess is that Mr.

Harrington is alive and imprisoned somewhere.

And that's all I can give you.

I was told you'd help me find Harrington and get him out.

I'm sorry, but you have your mission and, unfortunately, I have to repeat mine.

Hold it, hold it.

Harrington could've bailed out.

He hung in there.

He went to the wall for your country.

Went to the wall?

Not yet, he didn't.

Your slang is our reality.

Have you ever seen a firing squad?

A woman put against the wall?

A man so tortured that he begs to be ex*cuted?

My parents.

I was 15.

I'm sorry.

It's too late for them and for a good man that I left back at the TV station but not for President Sosa and the others.

And I'm not turning my back on him to save Harrington.

I'm not asking you to do that.

You're up against an all


-nothing situation here.

It's gonna take teamwork and planning to beat it.

Not adversaries.

We pull together, we can bust them out.

All of them.

I mean it.

I give the orders.

You follow them.

We start at the TV station.

Raoul could still be alive.

That's a long shot at best.

I think we should concentrate on where Harrington and the others are being held.

With any luck, we will.

Raoul has an informer on Peralta's staff.

All right, back to the TV station.

Keep your scanners peeled.

Very well, Michael.

This car just might make the difference.

Well, so much for speeches about us pulling together, and teamwork.

That black T

-top runs a border checkpoint, and no one stops it?

Colonel, we tried, but our rounds bounced off, and then it leaped the river.

Leaped the river?

The same vehicle rescued Lisa Corrales at the television station.

Track this super car down.

Take the driver alive.

No, no.

More to the side.

I want to have an aura appear around me.

Now, this subversive is just the propaganda we need.

Conclusive proof that outside agitators have infiltrated the country.

Get him.

Make sure everyone can see the flag and the photographs of my family.

My scanners have just detected a truck approaching, Michael.

Ours or theirs?

It's a two




-ton 6x6.

The same type used to move troops.

All right.

Prepare for evasive action.

No, no, wait.

I know that truck.

It's Martinez.

He's one of us.

Pull over.

Martinez! Martinez, stop! It's me, Lisa.

Stop! Oh, Raoul.

I thought they k*lled you.

So did the soldiers.

I slipped away from the station after they left.

He's gonna need some help.

Follow us.

Yes, yes.

You're sure?

Good work, good work.

My source is positive.

Harrington, President Sosa and the others are being held at the Capitol prison.

First thing we do is find a way in.

A way in?

We can't even get there from here.

The roads are blocked with lava and debris.

Then we're beaten before we start.

No, we're not.

The way we beat that volcano is parked right over there.

A car?

I've seen it in action, Raoul.

It's the best chance we have.


There isn't another like it in the district.

There are patrols, roadblocks everywhere.

We'll stand out even more than he will.

Not if we camouflage him.

All we gotta do is make him look like one of your local vehicles.

I know just what you mean, Senor Knight.

Leave it to me.

Like we did that time in Forstaza.

I know I'm not gonna like this one.

Michael, I'm so embarrassed.

Not now, KITT.

Time for the soundtrack.

Special effects.

Let me handle him.

Where are you going?

To stay with relatives in Arangia.

The route through the Capitol is closed.

You'll have to take the detour to What's your name?

Lizabetta Corazon.

Take off your sunglasses.

Do it or he'll be even more suspicious.

Wait right here.

Lieutenant! I think I got them.

He recognized me.

Now what are we going to do?

They want Lisa Corrales.

They can have her.

You ready, pal?

Ready when you are.

Do it right now.

Atención, all military units.

Lisa Corrales has been spotted in a black T

-top on the river road.

All units respond and pursue.

I repeat, Lisa Corrales has been identified as a passenger in the black T

-top that has been spotted on the river road.

Nice! Very, very nice.

Thank you, Michael.

The first chance we get, I'd like to stop and shed this excess baggage.

As soon as we put some miles between us and that checkpoint.

The more the better.

Don't worry.

Nothing will stop us now.

Sit down, Mr.


What do you want?

What's this?

It's a speech you'll be making right after mine agreeing that democracy is an experiment that did not work.

Nothing could make me say this.

Tom! My God, Laurette! They told me you'd made your flight.


- Evidently, you were misinformed, Mr.


Bet they didn't teach you how to handle this at Yale, did they?

If you do anything to hurt her It's good to be rid of that awful disguise and back to my normal self.

Enjoy it while you can, pal.

It's not gonna last.


What are we gonna do now?

Got no choice but to go through.

Michael, we have no idea what we're heading into.

Let's find out.

Scan up ahead, pal.

This is insane.

We'll be buried alive.

How are we gonna get through that?

We go over it or we go through it.

Give me a reading, KITT.

The lava is too spread out to turbo boost.

All right.

We're gonna need all the speed we can get.

Hang on.

Michael, my armored shell can't withstand the extreme heat of this lava much longer.

Hang in there buddy.


I told you we'd make it.

Someone else I want to tell.


I'm telling you, guys, we're on the same side.


RC, it's Michael.

Am I coming through?

Not a word.

You ask him.

Ask him, he'll tell you.

I read you, Michael.

Relay to Devon

- RC?

RC! I don't know, something went wrong with the transmission.

KITT, how are you doing with my new identification card?

Just about finished, Michael.

There it is, right there.

Turn into the truck yard.

It's all right, Miguel.

We need some cover.

Thank you, KITT.

This looks official enough to me.

Should get me in, huh?

It's getting you out that concerns me.

Yes, nothing is official enough for the military.

What do you expect to achieve by going in the front door?

Well, at worst, I'll check the place out.

At best, I could scare Peralta into letting them all go.

KITT, I gotta change.

Pop the trunk, will you?

The Colonel's not seeing anyone.

See this?

United States Government.

g*ns, uniforms, trucks, food all from the United States of America.

Now, if I were you, I would let the Colonel decide if he wants to go naked and hungry.

Come with me.

Come in.

Sit down.

I extended to you this courtesy, Mr.

Knight because we buy your government's products not its imperialist propaganda.

Oh, counting on that.

You've arrested one of our citizens, your President and members of the government.

My mission is to secure their release.

Typical American arrogance.

You should know better than to even ask.

One call to Washington and the gravy train doesn't stop here any more.

Make a speech about that.

I'll give you Harrington.

Why don't you give me a line to Washington?

Look, maybe we can work out something.

I mean

- He's not who he says he is.

He's with the opposition.


Why did you let him get this far?

I never thought he would.

And it would've cost me my cover to stop him sooner.

It's going to cost you a lot more than that.

I promise you.

Idle threats are no match for a firing squad, Mr.


Take him away.


Michael, what happened?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine, but I'm not gonna be much help to you in here.

Can't you use your com

-link and get a message to Devon?

We've got to let the world know what's really going on here.

I've lost my relay station.

KITT's compact doesn't have the range.

What good would it do, anyway?

Peralta would claim it's an orderly transition of government and there's no way to disprove it.

He's right.

We were counting on you.

I mean, they've got my wife.

Take it easy.

We'll deal with that.

There's something I got to do first.


We got problems.

Talk to me.

Go ahead, Michael.

I'm in a cell in the Capitol prison.

You and Lisa have got to get out of there right away.

Capitol prison?

What about Raoul?

He went in to cover you.

We can't leave without him.

He's a traitor.

He's the one who blew my cover.

He'll be coming for you and KITT next.

That's ridiculous.

I don't believe you.

There's no time to argue here! KITT, get out of there and find a place to hide.

Right away, Michael.

I think I see a way to do both at the same time.

Between the trucks! That car was right here.

It's got to be here.

I never thought I'd see the day.

It will soon be time, gentlemen.

I hope that neither of you suffers from stage fright.

And no personal effects.

All right.

I've got it.

I've got a contact at the Capitol prison.

His name is Juan Parreras.

Get a hold of him.

Find the I'll talk to you later.

We found him by the shack with a transmitter.

What were you doing there?

Manning a relay station.

Like I told these guys, I came into the country with Michael Knight to meet you, but

- Prove it.

Come on.

How else would I know about him?

I couldn't make this up.

You wouldn't have to.

Half of the country knows of him by now.

Leave this infiltrator to us.

We'll find out what he's up to.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, but KITT! I know him.

He is telling the truth.


Am I glad to hear your voice.

What are you doing under there?

Where's Michael?

I'm afraid he's been arrested.

He's what?

Oh, man, we've got to do something.

It comes down to you and me, lady.

You better think up some ideas how we break him out 'cause without him, you don't stand a chance.

Well, assuming you're right we'd have to get someone inside to make this work.


Let's do it.

It's easier said than done.

There's a way.

I know a scam we can pull off.

If I may, I suggest you hear him out, Lisa.

RC3 is extremely resourceful when it comes to scamming.

I'll bet.

But I'll be the one who decides.

All right.

In seconding the remarks of Colonel Peralta not only has the government failed to respond to this national emergency but also were it not for the Colonel's decisive actions many more lives would have been lost to the volcano.

This, plus the fact that the Sosa Government has proven itself vulnerable to outside agitators forces me to support martial law at this time.

In conclusion, my fellow citizens should there be any doubt of the presence of subversive elements this man Michael Knight, has covertly crossed our border and entered our capital with forces sworn to destroy this nation.

We have sentenced this American agitator to be ex*cuted by firing squad for crimes against the state.

No time for mistakes.

Make it good.


How would you like to buy me another cerveza?

Hey! Keep your hands off me.

What's the matter, buddy?

Don't you know a lady when you see one?

They took my com


I can't even communicate with KITT.

We've got to buy some time and figure a way out of here.

Well maybe we could make some kind of a deal.

Give them some information.

It's worth trying.

Colonel Peralta is extremely paranoid.

If he thinks there's a secret he doesn't know

- Forget it.

He'd agree to the deal, get the information and then he'd k*ll you.

No, we get

- Clumsy idiot! Hey, I'll take care of that.

Take just a minute.

Careful, man.

You think I got nothing else to do but clean up after you?

If you keep this up, you'll be assigned to trustee duty permanently.

I don't know what you're up to but it could cost you your life.

Yeah, that's what Lisa said.

I only figured a way in.

I was hoping you'd have the answer to get us all out of here.

I don't.

You're going to the wall at dawn.

You're saying we're just gonna let them k*ll you?



You sure got a lot of r*fles there.

They're for the firing squad.

I suggest you don't make a habit of attacking our soldiers.

Hey, nothing personal.

I think martial law is the best thing to hit San Duarte since blended margaritas.

I hate blended margaritas.

Inspection arms! Ready! Aim! Fire! He's an American.

The body will be shipped to the States.

Gonzales, Herrera, carry him inside.

Squad dismissed! I want to see my wife.

After your next speech in which you will report that justice here is swift and humane.


No more speeches.

Not until I know you animals haven't done anything to hurt her.

At the moment she's resting comfortably in her bedroom.

Don't force me to cage her.

Take his boots.

Did you see that guy's face when you came back to life?

Like he'd seen a miracle.

Right now, I'd settle for my com


Where'd you park the Lieutenant?

All right, now that Peralta thinks I'm being crated for shipment we can make some moves.


You tuned in out there, pal?


Michael, of course I am.

I've been monitoring your channel round the clock.

Where are you?

I'm with RC.

We're out of jail but we're still in prison, so to speak.

How can I help you?

Get Lisa and her people to the Capitol.

Contact me as soon as you're all here and ready to move.

My pleasure.

I'm quite tired of literally being undercover.


By the way, what did you use for blood, anyway?

Believe me, Michael, you do not want to know.

All right.


In about 30 minutes.

What's going on, KITT?

What happened?

I'll explain on the way.

Follow me.

He's gotten us this far.

Okay, KITT.

We're behind you.

Round up! Let's move! Let's go.


Open up.

I'll take him.

All personnel, Knight's escaped! Knight's escaped! He's freeing the others! All personnel, Knight's escaped! All right, everybody out! KITT, can you read me?

Come in.

Sound the general alarm.

Seal off the city! Michael?

We're here, Michael.

I hear you, pal.

Timing couldn't be better, let me tell you.

That sounds like trouble, Michael.

Nothing we can't handle now.

We got Harrington, President Sosa and all the others.

Just one person left to account for.

Do you have any idea where they're holding your wife?


She's in our living quarters in the main building.

RC, wait till KITT breaks in and distracts them.

Then you make your move.

You've got it.

Okay, pal.

On my cue.

Standing by, Michael.

Let's do it.

Go! All right, pal.

Do it, KITT.

Right away, Michael.

Go! KITT, we're around the corner.

Come and pick us up.

Good to see you, pal! You, too, Michael.


Where's Raoul?

I don't know.

He's gone! Far as you go! Who will be first?


Maybe you.

No! Raoul, no.

Don't turn around! Toss your w*apon aside.

Step away from him.


No! He's entitled to a fair trial.

Lisa, this is what you're fighting for this is what democracy is about.

It's up to you and President Sosa to make sure the people know the truth.

This is where you start, right here.

Now my work is finished.

And ours is back on track.

Thank you, Michael.

We're staying.

You're staying?

Good luck.

Good luck to all of you.

You'll need some luck, too.

The army still controls the countryside and it won't be easy for you to get out.

That's all right.

We'll go out the same way we came in.

You take care, huh?


Once again a few traitorous individuals in the military have attempted to take over our government and declare martial law.

And once again, we have overcome their tyranny and preserved our democracy and the freedoms we cherish so dearly.

To those of you who have fought so valiantly and who have given of themselves in this noble cause the government of San Duarte salutes you.

Mission accomplished?

Mission accomplished.

Now all we gotta do is cross the lava flow.

Let's go home, huh?


Hello, hello.

Welcome home.


For a while there, you really had us worried.

They had us a little worried, too.

Well, soon the government of San Duarte will be back to normal.

Which is more than I can say for myself.

Oh, come now, KITT.

Your systems are programmed to deal with every eventuality.

Not with being smothered by a mountain of furniture and spare tires nor the volcanic ash that's still clogging my intake vents.

Bonnie, you think he's getting his point across?

Loud and clear, RC.

KITT's shell got a little scruffed.

Now he's indulging in a little Grousing?


I do not grouse, Michael.

I'm simply pointing out that I bore the brunt of the dirty work.

I was the one who faced the firing squad.

With a little help from the Lieutenant here.

I mean, I had to go to the mat with a guy the size of the refrigerator.

My, how a little grousing gets around.

Well, that's what it's all about, isn't it?

The democratic process and the right to speak out.

My very thoughts, Michael.

I mean, considering the situation, as it were, l

- And the right to tune out.